a. a v visa . - - a oiii iie tmn It Tortures Known to Thousands. The aches aud paina of Rheuina tiim beoomp n constant com pnion to U who ore victims yi I tnia aisauunjr iii-en-"'. pie generally are not .n'f' with the cause of th though thousand k n " i tures. O Everybody should .n'. Rheumatism is a pcoul'mr inied i dition of the Mnutl, nim liuiniPiits in tlui wnrl.l no efiVet whatever. 'II Idood mined v in nr-idol mn which is ablo t' g to the V'Ty onT of t lie disease and t'orr it out. Swil't'tt Specific (S. S. S.) it the right remedy for Kin umiii Uui, hppnusp it is the only blood remedy free from mercury, potush and other minerals which intensify the dis ease, eausini? h ilfiiess of the joints and aching of the bones. S.'f--Hr-iiutraliea the acid condition of the blood, and force out every trace of the disease, It reaches even the worst cases w here v the doctors have; made cripples with their prescriptions of potash and mercury. A Oomplste Snrj rise. I "Well, did your wife surprise yon on; Christmas!"' "I should gay the did. She didn't pay half as much for the present I not her us I was afraid she would." Huw To Kind Out. Fill a tottle oi common glass with your water nud let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicate) an uuliealthy condition of the kidney?; if it stains your l'nen i' ii evidence of kidney trouble; tun fret u. i i i mire to pass it or pni in tin-back i aim con vincing proof ibsl the kidneis unit lil.til der are out of order. v h t r i no. There is comfort in the knowledge so often exprtssed, that Dr. Kilmer's iSwamp-Hool, the great kidmy -euieily fulfills even wirh in curiug rlieumniisni, pain in the !.;.( U, kiilai js. liver, blmider aud cvriy pait olthv urinary paaseges. It corrects ii.nbilily lo liol.l water aud scalding ain r tt-f i. :l, ur bud ctTicIs following use or liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and go get up many times (dur ing the night. The mild and the extraor dinary effect of Swamp-Hoot Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle aud a baok that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, If you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co , Bingham ton, N. Y. When willing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer In the New Berne Weekly Journal. Note ft an. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" she asked. 'Of course," answered the Savage Bachelor, "Do you suppose if s man had the gift of second sight he would fall in love?" "Life Beaewer" For Ladies OMvia Peterson, of Coldwatcr, Mich., writes: "1 had not been able to sit up a half day at a time for thirteen years nntil I used tho Mystic Life Keoewer. It has cared me of nervous troubles, headache and a very bod stomach. It has helped me in so many Ways, and cured me of afflictions tbst tbe doctors said could not be cured. The blessed Life Itenewer has done more for me than nil the Patent Medicines, Doctors and Christian Science treatments combined. It Is the most wonderful medlciuo I ever saw." v Bold by Ueniy's Pharmacy. Dead Beats. Ths couple skipped in the deed of night ' To 'scape the pressing dun, 'Twas thus Indeed they proved them - selves" ; Two hearts that "beat;' one. . " Haw te Prevent PaanaaenU. Yon are perhaps aware that pneumo nia always results from a Cold or from an attack of la grippe. During the epi demic of la grippe a few years ago, Wheat so many cases resulted In pneumonia, it was observed that tbe attach -Was never followed by that disease when Chsmber laln'tkugh Remedy was used. It coun teracts any lendeacy of a oold or la grippe to result In. thai dangerous dis ease. It is the best remedy In ths world forbad colds snd la grippe. Every bottle warranted. For sale by F. ft. Duffy. The Latest Thing Oat. V Polite Shopman (showing goods) Here U something 1 would like to oall your attention to, madam. It Is the very latest thing out. Mrs. Hounder (absently) If t.lhers'i anything out later than my husband, I'll take It if only as a curiosity. The greatest remedy tor f ... WL Wptsnt CocasrrryUoa. VfOUjIi CoarsrUss'ol SVaTUDa Voice, BronchttlsGf Ippe, V " A0ms sod Croup-. At all ctaoW In !-'.'