- i - . V I 1PMC 1 TOLOMI III. NEW BERN, IRWIN COUNTY. N. 1: . HIIDAY. KIBRUAKT r,, 1899 --SECOND SECTION. NUMBER 92. THE JII.1 CROW C1R. Hqw to Mate a Jest Lav hi of Some Important Bills Inirmliiroil. Still After Itngsell. Pure Food Bill. Ialerrst Remains Six Per Cent. Personals. JOUHNAI. BlHil', I Ualelgli, N. C, February 1. j Tbe separata cars for the races U still a quest. on before the Comn.lilce ob Railroads aul will be taken up again to morrow when the report ol the sub committee appointed to frame a substi tute bill is mule. The grcalcr part of yes'erday after noon was spent by the committee Id discussing the mailer. The rueellug waa hold in tbe Senate Cliamlier and hall was filled with those Interested in the matter. Senator Waid of Wellington was prom inent iu tuudiscussiou and lost no oppor tunity in pressing forward tbe necessity of the law. Tho duslro for this so called "Jim Crow" law was unanimous but the wish was to put no unnecessary burden on tne railroads where on imall LralnB they would be compelled to run no less than four passenger cars, two first class for while and colored and two second class for while and coloied. To compel the railroads to run nearly empty coaches nt a loss was justly deemed un fair but how to arrive at a solution otherwise wits the question Hint caused much talk. Various suggestions were olfered to meet this. It seemed to be agreed that certain western imikUhIiouUI he exempt fiom I lie op mliou of the law as neecsiiry. Kounliee of New Ihui.'Vi r wanted it arrauu.! ho llml a I nun eou'd be made up of three ran as follows, one first class white, one tir.H clas eoljied, one second class for w hile ami colored with a partition iu the middle, .and the condiicioi in have I he power at his dis cretion of l raiiferilng any ovcrllow of second class pa-seneis to the first class cars without liieiense of fare Another solution was to have only one class fares which would require but two cars, hut no one would advocate raising the 2 cent rate or reducing the first class fare to cents a mile. What seemed to most people the best plan was that olfered by Senator Bryan, lie proposed one lirst class car for whiles, one second class car for whiles, and one car for colored divided Into first and second class. Of course no plan could lie perfect under the circumstances and to Senator Bryan's plau it was put forward as an objection that if the law was lirouirlil before JuiIl'o l'urnell he would declare against it. ? Finally as it was getting towards niiihl. a siib-coinmitleo was named to report at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow. The names selected were Allen, I'allersou and Jerome, but before adjourning the committee voted "that it is the sense of this comuillloc to have separate cars provided we can get a satisfactory law." This was a sort of pledge to the State that they meant business but Intended to lie just at the same lime. When the report came in from the committee on elections, Senator Camp bell requested that action on the report In the contested election cases from the Thirty first District be deferred until to morrow, as he was preparing a miuority report, which he would submit for the consideration of tho Senate. This was sreed to. Tbe following bills were Introduce in the Senate. By Senator Skinner, ' to amend the act relating to the Fish, Oys ter and Indusliial Association. By Sen ator Bryan, to authorize the commission era of Craven county to set aside i eiukins: fund for Indebtedness, and tbe bill to Incorporate the city of Now Bern passed a Anal reading. Tbe bill to amend, consolidate aud codify tbe insanity laws uf the Slate came up at 13 m., having been set as a special order (or Hi consideration. It waa moved that the Senate go Into a committee of the whole and take up each piovislon of tbe act separately. This motion was car ried and Untenant Govornor Reynolds i ailed Senator Smith to tbe chair. Tbe bill was read by tbe clerk with the un ierstaudlng that all sections not demur red or question id should be considered aa passed. After - considering the bill until 9 O'clock Ibe senate adjourned, Tho following bills wen introduced In tbe House. JUy Winston, to repeal tbe act of 1807 by which tbe fuslonlsls