V ,t it- ,1 u TflE WEEKLY JODHNAU EatafcUiu4;i87S. Published in Two irtions, every Tues day and Friday, at WS Middle Slreul, New Uern, N. 0. CHARLES U STEVENS, ED1T0B AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRUTION KATES: Two Mouths .Vtnit. Three Months, M Six Months 0 " Twelve Mouths, Jl.W ONLY IN ADVASl'li. Advertising rates liiriiishod upon ap plication ut the oll'ice, or up.ui union) t y mail. tg-The Joi'UNM. is only sent on n; in-advance basiH. SubscriU-r ul receive notice of expiration of tlieir uli scriplions, anil an immediate region-. ,i notice will .be appreciated l the Journal. Kntcrcd at the l'osloltii-e, fJ. t'. as second-class matter. IM-- li, eetion Two, Friday. Mar. 1. ls!" 1 WO DEMOCRATIC LEADERS LOST. IW it singular coiiiciil, r, -r, with the rinse of the F, f t.y-li (! h :.!.; ro the I eiliociatrt lo.-t a leader in e;ich II .UM-. 1,1 Ihe Semite, Hon. A. !'. i r man if Marylainl. c!.im- I a sei .c.. of eighteen year.-, oi.e whioli i-l.ti ,1. an a ti!eiidl,l ii'cnnl for I he i.i;;:. whom his State It ni mi Ion.; ho: ,,,, V bate vet S.-nalor t io; man s l.oi , i. lliay be, thei 0 can be no dispute u. to Ins gieattl('.-s s a Stutc.-ln.ili , I' -l iticiau, ami I, iw maker. Ills olhcial career h is i., , I. through a tt-t ni of years, n;t n,o, ,!,!, in liie aiil.al- ol I in- Nat I 'en; ocracv, an, I there is no ni ne piniin nei.l figure, none nunc ib-seiMi g ol c;e,!,l. for I h-liiue' al :,' sueeesxi s dor lug these eau-, I!'..,:: Arils.: i'.c ( i.irinatiY His elfoils ill b, !,..il" of I, s ...! s! H iieuts li i s ever b- -n lor i heir hc-l i ii t crests, an, I h,n.' h, ,-:i .v.in ', - ae,l unreiiiittiti;'. I n I he ranks of N.it ion::! I h ue or, lis, h.s wo- k ha-; 1 ecu in. n ke,i ioi Its i ITectiVcli, s a! eri'ieal iiuns, an,1 his ability h is teccivoil lee.-gn; lion by giving him Important trusts, And now his I'd II emel.t 111 a is a distinct lo:s lo 1) 'Mioeraev, iioth Maryland and in the Natl m. preseiilat ive Joseph H. I '.i .lev . of Texas, in the House has giw n notico that he is not a candidate fot Democnilie lcadcisiiip in the m i Congress. V bile ( oiigr, ssmau llailcv i.u ks inauv ipialltli'S of being a iincees.sl'u I leader, being csiuciiillv delieient in tact, letting his en t li us:. ism ovct j rulo Ins judgment, when jtidgminlj in leailersh 1 ii is m.it desiraldt'. etl be most be credited Willi I dements ( f leadership which have command ed the respect, if not a close follovvirg of the Democratic members of the House. Who the I lemocrats shall I'm, I lo till the places of (lorman and Hailey is a (picsl ion which will 1'uid an an swer later on, and yet whoever they may be 1 1i o loss of tin so leaders must have a nollceaulc ell'ect upon Hemoc riicy'u future. CONDUCT IN PtBLIC OrF.Ci. To the average every day citizen, who has his own business alTairs lo attend, to who votes his party tiekit with t he same sense ol public duty as he pays his taxes, the public of ficial, the ollice holder, is lo la i tit an unknown quantity. Anil yet no trade, no profession or occupation has bo many exact ions in it, neoda so careful watching ab the ollicu holder's. The ordinary rules for the mer ohint, the mechanic, the cleik are very si in pi -. They embrace honesty, good character and doing good unto all men alike. The oflioe holder's Rphere is more circumscribed. lie owes services to a few men, not necessarily any strict duly to the ollice. He must overlook the smaller things, and give close heed to those, which af fect him, personally. If do one complains, then robody caret, io matters cta ran along. Tb office holder abhors friction of any kind. Public odioo is given to be conducted quietly, and disturb ances, if thej mnst occur should only be in behalf of the party. The community want the office bolder to roo the office, aad pcr , nioious activity