- ' .f .s i..r- whichall VTV 1 My wife was fur years a sufferer from Kheumatisiu, and was treated constantly, but could obtain no relief. The dm'tors said the tl isr-ase wh liable to str-iLe the lieurl at any time, in which event death would be inevitable. "Every kind of treatment recom mended fr Rheumatism was given, Inoludii'n w dely advertised blood rem dlp. Imt uuue did any good. Sbo P" r" ,h "hue WM u urrtt to a mere iniauw in uvr lururar 1 1 was at this critical period that a a a . thlsroedlclneseemed to reaob the dis ease promptly, and she began to im- rove. One doaea tiles effected a complete cure, and she has had no touch of Rheumatism sine "D. B. Jorksom, "Blaokshear, Qa." Every one afflicted with Rheu matism should take Swift's Spe cific, the ouly remedy which can reacW their trouble. $. 3. S. will cir (lie moat agfrarftted case of Rheiunatism, Catarrh, Cancer, Contagious lijbod. poison, Scrof ula, Eczema or any other blood disease. It is guaranteed Purely Vcgcubk Boots mailed freo by'Swift Specifio Company, AttBt, 3 la ths raailiy. ft "Remember," Said the father of the vounor man who waa Inrllnt t h ful. "that ths race Is not always te the swift. 'And remember also," said his lister, who was addicted to the progiessive euchre habit, "that the booby prize is sometimes of more real value than the other." mOZLET'B LBMON ELIXIR. A Pleasant Lanes Uriah, Cures indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, lost of appe debility, nervoua prostration and 1 a. i failuie, by ifgulaling the Liver, Mr- .iach, Koweis, Kidneys and Blood, Mosloy'a lessen Elixir Cured me of indigestion. I had suffered tor i en years 1 had tried almost every med.ciue, but all failer1. Cine taking Lemon Kllur 1 can eat anything 1 like W. A. Oriffkth, Revesville, 8. C. Motley's Lemon Elixir. Cured me of indigestion and heart dia- csn , atter years of suffering;, when al oilier lemedies and doctors had failed. N. D. Coleman, Beulah, 8. C. Moslem's Lemea Elixir. I have been a great sufferer from dys pepsia for about fifteen years, my trou ble being my liver, stomach and bowels. with terrible headaches. Lemon Elixir cured me. My sppetite is good, and I am well. I bad taken a barrel of other medicine, that done me no good. CUARI.ES GlBIIAKD, No. 1515 Jefferson 8t , Louisville, Ky, MaaUy's Lemoa Blixlr Cured me of enlarged liver, nervous in digestion and heart disease. I was una' ble to walk up stairs or do any kind of work. I wu treated by many physicians but got po better until 1 used Lemon hlliir. I am now healthy and vigorous. C. H. Baldwiw. No. 1)8 Alexander St., Atlanta, Ua. MOXLBT'S LBMON HOT DROPS. Cures all coughs.colds, hoarseness, sore throat, bronchitis; hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant, relia ble. Twenty five cents at druggists. Pre pared only by Dr. H. Motley, Atlanta, ua. A Isaall take. "My wife gave me a pocket-book with a nickle In it." "What was that for?" "So I could get down to the laik. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has bona made and that too, by a lady In this country. "Disease fastened its dutches upon her end for seven years she with stood Its severest tests, but her vital or fans were nndermlned and death seemed hflRalpMnt, For three months she ooughed incessantly ana kcouia not sieep. one finally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing of as a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was somnch relieved n taking .first dose, that she slept all nlgbt and with two bottles has been absolutely cared. Her name Is Mrs. Lather Lata.' Thus writes yf, C. Qasmaiek A 0, of Shelby, N. 0. Trial bottles fro at F. 8. Daffy's Drug 8tore. Hagnlar site 60c and $1.00 everjr bottle guaranteed. Ail- Be law Too Minsk. Jsgxt-r-Xy dear, yon are getting better looking a yon grow older. ( Your beauty appears to nave aeuoiea. , i MrcJafgs-That wIUelo Mf, Jaggs Yon ts been drinking agaTn. La Ortppe IneeisafhPy Treatee. " " hays Jnst recovered front the second attackof la grippe this year," 'says Mr. J as. A, Jones, publisher of the Leader, Metis, . Texas, "in the - latter ease I nsed Chamberlain's (lough Remedy, and I tblnk -with considerable soaoeas, only being la bed a little nm. two days against tsa days for Mm foraser attach. The teeoad attack I ant Sstliltd -Would have been eeually as had si the first but have ifk A. p i ..... i jm.