took control of the Agricultural aad Mechanical College, ftalolgb. It places lb management and control In a board of 1? trustee, of whom 9 am those bow , In office, and tke 18 to be elected by Ibis legislature. This board Is to meet Feb ruary 15, and organlte by electing ' president and also inch members of tbe faculty as It may deem best. Tbe board ' U to till vacancies among Its' members. By Cralgs to regulate Ibe use of nieildlas moments and standard of measures at tbe several county seats. By Ransom, to require conductors on railways to require conductors on railways o give passen gers a check for amount of fare they pay In excess of regular cost Of ticket. By Fouabee, to put telephone companies on an equal footing with telegraph com panies. By Wllllard, to Miabl lib a branch of building and loan association In tbe department of Insurance. Winston Introduced resolution which was at once adopted calling on '.e Governor for report ef tbe penlten-. uary ror two-rr. inn now big a charge of dynamite la bidden H this bill is un certain. To get the Governor to put In writing bis actions la penitentiary affairs arter the Investigation, looks like crowd ing the mourner. How can he defend and yet how can he confess? x The really most Important matter in the House nn tbe pan food bill was ex plained by Patterson of Caldwell, saying it WSJ a step In tbe right direction; and that the law waa in force in many States; that coffee was found to be adulterated ttfper cent, vinegar 94, flour 16, canned vegetables 2.1 per cent, tbe average adul leraliou of all samples being about 40 per cent. He called attention to the fact that It is tbe poor people who suffer greatly from adulterations. Holinan said that Uiero was a crying need for such a law. The law requires adulterated food be so brairded. He said a firm in North Carolina is now grinding and sell ing a flour adulterant made from soap- stone. Hill feed 1-8 sawdust is shipped and sold here. Cnrrie of Bladen introduced a bill to repeal the law creating ajdlspensary for Bladeu couuly. Cur.e said tbe people Blndeu were n unit for repeal the liquor dealers, the luluisiery, the mooo- ihiners, &c, and that the man in charge of the dispensary was incompetent, and the liquor mighty bad, w itlins adulter ants fusil oil, coal tar, keroseno and tobacco. This caused a loud smile. The joint caucus last night took into consideration tbe interest question. It was decided to make no change in the present six per cent law. l'rof. J. A. Holmes, Stale Oeologisi, gave a lecluro ou good roads last nifrlit n the Hall Of the House, HIiiMr.-iU-il hy stereoplican views, ibe l.ugislniois were very much interested and weie out ii force in spile of the veiy had weather. The li i hi part of the views weie of scenes in nil iiarls of I he .itale and I hen he views of roatl i irooil and had were iven, many of them being Iroiii Euro pean countries. Oiie of the g-ioil riuls inured was i.Ncw Bern street, hut er- aps it was not it recent view. Mr. C. E. Koy and daughter, Mis Agnes Foy und Miss Mohler arc at the Yarboru. They expect to remain (lin ing lie week. WILL CONSULT GOMEZ. Italii-rl IV Porter lloiTo Ncu II Im Tin Kfrr-Mratillvft or Mr. Me Hlnlrjr. Havana, Jan. .11 President. McKin- lev ha9 at lost directed recognition of (jhjricr-.ii Maximo Uame.,who can seltlo wilh a few words all the things now ills- urbing tbe relations between the Ameri cans and Cubans. It is understood hero that General Duller has convinced the President that a mistake was made in uot recognizing General Gome, in any way, and that General Brooke has received instructions o avail himself of the opportunity pre sented by the visit of Robert V. Porter aud Senor Gonzales (juesada to General Gomez to send a letter to the veteran chieftain, asking his advice and iuviting him to come to Havana. Mr. Porter goes to General Gomez as personal representative of President Mclvinlcy, who will decide upon no course lowaru tho insurgents until nc has heard from Gomex. thing Troop MruiIk. Washington, Jan. .11. Orders have been Iseued by the War Department' to expedite the movement of reinforce meuts for tbe Philippines. The transport Sherman will start from New Yoik next Thursday with tbe Third lieitiinent