ti n .1. " 1r It ,)-c I L' It 'if 1. aaai a v TIE EXCELLENCE OF SVRIT OF FIGS is due uot only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, butiilso to the care unj skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Cai itoiima Kic Syhi-p Co. uuly.uuJ iv c wish to impress umia all the iiupo;!anc of purchasing the true u.i original remedy. As the STenuine Syrup of Figs '.a manufactured by the '.'amkoksia I'm SvKur Co. only, a 'now ledge -if iliut fact will sist one in uv,-i.: ii the worthless imitations ronmifu -Hired by other par ties. The .i,r!i .-tjndir.if of Iho Cali fornia Flo li.i c Co. with tlie medi cal i-,ofes:..:i. the satisfaetior which the n-ii.i.ne Syrup of Kijfs has (riven to :-;il'.;oii- of f.ir.iilics, mr.kes the nnicc of v..e Company a pfuarnnty of tl,c evcv'icn ; of iis remedy. It i far in advance of all ether !u xatives. as it acts on the Ki;(t;ovs, lier and bowels without irritating or weaken iK" them, and it do-., n, t j'ripe nor nauseate. oni.-r to benef.rii.l effect-, pl'vi v ; cineinW-i- the lin.ue of the Com ran y CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. r- V MiA.Ni-IftCU. L fWVILI.K. Ivt. JifW VOI1K. N. V. I hli JOURNAL. New llerne. N. (' lb (;. i s ix. a Div in Ttsn cirv. Kiiir and m'leh colder, is th weather forecast for today. There were sales of (ittecn bales of cotton 011 the lociil inaiket yesieidav. 'at trices 1: siiif i in' from 4 7a lo ."1 -J.i. Mr. John lirow n of Kinston, formerly j wit h J . W . Mew borne .V Co., i:r,d Mr. veorgo ir. it ay ne, 01 niymi.ia. Iiavei tikeii positions wiih Mr..!. K. I'arker, Jr , in his proceiy stoic on Itrosd s' n 1 1. The tng raikiiH, bee)!ig;ng to the niades liiuu'ier Co., as ieiorled as hav ing broken her sha'l and p:opell-r, yes terday. The aeeident whs said to re due lo striking a stump in Ihe Neu-e rhi 1. 111 !;ii 11 nl iy M rrl. 0. Daves Pitt, in !1 iliini .i the ilrd insist. t, bv the Kev. .1 lloist.vi. Ki'idcsion, Mim Nita Pitt of thai cii 1 daughter of Phi is ( ' Pi:t, P.,, to Mr. John C Ihwi", .,n of K,!,.;u 1 1;. )4V,... 1 formerly of .New Heme III K II In Moreicnd City. ( 'apt ai 11 A in in ' J Wallace of this city. Captain Wallace was in hM U4;h year The ho ly will l.e I brought lo Ihi city this morning and! nil rial services win t,e !i.;M from depot on arrival of the A A: N. C Irani Friends and acquaintances Invited to at lend. I I'm I r-N-iiiiin I li.t in nl Hon. Charles It. Thomas returned fi Italeigh lust night. The Secretaiy of Slate has duly is-ued to him the certitieate ol election m.d the Governor has issued his commission ns ICepro-ieiilalive in Congics from Ihe :trd District for the leiin lie.diiiiin Man h 4th, IWm, and ending Match Ith, 111" I II la Uillnrk n ble l.srapr. llerhet t 1,'ipton. I he s ni of Captain I. Upton, who fell from the rro-s irees of the Schooner Henrieita Hill to the ,!,( k a distance of (P. feel, i- icpoiied si doing well and 011 Hie load to iccovi-ry with no serious intei nai it: j inn The reason lhal the Inl! fiom ,,11 h h great hcil:' , . , t ledialeiy fatal is that in Ihe di-ieni Heiberl slri.i k a lope which served to break lie- foi. e ol the fall, bin even with l!o explanation the escape is si.ltlcii-nily ieuiaik.il ;e. Flss Ires Inilaslrj. Seven car loads of i ine tree top lie shipped by M r Jm P. Hawk 1 Pine Lumber ( o of this i i r t: 1 will f Ihe New 1 ork in time for I ho Christmas holidays Theae pine lops are ned for deeorationa Sad many of them will I used for amall C'brlstnias