Mill ffiiefttje I imm AW A. sv A. 1 -A aV A. ML. I itr 'A VOLUME XXI. NEW BtRNI, I'RAVIS fOUSTV. N. i: . T U LS l A Y ., I) Et IC M i! E R 13. 1898 - -riRST SECTION iFTER THE BUTLF. Icista Is ft Mil Ftr S- caries: Mb. ten!'?. Demand Fer Srjmrtte fur. At tht AtjUn Htuortulhe Flit Ui-yl-neat. Mayor of IT 1 an ton Dead. The Bnptint Cou Tentlon. Bnoroinbe County Biinflg. Raleigh, December lO-Ncrih CrO' Una is making history these da;, s. Her I lui lias llio strongest of stands 'tioen taken against oegra rule, and tvliat baa been done ha .made more persons in favor of Iho elimination of tiie negro as voter thin all the steps tioietoforii taken. In tho oortb and wast 'here la plenty of sympathy. Certainly half tbe papers In the State favor liUfranchUe nient. Some are debating tbe question whether disfranchisement or a well drawn election law will beet serve the desired purpose. There are even persons who profess a belief that quite soon there may be a national law for disfran chisement, bui the others declare this is purely visionary. All the newspapers In the Stale have now declared themselves on tho question of separate cars or compartments for whites and negroes. Not one tnkes any posill n against it. The universal com ment is thai I bo great insjoriiy of the people dcnuii'l it. The innjoiity f tho board of trustees of the iusano asylum here is now Demo cratic, aod so Is the executive committor. Governor Russell's appointment of a Democrat yesteiday to replace a Hepuh lican brought this about. There me imu 4'JO patients iu the aluni. Ju Ige 1'umull has appointed S. P. Col- a prominent and popular citizen nf Hiingtnn, United Slates commission er lo succeed U il. Bunting, who left there so hurriedly November 13 There has been so Far no hill sen I tothu federal grand Jury here in this case. Ex-Mayor S. 1'. Wiight, whose depart ure from Wilminglou was so hurried, is found to be in New Yoik. Charles B Kay, w ho for a year ha been the Fusion supervisor of public roods in this township, is cited to appear before the new board of County Com misaioners December 2)tli ami show cauae why he should not be removed for incompetency. Ho N said to have lit erally done no Work duriog his incumb ency. It appears that the First North Caro tin i ldginitmt, now on ntraoxpoil bound for Havana, will Iiava the honor of being the first Uulud Slates regiment to land at that city, and It la said will compose the first United Stales patrol or provjst guar 1 there The Governor's (lunrl, of Italeigli which is Company K, of the First Regi ment of Volunteers, Is Impeded to reach Havana next Sunday morning. Tho com pauy 'a strength is now 101. Colonel Albert B. Uorrell, Mayor of Winston, (lieu of heart disease at 7.13 Friday night lie was lakeu ill at ft o'clock In the afternoon. lie was ouo of Winston's leading cltlren and best busi ness meu, and the news of his deal h has caita gloom over the entire city. He was about sixty tears old. For several yjara hi hit conducted a tobacco ware house. Ha was pabllo spirited and ag gressive. Us was a bravo Confederate soldier duriug the civil war. lie leaves wife and four children, one son being associated with tho father In the ware house taslnws. Raleigh has sent a large delegation of BipiUlito tae slity-ainth Stats Cot veolioa of ihtl church, which met Thnrs day at Oruonvilto, wliore It was oran intd. Tus4 li had 1 1 delegate and onlj W,0M snemlieia. Now It has 1,54 1 eta roues aad U1,4W ma.nbsrs. Thesearo fl whites. There are alnust as many edloretl BaptUu. For the first time lnc 1811 the Baptist Stale Convention occupied the entire territory of - the State. . t - . . . , . Ilepublloaa board of commissioners of Daseoabe county brought suit to repa dials tluO.033 of bonds usetd la aid of ftpartaabara, tad .Vihevllle Railway. Tbe ftaprttst Coart of tbt 6ise hu this week to dsoUvd. . Dirt the Democratic board.whloh took offlot this week, h i . teted promptly U undo evil wrought by ' fnslonUU aad adopted resolutions de claring tbe loads were Iaeue4 la good faith to oeoare aa boattt diU and order lag tbt total attorney o lake proper : oxiloa to protect the people' honor. FrauoU I). WImsiob, member of the I.