of Infantry and four companies of the seventeenth Infantry. On Thursday, Febiuary 9, tho transit Sheridan will sail from the bame port with tho Twelfth Infantry, ibe head quarters and remaining companies ol tbe Seventeenth Infantry. O.llcers in command of tltnse troops have been instructed to execute the or ders for this movement without unnec cssary delay. Both transports wll fol low the same route to Manila taken by the transport Grant, that Is across tbe Atlantic and through the Me alien ancau sea and the 8uet canal, Tbe Grant started several days ago and is now supposed to bo in tbe vlcin ity of Gibraltar, General La-wtoo, who Is to assume active command of all the military forces In the Phtllpp'jies when General Otis becomes military- governor of the territory, Is a passenger on the Grant. t , . , .. . I -t Two rceimeuts of. Infantry ate also under orders to proceed to Manila way af tho Pacific ocean. , One of them has already started and it Is exported tbe other will leave Ban iTaucinx) with in a few days. 4 ? , Tbe arrival of these four regiment will lucrease General .Otis' IghUug strength by nearly 7,IJ0 men. sbmsw rirf vaH,?(h Washihutom, January 81 Thoro Is bow bo pnwpeqi that the record of , tie court-martial hi tho Case of Gen j Kagsn will reach thu i'tekleut Wore the end of this week. Mr, Worthisgton, counsel for General Eagan, has aaked permission to file a supplomeulsry brlof . or tiwclal plea. Although, HMler,tb tM practice of military law, nothing' was allowed to Intervene between tbe findings of a court martial and the dual reviewing authori ties, tba- practice In recent years h been much more liberal, Jttdga-Advocal General Lleber b nottlletl Mr. "Worth- Inglon that be will receive anil consldor any -additional repiesontaitosia counsel may tare to make. Ml IEGISUTURE. Repicatis Simply Record Tk ir Voles A&aiost Bill?. l'rnposed County of Sent I and. To Protect Hotels and Boarding Houses. Surry Conntj Bill. Oriental Town, In corporated. Journal Huhrau. I Ralbioh. N. C., Feb 2. ( The matter that excited the most in terest yesterday in the Legislature was the hearing before the committee on the proposed new county of Scotland. The committee met in the House and even i he galleries were filled. The proposal Is to divide the county of Richmond, making the more eastern part into Scotland county with the county seat al i.aurinlmrg. The hearing lasted several nnurs and was adjourned nt (1 o'clock until tomorrow without a vole being taken. The people of the interested section were present argument ran high. in force and the The idea of the much time is re- divirion is that too ulred and at too great expense to reach the county seat at Rockingham from Ihe remote parts of the county. U the last election the county went Dcmiicialic one thousand, an unheard f victory. It is asserted by some of the iiiens that if division had been talked ful that lime, there would have been o such victory. Tho arguments were il hot ami personal at that. A lengthy discussion took place in the Senate over the minority icport of Senator Campbell in the contested seals fllin:t4lh district. Campbell wanted the rn'iialc to go into a commitlitf of the lole and allow the case to he argued by the lawyers. This was strongly ob jected to and in tho end I,ainliei t and Haves were sworn In and took the seals acated by their opponents. The consideration of the bill to amend the insane laws of the Stile also was lilierallv discussed. There still remained III provisions of Ibis bill to be consul ered. A bill w as introduced in tho House to make an annual appropriation of $ 20,000 for the Hlato Guard and forming the Guard into three regiments of 1z com panies cncli. This to be In addition to Hie naval reserves and nrllllcry detach uicnt. A bill was introduced by Decs to in corporate the town of Oriental, Pamlico mi nty A bill was introduced to protect iiotcis and boarding houses by forbidding tran ient guests from taking away their trunks or other baggage before pnying their hills. Tho bill was passed appointing live trustees for the City of New Bern, who will take charge of all property, Ac which is hold bv said citv, the trustees bclmr Wm. Dunn. G. II. Roberts, L. II. Cutler, K. R. Jones nnd