1T I mtm '-77 A. .A y vN iJ A. 4 a VOLUME XXI. NKW Br KMC, (KAVtN COUNTS. N. f. TltMHY. UEl MM HI tt 75. A Block cf Din Mi Mr.H Isj Treasurer W.r!h Not Kimwn Mho Cau (liiiin i!i-in An Efficient Mayor, Collecting Old 'iuxe. Tobacco a ! c Still Large. JOURNAL li' i U . ) Raleigh. N. i .'., Dei eniu;-i U Stale Treasurer Worrh haa jn.sl un earlbe I from s une old cunin ol a yauh in lilt office bond ainoinu ins; t i J:il),000 ismed under t lie act of 18,18 'I lux: fundable under the acl if 1 VJ a 13 cent9 on the dollar. There U nothing to 8 ioiv to whom the bonds b.lou,'. If th-y were held by :i ri ale pai'ly tin y would be worth gDJUo in 4 per cents. He reported the matter to the CotiDc.il of Biate and was advised to report the mai ler to the Legislature. If they belong to tho Stale it is not known witetlitrr the Treasurer can destroy ; hem or whethci he will have to issue new bowls in place of these old ones. Mayor Kus1! ended his connection wltln t ic city la-t niht as Mayor and was succeeded by Alderman A. .M. Howell. Seldom has Ualetu b.is so cilident and popular Mayor as was Mr. K iss and lie will mako an penally acceptable Clerk of the Court. The city treasurer in his ic port made a good showing. The county commissioners yesterday decided that the Mock oivued by the ltaieigh and (iaston railroad in the llich mond, Fredcric'.tslmrg an I Pi.tomitc railroa I amounting to $IO,():j is to be taxed for tit years, back. li was found that tliey could not make the. loVI pay on its bunli as well as on ii- stock hi foroi' i eorporaiious irwmnting to iflu, OOi), as the bonds arc offset to the.i!;deljL. edit jss of I h.i road Tlie tohneo Wdrcho ies were all full yesterday, and tiie neks as well as tlie quality wi-.c -plemli I. SimujTW tlie to bacco broiii; hi jl.urj per fWfliid and a Biuall 1 to!' fpei-ially line t :ku,!iI 61 per pi ui.d The names of tlie new field ohi. n s of th i M com! mid Tim ly-; hirl lu'iuu-iiu o the Slate guard have not as )l !. e.i srnl to the Adj il.vn lijnerai's olii re. rVttimml rH'.ii ltiH,. v rn. I l 1 1 . A I ) K 1 . 1 1 1 1 , Dcremli 'i 2 The fouilh annual niei I in of the Asiieiai i.i.'i of Naval .mi'il i i of lb- I'niied S-a.es met heie today on hoard the old leceiv ing ship St. I. uiis, represeiila1 i ves bcin;; Florida, Califoi nia, Geor a, I.ouKi tioi, Maryland, Vngiiiia, New York, 2ew Jersey, Missouri and oilier Slates The meeiifg will bo one of national importance on uccunl of the ino.enu iil now on fool 1 lokln? toward the fo in i lion of a national naval noli,. a Th coijftri in e w as called lo order 1 y Captain J V. Miller, of Mew Yoik, pre sident ot Ibo association, who in a fev remarks Intioduced Governor llatiugi In a brief spcci h the Governor formal ly welcomed Ihe delegates to ihe Stale and expn -c I h is hlh npprerialion ol the tecords made by the militia iliirini; the recent war. I'pun ihe conclusion of the rea lin of ti c repoits Ihe remainder of the day w u given lo a gem rm discutsiou ol ihe ad visaliillly ot 1 onnlnij a naval reiere ol a nail-, nal rhaiacler. II appealed to be the opinion of ail thotc participating In thediciirttlun that 'ich slop would bo a move in the ril.l direction and atio it Ihe only point on which there see.n -d lo b.i a '. . IT. : ic was whether or not State n ival iniluia shojlil be dupennd w ith. Wash I Ml I o., Did - - 1 1 cnll i tut I'd pofriuvily tha no hili h has oi a u i . e ! , n ttii proi