S . . . .- . : : A Purely Vegetable Blood v Remedy is the Only . Cure. If tlio-pcopli- p-wiu'mlly l:rfw the , true Cull! .ii li'Uili;:'. ,..!ii. t , ie tvouM la siu-li lliu.y, -s 1" metus nn.i IctioiiH l'..r i !n.- ,i,iifi,! . nnl distilling .tiu-i-. The t.- i Khoinnn; ini is ;t (l;siflro.i ' r i Ik i imxl it cin 1IiPjvt.ro. in. ly ilinm . ' !ut oil LIikhI i.niedi i. i i in .11 ! Mlf i ilU'ill: ,1 n,: i' i hiii: ilic jj; it id it , Ulinuiii.il im:i, fur ii i u ! lllS(lt., ;!1H H'll'i'ii i ; ;.. h'tOtnl Vl.,i'y IJ:' :.;t.ijiil' & llici lii1. If ,'iiv : 1 1 ' - v tho (:i!)- r. ;.l i. I.khI r. . (! . l""u'i"i' -1 i"e vi'iv i'(pi(ii:i of even i lie i.itM obsl iim'.o c.we. A few yciia ajio I was taken with in flummiiiorv Hh.Mii'uitism. which, ihouj;!, Mild hi tii st. bwiunf gradually so in tense thnt I was for weeks unable Id walk. I tried several prominent physi cians mid look their treatment faith fully, but was unable to Ret the slightest relief. In fact, -my condition seemed to grow worse, the nalns spread over my entire body, and from November to . March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. Upon the advice of a friend I decided to try 8. 8. 8. Before allowing me to taka It, however, niy guardian, who was a chemist, analyzed the remedy, and pro nounced it free of potash or mercury. Great I very Way. "Football 19 a glial game for discus sion just now.'' "Yes, and for concussion, too." How To rind Out. Fill a Lottie oi common glass wiih your water and let it stand twenty four hours; a sediment or settling indicate! - an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; If it stains your linen it Is evidence or kidney trouble; too frequent desire to rass it or pain in the back is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. WIIATTO DO. Thfrre is comfort in the knowledge so ofteu expressed, that Dr. Kilmei's Bwamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every with in curiug rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to UoM water aud tralillng pain pawing it, orbad effects following "use of liquor, wine or beer, and oveic Miie-i that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the d iv, and go get up many times (dur ing the iilbi. The mild and the extraor dinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, it stands the highest for its Wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. Tou may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your aldresUo Dr. Kilmor & Co, Bingham t n, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer in tho New Berne Weekly Jourmal. In the f eason. Foot-ball games are rampant now The spirit's everywhere, Tou feel It in your marrow bones And see it in the hair. KOZLBT'I LIHON ELIXIR. A PUaaaat Lemea Drink. Cares Indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, loss of appe tite, aoDiiny, nervous prostration ana 1 . '. I i l '. i . i r i H AMlfeflh HIHnAwaKj I1 1 A tSoslty's Lamaa, Xllxly Cared me of Indigestion. 1 had suffered medicine, but all railed, rilnce taking , Lemon Elixir I can eat anything I like W. A. GairriTB, Ileevesvllle, 8. C. , Mamley's Lessee tUxtr. Cured me of Indigestion end heart dis ease, after j ears of suffering, when all obr remulles and eWiora had failed. V" . - N. D COLKMAN, .. Ueulaa,?. C. -t i ' ' resUf's Leaiem tllxtr. . I have been a greet eefferer from djs- iw ii.r bwiii Hibvva jtwtw, mr srvnB 1 1 i i ,t . . . i i mv iwb mj um, humki agq ntrweia, with terrible heedacbte. . Letaoe EUxIr cored me My appetite' is good, sod I an wsU. I bail Ukea e barrel of ether ' esedloiee, that dona me no good, . -- - CttAKLta tiiaaian.' K. 1518 Jsffsrsoa 8t , UeUvUle, Ky. ' . . v Keeiey'i Leatee tUxit ' . Cured tie of eelarged Hear, eervoet In dlgeetloe end heart dleeee. -1 wet naa Me to walk Dp slaJre or de asy kind ef . work. 1 wee irraled by many pbrttclaas fmt got bo Utter ttatll 1 atert LemoB Juli xlf,- I ess sew bltby end vlcorooe. 