r I f" Tortured By Rheumatism. A Purely Vegetable Blood Remedy Is the Only Cure. If the people generally knpw the true cause of Rheumatism, there would bo no such thing as lini ments and lotions for thin painful and disabling disease. The luci i. Rheumatism is a disordered hi ate of the blood it can be reached, therefore, only thfough the I. lurid. But all blood remedies can not cure Rheumatism, for it is nu olistimito disease, one which requires u rent blood remedy eoniet hiug more t han a mere touio. Swift's Specific is the only real blood remedy, and it promptly goes to the very bottom of evou the most obstinate case. A few venn ago I waa taken with in flammatory Rheumatism .which , though mild ut first, became gradually so in tense that I was for week unable to walk. 1 tried several prominent physi oiana and took their treatment faith fully , but was unable to pet the slightest relief. In fact, my condition seemed to grow worse, the pains spread over my entire body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. s Upon tho advice of a frjend I decided to f try 8. S. S. Before allowing me to tuke ! it, however, my guardian, who was a chemist, analysed the remedy, and pro i nounced it free of potash or mercury. Deliberate rellow. "W as Ihelin a case of l.ve at first I sight?" 'No, ho didn't II ml out until a week tor two later that her father had money.'' What Mull We Do. A serious and dangerous disease pre vails In this country, dangerous because o deceptive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that il is often llrmly seiilc.l lie fore we are aware of it. The name of this diseases which may be divided Into three distinct singes in. First, Kidney troul.le, indicated liy piiin In the bnek, rheuiimlisin, liimhugo, fre quent desire to urinate, ollen willi n burning sensation, the How of urine being copious or scant with strong odor. If allowed to advance, this reaches the Second stage, or Blndder trouble, with heavy pain in the uUlomcii low down between the navel mid the water passnge, Increasing desire to urinate, with scald ing tcnsatioii in passing, num. I quantities being passed with dilllcully, sometimes necessary to draw it with instruments. If uric acid or gravel has formed, il will prove dangerous If neglected. The Third stage Is Brighl's Disease. There is comfort in knowing that Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist, has discovered a 1 emdy fam ous for Its marvelous cure of the most distressing cases and known in l)r Kllmei's Swamp-Root. It is sold by all druggists. As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp-Hoot, a ample bottle and book of valuable infor mation will be sent absolutely free by mail on application to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biughamton, N. Y. When writing kind ly mention that you read this litieral offer in the New Berne Weekly Journal. Explained. Little Edgar l'a, what is the penally of greatness? Pa Paylug fiO for a box at the opera and then having Jibe newspapers get your Initials wrong the next morning. Bemeay Fer Nervous Exhaustion. Are you weakened and exhausted by overwork, worry or disease? The Mystic Life Kenewer will quickly renew your strength and vitality. It Is tho Greatest Nerve Builder kuown. It Is a marvel lous vllallzer and'strengthener. It quick ly and certainly cures Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Nervous Weaknes , Pulpits lion of the Heart and falling health. It is indeed a wonderful Lift) Kenewer and Life Strengthened Sold b Henry's Pharmacy. Aa Atvantag of Temeerment. You say you got the best of the coal man? Yet, sir. When we heard how much lie bad raised his price wo didn't need any of bis goods. Tbe whole family got o Indignant, wo had lo go out in the now to cool off. Rented taa Graven A Starting Incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated by him as follows: "1 was to a most dreadful condition. My akin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coaled, pain continually .In back and Idea, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Throe physicians nad given me up. Fortunately, a friend Advised trying 'Eloctrlc Bitters," and to my groat joy and surprise, the tint but' ':tle mad a decided Improvement, I con .tinned their ate for three weeks, and am now a well men. ' 1 know liter saved my ,11ft, and robbed tht grew of another victim." .No one should fall V try them -Only 60 eta. per bottle at F. b. Duffy's Jirug store. ,- "Why are brides always led to the a! Jarf V", . 'f.-f.i' v,.,"!'.' 