wit!i 1 Mftml "VOLUMI XX!. " KIWBtRK, IR4TIS COUKTT. N. f. TUI80IY. N 4 Rt'H 7. I89S- NttT SECTMN. LlbH; IHi V HO JOKE m. Sol General Assemlj Will Cltau - Hatterx Up. Seaater Osbene's Great Speerh. OU A. ft M. C. Dlreelora Mast Leare, Ta Sell Llqoor AUaa tle Dotal. Jim Crow t!ar Blll. . JOORPAL BoRRAU. - Jaleiifh. N. C, Muck 4. J - Thlt Is the last day that member of the Legislature cap draw pay, ha alxty days allowed by law expires and for the remaining days or the session the labor mast be ooe of love. The end Is not In sight yet, iiut the ruo9t Important mat ters have been decided upon and the details must now be set In order and the . rabblsh cleared away before adjourn ment. This may lie Tuesday, perhaps ' not nntil Saturday. Speaker Connor says be will see that nothing is left un done and in confusion. Echoes of the great Thursday night and early Friday morning figul over the Wilsons wero still lingering around the Capitol yesterday. The great speoch of Senator Osborne at two o'clock in the morning will be long remembered and the great personal influence of the Ben ator from Mecklenburg In kecurfng the result, aod as It Is called, the final vertbrotv1 of Itns.ell-Bailertsra, was commented on. The result ""was no dubt mainly duo to Osborne. A bill was passed yesterday In regard to the A. & N. C. Railroad,-providing that in ram) llio present diree. or i f lliej road refuse to mi r render to I lie lumrd le cenlly appointed, tfle Itonr.i of lute pal Improvement kIihII Im've power lo lake -control. The SeiinU) vestenlny waj in considerable) disorder. The Senators were in bad temper, up too lale the night before, and there was much had ('cling shown on trlval mutters. For the first time none but mrmbers and employees were admitted to the clmmbtT and the l'residunt was continually calling the Senate to order. In the House the attendance rs smaller than usual and little dignity was observed except by Judge Connor, who Is aways the soul of propriety. His courtesy has been so uniform that yes- ' lerday the following resolution was" fo troduced by Jobnsirrvof Sampson: "Re solved that the thanks of the House of Representative are hereby tendered to Hon, II. O. Connor for tho able, impar tial and dignified manner in which he has presided over thjs body during Its session of 1890." . A bill to allow the sale of litiuor at tne Atlantic Hotel at Morehesd City was . opposed by Russell, who said if it was amended so as to embrace four months. This amendment was made and the bill passed. A bill wi introduced to prevont trans fer of caws from State to Federal court. One of its provisions is that a license of any foreign corporation which ap peals be revoked for 8 years. Allen of Wayne, said the bill was unconstitution al, and a bill covering the matter had been passed. The bill was t ibled with out objection. The bill naming additional Justices of the Peace for Craven County, introdu ced by Senator Bryan, passed snd was ordered enrolled. Clarkson Introduced a bill to esiabllsh the easttirn district criminal court, and ft was taken up .at onco. It in braces 10 counties of Mockledburg, Craven, Warren, New . Hauorer, Edgecombe, Robeson, Halifax, Cumberland and Wil son. It at once passed It, readings. The western criminal circuit Is new compos ed of the 10 couotlo of Buncombe, Hay Wood, Madison, Mokwelt, Forsyth, Burke, Henderson, Yancey," Surry and Caldwell. v ' Vigilant employees of the railroads discovered that" the "Jim Crow" bill passed, knows) as (he Craig bill, provided that UtaJTaw should take effect Immedi ately on passage This caused a great commotio at the railroads arj not pre pared d provide separate accomodations BpoiKan Instant notice. An amending bill Vas shoved through both" Houses, giving the roads until June 1st to make their preparations.;' ' The urgency dis played to have time. to get ready shows Jhal the railroad people are going - to carry oat the provisions f the law In good faltb, a most weloome alga to peo ple of the -The election of Judge of -the western criminal district was held. Cratga nomi nated Henry B. Slovens, saylag he was agreed oa by all parties. lie received all the rotes save 1. 0. 