1 I ; IQ EXCELLQtCC OF SY1L? OF FIGS la da not only to th originality and laplieitj of the combination, bat also tta care mod akill with which it in snnflrtorod by eedentific processes kaowotothe CsxiroBaut Fio Sykii Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the feaoine Syrup of Vigb is manufactured by the CAuroKMA Fio Svrii Co. only, a Knowledge of that fact will aaaiat one in avoiding the worthless Imitation! manufactured b.v other pur tie. The high standing of the Cali rouiA Fio Svkup Co. with the medi cal piofession, tad the satlsfactior which the genuine Syrup of Figs has giren to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver unci bowels without irritating or weaken ing' them, and it does not fripc nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - SAM ritAM CISCO, C.L ((7ISVILLB. Kj. MW VOKK. N. V. A DAT IN TUB CITY. The weather forecast is lair mid hi ly warmer weather. Mr. A. J. Yeoman-, and Iiunilv Inn. moved Into the city, mid now occupy I he residence No si; .Motonll street. All commiini. nl ioni or h-li.-i , i , i t,. the Journal w itlionl si-naiutes vv ill t, celve no attention. The wntei- hum l.e known. There was iui alnrm of lire from ho :il al ".rllO a in Sunday. 'I I, e ,lc.;i' Hit, nl turned out promptly hut the ahum proved to he fiil.-e, no lite In itio; r..!.in The line of the teh phone U meat h ha become mi inM il n t ion union lies people an well a-, a cm. nien necessity in inhale i .--rdi-iic.-. yon a telephone' If iml ym la,: i,, li.e what you ate inN-inn At the regular meetiui; of the At!; S. F. K. Company hi hi int nit-hi company ileciileil to 1 1 , 1 Newport News und Ihev will heum lice at once. Kvcry iiieinl.ei ol the icam U recpiestiil to meet ai ( I M.-n.i ley '- ' tonight at " d(l o' CIOCK 1 III the report in Sun. lav'- Im un , i if the Craven county convention piocced lugs, the result in i he vote fot r.nini . treasurer was published. Thus li.iuleN l. I. Huberts, d.', It -h.-uld Inn. read Daniels 8"iJ, Uoheits :.. Mr j Daniels was the conveni ion's nominee A raie Krrsr.l Mr. Ii II l'tice ..ho larm- from New Heme, across the N.-use. w a- I III aud lohl of si me lemrii kahlv line nr..! large SCUppei llolij; grapes r.iisi d hy him A heaping ipiarl ineasuie held Til era;.. " measured hy Mr N I.anennd it a considereil a ti in- e h ilul DeWitt's Witih lla, largest sale ol an v Sal m- : n I in This fact and its mei :t ,- :, , . leople to aiiempi to . oi.ntei f.-it out fol Ihe man nl,. attemr'!- !. you win n you . ti D. W tt l Hn.el Sal k 1 1 Duffy Harhrrlf Bud MprKklliK 'lonnnrow promise- i Is n -n for Jones roiinty. an . . a-nui people will how then desire 'or Supremacy and i.ood i ,o . i tiu.ei At Ticnton. tomorrow, W. Uth, 11. n I. ix ke ' raia'e an I I ceck. Eso., w:ll speak. there wdl he a hlg hai The Ootlook Is for an immense Kvery one should go pi good. tlU I.AIIItas. Tbs lestanl . ffe. I and iw i 'e. t ,1 with whlili ladles msy iim- s, , , ,.( Figs, under all condition. muk, , M Ihelr favorite remely. To cettlie tnie sod genuine srllrle, l.mk for the nsmc of lb I t'sllfornla Fig Syrup C print. .! ear the bottom of the parkage Kor ale by all druggists YOlfl (ir THE PCOPLK. Ed. Joiskal. It was llh grral pUasurs that I read In lbs J.n hkai tbe eestaaUoo of such men as were U lsl la eosialy ooavenUos, bold Hatordsy Tbavy mf m who will give good ac Mtl ( llaeinMlvea as those lime to met dWaad. With these geailemea ' M Up Maatx ticket, tad the 11. n. Jas A. Dryaa for the Senate