eedln of the I'pc Coin nl sion kl I'or.r, and an iuipieksioo to the contrary lu certain (ilia1 ten probalily arose through a mlauiulcrataMllrig of the pluufl the proceedings liaic reached Wlib Ihe aciiinccncr by I i S;milh Cninm'Kiiona lu the American demanda set out In the os Ik I nl pr..liK.ol. all danger of a fallue lo (each lie point ol sl(nalur of a poara lre'T dlMppeared. and that tuch a treaty will Iw forth coming, covoilng at least all ilia protooyl polula, is C' ntldo's I anur. d Uarrla aatal Mt HtMtff . TriijnTr)!. DerfnllXT -"Tlir lh 'Tiers of lb Cuban romrnlolon, healid by Ocnsral Oarela, called at Ibf. Wbttt Hojm at S.30 tb's afurnooa, and m-rn nur dnWrawf larui .llut 4.'ilnli roaia whew tha wsra racalrad by lb Tro.l- ilenl.TlroeiaeiUg, hrtr, waasnUr IHIV'IHBI MM Wll' lll mi If VIINiaVlOf U luted an boar ahd a tt: The ireet It of Ihe Pr.idVai was cordis!, but lbs' JI..I. ..I.HI tt..... i . . . i m ei rflatlra-alaial (Siasiis r -im tafetatarl Ik cUi,e..o.Cr)lioi as hsr.af ""t J'f7'' oUcial status.. Ni thing cojhl be Warned T? j ' ' " HbeWhlVi notes MolU bJwi M " " eoereraatliiB. 1 COUCH CYRUP Will curt TfliUilii ni BronchHta. A tpwIBe for h!fti' r!i Xm small. Prio 19 ete. at drag f ista, TO RlOfiOdKU . ral IS!"- iibnii' a IId rr Hit ri, ";. . inu.-il .r,:ni lu lli WuDiK'i.'nt, Deciniber si Socretarv A.lgar lm- -d 'sVncral Miles to auburi a plan tor fiu reorganisation ajil en l-irenient of ll..- army. Uener.il Mi. was. a!. early prrri ng a scbeme, icsul lestfh.- d. ri nui. nl measure, whie'i is LbviucuiIv t iug hanuled b Congie --m in Hull. It bus excited comtueul tlnoiiiih out Hie army 'ii-M. Hie War Depa: tin. it should allow ue chairman of the 1!ui-h miliary alVaiia c.ii.iuiHiee to prepa y so important n bill, Rnd that General Miles, the head of the army, was not consulted The eit'C'itiii ,iin e. ol course, did ir.-L 1'iil to attract aileui ion at the heruhpi n un .-. of I he arm , l 't tlirre it seeincl lo be aceeiite l as another phase of the ami Miles policy of Secretary 'AUei. Th r .Milt bin, ot cmiie. pnn'e.'N oi tt:e ba-is of an aimy ol 100, io i, and makes some provision for nvtnur the .Na liOUal Guard and n r.foiial foiee. Hie former only in time oi war. Il provides, also, for the inst-nii lion of the militia and for an allowance lor lu!ii"crs in tiuu) of fjeaco, nut oii.y i.i ihe way i,i eii;ipm;-iit, bill in ooaipe i er;i oi for the p'eiTod spent in i.rilliu.; or in camp, any from tiltjeii to thirty days anuiiiil.v General Miles believes that tec war wiui Spain howd very clearly that ihe State troops as audi were of little v.dne whei the time came for their i ne m p ration irilo Ihe federal oiu'ani.at ion. There s uoi only le peiess confu sion, J)itt'tliey ,' were not fully equipped, and lacked trainfii . T " i . , . . . r vper tin;, f nee and eoiu- mn-it be done . ..I I lo . i" r . ; ni o1 i he pelenl olliceis Sou to ' r- .r t he N i ' i"' a of I'.ri nter us, I ;.,. Miles b it , l! Gri-l' - 'II. ' ! '. i- l i i I '.