0. Cherry of Edge combe was elected Keeper oi the" Capi tol ''sr&ArzttcT W' . The Vance monument bill passed the Senate, carrying ,'ao appropriation of $5,1)1 0. The Senate would liara been willing fo approprtata much mora but t r the foar that the House would ; Dot agree. Senator Bryan made a .strong speech lo appropriate double tho amouut DOUGH GYRUP V.';:i curt Cough or Cold at once. It pmilivfly relieves all throat trouble, fciuall doses. Priee 5 cts. at druggists. Uul It wst decided beet to let the f5,0uu sunstan4 . y The Demaoratio caucus last night men tioned the memaera of the new Corpora tion Commission, which succeeds the Railway Commission. The nominees are: Franklin McNeill, of New Hanover, chairman. Baiuiicl h. Rogers of Macon. Kugene C. Beddingneld of Wake. The ConinuHslonerof Agricultural was alo Velecteii. The nominee Is: Mr. Samuel L. Patterson of Caldwell county. Tuo number of candidates was large aud much lively canvatsiof! wa done. The friends of the candidates were haid at work and wheu they had done all they could they rcmaiued iu the Senate Chamber awaiting bulletins from the battlefield In the House. Congressman eleet ' Bellamy was pulling hard for McNeill aud got him through. Rogers had a host of hard workers who had been at it or weeks. The act creating the Corporation Commission will be amend ed so that it will go into effect early .in April within a few days after Mr. Mc Neill qualities The IhU way Commission will then ceaso to exist and Jlessrs. Mc Neill, Rogers and ISeddiuglichl will pro ceed to organize the Corporation Com mission. DEWEY CONFIUMKD. Orwlo Revlv1 tor Him. Privileges Wliloh His New Rank Will Give film. ' Washington, SJarch 8. The Benate today confirmed tbo, nomination of Rear Admiral George Dewoy to be admiral. The oflico of nclroiral litis noc existed until now sirico the death of Admiral David P. Porter. There was no such rank In the United Slaien Muvy until it was crene l fur (lie benefit of David Glasgow Kari'iigit'l tor disliiniil-bed Rer viA'i in tho'lvil win I y net. ol CmigreM of July S'i, lSWi. I (' (lied on Aiiijiiil 14, I87n. 1 ue next da., August 15, 1870, Unvid I). 1'ortnr m ominissioned m ad mi nil lr hi service-, in l lie civil war. Admiral Dewey i ilnMut-i lo bull lh;t high raiik sim a liiu death of Porter. The rank f rear-adinir it was .crea'-ed by act of O iigron.H uu .1 ulv Hi, 1SIJJ. Oi Devemtier HI, ISO I, tlie iiuik of vice admiral was created and Admiral Fai ra gut appointed to it. At tliU lime the rank does noi uxibt in our navy. bile tho bill reviving the grade of admiral for Rear-Admiral Dewey itoai not provide any perquisites beyond those usually attending an officer of that rank, if precedent Is adhered to the Admiral Will bo cntltfed to a large stuff alloat and a private secretary when he comes ashore. His present staff consists of u Hag lieu tenant and a flag secretary, but as admiral it will probably be necessary l or him to enlarge his staff considerably, with a commander or captain as chief of staff. Secretary Long's cablegram of con gratulations today will be followed shortly by a message directing the Ad miral to hoist his Mag as such, wear the uniform of that rank and sign all official mall with that title, the first order of its kind Issued since the civil war. When his flag goes up on the Olympia he will be the first admiral of the Aiterican navy who has commanded at sea since the civil war. An admiral on shore occupies a posi tion distinct from that of any other naval officer and is responstblo to no one but the Secretary of tho Navy. It is not believed that Admiral Dewey would consent to becomo the head of a bureau under Ihe department or take the command of a naval station liccaust of his high rank and tho fact that his pro decessors never did. Admiral Porter, Miowevur, was for awhile superewendajit of tho Naval Academy. Under the personnel bill the Admiral will be allowed a large sum for quartets when nut furnished them at a naval station. Ills rank, it is believed, would entitle him to over $l,0C a year for quarters alone, so th&t approximately the AdmlrAI will draw from tho govern ment about fl 4,700 u year, there beln?: no distinction in