1 r "Because they are, so, busy looking at Ihctr bridal fixings Ibsl they can't se wkato they are going." ; If yon have a cough, throat Irritation, ! weak lungs, pain In the chest, dlltkqlt - breathing, croup or boarsrnos, let us .' tagged Od Minnie Cough Care, Al t. ways reliable end .afev F 8 puffy. . I felt so much better after taking two bottles, that I continued the remedy, and in two'moothi I was dared eoiu elelely. The 6ure wan prmr." '. r I have never siutfO had u La... .f UheumatUm, though many times exposed to damp and cold weather. EuIahob M. Ttppii.l. X711 Towelton Avenue, Philndi I; hi.. TIicxjp who have had experience with Kiieumatisni know tluu il i comes more severe each year, i and !;!:o nil other blood disease. the do"ors are totally unable to cure it. in tact, the only remedies which they", ire scribe are potash and mercury, and though temporary relief may result, these remedies pro duce a stiffness of joints and onlv in tensity the disease. ti. S. S. uevur disappoints, for it ie made to cure these deep-rooted diseases which are beyond the reach of all other remedies. It oures permanently Rheumatism, Catarrh, Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, and all other blood diseases. It is the only blood remedy guar anteed Purely Vegetable Rooks mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga. THE CLOSING DAT or ml Klnlrr :lr. (ioo.l Allot- lHlie4.mHl fill WIk,r. ltlM'4'N. Yesterday was practically the last day of the Mid Winter Fair. The weather was of the kind which could he called brilliant, hcin;; dear and cool. The outside attendance was small er, yet I here was a pretty good sized crowd on the grounds all day. There were two races, the liist, 2;.'0 class, llcrtlia Karon, Blue Belle and Doll lieine; llie entries. lilui; Be!!.- won in three si r.-.lht lic.its. Bet I ha Baron, sec ond, time, i-.m, 'i-.:i, a-.:is. The second race was a running one, three eiiliies, Kis lier, Merman Hut Great and (iraiidtna, the l itter winning in two heats, lime 1:1ft. The side show s nil did business yes terday and iilioiit every l'"air visitor took hem i i. Die curio department which lias al ways liccn luicrcslini; to rair visitors was I his j ear en jo) ed as much as ever. Mrs. llargelt ami lady assistants vcre constantly present to answer all qucs tions concerning the exhibits. There were a great many odd things cxhihitcd and it would take a large book to tell everything that might well he said about them. A South Sea island war chief s club was lying beside an ancient bride's fancy bonnet which was the ntyle of half a century back. It is said that the club was used by the savage to beat a missionary's bruins out. The Christ fun luid gone loo far in the in terior. After being killed he was roasted and eaten by the natives who were can nibals of the deepest dye. As much or more could be said about nearly every thing in the curio room. Tho floral display wns good and many tired person lingered in tho room given to this exhibit for the purpose of resting afler a struggle through the crowded hulls of the main building. 4r The ladies wore interested in the fancy work exhibited. Some of lliem would spend half an hour trying to discover the Ingenius way of the maker. In this department somo protty pictures, draw ings and paintings wore shown, it is astonishing how much of this work Is done by the Indies of I lie town. When the cakes in the culinary de partment were cut the lucky ones who helped lo eal them said they were as good as I hey looked to be. If lhlsis so then I lie maker of each one deserves a prlr.e for there was not one exhibited which fell much below perfection in the art. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnlicld, Ul., makes the statement thai she caught cold, which settled ou her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physi cian, hot grew worse: Ho told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure tier. Her druggist suggested i.r. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and lo her delight found herself benefitted from first doso. She continued Its use and after t .klng six bottles found herself sound and well, now docs her on bonsewotk and ls as well as .she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery al K. S. Daffy'r Drug Store, large bottles 60 cents aud 1.00. yes-Unable Haughtiness. Archie Whit has happened to Alllo Wizzlngtour He act it nil y puts on many ads as If he had Inhewltod a fawchnne. WillieOh. don't you knowf Why, llie woah the fuhst wed vest that evelt canie to this town.