0. ILBaldwi1. ' we.8 Alefstxter 8L, AtLata,0s- KCZLtT LXHOlt DOT MOfeV. Ceres all eonghs.eoMa, boefieeees.sore throet, bmachlilr, bptnorrhite. aed all throat and leaf dlaeeeea. tlegaat, telle til. - - Tweoljr (ve eeote at dregglsU. Pre pereJ ealy by Dr. IL Motley, Al'aata. ue. , - - Tails Kctair se-et There It oee faak loasWs word la Fraeee today, (ad U Is as Cnfllsb word. Oet ep-to daiedaadlee en 'I Ik ft female friead a y ef tvery thing that le al'gseii "C"sl tmaiL Oet te ee loeger "thle," bet "swart." " Ur e bnntiA.l U saHsnrd by rti lnie of the feline lotfp ee l aa I s safe l tbeolute certain rnre for rriHipmrb M oe W'Bule f on Cere t t)ilyonr Utile ioee are protected :.!niti."S"Ti'. FBDjfTy I felt au much better after taking iw bottle, thai I enfti ino. d th r....w' . UiiU ill two month 1 wan ran .1 i-..ni- t'U-Usly. TV cure w pernmu. m f r t ha.it never sine had a ti. h ,,f Khuuinatikiii, though many 1 1 in e i-ipoaed to damn m.d rpi.n,Ur ; fill P.m'. Ii. Avcn'io. ". IniVI !, i I he - w with .,, '" 1.1 . .1 hii ve bad eii-i m :.. e lat.oin kuvjiv tLit ,i re severe each year, i h.-r blixxl discascH, ire totally tillable in rs cure it. In f:i, t, the ouly remedies which they ' re BCiibe are potash an J mercury, an J though temporary A: . relief may result, - ' V ' ',cse reiuf-dies pro " '"' f; ' dtice a slifTiiess of ' ; f joints aud only iu leusil'y ihe disease. S. S. S. uuver disappoiuta, for it is madu to cure these deep-rooted diseases which are beyond the reach of all other remedies. It cures permanently Rheumatism, Catarrh, Cancer.Scrofula.Eczema, and all other blood diseases. It is the only blood remedy guar anteed Purely Vegetable Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. I Scentless riowarr. j An Austrian chemist who has been , making researches into the subject de clares that out of the 4110 varieties of I flowers known and cultivated in Europe I scarcely 400 have any odor, and of tbet-e nearly fifty have an odor which is if any thing, disagreeable. t ha Best matter. A piece of llannil dampened with ChambcrlainV Tain Balm and bound on to the affected pnris is superior lo any plaster. When noutOcd with a pain in the chttt or hide, era lime buck, ghe it a liial. You are certain lo be more than I leased with the prompt relief which it affords, l'ain liulin is nlso a certain i ure for rheuniuiii-m. for sale by F S Duffy. What the Gir.s Have Learned. "They say I he way lo win a man is to talk to him about himself." "No; the way to win him U to let him talk to you about himself." In 1887 Mr, Thomas Mcintosh of Allentown, Teun., had an attack of dy sentry which became chronic. "I was treated by the best physicians in East Tennease without a cure,' he ssys. riuany i ineu unamuerialu s Colic. fl..,, T . ; 1 I Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using about twelve bottles 1 was cured sound and well." For sale bv F. S. Duffy. Li Snowa How. "Riches," remarked Li Hung Chang's private secretary, "have wings " "That's true," was the answer: "but 1 don't pro pose to let 'em get out of the coop ', Sloe. Ir. E. Dfirboa'nAail Dlurtie May be worth more to you than 1100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontinence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. SI. bold bv C. D. Brad ham, druggist. New Berne. N. C. An Able Defense. 'Why did Josephine dismiss her suit for damages." "The man proved that he ran into her bicycle because he was looking at her." Boothiog, healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Haxel Salve is the implacable enemy of soree, bnrns and wounds, It never falls to core Hies. You may rtly upon It. F 8 Daffy. Befl e (iOeelae. Intellectual people are those wno understand what we mean when we don't say anything. Uew te Leek Oeed. Good looks ere really more I ban skin deep, depending entirely on e healthy condition of ell the vital organs. If the liver is Inactive, yon have a bilious look, If your stomach la disordered, yon have s dyspeptlo look, If your kidneys are affected, yoe . have a pinched look. Secure , good .health, sad : you ' will sorely have C food looks. "Elec tric Bitters" ; Is a' good Alterative eod Toolo. ; Acta directly on the stomach, liver and kidotyt, purines the blood, ceres pimples, blotches sad' bolls,' sad lives a good eomplexlori.