tteei s:i 1 wh"n covered with csndlcj and presents will gladden 1) "i I hearts of ronn'.le.s ni.all 1 Inl Irnn Mr. Jacob H. Haw k, father of Jos K, Easton, Pa,, Is here asslsiin in me ship plo The trees are l-t-iug cut In ihe vicinity of Newport Last year these Kentlemen shipped twelve car Ins Is Constipation prevents the IkmIjt from Hading Itself of wss e matter. De W itt's Utllw Esrly lUseia will remove the Irooble snd cure Mirk lleslarlie, nil louaness, Usctlrt Liver and clear the Completion. Hmsll, n(rsr (oaled, don't f rlpsor cstus nau.is. K h Duffy. 1 avw SWwra f kvaaa.iiis. TssltrdaT sftsrsoon lbs (kiunly Board of Eduosttow met lo lbs ctsrk'a ofTlrw Had ksld Us rejular monlbly mMlB( PwfMMt to Ihi Board's isqactt Mr. 0. L. 8lTMt vim tksra to diseoss with la aWiWis f tk Boord lbs r spoilt fo. ftbMl Iksl Mrlsla tssl prsctkx WM Mlg do tM lk otorta) ckool oaaiHiMaiM. il subdued vrtitoa suusmii M lb Dutri Tk rlsllo f Bobm lUek m caeoi oi.a.ltiM. for Ik Btk dUriet s rwceirsd Md wecepted. Ilisueentnif Othsf mt sssturs ksrlsf kst dU eal lbs Board adjoaraad w tka eall f Ikackslismsv. Wk oa ask foD Wlu't Wluk Jlstwl fxsJr doa'l aecpl a aoaatorfalt er Imlts'loa. Tksra ar mar ( Tiles psinf r 11 red bt tkl. Isa fttJ 4kr fublss'l. f H Doffr. A Kit? TOWCV. Fl laMltmi BWaraa an. Ikllr I karrt. Work has begun on lue new t..tr lo b built od the from of M Paul church The lower part of ibe ioer io (onn n vestibule for the church. Aliove ihe ve- libule there will be a luuaic ro ni for the convenience of the choir wiih an en- trance to the gallery. The tower will rise 83 feet above the atxi of lur church building and ahove will be an iron cios eighl feet in hel-jbt w hich will k ov- ered wiih gold leaf The height from the ground to the lop of the cross will be 'eet The im ruvement to the iippearan, c of the building will be great. The plana aie draw n by Mr. 11 W. Simpson, arcui lect. When iLe addiliou is made the n hole building will be uewlv painted lathers Edwards is much pleased wiih Ihe changes hciuj made and lakes a per sons! juiciest ia ihe work. The history of the church building is of considerable inieiesl. The chinch organization was perfected in .May InJI, by Iter. John England, Bishop of 1 i:e Carolina. ln the 24th ,!une l'.'l, tl.c vestry met and bought the lot coi m i Middle and New street, HVi by 1 1 7 j. . for 'iTiOII. Knouh money could not 1 e ruised however to erect a building, n:i I friun IHiU In ir.lt 1 .1 I n I , " " ' " "1 street was itfed as acli:i"'l. in l'l'.t $:iltl wss raised for acburch building, ur ihi of New lieine, with alike nionthlv at $"('(, had been in hand for a number of1 lowanee. years, filet) was kit l.y will hvl'i. Ii-,l 'Ihe ineinbeis of tiie New fie r no Divis a Protestant who wished lo help I he . ion desi 11c great credit foi enduring I he poor niembcrship. ! arious ariioyances and neglect to w hii !i tin May 1st, Judge Win. (Ja-toii made ' 1 hey have been subjected, maintaining' a coniraci lo Ilar.lv I!, i.aio' lo hui.d I ti a:i 1 raiiialioii in ihe face of great di ch nch lor $:l,7S4 :U. It was tin: ! t d oinagemeiils. duibiif 1SI1 Tiie diincndoiis wiieo.': feel long by feel w ide. The chaicli was blessed in IN 14 by Kev. Dr. I.'e;, n.daa. Judge (l.ston .bed.lauuary 1:1;!, , 1S41, living long enough lo see the Inoi. I ., , , ing blessed, hiving always taken I in- 1 greatest inieiesl in all its a Hi i . s I no Hul l,. l Hy I ..or I. list Monday night two w hi ! 