-$kx bo for tho use of this remedy as I had to go io bed In aboak tit boart after being WashUUh Ur while 111 lhavn.rta I was ebls to attend beslaess ahosjt tww days before gelling 'dowB." For sals bey.B.Doffg gniJ Whan In Bsybcto stop at the ! ttptom tTonst) fdt gl advtfvUnodatleiwi. v" i.. r. "-t. ' ' ;. ' . ; ea tsatartaa trtosM. Ku. Jopbjial. A few years ago Mr. Edward Atktas uttered the prophecy thsl is the manufaciore of cotion gooil the sooth could never bacoan 3 a d tnger- ous competitor with New England Tbe Urge number of mill men who are sbandonlag New Englaad for tho super lor advaatages and more profitable field? of tbe south set Mr. Edward Atkins al least in the llrht of an uninspired I rophet. It is hardly possible to over esiimtie tbe industrial and economic changes which are new iu progresa In the soutb. This Is particularly true of Nc rih Caro lina waere the transition rrom an : agricultural to a manufacturing people) is rapid and sweeping. Ten ycari ago there were perhaps not more than a dui- 1 en, possibly not so many, cotton nulls in 1 tbe Slate; now there are more than two) hundred, with an increase at the rate ot I live a month. Then cotton manufactur ! I r, 1. Mta .,nam.nl,l anil ila ru.illl . ' doubtfal; now we know that it is proht able from the day the mill opens. Three years ago when a financial crisis forced mfny New England mills to close their doors the North Carolina mills ran on full time, declaring dividends from fourteen to twenty per cent. Upon manufacturing cn'.erprisea the life and growth nf all our towns depend. aad, in the middle anil western sections ef the stale, many of them, from thi cause alone, have doubled, and in sonn cases, quadrupled their population, and are rapidly b coming important tmsiucss centres. A little while ago Unstnnia claimed less than two hundred n;id liitv p eple; torlny ii- population is i;r.-:inr by a thousand or two than ihc whi.e population of New Bern. Mi cotton mills have doubled twice over the popu lation of Concord. Other instances could be cited. What manufacturing has done for Durham and Charlotte is well known. In tl.e light of these facts, and with some understanding and appreciation ol New Bern's splendid natural advantages for manufacturing and ample transports lion facilities, it is a matter of growing wonder, to the writer at least, that our business men and citizens generally arc not more interested in this highly prof liable feature of Industry than they have yet appeared te be. A plant for the production of wire fencing, a furniture factory, and thrteor more cotton mills, all of which we great ly need, would bring hundreds of people here, other Industries would spring up, and our population would double In a few years. Every department of husi ness feeling the Impel in thus set in motion would thrill with new life, and this goodly town would enter upon an or a of prosperity hitherto unknown. Herein incidentally, but neither the less true nor the less important on that account, lies the solution to New Bern's white supremacy problem. Build fac tories, employ white labor, and by and by there would be little danger from in ferior race rule. White supremacy would take care of itself. The aame energy aud determined cf fort existed to secure the development of the business Interests of New Bern that were put forth in behalf of the par amount issue would result in marvelous things for the town. Whst shall be expected? Will our business men build factories? Will they seek to induce northern capitalists to invest their money In our midBt? Last week the papers state that 2,000,0)0 would come to Richmond for investment next year. Proper effort might have brought some of that money here. Now is New Bern's opportunity, and great possibilities invito to effort, At the the rate of sixty cotton mills a year how long will the opportunity continue? AVh at factory building has already schieved for the State is a prophecy of that which is yet to come, It is the be ginning and not until every section of North Carolina Is vocal with the hum of machinery and the song of the spindle shall the end be. Will New Bern join the glad refrain? Let us hope so. H. II. Mahiiuvkn. P. 8. The Journal's editorial, Dec 29, subsequently to the writing of the above, is timely and worthy of careful consideration. II. II M. No betlthy person need fear Any dfn- (roaa consequences from an a Hack of im Bjripj ii piiriciijr tiraicu, 11, in uiuv.ii the sftme as a severe cold and requires I precisely tbe same treatment Kemain I quietly at home and take Chamberlain's i. I 1 e..t.1 ft 1. (Jo ugh Heroedy as directed for a severe cold and a prompt and complete recov ery is sure to follow. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Happiaoas, I John I tell you what, Ike, bit ain't what a tnan fits Id His life what makes Aim happy, hit's what he don't want ! Ika Dat's a fact, John. A JU- lf, 1 ,.:u:i....'.a.ii m.r,t, , ' iUjr bS) WorUrmors to youtbut100 il jSj tsw Hbild who Soils berldlng from hstS of mm during .l,p. CuN- old sl yoUD sdlke. b arresis ibe; trouble st oooo. tl. . Hold by C. D Brsd SUB, drug! 1st, New Burns. N. 0. '' .ii j arcasou "8bs ksss nlcs little Voice." "Thsrs Is osly one fault sbout II.' -Wbst's that!" "Iflsn'l little SDOagU " ' Jfr. B. . Fackler, Editor of ths Mlcsn qpy (Fls.) Battler, with bis wife sod hUaMM.auaanllarrillvfnintfArrlnn wT" ' .. ., ' . . . . . . . . ' resnedy that bslped tbem. It scttd frok&Jy, vTboutsadt ofotksrs use Ibis tenedtf M specific tot LkOrlpp,snd Its siksustlDf tfur sffseu. r. B. PuOfr. . I .. - , ....... . I 1- ' "i 'mi j..ewiiPt I hi limn. rVrtrrtrglrttfs. f l. lSTttEMiae siaiAra siseasi.. Permanently r urt-U by the masirriij power of 6oulb Aun-rirau .NVrtuir T'i,ic. Invalids need .il!vr in- i--.,'-r ! rau.t this great rt-ruetly cat. 1 ni t-'.J.mi a,i. 1 is cure for the bole world ot niomach weakness and indigestion. 1 h- run Ire gins wilb the flrt i1"m.-. The relief it brings is iuerv:i.u am! sui; i.mi.(. ii makes no failure, ar-ver dii.p" iiii. No matter bow long you have suhVivd, w.ur cure is cerlin under the use ot tluo gnat heallh-giving force. l'.i-n-nir. anj al ways safe. Sold by C. II. Hralbam Druggist, New Berne. N. 9. tONG Ur- f H w BATTLESHIP STOMlRS. I. ' : :i r'-f n : I ' v 11 ' I'y : - ( 1.1 ! ' ; 1 ..4 - nrtnel .-, ! i' ill ,.: . a 1 r . r T'.: 1 l-:it :-l I : i '-J Wlillo w t. fned the u,..:i-lf f Over i a.- our 1 ni v Wilt In y waste !'w uv-fi rM And fai from fan i- w Util im il.'inin Af l lit iii.rsi i n n 1 ' 'in i b i Jii. i i. 1 Vi".' t -tun. 1 h iw iw tli . i a Of ihf -i r ulnn li-i- . But Ii-;h the iKjnm ;f unkif i m W iii 1 lie t hunt.! n nit; u m ri - ,e Eat h liM ire-nt imsf-iol nnt In- um l.-.nt. For tii .Tallin I '.n l.-ii. II- fly Ami lii )f J.r.t- rext-rU'r.iW' I:i t it- M iilf, tiimke iaU ii -liy In hit ul muhi wt- f.-rtl ili-- !':i-,, A- ll.t- In I hl'iy citn i"ii ru:ir Ht-riVf ui ili- i-Mjtl to iii tin- k' -1 Of t.iir cuvUi 1 1 y f. w. it.i vv :i: ! - I i it ;ht WtfUl v SYMPATHETIC KIPLING. IIott lie rtcc ;1 I!m- - iiirftjt of it Sick I 'At- i li ii ii t . A writer in th.' San I r. -n - ipco Argonaut tolls tho follow in-z (WMcdnlc ns ronime frnni tiio lipb of an An menu trtivtdiT who Bjicnt Hoinu time In i!,e (oinn.niy of Knd yard Kipling in London- Ono afternoon wo went together to the zoo, and whiln strolliiiK aliout nnr e-ars i iissailetl by tint most melancholy Bound I ha(j ever heard, u euinplaining, fretting, lamenting suund proceeding from tho t'lupl.ant houso. " hat's tb matter in there?" a. Led Mr. Kipling of the. keeper. 'A sick elephant, sir. lit) orlea all the time. We don't know what to do with him," was the answor. Mr. Kipling hurried away front me in tho direction or the lana nt, whieh was growing louder and more painful I fol lowed and saw him go up close to the eagn, where Htood an elephant with sadly drooped ears and trunk Ho wart crying actual tears at the same time that lie mourned his lot most, audibly. In another moment Mr. Kipling was riuht up to the bars, and 1 heard him speak to tho Rick beast in n language t lint may have been elephaiitese, b.it certainly we.s not Eng lish. I list mil ly the hining -stopped, the ears were lifted, the monster turned his sleepy little NunVrlng eye upon his visitor and put. out his trunk. Mr. Kip ling begun to carets it, f-till npeaking in the same toothing tone and in words un intelligible to mo nt least. After a few minutes the beast began to answer in a much lowered tone of voire and evidently recounted his .woes. Possibly elephants, when "enjoying .uor health," like to con fide their symptoms to Hytnpathi.ing