THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP CF FIGS is due not only to the originality uud simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the California Via Smrr Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of r'iefs is manufactured by the California Fiq Syrup Co. only, a Knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthier imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the Cali fornia Fig Svhi f Co.-with the medi cal piofcssion. l:id the s:itisfactior which the genuine Syrup of Figs h;is given to millions of families, ui:i'.:es the name of the Company aguarnnty of the excellence of its remedy, it is far in advance of all other laxative-, as it acts on the Itidueys, livir and Lowe's without irritating or v.vakei. ino' them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its hern tickil effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. RAN FKA.N0I8C:, CI. WlBVJLI E, Kr. NEW lOICU. N. V THICK AMI KKl ITS. Talr la Vru siiou ami In-. Outlook 1 itvorablr For VneUliln. nl I it Tht Section. lit po'ls from all the truck sad fruit sections of the south tell of the lerriUe results of the blizzard of the middle i.f February, wheu the temperature fell to the lowest point in many years The sand ridge in the Southern Pines aition which is a great fiuii section, and which was supposed to he out ol ilic line of auy damage from col. I weather eulleied severely, and Mr. .1. Van Liu.l ley, the well known nuiarjmau and fruit grower ol liuilfnul county, lells I he the lireen.-boio- lieiord that it is his opiniouMiat we shall haw- no peaches this year. He think, ihc rcccni cold snap killed them all in the bud, as n day or two waim weal her he l'.rM ol I In iiinuih had c-ailMil the htnli i,. c'. As M i he . on.lilioii ..I I In ir.m in I his sei livii, ihc Jul i.n u ha- in uli in.Uiiy. I aiu! learns ruin Mi ( .ci i:e N . h es, w ho has a laii;c fruit lann Im i New Hern, I in C al ien t county thai the J nm nn n.n heen killcil. ml Mi lu-, ' I l. ii TRKJiTOM NKWK. m KUKTIOM LAW. larcr Crop IrUh I'ulaUr WkU. llrllh Saitw HnrI.nrn mt Whai Ihc lilU FravkdM , Ci.uimiuilty linproYiug-. fvrnuHik I Ad Aweuduivutm. Feh'y itt b. I The new election law U ia lit main ' The weather has gotten the farmers features a copy of the law In force pre- very uiuch behind in their farm work. vioiia to lt05 The bill provide: We learn thai our farmers will plant' 1. That (be election for Slate anil large crops of Irish pvtsloes this season, county officers sball be held ou the first ' The merchants here are continuing re- Thursday In August and every two years cciving and adding new goods lu their thereafter. stores. I 2 Thai there shall be a Slate board All the dwelling houses in Trenton of elections composed of live iersons ate uow occupied, while several have elected by the legislature for a term of THE JOURNAL New Bern. N. ('.. Mar. IMC. "I wie- afiai'l,'1 our fruit 1 tees wo damaged h I In n Caret ll II v e inn 1 lie ami lin.l no in pn "I piesuuie nm t hat our 1 1 ee.- had the cold sua since t he cola on our farm? and of huds. 1 haw In. plum I rees, ami 1 In I'avoraMi- for :t -pit mi li - i-t I 11 ll Ki ll, lull 1 ha i - al New pol ely lie- i: 1 l.mhh-.l . The piesiiil pell ha- w.u '-.e- till ,1 .-,1 lO-pi T! 1 vc- ! fill 1 .11 in the lael 111 helm.' ttc.i: hi-1 , 1 l now lull -i-arll and lie inosl ih I has hi It -I : i; .- i ; Mali : - 1 1 .1 Man c.l Hi u lu. at :l thiol Kill h: I, .1 Im. lo I l.c '.V h ha- i it i, lo 1 e ln; i-onlinlle as pi I lanh I Ho.., in lln- I 'In n t el - Ihll a -im h nl -.i nts man erne troiu Noitoll Tin- New I'll 11 l.a I Imiler ill posiiinn ami w i .lav This a.hliii enal.ii' it to do mule been iloini:. Tin' .1 oi i;m at'k no ol lln- l .'ili annual rep l.ahor Mnli.