aad C. R TkaWM fot Coagraea, aereiy old Oravsa oald km m fartlstr cbom baag bet la hhm a4 grenrol la ihe Mire. cmziw. T tare Let OHa Oara. Trm Iimm Mfferinf frma this drwedfol Malady If jot IH eat gwt ike Hgbt remedy. Tn am kavlif peJa an ibrob font UxSf, your tivef i ol ot order, ksve aa sppsxlu, lift r bhioe, bsvs bad rotd, la fart art aoav Miy -4 an. Hl-ctrie antere latha v rm.ly taat will give jnn prvsapt " " " rw r" o, . lUTin nil-w 1 1 mm nt I.l,r Hlntaark ajJ kT Ll.. i ' - - J , SVIS I s, ii. .. ayitam .ad iae yoa tsvl a sew tsrti.j. Tbf arw rnaraatoH m r-rhw fwfendsd, for Mia at t 1 l s Dng titore, oil; M ewnta 1 Mil. ha- tl.. l I III... In, K Ar I ' ""! -I' t ,p an 1 at. ' ' ' '..! 'he '''" '' M . i " . put lui do vou t.. I ,... I CftATXM BZSOCBjlCT. M Waakaaaa Im ra ml Ummm. ImlHIM rail VMaMy- TirkM. To iha arorajrt outsider It loo it heroic U nominate a Democratic county ticket is this count;. Tbe odcisare Try great, the iiegro vote It eiceesWe and always solid, yel to view the proceeding, of the DemJcram count) convention, of yesterda no una would have thought but that the Demo- t r.iB of Craven county bad sure thing, for the speeches were cheery, no one whs aisturnea aoout tue ruiure, sua ctnui Jate sought nominstloDS as though secuiing tbeui meant election. It a after 13 o'. luck, Saturday noon, w Ii. ii Mr F T Patterson, Chairman I 'eniocialic Executive Committee of Cia.en cuutity, called t lie .ouven ion to onlei. and nominated A D. M'aid. K-.( . ar- rrmporary chairman, ami Messrs t 1. s.teen-ainl M I) Lane leuipoiaiv -cc rela r:es Mr Ward in a stunt address t.. the i . 1 11 w ll 1 I ' n staled hlletly the polltlial situation ;u t raven, and what vase pet ted ot Democrats. 'I he coining tic. tion ws an important one especially in t ravel, anil Ne Hanover counties, theicfore every vote was necessary A motion was made to appoint cm uiiltees on oigmiia'.ion and credentials On motion, call led, crry Detnociat in t he eon em ion was n coguied as a dele oile l 111 ll'oli'Ui. cal I led. t he leni p-n riM organization w a- made ei tnai.t lit 'in loll cad oi reciinls, IT were Ion n . I to lie rt'pii'seiiit il i In discussion il was agreed thai the noijorilv nde i ov- ei u an nominal ion- unlit enange all tins I lien let li.ni t l.niiinati cade. I l.n i.omi uai ions lor and till such vole with then white nei;;h t he i mi nt v o M i cr. aid cl.-t k of -.ui.et loi liors and put the nee roes w I en1 thev n W'nlson f i the I Ihe I . Mf.r.1 S'r..n, s.ilr, Mesh , N ( t -.ej I S A M. ' ottei ale putt.ng a lari;e ;oing 11. rlli In a day or new h use William I.1111 up a new store at lo ha, r a -lo. k In .'.out 'i w e.-ks I otloll is cut olT voiy liadly here, also . nuts, ,0 y hiiol y cut off. 1 v. until like to ay a word w hut I per--on,... kiio in regard '.,, Mr F, slus v:,.., DeuoHial uoniln.-e for Heglstrar ri Dr. iU foi I 'amino entity Someone ..f ln good Deinoeralii Irie di say he la not , oiii.!eni lo lifting the oflice ol logi.liar .,( I ire, is lwouid like loss, a w .r.1 here Mr III).. I, not a college scholar, bul I ay he la all right to llll Ihs oidlrc and do It wiih . redll In the pen pie of Pamlico counly Mr Dennx rat ll you have sny fear ph ase lay lhal a.lli and role for Mr Ma;... for he la s lron( Sslvoeale of DemiH iu y and he will lliank you all l,.r your favor J' OF LOCAL INTEBLBT. J. J llstler has Ids new Kail (lolblDf ia. Bought More the sdranre and will be sold al Ihe old prices If ynu wm a new Waiet house Tie, s