- --' - ----- ' .... : t' 1 j VOLUME XXI NKW BtUV, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C . TUESDAY, FEBUU.1UV 28. 1899 - flllST SECTION. Mimiii fla Taiini- Gross Mis Railroads. The Jkarlotte Dispensary Majr Hup Ure Uemeeraer. Too Much lU- cussIob Endangers Suffrage qaestloa Tote In 1900. Journal Bukkah, IUi.eiou, N. C, Fe'-rusry So. ( The House speut yesterday on the Revenue bill bat did not get over the snag of too day before. The proposition to Ui-tbe railroads on a graduated scale was still the aubject of discussion. Winston aaid he regretted to differ With the committee but the proposition wag to tax again property which had been taxed once. He declared that not a vole should he cast for such a tax. The railway property is tangible; the assets of insurance companies U lurgoly the confidence of the people of the State. If the railways are not accessed at their full value put ihcra at their full value 11 rat, as the condition demands. The railway commission is given guardian ship of railways and has raised its as aessed value millions of dollars. He declared that no one here knew bow much this new tax would put upon rail ways and he added, "Why single out the railways for this new departuro on taxa tion?" He spoke in eloquent words of the great work the railways had done last year in the hour of the State's trial. Lata June, July an. I August there was fci r on the part of Demon alic Inn Iris whether the great organizations or c.ipiini would aid them. He read fio.n the Ken ocmt c hand hook of 181)3. In this ii is plainly said that the riirlils of capital and of corporations shall ho given jiis-t protec tion. No man when pleading for the Interests of I ho people in the campaign dared say he would not btnud liy this solemn league and covenant made with the good people of North Carolina. Justice said that Robinson's statement that it was a light between corporation: and the pe ple seemed loo much like Gov. Russell's argument as regarded the railway commission. He asked where would be Hie justice of taxing the gross earnings of a road like the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway, which lias made no money. He said the proper principle is to lax the tangible properly and take It earning capacity into ac count. He bitterly opposed the Inaugu ration of this new system. Speaker Connor said that the highest moral principles should govern the im position of a tax that the simple fact of needing money could not justify the levying of any kind of a tax, The State must set the model, the Ideal for the citizen. The law Is but the consolidated wish of the people. Unjust taxaliou has done more than anything else to deprave public morals. He said the value of rail way property In the Slate is not valued for taxation at its actual value. The report shows it is tax valuod at $112,000 000, and that the value is put down at 139,000,000. The net earnings are 0 per cent on 864,000,000. lie argued that it would be fair to assess the value of the railways at the latter figure for the next two years. Meanwhile the public could dlscnas the matter of the tax on gross earnings. Connor then offered the following resolution: "That the railway commis sion be and are hereby directed to assess the value of all railway property In this Slate for taxation on the basis of 0 pet cent upon their net Income." Rountree tald he believed the new railway commission could haudlo all this matter properly.. He aald ho understood there was to bo an almost entirely new commission. In the morning session, Henator Glenn announced that he wonld file a minority report in favor of the Chailotle dUpeu sary bill, and asked that the bill come up for dUcnsslon on next Tuesday. Senator Osborne then entered the ten ata and asked where the Mecklenburg dispensary bill was. He was told bj Glenn that It was understood the bill should come np Tuesday. Osborne ob jected. lie asked the Senators to con sider the strain upon him and act on the mailer today, lie considered that ad vo cal ei of the dispensary had produced all argument