V THE EXCELLENCE OF SY SIT OF FIfiS U due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill wiih which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fio iirmp Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Kips is manufactured by the Caufohxi Fiq Sybup Co. only, a Unowledjre of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other parties- The high standing of the Cali fornia. Fio Sykup Co. with the medi cal profession, lad the satisfactior which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver end bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. . AN rBA.NCISCO, Cat. WCWTILI-B, K. NEW TORE. !. T. THE JOURNAL. New Heme. N. ('.. Nov. 2.1. A DAY IN TUH CITY. The Supreme com l of t lie Stale bn allirmed the decision of Uju loner conn in the case Daniel vs Kowlcr, of Pamlico county. The dork lenled by tlio (iovernment on the Neuse river, where the Cutler Boutwell is stationed, is receivim: ;omc necessary repairs. The residences of Mr. II. M. (iroves on Johnson street, unit l!r. I! S. liuion on Middle street are nenring completion. Ruri will be ready for cciupHUcy within a few weeks. The leceplion of the Woman's For eign Missionary Society of (Ynlcnniy thuich will l.e ghen at tlie League rooms next to the i hutch ii stead of ai parsonage. The leliearsals for Hie entei taiiinient next Wednesday to lie civpii liy 1 1 King's Daughters for the hi lie lit of the Soldiers' Home at lialcigh are Inknn: place daily. The vent promises to lie unusually allradh e and will command n mil House as "Home laienl is always liberally palronied. Full particulars will he (; i v e 11 bcfoie Hie day of perform ance. Our llianks are due Mr. .lames II Kuiiiss, Publisher, Raleigh, N. ( , for a copy of Turner's N. ('. Almanac for 1MDU. the ' Old Reliable," which is just out. Turners N. C. Almanac is a very valua ble State publication. There is no other to compare with it. Contains the new Legislators, Judge?, Solicitors, Congress men. etc., elected in IC.im. Ask any ques tion as to our Official Slate (Jovernmenl Public Works and Institutions, tin events of the past year, the deaths of prominent cili.ens, and a great many things relating to the farm, garden, household, etc , too numerous to men tion, and you will find an answer in Turner's N. C. Almanac. It is chock full of just such Stale information as is often needed for reference, and cannot bo bad In any oilier Slate publication Every citizen of the Slate should possess a copy of thin valuable annual, (inlv 10 cents, and lor sale by inerclisnis, drug gist, post masters, elc , throughout thp Htate and the publisher. James II. F.n nlsa. Kaleigh, N C. ri:sniti. II I,, (iihbs, Ksi , of Hayboro, la in the city. Mr. Claud H. Foy of Maynvilir. was here yesterday. Hon. George Dees of Pamlico, was in the city yesterday. Mr. K. M. Simmons left jeilerday morning for Halclgh. Prof. Jo. F. Magulrc of Kaleigh, ar rived la the city last night. Mr. Geo. N. Xnnell left yetlerdsy to spend two days at hllverdale. Mr. H A. Rlc.ardson enjoyed s big Thanksgiving hoot at I,a Cringe yes terday. Miss AonU Green, who U sttendlng school tt Washington, Oa., came home last nlghl. Mr. Joaa T. Hargetl speil the day it Perftctloa jeslerdiy, the guest of Mr. Harris Lane. M r. L. J. Taylor has retimed from Baltimore, when he has fceea spending several weeks. . Urs. J. W. Dugntd aad Utile dangh tar, eiiM dowa frosi Dover last tight to visit la Iba city. 4- . v Messrs. Z. W. RoeeatbsJ end O Marks, ta bar bee U New Yoik oa a short trip, retimed last algal. Mrs. . W. Rosenthal, who baa beea visiting at Klaatoa, also retimed aotaa. As) wlwl tlArMSS, To snake U irpsrtnt to laoasaade