THE WEEKLY JOIHNIL atakMaaeQWl. , FwbUsfced la Two ewetiosae, rrrj Tuee 4ny u4 Friday, at M Middle Sueet, new CHARLES U 5TEVEN5, bditoi and rkoramojL SUBSCRIPTION RATEH: Two If oath. toCenuc Tars Mentha, Biz Months, .85 90 Twelve Moo Uii, 11.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE. Advertising rates furnUhed upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry ly mail. gyThe Joukml is only sent on pa -In-advance bans. Subkcritxrs will receive notice of expiration of their sub acriptlODB, and an immediate response to notice will be appreciated by tlie Journal. Entered at the Postcflicc, Ne lien e d. C. aa second-class matter. Section One Tuesday, Sept., 13 1HDH TBS EXMCCPATIC TICKET. FOK JUlHiKSSUl'EKloKCOUHT First District George II. Brown Jr of Beaufort. Second District -Henry it. Hryan, of Craven. Fifth District Thonia: Guilford. Sixth District-Oliver .1. SI of II. Allen, of Lenoir. Seventh District Thomas A o' Robeson. McNeill I Eleventh District--VV. A Lincoln, FOK OoNtiKF.SS Third District -Charles K. link Thorns, of Craven. FOR SoUUTI'oIt, Second District W. K. Daniel, Halifax. Ft lit SENATE. Stli Distric t. I. A. Hryan, of Ciuv W. !). Suggs, of Ijrnoir. if. The sympathy of the entire coun try will go out to (ieiierul Joseph Wheeler, in the sad bereavement he lias suffered, in (he recent drowning of his son at Montauk I'oint. POrCLlSTS HAVE NO LEADER. If l lie rial 1'opiilists of Noil ti (Jarolina, Ihorc who are Populists hicanse Ihey be!icc in the prnie: ph-s of Populism, who have no pe- 1 1 ii'ia 1 otlicc, nor are seekers if oIliccB, if these kind of Populism would stop and consider their pres ent situation, they would discover that they have no real leader of their political faith in this .Stale. : main at home, to rope with life in Some Populists might say to this, I the way of making a decent liveli why Marion Butler, Dr. Thompson honl. or Hurry Skinner are our leaders. i Hut are any of tin so men really and in fact leaders of Populism, practicing what I hey preach, and living to the pai ty faith, blameless and worthy disciples of the tine principles of l'opul sin ': j A little investigation as to the, standing of these leaders will be in -; structive and profitable, and may show to sincere Populists that they i are moving along, blinded as to their true political status, as reple ad ted by these leaders. Marion Butler has stood for Popu lism, nceived as an honest leader, but today his various political dick ers are so well known, his fusion with Uussoll and his efforts to get oo-operation with Democrats, these actions really discredit Marion But ler with every Populist. Dr. Cyrus Thompson, while he has uot been so free in h ia over tures to every one, an Ins friend Marion Butler, )et Dr. Thompson holds oflice not by Populist votes, but by negro votes and ho is an advocate aud supporter of Russell ism. Populism has no clause in its articles of faith, which declares fm ltueeellism, nor reeks its own ad vancement by negro supremacy. To say that Harry Skinner i aincere leader of Populism, a pn -feasor of its tenuis, would border od tho ridiculous, for while he mav control tlie political machinery (J lb Populist party, bo ia very far from practising anything in the way of Populism. Harry 8kinucr ia in cloae political -J affinity with Senator I'rltchard, a Uiwart IlopublicaD, and it needs no argument to prova that Populism . and BrpaUicaoiam bava nothing in ooaanoo. U can thoi be totti tho Popnlista of North Carolina are being led bj llarrt Skinner,, o oonlrola their political aiichinerj, and who neee their eotea M adfapoe IkpublioaD intereU, at the same time keepiajt limaolf la eflloo. ; , Are PopoliiU golot to be led fa ' tide way, to glre their eopport to a party etrlotly Inlmloal to Popnilinf The Populist tl North Carolina, tm!y, are without a kaJer, and 'to f. How tho Insiractiont f Harry I'm inner, moans for them to act end Jive contrary to their viry bnlitf aiid peroOoe, agaioi their borne la