possible tt them and no reason could be assigns I far holding up the bill. Upon motion of Senator Brawn Be Prepared ! The bearing; of children ia not each very se rious ordeal to the woman who b prepared. H thai wonderful- H ly toothing and relaxing lini ment, be falth- fully used dar ing the period there will be little morning sickness or nervousness, the critical hoar will be re lieved of much pain, and labor will be brief. Recuperation will be rapid, and all aitar-dangere will be avoided. , Soi4 hy lrvrlu tar l fertile h won oua . mnm om va mjbjsct. . i til BlAftriEU ULATOl CO Atlas u. OUj the bill waa made a special order foi the ' night session at 8 o'clock. One of tbe greatest scenes, but to uianv i one of the saddest was the meeting at night In the Senate chamber. The place was Decked with one thousand people, and they were people who a few weeks before had stood shoulder to shoulder for while supremacy ami were now lieiug divided whether the State over the question or the Individual should sell liquors. While lue liht was going on in the chamber knots of anxious men were discussing in the corridors the elTect mi the future. If the question could only have been left as in South Carolina until white supremacy was assured. Hut the audiencc.was ouly thinking of the pres ent aiid the applause was incessant- At oue lime a perfect storm of hissing hrokc out and the President threatened to clear the galleries if it was repeated. There were many speakers, but (ilenu aud Osborne were the ones that, the audience wanted to hear. OI. nu was not well ou.l after making a l.uig .nut impressive spec, h he left the Hall. Osborne spoke last aud delivered a speech that all admitted to lie a great oue. riedrcw the lint sharply thai iti'im had been but one issue in the late cam paign. That Hie present issue should be left over uutil a future day and if I lie Democratic committee made the dispen sary the issue he would he found in the front ranks for it. He thanked the Sen ators for their support. The vote was taken on a roll call and lesulled :il to )'.' against the dispensary. The constitutional amendment was brought into the argument frequently, and each tide thought that l ho opposite side was endaimerinir its passaire in 00. The following were elected trustees of the t'niveisity of N. (V ICcinp I', liat- tle, C M Sledmaii, I'M I in liec, M (! Wall, I!eneh:in Csmenin. .I.iiiiim S Manning. Jotin VV Pries, U M Kuinian, W A (iiilh- rte. 1 homas ri Kenan, K II Levis, .la' A khnrt. of A nuii. James 1 M u 1 1 . Ii v. S I, I'altersojg 1'ie.l l'liilip. .lohn A Ro tiling, Henry Weil, W T H liilsci t, K J Male, Charles .1 Cooke, T .1 Jeronie, 11 Faison, T II I'eiree, .las Sprunt, 1. .1 l'icot, Joseph 1' Caldwell, II A London, Frank Wilkingson, K K litillon. ill k unit it to: i ii t r hois t in: Laxative liromo Quinine TnMctx re moves I no cause 'lint proiiucc ijiiunppc The genulno has L. IS. Q. on each Tal.let 25c. BELL&IR BETTER. February 27. The young people who have looked so anxiously for snow seem to be pretty well gatilicd with 18D!l, thus far. Not since 1857 has there been such an abun dance in our county, then it was more than a foot deep, with many drift." as deep as six feet. On Neuse river 17 miles above New Bern ice fio.esix inches thick In Jan uary 1857, and it wa3 said to be hard frozen from there to New Hern and be low. Thermometer did not reach zero then but was down to 5 above it. This spell just past wo are loid that it was down to zero in our county. The week just past Iia3 been one of activity with the farmer, the first chance to work in the soil lately and then many places too wet. Potato planting lias been going on where soil could bo work ed and 1 lie farmer looked across Sunday to the hoped for boon of anothor open week for work, bin here is Monday, the 37th raining rained last night. Warm enough for anything to grow today but wet enough to keep from planting. The low murmurings of thunder in tin; south are not very encouraging for a speedy clearing awuy. Well these muddy days should tutn the farmer's thoughts