VOLUME XXI. NEW BIKN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, FRIDAY. MARCH III. 1 899 - SECOND SECTION. ! i.KK 1 1' I Muse Number Bills Horritii Appropriations for Stat I nni U u tioai. The Joies-Powell Flgbt. Otao Wllsoa Bobs Up AffslB. Claims CoumlBslonerhli. Raleigh, Msrck 8 The Douse con curred in the Benste amendments to the bill uiaklug appropriations to I he school for deaf mates at Morganlon ( 10,000 for nuluieunea aad 7,60 firm addition to the buildings.) The bill making spproprti tiona to l he three hospital for the Insane was taken up. Jt appropriates $09,000 for main tenance aud $20,000 for new buildings for female patients; f4t,000 for mainten ance and $40,000 for two buildings for malo and female patients at llio Eastern Hospital at Goldtthoro; M,000 for main tenance, $19,000 for debts and $5,600 for repairs and additions to buildings. The bill passed without debate. Bill passed allowing the State Treas urer to lend the Agricultural and Me chanlcal College at Raleigh $2,500 for a sewerage system. Moore eaid he rose to perform a verj pleasant duty, delegated to him ly the House in the presentation of a cane to Reading Clerk Wilson for his prompt ness and courtesy and ability. Wilson made a apeeeli in reply and was heartily applauded. Council presented gold sleevo links to Journal Clerk Cowati. The sum of $jl),O00 n year fur tin: next two years was appropriated tin the port and maintenance of 1 1 u; peniten tiary. The Stale Treas.ii rer as an hor l.ed to pay $5,00)1 to the Value nioiiit luent fund and I'J.'iOO was voted the A. anil M, College for Hie installment i.l sewerage system. ' The Blind Institution was given an appropriation of $.13,500 for maintenance ami $15,001) for repairs. The act making appropriations to the Stalo hospitals passed. The following are the tunny: Stale hospital at lialeih: For support and in ilntenance, $55,000 a year. Kor paying indebtedness, $0,511).. 9 ; for enlarging stables and barn and repairing administration building, to change water supply and for store-room and cold storage plant, $5,500, Stale Hospital at Morganton: For support and maintenance and necessary repairs and Improvements $100,000 year. For a building for use of female patients and a building for colonizing male patients, $10,000 a year for 1808 and IUJ0. Htale Hospital at Uoldsboro: For sup port and maintenance and necessary re pairs and Improvements, $45,000 a year An amendment to the school law was agreed on by a conference committee, by which In rase a holder of a teachers' certificate for the normal schools, Pen body school, etc , fails to teach schools for three consecutive years it shall lie void. Holinan introduced a bill to allow the Railroad Commission or the Corporation Commission to assess property which has escaped taxation. A bill passed yes terday which gave the Railroad Commis- mlssion this power, but which did not give It to the Corporation Commission Holland, of Wake, Introduced resolu tion No. 2,04. that Robert H. Jones, of lUlelgb, be summoned before the bar of the House and show cause why he Is not guilty of contempt in assaulting Hepre sedative Oaston Powell. McLean, of Harnett, said that such an offjuce to be contempt had to be committed in the presence of llio House. Doushall said that the member was attacked In the entranco of the House. He said that it was an abuse of the f rlvilogo of a mem ber and of his privilege of voting. Clark son said be agreed wilb McLean, lie moved to indefinitely postpone. Over man said there was not time to take ui - the matter; that at all events It ought ' not to be tsken op In the shape of spe cific charges, and that Jones was entitled to counsel. He cited the McAdcnaod Pearson case a few years ago. Powell said he declared himself innocent of any attempt to do-wrong; that be had done a much as he could; that he had never had a fight before; that he left the mallei In the nanda of the House. Overman said that be deeply sympathised with Powell, but thought the courts should attend to the matter. The Speaker asked Overman If a member passing from one hall to another was not within the verge of the House; that this was his view Overman said that this view was correct. McLeaa