In attempting re forms, the correction of ' abuses ' should be avoided. It , is only ' the fellow on the onlside who lert COUCH SVQUP I Cures Pteumyand Pneumonia, . The best romody fur lung affections, Small doeee, I'rioe 23 ots. at druggists. the ijrcefkiij for rtfrrin, or recog nises ii li HiiV degree of cleiirni 68, that abuBet) nisi il, ilie community, or that it is wort h nhile to coirect vvsltiiii-, which lie tenants in the places of public t:utl l.oiil ale ood enough. The Oliico liobier'b conduct ill public ollice lias ilie ei,!,idi r"'e always in mind of. as lido mc, :'o t-hal 1 1 he! .n. Thrro slunil i be i:o bit aeh (.! yooil feci I i g io ti'i- coi..iiic: "I" publl- (lliee. IV a ;... il f. In.w. j Por,"t ;;i t ,!, T.-i . fi.iiu.v oil I 111- M l i i I II. ; oit-te,! :i election t . in . It is those rt. It s ii" strange to the vifpiiier, s ca.-ii v li i a i oi c propel t v of l he nl'.ice !.. It t bis coiul ic' ,-f j with iis ni :c.-', r 1 1; ; 1 1 in s I l. Cj iuvv l IK- ulars, ouit tet s of i i.,i i iTe; , others, wli'cb conl'.e theU!i:i:ii ed, but which to tin- ..Vi.v bo are simple and p!a;n. I L is I lie ,',! eel ct.i C ! i t e, II U in Hie wor.d au I yt Hoi. rea l) ,'Oiint.able to it. that givis Ciiann, that makes a ten do ollieo more o be desired, than dependent work onti-'de a: t,t, e amount, and it ';. the i ides ,.f i Sic ollice on t he A i.ei : ivliieli are su.-ii i im -'.el ; oil tsnler. plan. ', r rirALTi; wioijc ti:.:k cji-ir iss . ' Whiie ii:c l-e .1 :.niho ' aken no le I lep- ,: ol m, etioe I he d.,::j, i of le; , ! e i ! i a ' 1 d i e g 0 I Moil of cost, ought li..! eo.i-i lerat ion u ii:, :, . let loll. The u, '.ion taken to i e ag-'.i n.-t t lie ' in poi I at : hi n i- :t I ' 'iit, n;d yet ein.r I :i i:, e..i p,!,. ' ... : t i, s haw t e ivay .mail io , lb, o ;e, ;o ie ;i,c d icw-nt oil guar.! .-inali po i,,P. ny h,e IT, I tl.lt Hi ll I 1 1 not itu : i 1 the till, net,;, has hi. it htioHIC , spie; i II i he action of r Noiliek ri ot 1. 1 t hose pe I .soils I he oil V .ir e.is .1 i t Mil i, -I ispi',-; im, lea im' ' Olid. M) agui n,i ! tile I i I e ! 1 1 I il'.Mlt I lie j ;m i hoiit'c : I ! or foi a , a n i 111'. l'.-;hl fid!., a;,.. to 1 .ke .e net uai Fit ua! io;i m N roiKe.i Us li-iaid II, alt ( ,.v,:rv ran it at V pi can I ion tiiat uasi tn.s.s; hi e. t A, c i In:-; to i eo -I I.- r ; k has lat loll ,1 M ii i. ii:: i over 0 Ml of Its i.i vaccinated, and 1,'ieliinond, ; There .'.u: be vae.-inat io:i !- 1 1 no ouc.-tloii (hal saii.i.ny no'a.o: c o be taken. 1 1 in i v b li n : o iirv many ii I sou.-, w! n hie or inlelhg-'iil pi rsou w; late a mono lit in accept ,I:l' 'I Ollg b t t o be lln.de oi:: : n 1: abt .-el. :h Inosc win) hav e oul . I ' lack of sen. as an ex.-i: Hot being y..c. inated. Natit rally then- a, e man v and families who ,- ini,o: a! t. go lo a regular -io- lor and pav ;h ehargis of y a, ei mil ion , linufoit I h: necessity of the city au 1 hon; i,-.-providiug vacci 1 1 ;i I inn for cyerv o..e -illier free or at a low eiiarge. The ipiestioli of heal1 h IS far .-u pertor, and mote important lh in inisincss or tinaiicial eoiioidci ations. Tlcre is no ipiestioti tiiat small p. ix is now to be f hi ml in a uumhci of plain s in North (laroiin i. (loud health and sanitation areali imptrta:i;,, and the old saying of an ounce of prevention being wmtlj more than a pound of cure, is most appltcible in the pi sent case. The cost of local vaccination is easily to be determined. The cost of small pox within the holders of New lijrn cannot bo estimated in dollars. Catarrh Cannot be Cured With Local Applications, as they cannot reach Ihe seat of I e descasc. Catarrh la a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must take internal remedies. Hall's (. ntnrrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a