- , ,-, For a quick remedy' antT one tlwU is perfectly safe for Children let nt recom mend One Minute Cough Cure. It Is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tickling la tbe throat and toughs. F 8 Duffy. . ' XtuM'.'iMMm "ill 1 4 lu,.imrmi.SllaS. I 1 ' 1 1 BmI C.mtfh Hrup. TwM lloii4. DM I 1 f 1 In lint H'.lrt hy rtminrlwl. ' ? t ' - rr l mm, WANTS TO BTTT A. w. c. A BjBeicaMo tuoltoo mj m Kxtoae II M CkarlMio, Caer or RslUbarj. To sell or not to sell. The Stale has an opportunity to sell :ue Atlantic and North Carolina Hail road to a syndicate which agrees to put up $100,000 in bends as a guarantee to extend tho road one hundred mile either to Charlotte, Salisbury or Concord. It is a matter of great Importance and ought to receive the serious considera tion of the Legislature. Mr. W. J. Edwards, who is the head of the syndicate making the offer, is presl dent of the Moore County Bank at San ford, ami has spent most of Lis life in the railroad service. He entered the rail road service as a boy on the Carolina Central railroad, and was four times promoted while the road was under the management of the late Major J. C. Winder, wh had a high appreciation of his ability and character. He retired from the Seaboard Air Line about the lime Major Winder resigned and shortly thereafter established the Moore County Bank at Sanford, which has become, a solid institution. lie is a gentleman of capacity and energy, and has the confi dence of the business world. Ho Is a native of Greene county and is well known throughout the Btate. T1IK HIM, TO SKI. I. THK ROAD. The bill that will be introduced today to buy the road is as follows: A bill to be entitled "An Act to Sell the the Slate's Stock in the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company. ' The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That, upon tho-payment to the Stale Treasurer for tho use of the Stale of North Carolina within ninety dtys alter the ratification of this act, of the sum uf three hundred thousand dol bus (t:!00,l)00,000), the said State Treas urer be ami is hereby authorized and directed to sell, assign, transfer and do liver to V. J. Edwards and such others as may he associated with him, or his assigns, all the shares of the capital stock owned unci held by the State of Noilh Carolina, in its own name or in name of any other person or persons for the use ami benefit of the Slate, in the Atlantic ami North Carolina Railroad Company. Siction 2. That at tno time of the said sale and transfer and before the delivery of said shares of slock, the said W. J. lOdwnnls shall enter into a contract with tho State of North Carolina, in a form thereof to be approved by tho Attorney General of the State, to construct and complete or cause to be constructed and completed, within four years from and after the ratification of this act, a lino of standard gauged railroad at least one hundred miles in length connecting with said Atlantic aud North Carolina Rail road and running westwardly through the counties of Wayne, Johnston, Ilar nelt, Moore aud Montgomery, and thence in llie direction of Concord, Salisbury or Charlotte. Section 3. That, at the time of exe cuting the contract provided for In the next preceding section, tho said W. J. Eil wards shall deposit with the State Treasurer bonds or other valuable se curities to be approved by said State Treasurer, of the market value of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000,000,) as collateral Becurlty for the faithful per formance of his aforesaid contract with in the time therein limited, the condi tion of said contract to be that, if the said one hundred miles of railroad shall be completed within four years from the ratification of this act, then the said bonds or other security liall bo surren dered and returned to the said W. J. Kdwaids, his associates or assigns, but that, if the said one hundred miles of railroad shall not be so completed, then the said deposit shall be forfeited to the Stale of North Carolina and shall be converted into money and covered Into the general funds of the State, it being distinctly understood that the advantages lo accrue to the State from the comple tion of said one hundred miles of road constitutes a material Inducement for the sale and transfer of the aforesaid stock. Provided, however, that, until the deposit hereinbefore provided foj shall become forfeited, the said W. J. Edwards, his associates or assigns shall be entitled lo collect and receive the In terest, dividends and profits accruing thereon. Section 4. That this act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Speaking of tho