110111 I'oMocLm ille weie waylaid j it I outside this city, beyond l!:e water w 01 ks I bv four n.-ioes aud lohhed. The names of the men weie William Meadows and lleiiiy Adam.-. They left heie nbonl s I o clock to we.lk homr. going l.y the mil- I j road and were come upon from behted j j and se:ed befoic resistam e could be' : ,uil i,. j 1 ' 1 They w eie rt-licv ed of 1 In ii money and I lothet eirerls. as well as uisiols with I which they appear lo h.ne been aim. ,1. ; ! Miadows was considei nblv beaten in Ihe! isti ggle. The above w as repm led bv a ' i :-iloi reiiii ning from I'olloeksv die. ' , K.llrl'H Ulih I4.iiis. With yesterday's county i ouiltiissioli -ers tiieetiiiL', and the adjoin uineiit of the old boil d sine die, C 1 a yen 1 u 11 y lo-i a commissioner in the person ol .Mr P W. 'siliallwoo.l, w holll most of the county w ill be sorry to sec h ue .Mr. ."small w ood has served Ciavru county for ti n yeais. Slid proven himself a moM Iruslwoiihy and 1 llicienl commis sion! r, one w ho al ay s had I he con lily's best i ill 11 esl s al he ail, mid w ho 1 1 call d 1 1 s alTsirs in a practical and business way. Mr. Smallwood retires from ollice with credit to himself and wiih the sin celelegrelof ihe property owuris of Cra en county A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a eeitnin course. Cure il iUn kly and effectually w ith 1 ine .Mm lite Cine, Ihe best remedy for all ages and f n Ihe most severecases v e recom mend 11 because it's good, p S D ifTv. A .Xlw Nasotile I . llllr. Perseanl to the cflicia! ii shed in The Misssenger. it lier of the ii.emlieis ol St ,! 1101 11 e .e il, large nuiu ihn s Poile N' 1 . A I' and A. M , Wilmington Lodge No. 21'.l, Dllent Lodge No i'.H.i, Concord Cliaptci No. 1. and I'lanlagi nel ( oiiimainlerv No 1, attended the meetini: 1 all. d last night at St. John's hall. 111 Market .inrt for Ihe purpose of healing a n poil fiomllie .Masonic I I einple toipoialion ami t nlisidct 1 11 g I Ihe plans suliiniiled by the Ixiard of j dire. iorH for the erection of a Masonic I I empl Ihe lot on north front street now o, . upie.l by the old 1 1 r s t N a 1 n , 1, a 1 Itsnk building. I Mr M S Willard. of Ihe Temple r. -rp'. ration, ! I plametl Hie wolklllgof the association ami bow the funds arc lc:nir iaisr.1 f,,r ihe rrerlion of the I'Uildin;-, and slstrd thsl upviariU ol f ISM) ,,r the J'lO.laSI nts rssary f,.r Ihe purpose have alres.ly lieeu serureil an I that no Iroubh- in the raising Ihe ad-li lional amount Is nutlripatcd. 1 he plana were Ihoroughly tliscusse.1 1 aril a motion was unanimously adopted 1 authorldnn Ihe corporation to proceed I with the work on Ihe plan adopted j The plans for ibe building prepatml by I Mr McMlllen, Ihe aichitecl, wero show n and llier met with Ibe approval of the meeting. Tbe building ia lo Is- ',ir sIoiIm In hclghl, and Ihe first floor w III contain tbree stores twenty four by all Inches in th ciesr snd running bark lo s deptb of ninety eight feet. The second floor will consist of fifteen handsome offices lbs Mssooa will have a largo snd slcfint ball on lbs third floor, soil lbs foartk floor will tmbrsrs s commodious kail to b let for pobllc parposss. As aknalor wilt coantct sit four floors, and la aollra building Is to bs bested by at. Tfca kilMlag will h ks ksadsoaMai la Ik City sad would b sa oraanual to ssjr plaea. Wa aadcrMsad Ibsl work oa it will b oaMaosd I Jsaosry Wlb atlaglow Nwsar KHk. Us faaad Iksl asf Hula Mat ara las prat ad asor ky ftaal fjrmf af f!, wk la atad af laa kiailra affact of fwati fwasad, Us by aay aikr. Cklldrwa a)oltad H Wsflts Ikm. Tb traa rssssd. yria f ftf u ssrsmsrsd k; Ika Callforal TTj H;r C. owlf TBI HATAL KIUTIA ftew (ailallM V-Saoer. n,,,, Br,, fml e-r. Ail. iuh Lai.1 Tliuradsy ibe line ofltcrr. of ihe North Carolina Naval Us-lalion met in Wilmington, New Berne being irj.rt- sen led ly Lieui. T C. Daniels, In 1 he election of Held officer?, Com niuuder Geo I.. Morion v as ie-e.ee Ud I, i acclamation. 