ijiiack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifitis, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two Ingredients is what pro duces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, ftco F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo, (). Hold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family rills aro the best. Eiacencettiag Corny lacancy. "I should like to know when you are going to psy tbst bill. I can't come here , every day la the week." "What dsy would suit you beslr" Saturday, then you can call every perfectly safe for Children let for a quick remedy and one. that Is ns reeoft- wend One Minute Cough Cure, It !! excellent for croup, hoarseness, tkkllqg' In the throaand coulia F 8 Duffy. BRAOFiEUT&l FEMALE REGULATOR gives nature the mHd assistance needed for the regulation of the menses. It is of wonderful aid to the girl Just entering womanhood, to the wife, and to the wmn ep proachine or going through the turn of life. Women who suffer from any unnatural drain, any bearing down pains in the lower abdomen, falling or displacement of the womb, can quickly cure their troub les at home, completely away from the eyes of a physician. A few doses taken each month will regu late the menses perfectly. Larrc bottlM m14 by dr ucrbti for $ I . The Bradbeld RecoUter Compaay. Attnctft. ( I. CIIO ANSWERS. liming political csnipaipris the new paper jells for t lie politician until it get , red in the face; but when iloea the pobti ! inn ever whoop it up for t he ncwspnpci': A long, lingcriin; and lonesome 'echo' wi'.h :i giittera! sound, answers, " V hen here noes the newspaper noin reap any ie Hnl this side of the evergreen shores, j anyhow' lie en'ers a campai.;n w,ll, gloves olT and makes the hatk and fin j ilv lilit iiinl h'ft In hi burning ca' f tor his party and his favorite candidate I Ic take the chances of pelting in j il I for 11 iei. A street rullUn can stand on ! the comer and cuss a newspaper ''black j ,oi,l blue" and apply to it all sorts of vile j vicious and sbunlerous epithets. Yet the newspaper must tie niU'hty fateful what it sas of a ma:: in its columns. W hal has ilie present legislature--w iiii h ttie w hill' supremacy newspapers of Not Ih ( ai olins undoubtedly elected ,1 lle 111 tie lit 1 o, hi, 1,1 mailer ot I il ei r A lull was toeive new-papers a fail sliowin: Staiesv i but what became of il? The le l.andmaik, w hich, bv the way is one of tlie si im nchesl new paper in I he si ale, his Ibis to say: "Some lime 111:0 a libel law, vvhah nut t tic approbation of all new spaper nu n :,nd vv as int rodiieed in the legisla te i c and Us passage urged. Since then w e hive nevei heard anything of lne nieiisa re, .i 1 1 1 suppose Unit it is sleeping ni I lie sleep of ileaih. The newspapers are iiUl 1,1 v populai with the pollticiln ,ttiii,i.; 1 !,', uiipaign, lint generaMy when the c.unpaij n is nii'i ihey are forgiu ten." I he iliuiiiton .Messenger, w hii h j has a w.iyof gelling al the pit Ii of a I I ning. , opie.- Ihi- abov e paragtaph and aihls t he tollowillg- New.--iiapers haveniore to do in mnk iug iiie i e pu I at i,i u s of most poliiiciaiis, olliee hohiers ami seekers, lhail these men h:ie bt-en aide to d.i for I hemsclvcK. .Many a repnt al ton has been made by Ilie a. live urgency of ihe men of Ihe Kaber I n lot I il nalely said reputation has not been always wisely and justly" madc. i , : eeiishoro Telegram. ,,;,,- HOW ABOUT ASUBVILLE TOST- OFFiCi: ? Is Hi.! New llern .IniMiS Ai. right in sav ing licit an editor has no influence after he has spent himself in winning an idee lion'- Iicwngton Oisjaiteli. No Kditors, like oilier people, in the main get about what they deserve. De serve mind i oil. There may be editors, like oilier people, who want things they do not deceive, but we arc glad to be licve that there are very few such -Ashevdle