ureate, beanies huildinj up a party wlticb strengthens iiaelf at the ex pellee of the PopoluU. RICH AMD rOOH AJtB TBIIiT KNXD. Ut not the rich think their wealth is a protection and safe guard, nor the poor imagine them selves iudepeudont and iu do du ger from negro supremacy, for both mutt sutler from it. The rich tuau or landed proprie tor, ttie poeseseor of reu'.abie prop city is constantly menaced, the value of his property in uncertain, , and us. produciug power is eyer a ; question of uncertainly, if tiegro supmnacy prevails. h if possible for the rich mini to htcp and pel haps mci ease Ins wealth under negro rule, but he cannot do eo w lihuut accepting and acknow edging the i(uahtv e. tlie negro. Hut in saving Ins wealth, in pr serving his property, lie loses I own self-respect, he lowers bis d nity and degraded li is man hood . INo greater obstacle to Hie prog- I ress of the poor man in life can be j found than for such a poor man toj be under the mleof'.lie negro, oi , live in a community where negro control sets its stamp upon the gov ernment iif allairs. Tim poor man pays a school t . the ino.t of winch gots to pay fot the schooling of Ins uel'o neighbor children, giving them a linger school term than Ins own cliioli'ei: i ei'en c. Tlie negro child tiiiia reo-ives" longer, and lln-i efui c a ni ne h.-iic liila I si'hooi i ng Until the while chtl.!. This mi pel loi I i n e.liica: ion hi.s , de pi cubing i n ll i n nee n urn i he p...i white mar. w ho Iran had to ftiuggie to maintain his fuiiuli, pay In tixon, raise Ins i'.unilv, a .d Ins clnl -drcn, tlnough the adverse laws, through legi.slation made ly the negro, lind when entering life f i themselves. Unit they are seiim-lv handicapped by tlie neyro, nd he neath him in ways of provision to make, the tight for a livelihood. The poor while man must pay his tax, the no n i mav pay a tax, but his proportional hem-Iks therefrom arc largely in excess of the while man s. The rich white, man may lose rents, may havo his property depre ciated in value, ilnotigh negro rule in his town and county, but, the poor white man linds himself a drudge through life, and leaves his children in no position, if they re- There is no escaping the results for negio supremacy is too danger ous a condition for white men to live iii;!t-r, inl is one which they m i I hei can nor will submit to. KlLGO-CLARH MATTER. '1 h is act ion of t he 'I rustc es end. i he whole n atter. 1 1, should not be .igai ii hrou g h t u p. To bring it up again rails in 'pieMinn the litircH and competency of I he Trustees, and raises a question of their inoial character. () f t hei r com petence to determine simple iUestioiiB of fid and their readiness to do right there ran he no sane doubt. And to say that they have not acted justly is to charge them with a mi ntal blind ness and a moral obtusene.SH of which only the ignorant Hid vicious are capable, which no one may do. Biblical Recorder. ritical Time During tlie Hat tie of Nnntlngo, SH k (ik WELL, A HUSH NIGHT AND I) A V . Tho Packers at th Battle ef aaatiaie 4a Ceka Were All Have. Their Bereie I farts la Ottttaf Aaamaal tlea aae Battaai ta the Treat Savsa tie Bay V. K. I'.i'Ti iH. of psrk-traln No. S, writing from Santiago de Cuba, on July Urd, says: "We all had diarrhoea In more or less violent form, when we land ed we had BO lime In see a doctor, for it waa a case of raeli aoj rash night aad day to keep the troops supplied with emwioaftloa tad rations, bat thank t ta Chamber lala's Colic, Cholera aad Ulat rboea Itemed y, era were tlU lo keep at work sad keep oar health) la fact, I sla cerely believe that at see critical lime tale Mtdlcine wee the ladirect tavloer of oar anay, for If the parsers had bee aaahle lo wetk I here would have been ae arty of gelling tafiplk to (be froat There were ae roads that a wafoa trala could use. My comrade aad myself bad the good fonaot ia Uy la supply of this tMdkdne for oar peck-trala before we left Taftipe, aad ! k bow la foe r eaaee