- i I the r. t j : i- . i po:i trained , oliieers tor ,.a rejinients. old a . t rrV'-. oi il i i ..n il . WAiitit.N i iece'ii' i r I - tativc Jt-irhsrn of C ois.r.o-., roi-icr vie-.v id tv- pro1 ,-. i , , a N li ar.' rrri , 1:0,; : . i , . , : at ihN fi-r- ioa I li 'il i ; , : . , i, lie said: '" 1 die ;v o- .; - ' , favorable led- ri. ion lM: i Canal w i : e pevi r : -. i ; . ',: , C )B1? a I Ail mi ri i -1 ml ioi, io ft r -t I inn1, and .' le-' r oof oi i comniis.don i li -d i a :!.,;:'.. r not ohlv 'eri-!' loll' l 'oil :' , i COIHpli'. id r.l a ( -I !:' ( flail IIO'MHIO We v. ill do ;,'.! h ;'el 1 he bill I hi oe i dtn i ' I hi i of (o)ir.'ie-s, and b io e it i an i Senator MoiU'an ay he can a I hi oueli I f. Sen a'e in I . o f. e an il o I il at . lie, i I n, u ion lo a I I a .laMi I tl.l Oil I. H'l I l-.e.lil.er 1 M i be is of l! meal u !.r and soi.t" rest S 1 1 s I o Ion I r. d II. 'i Hint lilt. :i hei .1 I'd to 1 III 1 ! of III." J i I. n dr r a r I'l le it in were ''.veil MOiteliee al nd Tlios'- w II I receiveil lie' light senli-.c-e-s eai lo enjov it a", a. o ; d.e, an I to 1-k -pent Iheir lime i.da-ollng the oi.::i-;. Who had lo ;Ml.-lld (in in. 1 he olu e ; s, I; ;i iii 11 r. lie-, ., .1 h on da: v. U ,t censured Li.- hi -en ten pe..;,e::,:e noli i; ,1 li- h 1 I lit i '.alive l ia h il il fa I. II. ll:o fro I lo All il li e ich tal-iet. I ! ! Illurrm ie 1 It i: ui. n. December ' I r.J. fie I ' uitie majority In the In lbs Tola of Jodt: ' tie 1 in die. 'i 1 1 o ii i n e l J . i . 1 bv .1 i Kavei. 'II Hoke is HI I I ',H . I . Vole in .11!) arol lb l'l.i-i ;a.. l Oil i lo ll. 1 1 : ll'.fl' lu I It V I r.N N . Dei I'lllbe -Ki bait l' real In i Miane v i o in t-f brn today of th- fifikih inn I verm i v of Km fier'ir r rani m Joneph'f ho ih-Iiiii i.i iff thione. Tho public i;ion tun. o i ,1 , mo ted lo honor life vnert'd i. i i. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Hia Kind You liavo Alwsys Bought Bmti Signal TUB .- I YrsteJajf'a iuark( lq' ' i'o i i 'urnlah Hy W.A.TortrtJc;d s. t .niftiiqaion ,m''r" ' ai ' er .1 - M hv Otxm. IHjrli !,.. Hi . U'i '.'.Ht ;?. ni U0 1ST J Mil . 1tt !)! IH, 1s . VJ t8i U7 PN . trMj lf IV 10i . ioi lu i loo lot . a.-, s-i n io nua'af. n.u . . tltnmort. Jseiqr.vJl , A 41 (MlGMdO alAfitfltTii Wt4t 'bfc, IT)ii. Lo. Ooe w.y Tf.4.cl i it .asi m e, 4 lif 4, CONGRESS l SESSION. Tug Lasi fialf of 55:li Cosnr-iEs The rrcsident's Message of Unusual l.enirth. Much (iround to be Covered. Senators Non Cniuinittal. Treaty a Leading Feature. Wakiiincton, Dec 5. The importance of the subjects dealt with is ample encusi; for Hie unusual length of Crest dent McKinley's aunual message to Congress, the greater portion of which is about ihe war, the evenis leading up to it, connected with and following it, up In Ihe acceptance of our terms of I'ea re. The general tone of the message is highly commended: also the handling of the more or less delicate question connected w ith our acquirement of the Philippines. It is free from rancor and bombast, although fully recogi.uing the unprece dented aeheivemeins of the country in the war with Spain. Its dominant note h patriotism of the highest order, pa irioiinn such as every good American f( a Is, regardless of political affiliation and ran endorse. If the sentiment in Congress is representative of that of the country, audit usually is, ihe message will be generally commended. While the legislation of the session of Congie-s, which opened today, will have little direct connection with th? newly aeioiired territory of the country, several -d liie re ;ular appropriation bills, nola biv I ho-"e !nr ihe A ruiy and for the Navy, as well n s tho bill for tie; increase of the le ;o ar army, will furnish texts for intri v i-pci'i lies on I hat subj.'id , anil t lie io of Senarors and Hepcsentatives ind.ca'es ?,;i ieltnlion