Citizen. Tor La, Grippe. Thomas Wliitlichi V Co., L'4(l Wahafh aw, corner .lohnson St., one of ChieagoV o-ilest and most prominent druggists, i comnieiida Chamberlain's t ough Heme ,ly lor la grippe, us it not only gives a - oinpt and complete lelief, but also iiinteiacls any teudeniy of la irrippe ti ii-Mill in pneumonia. Kor sale by K S lu lly. No Flace for Bickerings A balloon club bus just lieen organized in I uris. j Well, let's hope the members will not I fall out. I . A Narrow Escape Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada K. Mart, of (Irolon, .S.I)., "Was taken with ,i bad cold which- settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in consumption. Four doctors nave me up saying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get King's New Dlscov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds I gave il a trial, look in all eight bottles It has cured mc) and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial hollies free at F. 8 Duffy's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and 11.00 guaranteed or price refunded. Quito Likely. First Serenading Idiot What shall we slug io awaken her? Second Serading Idiot (brilliantly) Wc might try "dleep my Lady Sleepl" For frcst biles, burns, Indolent sores, eczema, skin diseases, and especially files. Do Witt's Witch Iatel Salve stands first and best. Look oul for dis horn al people who try to Imitate and counterfeit It. It's their endorsement of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get De Wilt's Witch Hazel Salve. KB Duffy. Met Oaehel . Penman I wrote my last poem on a blank check. , ' , ' ' . Benman It was accepted of course? No; the editor wrote across ' the face ! of It, No, account. ; .;. .CfJ.ta'Xxaxt.XJk., s-.u SKltMt -. sf ; iu Kuis W Hsw Hhwyt Bought .rf""l - , ? JUNE 1900 PrtbaKc Dais ic Which the to islaiore Adjourns. No (iraduated lux ou liailroads. I diversity Well Itemembered. 324 Arts ltalifled In Tno Hum s. lut li Nets. School Bill. JoLKNAI. Hl KSAl'. ( Kai :on. N. C , March T. j All work and no pay is what the Leg islature is doing lo.biy and what It did yesterday. The limine passed a resolu tion to adjourn tomorrow ut noon and to meet again on Tuesday afier the second Monday of June l'.KM. The Senate has said mitiiiug ou Ihe subject, being too busy wading through the mass of malcaial lliiown upon them by the lions. If ihe big hills slill remaining can he enrolled and ratified the end will be lomorrovv, ten it is by no means cer. laii The Senate laeklcd ihe rev. -line bill in eane.'.st estciil.y and tuine,l ,hi.vu the sections ill 1 1 imposed Ihe iiaillialed i.icome ta. , n i.iilma.hs. Il uus a fore gone com ill-iiiii lo most p, oph- thai this w iilnl he ,lo:ie by Ihe Sen..tc, e i u while t 'ie House w ,s w i augli ni: o er l he tpies tioii. The House ineiulei.s who weie so anxious to pm il, ', loiil le lav are des poil, hnl as ihe Ho isc will have lo con cur in the change in Hie bill. The vnU in the House was (lose anyway and eno.igii will vole lo concur ith the Sena;,- to piss the amen, led bill. The bill will be linislict iuthe Senate and sent back to the House today. A II fi iends of t he t'nivcrsi! v were re joieed licit the Senate allowed the regu lar ap,,i opri Uion lo stand and passed r,.on e 1 1 a tor waterworks and protec tion aj.ain.st tire. President Alderman vasal tin- Capitol and watching the mallei anxiously and was ay and hope ful iller Hie passage of the hill which will I eeeme a law today. Finish, e annoiiiii cl that he would talk for his hill iippropi inline; tfiOUIMi for ,::,! el tlenel two years Willi which lo run the State's I'lixm. This is ee tirelyapail from the bond issue which is lo pay for tho delicti under the fusion rule ol i he peiiiieiitiary. Yesterday was a I i cmeutlous day for Ihe making of laws. The bills passed