T. A. Green tho act to take effect 7 days after its ratification. Tlie latter bill was explained that t lie fusionists had so gerrymandered the town that the Democrats only bad J aldermen, the Republicans electing and Governor Russell appointing 5; tills fus Ion ioard then electing a negro city at torncv and 5 negro policemen, and that the bill was approved by the New Bern people In mass meeting and the meeting also named the trustees. The Hurry county bill came up nnc was lost by a vote of 32 to (il. Many Democrats protested, against the bill a being against real Democracy to pass laws to control a county that had a clear white majority. Hampton, Republican said that this was a purely Democratic measure, was revolutionary and that two years hence the people would rise up and rebuke such legislation. He alluded to Isaac Smith, Republican reprcsontntiv from Craven as "that grand old Demo crat from Craven," and he said Ibis leg Islature would annihilate Craven county and "leave only a big black grease spot.' Cralgetook ground, against tbe bill savins If the White people of the West are foolish enough to vote for Republi cans he was willing to let them do se Ho declared his Intense belief ' In the doctrine of self government.' Robinson said he did not deny the right of the leelslaturo to eloct, but did deny the justice of It. Clarkson said ho was I the legislature to protect tbe white peo pie In the negro counties. Tbe bill was llnally laid to rest by a decisive vote. A resolution was Introduced to pay tbe expense In tbe Dees-Paul contest from Pamlico county, giving Does $187, SO and Paul 98.M, also to pay the cost of. election contest of Bugg against Mitchell, giving Sugg 9170.00. Also bill to amend the charter of Beaufort giving a mayor and eight commissioners Uy leave a bill wm I '.traduced by Patter eon of Caldwell to promote tho dairy in terestsof the Btate, by appropriating $300 to pay the expenses 'of an annual meeting of the Btate Dairy Association V Last night's caucus pawed the follow Ing resolution.. It was passed by Judge Oonaor, "Resolved, that It Is the sense of the Democratic caucus to submit a eon slitollonal amendment on ibe subject of suffrage to a Vote of tbe people at the n'nit eneral lection." 'The caucus wm' a long on,' lasting until after mid nlirht. Tbe action determines definitely the nutation of eoffrage limitation, leut the people will have a chance . to 2X UiAiLZl Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ronounce on it in 100. The comaill- e has the form of the amendment un der consideration and its geneial plan pretty clearly decided on. On account of the overwhelming Dem ratio majority In both Houses, there no discussion between tte two panics The republicans are content wilh simply recording their votes in opposition. he result is that the big Bpeeclies are inndc in caucus anil as no one nut member of the legislature is admitted all the blasts ol eloquence are waste i so far as the outside world is concerned. The suli-coinmittee on the separate ars bill lias prepared its report, it may get to the lirst reading thlB week. MIXES' CHALLENGE Flic Aflmtntnirnilon, AppnrFnlly In Not Anxloni l Meet Hin I'lmrgf-p. WAsiiiNoroN, February 1 Secretary Alger has. called the attention of the resident to the statement issued by eneral Miles yesterday, in which he reiterates Ins assertions regarding the ualily of beef furnished Ametican roops during llie Porto Rico campaign. is not improbable that some action ay soon be taken leading to an Invest i ation, and perhaps, a court of inquiry r court martial. l'he Secretary of War is understood to ave been deeply aroused by the st ite- mcnl and provoked that Ueneral Miles lioulil further attempt to embarrass the Iminisl ration by reviving the beef issue. leneral Miles is said to have prepared h Mateinent wilh a view to attracting llicial attention, and, il is claimed by is friends, that lie courts an invcsliga- on, but does not apprehend that one will follow. Secretary Alger is incensed at thegen- ral's conduct and determined that some otice shall be taken of the statement, which, he believes, impeaches the integ rit v of the Secretary aud casts grave ellection on the whole administration f the War