1 In passing a niav be said that Coin mauiitr Morion well lueriuxl ibis honor as he ban made a most exemplary ottlcei and one who has taken a peroaal inter est in promoliug ihe Naval Militia of Nciih Carolina lo its present Ligb stand anl of eic lit nee, aDd oue w ho it on IDc couslaut atch lo further ihe Militias ; weifaie, aod iucrea.e ita usefulueaa of the Naval Reserve Division ia this city il i of interest lo know lhal It bai seemed the Plainer Warehouse snl i.l nmkr il hi alt,iiartcrs foi I heir ilrilh, je. As the lot lis . has liefore suggested ilo Division should icceive support of a 'substantial character from both New llei ne ami Cra n county. J Tne new liosrd cf cout.ty coiumission eis w ho w ill come imn olhce tomorrow, and no better atari could be made l v ' thee otlicial-, Ihnn by passing a resolu- ' lion ailow ing the Nov Heme Naal lie , 1-1 r. I I, , i.i, . ..,.,,.11.1... Iiti -'' '"" -"" And tins should be followed by Ihe City ' Manv t.crsons in this cilv were donbi - ! Ies MirpriMil to lieat of the Division's ' W . Hancock, postmaster of ', w j d . ill and inspection lasl w eek, and Ihe v I lidl i c, ;i8 Coll lit y Mttort'ey. j would have Lien still more surprised if I K,.t.rl Mosc.ey, colored, iimde i the hud seen the splendid showing the',. , , "1 , ., i, , , lb.- iioinimuioii, John Bid. lie, fee 1 bo s mule. i In the lediow s,,i:uie drill. Major Ilol- g 1 -a:d I lie 1 ): w-ioii did belter w 01 k ! liian any Division he had inspected. I 1 1 1 he cit izetis w 011 Id lake the same in- Iciest 111 Ihe lleseives work and encout i age them, as they do in the Heel teams. ' ',,w '"'"K1 wl" s""" "ve ""' '" N"'"' :ilina- 1 The malerinl is heir, and il only need ' "" o- ".u m iiinuuer " '"' h "I'sll doiu.iu lo New Heine 1 OCR NATIV. BiVALVr. ' wh" "" '' yisr ; r lunn., .1 .hHij.or. Th" most di-1 iiigiiishrd consideration ! "' ' l"' ga-l 1 oiioinic editor of the I'osi is jl"e l"l!ie bivalve editor of its greatly e-ieeiiH'd eon i em ;ioiary , the New Heine Jm uai. for a si.bslant isl recognition ol ihe Posi's inieiesl iulhii welfare of tli.-i: larc and eiiiiiieully woithy -lasi of our fellow ( iiiensof Kastern North Carolina, who are assiduously engaged ill l In: highly ciedllalile occupation of propagning ami disseminating ill it de lieio.isly p il ilabl : product of our east ern waters the oyster. The su'islan Hal lecognni in aforesaid is in I he foi in . f a bucket of regulation shspe and re special., c il nieilsi.ins, ciaiuined full of some of ihe largest and niosl delicately llsioied Siecimens of the North Caroli na bivalve lli. I has ever tickled Ihe palate if I lit- gasi roiiumic editor afoii -said. This sample package, as the Post is reliably inforiic-d by the emiuentlv iruatworlhy bivalve e.lilor of I he Joi u Ml., was furnished by the large and weil known lish and oysler house of loo N. Ives A Son, whose fame is uni vervil Ihrongholil these parls The hope expicsseil by the Joi r. vi.'s bivalve editor ihal the specimen contained In I l.e p u kage herein