n V Ua n i 3'! ! 5 I1' ' 1' J; 1 r HE EXCELLENCE OF SYICF OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it i manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Fiq Svki p Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fig is manufacture! by the California Fio Svai'P Co. only, a '-nowletlge of that fact -will assist one in avoiding the worthiest! imitations manufactured by other iwir tles. The high .standing- of the Cai.i foH.NiA Fio Svki i- Co. with the modi eai profession, ind tin- satisfactioi which the genuine Symp of Figs has rien to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, lher and bowels without irritatiug or weaken ing them, and it docs not gripe nor nauseate, in order toget its bem ticial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AN I RAJS CISCO, CL (tdtili-c Hi- new voiik. n. v. THE JOURNAL. New Bern, N. ('..Jan. 3. 1 SO!). A DAT IN THE CiTT. The weather probabilities for today are wanner and part ially clomly w rat her Samwell's Tra ned Apiinal and Vaud" rille tonight don't forjjet. It's the cliance of a life time. Il was quiet about town yesterday, the banks being cloied, and no markets on the exchanges. The third of the series of Ccrmans given under the auspices of the (ierman Club, look place at Lowthrop Mall, Inst night. Frolracted meeting every nielli ::( 7:80, at the Christian Clitireli. I'reacii iog by the pa-tor, suhj 'ci, "The I'pliftcd Christ. Solo by Mr. Herln-it Willis. Suiiday night an entire dressed I 0 was stolen from a beef Mall, opposite 1 . I. Taylor's store. It is supposed in he the same crowd broke into Mr. Taylot's. The colored people celebrated ye-ter-day ia ajquii-t maimer, observini; it a Emancipation Dny, There was n guth rring nt the court house, Several ear loads of excursionists came in on the railroai., spending the day in town llHiMltoiiie 1'oiler. The Fair Association is sending out I he new posters for the Fair, and they arc both nev in design and very at tractive. Secretary Creen is very busy these days getting matters arranged for the various exhibits, which Is no small task. Apply I lu- Knuffly. Subscribers to the Daily or Sen.i Weekly .lot iinai., who fail to receive their papers can assign one of two causes, namely, fault in delivery . or ci plration of srbsc.ription. The remedy is simole in either case, semi word to the oflicr. Thf Wvalher. The cold wave reached heie early Pun nay morning, with a shriek of w ind and a slight snow Hurry. The Irmperstnrr fell rapidly and ice formed during the day. Sunday night was clean and cold, and Monday a m the thermometer legislered 1H degrees. Il was cold anil clear all dny Monday. "Knnol Do Wlihoni An old and value 1 subscriber of the JornsAi. at Iiocky Mount, N. C, sends his subscription for 1MI0, and very kind ly says ' Cannot do without it. Always welcome visitor at my home." Krery newspaper editor nr predates such an expression, and no editor is likely to be spoilt by too much of such kindness Smn Old Sunday night the store of L. J. Taylor oroer Queen and Bern streets, was entered, the thieves knocking In a door panel, thus affecting an entrance. A number of bottles of whisky snd wine were stolen. Judging frtm all appearances, this Is the tame gang which has operated at Other stores in this city It is about time for the police to catch some of this gang. ' At) 0yter Party. Aa aujoyable oytter roast was parlic! patod yesterday, afternoon at The Oak, th following belag la the party: MUM ltohler,Brookt, Hymn, Annie ad Emma SlaveTtoa, Ilaiy Galon, Bottle Wradley, Afoot Foy, Louise Den looo,' Carrie' tod Addle Clay pool, I atl Bryaa; Men X A Bloat,' "VT W tlark, Goion DoniikK 0 Bnghet, Mark 'Sureatoo, J Leo Otirrai, D R Davl. : -'-:-' Iia'. V;.1 : , People overlookodW Importance of permapentlyueneOcittl effect! and irera atltfled with trantlent actlant but bow j that it la gtaerally known that Syrua of ( Flgi wU permanently overcome kabltaal oaetlpatloa, well-informed people will not bur other luatlvat. which act foa a time, bnt finally Injure the eyitem. Bey the genuine, made by the Califorala Fig PyrnpCo. ' - ,j I Wkatt ha. I Apeoel la lb frost door of lit store 'of William Lore, oa upper Broad street, ill broke In oa Friday nlghi, and so entrance to the tiore