- Every bottle guaranteed. Bold at r. 8. Duffy's drag store. M cents per bottle. . v Oee4 Only at rifmrev'"'. , V WorlU Praakl, who as a child wis si- klbtied esa mathematical prodigy, re- renlly tried te commit suicide by Jump lag from a Vlenea bridge lalo the Deaebe. ITU power to add flgsree eras failiag and he had learned Bo other t teas of eerelng a living, -' - Overw me evil with good. Overcome your eiub end euhle with One Minnie Coab. Cere. It Is so good ctlldren cry for U. It cores eroup, bmnrhlile, pna moeta, grippe aed ell throet and long dleeaere. F. 8. Daffy, v-f Whea la Raybore amp et ibi inptn uexte for good eortmmndettoni twill . Ai V ef inBDDMm Tfcw Eaaate ieisn Mmp swm riMi law cety ji The ex-eo idler who badelgcd ie the free shooting at Lee Taylor's store lfua day eight aed woeeded one colored maa and was raptared and pat in the city Jail, escaped the same night aad de parted for parts eakaowe. It appears that the man's name was Hartal tld, anppoaed to be a clllxea of Raleigh end e former member of the First Regiment North Carolina Volun teers. It appears that be was in the bad railway wreck in Georgia in which a number of the First Regiment men were injured. Hartifleld is said to have been badly injured and obtained $4,000 from the railroad company and a pension from the Government of $12 a month. So be baa money to burn and is succeed ing in his efforts. His escape from the jail Is a good deal of a mystery. There is a difference of opinion as to how it was effected. When Chief Roberta went to jail In the morn ing the door was locked and everything looked the same as the night before, but the bird had flown. The key was in charge of colored policeman Raker. Baker was in the ball all night and au electric light makes the jaii easily seen from Ihe window. Baker has resigned and was to go Saturday. He was dis charged yesterday after the escape was known Tliere is a very small window in the jail. Perhaps Ihe prisoner escaped through it, by the aid of some one on the outside to pull him through. Hartsfield is a small man, about 120 pounds in weight. But the window is very small also. By exact measurement it is 5 J by 15J- inches. Anyone who will try to put his head through a hole of that size will realize how small it is. The hole is about five feet from the ground and a mattress was found under it on the inside as if used to stand on. But it must have been a tight squeeze for even such a small thing as Hartstieki. The dismantled volunteer gave his name as John Ilenner w hen arrested. Who his friend was is unknown The friend did not stay at he hotel that night, so he was evidently busy in cither pulling Hartsfield through the crack or paying out good dollars to some one to unlock the door. The two comrades in adventure made themselves extremely scarce. t'fr At Bnybnro, On Monday night, about nine o'clock, the dwelling of Mr. J. F. Cowell at Bay boro was discovered to be on fire, the tire apparently Blarting from a defective Hue The dwelling house was entirely de stroyed, with most of its contents, and the store building nearby was saved, but some of its contents were damaged. The friends of Mr.. Oowell will lie very sorry to learn of his misfortune. Ti Th " Wllnrrbclon Kiot." It is remarkably how many papers, not only those at the north, that seldom, even by accident, get anything right con cerning the South, but some also of oui own Slate, make the palpable mistake of calling the recent disturbances in Wil iniugton "Election Riots," the fuel being that they happened nearly two days after election, which had passed off quietly, was over, and had no connection ith it. The trouble grew out of a vile insult ing article published in a negro news paper defaming the women of North Carolina, and the bloodshed was pre cipitated by negroes firing first on white men who bad ordered the rascally editor of the paper out of the city and destroy ed his property. We call upon the Press of the State to represent this matter in lis proper light. There was no "election riot" In North Carolina. rrom New Zealand. Rkiftoh, New Zealand, Nov. 28, '80. I