bo think themselves III, that thry art ant amir.ted with in disease, bot that the systsia simp! aedt cleansing, is to bring romfurt home to Ihelr hearts, a a retire condition It easily eared by n'rj Pjmp of Flft. Msntrfsettirwl $7 t ( : f-.mls fig Pjmp Co. only, snd i I f s'J dr- .;:'!. bow rr was rung. TstaBbaalvsa ThtnkfjlTlrg Day wis variously speot in this city, the only single and untied observance being that every family so far as possilde had a tuikry dinner and other suitable dishra on the aide. Morning services were held In the Epikcopal, MeluodUt and 1'reshyleriau chnrehes, and at night in the Middle Street Baptul church. Large cougre . tions erc present at the services. The Thanksgiving weather was very harsh, after the recent mild temperature It datk ami raw in ihe morning, and i towards night it cleared with sunshine, hut the temperature ranged close lo 40 degi ee all uav. Numeious hunting parties were oul during ihe day, hui result were not divulged last night. Mr. W. li. Blades gave pleasure to a number of his friends by taking ihem on a hunting trip on his lug, the Parkin?. Stores were generally closed nearly all day, and those remiiuing open did not have any business of consequence. The news of the University boys vic tory al Richmond caused some cuihua iasm here, and the w hile and blue ribbon was seen on ihe streets. The customary take -your-best-girl to drive was in elTect, and in the afternoon a number of couples were seen driving around the city. Iiut ihe cold made driving rather a dismal pleasure. ft Some early risers teporled seeing a few -now flakes failing in ihe morning, but there was nothing that could be tailed snow, visible to the ordinary observer. tlnrrl. 1. At ihe residence of Mr. John Philips, in Craven enmity, Nov. l'.HIi, 1m;, Mi James Scott, of liaitimoie, to .Miss Helen McLean, Justice C. ('. Bell, officiating. Hr H om 'I nlrl. The Daughters of the ( nnfederacv, for the benefit of the Soldii iV Home al Paleijh, w ill give an entei lainmeut al the Theatre i:et Wedm-sdav night Tableaux, vocal and instrument! music, all by home talenl, will furnish a de lightful evening, and it is expected that a nice sum will he naiicd for the Home. N nil In 1't.nr l(rtirf. A f ri- ml and stibsci ibcr f 1 om the noi l L writes 11s follow s. As soon as he sees a favoiahlc lepoit, be will doubtless l dow ti again 'Say, can't j 011 gather a few items as to Hie prospecls for pport Ibis season wil h paitridge, doves, baies, snipe and ducks? What's the mailer with lite "Spoiling Kd.'"' Wake him up. Trust ing lhal your turkey may he lender lo morrow, I am ' iiuMl Bnlilft. Im ll.re. (Jeneral ('. A. Ilattle, who has been living in Peterburg, Ya , is in Ihe cily on a visit. 1 he General is looking in fine health and has leceived warm greetings from his many friends in this cily. General liattle expects to return to North Caiolina and represent some in surance company in this Slale. Fmullna Conn . Messrs W. W. ( lark and I). L. Ward relurned from Hayboro yeslerday even ing where they have been attending court. The principal case before the court at this term was ihe case of Reddlck vs The Singer Sewing Machine Co. It was a damage suit for slander by defendants agent. Messrs. Simmons, Pou & Ward, attorneys for Uie plaintiff, .withdrew from the case when called for trial snd Mr. Clark appeared for the plainllfT in the suit add won a verdict for $700. Messrs D. L Ward and Osborne and Maxwell, of ( harlotte, appeared for the defendant ''lillKii Mfttar. A most unique and wonderful enter tainment will lie given Friday night, 2Sth ns', at Odd Fellows Hall, Middle street for the benefit of the