ScrbfiilaaVile t- - " . - - ,--r " - - - 'Inheritance. SerofoU lath most obatinataof blood ttouldee, and U often the result of an Inherited taint in the blood. 8. S. 8. . Ja Ut only remedy which goa deep enoagh to reach Scrofula ; it foroei oat .every trace of the disease, and cure the wont oaiea. My (on, tilt t-td from infancy with Scrofula, aart ha auflaiadso that ll was Impossible to drew aim tor thro rear. II la head and body vera a saass of sores, and hia ' eyesight also became affected. Mo treatment in apared that wo thought would relieve him. but he grew worse' an 111 hit ooncilUon warn Indeed nltlable. I had almost despaired of his erer ueina; cured, when by the advice of a friend we cave htm 8. 8. 8. (Swift's SnedDc). A de cided Improvement was the result, end nftr he had taken a dusen bottles, no one wlinkurw of his former drealful ooiiditinn would have reeoarnltnt him. All the sores on nix body have healed, Ills skin is perteetlv elear and smooth, and he has been restoi-rd to ix-ilcct health. Mas. tf. h .Miliar. 800 Kim St., Macon, Us. For real blood troubles it is i, waste of time to exnect n euro from the doc tors, lllood diseases nre beyond their skill. Swift's Specific, C C Clr Blood The reaches all deep-Rented cases which other remedies hnve no effect upon. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no pot ash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any nddreBs by Swift SiocitJc Go., Atlanta, Oa. voick or the pboplb. t'nitiiot .fi,trrN fopalKl. En. JoiMiNAt.: I notice in your paper that the lie publican CongreBioiuil lioin mitlee tins culled it tegular Ucpuuliciin Convention to meet at Khj el leville, Sopleuihcr '-.".llli, and declared ill fnvor of a itrailtt llepulilican ticket, 1 desiro space in it. is connection to make a few si at emeu I s und to (rive :i fi w reasons why, In my opinion, the 1 1 1-j u I 1 ic ri n pnr ty nIioiiM put out :t hi i h ; y : 1 1 li 'pulilicnn ti kct for Congress in this tlie Third V ni;rcssioiiiil )Ulrici. Why Hie liepiibliuun parly should en dorse the l'optilisl noiniiiee, Mr. Fowler, in this District, is Uiyoml my compre hension, lie lias done for the Hepuhlican party, by wli ru voles lie was elected, or for the District. The record of the present Congress ' li led up willi what lie, I lie llonoralilo Mr. Fowler, did not do. lie has no phssi d a single liill or done aiiUliini; for the I) strict, or Hie Kepul'Hi mi in- l'iiptili-i p:nl, and mil only Hint, Inn dodged Hie vote on the 'i uiill liill. If a si i nt n h I ticket is noiuinaled by the Kepul leans the chances of the election of a Kcpiiblicini Coiigro-Hiimii are pood, lis arcniiling to bolli Hie MoKlnley and Knshttll vole, the Republicans have the most voles in the Disliici, and would vole solidly for their candidate. If Honorable. Jlr. Fowler is endorsed, il Pimply means probably Ids re-election, hud uo cIi.iIicch for either Republican i t Deiuocrnl. The promises miide by Mr. Fowlor in 18tG to t lie Republican throughout the District were all broken, and none of them kept. And besides lie used every elforl in h.s power to defeat Senator I'rilclmrd. Now why vhould Republi cans endorse lilm, when they have a liv ing, lighting chance to elect their own Candidate':' I,i t us have a straight Republicnn can dhlale, and at any rale, we cannot alTord lo i ndorse a I'optillBl. .1 M. II. St hmI i oiite liwn. Kl). JoititNAl.: We kaw In a recent issue of the Joi.kkai. where the whlto Republicans Intended taking down or leaving off the Republican county ticket . i . . i" ui iio regular coiorcn nominees or the