do mil become laws unlit signed by the 1'iesideiit of the Semite and the Speaker of li, i- House ami for days these bilis were b in:r accumulated and yesterday li.c enrolled copies were carried down ami signed. Two hours were reipiired to sign and read the titles of the I acta rati lied, piobably the largest number of acts ever ratified in North Carolina in a single day. The bill passed to aul hoi iz : tho issue of bonds to pay the pciilclitiuiy debt. Tiiis bill authorizes I he issuance of J 1 10, 0D0, 4 per cent bonds, payable 10 years after the 1st of January I sua. The Senate went into the foimal elec lion of Slate ollieers. This was done because it was feai ed that in the previous election of I he-e oihecrs the formal re quirements of the law hail not been complied with. Ilv toll call vote Frank McNeill was elected chaiiman of the railroad commission, and S I.. Hogera commissioner, s. I. B I atteison commis sioner of agriciili ;ne. The elec.lioi. ol the directors of the agricultural depart ment was conlirmcd by a roll call vote The bill to give Ih:: courts of this State injunction relief against foreign corporations pastel final reading, as did bills 111 regard to removing eases from one county to amnio r. The Dutch nets met their fate In the House. Tin opponents of this particu lar quality of nets had their inning. The act prohibiting the Use of Dutch nets along Hie b inks of l'amlico county pass ed after a light. The bill occasioned couiiderablo dis cussion. KcprcsonUtive Smith of Cra ven Faid that Senator Kryan was sick, and could not he picscnl, but lha the wan heartily In favor of the bill. Mr, Carra way of Icnoir said Dutch nets would have the effect of giving the peop e of l'amlico a monopoly of the lish business In Mouse river. He said that even now It was almost imppossible to get a good shad as big i as Kaleigh. The bill passed Its second reading by a vote of 21 lo 37. Mr. Nicholson of Beaufort objected lo tho passage of I lie bill ou lis third read ing, whereupon Mr. Winston stated that If members objected lo the passage of the bill al this late day in th" session be would see thai all legisla tion was h "Id up. The rulei were then suspended and Ihe bill passed ils third reading. The following Is tho full text of the new bill that removes the political Boards of Education sail puts the schools in the hands of tfllelont men: The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact: Section 1. That the folio a ing named persons are horcby appointed inemlters or the "County Board of School Dime tors" In and for their respective coun ties For Lenoir county, Dr If A. Whlt akcr, W 11 Nunn and W O Motel) ; for Greene, L i H Mewborne, L V Morrill and W M Darden; for Jones, Dcnj Brack Br., N M Dickson and A II While; for Craven, A D Ward, Joseph Klnsey and Daniel Lane; for Onslow J B Grant, 8 L Oerock and William Alorrlll; for Carter et, 0 N Mason, H It Bpringle aad Joslah Daniels. . Sect Ion 9. The Secretary of State shall within ten day after IU rallOoatioa of this act, send certlflei: copy of the mem bri of the county board of school dlrec- florl for the respctlve counties, to the I Clerk of the Bo per lor Court of each fflonnty la the States wbereapon the said '"trt shall Immediately notify each '' . .. a. I . . . meoiosr oi nis sppoioimeni ana direct said members to m;tlat the court house oa Ihe second Monday In April for the purpose of organising said board. Section tt. That I hit set shall be ia force from snd alter IU ratification. Supreme Court Oplalou. S, ecial lo Journal. Kalkiuh, March 7 The following opinions were filed by the Supreme Couil today : 1 Mi i tit pa vs Railroad, from Henderson, new trial. Tierce vs Hall road, from Rowan, af firmed. Parks vs Railroad, from Cabarrus, af- llrmed Slrslford vs Greeusboro, new trial. Itedditt vs Manufacturing Co , from ramlieo, error. Johnson vs llluko from Wake, artiirm !. ituckwilh ex parte from Johnson, af firmed. Insurance Co, vs Edwards & lirougL ton, from Wake, modified and stunned t HINUSK "lrKX IMIUK." This Country Will Make No Move So Ung A Our Trail Ia I ii.llslurl. ,l. W asuinoton, March (i The I'nited Stall s government has remained abso lutely passive throughout the execution of the Italian piocct lo secure an "open door" on the Chinese eoasl through the acquisition of San Muu Hay ami outlying islands. Some days ago United Slates Minister Conger Ml l'ekill, acipuaiuicd the Sta'.e Department wllh the fact that Ila y had preferred a request upon China for a lease of the spot relected, but he has made no report : luce and it is l ot know n ollicially whether or mil tho Italian forces have been lauded at San Mini. One of the highest authorities today, said: "The government of the United Stales will not take any steps in legatil lo the llalian demand for the cession of Chi nesc territory." In other winds, our government resist lug from motives of broad policy alluring intimations from other powers to Ihe effect that ihe time is ilpe for a raid by the I nil,, I Slates on some part of the Chinese coastline has dctei mined lo delinalely keep hands oil. tint one motive could induce the government lo change this policy and thai would be a desire to piotecl our enormously valua hie commerce with China from tin: dan ger of being completely cut olT through the gradual extension of I lie lease holds of European nations ever tho w hole Chi nese sea coast. So long as our trade is let alone, or Is at least allowed fair op portunity for developeuienl ami is not made 1 he subject of discrimination, io long will the I'nited Stales government refiain from any inlei ference in Chinese affairs. 1 M.ll'lNOs Ki l l I. ,111. Sharp Ullil Itlootly fight. YoliillI'M'i n CiiiiKht ill AiiiIiuhIi llolil Ini-lr (Iromitl. Manila, March ! Alter the natives had been iliiven oil i.isi uihl from in fr mt of Mai i'il i i ih.y wml back ,')00 strong ami cm oil a ci-uipnuy of the Fiist Nebraska oloiileers, who had a b ird light lo gi-t o.ck lo Ilie American lines. This too nil,-; ( .. Mel ni Hale sent out three e ,:i.ina i t the N.-t.r.i.-ka regl moil au.t i coiiipainca ol the Second Oregon n-l, Ige them I he Filipin os, w ho m. I,- holding a strong position a no g i in i . Ls, ti red volleys al Ihe ad vancin j v inei ii an , but the latter drove them over Ihe bills. No sooner was this light well under way than the Filipinos lo aollfli of the water winks, knowing that Ihe forces there had been weakened by sending troops lo .Mariiiiina, attacked the water works In the rear. Their object w as to cut off the pump ing station, but they did not succied. The Filipino tiro was heavy, and that the Ameiicans lol few men was duo solely to the bad marksmanship of Ihe natives The dead of the Filipinos numbered twenty live. Returns now in show live Americans wounded. The natives are putting guns in posi tion at several places. Yliiiitiri KIk)K. 1'libuil t-'lu. Hav vna, March 6. During a general fight on Saturday night among the men of Company K, First North Carolina Kegli.eiil, I'rivale Frank James of Stateslioro, N. ('., was badly cut with a knife and slaobed in the back with a bayonet. Howard Duckworth was con lined iu the regimental guard house, charged with ihe stabbing. James will recover. Colonel Tssker K. Bliss has Issued s statement that the cjusular ageuls are unable to obtain recogjilon or protec tion In foreign pons for the blue and while (lag recently designed for Cubau shipping, anil be warns Cuban ship masters not lo .proceed to foreign ports flying this port. Blase. "Well, Ueordle" said the caller, "what do you think of your new little baby sister?" "Oh, I don't know," replied the Prairie avenue six-year-old, with