described would i t it psn sliength and courage for "future baltlcs in behalf of this gieat native product of our common w eall h,'1 is well found, d. foi an editor w Im would not slsii.l in the breach against allcomers in defence of the North Carolina oy ster aflei having tuliivaled liu at'nuainl aine with the subjeci by gi 1 1 in on Ihe oiiliile ol a fev. of t he spt t iuiem sfore n.ent.oned, would iK'tray as many pro lej.ions of paliioiiim and undying de vol 10 the Old Noilh State nnd all h r w o. thy iii'.ereala as one could print 111 rolunim of editorial -a crime that Tie- I'osi hope" may never la- laid at IIS door. And while Ihe suet ulenl spe linens of s gtesl Norih I a 1 ol 111 s prod n 1 tirklti ihe gaslionomie etliloi a palsle, he rises 10 piopo.e ihe health of ihe bit slve ed nor id ihe Joi imi , and to eiptess Ihe fcrTeii' hope ihnt he may ine 1 .ug an. I piospei llali-igh Post, Dec .".id His I suai) niiitiMH.M. rn. I l.e ngiilsr inonihly mn 111,7 i f ihe County Omnilnloners of I rarrn, look p!ae yeslenlay. Present, II P Williams, act t haiin.aii, I. W Mnsll woml, Hob! ilnaeley The board prerredul lo t bsln)( up lis oftleial affairs, and Ihlsdone sdjourned sine tile Al it p in Iho newly alerted board. It I Williams, John Itlddle and i.ol-1. Mose ley, colored, ere sworn In John Hid die was elected chairman of ihe board Commls-duoer Mnaeley put in nomlns Uos 8 W Hancock for county ailorney for tbn ensuing Iwo yesra. This wss seconded by John Bidtlie. vols Moss ley sad lliddle voted sys, snd Wlillsms sgslnsl, Williams further snlerlng a protest sgslssl llasoork, say ing be ksd Issoa it pad I sled by both pollikeal psrtUs, snd by lb rrpnisbls ellireat of tfsw Br. A aaaber of bonds prearnletl by towasblp anaslaUtsa wr rsntel. Of IM eoosly nfflners Woads, J Lllaka for ksrllf wa lb ostly prsswatad, la (Hkart asklag llsaa, wbUk was iraalad la ansa caa to lik last aad la oa to flnt Mnaday la Jsaasr, IrVfl, Board look a rmss aalll w-kiy. rsxr Oss-Ssw. -Oaa llgbt Uy axar, kiss U fotakaad. JilUaroadBvikJroaia.y pastor at' Oa Orara, assr Hsrsloek. T3 IWward wawv iwi.rw. ursiiTT! uaBOMrrr. HOW LOHa), OB, BOW LOstO ! I hi f l a i. Ha n (- i t r I f ,. I.n lo S f V. r n ( I C'slill Idltl't, , 4 i. n o j pese 1 'o Ib-io cral.c r . i.ir'r i i ' ' nit . o t he int.- lupUOiBCf li. -l I ll.elj', sllolll ii.l-.4- Utll 1 .iu ct, aid who oi lime to pu-aiie it .. re which " - loeir tillljiitlr I'ciiii. UoU. (i Novcinbtr 4'n. ihe cu ictn f Ni i r'ie, in inn! mr n, i.- lo'oeo. pjritel Crftnt'i loSu!:l'10 I.'. 11 i S .ii'iii'jur ,!, i'.c ui'e ;icO - ' 1 ' i . or in C'.i o I n.i, i lid ihe ' ' ! . ' ! in pel ..a that; .'I If I IIHII t. . L II I I oil ll'.'l to , I lemou. nlie, ei i verv rj .on i.t lo! lute supieiua. t st .0 i MiuMt., not k!'""ls' whclt.er llo; ! 'g h lui u H would rt;iki l!o s , :(r as 11 had , " -truck W.I.UII..I...,. 1 lie lu(ae of it 1 1 ,1 -.inn (! o chantd 'lie i)iilt8 of tht-Mi ' p; o,.,e k no ijuasc ; t.e,.o, i.o re- w he m eullaut and brave, and the lIioiis of iViteiiilcr -lit., :u.d ;l,c crati'.nde of his tow nsmcn i being cx ole of November S b. i pressed in fiilsi.rne teinis for his insiru- it t8 '.im- for e'-r co ,ii in i it i d i ration to j;o n.i,, , ft'ue, ilns! i ( ar eeeii.'s lo h ue ! H6:. j't aied, ! ntol the ssine reckless itlsiiea'd of I pu id 1 o tciiltiiienl has nin.i.i. 1 00- Scssed the II' loi IMIIilsLl all 1 1 of i-o'i.aty ofltitals. Mol.llaV, Ih'CeUib. r ."ith the' Dl'W lio.wil ol county o.iiiitii'.s.