ffecittl. The mosey drawer tu robU-d of ! what wm !!, the.aatouat beluij un- knows. Ko cine to tee robber or rob . lien. Tl report f tht death of Mr J W. May U brought to the Jut i:x l Mr. May died at hit horn in Miple Cypress, iu Craren county, on last Fri day, his death being due to pneum.ina. He leaves five childrea lo mourn their loss. Mr. May was a farmer ami a worthy cilien, greatly liked by all who knew him f Brri t ouipaa) HMvquf I. The annual installation of the officers of the New Kern S. F. Engine Company look place last nijjht, and aflei w aids the Company with a few invited miesls sat down lo a sumptuous banquet, which hud been prepared by that excellent ! meter Sir. Sam Radcliffe. The "boys, " young an.l old, entered into the occasion with their inual spirit, and thoroughly enjoyed everything. A num ber of toasts were cailed for and replied to, the specchers receiving liberal help in the way of side lemarks from lue rest of the company. l.nt-Kheti i he Mamc. Tlie awarding of ihe hsncsomely dressrd dull recently shoun in the front w iuvluw of D. F. .lati' sho e, who-e name has been the ul.iiit of inany irucssers, will lake laee toinoi njw, Mon day afternoon at I o'clock. There weie ten successful i;ui'scis ol th" doll's name, (Virginia Dale) and ll e following, who guessed eoireetly will please call and decide to whom the doll shall be awarded Misses Annie Mace, Katie -Heel, Mrs. Knight, Mrs C K Slover, Miss I'.sleile Parker, Mrst! S Attuiore, Iletlie Sutton, Mcriel Uroves, C II, Miss l.e.ih .lones. 4Jrent AiiIuihI Mhow. Sainwell'a Trained Animal anil Vaude ville show played to a large house in Kiuslon. They are in New Hern tonight at the theatre, giving malinee Wednesday, also appear Wednesday and Thursday nights They have the tinest and liest irained animals in America and are drawing large crowds everywhere. Don't forget to see their boxing dog", Corhett aud Fit sininions, in an eight round bout. Admission to gslierv, children l'V, adults SiOe; admission :(0c, reserve seats without Vxtra charge. Tickets on sale a Waters' store. Tlte onuiy MprRlii At a mass meeting held at Turin's p.ec.inct, No. J Townihip, December Ul, ls'.iH, the following resolutions were adopted Itesolved, That wc denounce the ac tion of the mass meeting held in New Hern in this month, in the manner of appointing committees on c nmty attain. Resolved, That in appointing said Committees the townships should have been notified and let each town select its man to serve in said committee. Resolved. That we denounce S. W. Latham for county commissioner and recommend in his place Silas Fulclier. Resolved, That this resolution lie sent the New Hern .loi iix m , and request to publish same. N. T Ki i.i iikii, C, L. ! -ki.-, Chairman. Secretary. rCKSII.VAl . Mis Kat.- arine (liillin returned to Dover yesterday. Mr. .1. W. Timbcrlake returned Sun day from Oriental. Miss Kathelcen Matthews returned lo Morehead last night. Mr. Lynn llendren relumed In Trin ity college yesterday. Mr. Henry Minn left yesterday, return ing to Guilford college. Henater and Mrs. .1. A. Hryan left yes terday morning for Raleigh. lion. Frank Thompson and Mr. F.. M. K nonce of Onslow, are in the city. Miss Melle Marks left ycfterday mom ing fr New York to attend school. Messrs. .las. I). Delamar and A. K. Hibbard went to Durham yesterday. Mr. P. II. relletler left yesterday morning for New York on busiuesi. Mr. C. K. Foy returned on the Nense Sunday morning from a business trip lo Norfolk. Misses Rebecca and Mary Emma Slree't returned home last night from visiting at Klnilon. Milt May Hendren has returned to Trinity College, afier spending the holi days tt her borne In this city. Miss Mabel Chadwlck, of Beaufort passed through the city yesterday morn ing, returning to Trinity college. BTJOKLBN'a ASHIOA SALTS. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruise, Sore, Ulcer, 8alt Rheaoi, Fever Bore, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblain, Corn, and all Skin Erup tion, and positively core Pile, or no pay required. Il If guaranteed to give perfect (atlefactloa or money refunded. Price 10 cenie per box. For sale by F. F. Duffy lMte f Toe annual meeting of the Farmer Mutaal Fire Intnrance Awociatloa, of North . Carolina, Craven end Pamlico branch will be held at the ooort boom la NewBero oa Friday, January JO, ISM, beginning at tl o'clock au A foil at tendaaxe la very much desired. . By order of pretldeot, ..J ' .'