Uts MtyUj Hat or an; thing the fur Disking Hoc, ins Lfnrr buying Kespautfolly, 1 II.VXTKR J. A. Jooes, lb llveryatan, sayl h. Voting Mower is Ihe Htsrs.rH snd fc'--l sat Ifuanleg Mow.r he has rver area Tley go II at Hot (.,. or sJa Ir) i C. Wbllly Go Tha Oblleellva of retiu aa.l aoroeats l'T tarefal aad personal atleaHloa. IJee of Mereacae glvsw J. K. Uat, Ir Broad ateaeV aasjei era. Wa pl oa tala Ule weak Mr antlra llaeat Balla Oma Urala aad Taffeta rui.ljoal lhal bare Wa nlllag at tt la 3 M tba sraalei prlca it, ,v, rrd. . ,: -... iiAuruurt. t ui it coiinru li isi. Mr M w as n . tn i n at e. 1 I" accliiinai nui place. Mr.Ioscph lMl- Ii.i-i ii . in. i ii ri t i hi fm .shenri . a. c! iiinii ion, and lu-ing called h i. le-ponded in his' rs'iai happy -i h . n. ri -pee. h w hi. h o o oked I n ; r i ni apiMau i' !i -si s ' S Mi mil and I ii 1 1 'i nlei w i i e iioriiimi led loi -lii-ill- hut vveie i I lid I ;l w u j witllolll a Mli' I ellli,' .ailed for. Ml lln-e leieiii,' ioiiniu:ii ion a- stat'd for Uegi-tei ol D.-eds, M, K M j (in en, s 1! Hull and .1 Kiddle, we,e candidal i's. ll i st l-aliot . lesulling, Ciecn' t!, ilall I ... I'o.l.lle H 4 i m second 1 t it!!- t Ml Midd le s 1 1 : 1 1 ii w a. w il h. 1 1 a ll , ( 'he i. '-nil helm... i.ieen I 1 iii 1 1 :: 1 .", ' ' 1 li en I.eiii4 ii. i Ian d I he liolninee j h i l I pun i all lor a s e, cli M r 1 1 li en, I ' and -a d 'I 'll ihe I ; 1 '. li'oi l.ic had I I I It i i i -1. 1 i 1 I oi . , no I I 1 1 1 I o, 1 1 1 1 - ..ll 'ri I I lie pa: I v , slid I lull he I ep I e-en ted ll.it i 1' melt! id t e iill I V, and he pledged I lial l.i i ' wo'lM '"- foittid al u ot k !o Ihe I leui j l!,. . . , rail, eau-e in ti e . In li.ui I 1 I lull le.llll lo I' : I .'i pie-i n : at l . I' - lllloll audi pi... I H I . ill--. el ' . and:. la:. - tied ..ll .;il ' 1 1 1 1 , i '! e w a- 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 ', ' I .site 1 .' Mi Id :t u i l , . t r , i ' i ri 1 : 1 . i '. .. tn.- made : 11 a It inio'i - for ( ..'t nl v . . iiiii.i-. I,, the '.,1- ,, i ''.II1L' ' allOal.'lic- Wi le pta. eil Ulolll 'i a' i n. and on ''ill i .t e.l the v...m ( I !,. - w t Hfuei, j w. 1 an.- ' r p -.,,,.,11,, I Ml -r, W I I l.rr.riaiii. 1 i .1 ..llend. n. r, II t V o l, '.1 Koo, !, ad-w. ill., .i. : lo. ." small.. I and ... ee I , . . . linn. I ol' ill I '! the tn Ill e- h'ot Ci.uii'v liea-urei, Me--t- Tho-. , . .. . .it., i . i I'a.i.e - an I I' I. i.oneii- wele liomi oi - ot. ha.,"! li'.'Lt i a- Daniel- d". j ;:..i., it-. 1'' ! I o on." ), .1 V ! i. ,as t' Il.t l.n', ed hi :u i lallial io; I'm -. i.evot Daniel I. sue and" II A . I'.' "" r: 1 r .'i nil nee-, '. . ite I e-u ll ui I I" Id..-., ,, .'O. Ill i . ii .H r i.. .cee.lt ng. w etc i It .-ed world' I h 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 a I r m ii u making a shot! speech hoto I , I ! : . all. . I he i on '. el.t Inn on i's i J ,,,! i,, ni 'iaiions and the heart, ll.-ino h ' . - I i ia' :. I. i ::: w tin I. pre, sued ti ' le' ' "ll . el. I ton , . i e i eeog nieil n -l.a.'rii.' eeii I , . j . . 