lllllo orphans si Gol Islxiro. Hand bills will be distributed giving nolieei of the program, the hour of open ing, piice of sdmisslon, etc. Professor A I,. Boyd, a wonderfully glfied man in bis power of imitating all kinds of birds and fowls has consented with Ihe ssslstance oT some of our home muilclins to give'thls entertelnment for the benefit of the Orphans Home at Ooldsboro. Come out, be amuaed, entertained and enjoy an evening of Innocent pleasure for good cause. Constipation prevents the body from Hading Itself of was.e mailer. De Will's Little Karly Klsers will remove the troable and car Slrk Headache, Bil iousness, Inactive Liver and clear lb Completion. Small, sugar coated, doa'l gripe or ciuec bios!, f 6 Daffy. r 1st tMSSSH, AU persons kirlug claims igslnst Cram eoanty will present ihesa to the Clark of lb Board oa ortwfora Monday rtovember 38lh is It is desired that all oiletaadlng aocotiaU U setUed ap. , IL P. WiLLuaa, Acting Chai'a. Kovewber 19. Acoogk Uaolplkea farar. It dues ot kave to ma cartels coraa.f Car it lulckly aad affectaally with Oa Mia I Cnra,the best rsssedy for all age nd for the most swrerteaee. Wareooa. saend U becaosa it's good, f 8 Daffy. OAriToniA. knit ' si ra wtxMntoron kaoi mot. eUaasM Vm ts ttawe asaaft. John C. Deary, colored, the Collector or ids rort it Y llmiogion, N. C , Is ia IhU city. Ue left Wilmington last verk during the prugrrt of Ihe race r in that city, bot he denios that he left for fear of being a vicilm of ih w rai Ii of ibe while clllwni of Wilmington Yrs tirday Mr Damy lalked of the piesrnl perturbeu condition of affatis in l.i. Stale. He said "Miuly Is responsible for the whole unfortunate condition of things When he published his editorial redeciing jpon the white women of the State, I will, oilier leading colored men of Wilming ton held a conference with him and urged him to retract ihe anicle We even went so far as lo wrile an editorial retracing the one written by Manly, but he would uoi take our advice ami publish it. If lie had done so there would have been no race war in Wilmiug loc. He accepted the advice of others, and the folly of his course is shown by the events which followed. The intel ligent colored people of the state did" nol endorse the ullersnces of Manly, and if he hail acted wisely there would have been no bloodshed In Wilmington. And then, too, the committee of colored citi zens appointed for the purpose of sup pressing Manly 's paper blundered in not making at once their disapproval of Mauly's course, and their determination to get rid of him. I do nol belieje that it was the intention of the white cilizeua to wreck or destroy his office, but when l lie committee of colored citizens were appan nlly tudlflerent to the suppiesslon of Manly, ibis euraired the while cbi .ens, and the w reck of ihe ollice fol lowed. Prior to the recent regrettable occur rences the relationship existing between ihe while and colored citizens of North Caiolina was most cordial aud amicahlc I btlicvc that peace w ill he secured per manently, and that Ihe former pleasant ic laiioiiships will le restored. But the white men of the south will not tolerate any letleclion upon their women, and it is a mistaken idt a to if fleet upon llieni, whether it be by Mr. Manly in North Caiolina or by Mrs. Oiannis i i New York, but fortunately for Mrs. Grannis ihe was in New York while Mr. Manly was in Wilmington. New York l'osi, Nov. L'lsl Aflr t.fro KntlarMitipi. Captain U. A. Williams, w idelv know n as Peg Leg ill. sins, ihe famous eini- ifialion agent, who had many a lively experience while burning up hands in Nuiih Carolina lo lake to the west or io the