ffeto ffl rote NEW BIKNE, IK.UIN COIKTY. N. ('.. Tl'ESDAV. !i. IH'in --nifST (TluY M MBKU 42. El IK SI .PUT Ml Spjin Accepts U ConfiKicP! GTriil by itic PidicLi. FIlillilNli M ( I . K A I' Hl K. Koi'iiiul is mi the . Shaf li-i'-i A fin y ('(iiiil iiu' North. Or rr;i lln (iri'ilt Liliiil'tj. ;inih (iili.Ml' Ti'l'i'sa ('.Milium to Norfolk. Sjii'v'iitl In ,!nnfh:tl. V asiii i i.in. Am'hsI i; '1'lif mili- ll ill :, ;i. . nil' 1 lo S;i.,'m l.j lln Iiiitcil Stairs lur llif i-hliiliiiHliMUillt of M'ilri nn- I'O' .' ' (' ' . lli"- Srlllis!l i ;iliill.-l anil I uvi l.i i ii ;i,inivcil l.y tin-1,1111 i n Urgent. ' 1. 11 11 I nl I In' reply of S am has lieen 1 il-:. -I In . I ; 111' mi I I..- l-'n-llell A-ni.ii- -..! ill Kim.li.ii. Tin- Iminal re.il is iniw on lite u .1) . M. 'I '.limit, lln- Men lary "f lie l'reneh n.-- 1 . 1 ..il, ,1 ;il lln- SI ile I Ii -put t Oi .1I1 a. n akiil li.nl an in ter. i-. ui.ii A-ms-I ml Mriilury Mi ore. Il i-i ili-lii vi- : 1 1. at Tliil nil ni.iile in-. r l-lK. 11.. i.'s I .1 I in- Hi, e! 111- f 1 'n siili'lit Me a ml- 1 .1 ,1 V. "i'iiIi 11 :.l hIiiiIi lie 1'ri'llt y A nl-.,-. :el-1 will .n ., .il I-i,-iin'N formal re I, ami liriiil a.ee lame to I lit- I '' i''1' i'' "l" 11 t ..,l .-I nr. If 1 1, ins'.. ,1 .1 Si -. i n --. n:, , in lie- I- 1 ,,, 1 pi , I, -', it i 1 1 1 1I1 in e I Inil an ai mi l,e, - ill i ,- ,1, 1 I n, 1 i.i I '. .1 1 1,'ien a el I : i' a' .., ,- I '! 1 'ill ' ; I nil , I I III' 111,1 II' ill lei tux illVnln: 111I : .i II'. .1 . -Ail. 1 I, ,N..I e.ei -l ' I 11. il i l,..-'i! . A, , , lal..e nl II ', i:. 1 .. Ii. 1 -1 - l.n 1 I - -1 1 1 1 ..in a eolnn .1 1 i" ' .11 1 1 1 . 1 11 1 1, mm 1 limn a pi-niii -nl ir n 11 .-.11. I in- 11. .1 it ,,1, . I'.. mi.- a.pni in;' ,,l I ! 11 ply In the A 1 11 1 I 1 1 ' ill I 1 11 ii I i t 1 ' i I - ; .it ln-.ne, I lie (,li i ll l:-'' III in I I a , nil ulial inn u ill, I . . -1 1 . 1 . 1 1 M 11 line ( '.imp. is, I., 1 in, 1 Caplain (ien if'l "I I'liia. iiinl als.i "illi I '1 i 111. ih Ki 1 . 1 .1. I I'ike ,-l Si 1 1111 :i 1 1 , 1 uiih Sein.is S ImI 1, KeVn -I,., Knl,!, ,u ami 1'iiiin.i S i-1, t a. Sim 1 l.'.ilil. .!,- I-.M I,. 1 i,i:,j, SV iht tin 1 ' jil.un 1 .-I p. aie In .Sp.n.i im, let I I e Ii I ill . f liu- Aim 1 e. 111 UealJ w.-ih il.in-eii-n- In Hi,- perpi lllll of tin- S 1:111- I I, 11:1 -na : 1 In . Tin' S aiii-h mil iim il 1. -. nVr i .'. n null i.i tlril ('.ipliiin lienei'al M:ieian l-l Ill l,"l (nl, '.' I, MM.'IIII .' III I'mtil Kl -1 lii Hi ill -I, Tin, is ;, II,,. insll- :il mil i l S ia-l a, i In tl pi. n i s i ll in , e -"in I" ! III,-. 1. 11. 1 .1 in - 1I11I I'm tu Kn ,' " ill im il'il-l', fall leln tin- hamls , I 1 lie A 1111 n- 1 ns Vilri I- ll 1 - l ,1 In-! I II li-.i In ..I t mi 1' I in In,- I ,-l'l. llln I I Ti.la! nl I. i Iter. ni. ih .. s. iv, Sp, .1,1-1, liun.a a nun Ii .n ... ;( 1 lit 1 11 1; 11 r 1 h . 'I In 1 1 1 I ...in .i.in. 1 . , 1 1 1 , , I 11,1- II nin- at New vnrk Willi lim.p.- 1 1 Sllltia-n. Till- -nlill.T- ll'll l Mill I, Mn 11 ml, I' 1. '1 lie iioiMi.it slai ill In' l,'i'a!e,l nl Mn nl. ink I in 111 . In re a tielil hnhpiial fur .'io-i piii.1,1. 1 In 1 -, e piipaiiilin adili Ii ai In ll,- Ii ...n ,, .en,. no nl In, I, I lenei,,! Kh .1 1, 1 - I ,, , w ill In in : nil, he i,ll 1 1,, in I In- lljiln I . r. si N"i , 1 . A 1 1 lt u I '. The Meinti 1 irk In l: 1 .