IN tenors as muc h as do some human invalids Certain it was that Mr. Kipling and that elephant carried on a conversation, with tho result that tho elephant found his spirits much cheered and improved. The whine wont out of hit voice, ho forgot that ho was much to be pitied, he begun to exchange experiences with his friend. I and ho was quite uneon&eious, au was Mr Kipling, of tho amused and interested crowd collecting about tho cage. At last, with a Htart, Mr. Kipling found himself and his elephant the observed of all ob servers and beat a hasty retreat, leaving behind hint a very different creature from tho one ho had found. ' Uoesn't that beat anything j on over saw?" ejaculated a compatriot of mine, as the elephant trumpeted a loud and cheer ful good by to the I wick of his anishing visitor, and I agreed with him that it did. " What language were yon talking to that clephantr"" I usked when J overtook uy friend. "Language? What do you mean?1" ho answered with a laugh "Are you n mowgll," I persisted, "and can you talk to nil those hraMs in '.heir own tongues?" but lie only smiled in re ply. How It Tronlil-fl lllm. A traveler down south had heard u great deal anent a certain "oldeat inhabitant," I Aim Pickering by name, who dwelt (so his information ran) in a small (ieorgia town. Reaching that town one NovciiiIht afternoon he forthwith instituted in quirlos concerning the local celebrity. An old negro was basking In the sun just In front of what, for lack of a more HiMiciHo synonym, was called "the hotel." Going up to lilm, tho stranger asked: "I)oyou know I jam Pickering:" "(Jolly, yaas," wan tho reply " I'zo knowed !em dose fohty years, sab." "I presume Ids old ago glvea him -ulte a deal of trouble?" "Specs It does, Rah." "KoopH him Indoors all of the time ehr" "Not exactly, sah, not exactly Hut it do gib him lots o' trouble without kecpin hhu indoors, Hah " "You don't tell mot Ilowr" "Fao' Is, sah, It keeps him In do grabe yard. " New York Commercial Advor tleer. ConvpraltiR hy (ienliirr. It is well known that conversing by I gesture was formerly widespread, though now oonflncd to Knvagott and the dumb. The cloKhleal tuitions and tho early Egyp tians set groat store by gesture. Of late yeArs It has boon found that the plotures on Greek vase can bo Interpreted by the language of gesture, and most earl i or I works on tho subject will require to bo re I vised by this new light Snored symbols, the attitude of tdolfi, tho hieroglyphs, for example, tho Maya writing of Y una tan, h"w1 '1B "f ."e,u,,7 Kirni?, and there Ii now 11 hnr.ro Hint wo ,hall bo able tu nnrlirrritnnd them butinr bv tbls key. IjudiIuii (ilnlm. MvwlaK ,h. .. HalUllan Jim Hre charged with posting Jour wlIe w imt h.vo you to say for yourself" "Av yer honor plum, (H don't t'lnk 01 I oaia nnr af an, an an. . I "Don't think yoii beat herf" "No, sor.. Kf Ol'd Iro n rlffereeln ths erhmp menllf, OI'd called It a draw " ' Iloiton Courier. i dwrfl Joy. ! "I was Jiint going to ak you to sub sorllie to this tnirae for Jlbblos' widow whsu I hbpiMiuxl tu run. ember that he was your wumt vnen.j "I'll bo drlli'htod t to uhsflrlba Jart think bow U will grind him wbirrevsr be 1st'! CHvelaud :mlor. . jbn vilccsof the aixionts would not be thought pulrrtable touay, for they were ,u,ua "na, T""r' Mitel Runnalu Ah . m t rvMrfl In imnhf ffBircts till reduced to a sirup, and shea .trained and mljud with water. i - i 'i ' i StatUtlos stow tbst la Londoa (im ; son J SI la BMlptaloed by publlo ehartty, while In Vets Yolk tbe proparthm Is one WO. - ,. . .;. -M.' . . : ,-: . ' V ' ' a CROSS tbe NEcer nlrl .1 It, ,. b r ! t I, I . I . 1 r),iit, ttit- lirt,la' I li r, I. I i I.N A - I li.l r, . : H. ! 1 uf l ii r-ei w bu,.- ! . u r i t-a- !ci i. I V -. L . . rt ft l 1 ; v of n T 1 I . ' . nil les u.at passfri K-tT i:.e Nf,.sf 1 1 v r t ri 'l''-' i "4i i N'- In N c lit rr e 1 l.u t Jay KritUy BLhl alt.rtlay btfuic I l:r'i ii,s.' 1 he 1 cl.'I .1 Li r -1 i' J t ( iir l f l,r 1 I c three davs iittu liuiieil l y I tit- obliiug and iiwoiiiiii''ii! iu I kt-t rr . S. Lil i u-'.t r. I'U TtJtllMiHV ILt If VI t If 1 - '. 1 i U.tt) W", laiid aiuitlav J i 4 Iu .Ue incauULLf 1 1 " 1 1 r i v. ( i ii u i ue i 4") t : inc. If i iii.t s uf v .... .. ii 1 1 1 iitle at u e' 1. 