-iotH'ts look t heir place'. A hai is ; it of I li.a borrr 11 IV. Hancock, !i : si .-.c! of a iMajortt y , "' 1 L-oarll, mi: lo i Meet S;- moor " " " " '"r ! ,"a'l,: 'S- U- Hancock, county u- tnrncv, Commissioner K. 1'. V 1 1 - 1 hatiie, entering bin protet. I Kibcrt M .seby, wh . Iivoi in this jciy is nut ii (.iniiiil colored inati, ti t t I Ii.- in es 11 o 11 Lit J j blind to 1 ho aiiiia ! lion t.f political alfalfa in tins city a id Ci.ivvn count y. A:: I t In ic is n 1 ine I for tins b'linl i -is, f.n M ttdcy ;s u poliiician. t-ms pni 1,1 tiie i ist. cHiii p itg 0, and no lino hi 11 is it-hil 1 lie icsoliitioi.a passed by tl.c tdt'.-ns cf New IL- . ..1 m ! I.' ln :. M'-bcIcv, C i. .. , dill 1 S I o Ilolll . tuic liatict ck lo public t Hice in colon d V. . fi m t-11 County f John Hi-. tile, ci mt8 from I'm I Hji'i -; I in tin., couniv. -iiitl tt clcti'.ed 011 a ticket :n t'i'porit .,11 to while mptemacv, Mr. H.d He lias tint temerity to cmiie into public 1 flirt; and cobli.-ine Ins I'pposiLon to wlilttt siijiieiuacy, as Tob.-i tl hi ma-s meeting by the citiz us of New llurin John lltjillo mav not liiio rtatl t e resoliiliobs, tiui litem hic suifly e nnigli (jori'l llcmocrals in In i.eigliborliooil wncut lie lives lo uc qiiainl him i Ii the idea that wl lit supremacy rh .11 prevail in Cinien noiinti. and the. ioicu of lire Citizens la not lo be kili'tic.t-ii, nor are ll.o re-udiilio h m pasHt d on N-iiciiilnr 4' Ii a ticat letter. M 'Seliiy ant! liitlille, oii have made a wretched tii-niiiiii of your aaintuislrntto:.. on lioltl i Mice, but icmetnber who elected ytui, ai.d provoke hot tli ' rliite people who have permit-tt-il yon lo tin 8orn n , and wliosi patici.co hat hlrtaily i ei n solely truij, anil l.o arc in i o no oil lo In fnrt her I rilled wild. Mosel;:y anl ltilille, ou an i'atiiling .ill the l:xu volcabo of all outraged com rn u nity, is t 1 wbi'e your destruction may de tle'sji-tl yon n ay bold fi t I ceitain thai voul tlooin Is assured, for t Ins com mu Ii 1 1 f of Craven rounty, tlmsn peopla of N-w Berne, Imve tieolated acunet j-si what yon sin snpporl in, e.nd tbu declaration w.s not mtle litir-ri-dly or in j'-st, bit ' in sj'ern rarneat, a nl what ihupooplu date iloclsred sgs list, tint shall I. ot prevail, mill opposition inesrn speed j iii si ruction to ihossS who attempt jr. Tba sooner s cough or cohl is cured without barm lo Ibe suffen r the better Lingering colds are dangerous Hacking cough Is distressing. On Minute Cough Curs quickly cares II. Wby suffer when such s cough cure Is In reach It la plesssnl m tbe last, f H Duffy. FAMISH WAM TSOfHIKa. To - rrtawsilesl to she arib fwrwllaa Saswl (!. The laiesl Inforaalloa Is Ibsl L eu tenant Kdslo A, Anderson snd I-Un lensol Victor Kin will arrlr la Wll sslBglna sen Saaday wltk lb Ssolsb pHt rldps, ika Baadotal, eoianaaded by Iba former, aad U alrsrsdo, cobs mssded by lb letter. TMpoplf Wllialagtoa aalk-lpaia Ik vbHof lb Iwo an altb graal pUaaar aad ara Uklag Ik asos-i lirsly taiarvst la la oosaiagof la two klsVtic ablya captarad frotj Ik Mssy aad avow aalU aadsr I'act Sssi'i aolors. Too fraateat latorast, aawtrar, osa. tr ia IM war trwpbUt wklckLWa laaaal Aadtraaa.la bihiflrfg v W It ajlagtoo to ba ptsswaud toibaVortb Carotlaa aatal Utulloa. Oa all aid Ika oltyla rlsglng wlik U pralsof oar dlsthisiUbsJ yosng lowasiaaa, a gsatUsmsa a aiadsvi -aad aassaalg COTTON is and will cor untie to be the moncj crop of the South. Th planter who gets the most cot ton from a fe:i area at the least cost, is the one w ho makes the most moiu y. C;;Hi culti vation. suitalili rftat! and lileral use of ft rt:i:.'cr , ,-on taining at least 3",, actual Potash will insure the largest yield. We will send Free, upon application, PamPhlets that will interest every cotton planter in the South OEWAN KALI WORKS. 