said he wanted the House to - show lis opinion that Powell was guilty ' of no offence but that he had most prop ria defined himself and successfully. s Allen, of Wsyae, said that It must be ' . understood that the privileges of mem ,. hers should not be Infringed" upon, and that they must betfully protected (or any vote they might take. Clarkion's motion to Indennliely postpone was then adopt ' L f . : : xV;V;7v tyi In the Senate the revenue act came up Wet 1 COUCH SYRUP Cures Hoarseness ind Sore Throat. It Is the 1H nmdy for stubborn enhU. Baall doses, frioe M ots. t druggists. trn n a a special order. That part of sui t ion SO. which provides that all persons or firms who buy and sell horses or mules as a business shall psy an annual tax of $25.00 to the ; State and no tax to the conn ly was stricken out. An amend ment to section 28, offered by Senator liittl r, was adopted, which provides that IndlvMuaW, firms or association con ducting the business of buying or selling merchandise or produce, or manufactures Of any kind, shall not be required to pay tax m commission merchants or brokers An amendment to section 30 was adopt -ed. It, provides that when the rspiul stock of any laud company or corpora lion shall not amount in actual value to more than $70,000, the tax imposed by this section shall be $35.00 and no more. Provided, that ouly capital stork sub scribed tor tliail im laxJ heie. The Revenue Act, as amended, then passed final "reading. Bills passed In supplement the art changing the terms of c.ouu in Hcrlio and Craven couniics. The bill to Authorize the corporation, commissioners to assess railroad, tele graph, canal, steamboat, express, sleep ing oar, car lines or any "ther t ranspoi -taiion company that have escaped taxa tion, passed Fluid lending. Forty days ao and pending his hear ing by the Legislature of Coventor Rus sell's reasons for icmovin him as rail way commissioner Otho Wilson place.! hid resignation in the hands of i In- House, to be accepted as soon as his case was disposed of. Last Tuesday night it was decided lhat his removal was illegal. His resig nation was llteu accepted. Yesterday his attorney created a great sensation hero by going before the railway commission and protesting against the nssiunolio i f duties ly Samuel 1.. Rogers, who wa i elected h i lie l.egi-latin e as conuiib- ioncr a-, sut c,'sso- i.. iIm.m, in i jn- gr.M.n.l thai Wilson n .i raiiwa com missioner and lines 11 l i.i It 1, M I i lie '.ilte. file a I'm ney says ho .u me i nis si aie- Ittctll W llllOIH list II s UllDU .(.. c. Chairman .tames V . Wu.on then an nouin uil ih.it h i had repeatedly la-en told by Olli.i WllsnU lil.ll nls usij. h.Uln.i was wiilleiiiu loo. I laiili and s,, , ((.'ha rinaii Wilsoi l i . . i n s -it i Rogers as duly elected aim ' j ...il ...( I . wtiio , ,. son's lawyer says he will commit the right of a sucecs.-.oi appointed by Gover nor Russell in case the courts decided I lie ael abolishing the railway commis sion unconstitutional. Commissioner Abbott will bring suit, as stated, to test this matter of consul u- lionalily. A bill passed the Legislature giving extraordinary powers to the newly cre ated col poralioti commission in assess ing property which has In any escaped taxation, also a resolution providing lor a thorough investigation or agricultural lepartment and penitentiary. The House passed the- Senalo bill ap propriating $5,000 for a statute to Z. li. Vance in Capitol Square. Appropriations for the insane, aggre gating $345,000, were made; also $11,500 for schools for deaf mutes and blind. The House concurred in the S- iiale amendments to the Stevens unit trust bill. These sliiko out llio very ohlcc- tlouublo liflh section; fho contract for the public printing was awarded to Edwards & Hiougliton and E. M. L'zzell, of Rnlelgh. The House agreed after many hours conference to all the Senate amendments to the revenue act. These, strike out the much talked of 2 per cent, tax on gross eirulngs of railways. The House ondci whip and spur i.doptcd these sec.ii.ins, but after long debate, the Senate struck Ijiem out. The House and Senate adopted a reso lution to adjourn until the second Tues day in Juue, 1900. J