proposition embraced in the bill Mr. Edwards said last night: "Wo offer lo pay the price equal to that paid for the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley besides putting up $100,000 guar antee to oxtend the line at least one hundred miles through a section of country greatjy In need of a through lino. Tbe result fn taxation to the State from this one hundred miles of road (it Is intended to build immediately 150 miles), will give the State In the way of town and railroad property at least five millions of dollars worth of taxable pro perty, which Is to be a new and perpet ual source of taxation to the State yield ng annually a much larger Income than tbu State can reasonably hope to receive as a dividend from her stock in the At Ian tic and North Carolina Railroad, to say. nothing of the taxes to be received from this source by cities and towns. ' "Ills well known that the Altsntlc and North Carolina Railroad has been from Its earliest, history the foot ball of politics and that with each Incoming ad ministration there I always a straggle over the control ot this railroad com pauy, If told to us It will be managed entirely by North Carolina, composed of people living along the lint oMHhe road, and will be oonduoted solely with a vtoWld making- IT eaytnOropdriy by developing the eoqatry tktrmgh wqlcU it runs- It will psy tbe State, develop tuo resources of Eastern North Oaro Una, give an Independent competing' lint to that section, and eliminate the road from politics.' " ' '.'V.!.'-v,'J;V' "The gentlemen are of the highest char COUCH SYRUP Cures Pleurisy and Pneumonia. The best remedy for lung affections. Small doses. Pr?s et. at drupstsu. acter aud business standing, and are in no manner connected with any other railroad company, directly or Indirectly. We mean business, and we are prepared lo do all that we promise. We will pro tect the private stockholders in every way, and believe that It would be lo their interest for the State to sell ua !U slock in the road.'' "The fairness of this proposition 13 very clear, and the acceptance of it hy the State will be undoubtedly wise, In asmuch as the Western North Carolina Railroad Company was advaiilRgeouuly sold to a New York syndlcale to secure its extentlon. On of the results of said sale made by the State is, that the cuun ty of Buncombe now lists twice as nuch property for taxation aa the whole Western part of the Stale did prior lo the building of this road. The same is true of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Val ley road which was sold by the State for the consideration of its being extended; the result of which is, this road has added to the Stale taxable properly not less than ten millions of dollars Fur thermorc, if the Atlantic and North Carolina road is allowed to remain unexteuded and undeveloped, there is great probability of its being Iparalelled from New Rem to Kinston, where it is already lapped by the Atlantic Coast Line, and therefore, cease to be a div ldeud paying property. Besides, It Is a well known fact that the road and equipment is in a bad physical condition and in the near future several wooden bridges along its line will have to be re placed with modern steel bridges, and that a sum of more than $100,000 will bo required to put this properly In good condition. Three hundred thousand dollars, or about $'25 00 per share is a fair price for the State's holdings, Inas much as it will take about $9."0,000 to acquire the property outright and put it in a good condition, namely; $300,000 for Stato stock. $l.riO,000 for private stock. $;!.i0,000 for bonds and premiums. $ir0,000 to put the property in good condition. "It is also evident that this Is full value for the property. Inasmuch as the Capo Fear and Yadkin Valley recently sold at $10,000 per inllo at the receiver's sale, which la admitted by all railroad authorities to have been a high price for the property. Whilo the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley is a now road In excel lent condition and has an earning ca pacity about equal to that of tho Atlan tic and North Carolina road at present, the Atlantic and North Carolina is an old road and In woefully bad physical condition." News-Observer, 24th. Two Flntt Premiums The Emerson buggy, and the While Hickory Wagon, both represented by Tlios. J. Mitchell in Now Bern, were awarded First Premiums over all com pctitors by the judges al the Mid Winter Fair yesterday. (tank by it Flsb NMkr, The sharpie C. Hay, Capt. Pittman, from Swansboro, in coming up the Neusc river, Thursday, when