-ll 1 pan v li.'l e reel I e.l n,l lee-, f 1 , 11 1 S.i 11 1 1 ai; 1 1 1 1 1 al tin- i inl-11 Infanta Mniia ,i.i..i 1. f, ,1111,1 1,1 In- In Inlrh 1:1. ,i,l 1 ,,l, .1:11. ,11 i- ,, I., 1 n. 11 hlnery nn, I hnilel. ami ill I . . I I ! v M n: ., N,,,f,,lk innler In i i, 11 i.le:,ni. An,tln-r rxpeill lion nn Ili- u 1 1 k 1 n ( 1 11 p 11 1 .1 11 will Ik u nl . .ill Ii in t Miihilay 1,1 'l'ne,ly, tailinh' I--HI lin.,teiiKi p, . n 1 ni ,11 . e. piilil! Inliinleil f.ir riKlii;' lln I'lUln II. -ll I III, .11 I wil. I Ihiii I1ri-i llnwn. U nhingi nn. Aumi-I ' I apl (Tnrlra I' I 1. 11k, lie- 1 niiiiiiamli i of the lilll ship n 1 1- 1 hi liming her f 11 in on n ni 11 from tsan I'niiii i-i ", injnln Adiuir.il Kiimp mm'H lb-el, and w Iiiiim nmn.igi uu'iit of In nhip dm lilt: I In- libl wlih t'eivi'r't sipiailron mm hint pi 1 lnl ,raUe, ha brolieii dim 11 a. n 11 mil .f I lip li-iiille iilraln he ban In-en undi r. and will de laehed and ordensl linme nn i be reeom inrndiitiniis of n 111 dlenl IhhiiI. A enlilr gram niilvid ImUy from the Adiniial iia)lnga nirdleal uivi'y hd fiiiiml Cninlii ( lurk until I -. I fur fun Ii e r duly on neeniinl of rhill ph) ulea dma-l-ililj nn. I thai lie ouUI Ui nl lionil IninnilUtrty for trfalmwiC Captain latk ) Inisl thu ()ie(..n Jiltl Irf.ir hi' aalb-U liom Hn Klauciaui UB her long run to Ud aide of tli eonll lient lln a" under re pri-nunn fur ih rral wrrki during Urn irwl'i vni ac hndklmehl' arriiallhi hii haa ii' rtiieli on duly wlih tin tlwl off Han llatfn. ll UI I' fiprMaarjr for him In iw brforr Ix-tnf al(iinl to other dutif. IHllm ruff ilu, tr.k (Hard rbalua, tiro button art. tnd In rdl 1 if.m Mil p mi a, ut Br, 1fc Ji )r. it TUB fcTATB CATirL. Iluilrr livi- It ! hkluMr. rrliifUm 1. f inr 111 DM PdllaWB. J. W. Bll, NslHarbit Hlfkll- . J M RNaI. HlRKM'. ( lUIciU. Ni C, AuKiim 0 ( Senator Butler in nn editorial in the C'aiira-ian sn j s tli at I'ougressmau rtkin ner is anything but a Itepublicau and 'Until he in a traitor and a monopoly tool. In M.ys that in Washington Skinner in 11 allowed tu attend a 1 uncus nf 1'opu 1'si, Senutois and Conressiuen. The e-litoi iul oi ,111 to nay il would lie u disgrace in the party, as well an a calam ity, fur such a man as Skinner to tie re-iininin.iu-,1. I Ins in possibly unother ease nl "p,,l mid kettle,'' anyhow letB w ait to Inn e II, e "kettle" reply to the .11 in ie The l,,! :n eo inarkel openwl hepe yefl U'biI 1 . There was ipiile a large "break" ut 01. e of the warehouses. It is expected that several million pounds will Ik- sold here this season. The report that the North Carolina soldiers at Fort MclTierson were so un it aineil and undisciplined that they were relieved from duty and sent to St. (ji iniins Islands is relished here but little. It is said that they allowed the men to go In and out at will from the fort, and thai they allowed some Spanish soldiers In escape. While the men may have fallen fnrt-hort of Unit perfection found in the le-ulai anny I hey sittely hail smne ti.'iinini; here llial would have learned I hem 11 few things. Tin: Sovcrij;n Ciiuiil l.odi;e of Odd Fellows is pieparing for the annual meeting which will be held in Koslon in September. The eaand representatives are