It absolutely saved life." ' . -, The lve letter waa wrlttea u the avsmfsrlarert of this mefllclee, the t'lim!wrtla M 'Heine Ce tm ftMa, a. fut sale fcy F. . Duffy, TBI UrCBUCAJI'S rSAHS- sasrsix. The familiar atorj ol Mr. Shel ley' "Freckenelein," ia the moat complete illustration today of iba while Republican's political poailion with the negro in Koith Carolina. '"Frankenstein" the created, tho servant, becomes i licenced at his creator, and while he doe not de stroy the master, he makes his life worse thau death, destroying his loved friends, and making his mas ter seek x put out of existence the creature of his own creating. Thus with the white Republican of North (jarolma Seekiag the dark ways, the science of pol,iiel creatiou, iu order to de xelup political Bervant. he has ,IUide the negro his social companion, has taught him and petted him wiin promisee, urvtil the negro has Ucome more cunning in polities than his master, the white Republi can. What more natural than that the servant thus taught and nurtured, should feel his political equality, ,jiat wlell tne tl rat interference C0Ilu.8i w,en promises made are broken, that the negro against , iL, 1)1U. i; ,,'iblican , once his mas ter in ()olnics now Ins brother, ami distroys uot the U'-publicau master, not the party itoelf but every fond ambition, every party precedent whicn the white Kepuulicaii has held dear aud sacred ''. The negro vote, liO.UOt), rises to confront and confound the white Republican cf North Carolina. The " Frankenstein" with a k now h dgu and cu lining, but v i thou i a control of his passions, violates tin hi and order which his muster would have him observe for de cency's sake, but. ''Frankenstein felling the power, tilled with r -veiig , evades his pursuing crcatoi, aid wicks havoc and ruin not upo: nis master, but upon innocent per sons. The negio says "please take youi hands olT, we furnish the vote,'' and the white Republican looks on helnlcfs, his once obedient voter ha? Incline Ins master, and neilhei cuis'-s nor tcais, threats or promises now touch the political creature who through some instinct of awe foi bears to lay violent hands upon the one, the white Republican, who has taught him litis knowledge ol his own, the negro's, power, but who causes devastation all around. The Republican's "Frankensti in" is abroad, the name of the party re mains, but scattered aie Us hopes, its possibilities of good, itsprospicts cf siieo es, its wislus for rule and order, and only can the political creature thus loosened be put down made powerless to overthrow social order and law, by the White Men of Noi th Carolina. Can any White Man violate his Anglo-Saxon birth right, by not s eking to put down tins ''Frank- enstei II RECORD Or JOHN E. rOWLER We have been lately searching Ihe Congressional Ololie anil records of the Fifty-Kiflh Congress to see if wc could rind anything the present Hepresenta live In Congress from the Third North Carolina District has done, or al tempted lo do, for t lie people of this district and Inasmuch as he is candidate for re election, we feel at liberty lo irive the benefit of our researches to the Dis trict. Taking ihe entire record of the Kifty- Kiflu, or present Congrean, including Ihe en Ira sesilou anil the tint regular tea lion, nearly the entire llec rd, Il imuh to us, l tilled np with whal Mr. Fowler did not do. A brief and comprehensive synopsis ol Ida Congressional career taken from the records aa follows: "He obtained leave of absence six t linen, made a one minute speech in favor of appropriating fifty millions of dollara for the Spanish War; Introduced two petitions which were pigeonholed in (be uaual wsv, anil also Introduced four bills, one of local Interest and the others prlvaie claims, nons of which ever rrsppeareil from the rommillee to which they were assigned. Instead of vnltng agilnal th burden tome and Inhiullous Dlogley Tariff Law, which Is the highest Protective TarlO law ever put upoa the consumers