pay lor duty at sea. and. on shore. .There are few, If any flags in the pos session of the "Nuvy Department with tbo blue field and four whiu stars, In dicating an admiral's rank, but it was said today that the admiral' liaii lieu tenant had probably already set the uail maker.of the flagship Olympia at work preparing ana to fling to the truck when the rear admiral's riag ho hauled down .nJ tho senior ensign sent up. If the admiral ever gls a chanco to leave Manila with his fleet for the foreign naval 'stations in OhUieso waters, be will lie met with a re-.eptionv it is said never Wore acoorded an American com. mandor, ;-; X'i i Jo AmcMcMH Cnptiirrd. ' Wabnihoton, March 8. The follow ing dispatch bus been received by ttecre lart Algut front General Otis in, rinsWer to an Inquiry f i-oih tho Bceretiry'respect tna; the number. of f American prisoners beld the FUipluw l -4..' ."iisargtou have1 not iaken. tfoc do they hold a single prisoner of Wr. Tbey bave three sololers la ufaloles, picked np In January, who, without permission, went among them ' Jionr r tvlie and Caloooao. : 1 am looking after tbcra and nroviillnr money." " " . ' ,i ' ) 'Have captured ovor i.OOO insurgent soldiers since -February 4 aid hold the. majority as prisoners owar, ' Dotrl mental reports which retch the . Unllod Rtatoa manufactured ' iiWMtl lrt ,Hong TvODg, Troops Iter In ipleadkl r.omll tlon." ' -" V '- SOME LEAVE. Leiislalors Tirefl art No Pay For ta. Sunday a Uasy Day. Antl Trust Bill Gets Pigeon Holed. Ora tory for the Uallerlch Much Work Yet. Journal Bursa u. ) Ralsigr. N. C, March 6. 1 The last week of the Legislature is dragging along with everybody fagged nut and the members serving withont pay, as their 60 days expired Saturday night. A good many "inade a sneak" Saturday night and some were afraid that the Senate might not have a quorum today but enough entered into an agree went to make a quorum certain. Some discussion has arrisen as to the power of bringing back the runaways in case of necessity. Speaker Connor says they can be brought back tho same as unior a process of law. It would be a good thing to do so to members who goes off leaving some of the most Important work unfinished. Sunday at the Capital was not a day of rest. Senators and Representatives wero at their desks much of tho day and the clerks were working Hko beavers until Hours after midnight. There has boch a tremendous mass of legislation at this session, estimated at one third greater than ever before. The number of new banks and other corporations formed has lieen remarkable. Then there have been amass of trivial bills, such as to prevent fishing in certain lit tlo creeks or lo prevent -taking a drink within three miles of some countiy chapel. The revenue bill is iu the Senate today when the Senators get down to the sec tions imposing a double lax On railroads there may be some disturbance, and then again they may conclude that it is loo lale to send the revenue bill back to the IIouso and may let it slide through. The bHl w as begun on Saturday and is of course very long. The anti-trust bill is some where in the hidden and mysterious depths of a committee pigeon hole, whether it will get out to tho garish light of day is quite uncertain, There will not be much mourning except among a certain set, if It never gets out again. 'Not bo cause people are opposed to trusts, but as hits been shown it is hard to see where North Carolinians are oppressed by them when they do not flourish in this State and everything we buy, neatly, is cheapened by them. Tho Inclination to leave such legislation lo national legisla tors is pretty strong. If the sessions ends Wednesday it will tako hustling. The electing of officer) that required so much caucusing is about out of the way. A bill fixinir the counties In the Eighth and Ninth Congressional dl trlcts, as they formerly were ha9 passed all of Us readings. The bill as introduc ed repealed Chapter 307, Acts of 1SJ7, and transfers Catawba, Cleveland, Gas ton and Mitchell counties to the Eighth District and Davie and Yadkin to the Seventh District. It caused some worry among members as to the future political complexion of the