Florida turpentine Held", ariived in the cily yesterday smiling ad over his jolly f'i'C He is after from I, IKK) mi l',00l n.groes whom he wauls to go lo MUs issippl, Ten in seec and Arknusas to pick cot I on. lie offers lo take l hem oul and It t them pick cotton at 50 cenls a hun dred to repay their passage, llesavs Ihe fields out in Ihe Stale named aie white with cotton aud it is wasting in l lie fields out in Ihe states named. Wc are told by Capiain Williams lhal the Delta Cotton Company alone has V00O bales of cotton yet to be picked. The jolly emigra'ion agent thinks he will be welcome to North Carolii.a now, judging from the tslk about scat tering the negroes during Ihe election time. He laughingly tells f the time, In IMH, when a committee at New Heme gave him 30 minutes lo dig out, but he gsvc them 13 minutes back and waved Ids hand at them from a friendly train which came by. Peg leg knows what il is himself to lie asked lo move on. Captaiu Williams informs us lhal he has signed up fifty negro families al Greenwood 8. C. They are going to make their hornet nut weal. Wilmington Messenger. BUCSLEN'fl ABPIICA SALTS. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, snd all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no psy required. Il ii guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price V cents per box. For sale by F. F. Duff?. Rural Reeerv. Kltelfi. At the meeting of the Nival Ittaeives held lsst night for Ihe election of o fll cera fur the Division, Llt utrnanli T. C Dsniels and W. T. Hill, snd Ensign T, D. Cirriwsy were ,ie t lecled lo ihelr respective offices. Al lite request of Commander Morion, Ihe Division raised funds lo pay the ex pense, and requealed Lt Daniels lo at tend tbe meeting f the officers of ibe Naval Divisions In Ihe Culled Pistes, to beheld al Philadelphia, on Dcembei ind, next; this meeting la tailed by the Secretary of Ihe Navy lo get the Res erves of tba Colled Stiles, to suggest unitedly their needs for presentation lo Congress, so that the various Reset ves may be mora fully eqolpped snd In structed. A a order was read from Inspector General 11. S. Roysler, of the Slat Goird, Calling the Annual Inspection of tba Dlvlloa for Tuesday alght, Novem ber 2tHh, aait. Tba sooner a oough or cold le cared witboat barm lelbe aaffartr Ibo belter Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking oagb la distressing. One Mlanta Coagh Caraaakktytirat It. Why suffer wbea took aongk car la la reacbr It Is pleaaiat to IbeiMia. f ft Daffy. A tao alock of.LadK Mtsaea and ChlldreatM aad Dead Ring are g. any dsy. Wait aad tea my slock. UtTaTaaJti.ta. , - Kail to Jocmau ; SMia4B ClSMSlt. rvery piece af ready aside tlothlnj la I ar koaea win ba close oat at soe prioa before Jaa. I,V0. A food chinra leearon asreptlonal ral Just , lUrfooi'a. a rBairXsOTTma e ii rte tr.a r,m H.o wiu.l blew ye.it rd iv, and Itsehlll- iog bUsis scle I upon a'.l nt.irolt, lo i.. llllll that writ iiHe ai d . ,irin them frum ttreel In r.-o I..,. It n d.irlng one of ili..e t.ht'p (ub I 111' .All O' j-Tl H SI bbl II m-i tu fs; n I iu,,,w of 1 lip UN kl.'s Snske r 1 In or , m.,1 j-rsist Trie -oak-; IMiu nlly clj.i,' Ihan-. ii: noi on duiv, il it mnir feeling made . all I 7 I !! ob- 1. 1 1- ! It's areiiiion. p.--.-.- ,,f r fair!y " - Ills day 'o!l 1, i l i u . ), -ii ins v. ii! . ,, .' : .i- 'i In ! l i i pr .i c 1 lo u- i ' ' w i' U iii i ' -. s The ei i a I i o c,i., ,, made the editor Hi :i ever nlied wiih in,, w Inch evcu a l.o.i i . i io p iper ?ui.c.', aid of buines, th-tuksiving li oentd uf.ii ii'u' d nner coui.l uol , Ihe paper an i re i I f , !.,, . VK UOIIS lijM.im sTilkltLVT. 