Messrs. Ilruton of Wilson, Williams of KliabeUi City, Sawyer of Aslieville I'.ist tirainl C. M. liusbee id Italcigh will also attend, as will Fast Ciaml Kepicsf nlali vi I.iiiusdeu. The lesigiiatiiiii of .1. . llailey editor of tin: liiblie.il lieeorih-r, from the Agri 1: 11 1 1 11 1 ii i Hoard of trustees, siting sin h ii-asiiiis ns iln.t he would no longer serve win re (Invernor Uussell kepi such a c.i iupi man ( lolin II Smith) in power broiii hl nhoiil ipieslions Unit have not put Mr liailey very favorably before 1 lie public, ll has come lo light that Mr. I'. iiley not only drew his penlieni far his valuable sen ices on I he hoard (that was all light), but he pet keled tin- allow aiii'i: made the members fur board while lieie ill discharge of their duties. Now Mr. liailey lives here in ltaleigh so thai iiiiiuey was a clear gain to him. ANOTHER CONVICT LEAVES. Hants r iil j- K lerem. HIv Mnll lirw ill In be KmnlilialM d. Army Note. JoUllNAI. liUHKAl'. I Kai.kiuii. N. C, August 7. ( Judge Purnell will appoint one bank rupley refeiee to each of the live ills liicls into which he has divided the Kaslern District. Young lawyers will Im- chosen as n rule. They will receive fid a case with o ie per cent 1 onnnission. The bankruptcy law will hardly go into effect really until after meeting of I lie I . S Supreme Court as Hint can provide rules and regulations for lis work. In epile of the proposal of Senator lluller lo conibine the rales lu this (',111 ,:i,ssinnal district on the present incum I1111I Si mini, ihe Republicans are not likely lo cast a vole for him. Mr II. C. lirown. Railroad Coiinnis slon elei k, mailed last inoiiih l.lS lelters Ile has probably the biggest corn-spun 'I- n, ,- in llie Stale. I lieu- seems but little chance now for lln North Carolina soldiers lo see any inoie of war than they have ki en. They will probably Ik- kept at their present posls unill liny U-turn home There are only . M soldiers 111 the camp luispilal now . Six were discharged Sal mil. iv- There wen- many who wenl lo Johns stou i-lieel staiion yesterday lo see Ihe lull Cavalry puss through over ihe Sea linard lhal secured the contract fur I I mis 1 ,n r I nl ii n for 5 leglinenla from I'luupa In New York. .I,in filing, Ihe enininauiler of the negro irglmeiit at Foit Macon Is here In try and prevent the Issuance of an unlet lor llie negro troops lo go lo Kanllago In help the Imniunes garrison the el'y That will take loo many Republican volea out of Ihe Slate for Jim Voiini. The sol lln ") doc4 not forgel the duties of I Im lining 1 he politician. Another eonrlel has giun- off from the pcniiciillary. The guard ent to nod ding w hile the convict ploughed In the oulaiilu garden and got near I ho omI Irs v 1 11 k the home and plough while ha went Into the shady woods, lln had about 1 more months lo nerve. A syndlcale from Scranlou, 1'enn , haa a representative here to establish a brew cry. About (Ki.lsl will b put In It. Mr. Ilaumann, the reprenenlallre, well pleaard with tba work. Again Ih opening of the Ilaptlil Ke male Unlverailr Ii potiponmi. It was IiohsI it would lie rernly for September, ImI li will be fVplrmlvr year before romplrlml The lUpllat (Vinvenlloo en b ni.