to lake full all v i-iln ' lb' ib ot' Ih-ise lets. Consequently ' i h of the present session aie 1 :1'o be iinesiially lively and in re-t in I liel ' ,1 I! is a disposition among proud nib'.ieau Senators to light shy itling themselves either for or lolding an early Spring extra I ( Ougiess, loconsidei financial 114 .Ills! ; S s-iol! 1 1 1 , dai ion, regardless of whether failure ol tie' present session to pass all Ihe le'i-laiiou actually necessary makes an evira session imperai ive. Senator Alli s oi w as asked plainly wheiher he was in favor of an extra session lo censider imam ial legislarion, but he adroit ly de i lined lo eonimil himself and answered ih" quest ioa by saving: "The President oi:-'. decide whether or not the new Coo g i e- s bail speedily assemble; we have ii' linn lo do Willi the question" He was al so n ei se to e pressing an opin i i.i, say ing when asked to do so: "So ininv things may happen in Ihe next Hired mouths that a pie.liclion at this li ic le irding an extra session, must be ne. os-n rily based upon the merest specu lalion The Spanish treaty will occupy much of Ihe lime of the Senate in secret ses sion Itui there are many Senators de termined t o ai r their views on the subject for Ih" public benefit who will take alvan'ag'r of the liberal rules and cus louu of the Senate to do so in open session li will also not be difficult, on fie.pient occasions in the House, to lug in lalks on the war and ils consequence .ui I results. The h ibiiues of the gal leries of both houses are, therefore, iNiicrp iiin with uiui h satisfaction a iiidv a-.d brilliant season, and the re poits i n i lie ii" afspsperi of congressional ;oo -eedin.'s will doiibtli-sj De more lengiby l.'iarl for soeai lime pris:. initlti HitUfta .in Ih Uhr- M - on I li. Dee. 4 I'lie uo eminent ha ! in n seried a full dec slot regarding the 1 lu 'ii and I'n i lipplnn debts, but ihe i f I V i.i! i ,e . le lo lay pu'ibsliei an an i ii . in enieol Ujril the diawing for 1 he - I - d hi 't ,n of I hr Cuban bonds will or 'in I a ember 1U. I r-ipi en ial ion In Ih- Cuban an I I'hilip I In.' d. l.u on the bourne has ierlijiin!y ! 1 1 1 - . l.-a-i-i I ihe rahh.et. A ihn in these i. iir.ti.-s Is . unbilled to ihe report I lint 1 lie i.i ernment w ill devote Ihe indem- ii 'y ri i phi' I fioni i.'ie Culled Slatet lo jl.iu i d inisl lndcl)lednes. regarding 1 wlih Ii no ib-cUivo resolutions have Iwen j taken by (he miniulf rs ' An I'ftleial diipatrh fiom the YUiyni Island, lu His I'Uilippliiei, announies that Hie liimrgeniii am redoubling their alisc'niipon Iloilo The goiernmenl' advi i-y. I 'The ro el have l heir inns I rallies on Hie i il v i i d fire on the defcn- a nlghllv. Tho pani-h troops malnialned a spinl- id di fenie and have kihad larg num'iera of Inn em my " Hl at Harfllt Nouroi.a, Va , !. 4. Tbsnj are now al ihnnsry yard bare almol thirty Bra TSael of all types, from lbs dlmlnnllr logs to ths Bismmnib cralaera aod mon itors, wblcb art elthsr In ordinary or idfr(olnj npslrt. Tbe pttsfnea of tbe Ttase eaasas (raat aotlflly la lbs yard, where tbvre are employed 1,100 ansa, the monthly wsj of bMB a(re (tie 1 1 11,000. I'rospenie for atyady evployarat for this large lumber of men laroeghoai the winter are very teeoraflft(. Walaei aed strawberry .taffy fresh al lUlertsy'i teesy; . Kiim Absolute cv Makes the food more delicious and vvholesoine MQT4. tWWi POwOtt 0O;, Wt YW. QUESTION ON