-lics of N 1 hi our h I he rolll tl-- .1 V. II;, inn. k. M l. YV in. I'. hi I ke w a- noinleil As-i-tant t'oliei lor al New l'.el li. In die. Ml Clarke's lo h( at of his :i..i The alarm of I.n l as i. eas it .rod h lilernises ol M r Front sin,!. 1 guihi-d, no ilarna The new ekiar I'l.lh.i k -In in the l ily, ami Lr ( hoiee s al iel v "f ha- lis new pi'lalc il lo himuliN will liian It h i- ei t i-.Il-c- Hi loll he I ! 1 1 li ail ol I li ( 'aloliria, selil I I ommissionel i,:ip ileeeeil Mr. I'lielnls wi illlinetrl. nlai : i. lie ::la. sir 11', '.' HI p III .-. I I. I. ane on Iplil k'lY si: -Inn CHILI ... iiu I in is lin es It is in H-, -t fastidious love lie. Ilaekblll ll -hamlsoiiasl liile.l ilh a which will I lhc ,l s I I I .l I III' i n: Calo.lli l I p. i :il- tin h :o. . i I he I!.,! ha- i d how I is I.., w alei i cclt :e . ol I l.i.l; l;o , l.lle I',-'I h III . oh to i esi-a bail w eal m i in .l hi l -eel I- -li- l nin this pied hi! ll ily . 1 I A I an t e I ! a 1 1 1 1 1 1 e II t l;1 Show lot lln bei The Italnl si ill t In i i iiisi i anient p repose,! t nil r I will be llia.le to lln.- ami anlin'ilu ni l ..i i .i r-. Il-lll I.I I he ill In I hen- w ill be ail eir b I'.-ils lliothers II ol lln 1 il y Hand, oie s.uiie money on ml lin y hope at the 1 . a l : 1 1 1 -1 1 1 that enough I l ee t hi in f l mil all debt . place ol rnl. il.-iiiini. nl e.l later- two families. Why not build uiqre houses, plenly of vacant lots. A gen 1 1 i n a n was here last week lo rent a house and could not get one. Mi .1 1' Hrogden who has been ctili i ally ill with grippe and pneumonia for t lie last four weeks Is much heller ami his many friends entertain the hope that he will soon be out and well again. There was but a small attendance fiom this vicinity to New Bern Fair ns many families had some member sick with measles and la gr ippe, bill as ma teiial is getting tome what scaiec the measles are now nearly stamped out. Sir 1 C .Inhesion has opened anew stole here of dry goods and groceries. YVhal has become f the New river oyster carts, we have not hail a isil horn I hem for the last few dajs J We Hie inclined to be.ieve that lhe nun ills of on i c ommunily are iinprov iugjj li That ei a- we haw not seen a man, white or later 1 Iran : In colored i i-ilor or citizen, drunk for Hie nr'an itt uui EFEHDIIIG 7 THE WATlONf -. Catarrh itourmi trttKetajr. tAffrippe, Ian J troubles ana other dlwiw of the mucous mem brans take bold ol our people and fatal results VV follow with V alarming in V -qnency. All oi these trouble areeataiTh, ana mniot exist where the membranes are clean and healthy. Mrs. Lou DTis, FayetWrille, Tenn., I lis in her letter how Dr. Hartman'a lsiMl, and organi.e bv elecling one of rjreat catarrn remeay. re-ru-u, t. . i . , har of la irriDDe and aertous lung com- Ihetr number chairman and another uer oi i griHF" " plication, one says; " I was afflicted with a disease eom- lo 5 ears. I :!. Thai there shall be a county board of elections consisting of three person , appointed by the Stale bosTd for a term of two years. 4. That State board of elections shall I nv el In Hslelgh the ttrst Monday in Way : : A A 1 KATm secretary. .Another inecling shall be held on the first Momlav in April In each election year. Special meetings may lie monly known as lagrippo two yeara ,. , . i. Ti i 1 ro' the doctor said I had consump- eallcd when necessary, tor their ser- sgo . ine aoevo .,. d . . i ii lion. 1 sot one bottle of Pe-ru-na ana v ices the board shall receive four dollar. my Btopped. a day anil traveling expenses. j iook Beveral bottles, and I will say "i That the county Imards shall ap- tnal j believe I woud be a dead woman nl all registrars and judges of elec- uow i( it had not been for Pe-ru-na. Members of Ihc county boards may iVuitt. PalDa. Mo., says: be removed by the Slate txiard; and the 'u.jirh., Co.. Columns. 