1 hate sludie.l fort lent yens from au ingenuous, lojual and philosophical standpoint, the appearance of God in nature, ihe course puiMH-tl.i he tiefeiential loving care and lespected protection, tin w hite men of the earih give lo ihuir fair w omen I have decided that on Ibis line the w hite men make ibeii appearance on the scene as gods. Do ou know, or bus it ever occurnd to yo i, lhal this is the tirst lesson for a Christian, au inltUigeui, civit citizen who claims to represent aud reflect the i in aire of God, to learn? Then, who ever fell in Wilmington, upholding a pine and an unadulterated wo i!ftnli ioil, fell in the arms of Jesus. 1. It is true lbs I he Manly editorial w as slanderous against the women of the gods. 2. It is equally true that Ihe colored ministers of Wilmington erred religious ly and otherwise when they approved of and endorsed I he sa d slanderous edi torial, It. However, it is gratifying lo learn through I lie press that when Ihe gods put their government in operation, that through and by it, ample and adequate protection is now being given ihe men, women and children of my race. In the course of things, il is approved of by the law ofnatmc, gov, ruing the si upen luoiis sun, m-Kiii and stars that had the colo'ed mhiistt-rs of Wilmington pass -d resohiMo is condemning Ihe slan derous ciiiioria", I do not believe thai there would have been cause for Hie sh- ddin of one drop of blood, nor a sin gle life io.-l in the recent race tt ible in Wii iiiugtop, N C. Tnis one ai t on the part of men of God would have uioulde I an entirely dilftrenl s en t : liien i ; hence nj dilTi rent feebng, anil llieicfoie a iliderent iesult. I lrul Ihis open Ht.tleuicnt may do toni'i good in the future Sig.'.cd: Isvu- II. Smith, New Berne, N. ('. Ktr lli.kinnw. The marriage of Mr. John C Tin mas, Jr., of this t iiy, to Miss Ada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. IJogeis, of New port, was consummated on Wednes day evening, November 2:ird, in ihe Mttiwdist chuiih al Newpoit. The church was elaborately deconiled with entwined vines, taslely spi inked l.eie and there wiih while and yellow trysanihe muins. E-pecially beauliful was the artistic arrair.-i lucn; of tlie plants and flowers mou ii I ibe allar ami chancel rail, in Ironi of w hich was a most beau tifullv ai ranged art hw ay, over two gates, sIkwc which was suspended a most tastily arranged marriage bell. I'pon the left pillar of the arch was a arranged It, and upon the ri'lit pillar Ihe letter J. Long before the arr.val of the bridal puny, the church was parked to lis ut most capacity wiih ihe Irlends of bride Slid groom, thus cxpiesving Ihelr ap proval of the consummation of happiness Io this popular rouple. Promptly at h ;io o'clock, Ihe organ pealed forth that most bcsuliful of wed ding marches, Mendelsohn's, under the skilful touch of Mrs. Besale Ilerringtou, snil the ushcis, Messrs A. O. Newberry snd Charles Rogers, of Newport entered! tlie church ind proceeded to their posi tions by the chancel rail. Then came Miss Nettle lingers, of Newpoit. sitter of ihe bride, with Mr. W. Fred Richard son, of New Heme, who were followed by Miss Maud Sanders, of llogue and Miss Cilia Mann, of Newport, after them were Meisri. Frank Matthews and Frtd Whltjy of New Berne. Then t ime the Maid of Honor, Miss Mailctta uewitt tl rirwport, who took lirr sta tion al Ibe gales awaiting the bride. following Hie Maid or Honor wis Ibe g.