1 1 . t s M l-or, I'1(. IV . ... i , . . . j 'iiii.iim i nion o'lii.in wa- w-.t 1 v ii, nr; V r cry , ,-, i in j itoi.. and rhe nrgaiiialioii ol these 1,1 :i ' ' 1 i "ti - . ks t . pot I ed a- rowi n Wblt ttkMl mt aajaviila wi My trm rMuiiiftaii Kealta I IwtUlMi la Jaatradaaan. Jones county It auflering from I lit r eulls of fusion. It was fuaion lustre , .ulted in the present Board of Kducauon ahich elected fiv. school couiniilleeoieii, three of them while aud two colored, One of these neroe. i named E1 Klnsey sad be has uiaiolaiued Lis right." by inspecliog a white chool Mr J. B. Collins is the school teacher ho h1 chsrge of the ki sysv ille . h.oi last lie ii a young man of intelligence and geuilemauly demeanor. T he school at MajtwUe has some fifty white scbol- ars, Ijovs and itlrls. and some of the lmiIs siuiosl old enough lo lie dignintnl L i he tit le of young ladies I here aie thiee w hite si hool coin mil teem, ii in Jones .ount), hut the negro Kiusey veiled the school aljne. lie spent an hour in the school room wheie tiie hile hoys and girls were Leiii; ' t .light He found that tiie desks weie not inude piopcrlv and lecoinniended I that the nacks he changed. Vhnt fuilhcr changes the negro considei ed necessary is not told. Mr. Collins Sound the sittiaiion very em'jari assing hut considered it lu st to ' let the negro make Ins "inspection ' and ' il. on r , aud so t he si hool coin in ued on t:ic even lesioi of its way. Tbeie ale mil t nun huid and deep lu Jones couni v and it is declined lhal this oouditioii , I Mlfalis will not he endured A .-i) orominent I'oiailtst nl I lo. piointv. I 1 1 J " ' last Sal unlay that the next Legislaluie longer hae the power lo sell i s among w hite people push iheni- rCKSUNsL I I Mr-, Isaac ( ohn and M is Ash w . nl to 1 Ooldshoio veslenlay. Mi. Chailie Mchanc ictuinedlo il iti i ii o on yes'eiilav Miss Annie Fowler left icslet.lay .o i-tl at Mavsv ille. Miss Octavin I lug lies came home la-l nijlil I r. 1 1 1 Ualeigh. Mr. W. S Ch.ulw i k of lhaiil.iit was hfl e eslenla V Ml K P. Mid,, He .1 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 a 1 vv i, - e e.slei da Mr. .1 I', lien. lei of Poll, , el, w as h. I e eslenla) on u silo I I hllsi llevs i-.. Ml-s Idelinie Moody relumed i.ol! night 1 1 ..us a visit nl Seven Spiings Mi 1'ianc II. Jones relumed last night I fioni ilniingtoii accilnpaiiied h, hi-. lam Ml I Haas nf Seal lie. Wash , anived oil I In- Newlierne Suililay niolnin:; to isil in Hie city Di D II Ahhoit leiutiicd lo Kaleigii ye-leiil.i, altet a shoil ,i-itai Vande Mi l.ycuigus Cutler, accompanied hv lis tatliel lit I, Il.t ill lei , left e-lei lay 1110 iiilng t.. attend Itaudolph Macon '.le . a Mr I. I, Alhiighl, special omani.r of the .Ii 11 1 A M tin N'oith ( iui. Ill the l it v or t he purpose of oii;anliug a local lo.Ue. Mis Hettie Whaley who has he.;, noiiii punhasing fall and winter mil linety lot the New Heme lUrgain ll,,u-c relumed home Sunday inoniiii.' One Minnie Cough Cine surprises peo ple l.y iis ipdck cures and children may lake it in large ipiantilles without ihe asl danger II has won (or n-cll Ihe Lest icplltalion of any preparation used today for colds, croup, tickling in the thioat or ohslinale coughs F S DulTy llralh uf tiro. A. Hill. Died in New Heme N. C. at the ictl deuce of h:s hroihet W. F 11 ill, Seplem her Kith, 1 al ll lock I of III I uge lliiglil'a disease, Ceo A. Hill. Mr. wus in the tidy sixth year of his lie enlisted In the Confederate aiiny in t de luth, N C Kegiuient and was alter ward wiih his company allached lo Ihe li.ih. N C U.