.,...1 B. W. Lvrii. . D Lam, Berretary. : :v., . 4TTX.1 OF BlAKILA TkU krniMiUi.lt lin at aw SVrraratr. Among the attraction promised at the Fair to be held la New Barn nett iuooih, the great tpeciaculer of the ltat lle of Manila, reproducing Admiral Dewey's great achievement will be seen. I In this spectacular the American Fleet w ill be seen moving up anil attacking i he Spanish fort and restela, and all the itallstic effecis of the conflict will be given iu detail. MAOH DANIEL T. OARBAWAT. a Tribal ml pret. The members of the Cotton and Grain Exchange unite In commemoration of the ileal ii of Major Daniel T. Carrtway, and recall with sincere admiration bit lung and honorable course as superin tendent of this institution. While his loyal service and excellent judgment were of incalculable beoeut to the businest of the Exchange tnd lo this community, his gentlem as of manner and kindly disposition endetred him more and more le his associates. His Christian faith which teemed tu grow with veil's of wisdom, ruled his life, and bring lhat peace whlcn lur passth all understanding, excites our deepest veneration and prt sents au ex ample most virtuous and amiable. His refund and delightful humor made him a most interesting companion, the remembrance of which will long live in our minds as bin genereus deeds will In cl.ci Uhed iu our heaitc. May eternal light shine upon him. M. Mami.t, T. A Oiir Ks, C K For (IttliiiMry . Death has again invaded our circle aud claimed one of our good members Brother Anson Wallace departed this life Dec. 4lh 1S!W. He lived to a good old age, his life was a buy one, but his last days werepasstd in much pain and suffering. The following resolutions were adopt ed nt a meeting December 'ilst lS'JS. Whereas, It has pleased the Ruler of the I'niversc to remove, our honored and worthy brother, Anson Wallace; There fore in view of the loss we have sustain ed, and still heavier loss occasioned to his respected relations, be it Resolved, That the members of Faith Hope and Charity, hereby desire to express their tense of bereavement at Ihe loss of our esteemed brother. Resolved, that we hereby extend our deepest sympathy to the relations and n -ar fiiemN of the deceased, hoping lhat even iu the saddest of their afflic tion they niny yet find some consolatian in knowing that the worth of his private life was appreciated. Resolved, That these resolution! be spread upon the records of thia lodge, and a copy sent to the family of our deceased brother, also inserted In the New Hern ,1m hnai.. W. H. Rookitsos Chia'n, J. II. Smith, .1. ( '. S( Al ts, Committee. I, a (irippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it. It specific cure Is One Minute Cough Cure. A.J. Shepard, Publisher Agricul tural Journal and Advertiser, Elden. Mo , says: "No one will be disappointed in using One Minute Cough Cure for La Crippe.'' Pleasant to take, quick to act. F. S. Duffy. A Mori! Kfral, The splendid reception and enter tainment which Mist Mary Moore gave in honor of her guest, Mies Rrooks, of Louisville, last Friday evening it the residence of Mr. L. J. Moore, on Craven street, will lie remembered is the chief social incident of the holidays. There were half a hundred or more ladies and gentlemen present. The rooms were brilliantly lighted and decorated. Misses Moore and Iirooks, assisted by several intimate friends received. An hour was spent in playing Progres sive I'p lenks. Mitt Brooks and Mist F.mina Stevenson won the ladles pri.ea Mr. Lon Moore, won the gentleman's prize. At eleven o'clock in elegant menu consisting of numerous delicacies wat served. Mist Itrooks rci ited two telecllons iu the happiest vein and wit earnestly solicited by everyone to recite again. Mm Lizzie Hancock sang a favorite soiig which added pleasure lo the even Ing't entertainment. Miss Mary Moore tang a group of ton; s. Bhe potseset a Hne voice and was highly complimented. Mr. J as W Waters accompanied the vo allsts with hit iolin. Among others there were present; Mr ani Mrs E K Bryan, Mr Whitford, Mr C S