am very pleased to state that since 1 took the agency of Chamberlain's medi cines the sale has been very large, more especially of the Cough Remedy, In two years I have sold more of this psrticular remedy than of all other makes for the previous five years. As to its efficacy, I have been Informed by scores of persons of the good results they have received from it, and know Ita value from the use of It in my own household. It is so pleas ant to take that we have to place the bottle beyond the reach of the children. E. J. SCAKTI.IBI BT. For sale by F 8 Duffy. Met Legal Tester. "I must reooeaho congregation to contribute generously thle. morning," said Rev. Mr. Bllmpay, sadly. "My sal ary la eight months la arrears, and my creditors ere passing. I, of course, work largely for love, sad love equally, of course, te tender, but H isn't legal Un der." Aa Samsrietaf Druggist. There are few eat a more wide awake and enterprising tkaa F " S. Duffy who spares bo pales to secure the beat of everything Iu their lias for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's Mew Discovery for Consumption,' Coughs and Colds. This Is lbs woaderfol remedy that Is pro duolng seen a furor all ovsr the country by he many startling cares. It absolutely en res Astbms, Bronchitis, Hoarseness aad all affections of the Throat, Cheat aed Longs. Cell at above drug store end get trial bottle free or a regular siae for 50 ocnts ssd $1.00. Ouareaieed to cere or price refunded. Keatnek teienee. 1 DrsDeon "I see here that acleatlsts claim ibe bnmtS bod t be rosnpoeed ef 80 per cent ef water." Col Kslntock "I've eesys eosieeded, sob, that there was sSeolaielf no aeceeslty, sub, lor drinking sny." COUCH SYRUP Cures Pleurisy and Pneumonia. The beet remedy for lung aflectKms. Sajtll iwa. Vrc" 33 eta. ii drajgu-j. xrrcoiaor suction. ettkrra lavretere Leafrr rmr rsl f ihu Imm Mr. J. J Wolfeoden of this clly. who ia largely interested in land in this sec tion, and who has (old several Ure tracts to northern parties, says thai the election hat had a wonderful elT.-ri in cnansin the sentiment of northern it -vestors in land in this section. SaiJ Mr. Wolfendeu: ,-I have reieied a number of letters from northern par ties making imquiries about land since the election These same panics could not be loduced to look this wsy k fe months ano. and mil for a minu.- could I have held the attention of a l.uter of lauds for investment, if the election had gone against Ihe Democratic m i;et The siluation looks bright now, ami we may look for business and men with money who want land. The fear of ibe negro has gone." I lli.((iii(.. n. If the management of the theater can not preserve order in the gallery, it Is uoped that the public will not pat ronize the place. When disorder in the gallery becomes so great that gentlemen have to leave (he floor to put a stop to the noijc on their own responsibility, mat ters have como to a pretty bad pas9. v nen negro minstrels are on the stage it is not so bad to have a racket from the "peanut gods", but at u. concert with violin and vocal selections it is quite an other matter. Since the entertainment several gentlemen have expressed them selves as demanding that the guilty par ties, who are known, shall be prosecuted and punished for the offense by thj au thorities. So much fort lie disgraceful part of the performance, for which the Jouit- nal apologizes to the ladies and gentle- men of the Concert Company on behalf of the community Lovers of good music received a treat in last night's programme of the "Metro politnn Concert Company." Miss Julie Vallcttc gave a number of selections that were very favorably received. Mr. Carl Hieck was pleasing iu several tenor pieces aud received liberal encores. Mr Arthur Freeman accompanied on the piano and gave two selections. The violin playing of Miss Jeanie Ben son gave great satisfaction. The selec tions were given with beautiful expres sion and the notes as they came from Ihe most pei feet of instruments, the violin, were clear and true. The last piece on Ihe programme was a selection from "II Trovalore" with Miss Vallctte and Mr. Rieck in two vocal parts and Miss Benson on the violin and Mr. Freeman on the piano. I' was quite operatic in execution and the only trouble was its being too short. The audience was ralher small, due perhaps to the weather and that people have become accustomed to looking at the price charged as loo high for New Berne. Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a man for tits home in the skies. Hut early to bed and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and liettcr and wiser, F S Duffy. La VNjrllf Nvunniitiit FniiiI. Tho La Fayelto Memorial Commission has been requested by l'resideut McKin ley to report to him the amount of funds contributed by the school children of the L'nited States for the crectiou in Paris of a monuraert to La Fayetle. The Com mission is desirous that postmasters .ind public and parochial school official for ward the amounts held by them at the earliest possible date to Treasurer I 'has. G. Dawes, Washington. It Is expected that Congress will appropriate for a pedestal an amount of money In dupli cate of the pennies and nickels iven by the children, which will approximate $50,000 or $00,000. This appropriation will be asked for in the form of La Fayette souvenir half dollars, Ihe silver for which will cost the government half the face value or $25,000. It Is thought that the coins may readily be disposed of at a premium or one dollar each. "Life Feaewer" Tor Ladies 0:ivla Peterson, of Coldwater, Mich., writes: "1 had not been able to sit up a half day at a lime for thirteen years until I used the Mystic Life Itenower. It has cored me of nervous troubles, headache and a very bad stomach. It has helped me in no many ways, and cured ms of afflictions thai the doctors said could not be cored. The blessed Life Renewer has done more for me than all the Patent Medicines, Doctors and Christian Science treatments combined. It is the most wonderful medicine I ever saw." Bold by Oeaiy's Pharmacy. well elt lion. P. M. Peat-sell, of New Bar a a, Is one whose splendid services la the late campaign deserves special mention, lis had entire charge of the appointment! of speakers and arranging of the can vass of the State, and thus proved of Inestimable assistance lo cbalrmaa BlmmoBS. Jtr. Blmmoas concedes lo the excellent Judgment aad painstaking ability ot Mr. Pearaall greet credit, eod aeyi hU services were actually Indlspea sabls. ' ' . Mr Fearsal! Is one of the Btats's truest J ". 1 aever falls to render faithful and s II eel I ve service riatslh Tost. Tbe latest flgares on Hoe. C. K. Tbotnae' electloa for Congress, give kin I2U Totes aislorltr. i mm . I JT- e-e I e ' . m I ' Ml, . .N.y hull I... .1 .1111 .1 n A, I I 4 I a XSm WH1TB OOTa1XJSMBMT. aerretf-a mm Lgr .U. TSi IImii. er ! I . feir! Ghkkm ili , N C . No Negrce ao longer control i-uiU r (i f(-t'l .'1 the town governrufDi Lk .: j p.. the hands of wbiie men Tin -I .i.ii L::gr was made quietly and peaceful . m. . -.. ' in fact that few people '.'re au;e ir what was going on uuin it Lit I : accomplished amlt bite policemen a; peered on the 61 reels T u o( liit m-g r. councilmen resigned and a epetin! meet ing of the board elected white men h succeed them. The white Chief of 1'olkc had already become nnea&v au J rerirne 1 The change In the couueilmeu mu le i, i consul of four while men ami t,.. nejroe', jul tbe reverse ( f how i; formerly stood, and the lirst orl; if the j new board was lo 'li-ini-.s the negio us- sislant policemen mi:. I ele( I l v.1.,1. oflcers, a ho v ent o-i 'in s: , :: e D1STKIW4IM1 Niontlli I.IM.-. Permanently cured l y Hie nnsi.-r' power of tVnith American Nervine Toni . Invalids need stiller im lunger h.-cuu-this great remedy can cure them ail H i is cure for the whole world of Hiomaeh weakness and indigestion. The cure In -gins with the first dose. The relief ii brings is marvelous ami m pi ising. Ii makes no failure; never disappoints. No matter how lonir you htivi; sutfi red, youi Cure is rerU'in cndi-r the i se 01 U'l icul health-giving force. 