VOLUME XII. NIW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. X. TUESDAY, J1MMUY 31. 1899 - -rittST SECTION. KUMBI& 81. HEV MODE TUITION. Will lis Tried Upnn Gift Earnings of Railroads. TheSeaaWls CouHf rratilr. IIhrnvII miMi Cite. RattVege Cau eos. Second N. C. IUg latent Colors' Candidates Pur A. N. C. Presidency. JoUKNAI. KUKRAO. J Ualbkhi. N.C., January 23. f 1 II is not mails public yet, but the fin ance committee U about to recommend new dcpartuie in'tavaliou,.iolhitig 'ess than a tit ot from one to Ave per cent on the grots earning of railroads When Ibis proposed tax becomes known It will raise a racket. It is designed to make good tbe loss from the repeal of the mer chants tax of about $80,000, but will do much more by furnishing in tlio neigh borhood of tS50,iQ0. The railroads will be given a chance to be heard la Iho mai ler next Wednesday. It will amount to a double tax on the railroads as they arc already taxed on their valuation. As the leanlugs and inclinations of the Legislature become known, It is seen and fell that the Senate is more conser vative in a general way than the House. An exception might be quoted in me llairston bill ou foreign corporations Introduced in llio Senate but which was turned down, and the milder Cralge bill in tbe House which was passed, but the llalrstone bill was introduced by a man who didn't know what he was doing and does not count. A remark make by Chaiunun . borne of the Wilson invc.itiguiii; committee at thu hearing Thursday nliii would seem to cover a g.i.id deal of grouud in the case. Ho said lliul tlu position of the committee was H al the Governor had the right to suspend lliecomiuiaion ers aud need only give his resinous and not film it li evidence. Kuaseil lit his usual style has plunged into a lihl in stead of resting on his rights. As a result the Leghlaturo will pull bin. oil his high horse ami Alajur Wilsou will exult in his overthrow. Talk oT Impeaching the Governor on the basis of the Wilson case Is considered mere rubbish, unless new light is thrown on the scene. The joint' caucus held last night in the hall of the Hi use discussed the Winston bill, propared to cover the suffrage ques tion. The meeting lasted over three hours and it was after eleven o'clock when the members left the Capital. Ho deliuilo conclusion was arrived at aud no amendments to the proposed bill were adopted and the matter will be considered again next Wednesday. The caucus was a secret one and from the talk of the members afterward, It ap peared that the debate was an animated one, aid it was coulinued by small groups late at uighl In the hotel corri dors. Considerable opposition has developed to tbe existence of the Iuebriale Ward which is maintained at the Moigantou Insane Asylum aud auy proposed exten sion of tbe plan. The proposed use of a part of the penllenliaiy for all of the criminal insane has brought out the ex pression that these should have separate building! in no way connected with the penitentiary before provision is made for the care of Inebriates. The cost of sepai ale bulldlugs at each of the three asylums Is estimated at 1100,000 aud several Senators stated that In their opinion the Stato was not prepared to go to such an expense. The Governor has under consideration the request of tbe Associated Survivors of the 3nd N. C. lleglmenl of New Bern , for the possession of (he battle flag re turned by Ueo. II. Duck of Massaohu setts and now In the bands of the Adju tant General. Tho request came through Capt. Matt Manly who base tbe request upon the fact that most of the members of the section were from the New Bern section and tbe flag bearer killed at the ' battle of Chancellorsvllle was a member of.lbe New Beta company, it It stated - that tbe Governor wilt grant the request Tbe proceeds of the Confederate Bauer were much larger than anticipated. About 11500 will be realised from tbe -, affair end tbe ladle ere highly pleased with tbe result. There was a great deal of bird wotk dune In the getting op of the Bazaar and much credit I dne to the promoters. They havl not failed to re- oelve praise for : It however, for": the papers here bare distributed It wltbs ; lavish baud and havo rivalled each o ner la applause. . - Nothing sew bus developed In tbe A . ARC Itallroad matters, not oa the sur face, but there Is a beap of work being . done on tbe quiet. . Tbe selection of tbe next President has brought out tbe names of four candidate for tbe position . end "there ere othoii" who do not want their names sprang Just yet Craven -claims the right to name the President. Today is rial winter with heavy fall .'