to the inner as well as Indoor life. TliUio uru little pre parations for life 1 1 1 : 1 1. mo never made excepl on these occasIoum of general suspense from regular work. ro wo use theso seasons of suspense as raid step ping stones to thu higher impi oveinont of body. Mind, and spirit. II wo learn to think moro wo can accomplish more with the same effort. Grip is subsiding to tome extent in our midst, though there are a few re rolapses, and In a few instances the last la as bad at the first grip. Mr John French who has endured i-ucu a protracted sickness, more than two months, la now out and thought to be In a safe way of recovery. Guy B. Lane, who is in tbe employ of the Southern It U. Co , la spending a few days at home. . This seems to 1)0 a hard ti.ne eu bees they were oul one warm day last week looking we tdppoae for plum blossoms but there are none to be found about hero so the poor follows had to return or perish. March will come this year beforo any fruit blossoms show themsclvo here. ! Tee SSaeh Kaceess. . i She You remember what you prom ised before we were married?. You said you would make every , ottorl to; rnako youraobj worthyof me. f ' ' p.i He Yet, and the icsUlrwcs; that I overdid It, and made myself bettor than you dee'rT:;iS; -tWri , ; :;;;-x.ailto.;::l:;: ' Judge Prisoner, you' have "confessed the elyanf . Have you anything to say In Juatlcallort before I pass sentonce - t. PrtoacuwJiulgivt mf s,i (moUiTIm man I killed was an Intelligent composl- Judgo-Ssy Bomorc. Yeg'tanoCto 1 (el hold of the proofreader? ; ; OVER 4800 BILLS. fjjfj W 01 1 Dfiflfi ll lift , General Asseilv. Important Measures Yet Needing Completion. Adjournment Day Not in .Sight. War on Capi tal. The A. & N. C. Pro posed Sale. JOHRNAL BlEBAC, I Raleigh, N. C, February 27. j The House calendar is over 1800, that is the numlicr of bills introduced in the ltoyse or that have come over from the Henaic has reached that figure. The mere mechanical work of passing on that quantity of bills is very considerable, they all have to be passod or reported to the committee or tabled or disposed of in some way. But it is not merely this that is prolonginh the session of the Legislature, it is the important measures that have to lie considered in regard to the public institutions, the routing out of fusionists and replacing Iheui with Democrats. Then the dispensaries have made "lots aud scores" of trouble, entire ly unlooked for too. The populislic Democrats, for there are a number, have op.med up a war on the railroads, and "Jim Crow" and the suffrage have con- su. licit niucn time, mere will oe no adjournment thib week and no man is wi le enough to set the day. Some of the important measures that nniM lie disposed of are these; The rev eille bill of over seventy sections has to pn:-w a Ihlnl leading in the House and tluai go to the Senate. Tho education bill is still in the Somite. The election law and machinery act are still under discussion. The separate car bill has only passed the House and some changes are likely to ho made in the Senate. The penitentiary matter is still on hand to provide for the debt. Tae Wilsons are still hanging on the ragged edge and two new railroad commissioners are to be elected. Then Ihcre is the anti-trust hill that is awhile elephant, the pension 'bill, the A. and M. College and several other important items. There Is no doubt that the proposed tax on the gross earnings of railroads is a serious matter. An examination of the names of Representatives voting "aye" or "no" is interesting: Against tbe tax are Connor, Allen, Overman, Craig. Clarksoti, Council, Foushee, and such men. Engaged in the war on capital are those who are willing to make any de parture according as it appeals to their dislikes or personal ambition. Tbe vote that defeated the Julian amendment which was a test waB 49 to 55. Tbe fight will be renewed today over an amendment introduced by Overman to revise the assessments made on rail road properly as soon as practicable. There is no doubt that the proposi tions made by Connor and