-d l.'i.OOil ami lals will lie due Hen It nitx-r I it l'rl alA Jainea Mao from Ihe Nanla hala Company of the tind lOlmenl la it Ihe point of death herewith lyphnld fever at Ihe camp hoaplial. Orttra Im Kmrlmtm. Nosroi a, V , Aug. 5 Admiral C rera irrlred In Norfolk I lit mornlpf on Hi lUy Uee etenmer. II waa -roa-paolixl hj Blt oa, luL A m(l Ct Turn. The purnoM vi Hi Admlral'i Ttall M In enll m lb HiJ It.eii.linl In M Captain ConoM nd le rnkver woobsM ofloMt nni m of kl Beei, bo m Iheie for I renluiei.l lit vvjs nn I al ihe Hay Line wharf by a I mini siau-s nt si ,'ftlcer and lefl in a launch for the huspi lal. The Admiral tireak fasted there an, I sient sev eral hours will, his wounded coiiutrymen, of w hiiiii Ibcrc are of beers forty-seven men. The Admiral w us 11,11, I, ml, n sled in llie condition of his men and w as grati fied al the iuiprnveini til they are mak ing. After his visit to the hospital llie Ad mirsl was taken by Dr. Clebnree in a cariiage to llie navy yard, where be I. ok lunch with Conimodore Faripthar. He went lo Virginia liaaeli in the afternoon and relumed to Annapolis at night. The Spanish ollkers at the Naval Hos pital have been allowed llie privilege of the hospital grounds and the cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk. nrlDK ifiMllea Hume. New York, August H. Secretary Alger has -decided to have llie bodies of H e men w ho died or were killed at Santiago brought to this country. He has cabled lo Santiago, giving orders to lhal effect This will le done as soon us the heat e,l term is passed. It may be that, in oider to avoid risks, the bodies of the men who died of yellow fever will not be taken up for some months, but as to the oihers there will be no delay. In llie meantime Secretary Alger has given orders thai the temporary headboards now marking the graves be replaced by more permanent ones, so tliat the iden ti In at ion may be complete. When the bodies of the soldiers arrive here they will be turned over lo relatives or buried in the national cemetery. Sec retary Alger is determined lhal lliis work shall be prosecuted w ilh all reasonable promptness. ON TUG DIAMOND. KimiiIIm or Ihe Nitlloiiiil l.eitiriit' llnse Hnll IJnnirn flnjreil Yehieritiiy . S-ciul lo Journal. Chicago, August H -Chicago 8, I'hili ilelpbia 'J. Second game -Chicago :!, Philadelphia S. St Louis, August S New York , Si Louis -1. Philadelphia. August S ( 'lev , -Ian, I (i, Washington Second game Ch-ve laud 2. Wushillgloil 2. ('..lie, I. Rain elsewhere. sI'MiaCs- iiamks. Cincinnati I. lialiimore 1. Pillabiirg 4, Chicago 'J. New York 12, St Louis I . New York H, Si Louis II lirooklyu M, Louisville :. Itrooklyn ti, I.ouisT.lle .V Where Tlley riuy In.tliij. ITiilailelpbia at Chicago. It,, si, m al Cincinnati. Washington al Cli-vi-land. How llie 1 Inl.s Nlnml. W. L. P. C. Cincinnati li'i :!' .1171) Cleveland Ml :t'i .tys Itoslol ,'iM :!"i .li'JI Haltlmore .r,J ,'ts .r,:s New York .VJ 4 -J ,!M t.'bicago M 41 .r,:, PittHbiug ... -SI 41 ..'.'J.' Philadelphia 41 4 '.I .4io Itrooklyn :tll Ml ,:iil Isniisville :.r. (ii :in Washington II'. I'SI .:iim SI. lmis L'tl 7o . 