-oom loaning upon the arm of his bcl man, 31 r. Torn C. Daniels, of Now lierue, 1 hry proceeded lo Ihe ribbons where the groom awaited ibe bride, Mr. Daniels proceeding to ihe archway. Then came the Jbeaulirul Utile flower girl. Lyda Kodgers snd Nora Ouner, followed by Ihe guard lo lha bride, a little yonng man, Willie While, beautifully dressed as "Cupid's Dart," who a Ihe flower girls opened tba gsles passed through bearing upon a silver tray, Ibe ring, and paused by the tida of the minister. Than csma tba bride, baaullfully attired In goa of pure while orgsodie, trim med wlib white iilo.weailig o orna ments but while erysaaibtmams tastily arranged lu lb folds of bar bilr. Meet ing the groom i bey prooreled to Ibe rch aad Mood aider Iba beautiful bell, wbrra Ihey were msda oaa In Iba holy boad of matrimony, ly tba lie. 0. II. Blmmooss ! After tba ceremony tba lrflel early oreta driven to Iba aWma of Ibe bride's parents where lha brIJo was tendered a Ttryaioelleat inept ton. ' Quilt a aamber of Mr. TbomaV friends snwmg iba young tnea of tba city at leotled tba wed ling " Wbea oa ask (or Da Hlu'i Wlich Hail 8.It don'l aaept a aoaalarfelt ar Imitation. Thwa are ainra essi of His crr-l by IhU, thsn ill others atnibinrl KB fluffy. PLANT LIFE, tolx vtg-1 2a$ri-.-5r orousandhdAyM'l, have Potash Phosphoric Acid pad Nitrogen. ITiese essential clemrnts are to plants, what bread, meat and water are to man. Crops flourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to buy and apply isrtiltiers, and are free to all. OERfTAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New Ysrk. DOVtn IIETOS. ! Nover.ilier 2J-il. ! Mr G. K. W'esl, wife and little one' from Wilmington were visiting relatives! here lat week and relurned home Mon-' day. George slid Wilmington wa gel I ting white fast I A double wedding occurred near here yesterday. Mr Seymour Oatpenter lo Miss Ada 1) West aud .Mr. Chailie Daughety to Miss Zana L West, your! humble scribe officiating. A good many friends ami relatives were present. Ilotn! grooms were promptly on lime-aud at 4 I o'clock four hearts w ere made to beat as 1 two Mr. Carpenter will locale in our village aud Mr. Daughety near t'loss j Our veiy best wishes go with each j couple. Our farmers are nearly through hous ing their crops anil are li ving to setlie down on what kind of a crop lo pitch for next year. Good many bav lln'y are' done with cotton. Some of our people have not stopped rejoicing over ihe eleciion ye'. They say we w ill have Charles 1!. Ayc ocli for next Governor and James A. Ilrwm in the Cnitcd Plaits Senate nn.l N. M ,Iur ney neia A & N. C. i'rcsiilent. Mr. Dun'l Itichnrilsou went upl i Kin slow this moiiiing on his Like!. Mr. Lon Taylor from Ticnton whs hi re Imiay. lie reports ibings ii.minir along tpiielly in that sccti-u:. G. . U. n . r I'Hilet w i-n r A full line for ladies, uit-n and elii) union huils snd I w o piece Mill -, wool men's shins mul p:un on' u,i. ilmlo. lien, All l'lll I flM'l. I tir llttHIIH. S a v ANN it , (.'A, Nov. - The first Ibitliilion of the Second I'ni'ed Stales Volunteer F.nginccrs left toui.'lu bv tin I'lanl system for Tort Tnmp.1 ami will sail from there by the stcumer Florida for Havana. These will be the lirsl troops sent from Ibe Cuitid Suies lo Havana. The buiidUm is commnnded by Major Uichnrd lleu v Savage the novelist. VERY-DAY HEROISM ! l ib cn- common :ve. Ilmv i:t i ie tlio riuhi i h gen- IV M 'l-S I i-.