Micer, t-edalla. ilo conductor on electric street car line, w rites that his little daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after ail physicians bad failed, o.ily by using One Minute Cou0'h Cure. V S Dully. The rrouMmit to Take a Trl limit Ii. Wahiiinuton, March 7 The l'rcsl dent today deQultely ilecidod to take a short trip South for rest, his desiln uion being ThomsBvlllc, (lv, wheie hdrwlll be the guest of Senator llnuna. The President will bV accompanied by Mrs. McKInlcy aud somo'oftbclr relatives who are at present stopping at the White House. It Is the purpose o the President to make this trip one trxclnelvely for rest, so be will make no speeches and hopes to bo relieved of public attention as much as possible. It Is possible that if the weni.Ii jr fav on, tho l'rcsidcnital party will go ic Savanuah Lrom Themasville and going; board the Dolphin mako a short voyagu Id the warm waters of Florida and Geor gia. A CarulliiB rrmao l. Coi.umuia. ft. 0, March 7. Central, western and nonuero tkm'h Carolina experlestried more blluard wuntlior yes terday and todsy, the day preceding be ing characterised by spring , woalhur, with the thermometer at SL V ; ' In eome places thonwrcory "went ai low M 10 above xero. Dure It reached . 80, and has not been abovo fro slog In twenty tout hoars, ; The cold bss been scoompaqled by severe northwest, bids. Reports ,f rem' venous points bring news of brief, bat henry snowlalln, ' and statements to tlie rffeet that fnrmcr be Uove this spring f ree ae hilled til the fruit tai Trgetab:ciop.- . " ;f , IRK IS OVER. Hardest Body Legislative Wort ers Ever kmMii All Join In to II Mp at Closing. Four Big Bills. Good Feeling at ( luse. (iood Appropria tions For Schools. Journal Hctikac, 1 Ralugh. N. C,, March 9. ) Now that the Legislature of '09 Is a thing of the past, the estimate of its Work can be" arrived M. There was probably never a more hard working or e trnesl set of law makers. Karly and late with short intervals for meals and sleep the framing and discussing of measures wont on. For a week the clerks have scarcely slept and on the night before adjournment the offices were occupied all night. The members of the Legislature joined in to help life clerks. At the closing scenes it was the usual thing for mem bers m be at the desk helping, 'flic reading clerk in the Senate lost his voice entirely and on the last reading during the signing of bills, Senator (ilenn stood at the desk and read aud read and other Senators did the same. Senators Smith and Wilson were in the enrolling clerk's olliee comparing bills until-n m. It was a push lo get through and adjoin n at thu time agreed upon. The necessary changes from fusion legislation made tho work very heavy 1 he four big bills the revenue, machin ery, school 'and negotiable instrument lulls -only went to be copied in the en lolling clerk's ollicc Tuesday night, and a force of twenty clerks were busy half I lie night preparing them and they were signed and ralilied only an hour before the end of the session. They contained from ten to twenty thousand words eat li. The business like finish of the session with a clean calendar was a con trast to former sessions when tl has hap pencil that acts were being prepared to be signed w hen word arrived t hat the assembly had adjourned. The end was also remarkable for the good feeling displayed. Lieut. Gov Reynolds as President of tho Senate was greatly praised for his conduct of the oltk-i-, and tho testimonial presented him by political opponents shouhfbe more highly prized than one from his own parly. Short speeches of farewell were made by Senators Travis, Jusllco aud Daniels. Senator Fields said tout the signs of the limes arc propitious; he had actually seen the President of the Senate accept silver last night. Senator Glenn laughingly called lo mind Mr. Reynolds expressed wish lhat he should meet the same men here two years from now and Air. Reynolds said yes, that he was sin cere in what he salil that lie bellevcu the Democrats would be victorious iu lheuext election, and he couldn't imag ine auy better set of representatives than the body before him. In the House, Overman in his happiest style, presented to Speaker