. of snow. It began last night and threat- - ms to become very deep before It stops. - f be temperature Is only at the freeslng point but tbe wind Is from the torth end It will nrobablr be a cold Bundav. - . .i '...liv' ,.-r . .. ' ..... : i: ; Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suffered agony for thirty years, and thea cured bis Piles by using De Will's Wltcb Uaxcl Salve. It beat lu juries and skin diseases . llkemiglo. K.B. Duffy. KAC2AH rOUMS OUUTT. ! tfca Cart Martial. Utirrr esuesM rul Special to Journal. Wasbthotoh, January IS In tbe case of Commissary General C liar let P. Eagan i barged with conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman, and with condui t temliuc to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, a verdict wa reached by the court martial, which found General Kagan, guilty. The verdict was that Gea. Eagan va guilty of tbe crime charged, which was against discipline, good order and de cency, and without a show of an excuse. Tbe sentence was that Eagtio be dis missed from the army, with no recom mendation of mercy. The General was greatly broken at the sentence found, as be bad hoped fox a different result. 4airt Uny Among l.rlilioria Special to Journal. Kai.eigh, Jauuary 28 There was only roulino-fcusines. in both Houses, with general dullness, today. The bill regulating timber measure ment was reported unfavorably by Ihc committee. This caused a tlelinto in the House, and it was finally referred to a new committee. Tbe bill of Williams of l:ire to pro vide a supervision of the oysler indus try, and the bill to provide the Vance Textile Department to le added to the Agricultural Collego, Raleigh, passed favorably, ; A. li. S. Special to Journal. Ralkiuii, January 110 Uills pn?scd, good government for Ciaveu county, which is to increase county commission ers to seven; two hills pei luining to Al um ic and North Carolina railroad. The Senate hill lo ledure the def-'ll- Uul's cliallengts in capital cases, was tallied. A hill was Introduced to refund the leln of the city of Wilmington by is suance of four per'rcnl bonds. HilMutioiliH c.l lo make kissing the Bible, when being sworn, unnecessary. Bill to give a medal to each North Carolina soldier who is serving in Cuba A. E. 8. m ki.-ciiou Yrt. Special to Journal. Uahuisiiuiio, Pa,, January 28. There was nd-ghango in tho Senatorial contest here today. Waaliii Vt urn Ktaalulloa. Special lo Journal. Washington, January 23. Senator Mason has requested that t lie Henate vole on his resolution, next Friday, which declares that it Is the policy of Ibis country not to govern tho people of other nations. Coughing injures aud inllames sore lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, alays coughing and heals quickly. The best cough cure for child ren. F. 8. Uuffv. LaM Ncwh IttnaN. Senator Frye stated in the executive session of tho Senate that the President would send to the Senate important docu ments rotating to the peace treaty. Senator Got man, in a speech in the Senate, declared that nnless American troop were withdrawn from a tropical climate 50,000 names would be added to the pension rolls. The Navy Department is considering the advisability of utdng the triple screw system with tho new warships. Democrats and anti-Quay Republicans in the Pennsylvania Legislature have agreed to stay away from the joint meet ing In older to prevent the re-election of Senator Quay, wh i still lacks thirteen votes of the number necessary to elect. Announcement has been made that Andrew Carnegie has olTcrcd $ 100,1)00 lo Pennsylvania Stale College for ibe erection ef a library building. , Tt CIIKB A Mtl.1 XN ; BAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls lo care. : 85e, Tbe genuine has L. H Q oa each tablet Brm. Kagaa'a aly Rkitarr. Wabhihotoh, Jaaoary )t0 General Eagan' only bdpe , to escape dismissal Lfrooi the armyt 1a' accordance with the finding of utility on both counts by the cour martla lie in Presidential tteuv ency. . Althoovb. na official. announce ment has been made of tbe finding of we court martial, and noue l expected Until the riesklenf has aoteil upon illbe opinion U Oiianlmons that it wear guilt?, simply because It could have bee! 