1'lc xnnt and al ways safe, fold by '. IV Brad I am Druggist, New Berne, N. C. j Holcl Bnll.y. I Mrs. II. C. Bailey of Kinston bus j moved her hotel, the "Bailey House", i from the former location to the place j known as the "Nunn Hotel" near the depot. She will be pleased to entertain j her patrons at this convenient location, j l tie house has been refurnished and put j in excellent shape and a new dining hall added. Traveling men will be espec ially welcome. Living Made Easy. Mrs. Bcaslcy "I can't understand how I 'he Malvins manage to live so well on ' his income." i Mr. Hes'ley 'T can; I went up lo h:s ; office lo see him ycslerday, and twentj -seven men were waiting in the hall cried out in chorus, asking collecting for." vhat firm I was RKKII.P ;iN NIX Mill KS Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease ! relieved in six l ours by "New jrcai I South American Kidney Cure." It is a Kreat surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and back, in male or female Relieves retension of water almost im mediately. If yon want quick relief and tiro this is the remedy. Sold by C. I). Bradham, Druggist, New Berne. N. C. Underfed Russia. According to recent letters of Count i Leo Tolstoi, the Russian people con- I auine 80 per cent, less than ihe normal j amount of food neceisary for the main tenance of health. , A Snre Sign ef Cronp. Horseness in a child that is subject to j croup is asure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Couixh Hemedy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will pre vent Ihe attack. Many mothers who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that it saves them tnti. h trouble and worry. It can always be de- . pended upon and is pleasant to lake, for sale by K S Duffy . The Lemon Trade. October 22, 1S08, there On transit to the United States i',;i.22:i bom s ! nf l.,na. nn ih .mB ,!., i i mi.? , i, ' here were iM.stH) lioxes, number was 11,201). and In H!M1 Ihe Bit. II. STKEKT, Sole Owner & Prop. K. Itt PACK, Manager & Salesmaa PLANTERS TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, Middle Slr t, lUew Herns?, IV. V. sFOR THE SALE 0F T-JHIJkF TOBACCO. . 4 We hay o every Auiplo capital, largo Highest Harket Prices Guaranteed the Seller, jVTLothor shipped or brought In person. A 'trial, will c ...inco you. Ccm3and see us. Wctpromiso to sendjyou homo atlsflcd. SOTfil C1D 27 lerg park ure of the wrorW hft rlesuiflPr fur n la hit I. KU1J arrvater wonooj in 4 pound Luvca.2f. AU grocer. Made ony by THE S. It. FAIR BARK COMPAKY, CbU-atJ. L. Luuip, Kejw Vorlt. Bcftoo, PMlavJeJpUaV JACK HORNER. The II li b 1-1 um t-'ruiu Tluit Thai hrini lie- Kxtracted DINI I'i-. For the benefit of those who tire not quite little folks Agues Curr Sage, iu Lippincott's Magazine, tells tho origin mid hii-tury ol Mi.ne lanimra nnrsery Hones and rhymes, nini.ni; ther.i "The Plcni-ani lli.-tory of .lack Hoim r, " ecu luiuiiiK "Hi Witty Trii k ui 1 IJo ;..i nit l'l'iiuk-, " tor so it is h; fifth i:in ei y old chnpl uok, canluliy pi.Miviil lu the ii idleiu.!! lihiaty. It nppiris that this worthy was stew crd to an abbot of Glastonbury. The good abbot learned that his majesty Henry VIII had seen fit to be indignant becaueu the monks bud built a kitchen which ho could not burn dowu. Now, it king's indignatiou was dangerous and must be ;ipp;a.-ed. Tbereforu tho abbot sent his steward, Jack Horner, to pre sent tbe soveieigu with a suitable peace offering. It took the form of a big aud tempting looking pie, beneath the crust of which Ihe tmiii-fer rtunitu uf 1 i. ot ors wm, hjii(itu But Ma-li r Jack hnd nil eyo for the profit of r.n. 1, and on the road he slyly lift -I the trtisttind nlv-irncti d ih deeds ol t lie .Mini, r of Wells. On his return, I : i:i;in;; (lie do ds. be plausibly explained that liny had liciu given to him by Ihe king; lnucu thn rhyme: I. illle .hi. 't l!.:vn. r Km in :i u! );i i- mfthe v.ii.nil, l' 1 iu; hi ( ')ll'i-t emu pie ; II. ' Jlllt 111 hH lllP.llil. .Ami pill!. .1 ..lit H pi. on (the tille dentl. S:i ,e.:,-. - Whit n hriivi- 1 ,,v in., i '1 (. m ii men. The Cli'Yi laud Lender lay.