Department. It was asserted with pnsiliveness this evening that Sec retary Alger bad announced privately that General Miles' conduct, together with previous utterances on the question f food .flimiflhol tho t rwin, must Im taken notice of in an olllcial way, and that to preserve discipline in the service and prevent juniors fromaspcrsing the conduct of seniors, a court of inquiry or some sort of military body must be or- lored to discipline the commanding gen nil. Cong hing injures and inflames sore One Minute Cbugh Cure loosens ungs. the cold, alays coughing anil heals quickly. The best cough cure for child ren. K. S. Dulfv. I.nlr New 11 nil The Senate continued its discussion of the peace treaty, both in open and ex ecutive session. Mr. Rawlins (Democrat of Utah) denounced tho administration's nolicv of "bcnovolent assimilation" in the Philippines. General Miles' statement in regard to the poor quality of the beef supplied to tho army in the war with Bpain is re garded as a direct challenge to thc.Presl dent and Secretary Aleer for a court martial or court of inquiry. Senator Jones, of Arkansas, and Sen ator Cockrell of Missouri, will succeed Senator Gorman of Maryland, as Demo cratic leaders in the Senate after March 1 next. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Alien has returned from a trip to Cuba and Porto Rico, where be inspected the naval stations formerly owned by Spain. The War Department has Issued an ordor for the mustering oat of 15,000 voluntcor troops. Poultnev Bigelow. In a letter on the Samonn situation, intimates that Ger many is seeking full sway there. M. Quesnay do Beaurepalre, who re signed from the French Court of Cassa tion, charges that judges of the court decided to declare Dreyfii" Innocent be fore cxamlnlni! the documonts In the case. Arcubltdiu Ireland was received audience by tho Pope yesterday. In Gon. Filihugh Lee, as military govern or of Havana Province, Is achieving great popularly with the Cubans Hannls Taylor, ex-minister to Spain who has just returned from Cuba, ad vises that the Cuban troops be paid. Kpanlsh troops upon the Island Negroes, In the Philippines, have been released by the Insurgents. . OA. 64 fit' C XtXyiL. 1. Bsanths olgsAtaie . still t Make tr aa llrl. WAMititoTox. February l-The Ben ate committee oa naval affairs ha decided to renort favorably the Joint resolution reviving the rank of admiral In tbe In - lorest of : Koar-Admlral Dewey. The at resolution-hat Men amended so as to tend the time ot his retiremsnt lea years- BALING Powder TBE ;A & N li. onimlflf-r f lll runt lnirv iM.nl Namrrf. Tbr NufTmcr l.uw pecial to .Ion riiul Rai.eioii, N. C , July 2 A joint can tonight names the ("omuiillce of uterusl Improvements who will select he Directors of t lie Atlantic and North rolina Railroad, under the new law. The caucus will adopt the amendment to be submitted, regulating snffrage. There will lie no property qualinVa- ion, but to read and write any section the Constitution will be required, so to show poll lax receipt. The first draft has been reduced to gilt sections and otherwise simplified A Isle session of the caucus tonight is robable. A. E. 8. TROUBLE AT MANILA. ftmlrnl lwry Pri pitreM ia ReMM Aflnek ol r'lllnluon. Special to Journal. WahiiiniitCJJ, February 2 A dispatch ire says that the Americans have seized ho telegraph otlices belonging to the ilipiuos. Guns have been planted overlooking Manila and an hi tack is probable. The cause of disturbance is reported because Admiral Dewey refused to sin under certain boats demanded by the ilipiuos. To Krllrvr ii i. rul NIK. Special to Journal. Washington, February 2 A report here says that the papers arc all prepared for relieving General Nelson A. Miles from the command of the army. 1 1 is expected that President McKiu ley wil sign the pi p :rs without delay. lt.-A.