Republican parly of Craven county. Is it not duu the colored voters that the names of the white Republicans who favor such action be given to the public? ttlnce we hold the Republican party in Craven county, In North Carolina and la tbe U tilled Stales It l constructively a joint Slock company, that In every colored voter lias one share of slock, i ue vote, every while HvpubMctiu has one share of stock, one Vote. We say to tlie ulilto Republicans to please lakeahamla off. We say again, If 3 on will furnish as many rule on the Republican side as the cc-Jofr.1 voters will In this election, , North Carolina will go Republican by eighty thousand nisjnrby, If the colorrd voiers who do ihe hulk of the voting were talking about taklag down, or leaving off some of lbs white .iii.- - 1 1 1 cBuuwatva, we cuii 114 nnaorsiarui. Mr. Editor, w say, we put It ml'dly, wksa wa say It cornel In luul soil Usv grata fu I tarfe from white Unpaid leans to . -IC .-Lt 1 . 1 ... - Jk iia ,wHt iwin iwvh, or icwving au two of the colored rrf ular onmlnees.aad . . . - put iDcmMivee on, tor color a voters to elect. If tills Is iroe, after tbe aolored , ftM Ik 4 Ins hfWsl fttee a, laefcessi aa v wvw ay aw a a "'g jr viva WW W I VI uiny roar years, tuet wessy, let aa grauful sbasae be added to such of then plradlng guilty lo ilt charge, - - ' II r. Kdiiorio otsks this a.atlcr abort, wa will aeter, wo, never, so broil lo this Inlolersble losultlag wrong U IM.OOO , "Igtksdf V wipttl(,Vol dei ' Eutroa Joiiaaiiy n ha i whlu ansa or a whits boy Is lea a rat n the front , BtoX of the pwblle ball .Ing be Is Invert ' ably lobl lo get ap by the negro Janitor MtMUtileUy, . - Pur h WUIetils sre of frtKiaefil ftceur rsaca, as many of our bl clllnsns tan testify, flot w Idra negrora are gnllty of .11 .n.s ll... 1.1 . , L. ewil, If lmle lby art Uilktrl at alL Verrdy afleraixia ao half (roa cpo bays were fitting m the etepe a eoaleatedlt- aa if they were at hoeaa, and to lb beat of say k aevkadfe and belief they taerad oaly whea they got food ad ready. ' It teems that the aeajreea entertain the Idea that avery pa bile bethllng la the elty la their exclusive property, and that no white ataa has any right, title or In terest in the same. . Each things as these are extremely dis gusting to all respectable dtlxens and la one of the thousand reasons why the white men shonld stand together at iLe coming election, and pot an end to lius selllsm and all other such "Ims" for once and forever WJJITE MAN. l."e .1 I ! mm News. Cspt. Matt Manly will this season rep roent Messrs Alexander Sprunt 4 Son, Ihe g'eit North Carolina exporting cot ton liou-c, of Wilmington, In the New Rerne market. Yesterday, there were sales of thirty bales of cotton In the local market. The New Berne notton Gin Company will commence ginning cotton, next Monday. Truth wears well. People have learned that D Wilt's Idltle Early Risers are re 1 able little pills for regulating the bow e s, curing constipation and sick head ache. They don't gripe. F S Duffy. Aflrr Iearrierx Sergeant Major Hobt. Qurganus, now of the Fourth Wisconsin Regiment, 01 ig inally of the Goldsboro Rifles, has been in the city for several days, iooklng after deserters from the army. Major Ourganns was from Jackson ville Fin., and said that the plans wcte for the First Regiment to go to Cuba on October 7th. He also said that gome of the New Rerne boys expected to come home soon on furloughs. More than twenty million free samples of DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturers. What better proof of their confidence in it's