0. itinf-i '' '.': rrsrm z rt I ITv ? . i r W. - 'I llli1 Ir 1 1 1? - IV1 f Sfive gent cigars - i - - ) VI --..Atmn 4 Z. flVU I;' 'I III If 1 III -IV 'III 1 1) S liw . jm -k m FAiii" mm biim- And in a few Jaji e be trupci;itg Ue" Ch -..Hl'V 4: tion county hoard in turn may remove any : isi rar oi jud Nell s,i II -, ( ,, -i I s The new Shell I' I'oiniiiission, re . cut ly eleileil l. the l.i -gilal u r e. were named in Ihc la w oysti r law and are the .lol, please I hi "wa-eil." The people ol K i list on held a mass meeting Tuesday nicdil, and passed ii-sn lulions oppohing the sale of the Slate's stock in the A A N C lailmail. A coin millee weni fiom ihereto llah-iuh to oppose t he Mile. On the '-'-'ml of February, in ilniing Ion N. C. .lames K Ilollon, forrueily of this city, was married lo Miss .May Noil hro p, claiighlcr of Mr. Isaac Noiih rop, of Wilmington The wcihliriL' was a iciy ipiiet one. The ill lilals of -hail all- daily inereus ing in niinihcr, and every one is glad The thli alelleil total loss of shad for this season, whii h sieiiieil possible on at count of the very severe winter weath er will no' happen, and the tegular uooil yearly run now m-ihis probable In this city, March 1, -'M. Mr- Mary 11. Tucker, of pneumonia. The funer al services w ill be held t his afternoon al 4 o'clock Ironi Centenary M. E. Chinch. Mon Ailivili on Hie Hoi ks. The Increased arrivals of lish, oyster trading schooners makes Ihc grc.iKsl difference at the docks, and lire srene is vastly changed since the weather has Improved from the cold spell. Yesterday's arrivals of shad were large, but of oilier kinds of lish there was nol CDOiigh to till the orders. Few oysters are coming lu and ship pers cannot begin to till their orders. Quite a ijnanity of sweet potatoes are coming in from river polnls, lollo w lli ueul leliu n ol Midi , (leoigi Daniel 1. Iloberls, of t laii of Pasquotank, Kobeit . leict . I! D Seal born, of I al of I'amlico. I h- hoard i lie el in this eiiy neM Mo i hail lilari ami secu lar v u M II Hill, ol .ll s ( j. lulav. ill be .li .1 in I M I- ll 111 Hi. -Ill ot I I I 'lay ton, lit an lol I , C Alien, -, ot t ar llookei Hid to hen a . h . en -l. .1. 1 111 line; the e the necio w ho h:ul cap! oi s on l ue.sil.ii , a drunken uclto can: on I he same st n-ct, at dcr ' M uidcr ' ' alt In w In. h an ally a.hlc.l lo ;l This made a stampede in gio, w ho raised been robbed, ami i ha e ol tloin his be slu-cl of a saloon inn d "M in if his voice, excitement, lowanls Uu- tlic claim ol ha ini: .homed 111:11 1 1 1 1 nol Mi I' ' kiiowint; The p. nuisance w hal he w as al olp . lice tool, him in charm' ns fl There as not him.' t o - ho" I hat he had been rnbbcil. VOICK OF THE I'MII'LK. .Inn dial's I an l .,l il it,i, . id.1 101; .Ioiminai -Dining the week piiceilini Fail week I maile.l to liicmls al the ninth Iwcnly copies of your Mid Wirrtcr Fair edition. 