(is.ntttr from I km It, p'eseat tbe ' llranil Luttf ot Masons wlik. t fery risadsome Bible I k's Is In the rom nf lbs Uraml 1-rs hwt. Tke collect . lot, of poiuli of l ast tr4 onVs li Very Urge, and Is steadily Incresitng. . "''' Will Minrs .' " Uwr, IVe. It Emm, lbs Queen Mother of tht Kilberlstils, ttl triiita lo Q itt Vlctota dcrlnlte'? to a vanning her ilsu(h.'t briroibal lo Prlact Wil liam of Wl4. At official notice ea the tubjsct will be taade sooa. :. 0 I ias mvs1 rtij- r a 1 I t f r ! ;v CS ( '-r S"t i .., V Kf "--. it U I u it. i as snis.i '' ms Tae eeasje. aUIL latrs-- a r asmskleiu rsawataiaa. VCxsmoroK, Dec 10 The flnt week of Congrs has produced nothing ex- .tlilna. v h-trvw tbe remainder of the ;e&si3n my bring. If the President ! Intended hi n esjsge to have a soothing , a. ct, by rea-on of what It did not cou I t ii, liu csu congratnlate himself on hli I uot-H. There was little or nothing iu iho mes:i.t) to cauae Congrenalonal wrangliup. hut there Is a manifest die I osition on iho part of a number of tbe Senators cud Representatives to autlci pate matters and do considerable talking about expansion, even if tbey do not know whal the policy of the administra tion will be towards the Philippines, In the Senate the following resolutions have been offered: by Senator Uah for a monument to tbe sailors of Hie battle ship Maine, and for yi revival of tbe grades of Admiral and Vice Admiral, by Senator Morgan, for a moumeat to the late Rear Admiral Ammen; by Senator Morrill, a resolution adopted by the Ver mont legislature, asking that the grade of Admiral be revived and that Hear Admiral Dewey be promoted llieielo. Iu the House, Representative Snlrei offered a resolutlou for the Investigation of tbe war, which was senl to tbe Mill tarv Committee-, to die. The House parsed the Anli-Scalplng bill. For many years Senator Vest was con spicuous at overy session of tbe Senate bin bad health has prevented his taking a very active part'during the last two or three sessions, ilis health-Is Bomewhal betler, and he hai already given notice ol his intention to jnmp into theejpanslon fray, by offering a resolution declaring it to be unc -i:s f..r this country to neq'iire u n i ,.rv lo b nuld an 1 ii"V ernc.l perm tneuily n colonies. The (ni.iolpMl i,hj ct of Mr. Vest In offering mis l esolutiou Is Itelicved to lj I lie fur .nsiiing ofi fuuuiiiiiiuu upon which he .i:ui other Sennlois of the same mini! may aland, and speak in open session Hgainsl ralliieaiiou of the treaty of ihus gelling a belter !portaniiy to in llucuc tho iiblic :n:i;isl t lie tre:t than tnny could by m.ivi.ig speeches in executivo session. Senalor Morgan thinks Democrats will iake a mistake by antagonizing tht trealy of peace, and thus slates his own pceition: do not propose lo see I he Itcpu'olloaDS gel all the glory of Ihe re suits of tbo war. Il was not a partisan war lo begin wilh, and the American Ha? having been planted in tho Philippines I waul to be a participator in Ihe glory which attaches to its presence there " The report of Ihe Hawaiian Comml" slou, now before Congress, Is for a lerri lorial form of govcrumcut differing little iu important nwrtors, except thai il pro vides a property qualification forsul frage, from ihoso of our existing lerri lories. Representative Pavne of New York, has introduced a bill to extend the United Stales laws relating to customs, commerce and navigation lo tho Ha vallu islands. Tho bills make one collec tion district wilh Honolulu as the pori of enlry. ATLANTA'S GItEAT EVENT. Ai ih Pre Jabtli-a All ibe ttsmblca Will lirOa Hourt. Atlanta, Qa , Decemler 0 With tbe peace jubilee still five days off, tbe exe- c Hive c mimittee is assured of the pres ence in Atlanta on the 14ih and 15th of all Ibe invited guests. Attorney-General Orlggs is the last to son J his acceptance and has notified the committee