Connor, on behalf of the members of the House, solid silver tea service, "Take it home with you," ho said, as a testimonial of your faithful service. You have won the lastiiiir ieirard and esteem of all the members of this House. You have ad ded another star to your crown." There was great applnuse from the floor and galleries. Speaker Connor iu accepting the gift Bald this was the proudest mo me n I of his life. 11c expressed his pride and pleasure a having won tho regard of every member of the House. He said the House had discharged its onerous duties and done its monumental work ably, zealously and well. He was heart! Iv applauded at the conclusion of his remarks, which were made In a most loeliug style, The legislature could have adjourned at 1 o'clock but for an error in the anil trust bill. It was found that an amend nient had been overlooked, one very vital to the bill. At tbe last moment the' entire bill had to be recopied and it held both Houses nearly an hour. was thu last bill signed and adjourn ment was hvd shortly afterwards While liotli Houses were hanging upon lis arrival, the time was spent in merri ment. The Set! ale came over to the House in a body headed by the Lieuten ant Governor. Speaker Connor welcom ed them and some happy speeches were made. Singing by the members and the many ladies admitted to the floor made a merry lime and thon all went on their way, Ibe majority of members catching the sftcrnoon trains for vheir homos. Thore Is general rejoicing over the big appropriation of $100,OCO for the publl sohooU. If the legislate! falls to make the record of "ecoaomy" some were 10 anxious for, on account of. such appro priations, It will only be to the credit of Hcadacho Is often warnlfif that the liver to torpid or Inactive. More sarkras troubles may tallow. Fore prompt. etHclent cure of Headache and ell HwtmUHiW A- lood'c Pilla While they foose the liver, restore full, refulrt Sol loo of the Dowels, thf do not Tlpe or pain, do not Irritate or Inflame the Internal organs, bni hava a noaltlve tonlo effect. Sbo. t all dniKirista or by mall of . v. 1 Mood m vos ijoweii, si ess. nv?yA n Baking a ' a -v if I l xi m r AnsQumix'PvKE. Makes the food more delicious and wholesome the Democratic party and not l its harm. So also was the money given to the University. Good people aie happy over the resull. Representative Trotman of Gales county, who has been critically ill at Rex Hospital in this city for seme lime with pneumonia, and whose life has been despaired of for several days, died Thursday morning. flie body of the deceased will be taken to his home in (lutes county, and the funeral and Interment will take place there. Mr. Trotman was a faithful representative and formed many close friendships during his brief residence in Kaleigh. Representative McNeill of Brunswick, whose vote on several bills has provoki d criticism arose to a question of personal privilege on the last day of legislature, but he never completed his remarks and the House was none the wicr by bis fforts. Mr. McNeill said: Last week a measure in which I was Interested was brought up and a motion was made that it be tabled. I attempted to speak, but was shut off by the motion A member on this lloor made the remark that I had walked out of tho Democratic caucus and was not entitled to any considera tiou whatever. Some one had something to say about licnedict Arnold. I think it was the gentleman from liertic. This grew out of my vote on the amendment and the election law. I take that it is an insult to say that a representative of the people shall not have a right to think for himself. I make the point that it is a crave breach of parliamentary rules to arraign the motive of any gentleman in the discharge of ids duty. I UK JIUI' IKK 'I'll A I' 1IOKN 4'UHK Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets re moves the cause that produces LaGrippc The genuine lias L. II. (J on each Tablet c. Al.l. OVKIt NOW. llatiu-f Ailjiiiii-iis Hi Noon. I'l-i'sentM-lion lo Speaker Connor. All Ming To B.