-o: by a NergeKDt. Santiago dk Ci ha, January 111 .Some men belonging to the Lulled Mates iiartcrniaster's department discovered today, about scveu miles from the city- large quantity of Mauser cartridges. They reported the discovery to Major Knight, who sent a sergeant wilh oi..uli inrrn to secure them. Wliilo llie cartridges were being taken a number of armed Cubans sprang out of thickets near by, said they were guarding the leposit under oiders from Cuban officers and llist they would prevent lis re moval. The scrceant replied that llie Cubans would have to kill all his men to succeed as his orders were to take the cartridges and he intended to obey. The Cubans then retired, orotestinir. Tho case is being investigated. Army Bill Pmwrd. Washington, Jan. 111. The bill to re organize and Increase the standing army to about lOO.bOO men. but giving the President authority to reduce the size of infantry companies and cavalry troops to sixty men each, thus fixing a minim urn of about 50,000 enlisted men, passed the House today by a vote of 108 to 125 This w the result uf a week of hard and often nictureeuuc lighting on the floor, during the progiess of which the opposition coinuellcd those in charge of the measure to give this discretionary authority to the President and to make other modifications, among which were reduction of Itlil in the number of staff olllcors. TO 1KK A OI.ll I.V OKK lAV Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tatdcls. All druggists refund the money if il fail to enre. 25c. The gcuuinc lias I., it. on each tablet. Kxirn laj fur IVnry Vuluuivi-n. Washington. Jan. 81. A bill was passed by the Senate today granting ex tra pay to the officers and men of the temDsrarv force of the navy, two months' extra oav to those who served beyoud the limits of the United States and oiie month's pay to those who serv ed within the United States. The pro visions of the bill are to apply to al) such temporary force. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid il Ita specific cure Is One Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Shepard, Publisher Agrlcul lural Journal and Advertiser, Klden Mo., says: "No one will be disappointed In using One Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe." Pleasant to take, quick act. F. S. Duffy. I,;ltir1 rrll rah. WAsntMOTox, February 1 Secretary Alger is arranging to make a visit of In-' spectUn of Cuba and Porto Rloo, start ing from Mew York on March S next oa lbs transport Berlin. Tha military cora mlttoe of tba Senate and the none of Representatives will be ot the party, beildot Mrs. Alger and a few personal Wends of the Secretary. Tho Berlin J will maka nearly her asual trip, carrying a foil cargo ot military stores, and the only diversion from tho regular routs will be around the west end ot Cuba. 01 CODHTR We desire to say that we have laid io for the FALL AND WINTER TRADE one f the Urgea aud Best AsaorteJ Slocks of ROCERIES AND, PROVISIONS, TO BE FOUND IN NEW BERNE, And we respectfully ask for a larger Share of your patronage. We buy in large quantities from first hands aud pay no middle men's profits and are therefore prepared to sell you as low as any one. Wo have just completed a lot of nice STABLES and a large, shed to shelter yo-ir vehicles, which you are welcome to uae FREE. When you come to the city Don't Fail to examine our I efore buying your Groceries. Respectfully, McDaniel Si Gasbill, 71 Broad Street, iVEWBEME, UT. C. BUT atrters, luniks, tancy sUick and poultry, iiiiialion, farm and garden inventions, household articles anything, on can Advertise for it in the weekly AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS' Ol'RNAL FREE OF COST1 Yon will save von money in the purchase. rial subscription to the best weekly rid I ho fanners great business paper send ten cents to pay mailing xpi-nses. Mibsenption price $2 OU a A M EIMC'AN FRUIT GROWERS' J0URNAI , Atlanta, Ga.. or Chicago. Our January gale! WAS A GREAT SUCCESS And we Thank Their Liberal We have a few things not moved out entirely, which we will continue to Sell at Reductions that will Inter est you- $ 76 1 25 1 76 2 60 3 SO Value, y FRIENDS Stock GROCERS, DO YOU WANT? It matters not what sprayers, pumps, farm and factory machinery, canning ma chinery, nursery slock, evaporators, farm and garden implements, wire fencing, market quotations, fruit insecticides, farm lands, any m- will tret auswers from many sources. If vou want to get a month's horticultural trade journal in the year. Address, Our Friends tor Patronage. now 60 06 20 05 e 05 -i r n pt

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