-gimenl lie ei v ed 1 1, roil ghoul the wai liet wet n the Stales, and w as a faithful aud daring soldlet lie was ot the famous si nuts, II I onner's favorites and sccom panted nlru on many uf Ihe dangerous and dash ng eedlliout for which the fauions acoiit was celeluatcd hy friend and foe When O'Conncr a'ked for a dried of men for his dangerous eiploits, lieo A lllll was always chosen. At the time ,,f his death M r ll ll was employed as keeper of Trent lllvr bridge and was leading ihe life of a iuiet and Useful cit'eu. lie le.ve, a widow and many relatives to mourn Ihilr lo-s, and many old Cor. federste soldiers Id regret to hear of ihe deslh of Ihelr old comrsde (leu. Hill A COM It A DK SiaHSW rsSwMkales. Ah hough ll was Mondsy, there were large ssles of lol.aeco al Ixith waie housos, yesterday. Il wss aiiorUllv gosxl dsy at the I 'Isi lers. Its I reak Isriug the largest of any Monday Prices were very good lbs tole o grsdlng up finely IKa. A dispatch rerelved last etenlng from Old fori. N C. from Mr Mark Dlsos way, reported the doatk of his l.rollier. Mr. William II. I)l.swsy, al that place yesterday afterti.Hin Mr IHs-ssw.y bad bum ales foi eoase lima apd bis deatk was not uoai peell. lalhlidly fWpUmlatr )0k, Inw, ai IU o'clock p av Mrs. r reacts A., fooa, wife; of MaJ B, D. Popa, of Malarial Mala. Mr. Tope la bar Itk, yaar. Tha faaaral swrvlfae will be held (rea. CeaUry'M. K. Ck-rrk Mnadaj afteraooa at AM e'cloek. FrUada aad aonaatataaaaa laflletj la allea.l. , tWKIaua aad Urwavllla pspwri please eopy. ,;"- . BTJ&SEU ? CLDtSF-. VrMi rrrrriii r Their triaas. Tooiorrov. W,".!nel.sy. pim - to be great .Uv 'or Colordoui, fur il.t Tbinl Nortli Carolina llc.-imei.l i f ( .-' orcd Volunieen ;!l !. e their .ummer ' MUaitera on Fort Ms. on ltth. and le gin their jou i ne t., their piopo-e.l urn tamp at K n. : r T, m ( The day l !.. !.. one i.'Of :-soa ota I tion for t'he.e in. i. i -el': . Soldiers, as their trains p.- ... . . ! There wii:t 1 and through j Carolina tl.. with cheering troo... a . tier ! i:t tlier, f North .11- 1! ! .. lured, of Tiie soldlei o II. t pi hid : ii I : ii i: a tin Ii c.. ,,,,, lo ect ;h ; l.tlM iniz from i l.e various draper - . : will Ixr orniiti.' n'.i 1 ll would i,. : ; . ... city, Kaleul, : about the :: and the giitc.-v. . moving scene o! . ii train setliotis lake heie It . I -, Ii OMIeial Klines.-, .:; il o . and maicnriu soldier-, the liic rim the capltol s 1 1: n i , w them, and pur t hem befere t he pi i)ci rl . I.t Lies! i ('! ief. the, s, . I lie La. !.. Ill Itl o !1 1 , - ' 1 . Will lil'U l:dol , Hs 1 lie Ihtce el r u ay to llaleigll. ir Dig Chief. Ills meet tlicni nl the it : he her. 1 ot his 'f w :! I pi eee ! to l.e i e he will review his olMeial hle-sin:' m w an!- ward t (re . W. st gteat 111 , And s 1 1; 1 III lis I will I 'He -. a u a y. the d lelldill es. as t hey 'par tnie of 1 licit wru Wlltcil i 'i lie. l;,Hcl Soldi. I ton aids l he the moil ii l a i u n !. ii o w u unit rv lievotid WHITES TO COME VOVBK. iH.rle.l I hul il),- K pi.ltll.-Hii 'lie U . . ... ihoii Is ... Ii - ,l III,,, 1,. 1 he in - .v : e I i! t in anion" l h 'rin se!. "- . -tenla v I hut t he , lei I ion w as simple a oiie-lioii ol .olor that thev j mi lit a. i. , 11 have all I In o!,i,e-. . I If - '.. .nil I iiiu :-, e t he piillnm .low ll ! "I 1.1. I ialin as Shei tIT. II W. ( a, pen ' let a- i cik "I I'.uiri, ,i,,d l; P. Wil I I in ii i- to. 1 .loin, I! iridic n- Commissioners, and lil'oi.; Ilieti plai e- l-y neejocs. This j is n..i i ,, , I, to t ,'s 1 1 1 1 in anything hu! tall; a- the e. , mi, . , oinmiitee would llol -..-it that win, lull I he n.'L'roe- ad I vi i ued tt tiinoti ; i hrun-i I. (. u ii I, cli I Ur. . OOTIItRR RAILWAY. eel le.i.lsl I rt, I .,1 Ilk, ,n 1 ll- --! h I lie ,.r1l. I I ... " Sl..itif s. '1 I,- ..ire - ng ll C'ltl HI'- rati ami .I'd, II ole dl'lr.'lillu ni'V lo I lie nor! ii o ii cast I han lo Nolfolk, sleainers to Line is the ll-i-l - of I he v la II. i Hall, lln-i ,,- ;l I he-H.e:i!.e .in, 1 l.e I iie-tipe.d. it::,- he ll.