of the country, be dodged, aa the Record shows being marked "present and not vo ting " "The facts caa be verlfled from the lecords. "What there Is la this record lo com mend itself lo the people of Ihe Third District we fail to are. "We aeed aa able active, energstlc. aggressive Hepreeeafatlve la the Fifty itiith Cong me, oae who la able aad loqnsBi, aad who will, apoa the floor aad la (be coasmJuee roosaa, aae that s n prop i lei km s are atade for the dial riot. who mOt de soeethln f the dWrlct, aad who ltt be eevteat elply le draw his salary. "8ch a ataa the Deatoefallo part preeeali lo the people ef the dletrlct la the lloa. Char lea R. Thoeaaa, Re eoeal aee for Coagreee. -Hie record ae a tree frU-ad of the people, aad If fetor o( Diver Colaagf, ad la efpoaiilwa U Treate aad ssoeopollea, la aaaseallabte aad aatar aUbed. ,".--; -t e'", '' ' tM the people elect hisa by aa over whelming eoe aad they will have e fUperetallvf whs) will be (red to lb at aad snake ftreord ef wake lhy It) be 'ptod.""-JoeUre I'regreee, SUPPORTS 1LGER. Tks Men tats Abj Attack. Upon His Secretary. No Mere Jlto to be Mastered Oat Oae Haadri-4 Thousand Needed. Hawaii to he I ed fur Re serve '(roups. Havaaa Must he Vacated. Washington, September 8, It was given out officially ibal Ihe 1'rerideot ordered Secretary Alger lo personally visit and inspei i every camp aud hos pital where llitnc Hie volunteers, and that the duty wns considered so urgent that Secretary Alger would not accom pany the President mi Ids vacation. Whatever mav be Ids opinion of the sub ordinate in the War Department, it is certain Unit tlie President does not attach the sliijliiest blame lo Secretary Alger for any ol tlie mismanagement in handling supplies for the army. So strong a position ha.- the President taken in this matter Unit some of his friends are blaming him for receiiliirg every attack made upon Secretary Alger, as If it were personally ma le upon himself. MiimI Hrrvf Iht-lr lluit. No more legimenls sie lo tie mustered out (ol service, unless for some spocial reason, toi some months That is the answer to I lie increasing demand of th privates in ihe volunteer regiment lo tie allowed to go home anil resume, their regular oi eiipations, which Ihey were willing to give up lo tight for the coun try, liariisun il n r y is nut enticing to many of the men, but inasmuch as they signed enlistment papers which hound them for two years, or any portion of that time the government might desire to keep lliein, Ihey will have lo grin and bear il. According to piesent plans, more llnui inOucO of the volunteers are to lie kioit in service for an Indefinite . pel iml Hi. u nil ,Ih ii .IntM llit.'. Although the ordeiiug of troops to Hawaii j. said by War Depni tui-. nt ollic iala to lie with nit special cigiiilicaiice. there nre rettson- lor the belie! that the sold ie is are to lie theie held in reserve for Use either In Die Philippines, or in Samoa, where tiouble may Matt at al most any time. It is hiined in military circles that as- many as 10,1100 troops may lie placed iu iUiii'ti-rs at Honolulu. Evenone vho snows existing condi tion in Hawaii, knows thai thine is no reason for haviur; even leu hundred s il ilier.s on the islands. The neighborhood of 1 1 on ol ri 1 i is noted for lieallhfulness, and for licit leason it would he a good place lo keep soldiers ,vlio might be needed in the I'licitim Our new cili.ens over there Would doubtless he glad lo lia e I hem, as I he 1 radc of i he sold eri is uotit able, and the 1 lawaiiaus :n u noli'd for Ihelr thrift. NllNl I.l'MVI'lll OllC' Il is staled upon the highest arilhorily that the President, has no intention of allow lug General liUne i ami his elates in Havana to i vade the terms of ihe protocal, an 1 that the commission which sailed from New York Monday had full iustuicti nu to demand an Im mediate arrangciin-ut forthe evacuation of the Island, with a promise of sultlcient force to compel i ipliance.. Tl phoifl In I'lirni Kirn. 1'oNcK, Porto