-lh.l-. Special to Journal. R.vi.ittoit, March 8 The Legislature adjourned today at 13 o'clock, noon, by the "legislative (dock,' the real lime Iieing seven minutes after two o'clock. Every bill on the calendars was dis posed of, and every act that was passed was ralilied. In the IloiiBe Speaker Connor was pre sented with a solid silver tea set, the presentation speech being made by Lee Overman, Mr. Connor making a happy response in reply The ladies were invited on llio lloor and the Senators came ever from their side of the Capital, all joining In singing patriotic songs. Tonight the last of the members of tli Legislature arc leaving the city. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ItKIIICKII AltMY IN Cl'IIA. Volunteer CoihiiihihIh In the Inland to he lli-oiia-lit Home mid Mnnterrd Out. Washington, March 8 Orders were issued at the War Department today for the Twelfth New York Volunteer In fantry, now al M stanzas, Cuba, to take passage on the transport Berlin for New York city, where the regiment w ill be mustered out. This is the beginning of a general movement for the muster out of all the volunteer troops stationed In Cuba. The administration believes that the tinfb has come when It can safely re duce the military forces In Cuba. The fact that the rainy season Is not far off is one of tho reasons (or the early recall of the volunteer troops In Cuba The homeward movement will be gradual because of the limited transportation fa cilities now at the disposal of the War Department. Tho various , regiments will be brought homo, however, as rapid ly as the available tioopshlps can make the trips between the island aud various ports II n the United Btstes selected for the disembarkation of the volunteer com mindr. There are now about 15,000 volunteers In Cuba, and their withdrawal will leave about 15,000 regular troops there to as sist In the establishment of s stable gor eminent on tbe Island. Ttn.lne.a tu IlMinln(. ZakmvilLk, Ohio, March 8. Notice has been posted at the Ohio Iron Com pany's plant announcing that all wages will be increased 10 per cent, on April 1. Tbe Increase affects about 300 men. Tbe plant was Idle for Bre years, but' resumed bout year ago, and bas all tbe work It can do... i. . WniTiasviLLK, Mass., March oWftis WbJUnstllle Cotton Mill and the cotton mill at Lin wood and Beundervllle bar announced an advance In wages, lo take place April 8. About 1,000 operatives are affected. fcWDER F1GHTIN4; Al.l. itw. Niltlven Kort r.l to lt.-li -:il llul 'llii-v 1 1 In Jll(l-i Ami Ht-ir. 1'h. ii 1 ii,--. Manila, March, 7 Generals lhqe and Wheaton determined this iiioihii.lt in clear away the Ki lipi nos in front ofiheii brigades near Manila. A gunboat under Major Grant, began shelling the natives position. Two companies of llie Twentieth In fantry aud three companies ol the Fiisi Nebraska swung In from t lie road In ilu waterworks, driving the Filipinos In aril the Pasig liver. The First Wyo ming advanced directly on the Filipino position in front. Meanwhile the gun boat pounded Ihe natives from the river. Capt. J. 1). O'llricn, of the First Wyo tiling, was shot In the w rist and ,Mjm I$e!l, of the bureau of information, was lightly wounded. Complete returns ol the wounded are not vet in. General Hale estimates the Filipino loss at 2!(l in this skirmish. The Filipinos also opened fire across the river from Guadalupe, killing Prival. Lovejoy, of the First Wachington, and wounding two others. They have bet n concentrating to Ihe east of the city ami will probably try an attack from that side. Their principal object is to cut i II the water supply. The American posi tions are strong and the attempts will louhllcss be futile. Manila, March 7. A detachment l Jeneral Hale's and General Wheaton's brigades was engaged this morning clearing the country in front of Iheii lilies on both sides of the liver, the Fili pinos having concentrated w ith the up parent purpose of cutting oil' the gani son at the waterworks. The natives bolted at the lirst'sign of the advance, but they separated inln small bodies whenever the jungle allind ed opportunltes and kept up a runninu (ire. l!y a series of lapid advances, fol lowed by Hank movements, the Filipinos were driven as far out as Guadalupe, on the right, and almost to Mariquina, on the left. In the afternoon General Hale's liri, adc continued the work of driving out the