merits do you want? It cures piles, but us, scalds, Bores, in the shot lent space of lime. F S Dully. WlllMll, UllH I- Hllirl'4f. In lie recent Democratic primary mceling of the. 11 Lis Township, W. SI. Walson, Ksi , was unanimously endorsed for clerk of the Superior Court of Craven c unity. This w it s unintentionally omitted in reporting the proceeding-'. A stubborn cough or tickling in the 1 linmt yields lo One Minute Cough Cure. Harmless in elfect, touches the right s nt, reliable and just what is wanted. I . acts at once. V S Duffy. ('orrc-rltun. Mr. W. II. I'earcc, Is the Democratic chairman of the :ird township. In reporting the proceedings of this township, lite name of Mr. M. 11 Carr was hastily and incorrectly signed by the secretary of the meeting. Mr. Carr boing Ihe pievlous township clinfrman, the mistake was very easily For biokeu surfaoes, sores, Inseclbftes burns, skin diseases nnd especially piles there is one reliable remedy, DeWllt's Witch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeV itt'a dou't accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not bo disappointed with DeWllt's Witch Hazel Salvo. FS Duffy. Always In Want. "What a great thing It will be for our 'want' columns," said the chief advertis ing man, "if we can gel those Cubans and Filipinos annexed." ' I don't see why thai should nffectour want columns," replied the Iiiislnos manager. "You don'l' Why, those people spend three fourths of their time wanting things." You Invito disappointment when yt u experiment. DeWllt's Little Karly Risots are pleasant, easy, thorough llltlo pills. They euro constipation and sick head ache just as sure as you tako them. Ft Duffy. Wh.tEho Said. Her Little ltrolber--Set dn n in the parlor. Sij'll i beie si soon as alio gels through gtvln' her face s swipo w ith tbe powdered rag. Mr. Blpperling And what did site say when yon told be r I was here? Her Little Brother She said sbekrow ed when the window come down on her thumb Monday mornln' that It wasgoln' lo be a unlucky week for her. Enthusiastic. "And," Ihe new star's friend asked, ''was the audience very rnlhuslsstlcr "KoihusissilcP she replied. "I should think so. Why, when I bail lo say, along toward the rod of the flrst act, that I was going away lo drowa myself, nearly everybody la Iba house Jost rose right p and c beared. FR OF.. BIRTH Oar Ultis aaaichb had tnsM fwa WrOk, Tawi parts aAletndwauM S is SirlWy tax sjjie., and waXa wawtd ansa smS Nke seaal baB.b rsT samplrailnai, SnsUy thla wonld 'f anaidtlMsaiwmMraiksdf4aa. mat M0ed larrildy. II jd as rSwi saluswa ' awtua4aSsuapbarrramsrTarhlnc. Twe . of Mf aaadlng (hystelaaai did sm Wis fcaf. After hathlnc aee with CtmnvaA Ooar, t anHed rrTva a (nlMiam) freely, and rate I .'M mooua r.w"t.rirTHara'y. . -ef m ee a Is mw w ar The t'irmaii 1 hare anM are shsnaatetf true ml SMS ens;;rassd fa sar . . R' A.MritAM, 1 1 1 1 Wat Si )"-, aptlficaabl, W. ' i,iv,Tmivim F-iMiiaiiiliil- , - - , , . r w , . , . . 1 .. ml t t . , . . a - , .m 1 ' . Maaaa t -a, wtn M f ,-.,S kert la, WL It was a Utter cold Bigb4. and a Bight ywtoeaaaa tit Losabard street Bjo taosd a UgM U tha bank window, and. "fa that yon. polkMiianr' aaked a 1 votoe boo within. I "Tea," was the reply. "Come in and have a drink," asid the voIosl The policeman stopped inside and en ooontBied a dapper little fellow sitting at a desk. "I've been detained tonight straight eniivg np accounts. " The policeman warmed himself at tbe rousing fire that Mused on tbe hearth and went oat again on his beat. An boor after tbe polioeman came that way and, still