-et , , ! Ihlilllre-:. ' last llil.il in:::.' i llli.-l lllllulit.'i ol A i inula, Cut lillioie, lea, iuL al ', la p in f.u I lid I',. in' Com e .pedal 1 v cut. i. e. and I heir ' - leritti-lt ip- ii tio.it , City l .i ie, I Ian v it!" arid l!.d N oi I oi k c , et y vv eek day Baltimore, i.e.i, hing at It. 'i he.-e ship- vine l c. ted fot ; he liav set'- 'id" in ids are a- pel ill ta-ie call silg- elled rind r-veiy ni ii to I he irav- fe, I a- the in -! !.,-!idi. -e- The . lli-iue :- . I e . attlrntioti po-il,'- -h elel' The coll lie, ' : ,ti Kail'V ay, ai I i :r. .it N , petliiils a dav s -... ,.'. giving mi oppoi Kin! -, ( 'onifort (Fort Mont.,, t rnid Newport New - For rates, throe"!: other inforiuiilioii , .. Soul hern Hail w ay .-t '., i the Soiilhein il.dk i.l 7 ol) a in. i at lhal point i '. isit ( H.I Point irginin Bench, tii kels and any 1 on any aL'.'tit r,te K A t'''llt, I. 'ern, Chill loi I Traveling Pin-, iit-i N I' 'io to C D Bind illlallls' 1 elehlat , pill- A sine ,p, headnche, hat k i-i 1. Pi ice 2."c per le ' I .,- in - lor Dr. C. II. ii v , r and k idni-y lie (or all kinds of and , oust ipation. l.lal l I.Mlrn. Hi lliaming in ll,, I'o-I I lllice IvrTtie, Cr.vv i u , .'i .l . N. t '., Iier 1 , IM'.S VKN - I. IT-. ' W T Coeollt I . I aininn I-8 I) Dawson Law-rent. ill New Sej tetll- I lavls, .lease Davis I. -Simon I,.. (tin M - Moses .-ore ll-Cliarlle Howard. ll.nrvC llciiln ger, Kaphsw lliighman N- Kdvvsr.l Nilaoii, Oliver Nelson, William Nh k.on H Wilght liials, Moses Hi, haul anil. K liar v ey F mil h. f w - n Smith, fleorgc Sanders. llev K 11 Williams, Wc. ley Wslcrs, Klijah WsUon. .1. sslo W.n'ey, ( lisrlle A Willi.. Ilenja.nin U hlthel l, KoUrt VIIoii, care of schooner -las McNailh lon w.hikx's 1.1: r. 11 -Comey lllacklelps, Mary Riirney, Benders. Carolina Brown i- - Vary It lloidner. II- Julia A Hartley. M- Kmmnr Murel, Mrm rv . Mulhar l. Bossuner Moore, Larery Moore N- Ksnny Nelsoa. It- F. anne Hon a, tree. H llenr.etts KanderW, Kl.Jtle Kaiiders, Lnnoie HiieneiT W- Ssrsh Wa.l.lnglon, Pnlsefi Wlm hers. l.iHlnda Wellldfloa, Fannie A VTkldlr. Person railing Inr alanse letters will please sny advnrtUed and give' dale sf ll-t. . ,.. The rt giilsllisni nosy le'Ulre Utal una (I) cent shall tat Millrs-te-l oa lite delivery of rack lttUrl h ttrr, B. W. HANCOCK. IMf,' OAOTOntA, lantki ' l t IjsI "Tbe gi.miii Wrinuaa micd I erer ran ap asaiuat wras pceaa wd by Use former propria. al a axl market oat in Osw-DivatUowB,'' said a street oar coa dortur the other day as his oar waa waiting on Front atrwt. "This bototaur had a fine, eqoeaky voice, whtoh yoa ooold hoar a block away. Tricky? Yea, that's jul arrnt yon wonld call it. I oiajd to watch him auou-tlines wbx-n be was waiting on coatutuers. and it was pvauuvely auiurdnR to wra the ap parent auu with which he wocld make a two pooud nhxik weigh apparently three or more pounds. "He wonld take a oouplo uf pounds uf meat aud thrjw It on tbe ma lea so that the poiuUrr would show four pounds and then take it otl treiorw the scales could revgisti r the true weight. 'There's just four pounds exactly, ' ho would say to tin- customer In that squeaky voice i f hia, uud then continue with the stalo morit quickly umdo: 'Four tiuua VI in .is. Call it i'O, ' und unl. es the customer was watching him clnbely lie would al ways g. t , v. u change. "Ho was in the iu,iit I. us: in ass nuly a few veins und air.iis.s.