1 ipiote horn a let tcr since received: "We had no idea thai New Hern was such a pretty phi. e. The paper yon sent us had such lovely lews.' In another 1 read "1 don'l wonder on like New Hern. It must he a beautiful place judging from Hie pictures ' Yours wi'houl comment, J. I., h. Kb Craven si reel. KuIUIli HiimlMy AI'lrniHii. There has been a protracted meeting during the past three weeks, and is now going on, in the Shllow Baptist Chinch, James City, the services being conducted by Rev. it. il. Msloy the pastor of the charch. to a result of thU work, many con vert hare been made, and nest Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, those who have professed will be baptised In the Trent river oa the James City tide. : t There will he twenty-five persons . banllseii. The baptism services will b public and those who wish can at. ' tend.1 - ' , ,-, : '. BJMTOr ALU. .. To dense (he ty item In a gentle and J. Duffy truly beneflclal mariner, ; when the Bprtngtlme come, use the true and per feet remedy; Syrup of Fig., Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the Cnlifor It. lis. ,11 I'nt S.-llini; A. N. It is the opinion of The Ashcville Citizen that sound business reasons can be adduced 10 show that it would he wisdom for the State lo sell It9 Interest in the Atlantic and North Carolina lall- way, or else lease It for a long term of years so that it may be effectually re moved from politics. There Is hardly a politician in the Stale now that ranks above a township constable that cannot get a pass over that road if he tries Last fall we saw the negro Congressman While riding on pass over it, and when asking alie tit the mailer in New Hern were told that practically everybody down that way enjoyed the same priv'.- lege' BCCBXER'S ASniCA kAL VS. THE BEST 8ALVK In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sore, Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkln Erup tions, nd positively core Plies, or no pay required. It If guaranteed lor give perfect satisfaction oa moliey refunded. Price 29 cents per box. For ale by F. last tiflccn days. The las) snow caught many of our citizens without any wood and as ex periencc is -a il lo he a dear school ninny arc replenishing lie ir piles with many loads ol good wood. The fanners have commenced every tail 1 hi v In haul commercial fertilizers, nianv "Im last war said no fertilizers in-M year are now hauling it to plant collon, tobacco and Iruek. We iiolice that many gardens with en Hauls an- nearly all killed where I hey had been tinned down and lhc stalk bur tied they an hurt but little. Why will people slriw all summer to raise col lards ami let the cnl.l destroy I hem when by a little nl 1 111 1 inn they could he saved. Mrs John I" K nonce o' lUleigh isiisit uig her fathci , Mr J I' Hrogden. Mi-s Sue May Kirisi i who is teaching si hnol al Tiickahoe spent Sunday in Tierilon Miss Annie Bryan 'of l'ollorksville spent Sal unlay and Sunday visiiing the Misses Birdie and Caddie K ounce. Wo have here residing in Trenton a gentlemen w ho has a multiplicity of pro fissions and trades w ho can lake your 1 ieliire, then enlarge it, make you a line nair boots, cut vour hair, shave you, build vou a house, paint and paper it, re pair clocks and watches and do most anything. We have often heard it said loo 1 1 1 it 1 1 v Hades makes a bolch with all but W M Coble is an exception, he is good at all his trades. The Kev Mr Aldeiman, Baptist minis tcr will preach at Trenton on Sunday 11 t at 11 o'clock. lleforc the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly dis turbed by coughing congregations. No excuse lor it now. F S DulTy. IllK CokI. How shall the farmer grow cotton for the year lH'.l'.l? Shall It be by the inten sive system of farming or shall it he by lhc large acreage, and If by the large acreage system will he or can he grow cotton at a profit or at a loss? Every farmer is now talking hard times and declaring that he can't grow collon at 4c ami oc per pound, and that next season will find their barm, and smokehouses wi 11 tilled, and less cotton will be the go ciTtnin. A w ise plan this will he, and