9 3 Nassau St.j Nw iTk- I menialltv in ui!: the tro;diies to be I br oin-tri I 1 Im naiive 1 in U hell he 'hi.. ;i:iiv, anion will h.- mini- (,.,,(,ra,.. e:oesscd in a manner which : he will I e made 10 long re.iieinlr r ! A iici-loforo stat I in Tim Messen- re". Ihe no'li'e-i winch Lieutenant Ar.drr-oii i bringing lo Wilmington are ,-.s follow . A I'.vchami orderifelt 4 "i-cr.lihre gun anil inounl. taken luim ihe wiet k of Ihe .Spanish armored cruicr 'i.c-i a, which siieeumb d la fore t he guns of A dmiral s.iiii;, son's lb t I al sn.t.ago A contact none t a-e picked up by the t lined Stults steamer Martileiit.ait, on xvhith Lieutenant Anderson seryctl, in the channel lcinl-ug to iliebi-in of Cui ininera. Cuba. A cntlas lakei from I 'it- Spanish ar mored cruiser .Vai ia Teie-:i which also fell a prey to Ihe Aiivricsii lleei al San tiago and w hieli was afier.var-ls rsis. d ant! fotiiuiered a coupie of w et ks ago while, lieiint luoulit Hi this c -tiy. A 5"(-iiich shell and case, and a six pounder ami a one pounder nl-o laken from ihe Mm in Teicsa. A mscliete raptured by the Ameiican marines at the hist landing a Canlan.v mo bay, , Camp Mi l 'alia.) Also other smailei arlirh-.t ei.c-trcil from I he Span i.- ii aii.l which ,.n- iulci esling souvenii.s of ihe war When Ihe Sar.t'.n al ami Alvoa-Io ar iie in Wiluiiiigloii Ihe-e Ho:.:: . - will be p resented to the naval mdi.i.i ol North Caiolina, and us heietof, re staled they wili be rtteived with an uppiopri ale deiiioiisl r,n ion, and a recepiio.i will be tenth-lid to lcnicinini.s Anderson ami lllue.- W iiiniu ;..n M.-s-i ng--r, De cember 4ih. Hki d lU-.ED. A Noted Thysciaa Will Treva tu:s t 5-. udcren in T'cw rcrnc. The piogre-s of mol.-in ine lical sci ence has letl t , the discovery of success fill nit Iho, I- if irialmeit fir mosi o! those mai.-ci t-s on,-e legimled a- ine ira- ble. Asiliin.i h is a'w -iy a hi t n regarded as beloiigii I,. ,,,i- . , Paaie t lass bali ling the 'si 1 of iii - .f physicians. Thous-.o '- if -i.lTi ; , . . i..,.,a by iheir otx :i v ei ien- e i ;,a: b , I . i' any. lelief has been r. T 1 1 1 . I ll: in b ll ictiiods heretofore e.npl o e l. lli- Ii idol ll s. lull ii.t-iii the noled pli -i lari has, after a life lon.r slntlv of As.Imh end kii.i'td distiise, tli-e. v :e, a icmeily wh-- ii i ot only g:ts in - lain i ,-; n 1 iii i he sevi-i e I tats ol Asthma, l!y Kcver an i Hi .in he is, ! el has ncius'li ruled I h oi:m .Is , I oM easts had It in pm- lllllil.lt',: i'illir.l.ir. So t I! 1 , 1 1 le is his col:! .It u e in I i- remedy, llc.i ., over Coinu Ihe -,.i p! i i-ni of Hie pub) e grow ing out of the failure of elm r n medics, Dr. SclillTin n; n letpe-ls this piper lo annc.'.ince tli.t I n ih.