1 V Iiue nil seen, aiul 1 i.ot.oi iiul Lave fe!:. u.e t-u'l ii ? u I ''f ! lit- MiU" ';al 'en I :ht' it' n hi id cyLi.l , 'hal ili 'j Ltiagf hns liruhhflit a1 i1;! N ' -r.. W IftH I iiUie-; lotrnrtius. An t'liju) able cvfinn wus H't-nl w ho icii- hv 'Heslrt ti( licit 11 it V.ll 11. y ia-t TtiurBdn) r i ! ii i s i 'i a - lull llie tame u! if lif 1 1 1- v i- yed and e e; vt fit' g . Veil I tif i'.U CIS w il" tl Itir iit lU i ur T"'. -e. Mi onion presiiitei! lln' pne. nj iirtie i! inaik. 'I In' in,; f Hi- .''imping ja' kb and elU babuM t aUbc l a '-nod dra! i f t 1'iiiiig. ! pii.gn-.M .il ini -h.td pla . i w illi it nf MJiue 1 1 'kid dill I in i iiiiiciil. I .Miss LSioolv j i.i i.-., I ini' Si i iiiul m-ih-d i pieces of , of I,oiii.-vi1lc, K . . w !in s l iii y Moore, w tts pie.-cnl out or o well ( :.ose n i',. ,M: Urooks is an ue I.. i t l j. ;ii ist and de.iiiU J w iih ihe n ilty selections i-ompiislied i her licsreis W'lieh she rcciteK extremely well. She is t ie teacher of tluculiun in I he Red SU ings Seminary. There were present Mr and Mrs John Dunn, an I Mr and Mrs Owen II (Juion, Misses Annie and Emma Stevenson, MUses Carolyn and Addie Claypoole, Misses Sadiellollister.Marie Mohler.Mary Guion, Mary Moore, Agnes Foy, Li,.ie Hancock, Hrudford Jlynian, Isabel Bryan, Kathleen Matthews, Mabel Hughes, and Miss Brooks of Louisville; Messrs W VY Clark, N C Hughes, II Ii Bryan, dr, (Jeo Henderson,.! Leo Burrus, D It Davis, T W Waters, J ( i Dunn, P S Cox, Mark Stevenson, K A Nunn, Win Dunn,, Jesse Claypoole. After cards weio finished anil the pri.es hail been presented refreshments were served ihe guests. Mrs Windiey ami Miss Betlie Windiey entertain in n charming manner. Nclio'tl Coriimltifcni-H Nib nitjlrlcf. The School Conmiitteemen of the Eighth District of Craven county met yesieidsy and after the transaction of some business, the following motion was made and adopted: "That the country schools be closed after a lenn of live inonlhs in the school year, beginning October 1st, 11)8." Mar ried nt P :10 p. in. on the 2Wlh lnsl. at the residence of Mrs. lloyd on John son strict, by 1'ev. Iligbt C. Moore, Mr. J. 1'. Yolivii to Miss Mary E: Ward. We wish bon voyiige along the pathway of life. Coughing injures and inllanies sore lungs. One Minnie Cough Cure loosens the cold, iilays coughing and heals quickly. The best cough cure for child ren. V. S. Duffy. What it Does. Householder Do you pretend to say that this metre measures t lie amount of gas we burn'' Inspector I will enter into no contro versy, sir; but I will siy that t tic metre measures the amount of tias you have to pay fur. Kl t.ll.K lMI HIII BS Distressing Kidney ami Madder diseaso relieved in six boms by "Now Ureat South American Kidney Cuie.'1 It is a great surprise on account of its exceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys and hack, in male or female. Uelieves retension of water almost im mediately, if you want quick relief and euro this is the remedy. Sold by C D. Bradham. Druggist, New Ker ne, N. C. An Honest Avowal. And so you love nie me alone"" 8be ventured to propound, 'Yes, more thai way,'' said be, own, Thsn when your ma's around." "my Fateful Souveniur. Asa souvniir of her sou, Hamilton Fish, Jr., Mrs Hamilton Fish has sent to every member of Troop, I, Uoosevelt's Hough Riders, iu which young Fish was sergeant, a silver-mounted knife. Ihe knife is of beautiful workmanship, audi Is Inscribed "Las Ouaslmas, June 21, j 1H9H," and on t tip other side "Souvenir of Hamilton Fish, to his comrades in Troop I. li. K. I The maid I'll be a sister to you. The man Not much! I've just got enough collar buttons for myself. Real Rd. I think that young man Is the rudest cresture I ever saw," ssld Msud. "In what respect?" asked Annie. "He Insisted on referring to tbe mis tletoe, as Hobson weed." Be Wss There. , Hobby I know where 8anta Clsus j d"es most of bis Cbhstniasshopping. Manims Where? Ilobby-i-At tbe Scent store. I saw lots of things like mine down there last week. Distwasdi , "See that man over 6n the corner T Just Dow ha rushed up to me and claimed to be my eonsln." Washer;, f'Not be disowned ml becauie 1 wouldn't Isad'Elm $10. ' .f: , IL113IJ Irn packet f the wocWS rlainwr for . nickel. HUH fraatertoooom.T m 4-poao4 All grocers, ktao ooly by THE