glory to our land and country if carried out. To grow collon now al a prolil the farmer must adopt the intensive method of farm ing, such as making Iwo and three bales f cotton per acre and making grain on this, their lands, because it does not take as much work for grain as it docs for niton. To make two or three hales of otton per acre Ihe farmer must plow leep in the preparation of lanu, concen trate manures; good culture and Improve merit of seeds and implements must not he Ignored. . What a pleasure it would be lo s farm r, in looking out over his fields of cot- Ion, planted in some heavy Irulllug varieties of cotton, thst kind of the prolific store that will trull from Ihe ground up to the top, and knowing that with good seasons he would, under the Intensive system of farming, gather two unit three bales of cotton from every acre. This would be called good farm' ing and profitable. B. W. llawklus, id Coiton I'lanters' Journal. lies Into p pi-tecs. ; Thai 1 ion I hen i-l ration asked a hsti.l hi rent car in f flection. mniv hoard- must meet nol e first Mo uliiy ill May for and for dividing I lie C01111- ccincls and living polling .'I'l The New Hern Arnd.niy. In your issue of January 20th last Is printed a valuable and very Interesting sketch of old schools In Craven county. written by I'rof. Kemp I'. Battle of the University at Chapel Hill. It includes some account of the New Bern Acade my, an institution "so conspicuous in, and Identified with, the history of our city, and indeed, w th the legislation of our early Colonial days. Dr. Battle, how- ii 1,,- niii.nmwin. 1 I ever, omits the names or some or the icforclhe next general eli-c. .hall be an entirely new reg Aiiiong ipiesiions lo lie leant is "whither he has oil for taxation for the cur- which he applies fir regis trillion, and for the year next proceed ing. And if any applicant shall falsi Iv -wc::i he has listed his poll for lax minii, In- shall be guilty of perjury, and punished ns prcscrilied by law." S. That the registration books shall be kepi open for twenty days and closed on the second Saturday before Ihechctieit. On each Saturday dur ing this period the registrar shall go lolh" polling place lo register voleis On such days the hooks shall be open for in- There shall he no r gistei ing on elec tion day, but voters may -be challeng ed. !i That on or before the first Monday in .luly Ihe county boaid shall appoint I wo judges of clectiou for each pre cinct. 10. Thai to prevent disorder as many ns I luce special ollicers may be appoint ed by the registrars and judges of elec lioi. 11 That there shall be one ballot for all slnte ollicers, one forjudges of the dillerciil couils, one for members of the general assembly, one for county ollicers and one for township officers. That all ballots for each of these classes of ollicers shall be the sameslze, on white' paper and without device. The size of lhc ballots must he prescribed" by the slate board of elections. Tickets in the wrong box shall not tie counted. 12. That the members of the several boatd? of election shall constitute the board of county canvassers, which shall meet at the con it house the second day Her the election, canvass the returns and declare the result at Ihe court house door. And the kernel of Ihc Suffrage Amendment is contained In sections 4 and 5, which arc ns follows: Section 4. Every person presenting himself for registration shall lie able to read and write any section of the Con stitution In the English language; and, before ho shall he entitled to vote, he shall nave paid, on or before the first dnv of March of the year In which he proposes to vote, his poll tax, as