Hleo, September H IllnohS among the l iiited Slates troops hero is Increasing There are now more than 25 per cent of the men unlit for duly. Within a radius of a few miles from Ponce there an- 1,000 soldier in hospitals, in nn- ommands HO per cenl. of Ihe men an now i w ith fever, piinclpally lypho d. The steamer City of Ci ester arrived today with med ea siiiplles and 4fi nurses. Surgeons are haiiilllug I lie pa tients as well as possihle. Considering the conditions, tin percentage of deaths I small. Convalescent! hi the unfavorable teason to contend with, and after the fever has left thnn panenu fall to re cover their slrengih They should lie ent north at once Need for transport for con valesceuta In iniperatlve If there Is more wel weather the con ditions will boconie in i h w,,re "Innanri.'' lir Villaw MtU. Saxtiaoo dk Ci iu, Seplcmber 6' Six cases of yellow fever liavedtvelopcd In Colonel Hargeui's Fifth "Immune" Hog -me lit The rato hare been . watched closely several days, and In the opinion of Colonel llavard, chief surgeon of the military department .of Santiago, Ihe llagaoslt It unmistakably correcL The vicilma hsva lieeu senl to ihe yel low fever lnipllal, and a strict quaiao tlne has been established against tht rent nun i which Is encautped ou the hills slung ilm Morro road, about two miles wiutb of i ha city. There Is a great deal of sli kneM lo this regiment, but In the opinion of ihe surgeons ao more yellow ft err. ' k tbenib'-r reHlataaU bow doing larrison rimy are In fairly good health, on real ness Is felt by General La toe or Uenera) Wood. The far awmtiere of the fidh Ibnto. tar Infantry wbe wets sen l lo the yellow teter honpiial lea daye afo;irhea they JUeaUrkd from the transport Kolckrr- aocker froat Tampa, are drHng" well, Their betlalloa le el HI laolatsd. - The d-eitielloa among Iba (Talatite Is (till eppalllag. Ucaeral Wood btmed l,n00 free rations yetnrdy. The capa city ef (he free enpply drp.Ma ta aoi great enoogk to aieH tbr demand, aad e aeweae U to beetitblUlinl. . . nwe na sail. WtToa, RfplamW t Oeaarai Mflaa al4 his rrts lo Uia Piasldeol Ibis atnralng. Ill call was brief, owla l ratdnat iwetlnjt, end f onfUM 10 a formal f ichsng of efitirlch t. TOM STATS CAMTAU I kiwi avawa OwwwO a Satr TMva ! 44 Twit Ttm 1 nvrvtM,. anew tisa - JovBKii. Bcmaav, I RaJcich, K a, eeptaabar . The Populist Coagraaaloaal eoaraa tion for this district bad hard work of tt yesterday and last night ia aetUinf oa a candidate. A.t oae lime it looked a if Strowd the preaeet iaeumbcDt would be renominated. Strowd Is a Popolist and In Con great voted ia very man; Inrtaaoea whh the Democrats. This in itself waa thought by many would kill him before the convention early, bat yet It took 19 ballots before Jenkins the Republlcaa preference was landed. Republicans of course manipulated the convention from start to finish. Btato Auditor Ayer would have liked the nomination had the He publicans seen fit not to claim the place. Il is now said that the government has promised that ihe 3rd, ragiment of North 'Jaiolina volunteers (negrois) will be re tained in service the full term of enlist ment, 3 years, and that they will event ually he sent to Cuba. Warren V. Hill one of the registrars appointed by the county commissioners, and who is from Cleveland couuly, was interviewed and claimed that he was now a cllizen of Wake county, aud paid taxes here but on the lax books there is no evidence to show, that Mr. Hall ever paid any city or county taxes since he has lived here. The new lailroad from Moeltsvllle to Moorisville wiil iu a few days be ready for business It is said lo he the lowest grade, least curvature, and best built road in Ihe hill so.'tion of North Caro lina. The annual session of the gteat coun cil of the In-proved Order of Ihe lied Men w ill be held Ihis year in Indianapo lis. Col. T.J. Anthony of Charlotte the State (Ireat Prophet is 1 he only man in North Carolina who can aticnd ihis great council. Tcafncts Cznnct