off Fort Point, about two miles below here, struck a slake from the lead of a pound net, ai d sunk. Capt. Pittman at once came to this city, and getting the steamer Nettie, re lured to his boat, which he had towed hero, and will put on the marine rail way for repairs. The only part of the cargo damaged was nine tons of cotton seed on the sharpie. fraarki Harder Case. The case of State vs C. M. Francks, in which the defendent is charged with murder, was begun In the Criminal court Thursday afternoon and occupied most of yesterday. Solicitor Daniel ably conducted the case for the State and Messrs. W. I). Mclver and L. J. Moore appeared for the defendent. They both addressed the jury. Mr. Mclver spoke over an hour and his speech was such as would be a credit to any lawyer. It seems useless to say that Mr. Moore sus tallied his reputation as a criminal law yor. The members of the bar say that the charge of Judge ltatlle to the Jury wag one of the clearest expositions of the law In like cases that they have heard Jury's verdict was not guilt of murder, guilty of assault with deadly weapon, sentence two years in county jail. Hollo) of Viral eotlne; or f r1llar In tho Eastern District Court of tbe United Stales, lor the Eastern Dis trict of N. C. In the matter of Sol Cooper, Bankrupt la Bankruptcy. To the creditors of Sol Cooper of Golds boro, N 0, In the County of Wayne and District aforesaid, a bankrupt: - Notice la hereby given that on tbe 10th day of February, A D, 1899, the said Sol Cooper, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and tbat tbe first meeting of his creditors will be held at ' tbe office of L J Moore, Ketone, In New Bern, IS C, at 13 It on tbe t7tb day of February, 1699, at which time the said creditors may attend.prove their claims, appoint a trasiee, examine tbe bankrupt, and transact inch other business as may properly cone before said meeting. , Referee In Bankruptcy, 8rd Bankruptcy . ' Division In laid District - New Berne, NO, Feb. 16, 1899. When In Bsyboro stop at tht Lupton Hons (or food tocommodatlons, DAYS GONE BY. 1 OSa, is davi too bj ! Oh. the ft t g-on by! Tim appM to tbe orchard ana ibe pathway tkruutfh lire rj. Tbe chirrup cf the robin, and tbe whutie of tha quail As hu lM'd aruaa the mendowa cweet aa any nt'htlngaje ; Vrbea iha bloom waa on the clover and the blue wa In Lhe ak, Ami my happy heart brimmed orr In the day a tone by. In the days gone by, when my naked feet were tripled By the houeyaufkle tAtif lua where the water Illle dipped, And the ripple of the liver tipped the moae along the brink Where tbo pkicid eyed and buy fueled cattle came lo drink. And the lUtniK anlp stood (enrlaas of the tra anl'4 WBjvftrd cry. And tbe ephuliips of the awlmmer In the day gone by. Oil, tbe daya gone by 1 Oh. tbe days gune by ' Tbe tuiuic of tbe biughlng Up, the luster of the eje. The chiMish f&lth In falrlea and AUtddln's maulc ring. The aintple, soul reposing, glaJ belief In ev eryihing, When life waa like a story, holding neither aob nor sigh In the golden, oldeu glory of tl.ediiyn gow by Jamen Whltoomb Ulley A HEALTHY MAN. Here Are tbe I'olnta Thai Go to Make a Oalcaarlau. Here are the jioints of a healthy man. If you have thein all you may, ltrring aocldcnts, count on being; a ecntcimrlun. If you have most of them, you'll reiich a j w rlpc old age, but even if you huve only a ; few don't be alarim!, for many upimrvnt- j ly crazy huiiu.n machines Last a surpris ljigly long time. First, your body and limbs should be plump, but the plumpness should Lie of tho Arm and muscular, not tho fleshy type. Your figure ought to be erect, end, whet her you aro tall or short, well proportioned. Length without breadth is a very l:iul thing In a man, for there' Is no room for vital organs large enough to thoroughly perform thoir duties. Your step should be springy and clastic, your gait firm and easy. Thcso things In dicate muscle of good quality and nerve of good tone. Your eye should bo brifjht and nolthej prominent nor hollow, flrlfrht eyes show that the circulation of blood in tho brain Is good. Your complexion should bo clear and fresh. It Is usually not well witli yor when your face Is palo, sallow, florid subject to sudden flushings. But in 1 1 . matter your ooouput Ion has great Lnflu ence, and you might havo the worst possi ble complexion and be in perfect health Dut that, of course, Is the exception, not the rulo. Your head should not be very large, or at least If It ts, largo your neck, shoulders and chest ought to correspond in siBc. If you feel your pulse, It should lie