seeing tbe light through the window, rapped agaJn. "Is that yon, policeman?" "Yea." "Come in and warm yourself. " Tbe pollounan accepted tbe invita tion. "It's a howling cold night," said tbe clerk. "Yon're right, sir," said the police man. So he got another drink and returned to hia beat. He was rather surprised next day to find that hia friend of the night before had got off with some $50, -000 of tbe bank's funds. London Soo- An Attack on SevaatopoL From where I was stationed I could see the dense masses of the attacking columns advance np tbe slope. Then the torrents of grapo which met them would obscure their ranks for a mo ment and hardly a man would be seen to remain. I at one time saw a body of men many hundrods strong so complete ly swept away by one discharge that only a fow of tho roar rank remained when the iron storm went past I The dead and dying coold be clearly distin guished lying in piles on tho hillside, and over their prostrata bodies fresh troops crowded on to meet tho same fate. Many a manly heart and nervous arm went down in tho doadly struggle, on that groen hillside. No valor avail ed. The cannon's forco was greater than tho strength of man. How many ardent hopes wore extin guished I How many homo circles de stroyed and lives rendered miserablo by tho havoc of that hour none can tell, uo more than they can imnKino tho bodily agony or tho grief for homo nnd friends which was there endured I What would be the vuluo of what is culled ");lory" if weighed on tho field of bat tle uiuouf; the dead? (.iood Words. Altnmit ur Altamelia? Thero can, I suppose, bo no doubt that in tho lincH iu "Tho Deserted V'il lugo" To distant climes, n dreary wn-ne, Where ludf the convex world Intrudes between, Through torrid tracts with fuiiittnu steps they Where wild Altnmu murmurs to their woe Goldsmith is alluding to thu River Al tainnlm in Cieorgiu, the colonizution of which hud taken place not long before. Hut his expression!! are not very accu rate. So fur from being torrid in the strict seiiBO of tho word, tho latitude of the mouth of tho Altnmaha is more thuu ill degreea No part indeed of thu present United States is looutod within tho tropics. But, besides this, although thero aru certainly ruttlesuukes nnd, I believo, scorpions of a certain species in Georgia, thero nro 110 tigers there to "wait their hapless prey," which tbe poet reckons among tho horrors of tho region where hoi 110 of the inhabitants of Auburn have gono. Notes and Queries. Snow That la Alive. A most curious phenomenon iu tbe northwest of Cunada is the appearance of millions of minuto block insects whenever it thaw occurs. During tbe winter tho snow is dry and crisp like sjind, and nothing what ever can be discovered of these insects, but us soon as a thaw comes they aro found everywhere in luro patches, looking like a dusting of soot. They aro generally known as snow fleas or snow lioo and have slight hop ping powers, being able to loup some throe or four inches. They entirely dis appear when it freezes again, and not a trace of them can be found. They do not fall with tho snow as there may hnve been uo snow for n month or more before their arrival and aro probably analogous to tho "red snow" of arotio regions. Aeeond Time la Oat. The botol stood on a corner of a main street and a comparatively unfrequent ed side street. Oue evening I overheard tho little old black man talking very savagely with another around the cor ner on the side street, and among other things he mild : "Yea, sub, an of I hits you dey woon' bo bnt two licks struck. I'll bit you