-d a competency. Tin u li. left it. What won it mo is how Im is going to iget along now. I un dersUuiii hi' Is in the real estuti) linrtliii'HS, nud 1 wonder how lie works it when ho sells ti piece of kind. The sc.tlee won't help him much tliero. " Philadelphia it" oil! d. The duly Time There Wiia. The ii.T.'ssity that tin ic shall Is. only film man who "lias the sny" in n mili tary command is thoroughly rccognizryl In the I'uited St.iti -k tinny. A story is told of (o-ini'iil Shaft, r which lllus tratcs the punctilio of tho n gtilitrs in this reg'anl. At -it eeitnin fi.mtlrr xwt. uf which Shafter, who then held an inferior riink, was eommiiiider many years ago, n .lis eussi. in uros.' lUiion several oflici rs as to the exact time i f day. A captain, with hi.- watch in lii.s hand, r-aid "It Is now exactly 11 o'clock." "lh, not". aid a lieutenant. "I'y my time it's . ip.ht ininute- .rist 11." A 1 1 1 1 1 1 v, in:;; ollieor drew his valoli out ot his p .kit. "I Know my tiioe is i'v.1.1 1 y r 'f; lit, " l.o sai.l. "and my , ar li says two iriimdes j.ast d. " At this jinn lure Major ;dial t. r lo- l;. d at his silver v.aP-h "I don't Iui ,.' ,liaf your waleh,s say," hn icimi: lo ,1. "hut I wi-'h y.ti to understand that in tl is conunand it is live i;, mute.- past 11. " '1 h. n the yocni; o'lieoi's reineiuher.-rl that the autli'iritv , f t he roiiiiitiridiiir, oliici r e:.t' ;iil--t! i v, n to (lie time of ilav Youth' ( '. un drill h -n. I A I r-ef.ll f'.itltl,. l! m.-.y not I o p. riert.lry known lli::t the I liitcli Boers i.t Iho Cap", , s;i. . iallv those living in rotnolo ili-l: i, :: v Ii, io material is expr iisiyo and lah a ditlit ult tn olilaiu. fr-'oiienlly pinvhaso at ha t oiio colVni h: p.. . hand wlii. h is ;i!,i. . d. in a i on.- j i. -in us position in the "vo, r kiitin-r" i r pii;i'!pal siniuc M"i i ar.il titiliz d us i. ii in tieh' of furniture, for on:, ii". nt or nr. a lecpta. le f..r elotliini; nml other oildini nts tine laiiiiii w.-ll Itiiown lo the wiit.i Jiliss. .', - a I , autlllllly liolslle.l lirlle.. of tills : ort V, III, il lie puicha-,,1 id.ollt lit) y. , -us ago. During thai p.-i i,.d lie has linri, (1 tlin e w iv'.-s eru li of whom hud to ho content with eo'lins of tin. coin lr.rine.-'t material and i"ii;thi st w.uk manship while his ran ncaiting its jMi.ssi ssoi-slandn in all its lu t. r of pol ished teak und i-tivi r lnoiititinj;-, For tin. pii-i i t the old U' ntleuiai: te es it us ii couch for his midday nap in order, us he so m-tim. i l -marks with grav o liiiinor, that ho iti.iv pet accustoiii -ed to it l 'a;io 'i ion s A foTiiiai. Word M.-riM'iil. A ( M'l liiuii con- sti ondelit conn ; to tin reueiie rf his .-outiti-ynieu, coii'-i ruing whom w ii ex press, d surpi is - thatth. y should prof, r to uso a word of four syl lu 1 1 1. s w hen an. tl,, r vvorrl expietsing tiie satne thing in ID svlliil.l.s was avilllal.le lie elldn lis li copy of 1 he Kolnischo V. lkHeitunu, Iti w .'ileh s curs a sentence of ('ill,' words, occupy ing r,ll lin.-H of the iii-wspai" r. This word serpi tit occurs in u legal judpnieiit, and even the printers got to hut" it lifter s. I ting up nlsuit -(nl) wnrda of it. So they put iii n full stop, which, like u rifle Cn 1 1. -1 in the spin.