'noth ing else upon 1 he evidence presented. ; Official red Up will keep the finding out of the bauds of the President for several days, and be will take his own time to sot upon itVter be cets lit (lea seqoeully tt is only guessing to attempt lo say wheu thu rosult will be made pab- llo, but the great aud general interest In tbe ease make It probable thai It Will not be long delayed. :. ' v ,V- CASTOR I A For Infants ruid CMIdien. , Tt3 K!r.J Yea Wm Always Eo:;H Boars the EUgnature GETS WORSE As IiivestiiailcD if Penit1 ntiary Matter GO'S Oa. Will Abandon Slate Karma. To Secure White Supremacy. Jim Crow Car will Become a Pact. Disorderly Negro Soldiers. Journal Btrk.au, I Raleigh, N. C, January 30. j The affajrs of the penitentiary are still the leading sensation, considerably over-ono hundred thousand dollars in debt and the books in such a fix as to make a close estimate impossible. But tbe report of the sub-committee that vis ited tbe Slate farms is much worse. No record has been kept of many of the sales and of several hundred cords of wood shipped there is do account kept at all: Only a portou of the farms were under cultivation last year and thousands ol dollars are due merchants for supplies furn .ed. Tho suli-commltlee have handed in the report to tho joint roni inillee and I his committee will report to Iho Legislature with recommendations. One will be the abandoning of all the Stale farms with one exception and will name the farm to be kept, and will re commend the concentration of the con vict labor to make it more effective. The discussion before the committee will be active each day this week. Among the proposed bills for discussion will be on Thursday the one to le.li.c auction fees ou leaf tobacco from 15 lo 10 cents. The amendment to the constitution to secure while supremacy seems to have reached the stage when little or no change will le made in it. The last joint caucus after much talk recommended no changes in its form. The restricting clauses lit the 4l.li and 51 h sections as follows: Section 4. Any person presenting himself for registration or voting shall be able lo read and wrile any part of th.- Constitution in the English language, and shall have paid by the first day o February tbe poll tax for the previous year, as prescribed by law, and shall ex hibit the receiS therefor. Poll tasos shall be a lien only ou assessed proper ty, and no process shall Issue lo enforce the collection of tbe same except against ajtessed property. Section 5. No male person who was on January 1, 1867, or at any prior thereto, entitled to vote under tho laws of any State in the United Slates wherein lie then resided; and no sou or grandson ol auy such person not less than 21 years old at the date of the adoption of this amendment of tbe Constitution shall be denied the right to register and vote al any election in this State by reason of the educational qualification prescribed In this article, provided he shall have registered prior lo December 1, 1902, in accordance with the termb of this article and no person shall be allowed to regis tcr under this section after that date. There is no doubt about tho passage of the "Jim Crowbar" law for separate cars. There will not be over 25 voles cast against the measure. The objection by the railroads is of course that extra aud at times almost empty cars will have to be hauled. The proposition to divide the cars into two compartments has not met with much favor, nor has the plan to have none but first clots fares. Some of the western members say that in their section they do not need the law and hope that certain small roads will be made exempt. This can well be left to the Railroad Commissioners. A battalion of tho 6lh Virginia Rcgl ment, colored, passed through here yes terday. It Is said that this Regiment has earned a worse reputation at Macon than the North Carolina 3rd. They were at the depot here but a few minutes Sun day morning but there Was noise enough during their stay. Tbe snow fall of 7 inches has about gone and the sleighs that were out Sal ur lay night are stored away again. These are dangerous times for the health. Croup, colds and throat troubles ieid rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a large imouut of inonoy. Pleasant to takei children like it. V. 8. Duffy. Aa-alaalaVa BUrkxtrltra. MaHii.a, Jsn. 89. Ths Spanish civil prisoners have not yet been released, Tales of suffering, hunger and dishon or com from the provinces, Toong Spanish girls, It is eald, ere forced to live with Indians i The parents of some of them, ' being powerless,' appealed to Aguinaldo. HI reply was a letter from an unfortunate child perhaps exacted after suffering saying she Is happy and contented. ; Ladles have suffered untold humllation to save their husband from cruel treatment. .C,' ' Five priests have died In one province from hunger and cruelty, although $00,. 