T6XES lllrerllirn lo b Kum'll. T Tr.f t'llr Nlilpp .ltunniuriil itt KaIIkI. Ilrnin ol Inn real. Jot'RNAI. Bl RBiT, ( Haleigh, N. C , December ",. i A question has arisen as to the divis ion of the ollicial duties of,a taji collec tor and a sheriff on the matter of col lecting taxes. Attorney General Walser gives his opinion that the tax collectors arc to collect what is generally known a property taxes, and not the collection of what is known as privilege or othci license taxes. This is to be left to the sheriff. Mr li. (I. Hirer. has subleased from Manager Schloss the Academy of Music here .Mr. Hivers has been manager of the Metropolitan Opera House for some time. Now lie has both houses. In the report lo the Governor of the directoisof the white Deaf and Dumb Asylum in Morganton 200 children are given a? in attendance. Five members terms expire as directors in March, and the Legislature will havo to fill the va cancies. In the election tickets for Judge in the 1st district Judge Ilrown's name was printed on some as George II. and on some as George K. Brown and the Jr was left off of some, but Governor Kus sell will not regard these mistakes, am will give Judge Brown his commission. Both Congressman l'earson and Oiivei II. Dockery, Sr , have employed counse to contest their elections for Congress in Ihe '.Ith and tilh Districts. Pearson was defeated by Craw ford, Democrat, in tin '.hli and Dockery by Bellamy, Democrat, in the lilli. 1'ruf. W. A. Withers of the Agricultu ral and Mechanical College has been chosen a delegate of Ihe Association ol American Agricul'uriil Colleges and Ex perinienl Stations, to the National Pure Kood and Drug CongieSH which n eels in Washington in January. The newly elected Democratic county oliieers took charge of affairs at noon tuday. An effort will be made to have the Sliipp Monument creeled here A coni niiltee heie w ill endeavor to make the Haleigh cont lib'.it ion large enough to give ll is city the monument. iK7. SCRAPERS BURNED. Iiiiiii.'Iiiip Riilldliias on lunar HrOHil wny n Masn nT S'lHltlfM. Wlml Mly M Ili a no limir. Nl.v, Voiik, Dec. 4. Iiouer Broad way, while l he wind was roaring 1 hrough the slreels at the rate of Hiity miles an hour, had tonight one of the most do structive lircs in years. The live story building at the south wesl corner of Broadway and Warren street, occupied by lingers, Pelt A Co., was destroyed, the 211-btory structure o' the Home Idfe Insurance Comiianv, al 2iti and "Ja7 Broadway, was burned down t'llheeigh'h lloor, ar:d the eight-story building of the I'nited Stales Life Insur ant e Company, ai the northeast corn, i of Broad ay and Warren streets, w ns bully damaged. A small building at 11 Warren slreet w as destroyed. The operator! on the upper lloor of the Postal Telegraph and Cable Com pany's 'Jo-story building, at oll Broad way, were driven out, aud the wile con nections were melted by the Hani's. Tlie loss is cstimaled at a miilion dol lars Il is difficult lo trace Ihe exact oiigii of Ih" tire. Police Kvereit and O'llneii at U l.'i p m. u a bla.c In the biiscincnl i f the establishment of Hogers, Pect A Co Thev ptoinplly gave the alarm, and wii bin ten niinutPh the entire aliiicluie was in llsine. The window broken by the llerec heat, gave the high wind full play. The (lames were quickly coininunicaled lo neghHiring buildings Tho building of thi United HlatO) Life Insurance Company, directly