an yon'll hit do grouu'. "Yon dono beab whut I my. " Den ver Post. Ur Uejatd Vole. "Yourwifo has such s liijuid voice," sold Mr. F- admiringly to Mr. T. "Yes; that's a pretty good name for it," replied Mr. T. Mr. F. looked ap inquiringly, and Mr. T. addc) imuicdintoly : "Dou't you understand? Why, it never dries up, you know. "London Fnn. Mat IHsyaaid la Itataf Bine. "I would go to tbe end of tho world for yon," bo ezolaluied passionately. "I'm sore I wish yon would, "alio answered ooldly, "and then Jump off. " SoUMsrville Journal. Daring tbe siege of Paris no fewer than M, 000, 000 letter as I led oat of th city In tbe B balloons dispatched be tweea bo 10tb of September, 1870, and tbe 1Mb of January, iSTl. 84. Loo Is baa on cbnrch to I, BOO of prrpolatioo, Wsw York one so 1,4 OH, Obkwgo on to 1, 08 1, Boston on to U WO and MluoeapolU one to 1,064. MTBOMiasj irrwaAvn ftiftaufta. FtrananeiJlly cured by the maatarly powwr of Hotith America Rervloo Towio. Invalid fteaad atiSrV no longer twflMs) this grs4! remedy oaa etjrs tberk aft. Il k our for too whole world of stomach wsakowa aa1 Indlgvotto, The oars ba sin wllb tho flrst does, Ths rvlwtf f brlnfS la fmrlow and sarprhrlng. It wakes no fallorat never ilUatppnlnta. No Mailt bm long yrrtl bavsj tufTrred, TMr ears Is rerUla tindet the tta of this great health giving 'oaro, rWaant and ah ays aafa. Hold by C. I). IVwdhaisi, IhnjruM, lSew Ibama, 8. C, DowaTSs tvb mtDr. SkrrlS a Seai rwi I riliki h AaMaa WrarSi To ret the Lost of Sheriff J. 1. llaLc In say kind of matter takes unusual quali ties, but on last Wednesday. tLra:iain Sheriff was downid lor i tur, liimwlf and Deputy ccmiug out . .,:: beat in s lively fight with some ttaUiri A maon weocbes Vary Ann Simpson waa tbe " jk i fnr arrest, and Deputy Payne, .i re.:, u sent lo make the capture Entering the hi uee it u.e .:mpsin woman. Payne preaeuled In- wniram, with the result that hem tuul, rci tance. lie seized the woman auu ui once a fight ensued, several colored female helpers Joining in. The affair was becoming serious for Payne, when sheriff llahu bieaklng down the door, appeared on ibe scene. The attack turned against ibe .Sheriff, and in trying to put handcuffs on one woman he was bitten in the bund, and his head was saved from a blow from an axe by his Deputy Payne knocking the axe to one side. Sheriff and Deputy bad to retreat, both men being pretty badly used up. Suffering Women Instantly Relieved The Femicuke Tablets almost in stantly relieve all pain, aching and sore ness in the womb. They are applied directly to the affected parts, and act like a soothing healing poultice, draw ing out fever and pain. If used in con nection with the Fkmh uiie Tonic, will speedily and radically cure all forms of Female Complaints and Weaknesses; in cluding Falling of tho Womb, Ulceration of the Womb, Congestion of the Ovaries, Painful and Obstructed Menstruation, i,eucorrlio's or Whiles. Weight and Pain in Pelvis, Dragging Sensation in Groin Aching and 1'iiiii in Hack sml Limbs Flooding, Etc. Tiy this new and stir prising cure. Fcmicure Tcnic $1.00 Ffmlcure Tablets (2 4 tieatmenls) If 1.00 Sold by Henry's Pharmacy, New Berne 1 ho Wcrld'a Way. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, in his Sun day talk to the Kouh Kidcrs, giue them some timely advice. Here is a motto fco all military heroe-: ''Hut, bo3'S, dun" t d gay and po-c as heroes or lie on your laurels, because they wither, lie careful of o ir conduct in Ihe future us you have in the past. The world will be kind for ten days, and then, in those col.t w ords that the world is capable of speaking at times, it will declare you're spoiled by going lo war." Tho Bookkeeper. "I told my wife I had lo slay down town late to get a balance." "What did she saj V" "She said I seemed lo have lost il la tere I got home," MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Eidncys. For biliousness, constipation and ma laria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness and heart failure. For fever, chills, debility and .kidney diseases, lake Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganlc regulation, take Lemon Klixir. f'c. and $1 bottles at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozlcy, At lanta, Ja. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of gTeal siillerlng from indigestion, with great nervous prostra tion, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr Mozley's Lemon Klixir, and am now a well man. Hbv. C. ('. I) wis. Eld. M. E. CIiiik h South. No. 28Tatnall St , Atlanta, Oa. A Prominont Memphian Writes. Dit. II. M07.1.EV, Atlanta: Having bee a great sufferer for three years from In digestion, and been treated by many phy sicians, who failed to give me any relief. Continuing lo grow worse my brother advised me to try Dr. Moley's Lemon Elixir, which remody he had used for several years. I commenced lis use, and must say that your Lemon Klixir Is the greatest medicine on einli. I have never suffered a day since I commenced using Lemon Elixir. Thanking my brother for his advice ami you for I"iuon Elixir, sm forever your friend K L. H.M 1 ,,, aofl Hernando, St., .Memphis. liefer any ono In Memphis to me. A Carl. This is to certify that I used Dr. Mor. ley's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of Ihe head and eyea wllb the most marked benefit to my general health. I would gladly have paid for the relief It baa given me at a coal of two or Hirer dol Far. II. A. IIkai.1., Cloik Superior Court, Randolph Co On Alger to Blame Again. "What's the matter wllb Mrs. Hlcw makerr" "She's furious with the War Depart ment because her hus!nd was seasick on the way hack from Cuba." Tb Beat Maa. Utile Willy-Pa, Is ths best man al a w eildlng Hie one that gets married? Mr. ilrnnypeck No, my son, the Iwst msn Is oue who ihes not get mariled. too. Br.,sV saiekaais Asill SMiirMta May be worth more lo you than 9100 If yon bava a rhild.who soils bedding from Intwatenenos of water daring slorp. Carat old and young alike, Il arrests Ihe troahle at twos. 1. Mold by C D. Ilnad ktra, drugflM, New IVruo, N. a ' No Marbls Tor Hiss. Maid of Athens, art wo part, Give, oh, givs sm back my heart; Right hsrs how I say to yoa, This old marbta thing don't do. 1 Tho ! Mara.' Uon thai oas thlrd of ths star shlas with a Wstb-whlte light fMrla is t trfrl oal Mar of til class. Thoso -Blrlaa stars" aro held to bo hot tor am than tboee of ths solar order. . , ' I asilSkavlea a MraUaai TlrkM. ! a tat l.kMt tit raiaialiMi. . Mia traDalclaal law m . Atlr. b sr. TbtHM The IlemcH racv of Jonrt couMv met it Trenton Satnrda an-! it rt that alll command the atrvuciL of Hie Democracy and a ill gain accstu'ii from white men of the other ; iliea xho can no longer atsyd nti;ro tLie Itieie are many of these run. and '.l ev ue good men lou Mr T C 'hilsker, c.un!v ih:ii:iiia , called Ihe convention to order Mr ! i j Brock was elecl&l pennsnenl (ba!ru.a:i of the convention, and Mr G O Noble was made tecrelary Mr A K Stevei.s of tbe New Berne Jot un.m was made assltlant tecreisry There were a number of (sti'lioa is for a numtier of the nflices. Tlie -ur of Ibe deleg&t' 8 w iM taken by the pre clucts. The ticket put up is a.