- of a l,.m rfilistrictor, killr-d the wliolo s-enteiicii. Hut It must really tic nice to linve news ia)crs in which you i nn la-pin tn reud a seiiteius. ut breakfast, continue it iu the train and triumphantly roach the verb lit office. fx union (jlohu. KxcrlBed. "Have you inndo np your mind Jnnt what tjoalitica you expect to flud in a 1 1 unbuild r"' asked tho matron "Why, of course, " answered the maid. "Toobiwl," commented the iimtrui with a sigh. "Why do yon any that?'' demanded Iim iiiiild"ii. "Oh, I always hate to neo young girls dlwippoiiitid," answered tlin mntr.au. Chlcugo Cost. Ko lllu.llx Cooaldaratn. "Why ii It." the rlailng yonni; man osln-d, "tbllt your daughter (.till wears Uch nbiTl drvaiiis:' ' "Oh, iki p ber dris-sial tluttwtiy," Mrs (Jiddlbus auswerifl, with u In tintl ful blush, "Iss'uuse if rh.i had limn skirts on jayiplo would tlnuk cho was my sister when they kuvv us t.,g Ih. r 1 have no wish to foie .;! Ihe fu. i Cut 1 Ljiaro a daughter who Is as U.ll us I am. " Cltrvcliinil I'.-il( r. Hnttle .So y,o nml Jiu k .unin W, did you? Ella Yea. Ho wild soim thlii.i lh.it I didn't like aud I told him no must bo 1 strangers hone, forth. , llattio And did lie fall on Ida knia tod ask yon lo f'ugite him? Ella Mot bl Yoa e ho that Is, till hnori wen occupied at tho tliuo. Cbluaxo News OCCKtCn'l AKKIOA SALTS. THB BERT RALYR In the world for Cnl a, Itralaw, rWiras, I'Wrs, Rail Ithsuin, Ftrtr floras, Trtiar, Clisppd Panda, Chilblains, Com, aad all Hkla Er Hon, tad poslilnly curaa I'iles, w ho pay rtqolra.1. It It (kartaltW to lra rrfct aalUfacUiiN or Ktnnrj rafundfld. hrV M ctiit pr hoi. for fait hy f. F DttOr. .. ' .. 'a ClMklava? eparlaaaa'. A sporlal lot of Vin't Oil I I's nts, l I and l kind, raaslmtm and nrsl1 c:oi out at kalf prk , DAllfUOT'S "Ta. I HH childien, we liave Xeat and Nohhy S yles. Comfortable shapis ,rel for Wearing tonalities there aie none belter i.nd wc guaranlee il..- Prices on Veiy pall In order to make room for our new stock, we have a lot of odd sizes and broken line- in MISSF.S AND CIIILDBKN'S SIIOKS that wc will close out a: .".0 Cents, ihe burner price was l (XI and 41 20. A New Lot of Stylish NECK WEAK, consisting of llowa, Four-iu-Ilatid and Scat fs .lust received Call and Examine. 13 ' ra We begin tho Carpet Story, in Ingrains as low as 18c yard. Next Ingrain in price i3 29, This gets a .very heavy weighi,, but all cottcp. Then f-onie part wool, ingrain atr35c. We show two reliable grades ol all wool filling, good colors, one at 40c, other at 45c. Ingrain, strictly all woo! and good weight 50 Three-ply Ingrains 75c. Brussels in hall patterns, stair to match, bright rich colorings, 65c yd. Velvet Ru-s, 24 and 27 inch, now $1.65 and $1.90, were $2 and $2.50. Moquctte Rus, 27 inch, jjood quality price $3. Smyrna Rugs, 30 inch, plain and fringed ends $1.50 aud $1.75. Smyrna Ruj;s, 21 in.-h, extra quality, only '$1.25. M. Halm & Co., aaV . - ' r Livery, Sale & Exchange Stablest: 'fi WII0LC5ALQ AND RETAIL. DRALCRS IN houses r: "dz C-tTLES I Bugies, Poad Carts and Harness. N'$ liR, i x and 111 fllddlt 5tret, SCHOOL SHOES I 1 i f We are receiving daily our BatW Fsll .St.k iu L .VI) IKS, I3KXT8, .ISra AND (IllLDUKN'.H 8IIOK-1. Th's week w e call ynur S ial a: ten I ..n I our Misses and Chil Iren's Line. Id purchasing for our Kail trade we realised the iinMirlanre of se lecting a slock that would coin bine I he ihteo ipiali.icaii.ina, Style. C. m'ort and l),irahrltr'r i-,. lheve we have U"en succestu! 1 securing a lire lhal combine Hie shove ipr.ildi.s Now leiaeinlier in selecting school lmes f.,r the