across War ren alreet, look (Ire at lirsl In the win dows Ihe lulil frame surrounding the ((lags panes acre soon Ignllod With In a short lime th ' fire made lit way lo the twelfth floor of the Home Life In turancfl Building, aud Hie flames woik rd upward to Ihe roof and downward lo Hip eighth lloor following the discovery of the fire In the basement of lli Hogers, t'eet t Co, h illdiiig there was an explosion. A sec nmj slid mnre iolent detonation m herd a few nilnulei afterward. Five alarms brought lbs fire apparatus In ihe lower part of tbe rhy to the pise Orvat dlfrlealty wse found by Ibe lire dr. partoimit In reaching; lbs upper floors of tbs Home Insurance Company Building BTJClLBM't AnntOA BALTB. TB E DEBT 8ALVK la the world for Cuts, D raises, Korea, Ulcere, Salt Rheon, Fever Bo rea. Tetter, Chapped Heads, CbllblaJoa, Coras, aid allHhla Erop Hoes, aed positively care Pllee,orao pay required. Il If gharaaleed la give perfect sallsfaclioa or moy Maaded. Prke M aedta per hoi. For aaJe by F. tHRE P. i IS i . l. ..ib, I II - At ill l ,- Ii r. m - (., ii ii ft w ! o j; . Taiu-. Dr.- I I'he aing io n-a r" t;.- of the Drey f i- i'o -., of names pint, siimr trial liv i-oi i -1 - in ; ; 1 1 ui': w h-n i he Co 1 1 nave reiole'i d ju lei fus r i-vi -i .n now tal- i t a T 1 1 r !' ' list O' I Old s i- to rle .:. shil! a,'h .-1 i ill i - i e io r ''a sn, , lent about I '. i s . ighu ei. c II . v- iu small type in the ni wspap.-i". Many insist that a lot on tin' p ,rl of he army to seize supreme power is a solid fact. The Matin publishes an ar ncle manifestly inspired to this effect. 1 1 says that there are two camps in the trmy. One has taken Cincinnati! fur a nodel, ihe other Scipo. The conclusion liawn is that there is no danger from lie tirsl, which regaids the civil aulhor lics of paramount importance. The -eeond may menace the security of t lie state. Colonel Picquart's case has taken a dep forward. It appears that some of the documents in the affair contain references to foreign personages whom it would lie risKv, or at anv rate un-i diplomatic, lo mention in public. Then - j fore it has been decided, although the trial will take place in open court, that i these names be replaced by a sort of code1 arranged by the authorities, which will! he understood only by the court martial.' The Court of ( 'assalion has asked lor: he secret dossier that is lo say, a-ked j io see the-e fsuious doeiimenls, which ' ire so lenible that a foreign war is said ! o be certain if I hey are shown lo Drey- j ma. Indeed, I In y are Mipposedly so dan ;erous to Ihe peace of prance that il is a . vonder they were not destroved long! igo, if they really exist, w hich many j doubt. So far only one has seen lire' light of day. This is the letter which; 'lolonel If oil i y confess,. ,1 t0 bar ill'.' ! forged. Il is, Iheicfuie, excusable to : i hi nk that the only pe pie to have any i thing to fear from the examination of hese documents are those who have' nadc thitii, 1 lor.'t te.ke in ten a I nied; ernes be f o i e the 1 11 1 It- one 'nine-!. Thev endanger I h e h'.'u'.'h of both MOTHER'S FBtfi3, t!v Ko-a:i.! lonn-tned exti-rr al 1101110 r.t. wi.l nl ".( the eaily diRtre-s.ir. 1 !'i. l.rU-r ..::; b' : ter than u:i-l': i g t n. ihe w : il. I'i good e'lei'.s :in- lie ' r".'u';" l "dv bvfo e .' '! : 1 -r .':: :: . :b" :d-.i! its I. ;;:;d af', .: I'll ! ' .' ' is OV-- come ; -- . i' -: ;. -e:""l :,tt. r !...i ! ened l"fl s :' re. .ri.