-U r nnmc il ,-els t' cf i:s. I r: sotnn oilier i lest nki;. Ingnlls. aco, Tex .nnil thou- finds of olber.'i have been permanently cured of catarrh by Dr. Hartmnn'a au.'c-.ftil remedy I'c-m-na. Here i Mr Ingalln' letter: Dr. S. ;. ,. i .'man, Columbus, 0 Dbab Sir: ' -ni na and Man a-lin have cu red me of one of l he worst cases of catarrh any one ever had. My caso was so uevere that I vena cosnpelled to discontinue my biulnesa. that of con ductor on a railroad; but I sm urn entirely well. Ordinary treatmont of catarrh Is foe local relief. Cures arc not rvpcctetl. Dr. Hartmnn'n method eradicates ca tarrh absolutely. Get Ills latest bool: and learn bom to corabnt this inaidloci dlseawi. The l'e-ni-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O., will mail Dr. liartnisu's books free on application. U. A. 8cott. Burt, Trnn., writes: "I feel very thankful to my Milter and roar great medicine that 1 am cored. I would not be without lc-ra-na la the house." Fe-m-na bos been earinc catarrli for forty rears. It plucks out the rootn of catarrh and builds people up. All dmggdata sell It Ask my dmfglsl for a free l'e ru ds Almsoic for Ihe year 1809 Italian Bees I bse 0 Blocks ol Italian IWa In tao story Palrat llivt s fttr isle, m e sua It at more. Low for Cash T. J IHXTF.Il Kw ltte, X, C. Cotton Bagging! . , " AXD- - New Arrow Ties t, 10,000 rarda Jala Oertlaf aad C09 l)ailThi Ovet aad MUleii AXD FOfl AIE AT 11 Art u. nuAn, P.s I hide Mat Nt r Trt r-rli . is 12e lib. Excellent Butter, Wliat a grlaxy of IJfe'j Vitavlilw at AMonUl.iog Flgoic. tvs AN IS Lven thlt.g elst- that U.'onjs M OUR DuESS GOODS 1 m 'is as in IN l As AieSTVl.l-lI A.NH CllKM'. Tli. y urc MOVING FAVT. Wc hae Iioubl - l-o'd O d-. l!kf. Kpcialii.-n in Wool Suitings Giods if wantett We have for 5c. a great leader in 'lankerclcef, an luitial Lac- ( We are silling More 8UOE8 city. See tlie Cause BEST SHOE FOR THE MONK IT WILL TELL. (Us J. H. HACKBURN, soooo cooo cccooooccco cccp. o o smswrn OY da a 9 Is being introduced ill enr store Ibiii Xinas is near hI bund. All kind of useful hi d . rnnmental TOYS at than yon ate i,cciiH. nn tbio pnylpg. id A w indow full ifix.-p an idea of some t f the ('In nptr Good -, mid we will HOl.K UNTIL ClilUSTMAS AN THING THAT is HOCGHT NOW. E3 COLLARS en v ii i IT 1,1 M f . pi v nirre ihun w l ei k i ITi r c fl.l.AK AM) ( I FF i T hey re 1 1 upiutt 1 11 to l,e en gootl ns tin e It lie Our I riee Is, on Collars, 10c. (uir. flew Sly it s are now bt-ie. m III 1MB I lil EN'S XT A UAROAIA. For tbi-w i k we i ITt r jmir t hoice new i-iyirs aivl wi II mane goods, on y Ti-fre i iione in li e lol worth Ices thnn i 00 mid si n.c weie Ji .Mi Men's Sox. our chance now to gt t an uiiu'iiul only LADIES' o ...Kid We In lieve we are selbrg Ihe BEW $1.00 KID OLOVK 0 Kv. r Id 1. 1 New 1! mi -THEODORA" Is tl e rump, nnil i veiy air b Th nly l4loe H-nl Is le Iter we I e ll e Aj(Ti v in New Iternr. Kvi ty f air ;s siamp tl ' . ( Hi fin-e any ml li!ule lhal Is claimed mi Iihw to bv hs n ut h for un Imitation y ln.i' Hi.d 0' nuine. November 20. M. Halm & Co., r4ili.Vfivi.l&.N. ' mm - .-rrMjm : Livery, Sale & Exchange Stables! . . . .. . T. ... WH0LC5ALB ANtJfiCTAIL LCALCKS IN a tcsiri.iixi: jiTii: or " Buggies, Poad Carls and Harness, w Mr SO M M to tl-e m kc i.f the Largest t.f Irllt it. w VI vv VI t V VI f l and Sergei al 23c. Higher Priced rn r one AT RETAIL than any bouse in the . . 47 & 4.9 . . POLLOIK 8TUGET. LAN this w et k. and CUFFS. r rnnr.it i.'c i el ii i I. ,1 I'tlc. All Ihe iiiifTiisy I. The fit euggeption If nint h b price o o Some New Men's Neckwear! in this wmc Now st-i d Silk ni tl ey I 'n-My. - I'ow s and Sliiog Ti h. - 2fie. Imperii I nnd lour in lliind. - St, Gel your choice 1 1 (on- lht) ick is gone. DRESS SHIRTS e S3 of any Cob inl rio S'.Mll-,. gocd Mick, lun, or Clay, . ! "ic j er pair. o Grloves. i arrxnte I give j i .1 fi-rvic ' f'-r which la Ihe CKNTKJI Ei:l t i.ii mi ii A o.'' in il i.t i ..d fU e. lor if to l- Il e peine or ax ll I sd ns II et ihe Orl 4 i niddla Jlreet.

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