be Cutcd liy local spplieiitions. as Ihey cannot teach the disc-used portion of the ear. rhiie isoiiiv i nil- way to cine deafness, aiidihnl ii hv eousi ilinioiial rcincdici- Deal ness is caused by an inlbiiiied con dition of the mucous lining of tho Kus lactdan Tribe. NY hen this lut.e gels in- llanied you have a in in tiling Hound or im pel feci hearing, and when il is i mi rely eloseil deainess is the result, anil unless the inllannnalion can be taken out and this tube restored lo its norinrtl condition hen ring will he destroyed forevei; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inllamed comli lion of Ihe mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars foi any esse of Deafness (caused by catarrh) thai cainiol he cured hy Ilah's lalarrh Cine. Send for circulars, .free. F. ,1. CHUNKY it CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Di ugeists, TSc. Hall's Family Pills are tho U&VANA IXPiJTS IYiaCH. Urrnl Arllvlty a nllr'l:tltntc AiiktI enn Deeiftiitl Ion. llreHiii til' tJri'ni Til I IT. Havana, Cnbi, Sept. S. ilavana in on the ede of ex peclniicy, mid nil Ihniiglils are lumeil toward Ihu arrival of Hie American commissi mern, whom Ihe peo ple of this city expect on Friday. Tlieir arrival will mark a new era here. There i-i boundless failh In Aniericmi power nud enterpiire and uninensurcd evpectaucy of the lienelils lo lie derived from American rule. A fnr-Kprcnd, deci -rooted Idea prevails llial Americans c in Kcciimmiillali In a moment whal panianls have aasiduously neglected hundred of years. All plans for Ihe fur lire have tlie arrival of the American commission nnd Its supposed acconi plislimeiils as I heir martini; points. Many, liolli Spaniards and I'lilmns, nii- n nincc a ilelermmsllon tu leave tlie island if iu annexation hy the United Stale does not seem am.ii red On the oilier baud, in tire event of Iho Island's absorption, they li .ve begun in rear dream castles of desire, which Ihey ex- pod lo materialize Ho rulet the talk. ' You roust rcmnlel our drainage," tars one official. ' Under your rule our streets wl.l be well paved and kept clean," adds another. And so tba shame of past mUrule Is little weigh ed beside the prospect of future I in pioveuienlt. Bites are pointed out as admirably suit cd for the erection of "thoroughly nvd era American hotels." Changes for the better In wharves ami docks are sp ken of as If their realizatloa under American rata neeJod but the wave of a wand. Glowing fancy overlooks the dillluuliles of iba narrow or lortuom St i eels and assumes that soma method for bonej combing lbs dly w lib rapid irahslt ;a lams mill bo readily found aalpul la practice by American i a, dial ami auargy Ilavana Is hu.lly repralug for new traanlsv ilsmiuer slr.iks rnouad throughout tht uliy. Mnia of Iba actlvi ly Is due to arroan which aocuia-ilated iiurios? ma uincaasia. wuen me itoasiwii' ly of a UombaraiiMul was pttaeni (a all mlndK, aad ao man tared to nd lime at money ott Ihe Uiprovrmul til Boper ly which mlglilba tu-audUbed 4T aay Biou.eci. ' A Kartrear sVaaafa. Thankful worda written by Mrs. Ada E. Ilarl, of Orolofl. 8.1),, "Waa taken with lad raid Jl kh sailbM ihi say lung, rough set la and finally taruil aatetl la eonsumpUon.' Four dnclora gave aa np saying I aonld lira lot a abort lime. Igave aiyself ap lo my Savior, determined If I cmiM no! ly wllh aiy friends oa earth, 1 would meet any absent ansa a1oe. ' My liutlsnd waa advised lo get lr, King's Kew Iinco eiy fot Consnmptloa, Coughs and Colds, t gave II t trial, look la all tl(bt bottles. It bM fared air) and thank God f am saved end now a welt and besliby woman." Trial Will free at Y. H. Duffy's Diug Ptorr, ltrgnlsf W and l M gnaisnlrnl Of prli a fcfanihd. AN OPEN1 LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTDCG IN TirE -COCV. 1X''A tlZHT TO THK EXCTXSIVR USS Of THIJ VWJi n'AiTORI.l." ".