Overman are in the nature of a compromise. They seem to feel that some sop must be thrown to the opposition. They have insisted that the proposed tax Is contrary to justice and public policy. What they may fall to accomplish in the House, the Senate will do and then the Revenue bill will have to go to the House agalu lo be concurred iu. The matter of sale of the A. fc N. C. railroad to the Edwards Syndicate, in which Julian Carr is interested bids fair lo become a prominent question. W. J. Edwards is a banker of Sanford and was for years purchasing agent on the Sea boa, lie makes the following statement, 'My syndicate will pay $300,000 for the A. & H. C. railroad and will put up an equal amount iu the way of guarantee to protect thg Slate from a sale to a com peting line and lo extend the road to Salisbury or Charlotte, or It will pay $500,000, for the road for a sale which shall be uncondilional and no questions asked." The hearing before the Senate com mittee on corporations, Daniels chair man, on Saturday was a lengthy one. The longest speech was made by Senator Dryan, who reviewed the history and condition of tho road and aald that under proper management the stock would pay 4 per cent and the price. In crease iu price -largely. C, M. Buabee and yV. I). Mclver represented Edwards who was present himself. C. E. Foy of New Bern, answered a great mt.uy questions put to him by the com mittee and by the attorneys. The bear ing was adjourned until thli at lei noon and It Is ox pec ted that some of the stock holders will be prese.it to look after their interests. The committee will make a report but before the matter comet beforo the Legislature for discussion, It Is very likely that it will be taken up la the Peniocrello caucus. This ia what the opponents ot the tale desire to have done, . In tbe hearing, P.1L. foarsall, declar ed, that the private, stockholders and people along the line of the railway ob jected to the transfer. Hostile manage ment of the road, they tald, could kll the profit of the trucking, flah ind oyt- Has Mrsd many a UU1 H..,U wePea..?0" and sure. Mothers eaa al-la V r 1 1 II . ways telyon It. Children WJ MrB kkeU. Dosea are anull. Prlte 25 cents. I Makes the food more delicious and wholesome tuam pewwa oo., sw vo. ter interest and the Inland oyster interest in tbe east. All eastern counties, it was argued, weie opposed to the contract. The State owns 1,200 60 shares, mak ing $1,208,000. Private stockholders own about $(00,000 of privale.stock. Craven county owns about $125,000, for which she has paid in principal and interest little over $5)0,000 aud on which she now owes between $30,000 aud $40,00J. Pamlico owns about $39,000, for which she has paid some $61,000 in cash. Lenoir county owns $.10,000 worth. She has finished paying for this amount. The remaining $40,000 Is in the bands of private individuals and was original ly paid for at par. In addition, the prop erty is bonded for $.f35,000, which amount was expended in the original construction. So the co9t of construc tion was $3,125,000. The whole history of the State owner ship of railroads Is an interesting one, and if this section is sold it will be tbe final act. The West North Carolina sold to the Richmond and Danville for $800, 000, under agreement to finish the road lo l'att Rock and to build down to Murphy, and the lease of tbe North Carolina railroad lo the Southern, and now the proposed sale to tbe Edwards Syndicate of the eastern end from Oolds boro to the coast. Those over confident enthusiasts who have been talking and writing about fifty thousand majority for the consti tutional amendment iu 1900 have subsi ded. It is to be another fight for While Supremacy, and the chances of success have lessened woefully in the last feveu days. The danger has arisen from the introduction of new issues and the alienating of many who stood by tbe cause last fall. Of course those who vote against its passage will hurt themselves as well as others but the de sire to "get even" is a strong one. The bill changing the lime for holding the