1 . t TUB MARKETS. Ycslcrilay's market ipiolationa furnish ed by W A. Pirrterlield it Co. Commission Ilrokers. Nkw Y'oKk. August H STDCKS. pen. Hik'h. I li. CI nee Sugar l:Wl I n; l.i'r ;Hi; Pisiplrs (las ... inn; in f 1 1 H 1 PH C. It. A t ll-'; 1 1-: 1 1 'i 1 11' R T nn ( K12 nn mi SO .V) M I'sl ('( )TTl)N. ( 'M'll. llVb. i.w. t 'l.isc Augusi (l (ki fi is; c, o:i 1; ( :: CIIICAOO MARK LIS. WllaAT ()M-n. High av.. Clou Hcptcinbc . (Vs) IM) I',,',. IW1. C-. iHN Si-pieinUT . . . :ii s:i; :t;'j r.::; An loaeeater. K.lhcl So you think that young man whom you met last night l a divinity Indent, an he claimed to Is ' Dolly - No. When 1 told him I hmild like lu have him meet my father In a,l "All right, where are the loe " IIla OhK'i le Cream Knoiigh Ice cream u rrcWvr.l on Thurailay by the woundfsl aokllera on Ooteruor'a Island from Mlaa Helen Uould to anpply all the woundeil men In Ihe hospital In future the will supply them twice a week. nil laeeene. A New Kagleml Journal publl.bei a lory of a wltnee who refuaesl for some rraaon or other lo tell the amount of kit (niee Income Finally, when the Jinlifr onlered hi in to amwer the nueetlon. he ahl "Yonr Honor, I bar no irnei In roen. I'm a fisherman ut Marbla Day, and li t all net" Hem TVnl Kla4. "What t aan(lna man Ooopnr tr Be a f el net II drrtll for n mhMIn afl lypewrtter girl anil ipetel tn eat kppKrallona." SPAIK REPLIES 1 I 1 1 Lull, Messaie Wilh Aste. Fdi, ADVANCE OK SIN JUAN. Cassation of Hitilil..w l.iLt-ly Al Any ArritAl f Hniitiao Troojrs. le tli ut (out 111:1 11 tiers Have Onl'r1o A 0.4l Coiillict. SjM'i'iiil t-i Jtturiiitl. Wamum.iun. Atiusl s Spain's ifply l(t till' ftilitt il ii Ml "I Jt :i( r lll:i(ll' lt tin' IniU-il Sl:itrs h. ll I v.'i i vnl L ll V;is!i- inton, S t ral new cIiumi an- in tin n-ply. The iiifMs.iur is i-r Imi ami m vrnil linnisair rrtjuiir.l in its I ninsla lit n . 'I'lir Milij. t't .. ih,- ( nl, an ilcl.t ami lln iplcstioiis aiiin mil nl" il is l. f'l i.m'm fur I'utiiir ctMiiilt'ralinii. It in riiiMit-Vf-i ii.iossary that I lu artimi (if (In- Spa:ii.-li ( ortcs in nrcrMai y to ci'tlr tcnitory the houses will lie -un-Vi'iH-tl fur 1 hat purpi Milt -h A lt niiri-w. (ii'iirr.il AliU's i-i sleailily mnviiij; arruss thr ilainl (if I'm tu Ui-) (fiwanls San Juan. I it a sin. 1 : 1 i 1 1 1 - the ril y w ill Im hrsicnl. Tliraimy i- ;ulvanriii in fniir cjlliinns. Tin- licet uillhliiTt iunn tin siiiillicrn roast t lln- Sail Juan hiilc (f the islam) t ro-i.pi-iatr i itli the anny. 1 1 utile A ti it I II . The Siii ('aval' lian arrivci at Mui tauk I'ninl, w h- it-all cf ( icm ial Shaflci'.-! army an dcsl im i. Knur traiispoi Is sai lnl for Mon tank ninl with I ro s fi otn Saul ia, ;o rsh i .lay Tin' Kn-hl Kculir Cavalry and t In Klihl 'iiliiiili'i'r 'avail y , known as Ihe 'Uoiih Ki h r," sail' -l vcsli'iilav n I In I ranspoits Miami ami M al t raw an I'm Mimtauk l'oint, I, 1. A ImmiI (her. So far a- liltf in i- i mnvim il. tin- war is ii'iaiilnl in Wa J nn 1 mi as u ti . True, tin- Spanish ovniiincnt is stil! ililly-ilHll in ahoul forw aidiiiL1; ils oj li l.il arccplaiit i' of our term-, of pi arr, hut il has caii-ctl I 'resident M K niley to he iiiforined that it is acting for . M pi tHi-rvat ion, and not from ;in 1 1 i r lo di'laytln mallei: that it must .s-cuir popular suppoi t at hmne in i . 1 r lo avoid a rivil war. That the ad minisl i al inn a- a- . . pli il thin information in ood failli m i y jiitlieil from the fart that the li m-pmU which rauird the anny of (ien Milt in I'orto Rico, and which weir I" have Imm'H nsrd to rurry rc-inforr.