Holllster, Mr and Mr J a W Water, Mr and Mr. C B Foy. Mr and Mr Tbo 0 Uyman, Mr and Mr W P M Bryan, Mine Annie and Emma Stevenson, Sadie Hollitler, Clementine Wbltford, Addle Claypoole, Bradford Ilyman, Isa bel Biyan, Beetle Leyborn, Lulle Ivee, Belle Mark, Marie and Rntb Mohler, Mary Oulon, Llixle Hanock, Agaet and Annie Foy, Fennle Caller, Bettie Wind ley; Metsrt T W Waters, TV W Clark, B K Eaton, D F Foy, i Loo Barrua, Jette Cleypoole, Wm Dunn, Geo Henderson, C D Bradbam, F K flyman, H R Bryan, It, I 0 Dunn, Wm Fletcher, Al A Nuno, Mark Btevenson. To Inture a happy new year, keep tbo Ijrer clear, and Ibo.boily vigorous by otlng Do Witt Little Early Bloers, tbo fmouf lttlle pill for ooottlDatlon tad Mlvet troubles. F. S. Dnffy. ' 'J;'';; V A'tlvate, -''.! ' We have just opened two bales Bailees Covered Comforts, at the annsual low prlci t1.- ewolb . , BAarowYe: ' : QTTI1I3T (UAtr moon ) Thl placa I a new poet-ofhoe in On low county, but il it belter known at Half Moon. The people are engaged in farming and lumbering. P. B. Smith, who hat the contract for tupplyiog the taw mill at Jacktonville wiihlogt.lt operating In this teciloa now, tad gives employment to quite a number of men. The tram road it .bout three miles long and tuotdown to New river at tbe old weir, from which place, they are towed by tteaiuer to Jacksonville. Mr. Smith is a hustling young man. and should be cal'c I "Hustling Pete." Mi Jnhn Petleway, It our efficient potiniaster. We hive mail three timet a week from Jacksonville. Rev. J. B. Olive of Swamboro preach ed for us laal 3rd Sunday. Last Wednesday night, there was a Christmat tree at the church here under the management of Mr. John Petteway and sisters, Misaet Uertrude and Bessie, sLuli wit one of the best we hive ever had The tree was well filled with pres ents for the little folks, yeung folks, sweethearts, etc. Many thanks are due the managers for ihe excellent manner in w hich II wat conducted. Aw itbturn ftewn Had Peraamala. New year now. boys, time to swear ofT. Tne Christmas holidays passed off pleasantly and everybody teeiuetl to have a pood Xraas. i. YV Ward w ho is teaching school on New river spent Christmas home with his family. Capt W W Denait whs runs 1' I! Smith's steam boat towing logt in New liver also speut the holiday! home. John lion land, Jr, formerly of More head City Inn recently of (loldsboro, has located heie to buy fish, oysters and clams. Miss Carrie Ward of Mariurs is teach ing the public school at Hubeil. Mr. Henry Jarnian of Kichlandi Is teaching st Wards Mill. (J It Vouug is our mail carrier now from here lo Maysville. I) II Kussell has some very nice cab bage plants that will soon be ready for transplanting. We regret to learn of the illness ef W S Wynn of Wards Mill. Hope he may hare a speedy recovery. The friends of Mr. K N Summeraill will regret to learn of his death which occurred at his residence near Jackson ville on the night of 8.1lh ull. He leaves a wife and son to mourn their loss. Mr. Sumuicrsill was about M years old and was well known throughout this and adjoining counties. -tears he 1!:8 Kind Voa Han Hiwap Bougi. lOIIOICU. Ur.HMEI.l-. There is a retribution in history, AU! can it lie That he who repeated this so boldly and to boaslingly, Is now the drivelling coward who would kiss the band that slayi" Yi rily "there Is retiibution," ind you cannot stay the blow, Tho' the perfect art of treachery and Bhimc you surely know. God finds the traitor tbo' he may seek to "scape by devieus ways. Pitied no! no! there is no pity for such a thing as you, Stranger, we know thou art to all things lhat are good and true, Ali?n lo honor and alike to gratitude un known, Patiently and persistently you may "bend Ihe fawning knee," Shamelessly profest con vcrtion, bow in all servility. Nothing you can do w ill stop the harvest now. Your seed is sown. "There is a retribution in history' when you sec Mid the fiirnets of Its pages foul and blots of basest ignominy, Tho' conscience may not taunt you, you'll remember you are one, Side by tide with Judas and Arnold and all that faithless crew, These are the aien Posterity will be taught to link with you, Oh! What a past to "conjure up" with the setting of Mfe't Hun ('ran for Jaaaarjr. Tbo Forum begins tbe new year with an eicellent number. Sir Cbarlee Dilke writet forcefully on "The Future Itela lions of Great Britain and the United Stiles''; Adjutant-General Corbln con tributes a paper on "Tbe Army of the United States," thowlnir tbe wonderful Improvement of late years In lis person nel; snd Mr. G. Everett mil, wbo was private secretary to the late Col. G. K. Waring, gives tbe tubttance of tbe Colonel'! report to Ihe United Stales Government "On tbe Sanitation of Havana." All of tbe remaining article! are eminently loadable. i see tmuti. In your rttolotloo of reform and economy for Ibo year . 