Spring term of Craven county Su perior Court lias passed the House. Tho Sonatc Saturday waded through the School bill and reached the 8:t sec tion when tho further consideration was postponed until the session tonight at 8 O'clock. At ttio cloM of tho rooming session it was proposed to meet again at night, but several Senators protested that they bad worked until midnight all the week and wanted lo go home Saturday night and rest. Their wishes were f ranted. A committee was named to present a testimonial to Lieut. Gov. Reynolds, President of the Senate. He has made a fine presiding officer and attended strictly to the dispatch of business and has not bad a dispute or word with a member of the dominant party. Mr.(5eo. Dees, member from l'amlico is very hick from pneumonia and has been taken lo the city Hospital. The new boilers of Ihe electric plant have been started up and the street lights are all right after months of fail ure. The trolley carB are running at night now. There is talk of annuling the charter of the water company of Raleigh on account of the quality of water furnished. It has improved some but people are drinking from wells and carrying bottles of water home under their arms to be used on. the table. BUCELEN'S ARNICA SALTS. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 ceuts perjbox... For sale byj F. F. Duffy. TUB SPEOOLATITB MARKETS. Today's quotations furnished by W. L. Oalbraith, New York. Niw York, February I'. STOCKS. Opt n. High. Lf'W. Close Sugar.. 141 141 180 13JH Am Tobacco 187 187 18U 145 180 6 140 B. S. Oas. . a B. AO, . r,t 6, . 1411 140 COTTON. 0icn. iJlrh, Low. doeo 0 30 6.88 0.38 0.28 Msy CHICAGO MARKETS. WhbaT Open. High, Low. Close May 735 78 78 TCI Ojbh May 804 86 80, 8C J 8beer, Sedalla, Mo-( conductor on electric street car line, writet that his Utile daughter waa very low with croup, and her life tared after all physicians bad failed, only by using One Minute Cough Cure. V 8 Duffy. : tit, A. X. Dlbbard, The jeweler, tayt "Anway's Croup Byrup la the beat medi cine ever tried In a household (or croup and children'! coughs. It hat been need with greatest benefit ia my family, and no mother should be without bottle. It acta quickly and cures the child." Sold at Dradham't Pharmacy. ; r 1 HE X.EGI&L &TUKE. A. 4 N. '. Male nu.lilrrHl Pul.il. Prtmlnir. Oj i. r l mm mil Or. I.alri'. " Special to Journal. Kai.kniii, February 37-Tberc was no meeting today of the eonimiuee on Cor porations lo consider the sale of tin Atlantic and Noith Carolina railroail, on account of the Senate holding an at ternoou session. The lowest bid made for the Public printing was by Barnes Bros., 1 Raleigh. The Populists caused considerable commotion today, the result being that a joint caucus of Democrats was held to night to consider the matter. The Overman resolulionjn lite Mouse on the revision of the lax "Bssessnienls ul railroads, was lost by a vote of 48 to 50 Tbe Revenue bill then passed its third reading by a vote of 80 to (I, ami was sonttotheHinate. The oyster claim bill of Carten t mhI Pamlico counties was defeated. The separate cars bill will be made a special order business in the Senate, to morrow night. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly (lis turbed by coughing congregations. Nu excuse for It now. F S Huffy. ANNUAL REPORT OI the Nw Brrn tlmldlng unit l.uau Association or New H.-rii. North 4'nrollun ror Ihe Year Kudliiir Ikcc-m-l-r 31, 1H9N. ASSETS. Loans on Bond and Mortgage (face value) $(il,.VJI Oil Loans on other Securities .. . 2,(uo (K Cash on hand and in bank l,53li 41 Installments due and unpaid. . 1,7117 01) $nr,3(i7 II LIABILITIES. Due shareholders, due install ments paid 44,1?:: 00 Due shareholders earnings not credited 0,0114 11 Borrowed money 1 li,;!00 (H) $7,:!07 41 Report for the year ending December 31, 1808: RECEIPTS. Cash on hand January 1, 18U8.$ X59 15 Subscriptions on shares...... 17,220 00 Mortgages redeemed (in whole or In part) 7,700 00 Other loans redeemed 500 00 Interest received 2,878 45 Fines received 11 50 Bills Payable 20,800 (HI $ 19,709 (10 DISBURSEMENTS. Loaned on Mortgage. ? 