pre scribed by law, for lhc previous jear. Poll taxes shall be a lien only 011 assess ed properly and no process shall issue to enforce the collection of the same ex cept against assessed properly. Section.). Ino male person, who was on January 1, lHlIT, or at any time prior thereto, entitled to vole under the laws of say Stale In the l ulled States where in he then resided, and no lineal descen dant of any such person shall be denied the right to register and vote at any election in this Slate by reason of his "failure lo possess ihe educational quali fication prescribed In section four of this Article: 1'iovided, he sball have regls7 tered In accordance with the term of this section prior to December, 1006. The General Assembly sball provide for 4 permanent record of all persons, Who register under this lection, on or before November first, one thousand nine hun dred and eight; 'and all such persons shall be entitled to register and vol In all election by the people In thhj Stale, nnless disqualified onder section two of Peru na St td it mi Co., " 1 had la gripie for three successive years; it seemed to Ret a tighter hold on me each year. It see mod I waa in the jaws of death. What had helped me before xvould not do mo any good. 1 saw an advertisement of l'c-ru-na. I procured two bottles and it cured me. 1 have not felt any symptom since. Vou may us this in any way jou pleas." , Ask any druggist for a free I'c-ru na Almanac for Ihe year IH1I9, Ever )Ucef on Uii market J Thro Good a erf hrmfrht M- . rrct from the factory ml are faiily the "Best for the ; Motiey" in the oil. ., - We a e itoiiaUtit j ad. ling lo our Stock of XaXfOr TOBACCOS and purchasers mould do will to look i.s up when in 1 ml, We had I o arrive by Schooiu-r, a car lond r.f CAIi BAOE BOX NAILS AND OTIlKIt SIZKS. Io not forget that we can give you Bottom Knurrs on Sunie. Alfo few nice N. C. HAMS, they arc "oing rapidly, so odiuo early and avoid ihe "rush". vi; MA 1 SSaekram I i M MAT 1)0 YOU WANT? It mutters not hut Kiniyert, )iumps, ftirni and factory untchiiiery, cunning jwii chinery, nursery stock, evaporators, farm and garden, implements, wire fencing, market (imitations, fruit carriers, books, fancy-stock and poultry, insecticides, farm lands, any in formation, farm and garden inventions, household articles -uiutliiiijr. You can advertise for it in the weekly AM KIMCAN KIM' IT i l.'OW Kli.V JOURNAL FREE OF COST I Ynn'will gel answers from many Miun es. It will save you money in the purclian'. If you want In get a month's trial subscription lo the hest weekly hiiitii iilliirul trade journal in Ihe world - the farmers' great l.u.siness paper- send ten ceiils In pay mailing exM-nse.s. Suliseription price $2 0(1 a year. Address, AMERICAN nUHT (JltOWK)' J0U ItN A I , Al!rtiil.i, da , or ( hirapo. Not one child dies where ten formerly .,h, . . . r.rOTWed tucb persons h 'Jl ,. Ir t- l l I 11 " 1 . mcii ironi croup. 1 eopie uave learueu the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use ll for sever lung aad throat . 1 troubles. Il immediately slop cough ing. Il never fall. F S Duffy. A Nvl Farm, ( apt. II. Wade, of Loochloosa, Fla., Is making arrangement for a very novel farm for Florida. He ha pnrchaeod a 00 acre tract of land near the lake, which is now onder water, but which may easily be reclaimed. He will hare tbe proper dltche dor and arrange for larro canal, dam and lock. ' When a bare paid their poll lat a required by law." ',2;SH:' The remainder of tbe act provides tat canvassing the rctorns for State offlcerr congressmen and elector,. . prescril penalty for performance of the duties set ont for olllcer of the eluctlon, and make other reneraJ regulation of election, .