regubir; If it drops a beat now and again or Is nts very fatt and excitedly alter the least ex ertlon or emotion then the heart is weak Your breathing should be tranquil and In audible. Any sounds mean that tho pas sages aro more or less clogged. You should not know you havo a stom ach that Is to say, ns a rulo. Of course thero are times when that organ gets out of order in the healthiest individual, and then it ts always sure to make Its owner awaro of Its existence. You should al ways, except when the weather Is bitterly cold, feel comfortably wnrin throush your whole body, even to thu tips of tho lingers and toos. Otherwise something Is wrong with the circulation or tho heut producing apparatus You should hove sound sleep, without dreams or nightmares, and it should not luat too long or too short say, eight to eight and a half hours every night. Your voico should not bo hoarse, and you should be a stranger to aore throats Your appetite should not bo too great or too small, whilo you should not lxi a suf ferer from headaches, giddiness or neu ralgia, and, of course, you should not havo pulpitatlotis or faintlngsor varicose veins. If you answer to tho aliove description, you have neither ulscaso or the hrain, spinal cord, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, muscles or nerves, and you aro in as jicr foct health as it Is possible for human be ings to be. But at the some time many a round shouldered, narrow chested, thin and sal low man Is as tough as steel, works hard and Uvea till hu Is almost tired of the world, and, of course, even the healthiest of us must go through a course of colds, coughs, headaches, dyspepsia attacks and the like. Still, If your chest Is small In proportion to the rest of your body you are likely to have loss stamina, and you should not overdo such things as football, cycling or even brain work. New York World. lie Did Uli Beat. In an Aberdeen .bookshop an old lady was Inquiring for a copy of the Illble, and the shopkeeper brought forward one at. half a crown. But tho old lady wanted something cheaper. A copy at IK Deuce was produced containing illustrations. Dut the Ulustrntlons, the old lady averred, entailed supcrlitious cxjiciiditure. "Then, hero, said the shopkcciier, "is copy for a shilling which contains a' that's neocssury for salvation." lie de scended from tho ladder and laid It before his customer. 'But hoe ye no something a wee bit cheaperf" asked tho old lady. Vtumman, wuminan, said the shop man, "oa' upon tho Alinlehty to conn down and sell yo his a! 11 publications, for I con dae nao inolr! l.ondon Chronlclo. A Financial Shake. "Good morning Mr. Toney. On tho sick list today y" 'Yes, sir; got the aguo. 'Do you ever shaker" "Yes." "When do you shako agnlnf" "Can't say when; shakeovory day Why do you oskf Oh, nothing In particular; only 1 thought If you shook bad I'd like to stand by and see If you couldn't shako the 15 shillings out of your pocket which you have owed me so long!" London Stand ard. rll. What ts called tortoise shell Is not the bony covering or shield of tho turtle, but only the scales which cover It. These are IS In number, 8 of them flat and fi a little curved. A large turtle affords about eight pounds of them, tho phi tea varying from an Inch to a quarter of an Inch tn thick Bess. Th Fttl mm Him Moiiy. "Optimism," said the sorry fool, "Is seeing the green side of a $5 bill. " "And what la pessimism!"' asked his friend. "Boeing Detther side of a 18 pUL " Nw York Oommercial Advertiser. Am Hemsrt Meilclae ftt la Grip?- Oeorre W. Wsitt ot Booth Gardiner, Medlars: "Iba. bad the worst oongb, cold, chills and grip and have taken loU of trash of no eoooant bat profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Congo Remedy ll the only thing that hat dona any good whatever. I hare naod on SO-cent bottle and tht chills, eold and grip have all left me, I congratulate the manufactur er of aa honest medicine." For tale by f.B. Duffy. - OLD BOOKS. Their Contcala llalher Than Taelr Dales Make Tbe hi Valmable. ' It U ex' i-a:rdinary " said a tk col lector the r.i hi r dj,v the vlus some jkxi ple atr.wh i.j old 1kkj.a sunply t(ccause!hiy are uld N jt long a-o a friend uf ur;ne shownl me two old trunks filled viilh U.kswhirh he luut f iund in a house orig inally the pr. ijicrty of his wife s irrandfa ther. Hjul v. jii-li she had r-vn(ly inheriud from her i i i T U r '1 Iltv werv In all ier K.i; it. ;.!