-iNoDls lo Uen, MilcH, have been unit-led I.i S m 1 iao t ( :i.-it in lirininL' Ihe nl(-n m Sljuflei'n army lioiuc. Tliert- i alno reason for slatin' that (mn. MeiritLand Admiral lct have orders not (o io any tihtiiiL' nnic. ii i lorcrd upon tliem. Allhoiih I'm nh nl Mi-Iv i ii Ii-y ih nalurally nxioii- 1 1 ii Spain houl.l m i ept thr trims o . a- a! out t. he would he prr(ccll) willing lo sin ti h the "miriu'diatr" i hi ualimi "f ( 'ul ui, pn ided for in the ten j i -, - i.-.id rriilily, an hr would prefer lioi Lav i bend an anny of occupation t uha un til wi ll into Se pic m her, afli r tin .t kU HeaHoil is nviT. 4 nbmi liovr rniurni The I'rehldeiit of tlie Cuhali l'f.-i i"il al ci i m' id has wnltin I'm m d- nl Mr K in ley a long letlcr, e v pn -i r i U' UiankH to nnd conlidrner in tin- I mii l Slp.li h, hut lhc iniit imporlunt paiarapli m I In- Liter ih llmt which mil lim - l In IlilentloliH of llie llllrj nt- ll - i ' (hir llrt.1 utep, with Ihr uppr-ivil ol lln I inted Stale K"Vi rnuieiit, ill ! i' all a new ii" i i iiM whirh ill r pri-- nt . i- far a poMmhU. i rry pi tinn of lerri!iT itnd rondilion of tropic. TImh acnilil Mill elect n lirw pi o visional o er iimen I that will pihtKM in-ra power llian tin-prt-'rnl one, which it. ( inacwillv, u HOVfTiimnit of Ihe re ol nl ion . Hut lhc niOlll of Ihe new i.MHrinhljr will he t- fthTni n ;'vrriiiiii'iit u I, will nidi I liniiiid in power find u le itiiNriti'il or It w II 1 lr I he dilo hmeiit of a p r manent nnil nun ph i e ( over nincnt . founded on itir lintN . f tlnd of the I nil d Hi itl i and on. m Im h. we how, ;in. have rvrrr n Hnon I" Ix-llt'ir. ".ill Im unl fnrtory Ih(Ii to tin I ml.d S(n(i t nd ( uhft Tlir prcTmling impf '"hmi m Wimhinn Inn ! thftl ( HfhA udl rrmittri under Knite SUU- AlihlJiry Kutrrnmrni mwp timp U fTP tin- I'ntmn- rr Allowed to rnnkf nny t i,.4 rnin nt in the f(ii erning line I m. I ism Amtl FOVDER A I : f..-. k-. II.. Cli -in! 1 I, v. U..1. .v An i ' le n :- A rid ll,, shiiUi Y - ''U T Tl.Ht W -lln.- V r- ii. 'la r 1 i !.. ii l!.. I I I., r-ln.ih- nu-uk- Ll 'J I: i I i . l : - 1 1 s, ; I ci I I.i. i 1. nj; I" It U.. J i.ti Wlilc ti- im Vi y uftfli, V-r in nn,. - ..f tin.- -htf- l ; on I 'to in., ii . t i .:. i.ai a. i K i-r mill Vt r taajuln. Wrllf fl- lii 111. . Im erlo city la mituinii uvt'imi; .S.-i;iJim, Wlc ii tl,i t;: - h ! : pavtru, hIm j: 1 i in incr Witii the lain lfe:hiutlrml ljinijri. ft rilf fn in tin- tuinj.T c. .11 ii try , it h il ki hh Kruwn In tin uuil nun. ViIh rt- un-lvi' tlit- n.nno Uuny bowkli ra 'i i..u nral 1 1 nUli run Vw Ho to im' . i y . flcu, r I i.fien think of ynu, AihI tliu liff I lend 13 loin ly And tho frieiidB I ftn.l nr' few ChHintmrw' Home Juurnul. DR. FfUNKLIN IN HRANCE. TIip Atni-rit'-Hii 1'itvoy Wan lclTel With tliH Hltn-Mt llouorM at Court. Mr II A. Oraleii writes of "A Civat Itepnhlii an at t '-urt" In St. Nicholas After telling of the nrrhal of lienjainln l-'rankliii in J-'rancu Mr. Odrn wiys; lie was then over 7(t yean nf itpo, nnrl his faun- nn a printer, editor, Inventor, philosopher and Hfjitesnmn for thn dd (jeiil leinan was a many aided genius was well ostahlished. 