--i.-'f-'i'-,, prominent Instructors in tint ancient seal of learning at least they do not appear in the extract published by you and to a.lci to Ihe list ll may be well 10 piint them too. Alou.o Allmorc taught for many years In the Academy. Ills school was con ducted on what wss called Ihe "lancas- Iricu" plan, one effect, al least, of which was to make his pupils very accurate in spelling, as some of them, still living In Ne Rem, can testify. Mr. Aitmoie hail great fnilh In the texi: "lie that spureth his rod lintel h his son; but 1. that lovelh him chastenulh him be limes," and lived fully up loll; and of this fact, too, possibly' some of the said pupils may also have a lively remeiu brance. There were no extras in the school, it Is thought, but it was said of il that "Hogging was gratis and regular." Mr. Attmore was an uncle vf our neigh bor. Dr. George Atlinore of I'amlico counly. Mr. Allmore was succeeded, in the f,.riies, by the Kev. William N. Hawks as prim Ipal, with, al ililleicnt times, Uev. Kordyce M. Hubbard and Stephen K. llrownwcll as assistants. Mrs, Wallace comlucleil the primary depart ment, and her daughter, Miss Mary Wallace, the school for girls Itev, Win XT Hawks was a brother of Kev. Dr. Francis L. Hawks, the historian, both uallves of New Bern Mr. Hawks for many years was the rector of Christ Church In this city, Afterwards ho sets lied In Columbus, Georgia, where he died. Like Mr. Attmore he was a firm believer In the efllcacy of corporal pun ishment, as this writer lis cause to rec collecl. Hi grandfather, John Hawks, was tbe architect of Governor Tryon' "Palace,'' having come from England to superintend that work; Later John (lawks was Secretary of the Coloulal Assembly. Francis Hawks, son of John and father or Uev. Vm M, Hawks, was Collector at the po. t' of Mew Item, an appointee of President John Adams and successor of Major John Daves. Uev Fonlyce Mr. Hubbard and Steph en E. Ilrowueli were of northern birth. Dr. Hubbard who was also rector for a long time of Christ Church, was after- wards Professor of Ancient language in the Uulverslty al Chapel Hill, lie died a few years ago In Kalclgh. In later day a Dr. bicker, and Mr. A. F. Neville Kulle, were teacher" at tbe Academy. Mr. Uolfe wai a brother-in- law of Mr, George Ulshop of oar city. ' A prize ha been offured to the pret nmdU of ihii 1(iiw IWn t'Aeadamv for r-i 1 - . Ik. lAf Kl.ln r,f 11, ! vunar.l,U Inklki lln was p.mvi vwam -' tnilon of date 1734. In preparation they w 11 do well to study carefully. I'rof. llal lie's Helen of that Academy, f,, Gbaham Davis, OOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOO OOOOV 0 o ....Fair Week, o 8 O OOO Ac lie Priparation hns Iwen nude to i.eeoinnii dale our .lt of tuwn cnslolM is. All ili' 111 1 tut iris coinplile iiinl Ihe l-oi-t I'l ices ci IlipiiHl.le with Uu il Quality. Corsets SoleAneicv for tie Cclebialed W.H. mid H OMIt-OVH GLOVE FllilNG. Long r Him I Wnitl. Uln-k r While, i no. Funis Waist for MIffcs ni.d Cl.i dun, 7.rc nnd ifl 00. Shoes and Oxfords Our PprinR Lli.e for It 19 Is con li tc llli nil tic w il apis 1 f Oxfoiila in 1 1. lb block and inn. He I live rule ! 1 tbe DKKW, PrLHY A CO.'8'nMil.e ofTlioi s ml Oxloids, i"l e uarraiil eiiry mh lo five goi d IttTViie 1'iii l li 11. 1 f.O to 3 00. , ... I!..)S si d Gills Cxlcitls ai il 811 dnts in Ith iln'lm. all 1- 60c to 1 lit'. ' We canv a vwy large line 1 f Phcis 1 1 all kit b 1 ml i y instances we retail Hit m afWin tly Vliiiloiile piici s. 'Bakter the Jeweler ia fitted up with J Sheer, Bedalla, Mo conductor oa electric street car line, write that bis little dsnghter wa very low with oroop, and her Ufa aved after all physician ha,l tmiA a-.iI hr Uilnr f)oi IJInuU 1. mia 1.. 