- 'in fi'S) volumes, most iif whi h Ntrv tin- d:ilt-s 17'vii 77u. 17rtf and so on, and mytiielul (.oiilklt ntly titetl that th. y w. rv woith at least their Wright In K'.id tin the eontran'. th -y tn- Un.ks ot . ry little value and iliU-rest. and not Worth inui h Inure than th-.'lr Wright as Wliste pl r He i)itey sUggt-Uii that I was a liar win ll I t .ld Mm that, hut he changed his miii'l a.t-r he had tri il In vain to sell the Ih.- L to csvulidhand deJ ers ' ' irtide of those overestimated tssiks l.iv lt ."l!il s I. lit' had a liarrv'iful of wim phlot- whieh hi' was going to uM- to km dle th. l ie with Though worthless in luy fi i- ::d opinion, tht se h.jl n i,l!v cuii sid' T.il-lr value. I icing old Mawi'hUM-ttH, 1 1. ::.u iphia and New York almanacs, Hr oltil ionary jiamphlets and broadsides anil priniod doeumi iits niaiiug to Kings and (ill-ens eounn.'s. and a di aler paid my friend JUKI for the lot One of the de spised ahminaes was Charles Smith's '( o nlli lnan s 1'ocket Almanac' for the yo;ti 17Vi. which contained a portrait of V::s!.ip;'!on one uf the rarest of the Wht.!. Huston o!'tn:its aud yi t my friend to kindle tlie fin- with it. ' It 1.. really next to impos-iMe to get sui'h i pie p. lielicvc that a hook is not oi ii, e. ssity worth money lnvause it w as p'il'l 'il a long lime ago. Nine out of tell h""l. . pulilish.nl hefore this century are gi unig more worthless every year. The tei 'hi'iie has alue. higher or lower, in pi- l oiiion to its character. Occa-ionally .". I 'ei.uv gem. a liook of real value 1.1 a 1 ope. tor. may l.e found ill a lumber room, but the diile on ttie title page is never a saie guide "--New York Commercial Ad velt::.rr SIR WALTER RALEIGH. Varied Career of tile DiKtinffnlfthefi Colli'ller mill Adventurer. Hnlei'rlf ri day of days was at the sack of dull, in 1'.'.' i. It was llnleiuh who over Loi.-lhe timid counsels of Lord Thonias Howard, crying out to Lord Kssex : "Kn tt'.iui.is1 F.Mirnmos!" a permission so oe cci.ialile to tho g.olunt young earl that he threw his hat into the sea for sheer jov. '1 In n Raleigh betook him to his ship and led the van under the butteries and right into the harbor. When his vessel, shut lei il by shut, was 011 the point of sinking, he left it to enter Ksse's ship, and, though wound. - I Feven iy by n splinter, h.'.d liim.-.ef carr ied to a hoi M' to cliar1 the Spanish army. on shore and lifted on :i''ii!i Hssex against Of tho sea light Ilak- iuvl i iiv ;: "V1h.1t mnmiorof fight, this was and with what courage peifouue.l and with what terror to the bi holdi r continued, win re so many thundering tearing jh'Ccos were for so long a time discharged, I leave ll to th.e Header to thinke and imagine." Of the charge 11 shore he tel Is us: "Tho time of the day was very hot and faint, and the way was all of dry di'cpc slyding sand in a manner, nnd beside that, very uneven. Hut the most famous Eaiie, with his valiant troupes, rather running in deede in good icier, then marching, has tened on th. in w ith such unspeakable cour age and eh rity. as within one houres sp ice and lesse I lie horsemen were all dis; comfui ted and put to flight, their leader being stru iken downc nt the very first en counter, licreut the footmen, being won derfully dismayed nnd astonished at. the uncxpccicii manner 01 tno I'.nglislinien s kinde of such fierce and resolute light, re tyred themselves with nit Kpccd possible that they could. We know the i-tory of Sir Walter llnleigh but loo well his cruel imprisonment, his more cruel liberation to save his life by accomplishing the impossible und his most, cruel cxi t ution on a warrant signed 15 years earlier. Ilo knew all that is to he know n of success and failure, of courts and treachery, of sea fights and assaults on cities, of ti'easiii'e islands and tempest anil long marches in tangled forests. Fortnightly Hc iew Tbe In ml rail. The most remarkable I hing about the landrail is Its extraordinary instinct or passion for migration. Whence comes to it that overpowering desire which twice in the year inix'ls K., weak winged though it is, to change its quarters, to range dur ing our Knglish springtime ius far north as the bleak and fro.en shores of arcH tlni'iiland, to descend in tin1 fall of the year away south into Africa and eastward inlo Asia, reaching in its return migra tii 111 couiitiiis so distant and so widely sundered as Natal and A fchniiistiiiiy At present, in spite of theorits end surmises, we have no sat i: factory reason offered to us for the wondi rful migration recur ring steadily, isrsistently and unfailing ly, year after year of a bird likethe land' rail, w hose weak w ings anil strongly do- veloK'd legs plainly attest the fact that Its natural powers of