'J lie learned soeletUis of the civil Ucd kIoIk a re proud to enroll hin name anion;; their menihers. 'l'he French people, from the nohles down to Ihe serv anus, all were familiar with hin ((uainl and witty sayiiv-, as translaU-d from " l'oor Itichard's Alumnae," as well m wilh his hive of Uhcity and his broad sym pathy with his fellow men. Silas Drnne, Ihenenl of the American cohivnh, then living in l'aris, al'lerward Kiid, "Here is llie hero, philo. ephi-r nnd jiatrlot. who at t he iijji1 til' 71 ri-ikr all dangers for his coun try" To show that, the enemy fully realized liis power a.-an advocate for the cause of huh pi ndei ice, t he .Man pi Is of Rock ing ham, one of K ing I Jeoin Ill's ad i.-..Ts, remarked t hat he considered " t lie presence of Dr. 1 rankliii at the French court more than a balance for the few additional arreu which the Kiitflidi had gained by the con quest of Manhattan Island." This wni said not long after the battle of lirooklyu, whereby ieiieiwl Mowe had secured pon Sc.sMoIl of New ork. Shorllyaftir his arrlvnl in l'aris tlm 1hMoi- wa.i in i;. d To make his home at l'.l.-.sy, I hell olie of t he lit 1 1c tov Us oiitsidn of the city, nUhough now it. is inido of the fortification:,. Here on a hill oer looking the riei- Seine as II flows paM vil latres, cliatcauv and palaces, stood (he Mansion 'ah nl i llois, ( lie iuier of w hieh ii.sisli il on I ialik!iii : haling hi , ;(p.ii t ineiit-t with lii tii without eo-t, saying, "II your -.nnil ry is sin cesful in t lie war and your c'.ni-i ss ill grant me a small pit-cu of land, p. iliap, I may lake (hut as pay lliell I . " hel-e t r t he doctor en I croWlN followed him lie was heeled in tlm htnvh ur ut t he opera. 1 1 U kji i ngs weru ipiol.tl, ami engravings, n.iniat utvs, ined itln. :.init1 1 mix lids ami h.ni veil irs w ere mat hi to b.iir hin kindly features. lln wrote home to little lienjam Ins mother t hat they h.id "made h. r falli. r's face "- by w In h, of com hi 1 1. cant his o n "ai Will 1. new n as t hat of the moon. " I.ouii DlMtetiirn Slcainoitf of W an It i tu, 'fher.H. nt, performances nf lhc I 'nitl Slnle- liat t h-rd.ip i )i. u'"ii and ( he gunboat Marietta in steaming from high up alone the North Alliellcall I'aelll, i,,;l.s arotllld ( ape Horn t,, ih,. ,-Ht Imh.-, hat very pn.p. i y i 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i h.- aditiii .it i. m of thu w -In ile world I nl d ijuite i-i . . nl ly much liioi-.- had li ii h. ant of 1 tn fa) 1 1 ngs of warships tlmnof thc.r g'Nnl points, and one was alinoM templed to I I lev e thai the aerage IImi!'I.I l..ial VCS-i'l W.IS Sl ili In at. ly i orit-l i u- l. d and mi il. a pi. ' of mat hl'l. t-i In w.ilit Iv llll.-tl 10 w ii li-t.md in do.- m. a-.ii.- th. r.-ngti Us.,gi - of nr oj- (he kin kin.r alnnii of it proinwlod sea voyage under ihe pn ssuim of high s-d and with all kinds of Weal In r. Win n, sev. ml v. iii. ag... the I 'idled Stal- cruiser ( ohm. bin i in- d ovi-r frm-i Soul hamj. Ion To ;,u.ilv Jb.'k.at lln in tram , to New oi k h,trU.i . in a 111 ti.' h s than wvi-n i)n rt. rm mg mc eK,fully agaiiiMt one ,f the . k A I la n I i lim-rn le t p-rform:tnt-i- -.'.t nepiu .il- ! -1 to im al history. It ln.hlcntl. In U I. mi w hut had f.-r h'lig a o.,.,. .