- nexl three days he t,:Ii is a lila-ral fsmplc box of "si hilTuiiii.i. A -tl.uis Cure" fiee of charge i pt rsons applying al Davis' i'hiiimn' y , t or llrostl ami Middle Strctl He Li 1 evt s I list n-i actual leu w ill be Ihe niosl tonvlnt lng, anil In fact the only way to overcome the n.tursl prrjudido" of thousands of Asthmatics w ho have heretofore sought relief In vain. Persons living out f low n w ill ret eive s psekate frrr, pos'pahl, by w riling dirtel to Dr. He rilfTtniti, liosa'iel si , Hi Paul. .Minn , before Detfinber l ith, as no free samples ran be obtained after lhal dale. Sent! limply our name ami address plainly written on a postal rartl. Bears Wanted. The Btate Museum vstut two Is (e Bean the larger the better in oo,1 order for aluffing, preparetl sa folio ' soon si poaalhlo sfier killing lern ive all sol'alli snd rub plenty of salt on In ' Ida of body niul put s lot In Ihe mouth Pill up Ihe bo ly ilh hay. i raw , ah jrk or sny oilier iuateii.il lliit Ii quite dry and aliip at oncu by eiprcu, charet rolled, lo TilK Hl'ATK ill SKLVI, IlALKKJII, N C. W want iiitiiln under 700 lbs nrlgbl. Vt III pay I. n cent a psr lb, grm weight, firti Heart of over two h inr. pi.iuli tsu i lisl resell Iter In (owl rond uoa Mover seal Itnmetlialrly on receipt of animal. II II MflilLKV, Curslor. olsl Masrnni. Farmers' Wives or aa atdrr Isviie arao m'4h lo arutk ClN EiBH LOfd of um VVo-iklua" for as la tsar llao at htrm aaaar aMaa. W ilTf a ckh! abaoea to asak plenty af spending- snna 7 rssily la telaur aonra. BVad llo fof atota asid full aKrretiao fur work, aad maaMoea) ai , tiota test ay ere, Addrrat : WIROOSKCT CO. BOSTOlf, MASS BEAUTIFUL LINE OFsi LAMPS AND rry thing forJbUotUouse Christm Pn seat. Also 1'rvtlr things Iron Goods. Tbs New Accordlsn Puff Scarf for fin., 2 We hsrc Fur Trimmii (r.s!s. bv fJS We slill offer Ibe i iS We are selling Mo'e 8HOE8 j city tuts Caute IS BEST SHOE FOR THE MONEY. IS IT WILL TELL. IS t Oriole Coffee, Nice Hams, lJSe lb. 8c l,b. Excellent Butter, 25c lib. IS What a galaxy of Life'sf Necessities at Astonishing Figuies. IS Everything elsn that belongs to the nv.ke up of the LnrgeHt of Inflltertt. J. H. HACKBURN, Mlu. COOO COCO CCOOOOOCOO QQQOfc Exactly Eighteen Business Days Before Christmas ! o Ami our store now begin, to reucnible a 'l'OY I'.AAAIt. Q o c rncntioi: '. he short lime rciimiiiing so xen n;;iv Ic rc niiiiilcil to make voitr imrchaHo NOW, anil we will lioltl mnr panel until want. i. Don't put off it i.s not only iins:iti,fnc tory to m-!cc( in a rush, on; rerv often t ho choicest things have lieen soltl. Kiirht now Slocks of Toys arc at their Best, am! a e-.-,.;,t many Sciriccalile ami Nice Toys can lie hail for little money. As a rule our price will be found one-thinl less than the same omuls can he purchased elsewhere. Brin; the children down to will In- plca-tcd. g belt buckles a ag Sonic new Arrivals of Belt Buckles are bIi .vn for th- lirst Q gj time. Newest conceits, latest stvleH, 2"c to .1 T,'). : embroidered pieces Q Beautiful stamped pieces for emhroidcrini;, plain linen, also Q JJ silk 8('illooil, 25c to 7.V g O o battenberg patterns g Q We have I1KMINT.WAVS SILK for Kmhr,ii,l-,ii,-. p Q nulilxr Embroidery lloojis. Q tJ All necesssry material for making ButtenW;; lit I.iwit H I-riccM. O piaia werstea torseparate waists & Two bright new pattern" of Q one ill the new blue, ,r0 Cents Q I lie regular price. El December 4. 'OCOOCOOCQOGCOGO 0C0GCGG2, M. Hahn & Co., Livery, Sale & Exchange Stables. WH0LE3ALB ANDJRCTAIL DEALERS IN -A t'C Jl P1.KTE Iii UK OF- Buggies, Poad Carts and Harness. r Nak lit, im and s f1W4U fltttt. JARD1NIERS Ludb Is also to be (uuod si our Ih yanl in jrry snd browu, Per Cent. Discount oo Cash Purchase. o AT RETAIL iha n nnj hoiiM id (be o v see tin Wind Thev . .. o I'laid Poplin, one i:i brown ami yard. Tint is about ! ivo-! birds j

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