-r: I dar: -or . i,!el Sold by I): e..l-n r $1 a I. !!:. Pn I f..r ..n. ft I'l '-I ' '. .n !!.' - .1 '' THE EPAPFir.l D Scl ;'.A';TR CO.. f l:ctft.Ca TAX NOTICE! Tbo-r who hae not paid tlo ir County "ax s sdiould do ho al i. nee and thus ave llio (tO.-sTS. wheh will be adde 1 ifn-r IiKCKMHKU lolb. No fin i her i r longer iii.l.i'g'-nee w ill e gianted Tax payi rs. so p iy nt enr-e. JiiSKl'll 1. HAILS, S 1 if 1 1 1 f llnvfa ( 'oii'it v. ami i Do This Insurance : Company : of : America, Home Office Newark, N. J. John F. Dryden, President. ""a ail Msa aBajaya Ansrts Jul) I, lii'Ji'; 4W. orpins JsIt 1, 1898: Inrnmr IHJ17: juficMj jfafetS iBifirtBCe il tmt Il97t . Insurant Wtllim la IliUT: iMfMth& ,,W Pol,e, H,Uer Dlt, '' : ' THE niUDKNTlAti HTANDa IN TUB FltONT OF TUE 0RKAT LIFE INSURANCE COM PANIE1 OF Till: WOItLO. IT 0FFEK3 ALL THAT 13 GOOD IS. LIFE INSURANCE, AKD UNDER THE HKST CONDITIONS. , " F0U PARTICULARS, AI'I'LY 10 fl L. H0LL0WELL, General Agent, K00M 4, TLANTEai BUILDINO, iOUNTRY u uuil w of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, li' i;K ItH'M) IN NKW BEKNE, A; i wo i, -,).-, fu'ly ask for a larger Sliare of jour patronage, w U.y Urge 'uaritities from first hands and pay no middle io- i or,,:,, s ..; d iii t- then-fore in pared to sell you ae low aa any in. e. We have j ist coii'm'-i.-.I a lot of nice STABLES and a targ t-hed to s'iekcr vo tr v Ii ii-loei, wliich yoa are welcome to use k i! in'.VIi. n yon come to ilieirity Din't Fail to examine our Stock let ue buying vour (Irocenes. Keapcctfully, 71 Broad Htrvrt, IVEW BEItXE, W. 0. LOOK THIS Full in the face. By right it may belong to the little ones, but older ones also corns in for their share. This store will help all to knjoy it. Gifts ot a practical character for both the young and old. Not too soon to think of what you will choose. (i io.I look; ami comfort combined I'm is I'! , :.-), If I 0.1, 1 'Jo, 1 o'l and J 50. Fur Colin ns to. Anolhi-r suggestion of winter. I "rices, l(t (10 and 4 .VI, 'rMli table CJIovch. Uangen of alyh'8 anil colors ve-y libi': al for either, man, woman or child. Ladies ICid DIovch, (ilti-, Toe, $1 00, 1 25 , and 1 oO. j Men'a Kid Cloves, f 1 110, 1 M. iMissia Kid (MovpH, 7'c. Children'ii Fabric (iioves and Milti-ns, 10c to ll.')-. IHlic.H HiabrellaH. Some interesting tl.injrs, fancy bandb'n, prices il 50. 2 SO, .1 00, 3 51. For Wocneti. An 'ther shipment. Thin only aboul week old. Sutnj correctly labored gar-uii-niK in I In- lot. I'i ices f2 .'i0. 8 M,i M. 5 00, fl .10, 7 50, H oil. 6B. 3 F BO lii .t e have laid iii or the FALL AND i e i f the l argest ami Beit Assorted Stocks GROCERS, Holiday? Sentiment Wool BlnnkeiH. "An armful of wool" fairly describe a single pair of these blankets Pretty border colorings, prices $3 50 and 4 00. Nepiirale NkirtN. A Ureas Skirt ai h gift may not be a in i PI tin Brilliantines, fl 90 along to 4 75. Hrocado " 2 03 " ' 3 50. Ilrocadc Sat in, JOi il I. Colored Serges, $1 1)5 to 2 50. Colored Novelty Wo.ils, 3 85, 2 90 a id :t fHi. BtlH. A iiretty rug not in li jpnniblo, but a good piece of economy. Moipietlm, t2 5(1 and 3 75. Smyrna (Hf! lu). $H 00 and 3 50. (30 in) 1 50 and 1 75. LuriicM Ilniidkerchlefs One of the chief points of merit. Is tha close prices we make. I Pure linen, H. rt., 5o Pure linnn cambric, aher, 10c. Pretly designs, embroidered. 15c, JOc, 25c. 68 Sm. NEW IiFSSE, k. a