000 had been sent by lbs corporation for their maintenance, fciir?i J. J. Baxter Is closing out bis winter clothing, shoes, bats, underwear, dress goods at cost In order to make room for bis new tprlng slock. ' . ' , . AsssUnax'PwtE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome 1 sown VMm mioa TiE OOmMISSlON'3 BEFORT On itie la TNtlsailuaa "I Mmimni l. pnrini. at NunimarlBMl. Um.r nlly Favornnvle. New Yoiik, January 2ft A Washing ton dispatch to tbe Herald says: Presi dent McKinley will have in his posses sion ou Thursday next the complete report of the war investigating commis sion. Ihc report will comprise about 40,000 words. Attached to il will be an appendix of 500 printed pages, setting forth all of the testimony taken by the commission during its Investigation. It has leen determined t v the commis sion not to metnjon any names or to make any recommendations, hut simply o recoid, under the head of each depart ment and cadi camp, the inelliciencles and scandals which have been developed by the investigation, hut the identifica tion will be so complete that the Presi- lent will be able lo li the responsibili ty, these are Iho main fuels as sum marized. The Secretary of War ordered the major-general commanding to make an inspection tour of the camps. The major general commanding returned the order to l.im and infoimed him that he was in the habit of making out his own orders. The major-general commanding was permitted lo go to Smtiago de Cuba, and at the same time the Secretary of War informed General Shafter that Gen eral Miles was not to supercede him in command. A large number of civilians were ap pointed to -staff positions who were with out experience, but they rapidly learneil their dutios. The charges preferred against the Sec retary of War that he and members of his family were Interested in sites select ed for camps and in contracts are with out foundation. The major-general commanding recommended the location of camps at Chickamauga and Tampa, and an officer on the staff of General Miles selected the site foi Camp Alger. The Secretary strongly opposed the loca tion of a camp al Miami. The Secretary of War did not learn of the condition of the Hoops at Santiago until the "round robin" was circulated, when steps were taken lo bring the troops north. . The work f the adjutant-general's and paymaster-general's departments is de clared satisfactory A sufficient number of inspections werenol made by the Inspector-General's department. Had such been the case, the camp conditions would not have been as serious as they proved to be. The commission will show thai this de parlmcnt should bo radically reorgan ized. No Irregularities have been found in the quartermaster-general's department, notwithstanding the many charges pre ferred against it. E e far as the clothing was concerned, It will be found thai iu some ciiscb the prices paid wore cheaper thau those paid for the same articles lie foro tho war. The commission has found no evidence of scandal in the matter of purchase of transports. The administration of tho Commissary General department will be commended, atlenlion will be called to disbursements amounliug to about $35,000,000. The statement will be made that the govern ment obtained full value. Regarding tbe beef controversy the commisdoniry will find: That the charge thai chemicals were used to pre serve Ilia beef are without foundation; that tbe refrigerated beef furnished the army was excellent In quality and suffi cient In quality and sufficient in quanti ty. Atlenlion will be called to the fact that the beef upon wLlch chemicals were eiBjplovcd was placed on board a trans port m Tsmpa by Mr. 1'owell, and did not- (elonit to the government. 1 An Insufficient number of inspection were made by the Surgeon 'General, de partment, proper sanitary regulations weie not strictly enforced and there was delay In some instances In furnishing medical supplies. No fault will be found with any of the other departments. General Shaffer's admission of mistakes will be recited. The commission will commend tbe San tiago Porto Rica campaign. or man, who will taVc order fur twr Ltgi- fcoru Hen t-'ooit in tlx-ir vicinity, j. ' . MHGETSGOID WITCH, Our food increases- yi.dd id (rtf.' end keeps fowl in good hcs'.lh. V.'enrj making liUinl orlcru lo e.uit in o.ilcr lo pel more people In Uniiig our fond. On ririjt of 50c. we will send, noaitxtid, a regular Jl.ro size box, with w hich you can hrgmto lak'oikr at once. ;.. ,..fy f :': v'r ': : PaiwpMet, wl'k Mm InforauttM thnwt Im noil vi aril-wldrMMd, tumped sanlatM. AMm UghoraFood &.