progression lie far more in walking and running than In flying. Saturday He view. The Smart Vi rgiT. Tho church jsissessed a valuahlo Bible, which was only used on Sundays, says a writer In The Cornhlll Magazine, speak ing of an English country parish. "During tho week It was kept in n box whichmther curiously formed the stand upon which the reader of the lessons stood. On one occasion, when this was N'lng shown to a visitor, tho remark was made that It did not seem very reverent for even a clergy man to tread usm tho Bible. "Pardon mc," the old verger replied. "In this church, sir, wo take our stand upon the Scriptures. A Barrel of Flour. A Immd of Hour will make nearly dou' ble Its weight In bread. Klour rapidly de teriorates with ago unless kept dry. It absorbs moisture, und this moisture lm pairs the gluten which Is lndlspensuhle to tho lightness of the bread. Besides, it changes some of the starch Into sugar and a gummy matter known as dextrin, and this makes thu bread heavy and sodden, "Kid" is merely a jocose substitution for "lamb," used for a young child, and Is very old. Charles Hondo and Dickons used "kid" In this sense, and Virgil's phrase, "lie capcllir," has boon freely translated. "Oo il, my kiddles.' Thousands of Kgyptlnns live In old tomliH, eating, slcvpliiR, wooing, loving, laughing, dancing, singing, doing all their douds of daily life and household work among the uiummlos and aorooph gl. Cm for Raawr Daal. . Hiaa Johnsinir Don't Mlatah Jeffah eon look ewell. . Jea' sea do flash ob hi dUmon' atndl . Mr Jackson Dtiunon' nnfflnt Dat am a dlacahded paphwel(ht frutn de bank rha be am potahi--4awau!re Weekly ' - OABTOniA. Uut the " Km' Yw I Alw,n Nft COTTON is and will con tinue to be the rr.uru') crop oi tilt boutn. 1 111 c-.jt r.t th planter who sja,. the rnc ton from a yivci :.ri-a eastcost, is the o;u- h;; r.:i!:-j!: the most money. O-oi c:;i'.i vation, suitable rotation. liberal use of f, rtiiier . on taining at leabt 3 ;:ciu:;i Potash will insure the lan7er,t vie Ul. We will send Free, upon r.pp!:e.-uiot pamphlets that will interest cvciy 1..11.1 planter in the South OER.TAN KALI WORKS, 93 Naasaii St., Nrw V.r I nconrag'ing Probity Lady of the House Here's a tish in this milk. Milkman Keep it for your honesty. What time did llie hole! catch lire? M idnilit. i.veiyliody yet out afelv All e v ee pi llie nilit wslchlnan. We couldu'1 wake him up in time. Saved. Old Klin!, the miser, died las! night. They say lie had money lo burn. Hut of course, il won't be burned, Mi;' he couldnt take it w ith hint. At Last. He went through lire and water, And both of thein di'licd, For many years; hut finally. Through lire-wnler died. Way to Serve It. What about this embalmed beef mud lV Asked the editorial writer of the tanairer. I! oust it. Where He Got It. How did Hiiz.ingtoii set Ids litle of ilouely He whs brevet tod by one of llie mags nes for a particularly line article lie ,rote. Wonderful. His parents have spent a grcnt deal of money upon his education, liavcnt llicy? 1 should say so. Yon oiilit lo feel Ids muscle. Tested and True. Wood's Seeds The Best for the South. Twenty years' experience enables us to offer the best of everything in seeds for the Southern Farm er and Gardener. Vegetable 0 Flower Seeds, Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, And all Garden and Farm Seeds. Wood's Seed Book, giving the most successful ways ot growing all grojis, and full information about Seeds, mailed free upon request. Write for it. T.W.Wood & Sons, SEEDSMHN, Richmond, Va. The Larjait 5 House in tli South. - ALL V0"EU Jma-TtirrHS of all the pln and sickness from which women suffer la caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman fat not well these 1 organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman la very seldom sick. la nature'! provision for the regn latioa of the menstrual function. . It curea all "female troubles." It ts equally effective for the girl in . her teens, the young wtfe with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known aa the - Chamre o( Life." They alt need k. They are all benefitted by tt rNa? ee'ftce Hi easts iwuihJiiv siiei.kil eVactlonA. sddraaa, ftvtnr symptom, tha LmIm' Advlrrrry Department," The Chattanooc Madlclos Go CbaUar soot. Tana. ' ; . THO. k COOPER. Tapate, Mlra.,irrt ' S'ilaf iiiKr trnmtanrlmMiulif Bn4 painful Bi.nslruaUriA and t.i'l eaula nut relUva her. Irin nt C o il entirely em4 hr "A' a'.n r'-'n'j n f SMtttaf through the tlii"1o ul Life." U2EE3EZIT. .... iff wine !

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