that hi will come wilh a par ty of New Jersey men, Including Adju tant General William Blryker, Comptroller RsDeock and Colonel Oil pliant, aido to General Stryker. ' In tbe matter of distinguished men who have occeptvd the invitation of Atlanta to be present ou the occasion It is believed the jubilee , will surpass tbe celebrations held recently 1n tbo north and wot. Tbe fact Hut the treaty of leace.wtil probably he signed tomorrow lvss to the tvent an additional luteretl log feature In the fact that it will be tbe first real peace Jubilee General Flunugk Lei hot notified the committee that he will bis In attendance From this It Is Inferred that the com mander of tht tftreath Corns does not expect to leevt Savannah for Cuba for t least ooo week. Tbs parade of Thursday will be the spectacular feature ot Ihe celebration, a large aombtf of orgaalcatlout from all porta of the south bating announced their la en ilon to be present. General Joe VViMMlrr has expressed his wtlliog. a ts rlie at the bead of his old oeealry. - ' ; ' - . ' j ' - ': Take Latailve Promo ()ululi Ta' leU. All druggUie rttuiid the aK-or If It falls M Car. . 13c, Tbt genuine bat L. B. Q. a each tabltk , . -. . Bliaatre 'tis f'1, ; - ' DLi., ,Tt' pec Teiet was blinsard swept lst M'gbl and today, Alt kind of wssibrr, tela, halt, sleet, enow a id a driving lad, have prevailed. The saowfall la WesWia Tsiss and tbe Pan bandit district m very heavy, aod t'sffie his been dolayed or sioi ped. Fuuilrr a Indie of S0OW are Reported from tome plart la the reabeadla bile la Northers), Eastern, Ceatral tad ?mil!,tm Tciat Ibe fall Is about four Inrhrs. Toalffat II eleaf sJ er, Ibetemperv jlii't hiving fs ltn several dourest since 11 I. II.. ...!... k l t I- ,i uiiip, ii tit, tvi.mi w.iSBr in ' 1 t ti f ft a puiuUf i f tr I IK THE SENATE. Kicarap? Canal Bill Cd Op far Coiiuiilerafefl. I Morgan's Opiaioa of the Opposition to the Bill. Says He Will Push It The Pretl dent's Tour South. "Wasiiinotok, Dec. 13 The Nicara gua Canal BUT, which now has tbe right of way la the Senate as the "an&nished basinet", and" wlitch it tbe most Impor tant matter, outside of the regular appro prialion bills, that is likely to come bofore Congress at the present session, was called up today by Senator Morgan, who Is its author and who Is in charge or the bill. Mr. Morgan says the bill will bo kept before the Senate until it is passed and he thinks It will receive at least three fourths of the votos in the Senate. He sys: "The tru state of the sentlmeut of the United States is such that If there were no other way to build Ibis Canal than to go there and to take the country in order to build il, lliey would demand of Congress that that should be done. But, happily, no such reason is- necessary. Nothing needs lo be done but for tho Congress of the United States to observe a straight-forward, honorable uptight course, acting upon rights already cslablishod, upon concessions thai have been made, and proceed to declare what ourwlll is in regard to this matter." Senator Morgan thus characterized tho opposition: "These g-nilciiien who aro proposing a post ponement by Congress until they can have a definite plan arecd upon, under stand perfectly well lust if that post ponemeiit Is to cjnliuue until their 'bjections are dinposed of, no canal will ever be built. That is precisely what thoy want." It is regarded as certain that the Mor gan Canal hill will bo passed by the Sena'c, ahh nigh numerous amendments ina have lo be voted down first, hul then the certainly ends. Of course, il could be mule a party measure and oe pisJ by tbe majority of tho House as such, should the party lenders so desire, but Its friends, members of all parties, would not like to see that policy adopted. Although Senator Morgan says he will push the bill to a vote at the earliest possible moment, Ihe general impression is that the vote will not bo taken until aftor the report of Ihe United States Commission, headed by Xdmlral Walker, has been submitted to