((? K C) Boston, Mass. 3-WAITED ! A loBition as school teacher. . Have two yotira experience. Apply to JOHN II. TIIOTT Muygville, N. 0, pp., m towl TlKSDAY, FhliliUAKY "ill. HeizenMein vs Kinuon. Hussell vs Weaiheriuglon. llousrd vs Insurance Co. Lane " " ' Howard " " " Illackledge" " Uxley " Hancock" " " Tisdale " 54 88 108 109 110 111 112 li:l 114 lit 118 111) 5:s 41; 43 Foy Wednesday 8th. Schcelky vs I'ine l.umler ('. Moore s Hough. Morton vs Morton. Morton vs Hudson Luiiibf r Co. TllUltHDAY llTII. (Uivall vs t'ovall. Ktimpsou ys Lumber Co. Deppe vs Lumber Co. Tobacco Co vs Edwards. Strauss vs Insurance Co. Street vs Insurance Co. Hiinh vs Muniford. Wadsworlh vs Insurance Co. Street vs Insurance Co. Hill vs Insurance Co. Iteelon vs Kail road. Ilukius vs llukins. Fill day 10th. Atkinson vs Perry. Moore vs Jackson. Roberta vs Blades. Tobacco Co vs Crabtrec. Mitchell vs Mcl.eere. Ives vs Hailroal. Deppe vs Slimson Lumber Co. Whitehead vs Clarke. Richardson vs Hall. Puryear vs Goldsboro L. Co. MOTION. Taylor vs Smith. Bryan vs Hayes. Hiiics vs Outlaw. In lie Abbott. In He Hollistcr&Guion. lu He Grifliu School, in He Moultoti. In He Richardson, in He Gaskins. In He Jenes. Hank vs Spencer. Lovick vs Pierce. Congdon vs Heritage. West vs tlearn. Hembry vs Street. Ryan vs Roach. Lumber Co vs Hank. Lumber Co vs Phillips. Wilcox vs Dixon. Schollenberger vs Schollenbcr ger. DIVORCE. House vs House. Albritton vs Albrltton. Hicks vs Hicks. Spruill vs Spruill. Themas vs Thomas. 74 75 84 8r o:i 100 107 103 r9 89 91 92 9:1 95 100 103 104 105 115 12 15 20 27 28 29 JJ0 31 32 '.U 35 30 41 47 01 60 77 80 06 98 3 25 70 50 117 At Last. Widson I wouder what Induced Jum kins to marry his typewriter. Boolcr Why, didn't you know that ho'd been trying for years to get a type writer of his own. The Kiss of Love. Master Isn't there something scorch ing, Peter I guess It Is only Laura and hor young man baying good night. THE SECRETS of easy and al most painless childbirth ar all told in s handsomely il lustrated book entitled "Bo fore Baby i Horn," a copy of which will b sent free on re- quost to every expectant mo ther. The book also tells about that truly great liniment known as MOTHER'S FRIEND which modifies all tho distress, pain and danger ol the period of pregnancy and insures rapid recovery. rasels H MtWi friaW tar H u WW. tR MAMUtt aMOlATOl CO Atisata.a CommiNNoiierM Sale ! Fnrsnant In that certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Craven county, rendered at the Pall term, 1806 In the certain action therein penning entitled The Citlxens Bank of New Born, against Augustus lAwson ana otberst the un dersigned will as Commissioner aa In said Judgment directed, offer tor sale and sell to the highest bidder (or Cash at tbe court hou mi door of Craven county, on Wednesday iho 8th day of , February 1890. at the hoar of 1) o'clock, m, or Ira mediately npoa the adjournment of tbe Superior Court for Its boob recess, all and singular the following described fileoe or parcel of land lying and being a tbe County of Craven, State ef Monk Carolina, known and rlmlgneted as fol lows: Begtnalng at Maple on Jumdlng ran and runs with Edward Jones', line north 84 poles, west 12S poles, then east 130 poles to a small oak, south 84 poles, east S09 poles to Jumping rna and up the various coarse of the run to the beginning. Containing one hundred and two scree more r l. OWEN n. Ol'ION, CommUsloner. I MM We desire to say that we have laid in for the FALL AND WINTER TKADE one ef the Largest and Best Assorted Stocks of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TO BE FOUND IN NEW BERNE, And wo respectfully ask for a larger Share of your patronage. We buy in large quantities from li ret hands and pay no middle men's profits and are therefore prepared lo sell you as low as any one. We have just completed a lot of nice STABLES and a lare shed to shelter yo'ir 'vehicles, which you are welcomo to use FREE. When you cume to the city Don't Fail to examine our Stock 1 efoio buying your Groceries. Respectfully, Mckiel & Mil 71 Broiid Ntreot, NEW BERNE, N. O. mmm m Satisfactory results from our efforts in 1898 to give our trade advantages not se cured elsewhere and the superiority ot our special sales over those of our competitors, coupled with the month ot January which is our month for unloading stock lelt over irom our Fall Business, has induced, us to place on sale many things usetul