- ' "nrCIiTR-S C.iSTOSUA." S OUR T-MDUiiUCrC " " , DR. SAMUEL njannilfassackitselt vex ihe origaatsr cf "CASTOR I A," iho soma Ihat-- has lcm3 and docs wj beer f vCti."mm n eDCr ' iho fao-simfo signature cf ' (&ffia&j wrapper. This is ihe original 'CASTOR I A" which hasbcen uccdin the homes cf the Mothers cf America for over thirty yccrz. : LOOK CAREFULLY ci ihe wrapper end see thai il is the kind yon have aliaaiis bought - , c:i e and has the signature of OzjJucJ&u wrap- ' per. No cne has authority from me to use my ncme except The Centaur Company, cf uhich dies. IL Fletcher is President. Mmh2i- ;sM'2Xz dU... Do Not Be Deceived. Do not enebncr l!:c life cf your child by accepting a cheap substitute v;hic!i come tlrur;i.".t may offer you (becaur,!: h.e r.iakcs a few more pennies on it), the in gredients cf which even he cloca r.ot kr.ov. "The Kind You Have Always Bought "! BEARS THE SIGNATURE QF - , Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. Till CtHTAUR COMPANY, TT SwUltRAV (TnCgT, NCMI YOHit ClIT. PEACH INSTITUrn, Kaieigh, N. C. A fa in mis school for (iii l.s. Vi Juilue (Jen. I) tlrnv, Onllieper, Vn. very Iwst feiuale scliocl of v. Iiich l cnlnhiL'tie free In all ho apply. . . MISS . . NANNI K STKKET Will open her KINDEUOAR TKN SC1IOOI, ni her residence KW Pollock Street, MONDAY, OCTOHKU Hid, 1808 New Berne ACADEMY A High Sthool For Boys and Girls. F.lLL SESSION ItEUlNS ; September 5, 1898. OOUIISKS OF STUDY : (histtical, Knglish 11111I Scicnlillc. Coniiolcnt and Skilled (lorps of In structors. Tuilinn and Itonnl, At Mislcrnli; It.-ites Fur calalnKue and parlicnlnrs, addrcw liie 1'iiiicipiil THOMAS R. FOUST, New Berne, N C. CLEMENT CLASSICAL AND CUUMEUtlAL SCHOOL. DKPAUTMKXTS: Acadkviic Arlllnui lie, Algebra, Ge ometry and Trigonometry; English, Latin, Greek and French. .Con MRiiciAlUook-keeping, Sboit band, Typewriting, Commercial Law and l'i nmunahlp. FALL. TKItM BKOIN3 AUGUST 20 Tuition front l.00 in $3 OOper mnntb. 3000 will pay tnt an unlimited acholar sldp In eli her the Book-keeping or ethorihand eouin-s, Cominerelnl Depni tment open Ihe year round. x. , For fui ti er pert holxM. addreas, . J, 0. 1UIHTZ, Prln . ' Wallers., N, 0 1793 BlaaUB School HBHEaltL!, BQrj mmkmsSh to irw. I ,. ' Hal. H. MIKOHASt, Sj A , M H iOvU, mni Trt-Mrkt tbum4 nti all I'art wwl amlwaaa ww4wrtS fur St osruarv ft. Am k .a 11 hint Orris e m war' w" r""' wm im J - - . ., A limM Inaa WuhliHrlna, Um. Wl arl'lM. M ""' m ! thara. (ar r-"' aa.aHVMirv i"w " ' ' '-" l'tii.H krV r. M m t l V. . n aanum Ml tn. A 1 .c.a.g::ov&co. I 1 i f-i., h- ih 1 ir i hi i :, ' ? j ! Vfril ! 1 t hi U. 4, - airija4 i 4 i y Ihorouirli anil of hitli uirtde. , snys: "J nil ec li ly h In ve il is iho have nny knowleiIi;e, II llfllHllll Jas. Dinwiudir, M. A., I'lincii'iil. I I tHaawSBsJ ATTRACTIVE STORE F.0(M m QFFICrS, TO EENT! IN MOST CF.NTKAU I'Oli TION OF CITY. Two huire stoles, liandsome plate lass froiils, with wider, (.'as and elei trie lights, closets, etc.. ) Hires, sin;;ly, or double, well lighted, f?ns and t-lccli ic li;;hlR, closets and sew erage. Fine n om fur l.ode purposes. Fra ternal orders Invilcd to inspect same. All in Haulers Tobacco Warehouse Iiuildini,'. Fir lenns and arliculnis In, ,111.0 of It. A. NUNN, Ko. (18 South Front Street. 'WARNER'S HELfii NERVE TABLETS PHOMPTliV CHUB ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, HEADACHE SLEEPLESSNESS Fries, 25c., 5fic. ar $1 ser Box. SATlSfAOT'1 OaAHA!fTZa uk mrmct ROFUMOSO. Hi; in - vn.i-i ivy, an..i. Jn t.,s. Southern Rjailway. Tbn Slandar 1 Hallway 4 II r SOUTH The Direct Un UinU ruliila. URA xrin . -roitTo ii i co. Pirlclly Firal-C!ae Fqulpinent on all Tlimugh or Local Traloai I'ullinan ' ac 8I ping Oars oa all Night. Tialnf j Feat aud flafr Mwduhs. Travel by I he Hmi! tvc and y oa ar a a. eurrd a Snf', Oomforlable and Fnpedt lloiie Jirurna - Apply to Tl kt Afetits for Tin a Ta btea. Hales arid hetnl Infoi mation, I r addma F. IL DA Kit V, It L. VERSOS, c. f . a t. a. f.f,4... A.h ville, N.r. Charlotte, H, tX Faa a (Isk'i, J. M. f t i f, M V PrVOen )lp. Tmf ln W. A.T... a, I) I' A. VA Hi'..I()M, - Ii. y, 1