19,812 00 Loaned on other Securities. . . 1,000 00 Paid on withdrawals, dues . . . 8,108 00 dividends. 1 ,70 1 00 Salaries 19;! 75 Advertising and printing 5 75 Rent 4 00 Taxes license 137 87 Interest 307 82 Bills Payable 1(1,900 00 Cash on band 1,5:10 41 " $49,709 00 Statu ok Nonni Carolina, ) AuuiTOK'a DKrAiiT.Mi.irT. j In conformity with section 2300 (d) of ''An Act to amend Chapter 7, Volume IL, of The Code, entitled Building and Loan Associations," I certify that the above Is a true copy of the sworn state ment of the New Bern Building t Loan Association, New Bern, K. C, on De cember 31, 1898, now on lile in tills De partment. Hal W. Ayku, Auditor of Stale. Per Jno. A. Sims, Chief Clerk. Nolle r Flros ! I of 'r. illlor.. In the Eastern District Courl of the United States, for the Eastern District of North Carolina. In the Matter of ) In D. W. Hunt, Bankrupt (Bankruptcy. To the creditors of D. W. Hurl, ol Ooldsboro, In the County of Wayne and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice la hereby given that on the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1890, the said D. W. Hurt, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that tbe first meeting of his creditors will be hold at tbe office of L. J. Moore, In New Bern, N. C, at 12 M on tbe I8lh day of March 1890, ai which time the said creditors may attend prove thilr claims, appoint a trustee. examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly 00 me before said meeting. Li. J. Moore, Referee la Bankruptcy, 8rd Bankruptcy Dlvla- loatnsald District. . New Bern, N. O, Feb. 13, 1899. Basis tas lbj Kiwi Yw Hatsi lw)f BonQI : Try a cup ot surpassing coffee and a ham ot oyster sandwich at L. M. Bakers mi OUR Mill Vi e desire to gay that we have laid in for the FA I.I, AND WIN'i KU TKADK 01.0 .f the largest and liest Assorted Storks of GROCERIES ANDf PROVISIONS, TO HE FOl'NJX IN KW HKUNE, Anil we ii sjiec.tfully ask for a larger Sliaro of your p.itroimge. liny in lat ";;e 'I'laM itieu from liri-1 hands uiid pay no middle nti'iiV profits atiil are then fore pri-punil lo sell yon as low as any We have just c.iiuiiletei! 11 lot. of nice STAlil.KS mid a ltirge tihoil to shelter yn 1 r V 1 1 ieles, wiiii-'n you aro welcome to iiko fi;kk. W lint you collie lo i lie cit v l 01 t Fail lo e:imine mi r Slock ofiue liuvin;; your (Jroceiiep. PcBliectfiillv, IDanisl & Baski 78 Broad StrvvU NllWBKKNE, N. V. vw " am. m. mm. t qiiitc, MAnr A UUIIU ITIflLS L. t 300 SiLMPLSS. NKW F.ST 'nil FAIUMCS FI.'OU T1IK i,KAIilN(i FOKKKiN AM) l"() VI KSTlt: MILKS. FIT (H'AIIANTKKI). NOTICK MY WINDOW. OOO Also a Fine Line of Shoes, Hais, Gents Furnishings, &c. Everything New. O t t f A Fine Line ot Ladies Shoes, Percales, H 1" -1 j-t ft I mauras, urganaies, R. II. BAXTER, Next to Eaton's 6 4jXN-af ti-aW-Ji-at CatQjJCO REDUCTIONS CONTINUE This time it is a few lines of STACY, ADAMS & CO.'S SHOES In broken sizes, that we are going to close to prepare for our New Spring Line. A Ser viceable and comfortable Shoe may be selec ted from this line at a big saving in price if you can wear a size as given below. NOTE STYLES AND SIZES. DIKfi Widking Fust, Imnd sewed, cir iiids, sizes 1 njs. a f, 1 6i, 2 Th, 1 7)s, SHs, 1 original price ri 00, now Z 75 0187-WulkitiR Fast, douldo sole, liand sewed, calf lulls, 8i7 2 K 2 !s, 2 7s, 2 7,i, 1 8s. 1 RJs, otlginnl price 8 00, now 8 75 1)19 Lond Cap Too, hand sewed, caH bids, slaes 1 , 1 K 8 djs, 1 7s, 1 7s, 1 8, 1 , nriirjnal price 5 00, now 8 75 These Goods will be Sold For Cash Only. ; ; FRIENDS iij GROCERS, mm. wu m. v to npnrpit I V UIIVft.ll : an ccc. Jewelry Store. P 9190 -Plain 8qimre Toe, hand rewei calf ImiIs, sizes 1 CJg, 2 On, 1 (lis, 2 7s, 3 8n, 1 98, original price 5 00, now 8 75 0101 Plain bquare Top, calf oong, aiz-s 1 Sis, C , 1 8i, 1 10, wiM ' ' 4 00, now $3 00 0192 Plain Bquare Toe, bals, sizes , 1 5J, 3 8s, 61a, 2 ?n, 1 7. 8 8Js - ' were 4 00, now 00 ; 9193 Lond (Jap Toe, calf ImK aires , . 1 8s, 8 08, 8 7s, 8 8s, 1 Bis, were , 4 00, now - 800 : 1 - 1 4"