to housekeepers and families, at such prices a3 we are sure will command, your attention. The ready cash is the only requisite, hut this we we will require. Our former line of lour (4) cent Calicoes, including a large range and medium figures and checks suitable lor children's dresses, aprons, bonnets, etc. 3c. Our line ot standard tiful large plaids, rich in design taken from imported stuffs, figured and checked are to go into this sale at the ordinary price ot common prints, 4c. FlniineleUeN. What remains of our 5c grade of Quaker City Flannels will be sold as long as they last at Sic Better Urade in Beautiful Styles, 7c quality for oc All of the 8c and 10c qualities, in cluding very handsome styles, we make a pile of tliem and tbe price is 6Jc Underwear. Ladies all wool Pants and VcbIs, fl ernde 75c LadicB j wool Pants and Vests, 75c grade o.ir Ladies wool gray Vests, 50c Ghlldri Vests, size 2C, 10c " 24, " 15c 26 and 28, 20c Men's Scarlet Undershirts and Draw ei s, 50c grade, 35c Hcn's Gray Undershirts, 10c Also ii fvll line of other grades but no space to mention priceu, all nn- keri down. ISIanketN. The very best N. C. Blanket, a few pair left, 3 ftOgrade, 10x4 3 50 4 03 tirade, 11x4, i 00 Table UiienK. Colored table linen 25c grade 10c " " ' short length 15c " " " ' better grade 85c Bleached, tahlo damask 25c Half bleached table damask 80 inches wide 88c Half bleached table damask 70 Inches wide, 00c grade 48c - A few short length pieces, various qualities will lie closed out at a sacri fice; each piece marked in plain figures so you can wait on yourself. Napkin. Turkey red doyllee 5c grade Ac 10c grade oc Plaid doylies, 15c doi All linen, while doylies with colored borders 86c do All linen, white doyllee colored borders, better grade 47c doa A few dozen left of "our spoclal-' all linen doylies 75c grade to close 00c our white doylies, pure linen Terr theap al 76c dosen will be sold as long aa they last at 60c dot . Capes, Ladles black cape, fur trimmed, 75c , value, ,. : &0e Ladles Mack cape, braid trimmed Mo -. ' value, "- t5c Ladies Mack rape, all wool trimmed ' - with braid and far Ml value- - 95c Ladles black beaver cape, 1 78 valne 1 25 " better grade IWraloe,- ; , - f M Very Una beaver capes, plain and ' : simple In style, excellent mate rial, valne 4 75. Bow I fin Also a full range In plunk capes and a rew shoulder fur capes, all marked down and must be eold. v GROCERS, of fancy plaids, small prims including beau JreNNool.i. Double fold brocaded dress goods, i wool good colors and excellent value at 10c 8c J Cashmere wool, colors and black value 10c 8c Several pieces plain cahmers. 83 inches wide, double fold, the best 15c value lo close 10c Brocaded dress goods our leader at 15c meets the same fate and is reduced to 12Jc Plain black brllllantine, 80 inches wide, excellent to make skirts and suits, value 85c 21c Plain do, 50c grade, excellent lustre 38 inches wide 80c Plain do, 45 Inches wide, has lustre almost equal lo silk, value 85c 60c Brocaded brllllantine 88 Inches wide beautiful designs and good black a rcaily seller ordinarily at 60c, but as we have too much of it and will sell a few pieces In Ibis sale at ocg Our 50c line of novelty dress goods In colors are to go at . 870 . A few more pattern lengths worth from 75c to $1.85 will be sold from ,60c to 85c llofllery. Ladles Blk and Gray Hose, 8c - " Hose, loo grade, lie Child Improved double knee hose fat black, heavy ribbed, 12f and " 15o grade meet like reduction and the price ' . - 10e Sheet V Pillow Catiea.- I oned sheets, bleached, 54x81, " " 8x90, " "stan'rdtyde" 81x90. ' ?!W0 84o 80e ."57io goods ; ready , ..r..t! 1 ' 10a , .. 15o. ,"0 M , " " , . 90x90, . til nur liMlas.r waif mutt. Ill 1 torn and the sheets are hemmed for n M. Yonr tlma now In linv.. Kaockemont pillow cases. 4t 36 Rntlrvnula - - 4tr AM v Hemstitched 45x86 " " " 54x80 ( SIlMCcllaneouft. , 5-4 Table oil cloth per yard " ' i 10c , ciarkt crochet cotton in au shades . sc. Braseplns To Ladles Gossamers, value 11.85 : 15c . Genu white II 8 hankercklef V 6o Ladles " . " pure linen 5o A few pair ladles shoes 8 4 13c - Mlssee and chlldreat Deng., shoes , ; . toll, IS to I SOo Infants turned shoes 1-8 VV ft 85a 83x24 Hnck Towels, . . : ) ' , 15o . urtier rrom tne eonntry accompanied by the cash will be filled with onr usual ' promptness and at the prices goods are I advertised as long as each item lasts. Millinery. What Is left tubals and caps and fancy feathers wllllM sold at and below cent

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