districts affected, bnt all were more or less salltued by tbo re turn to former conditions. On Saturday the Soldiers Home was the occasion of much oratory, greeted with continual applause by the ladies In the gallery. McLean was a favorite with Leatherwood a close second and Davis of Haywood told how his wife's relatives had suffered during the war. The amount appropriated to the Home was $10,000; and for repairs and new buildings $5,000. Eighteen votes were cast against the bill, some because the amount was not large enough. The bills naming Justices of the Peace in many counties passed and is a law today. Craven county gets its new ones aiooz with the rest, but is not In the omnibus bill where most of them are in eluded. The Dutoh or pound net bill relattnar to Neuse river becomes a law today after being called hack twice. The State Guard gets $18,o60, and the Normal school gets $5,000. The Univer sity wanted Its regular appropriation of t.25.000 and $10,000 for water works. It was stated by the committee that visited the University that the buildings were entirely withont protection from Are and there was not enough water for or dinary uses. The usual narrow opposi tion to the University developed and tp saveVven the regular appropriation, the amount needed for protection was dropped and tha usual hill wag passed. Senator Osborne spoke somi good words fof the boys and thelf needs bat did not get the money. . ' ' .;-,"-.' The negotiable Instrument bill lata tba liouse. It If a big and Important hill Mtlrig much labor to prepare,, and' It vouched jbedforaetho right tbrtig by the ran In tho Uousep,, , Uwyei castoria; f; -. Tor Inflate tod Children; ' lha Ifcd Yoa Kara Aljeajs E:ug;ht Hears tha Blgnatnraof m 0. AsszivTnx'PvKk Makes the food moire delicious and wholesome sswa sows foiw oo., ww iw. VOTKi ADJUUKNIO WEDNESDAY Ilj House. Craven County Mill. Rati !. Textile School an t Tat Gros Earning Bat road Killed, Special to Journal. Ralkiod, March 6. The Act appoint ing Justices of lbs Peace for "Craven county was ratified today, also the An for a Qraded School in New Bern. The Textile School bill was killed in the Senate. The University of North Carolina gets $7,500 for water supply works, beside the regularappropriation. The Senate discusses the Revenue bill tonight. It Is conceded that the Graduated Tax on the gross earnings of railroads will be knocked out by the Senate before the bill passes. The House voted to adjourn on Wed nesday but the date is very uncertaiuas to be being carried out. Not one child dies where ten formerly died from croup. People have learned the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use it for Bever lung aad throat troubles. It immediately Blops cough ing. It never fails. F S DufTy. CHiANTIC KXI'LOHION. Magazine C'oiilainlniE 110,000 I'.. inula Of Towdcr Burnt In Franre. Al Li-at 041 I'crHotiH Killed. Toulon, March 5. The naval powder magazine at La Goubran, between La Seyne aril Toulon, In the department of Var, southern France, exploded at half- past 2 o'clock this morning. Nearly all the soldiers on duty at the magazine were killed and a number of residents of the surrounding district also fell victims. Forty bodies have already been recov ered. It is believed that no fewer than 100 persons were injured and that at least fifteen bodies are still In the debris. One hundred and ten thousand pounds of black powder exploded. It looks . as though a volcanic eruption had occurred, the country being swept almost bare for a radius of two miles, homes destroyed, trees overturned and fields covered wtjjil stones and black dust. Some of the stones that were hurled were enormous. One weighing 100 pounds fell in the town of Pont do Las. Signs of the explosion are evident in all the suburbs of Toulon and in the city itself. Kven at St, Jean de Var, five miles distant, windows were shattered and doors bat tered in. Late reports show that of llie seven sentries at the door of the magazine four were killed outright and the others se verely injured. A corporal was scalped and his scalp overhung his face like a veil. A largo number bf soldiers are now employed In clearing away the debris, but the