B. K. FAIHaSBK COJBPi JtT CblcxQ. Si. Loul. Nor York. BaHoa, PhUatlalpfcla. bliarks nn J tkr Item What. Tbe restni e of noy large qnsotity ri easily nbtaimible forxl is always suffl "rn to wrore the uudivided attentioy ' : llif liark tribe. Wbau "cnttiug iu" v bales nt son. Ibaveoften been amszed ht ilio inrrediiile numbers of tbese crea uires tint natlrer iu a fhort space (if 1 1 im'. attracted by some mysterious nit mii" from beaveu ouly knows what r-moto rtifUiiot.s. It bas often ooeurred t i uk. wben whaling iu tbe ueighbot hnri'l of New Zealand, to get sperm wlule alongside withoot a sign of a -hark trelnw or a bird above. Within mi hour from tbe time uf our eeooriug i Im vukt iimsa nf flesh to tbe fit) i p tbe wlnilo area witliiu at least an aore has b'jt n iilivo with a teething mnltitnde of sharks, wbile from every quarter came drifting silently an incalculable bout of sou binli, converting the blue surface of tho sea into tbe semblance of a plain of new tulleu snow. Tbe Imrpoonera and officers from tbeir lofty position on the cutting stage slew Fcnren upon scores by simply dropping tbeir keen edged blubber spades upon the soft crowns of tbe straggling flsb, tbe only place where shark is vulner able to instant death. Tbe weapon -Hike into the creature's brain, be gives a convulsive writhe or two, releases bis bold and slowly sinks, followed in bis descent by a knot of bis immediate neighbors, all anxious to provide bim with prompt sepulture within their own yearning maws. National Re view. The Four Greatest Poeta. Who are the four greatest poets of the world? Tbe question was one, we gather from Sir Edward Hamilton's mono graph, which used to exercise Mr. Glad stone. About tbe first three places In deed be believed that there could be no reasonable question. They must be as signed to Homer, Dante and Shakes peare. Hot abont tne fourth place Mr. Gladstone found geat difficulty He considered that there were four com-. petitors scbylus, Virgil, Milton aud Ooethe. Wo wonder bow many of our, renders would at u first guess select Mr. Gladstone's final choice? ItwasQoetbo. Who, iu recent days, have been tbe greatest masters of Etiulish? This was another question which Mr. Gladstone say my speeches sre both long and nar was fond of considering. He decided in row. favor of two as greater than all others : Cardinal Newman and Mr. Ruskin. It is interesting to recall tbe fact that Mr. Morley, iu a lecture, answered the same question. According to him, tbe great master? of English in our generation have born three Carlyle, Maoaulay and Mr. Ruskin. The last named alone appears, it will be seen, in both lists. London News. Lire's C'kugri. Wbile iu the drawing room coaob on bis way home from Philadelphia not long ago a New Yorker found himself face to faoe with a womnu whom be had not seen for some time. "Why. Mrs. Blank," cried tbe New Yorker, "how" At the woman's reproachful glance he stopped. "Not Mrs. Blank, " sbo cor rected. "I got my divorce from Mr Blank some time ago. I'm now Mrs. Dash. Let me present my husband, Mr. Dash, " whereupon a man got up and bowed. "You you don't mean it I" gasped tbe New Yorker. "Ihsdu'thesrd. You nnd Mr. Dash haven't beeu married very long, have you?" "Oh, no, indeed," said tbe woman, "about 45 minutes, I think, " consult ing her watch. "We're an onr wedding trip now." The New Yorker gssped again. Then, "Bless you, my children," he cried and (led to tbe smoking oar. New York Una. Am OStaet. "This is Mr. Pneer. is it not?" "Yes, sir." "You have rented a bonsa fronting on Mulberry square, I believer" "I have." " Well, my name is Ferguson. I bave rented tbe bouse next to yours, and by a queer mistake tbe man I sat to clean it up so I could move into it went to the wrong plaoe and cleaned up yours. His bill, which I settled, is quite mod erate only 1.00 audi tbongbt that if tho work proved satisfactory on in spection perhaps you would not object' to assuming tbe payment of that amount" "Not at all, sir, but I shall oharga you 1.60 for one day's oooupanoy of my bouse. That, I think, makes as even, sir. " Ubiongo Tribuna. Wkti tho TlBr Caaae. Msud Ob, Elbel, and what did yon say to him When ha proposed to you? Did you say what yon said yon wsra go ing to tbe other day? That was a noble speech, just salted to crash the boldest man. And did he slink away Ilka a Whipped dog? Ethel Well, not exactly. Ytra 1 didn't say Juit that. I I wall er wen, yon see, l said "yee." . London Fun. St Mutatis. North Bide Mother I told yon a lit lie while ago, Jerry, who onr first par ents were. 1 ma see if yon remem Ler. Who was the first man? . Precocious Boy Adam. Nmth Hide Mother That's 'right Who was the first omaoT Precocious aiM.. u. v. ii !! aas. l an a ai tl. . . . " i t - It Waall.