- o I tli.' iniio-i hi... What the (ir.gon ..nd the Maiiella have done, howevi r, U ii w .i : ).y . unt.r p-ir( of llmt warMcr mngnilu. ul k rform it i.. e i id ad no rab! y i. i .n' i ulrs wh il 1 1 l.l V m- 1, i OH! pli -died br g'nl illgllH rltirf even win n hiil. ji.t to ih.' . .k ling toiidl I h im of iinvid riKtri.ii-.iih .uwder M aga lot l ulllnf onr .m.I In It. Mr i i.s.rge Hev 1,, ,u bmk. "Col In tlnhnniitl U...1;..j.'HH U'IIh the fol ho. Ink htnn fin nd of mine In the diplomatic e t.r V Ullll.g Homo In th. ..1 d. of th. ti-mjHTnl iwtT, h.ul I Im Imiinr of nn llilervl.-W With i'o Sum. Tin -'pe gia i ioiihIv nll.nil hi i.i a knar I am odd ytli 111 hn.l t bin v. r . I,.,, ' l( h.uglitnieui innde t hHt nlupi.lt t of nil IIIO.VS i I ' I hin k. 1 1 r Ii ii ini Put I ),i ti.. d. m 1 h if ie.ii 't a I. If It w :m. 1 i w.aild hfto- It l'ln tfiTH will rein, in U r tin f-d l vr I iitf j.aKinfe in lluh. r lid of I,)..in ivnd drnw their own com hidnim ( I nude lofT.rlng sioiiri-.it M IIim'u maii I , will )tin li'.fior nn ' Ju juiMtntiL No, )"nr hlK'Hn, I hv li ninnll v )m I lao.h- h , If II ( rv r j ou d m nr. to hnvc It, M It. 1 1 wtn t A Thkrt; HI If. 1 hrvkernr ft.ksl I.m u p. tint mill i nxUdly Hix err-.r of lnn Aihm- fr. nullah In th lee, .'i IbnrT Kniiond l-wrll r..k .il If j.pU. Kt tl.ul Hum. lh plo iw. dir. n lit to IUiijj It ..li 1 . i iuH lfi; "Nn, of r- th- i dido t ' "mis i il of Vi.fflUh r-MT nipv only llw (f.. I... . urn far urn t4.tr U)-mh ertitor I if the h.in utnpfTel Bri iMtf lmn niUl ilurliiK 1 1 mi jictwtit fvnliiry ) dt riny I Ih p-ri nrtitnry. rtnil urdf 0(1 inirw the'tr Hil NnrHl Um far I7IMI Th knin U thti UtitH lnMmmf, wmmff ImIWo In Turk7 It ahi rv Mihtm ihtu trf Kurp UM flni II Ijm Ti trine tn wmr$t thnw, mi4 U IU. Wkn In nyhnm top nt the Iiptnn UonM lot fnral nmomanileUnne. TOBAGGO TAKE NOTICE ' COTTON TWIN!:, iiil.ii.ii' I ,iiL' Tn 111! .it 15 U Ii ' fi i- Just alum: what it We I ,n e a Ui i o!ie i if tile I , i M.:jd and laioV GROCERIES AMD PROVISIONS, Tiil'.ACCO. SM l-'i'. ci; .nVI.-it, M(..S!.s, iV.'., tu In1 f..lll,i 111 N"tv I'.rll;.'. .... W I' Will ll.' ll'i'.lSi i! Ill Iku'i' ','HI .' li! ..'..I I MUlll II- Shirk nii'l i;i't. n il . s iii-l',ii i- 1 . 1 1 1, i ul;. .... ;on s r. MH.KS 1-';-:k l;i'H.'rll;;l, Mani.l & Mi 71 Broail Hivii i, .r.'.V BKItK. V. C. QUALITY CLOTH, 1 l-4c "Ycird. O.. IMIirks Co- Cotton The Van Winkle Cotton Gins r.i ' i i Ktrr.v -in Sold I ikIci a INisili.c ;uaniul(H lo ii'iyv Satislaciion or .o Ijiv. CONTRACTS TAKEN ir COMPLETE OUTFITS HYMAN SUPPLY CO., i:; ) i V) ..HARDWARE. Masury's Paints. Ariel Bicyles. 73 Middle Street, Net BcniP, N. C II. W. NIMIfiON, Funrrnl Illrrrfor nnil Kmbnlmrr. OftW.W frrm4 fltreM, neit In Ktei nrt' tnMen. RnOfWiW! ftmn4 "Afeei. TUurtnl Mien k pMnltjr, OnERS i 1 "il i' in haiv wli:it GhNTS POUND. c-hl. .... t j . 1 nd I C-t St. ck nf Gins. ICiTiie, U. W. SMALLWOOD i)i;.i.i.u in i:.t:iiAie II AlllU Alt II, AM' M.l. KINKH OK itru,ii:vu HI AT Kill A I. Win N.'itint, Hi-reon'lemmA Wimlo. Jlni'lrr Ilofrlj;rrntir, Win. li ere the Ik-el. Thi y have IhiI few iiil eml Nil Hl'l KltlUlU. I' ' I ii em Kfrrwr, A' lf t 4Hipre, Mk hlgen Hlorce eml ttenfee, A rent Iteene'i rimta. Under Hotel ChntUwka, Ntw IWriM, N. C. rnntrlouive IlankrU! DbW llreow tlnlMWitl $km tot Miln CMtnloiipna, , J. P. In A It If.