work Is difficult. Although it was a clear night the explosion was so terrific as to produce a slight rainfall. The neighboring magazines ere iped. it is believed that the explosion originated in chemical decomposition of smokeless powder. There Is no suggestion of foul play. The whofo city of Toulon Is in mourn ihg, flags are at half-mast, the theatres are draped and the Casinos closod. Both the government and municipal authorities are forwarding relief fumU M. Lockroy, minister of marine, has telegraphed 10,000 francs (about $2,000) toward '.he maintenance of the fainiles of the victims and a public subscription has been opened here. J Sheer, Sedalia, Mo conductor on electric street car Hue, writes that hi little daughter was very low with croup, aud her life saved after all physicians bad failed, only by using One Minute Cough Cure. F S'Duffy- A Jump Iu Wage. Boston, March 8. Advices received today from several mill centres In New England makes It appearent that the action of the Fall River cotton-manufacturers, taken In voting early this .week to restore the schedule of wages paid la the cotton mills In 1807,. has be come general , . Following the action of the Fall River mills, tha mills In New Bedford, Rhode Island towns and other manufacturing centres of Southern New England, the seven corporations ot Lowell the Amos keag, Stark and Amory Mills, of Man chester, and tha mills at other places have decided to advance wages on Apriia.;" The Chloopot Mills, Farahamavllla Company and others already aafca made similar announcements, While up . to today Maine manufacturer.-had not aada any announcement, It Is under stood that some of them have tha wage question under consideration. ; Thus far cotton mlilremploy lug about $0,000 hands have doclded to restore tha ecbedule ot 1S07. ; - '"'-"v. ' t - 1 irafTM i r' THBilBIF t patBTHAT CUM ' Laxatlv Bromo Quinine Tablets re moves the eaust 'hat produces LnQrippe Tba genuine has L. B, Q. on each Tablet 25c.., ' ' Powder S5TH OMiKKHS. AprojrlaJttna Made AgfrrKt4l al,- 588.890,010. Cost of the War WI h Simla. Washinoton, March 5. The official statement. of Representative Cannon, of Illinois, chairman of the House appro priations committee, summing up the appropriations of hi Fifty-fifth Con gress, which expired at froon yesterday is in part sb follows: The appropriations made at the ses sion of Congress just closed amount, approximately, to $073,658,400, and show an apparent reduction of $219,573,00(1 under the appropriations made at Iht preceding session. This is attributable to the large expenses occasioned by the war with Spain that weie provided foi during the preceding Bession. "The entire appropriations made by the Fifty-fifth Congress aggregate $1, 568,890,01(1.28. Of this sum $482,562, 083 47 Is directly chargeable to our late war with Spain, or incident thereto. Deducting this charge from the whole amount of the appropriations the re malnder, $1,084,827,632 81, represents tin ordinary or normal appropriations maili by the Fifty fifth Congress. The approprlations.made by the pre ceding Congress, the Fifty fourth, amounted to $1,044,580,273 87. A com parlson shows an increase in ordiuan appropriatious made by Ibis Congress over those made by the Fifty fourth Congress of $39,747,000, but this appar ent increase is more than accounted for by increases under eight items alone, namely, for pensions. $4,000,000; for the postal service, $16,000,000; for rivers ami harbors, including work under contracts previously authorized, $3,600,000; for new ships for the navy, $6,000,000; foi beginning the work of the -twelfth cen sub, $1,000,000; for the Paris Exposition, $1,200,000; for new public buildings, in eluding the building for the Department of Justice and for the t-i c and partial construction of the new government printing offices, about $5,000,000, and for payment of judgments rendered against the government on account of French spoliations and under tho Bowman act, $3,100,000. BCHLKV WINS AT LAST. Will i"t Moro Pay Than Iteiir-Ailiii al HampiuMi Ami Will Alno Outrank llhn. Washinoton, March 5. The Senate on Saturday confirmed the nomination of all the naval officers