- follow- C'ounty CommlssiouiTr. V H llurgetT, J II Hell. John W Mallard Sheriff, E H Hardy. Treasuier; M N Harriett Register of Deeds; Furney lli n k, Clerk of Court; A II White. Comer; Isaac II Harrows. Surveyor; J F Noble. For Representative to the Legislatuie, O O Noble. The nominations were all made unan imous. There was a large attendance anil the greatest of interest was shown In the success of the ticket. The best of feeling was manifest and good order pre vailed. What created much stir and discussion was a written proposition sent in, signed by W. W. Pollock, from tbe Populists, asking for fusion. The request of the Populists was that they be given the nomination of S. E. K nonce for Clerk, Lewis King for treasurer, and two of Ihe County Commissioners. The matter excited some debate. Mr. J. C, Parker spoke some strong words against Ibe proposition, saying that the manner of submitting it was irregular and that no line: tiad been given for con sidcration. He opposed it heartily. Mr. VV. II. Haigelt made a motion thai ti e proposal be tabled which was sei ondei1. Mr. Jcs-e Yau-.e n.adc a speech favoiii ftl-iou which did not seem to be favored by the convention. Jir Parker en,iiind of him, "It the Republicans had a-kid the Populists lo fuse with I hem on these some terms would the Populists have come to us V" As'lhc matter was under discussion and about to be voted on by membeis, the Populists sent in post haste and withdrew the proposition, apparently to save it front being turned down. After the nominations the convention was addressed by Mr. ('has. R. Thomas, candidate for Congress from this di -tricl. Mr. Thomas made a line address with good government and white su premacy as a leading argument. Mr. Rodolph Duffy, nominee for Solicitor Glh district w as also announced lo ad- I dress the convent ion. Next Wednesday, the Democracy of Jones county give a barbecue ul Trcnlou mid a great lime is expected, It looks like old times in Jones and a rallying lo good government and white supremacy. When you call for DcWitl's Witch Hazel Salve Ihe gieat pile cure, don't in cept anything else. Don't be lalkid imo accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores for bunts. F H Dully. RF GISTRAb S. I.lal nt nrltiormlte. Ki-pnlllrnn, hiiiI l,nllat K-allrHrM tor s;irllm f Tnt-alHt Nnvrmher H1I1, In 1 mven I'oiim y, Tbe following are Ihe names of the registrars for ( 'raven county appointed by the Hoard of Klectinn. This board is composed of the t'lerk of the t'nuii, the Register of Deeds, and the chairman of the Hoard of t'ouuty 'ouiniission ei s. The names are given fur each precinct and In the following order. Democrat, Republican, I'opulist Vaneelairo S F Hill, D.I! I' Coward, R, It W Smith, V. Maple Cypress I.enn C Dauson. Win I' Williams, C 11 Hlulii.s. Truitls S W Lalhaiii Thus I, Moore; Lew is Caton. Fort Harnwell M ll I, an.. .Ino W Taylor; .1 11 Rouse Dover - .las i: Kc.rncgR) , .1 llSmilh, I. II Outlaw. Core Creek Nam llobln-.on. .1 W Ken nedy, .1 II (Irlllln hlanlona las Taylor, Nero ( room. A I' Whitehead. Ti mlea W l Te nple. .lew I' tio 1I1 tie, Jr . W F Taylor.' Katin-W II Flajim r, V. D Riia aell; R K Wllllama. Rlvrrdslo It W Ins, J. hu S Kialier; J W Conner. K-H-l Juroea City- It D l.uhanka. J a roe Jordan; W K Sailer Weal Jamea Clly-llenry II I.anr, ll II Davla; J ll Hooka. Hocky Itnn-C R Hall, A II Koonee, J I. Welherlti(jlon. rieasant lllll F. M Street, rllmon Hlston; D R Wllllama Neils Treul Walter llrsy, (has Ilichardaon, laaac Veomana Jasper-I, J French, W II Itaslwrry; N T Weeks. New Berne, 1st Ward It It Hill; T A Henry-J T Lincoln nd Ward-(le l WaUra. A J Ipoch; Joa M Mwanla. rd Wanl-H II Une; A A Ilryan; John U Umllh. 