-that a man j registered in a local hotel tho other day, giving his place of residence as .Sleepy Eye, Minn. Half au hour Inter another I guest registered from Puinted Post, la. Tint clerk paid no especial attention to this, but when tun next man toreis- ter holdly wrote Whito Pitrenn. Mich., '"lifter his uoi;.u, both the clerk and the bookkeeper be;. an to get inter-' ested. j While they Were talking about tho I queer names thut had been given to! Hoine of our western towns, u dignilieill looking man stepped up to t ho cilice, I whirled liie register uround, and' scrawled "llorsolieud.-, N. Y. " Miperliit l Dr. Johnson says in his "Oruuimar of tho L'nglish Tongue;" "The com parison of adjectives is very uucerlain, and, being much legiilated by conmio dionsne: - o! ulterunec, is not easily re duced to rules. " Then be ijuntcH passages from "I'ara diso Lost, " in which these words are found, "virtuiniH'st, " " powerf ullest, " und a passage from ".Samson Agouistes" which eonlains tin word "fmnousest. " Surely Milton bud linear. Notes and Queries. Mnnlcliial Jen lonnlra. New Yorker You tiro a stranger hero, I presume.' I 'i. ; l I i. . : ,.. . t (Jin. HK1 l.lllll ( HUUKI!1JY 1 am irom I the great city that New York is jealous of. j New Yorker Ab! And how are things iu dear old Lunnoii! New Y'ork 1 Weekly Nik Wnr ' Kiel.. All Arkansas coiit. inporarv records a 'lm,'r (u" uf hnanciul liregularity. It 1)h'"'h that a young man down there swallow. 'I a ct pper cent by mistaku aud a d(K'tor inatle 111 11 1 cough up $2. Cbi "ago Tune- 1 b raid. laclllty for conducting and well-lighted floors, MM Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored is sold with a written ruar- aulee to Cure Insomnia, Fits, Dlrzinees. Hysteria- Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality. Seminal Loasc, Failing Memory-the result of Over-work, Worry, Sirkness, Errors ol Youth or Over-inaulrence D.l- En. .... . m k- . . Bou vi , u wuxev ve. hor quick, positive and lastinr results In Sexna! Weakness mnoteiicy, Nervous Del ability and Lost Vitality, use Slue Label i Eive strength and Larfi SprniAi rlmihu uble hireiiKin win give sirenftn ana tone to ev give strength and tone to every Pert a pel rmanent cure. Cheapest and beet loo Pills $2; by mail. FREE A bottle of the famous faraaM TJm. Pellets will be given with a Si box or more of Mac aetic Nervine. Iree. Sold only by F. S. DUFFY, New Berne, N. 0 1"J I M 3 il j"" ef i iiii n r Isilhl ffifl I M laJliLaji. THE NEW WAY. VTJOMEN used to think " fe rn ale diseases " could only be treated after "lo c a 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their Buffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure taken In the privacy of a voman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate tow. Vine of Cardul re quires 1.3 humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. Itcuresany disease that comes under '.he head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling ajr the ' omb, "whites, " change oT life, ltmakes women beautiful by making them, well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advice In ease3 reoulrlne special dlrectl'jns, address, r'vlnjr eynptomj, Ihe "Ladles' Advisory Department," Tho Chatttnoota Medicine Co., Chatta nooga, Term. W. 1. ADDISON, M.D., Cary, Miss., uyt: "I use Wine or Cardul extensively In my practice and find it s most excellent preparation for remake troubles." H1NDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man of Me. THE GREAT UK KM II REM!. I V rxttu rs ttic nlH.ve result X I III 30 Hits. ( Wi Nn : ,,us Jlrtiihtv. MMrKI. I.tmuct'. m.',n ..,. Slu s .,11 drains and l..se cnu.r.t . , , r. rs il ,-ith. Ii (ar.1s off In sanity and I (,iiMi',.piin. ..unv: M n reyain Msa hood and Old Men recover oullilu! Vigor. It IC'vrs vifii.r n-.d s ze lo shrunken organs, end Sta a uinii lor hn.incs. or mftirtage. Kasily carried ie the- vr( p... t. I'l' tCn PTC 6Boxesll.se hv mail, im i :.n k- sjU Ij I J.i.e with .IHU.H.U. ice. LR. JEAN O'HARRA. Parts V. S DUFFY, New Berne, N.O Fair Dealing, Highest Prices, - Best Averages, Prompt Beturni. An extenslvo business experienced help and ri i..i far..-ya, ;& 5-T 4 -si- -