Congress. Heceul reports from Admiral Dewey and General Otis have about removed the last bit of apprehension on the pan of the Administration that Agulnnldo and li i s followers mig'it have to be whipped into subjection when we act ready to take enliro charge of the Philippines. Although noarly the entire member, ship of the House was In Washington when tbe vote on tho anti-scalplng bill, which passed the House, was taken, considerably more than a hundred of litem dodged It, by just happening not to lie on the floor. Everything la arranged for the South ern trip of the President and his Cabi net. Tbe paity will leave Washington tomorrow on a special train and will re main away one weelt. It hardly seems possible now that the treaty of Peace wilh Spain, signed Sat urday night, can be senl to the Senate before ihe adjournment for the Christ mas reoess, as II will be necessary for tbe original documeut to be brought to Washington first. A cough Is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Min ute Cure, tbe best remedy for all ages and for tbe most severe cases. We recom mend It because It's good. F S Duffy Ntw Yohk, December A dispatch to the Herald from Woshlngtou says: President McKlnley and bis Cabinet gave careful conslderallou today to the character of military government lo be given to the Philippines. At a result, It U stated that a proclamation to tht na tives of tbe Islsndt Is being prepared, which wl.l belseutl shtrtly after the treaty nf peace la tlgnod, assuring them of tht purpose ot tht Called States to provide them with a Urgt tatasurt of borne role, In aooordanoe with Amerloet lastltatloat. - , At far at caa be tseerlalned.the proeJv malloa to tht fdlploot will be similar lo that baaed by O antral Wood during tht early stages of Amtrlcta control at Baa tUgo. It trill promise Jostloe, a fair Ju diciary, freedom of speech and religion, proteotloa ot pertoeal property rights tad tht largest possible sneasnra Of boms rate under the tupervlsloa ot tbt United Stale. . ". . .': ' BnCItri' ABfSIOA BAITS, , THE OfeST SALVE la tht world for Cult, llrulses, Boras, Ulcers, Belt Rheum, Fever tkiroe, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, aad all Skla Erup tions, aad positively caret Plies, or to pty required. Il ft guaranteed to give perfect sattsfaciloa or moo rufuhded. Price U tents per bot. For JsaJe by T. F.t)u?t, Makes the food more deTicious and wtroresome L&E SAILS FOB COBS. I riinil, Nee HI llrpsrior ki mtb bs. rnki bmIHavsat Jt. I. Savannau, Ga., Dec 11. Gen. Fill hugh Lee, commanding the Seventh Army Corps, and staff sailed from Savan na hat 4 o'clock this afternoon ou the transport Panama, a vers&t captured from the Spaniards. . Tbe Panama was towed down the river by two local lugB ; with siren whistles, and these, with the Panama's whistle, made the air lively for j tho entire distance along Savannah's five ; miles of wharves. Goneral Lee stood upon the hurricane deck, surrounded by his staff officers, hats in hand, while probably 10,000 peo ple who lined the wharves bade him farewell and God Bpeed. ! The Panama carried only tho officers of headquarters of camp, with the clerks, orderlies, animals and transportation used by tho.-e officer. She will go di rect to Mariano, near which place Ihe corps will be camped. llefore leaving General Lee gave somo emphatic Instructions with regard to transports. The work of loading them baa proceeded loo slowly lo suit him. He eipecicd the Mobile, with the One Hundred, and Sixty-first Indiana and the balnnce of the Secoud Illinois, and the .Missouri, with 2,"0 hospital nurses and stewards, to sail tomorrow. "I presume thai we will eutor Havana and establish headquarters there about January lirst," said General Lee today. "1 understand lhal the city will be min ed over at that lime, In the meantime my headquarters will be nt Mariano. The corps will be moved to Cuba just as rapidly as possible, and I expect it nil llierc by January 1. I will no", reira'n cn the Panama, but will go right