Filipinos from the country between Ihe reservoir and the wnlcrwoiks, a ance of about three miles. The country is now clear on the left of the river, but the Filipinos are slill in front of General Wheaton's line. Neai San Pedro Macatl they have been active lv alteniDtinir lo make the position ol the Sixth Artillery on the hills untena ble, the sharpshooters kcepir g up a I'm all day. Private Lovejoy, of the First Wash ington, was killed by a stray bullet Major Hell, Captain O'Hrlcn, Private! Young, Curran and Sparks were wound ed The Filipinos in front of General Ovenshinc's line sent out a Hag of tnu but retired when Lieutenant Koobler with two nicn advanced to meet It. I.atei they again showed awhile ling and s general, with two olllcers ami an inter preter, advanced When the Americans were within atout two hundred yards of the Filipinos the latter dragged rlllus from behind their backs and opened lire, but without effect. Hawthorn's P.atlery liied two shells, killing several of the unlives in the party. The heat Is intense, especially on the Urlng lines, where twenty live Americans were temporarily prostrated dining the day. In accordance w ith instruct ions to l he land and naval foices, a general order was issued today directing the l uileil States troops to give paitlcular attention to tho spociflc duty of furnishing full protection to tho lives and properly ol all German, Australn, Dutch, Italian aud Portuguese residents, and, with the co opcratlou of llio resident German consul to eive aid and assistance wherever nec essary. IS A SYSTEM BUIL0ER.6IVES APPETITE s CORRECTS THE LIVER. Chill tonic Is sold fctnetly on its Merits, It is The best Chill Tome at the xmallMt nrirt and your money refunded if it Tain to cure you. mBERTS mwt LeeareaVKt Wl3lJ nNeatMuie neo caoss, MusU without it.. TO OUR COUNTRY desire lo say that we have W1NT of IK TKAHK one nf tin GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TO HE FOUND A i U', I e ri-Sjii ct I ully nsk torn larger Ml iro ol your buy in liii fre iriaot iries from men's profits and nre therefore one. have just com pic toil a lot of nicn S'l'A I! I ,IvS uin snelter yo'ir vehicles, wliioii you :irc web- one U In n yon ciime to the city in- liiiyinj' vottr (i roperies. liesppctfiilly, McDaniol S Oaskil Broad iSlrocf, XEW BKICXK. TV. V. Q-gnt S FOR- SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR Notice our window, you will see the most up-to-date line ot Gent's Shoes ever shown in Mew Kern, at prices that will astonish you. Those Reliables, fun mid black vici kid Kugby Toe. ." 0(1 Willow Cull T.m, Kugby lues. .r ll fan and lilark, I 'lain toe, (XI I Icre is ) our chance. We have made ! reduction in a few styles of Stacy Adams. NOTICE THIS LINE.1 They cannot be duplicated for the money elsewhere. Men's Coloted Vlci Kid. Hull Dog Cap, Cadet Cap, English Hull Dog Cap, Plain Glolx- Toe. Golf Gut mil KxteuSion Soles, cheap at :i 5(1, Price 2 7r Genuine Kangaroo Sunshine Kid. Al ays bright A i . 1 1 strong as sloel. Will not crack And will not peel Looks wtll in pleasant weather. Feels well in wcl weal ber. Wears well in all weather. Pric e t March !, 1S9. '99 SPRING STYLES IN STRAW HATS ! JTJST o o o A beautiful line ot Neckwear, Negli ge Shirts, Shoes. In fact everything in the Gent's Furnishing Line. o o o I sell the Genuine Scriven's Patent Elastic Seam Drawer for 75 Cents. You have been paying $1.00. do o R H. Baxter 05 MIIDI,i: KTItKET. 8 r.T tin ,! I'., st .V Al.l. AND ii tcil Nli-c ks iia-e I IN NEW BUHNE, of i.i; riiticp. no in i 1 1 1 1 lo low us auv first hands mid tiay prepainl to sell you as ll.m'l l-'.iil lo exiiuiine our Slock Stacy Adams. Mpii'b Walliingfast Mills. London Cap Hals, l'lain Square Toe Gong, and Hals, Were (Ml. yours while they last ill :i 1" Plain Square Toe. Cong and Hals, London Cup Gong and Hals, for merly $ I (Ml, at :hio Men's Tan and ltluek Vici Kid, Kng by lap, (hdl Cut, English Cut Hack Stays, price Men's Hl.'ick Vici Kid, l'lincj Vesting Top, Cadet lip, price Men's lilaek and Tan Kid Kaucy Vesting To! cadet cap, pi iec L' 00 Men's Tan Kid Fancy Vi sting Top. anil Hull Dog Kugby, Ynle Cap Yale plain toe, price A Good Tan Kid, Men's Hal ;it 1 50 l sr Susy -V ...