- f Ths quartette o( girts who wars) at palled from a Hew Hampshire aamlaary (or l-oklnf cljarettea wart otMaatly tbQh( to bo brlflglnf tho school Into pea ouor. . ... .- v Cue from Each Wife. "Wonder if lliat tub C'ongreisuiau smoker- "Don't know, Wb " "1 was just wandering b w lie would ertr mnage to get away with three boxes of Christmas cigars." Ag of Discretion. A n ing man may Ire said to bsvs rear bed I tie age of discretion where lie takes down the pictures of actresses from his nnntel snd juti up a portrait of his rich maiden aunl insiead. Not that Kind. Genera) Wheeler a asked the other day by a very young lady ot Washing ton: "HmW is il you never wear a"y medals? You surely have some " "No," answered the soldier. "I have uot. I am no bicyclist and I never made a cea lurv run i my Hfe , Imaginative. That dull Miss Wiggs doesn't seenta have a panicle of Imagination." Yes, the has; she thinks she can sing. She Easw Him. Mrs. Potts "It was rather late when you came borne last night. Where were you?" Mr Polls "Why, my dear, Wednes dsy night it the regular weekly lodge meeting night, you know, aud " Mrs Potts "Yes, of course 1 know; but did you win or lose?'' Hie Thooghts. Papa Now, Johnny. I have whipped you only for your own good. 1 believe I have only done my duty. Tell me, truly, what do you think ynursclf't' Johnny If I should tell you what I think, you'd give me another whipping. Vest on Himself. ' I am a thoit, broad man," said Sena- tor Vest the other day, "but my enemies HIHDIPO RESTORES VITALITY Made Well Man of Me. I Mt lr.. GREAT FRENCH REMEDY produces llie nhove remit in 30 days. Cute tvervous Prbihiy. ImpoUncy. Varicocele, -ailing Memory. Sloi & hil drain ana Insttea caused by err rs of youth. It wartla off In- aanity and Consumption. i. u ounk Men reeain Man hood and Old Men reenver Youthful Vigor. Il gives vigor and s ze to shrunken organs, and flta a man for business nr mairiugc. Eaady carried la the vest pocket. Price ("ft lTP 6BoxesJa.5J by mail, in plain I4tck- JjlJ If Q.-lge, wits wriltL-n guarantee-. OR. JEAN O HABHA. PSrtS F. S DUFFY, New Berne, N 0 uun'irtftrH'i'in THE NEW WAY. VT70MEN used to think "fe rn s 1 a diseases " could o n 1 y be treated after "lo C S 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent sbout their suffering.. The In troduction of Wine of Cardul hsa now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention st all. The simple, pure taken In the privacy of a woman's own home Insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul rs- quires no humlllatlnf examina tions far its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head ef "fsmsJe troubles" disordered menses, falling of Ihe v-omb, 'whltus,"chanfeof life. Itmakaa woman beautiful by maklnc them well It keeps them younf by -keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store, , Par advice la saase wsjsirlnf ssarisl airactlons, addraaa, ftvlaf symptom a, , tho "LaJlsa AoVtao fcswuli ml." Ths CKatujuos MaSldas Ce CksU. soosa. Tsaa. ' W.LBOIMl,B..,ea-.IJSss i 'M s vVlns sf Carsat srtsnitvsly ha my prmitem snS SrS It a msst saesllsat srsasfaMsti far im ie itsudiss.- li ir,,lu mm HfiLi.iiNJiiinin Vi MS- v-i JsaL-- , J EiiIty,Qulokty,rVminsntl'y Rsslorad icwinicisttYpEwss sriisa MCurs lnsoatnisTrUa, pitiinssa, Hraurie, Fsivoal usMllty, lsi vnaiinr, awmtnsi I", aillas Ms ths rssnlt oi Or -work, VV o r, CSllina saiimy tnv iu.it i vr T' airknMa. SLnra ni VsnlH as- 0sr4adul-i j ,i7VWtla.d.lBssns lethal I WeskMss, Ian Mnr f. Nervous 1 .iot snd !. Vluiiiy, ass Hi Ul fHPsoiaL il F strsrtfili will ivs stiicih a SAo tons Is svvrv rrt a eiisci s psraasasa care. Chsapsst sad ssss. MS fills lit STSWU. f f A bonts af ths Sir Jar-a 1 -v Ptlurrs soil bsalvsewlilis li rxs awissl tsUe MsrrhM. has. boiii esjf ay K.B. liUVhY, Ko leros.N.O