ashore upon my arrival." General Leo will have abjul 21,00) men under his command iu Cuba by January 1. He has urged upon the War Department the hasty transportation of his men. All tho transports aent hero have becu approved by him with the exception of the Michigan, w hich took the Second Ill inois to Cuba. That vessel ho condciiiii ed as a transport for men and recom mended lo tho War Department thai it be used hereafter only for animals. Ornernl j!rcli Omit. Washington, December 11 General Calixto Garcia, the distinguished Cuban solder and leader, and the head of the commission elected by the Cuban As sembly to vlsi'. tills country, died bero this morning, shortly after 10 o'clock, at the Hotel Raleigh, whore the commission has lis headquarters Tbe sudden change from tho warm climate of Cuba, with the hardships he had there endured, to the wintry weather of New York and Washington caused pneumonia, which resulted iu his death. He contracted a slight cold in Now York, which did not assume an nUmiing stage until Iho early part of last week. On Tuesday night General Garcia, in company wilh the other members of the commission, attended a dinner given in bis honor by General Mile, and il was Ihe exposure that night which led to It i a Illness. During the twelve hours more prece l log bis death Goneral Garcia was uncon scious most of the time. At Intervals he recognized one or more of those about blm. In his dying moments, as all through his busy and active life, his thoughts were (or his beloved country and its people, and among bis last words were Irrational m ilterlngs, In wbicb he gave orders lo his son, who (son his stsfl for tbe battle which he supposed was lo occur tomorrow, and in wblcb he under stood there were only four hundred Hpsnlanfs to combat. Jnst bvfore he died he embraced his son. - Maov a household ft saddoncd by death because of the fallut to keep on hand a lafe and absolute certala cure for croup snrb at One Minute Cough Care. See that your little one are protected against emergency. F 8 "Duffy Treaty Hla4 aaa OmIH. pAtta, December I I.VTbe peace treaty between tbe United fltaiee aud Spain was signed tt :U o'clock last Bight. Further details of It have bee if teamed today, Tbo Amtrlcaos art lo pty far tending homo tbt Spanish trooj from tD tbt eolonleo. Tbt Bpaoltrds art to retara all prisoners held by them. Tory art to retala poetetelaa of all military ttor-s and monitions ot war la'tbo Philippines aod ot tuoh shine at have tot been, cap tured, . .- ,, - The commercial I rattles which the war rtptered to be retewed at tht cot Ttaleaee of the two talUo. Tht tteaty as ilgaed consists of ttrst teea articles, It having beet) found ad visable to tabdlvldt two or -three of the arlktet la tht draft prevlonily agreed upoa. . '.-.'. I . Several toemtietteflheAmerlcaa tnta mlsaloa wart iactlaed at first to publish tht left of Ibe document, but Bra a tor Fryt mtde a strung plea fr tbt observ ance of courtesy toward the Ualied Slaiet Brnstn, and bit trgnuitntt pre- tallid. . BALsiaa. fa llanttMir I nar. I'altrd V, etfranft IIIMorjr. Raaarll Al Wnthlnxton. A Pnairaaairr ulnm. Halkiuii, December 12 It was recent ly suggested to Judge Purnell, of Ihe United States District Yourt here, that he remove H. H. Bunrinn a Unhed States commissioner nt Wilmimtr.n Bunting is the man who was expfllt-d from that city, and about whose cxpul sion Attorney General Griggs proposes to raise a great row and press a soil in tbe court bore against Mayor A. M. Waddell and other Wilmingtonlans Judge Purnell has acted promptly In this matter, he having appointed S. P. Collier commissioner. It Is the belief here thai this puts a quietus on Griggs' movement. The United Confederate Veterans' As sociation will publish a history of the Confederacy. In this will be the history of North Carolina troops in that service. Prof. D. H. Hill, son of the general of that name, has prepared the North Caro lina part of the hiBiory. The insane asylum here makes a fine showing in its report for