4tb Warrl-llardy D Une; W W Usr renea; II W (lil.U 91 k Warrl-4 M llarsHl; J il rUharj L J 1'otler. eihWard. HlPhlllp-K W WaUoa, Isaac Davrnport; t'haa ftqalrasv, th Ward, Pavla lowW H Dlsbop. Jaa 0 ttryaali Jaaaaai LawtMcat, f- ' I tana) an t 4 "L '''o'li. a. I 1 aaii-mffa Sfr. fMn..4, Va f J m I M I I,, rt. ... ,i a. m Sua.... us 4 JOHBS COCHTT BEXOCftACT. Lars package of tbe arecMM beet for a nIcaeL HUH sraaler economy ra 4-pourjS packaga- AU grocers. Made only by 4 THE RT. K. FAIRBASTK OOafPABT, Cbfcaeo. Louis. Ner York. Boston, Philadelphia. Sew Berne Tobacco Warehouse, FOR T1IK Leaf Tobacco. ROBERTS & STYR0N. Proprietors. Size of Warehouse Floor: !)llxl.r)(l Feet. This Warehouse commends itselt to the growers ot tobacco, where you can have your product sold right. Tobacco Growers know this warehouse where they received the best ot prices last year. We are going to pay best Prices and give close attention to all tobacco shipped to our warehouse. Prompt Returns Made, and shippers can feel sure of their property being safe in our hands. A first-class auctioneer will make the sales on the floor, We invite your consignments after August 3, 1898, ROBERTS & STYRON, lMlOPllIFTOIlN. ss aaf a im j. sip THE iiEV V7AY. TTTOMEN used lo think " la male diseases " cculd only be trraled after "lo c a I eiamlna tlons" by phvsl ciin. Dreaa of such treatment kepi thousands of molest women llenl about their auflerlng. Tha In troduction of Wlin of Cardul has now demon trated that nlna-tenlha of all tha cases of mensrrual disorders do not raqulra a physician's attention at all. The simple, pura UVa In the pftney of a voman'i ewa home InsMraa qatck rsHef and peedy carr. Worrxta need aot Wtata wrm. Vine nt Cardtal re- na aa hmllUH eaarnUa or (u adopriosi. It cvrsaany dlssaas thai oosnea under the ee4 al "leaneJe wsbsa" dlsordsnl snwma, taltlaf t4 the r-osnb, whlue.",chreoIMe. ttmakaa womea beeeillui Wy rraaklnf thet) elt It keep them jrovar by ' kearptrtf Ham beahhy. f 2 al the 4rf taafa. . ' PV saVtee esssa n satin saaaaal VMaU0naV talftaWWaM, fjrtsavf 7MfSBnMaL '- Ike ' UaSaa' SwMr lwil.J t ae Ch.11 nas Milisaas U Ctias . t mctaot. ba, ur. eaeaiee ef yael seaami ta say pimm ,, aaS 4 4 H a aa al aaaal Caaa .iaailwe Rnv laaia ra4ae.w 1 El 10 ?4AI,E OF Basement for ( railing: 7llxl,rll Feet. ROMULUS A. NUNN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NBW BXRNa, - N. O. a-Manna, rraal ntrf, Oppaall Hetvl Itallaaha. Practice- in Craven nnd surrounding counllea. JAPANESE A Nrar and CoaapMe TraataaaM, aaaaaatlrw ef V Sjeaas of tMataaant. A aaverailllnf can fa Hke ot arry aatara and lama N aaaaassnapatalkai arlln tlat kalis, wkMi is nharal, and . raaahe , ra daaihL anaaeaaaary. war aaas IM( IstrlSle tsMeef We aeek a WrlHea aaeteatee la eaik liaes. No Car., Na Pav. sac. saal i a boa, t M (j. aaaabyaasil. saunpaasWs OIJITMIJIT, tAs mm BO. - v mupTiniTinu e. a an.. ' a rraas 1.IVI1 s STOMACH t(,ULATta a4 ' lUXltt rUKIPIatR. aeaali, aalld awd ilaesa ," to uaei eanacaaoj axasrjtea arc aauaraaa asaa a , aaas S casus. 1 . a. " ' be slmi arHa s ft aoa a aanra ot pile Cera, Mirvrce Taa oeavuaa raassj JaMtaaae) FllJl . Cvaa 1st sets eafcy kf , P.8 DUFFY, Nv Berne, tf. U Lane & Wilcox, , Beecaaiora to Gay K Lane, . CARST A OOstTLRTK LtXK Of Z Cirocf rln. - , J Jfleillclnrfi," . Drjr f Joi .IAiovh t nnd Ilnrdnan-. A U oo1s s.ld at Kef Herns r"rr, and Ooaranlrd aa pra-ntr I. nz:i.T.ii:. :;. v.