1800, lemember tbe prompt, reliable and cbeap watch and Jewelry repairer. Bait an tub Jewklbii, Neit to Jobkal. fair Prl Besled proposals will be received by tbo Secretary from this data to January lOtb, 18M, for rental of Bestsorsat, fro It and. Coafeellonery, Band witch, Barbecue end Cigar Privileges dorlnj ihe 11th Annual Fair of tt East Caro lina Fish, Oyster, Oame and Industrial Aseoolatloa to be held la this eliy Feb rutf tt-SI, 18M.?'' J' '' ;. 'i' :,. Gsonoi Gaiiji, Booretar., L Hat tar salt, ;,;.:':( We place oa sale today If dotet ebfl- droa's hoary winter boeo, all altos, from I to H (reel barpla at lJJo per fair ..:;.''..' ' Uerfool'. P LANT LIFE, to 'be -vig orous and healthy, must have Potash Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen. Iliese essential elements are to plants, what bread, meat and water are to man. Crops flourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Our pamphlett tell how lo buy and apply iertihiers, and are free to all. QER.TAN KALI WORKS, Pi Naatw St., New York. Halle mt rirat Mhiiii r VrrOliara. In the Eastern Ditlrtct Court of the United States, for tbe Eaitern District of N. C. In the matter of ( In Iiank- J. H. VINSON, Bankrupt. ( ruplcy. To the creditors of J. H. Vinson, of New Bern, in the County of Craven and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice it hereby given given lhat on tbe 2th day of January, A. 1) , 1810, the said J, II. Vinson, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, aud that the first meeting of hit creditors will be held at tbe office of L. J. Moore, Heferee, in New Berne, N. C, it 12 M. on the lllh day of January, 1899, at which lime the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business at may properly come before said mtetiDg. I.. J. Moont, litferee in Bankruptcy, 3rd Bankruptcy Division in said District. New Bern, N.C., Deo. 30, lfiW. The Wrfh ITrsyfr. At the invitation and sufgcslion of the Evuugelical Alliance for the Culled Stalls the Week of Prayer will be ob served by several churches of the town, according to the following programme. Tl LSDtY JSNUAKV illlll MKTIIOIHKT l-'amilict and schools, Prayer: That the family may be reverenced as a divine institution; that all familes may be held in the blessed bonds of mutual love aud mutuil honor: that, under (lod, parental affection may chcriah childhood iuto joy, and parental example inspire to nobleness of life; ind lhat whatever is against the Christian ideal of the family may be opposed and overcome. That all education may be more and more valued; lhat thus the highest well-being of both community and nation may be secured, and Christ be all and in ill. Pa. 08:0; Isa. 8:IH: Mil. 4 6; Epb. 3:15; Job 88:38; Eph. 3: 10, 11. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4TII, TABKRNACl.K I1APTIST CHUIICII. Home Missions Prayei: That Indi vidual Christians may feel their sacred obligation to do their utmost toward making their own land Immanuel's land: may reali.e ihe unity of Ihe national welfare the peril of one member being tbe peril of all; and may fully perceive that the exaltation of Christ in the home laud advances His kiogdom In all lands. That Home Missionary organization! may be endued with the Spirit of love aud power; may worthily enjoy the com plete confidence of Ibe churches; and that they may severally move forward iu practical Christian comity aud mutual helpfulness. Ex. 35: 20-21); Isa. 2: 3; 41 0, 7; 52:8; 1 Cor. 12: 4-0. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5TII, MIDDLE BTItKET IIU'TIDT UHI HCII. Foreign Missions Prayer: That la dividual Christians may render loyal obedience to their Saviour' last com mand, and lake fresh courage from his last promise. That our Foreigu Mis sionary organization may be filled with Christlike devotion, and Christlike love lowird each other; and may ever be mindful of the new lesion t which ex perience teaches. That our mitsioaariet may be gloriously successful, being divinely enabled to recognize providen tial leadings, and to make foil use of tbe witness to Himielf, which God ha prej teived in even bealhen land. And that, to tave the lost, miulonariet of theCroes msy tpeedlly be sent to the very end of th earth: Mark IS: 13; Act 10: 84; S-1; Acta 17: 28; Rom. I: 1ft; 10: 14, 15. . Berviees will begin at 7 "Op. m. All are cordially invited. Modest Women Modest ay ia is no less a charm than beauty and wit Ia it-any wonder that wo men afflicted with physical disorders pecu liar to their sex shrink from pep, aonal exarni na tions by male physicians? Tbo weaknesses and irregularities of women) may be iweognised by certain nnfaillng symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing down pains, irritability and extreme oerv oosnees indicate derangement : of the delicate female organism. BradGeld's Fe male Regulator Is Ihe standard rerqedy foe characteristic diseases of women. Bold by druggists at $lxo per bottled thi aaAormo iemjutoi CO.. aiiaau, a FOR SALE I : :?', I WILL BELL ON pit' ; 14th Day pt Jan. bo. Flos Vales for farm Parposea or i flood Baroeee and Form Hor. : AT P0LLO0K8YILLR, It. C V Terms of Ptle-CXStf. or Note with Approved Becordy. . ' - 0. ), "M. ;. A. F. PcVAL. f Y"UsV' TTe have made every effort to give each custamer ' full worth for every cent epeut with tts snJ the large patrquage accorded us warrant the belief that our efforts hare been appreciated. FOR THE COMING YEAR! We promise increased energy, if inch be possible, and believe that onr Experience. Ample Capital and Implicit Belief that it is good policy to com bine HIGHEST QUALITY WITH LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES will mske it to the interest of all to give us their patronage. No other roof in this city covers snch a stock andt we think we can truthfully say that no other establishment can offer you such advan tages. . J. H. HACKBURN, 4rCCCO CCCOCCCC COO COCO COOOr. I GUESS HOW LONG THE g g CANDLE WILL BURN. ( o o o o o 8Q We have placed in one of our front windows a very large Zl candle which we will light Monday at 12 o'clock mid to the one O that guesses the nearest the length of time the candle will burn O O we will present FHEK the beautiful Dressed Doll in the win- Q Q dow. Q Q Tlie Giiosscs are Al)silutely Free to every one that makes a Q g )tirchatie. k A Guess as often as you make a purchase. ( Holidays Are Over. Now that the Holidays are Over, your thoughts turn to something more serious than Gifts, Toys, etc., nnd we haTe some good news for you. Cloaks and Capes. Trying to keep up full assortments hits left us with more garments than we usually carry nt this season, so we chop the price off about one-third and expect to nutke short w ork of them. $12 60 10 00 9 00 8 00 6 00 Jackets t Capes are reduced iu the same proportion and these values Q are such that ought to command your immediate attention. Q The garments represent the best workmanship that is pos- fa sible and the newest Style. JJ as Safl Fur Collarettes. O We also have a few ur Collarette that must l e sold at Q Q once. Q They are principally black X $4 00. They were $4 00 to $G S Picture O Some new picture frames, for embroidering, have just been O Q received. The frame aud piece of stamped linen are together Q Q and the price is 35c. Q f Some fancy frames are 50c. j 5 Art Squares. o O A belated shipment of Art Squares has just been opened. O O They are none the lean pretty because they are late, and the O Q price are low for such quality of all wool Squares. 3 x 2 yds Q Q $4 50. 3 x 3 yds $6 00. 3 x 3 yds $G 50. q o () ft January 1. nczzopc J fca '; . -TT"? i ... i. ' WHOLESALE & BETAIL DIALERS 15- HOUGES . AND .. MULES,. -'- tTk Complete Line of HU90TM, V' ClKt& Atlt) OAtSEH. .'V'' " 'A. PuLLOl'KSTUIET. are now it ii $9 50 7 60 7 00 6 60 4 50 and the prices now are $8 00 to 00. Frames o o () o 47 & 49 . . V ' ''"? fJf 'v---v';"''- -0;-fjf'-,hrt'x'''"- ' V.V!