the past two years. This shows a death rate of only H per cent. The percentage of cures is 05. Governor Russell will use whatever in fluence he may have r.t Washington to induce the War Department to allow the State's claim of 23,500 for amount expended on the voluntesrs in camp here. In the Federal Court here J. P. lloddie late postmaster at Nashville, was con victed of stealing u dozen or more let ters. He will bo given a year in the peni tentiary here. Five federal prisoners arrived at tho penitentiary from South Carolina. All aro negrot'S and arc toserve long terms for mail robbery aud forgery. Thore are now 200 federnl prisoners in this peni tentiary. Sill .HInlkivr lo Npatn. Wamiisotox, Dec. 11. The subject of a renewal of a diplomatic relations wilh Spain will he a question for later consideration by this government. The practice is to wait, so officials of Ihe Slate Department fay. until formal ex change of ratification has beeo made, liven with tho treaty ratified uellhei government is under any compulsion lo resume diplomatic relations, and Spain may continue lo show her ill-feeling and resentment toward this country by de laying for some time the resiirnnllou of a minister lo Washington. I I rat Regimental Until. H ana, Dee. li. The transport Rou mania, with the First North Carolina Volunteers on hoard, arrived in the har bor this morning and drew alongside the Ssn Jose wharf. The Mtnneraska, with the Two Hundred and Secoud New York, drew out in'.o the tlroam Tho Carolinians Iwlong lo the Seventh Cerpi and are deslinud fjr Mariano, but were unablo to land elthor al Play or Chorrea on account of heavy weathrr. They will probably dliembark and go by rail to Mariano tomorrow. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Hie Kind You Haie Always Bought Bears tho Signature Insurance : Company : of : America,' Home Office Newark. N. Jr John F. Drvden. President. Audi Jul) 1, 1898: 20,020,137.04 iBcome 1 C37 : . 15,580,701.03 lisaruce Written la 1897s $143,000,000 TUB mUDENtlAL STANDS IX TIIE FRONT OF THE GREAT MFK - INSURANCE COM. FAMES OF TIIE WORLD. IT OFFERS AT,L TIIAT IS OOOD IN LIFE INSURANT!-:, AM) UNDER TIIE l)E!iT CONDITIONS. I'OU I'AKULULAHS.JAITLY 10 n. L, 'l.OLLOWELL, General A- Rttil 4, rLANTCr.3 fcflLDINO, n: OUR Will FIIS ! W'i dc .-in. to civ that we have laid in for Ihe FALL AND WiNTLIt 'VI'.MjK !( , ,, the 1 arge.t and 15eet Aborted Stnckt of GROCERIES AND PROVISION, TO I3E FOUND IN EV BERNE, And wo respectfully ask for larger Share of yorr pitrjnage. We buy in largn quantities from Q.-st hands aud pay no middle men's profits ai.d ate therefore- j ifparid lo sell you m low at any one. We hate jodt ri.iiiiiintrii rt lot of nice STABLES auJ a largo shoil to siiolier vo ir Jv.thicles, which you nro Wtflcjme f) us FREE. JWhen Son come to ihe city Dju't Fail to esamine our Stock before buying your Groceries. ltrlM-ctfully, Wm Si Gaski 71 Bol 4 Usable Articles Suggestive of Xmas Times. FEATHER Seasonable and so acceptable, they look well and are comfortable besides, clipped feathers and coque lips. Prices begin at 40c and along to $2.50. FUR COLLARETTES. Imt. Stone Marten, back of collar ot elec tric seal, two good values, $4 and $4 50. HATItf SPREADS. Satin Marseilles Spreads, termed satin from the peculiar finish, decidedly unlike the marseilles spreads that are usually shown, one size only, extra large, price, $3 00. RLsANKETB. A pair of fine White Wool Blankets, not an undesirable gift though practical, 2 weights, 4 1-2 lbs at $3 50; 5 1-2 lbs at $4; best yet at the prices. RUGH. A fairly good Smyrna, 30 inches at $1 60 and 1 75, better, 36 inches $3, best, 36 inches at $3.50. Moquette 27 in. at $2 50, same in 36 in. at $3 75. ART NQUAREK. Standard, strictly all wool, 3x3 1 2 at $7 60 and 3x4 at $10.00. H. B. DUFFY. W GROCERS, NEW BEH3JE, N. O. e.rptoi Jul? 1, 18381 3,027,581.24 iBturiBce ia Force 1 807: 0303,11700 """"""aaaaaaaaa) FlU Policy liuldcri (6 Dttlt 934,000.000 Is

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