111 mt 11. 1 ' ' " """" """" " v Cough Cure, r 0 Duny. ibiiu, puitiu . .jym mm mr huwi water a condition will necessitate, lie I confident that he can sari any kind of plant oaring w coxiest weainerv i ni The wfco wu fonn(, to UmicV, -er.r uee, man. TwUy B,gl, ur,de( .n.plcloo. Klorhl.o. sn .xw.sIt. sel. but not- clrcllmW,oreii d tfA from lboa wlthslandlng this lb captain i certain wbo htd Lm ol yel c,aght v ofsncoes. ' . Tbi on Tuesday night caosi -. -. 'quite an excitement on Middle atiwet, g Kid Gloves D We have sold iiioie Kld Glow ihis si an 11 thnn nr ft 'ee (tiven In tu r xaliio II i.n CM 1 lor il.t ) JJ KMlislai tlon. Mule I lit-link, 'Inn, Ibiwu or I i 1 D i lavp or Kot.Hr lln k. r.5c i.nrl (I l air. g Men's Furnishings Mo I . foie. ll 1 in- 'IVMI n II o D O o iuiiiisbiim lor 1111 n sold ft nl) u lhy On Vl 1 11. our stole in pi.riuuliir. Men's While Hilils, unlncndiiid, 50c. Men's t oloird Sl.iilK, ndmid frnnl mil 1 Llo7.V. Mca's Box, splendid va'ue. All l.ini u ollarr None Im Iter al any pi ice. 10c. Pprire Fhnrxs and Cnlcra of Nei kwi iir is just in anil tin 3 nie very iuliy-Bow and I li.bTies, 2V. rnlls ami Imperials. Me. o o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o BDre D O a. o o o ss Goods rk nm. rwH. Htnrk Is Ihe most in rorlnnl ri.e in this stow and ibo Mitnirlh of Ihe DiesHGmds rmls on our iiipub lini'if Blnck Gooda. Black la our spcrinlty a-d I. w piiies Mir bobhr. 1 be line nnliriicci Mi hidr. hlcilmi , Funis, l"- riHlas. Broadclolb. Vnrtians. &c si.ii ii.Ik I'm li vi e !ffJr for Fair Wf.kOi.h-ALL a OL H INCH bll.liK, 86 IikIk-. wldb.T tjf KNVsfiy E IF Hr.". ar v . stm. - oiSotivehiflPms.' u j 3 , '. . 11-.. 011.1.. m. f I am w.i. r. nf Vnw Ite n. rnnnu le I O. 4. . marling mini r imm, In New Brio color, 24c each. o o 0 OOO Hectare's MasailM far March. , A ii-winiinl f -.1.1. .1.. .11 ..... -...l. V TrtnU' 1 . ; : ' ft lH IMVf VWVWImi, Vlwi ww w.-we j g , will appear In MoClure" Magaala for March, with numerous picture! Ilhutra ting Interesting tperirqenl and the whole process of mAoufecture. If liquid air prove to be aU that It now give promise of being, Mr.Trlpler ba found annlvertal motive power that I Inei baostlbl and practically coatleaa. 1 l . .. ., - ..... --...": 1 Mot fet CmicM. . Wnntf d nt Onve I "Glvem allver regulator and lean hot being fired a tbe negro ran, but ba Good live men to ll 8ln)fflr Hewing lla- T 0HEEN. rresident, ,.t.i. ih- Art.t ut.l . Ti. ih,.mh .n .lie. w.. : " I chine In Craven, Joort, Onslow, Crtef-' ' , nvc.u 1..1, OABVOflXA. ' ' Bsanla ' ' fllnMfin Ht Alnrfl iottfJU ttgaata o D o o o CI D o Hi o o (X 19 o o a o n o 1 o 0 1 THE NEW BERM MUTUAL FIRE inSURAriCE CO., OP NEW BCRN, N. C CAPITAL, 050,000,00 WDOia A GENERAL F1US INSURANCE HU81NRH8. a costly and complete set of tool to do ' regulate th world," aid a genius.; The escaped through n alley way, watch work In all Its branches, we do It druggist banded bin bottle of DeVltt'r The man Is said to be knowp but be .1. rt Aiiriin f!n . AnV and for sale b , writ and euarsntra It. flnewoik isour. Little Esrlr Riser, the famous little hail ant been found vesterdar. a'.thoUtfh all druglals, at 60 cent per bottle. . specialty. .,v ;;'-'-',iil, FBDuffy. ' ', ' eurcb was oiude for him. , . let and I'amlico ci.iintli, N. V. Must UJCUituai uw.ri, r.irulnh aAUUlO Bond and homr. Al'Dlv I - hail not lieen round yesterday, although tu or ddre W. B. MoUmkooh, 11' n I V l K l f N r.m'lkvnt MM.h...n.ul. for him. Ncwbem.N.C. J. i. wULf EHH1" IJU11, W. B. rtLADE8,VKIC,Iwl. JOHN DUNN, I ,. .Si OVER CITIZtKE DANK