promoted under the provisions of tho new personnel act The nominations followed the order of these officers In the naval register, in which Admiral Schley has always been two numbers ahead of Sampson. Under the navy personnel act there are eighteen rear-admirals, and it is pro vided that the first nine shall have the pay and rank of niajor-generala in the rmy, and the other nine the rank aud pay of brigadier generals. Fortunately, Rear-Admiral Dewey was made an ail miral just In time to give Kear-Adnilral Schley a place among tho nine rear-admirals who will rank as major-generals, and so he has etnerged from tho long fight against him even more successfully than his friends anticipated. ltear-Aduiiral Schley will now receive 7,5O0 a year pay with his new place on the naval register, while Itcur-Admiral Sampson, being In the brigHdier-geiicrnl class of admirals, will be paid $5,500 a year. These are the figsres for duty at sea. As a commodore, Uesr-Admirnl Schley's pay was $5,000 a year, on i e i duly, with a leduction both for shore duty and when he was on lenve. The officers who .lUtingulslio 1 them selves when the Spanish tleet was de stroyed off Santiago were recommended for promotion, but tho S junto did not act upon their nomination on account of tho feeling aroused by tho effort of the administration lo advance Sampson over Schley. The nomination of Assistant Constructor llobson to be a coustructoi also failed, although it was expected that prompt action would betaken In his case at least. Admiral Dewiy' M"K I Vp. Manila, March 8. Admiral George Dewey raised his Bag as an admiral on board the Olympia yesterday morning and was saluted by the gun of the forts, of the foreign warships, the British oroiser Narcissus, the German cruiser Kslserln Augusta and by the American ships In port. Washington, March 5 Admiral Dew ey yesterday cabled Bocretary Long ss follows: "Manila, March 4. "PlesJe accept for yourself, the Presi-i dent and Congress and my countrymen my heartfelt thanks for the groat honor which has beea oonferred npo nu."V ' ' ' .V'""-'- "DkwirV; 7 W - . , cciijur AxmoA salts. - -THE BE3T8AlVE1n the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Ferer Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and notitlvelr cores Piles, or no pay required.' It li guaranteed to gtre perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 33 Cents per box. Tof sale by, f, f.DnffYf . " ' HI 01 COM FRIE We desi rr to sa that we have laid in Tit the PALL AND " ISTF.U TUAUK ..ne f the Ijirget ami 1WH Aretu.i St. -k Of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TO BE FOUND IN NEW BERNE, A ixl wp respect fully ask for a larger Share of your patronage. U'e Miy in large iiiitif,iea from (irst hands ami .- y no middle hihii'k jirofils and are therefore prepi.r.-i lo sell you as low as any one. ' Wo hiiv.i jiiHt completed n lot of nice STABLES uih .i h.rge shod to shelter yo ir Jvoliicloa, which you aro welcome lo use Kit EE. When you come to the city Don't F.ul to examine our Stock 1 efore buying yonr Groceries. Respectfully, GROCERS, 78 Broad Street, NEW BIORXi:, W. C. Tobacco Guano N2 1-2-3 1 Xi:V TO B AX WO HU1M I5Y A NEW TOBACCO FCBJIHEA BUT BY AN OLD HOUSE Look Out for OSCEOLA Under North Carolina Tobacco this Season. It's Going to be Heard From. Call For and Try Osceola. Manufactured liy OLD DOMINION GUANO Ik, Branch, Norfolk, h AND FOlt SALE HV A 1,1. 0L1 DOMINION AGENTS EVERYWHERE. At New Bern Mr. C. E. Foy is Our Aleut, Culr ,v,nu 1 Lady Wi Is evidence enough that she is wearing a Perfect Fitting Corset. These can be tound Below we mention numbers : Warner's A A J1, price 00 War if r's :? :t 3, price 1 00 Warner's K K K, price I 00 Warners EKE, price 1 25 Warner's 4 4 4, price 1 25 Also Warnet's French Health, Fits like a g'ove, Viy CORALINE HEALTH We also have B. & 115 at 76c. They are A line oi broken sizes, $1 and $125 Cor t , sets. These are only 75c. ,In cheaper Corsets Girl; made of figured A 6 Hook well bound and extra long Cor . Bet lor 25c. UL3o Xz)a March 5, 1899. a Perfect Form our most popular 1 25 G. Corsets, Nos. 121 and well worth $1 00. we have the Flower satteen at 35c. v L , : LzJ ( i