a yawn, "She's all right, I suppose. She relieves the monotony." Sepertle. Ills thoughts wouldn't let him sleep until be had written them down la verse. I bet tbey never kerrt anybody awske after that. Al this season of the year when pneo monla, la grippe, sore throat, eonghs, estarrh, bronchitis and lun troubles are id be guarded against, nothing "Is a line snbstiiulr," will "answer the purpose' I r Is "Just as good" as One illnutel Cough Care, That Is one Infallible rem-! edyfor all lung,7 throat or bronchial troubles Insist vigorously upon having.. .. .. . , (. . l t I - I . uu -someining ise , is ousreu yon, ft Jtotf. . V; - t ;, ' a XVcfieL-ibk PrtDcrallo'i for As similating thcrooda:vlUci;ula ting the StnaLitiis aikl Dowcb of Promotes Dit?,cctiori.Ccrr..i -rcss.iiadnes;.Cor.Liitisr;di;.r Oprdm.Morphi;ic liJr Muiciv.1. jNot NAiico i ic. j4tx.Saui fiUU SJIi - 'I I I t - r!mxlt!.t Sutrr in.- hitwr Apcffcc(Iii'mct!y fortons'.lpa liou , Sour S'ajnuch.DianliLieii, Worms .Convulsioiv? Jcvrrish ness and Loss OF SLELH Tac Simile Signature (f NEW "YOHK. tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. , . Meadows' Gold Tobacco Guano, I Mentions' Cotton Cm ua no, Ijirirclv 1 1 iiti :im s tin- (lii .iifilv ,-mil (Inulo of Cidlon. ITIriulosVH IHsxoIvd ISimm'A Eot:ts!t C'ompoHiiil JfeatloHM'1 All Voj Caiiano. M endows' direat I'otato (iiiiiio. M radons r?at C1ahlnj;- taiiano. GERMAN KAINIT AND DIAMOND PHOSPHATE A SPECIALTY. KKNI FOi; OVli l'.OOK ON E. H. & J. A. We keep always on hand Hard Uriel; Lathes, Pork Bnusage, the Ik-hI and fat lent Nice Beefsteak 8c, Btuwing lie-, f sc. All kinds of Dry Ptove Wood under large shed, il never gets wet in ininy weallicr. i cord guaranteed to tho load. Handmade Heart Etlilngles, Knggiea and Bicycles. Ilouoes wlways to let. A large stock of Groceries, Flour nnd Meat Cheaper than uhy man. Post for fencing. We sell all above mentioned at the Cheapest Prices. BIG EILl, Ths M ICE FOR HOME USE Clean, pare, wholesome, guaranteed to be chemically made from distilled water and free from impurities. Specially In tended and prepared for human con sumption. Ice delivered daily (except Sundays) 6 a. m. tot p.m. Sunday (retail onlv) 7 a. m. to 19 noon. For prices and other Information, address, . v New Berne Ice Col,) as. GUIOH,- UtmABui i - jr. w. niMifiosr, -j Uccl & Sancrlntcnrlcnl C8 Uroail Street. 1 . I'iao's Cure for Consumption ia a priccloKs nicd'u i'ie JXiL forCouglw. I have within the noit, few weeks 1 1 it.- TO tSf9 covered nnother point in itu fnvnr, nnd t!i:i I i-: ii in $ii n SI! HE Ci;itK for I.A (iHll'I'K, if taken whin the !V iiixt, Hvniptoiim nn notii-ed.- W. A. 1 1 ii.i.kkm an. No. W 4Il lliiKliut-ll lluildiug, tipriiitrllehl, O., Jim. 1 1, 18!U. Q tfNnb tjj 'l'ho lut GoiiKhBynip.rj OCsfKl tgf&i CJIViles Uoad. U- In Ume.KI tT i IT I T J I PROFKSRIONAL. a.iaa U In Lin . Arch Lfi 7'c r Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have i.s Bears the Signataro ox rwi cinisi'R cowpN, N(wvons CITY. Leaf I'l'mlllcos 'r,.l'iicco nf Hi,- I in. l l,l::;ih!. ,i :.i;! l-'ll-e W I'll 1 el-. TOBACCO (TIITIIK, I KKH. MEADOWS CO., ROMULUS A. NUNN, ATTORNBY . . I jVW, NKW UKItNR, - N. r. fflcc: ( pp. Hotel CI. a I w a. Hoiilh l-'iout Street, I'ladlcc Iu North (Jarolin.i. F. K. Slmuious, J. H. Pon, A. I). War E. W. Pon, SIMTONS, POU & WARD, ATTORN ETA and COUNSELORS at LAW. MKW II MINK, N. i OlDco 68 Bo, Front Street, nearly oprHK site Hotel CliatUin ka. (Oaiccs also at Ralckh and Bmlthfleld.) I'rsollee In the counties ol Oavon, Duplin. Jonea, Onslow, Oartcrt't ruinllno, Wake, J,hnton. Harnett and W llaoni in Ihe Sn promo aurt Kciliirnl tourU, and whorevur act ea are dciln-d. Always Bought At Si STj I 9 ft jruof' Kind V M lave J Always Bought. 1. II. Pellellcr, ATTORNET AT LAW,' , 1 Middle Street, Lawyers Urli. Building. ,, ' - fill nraetlce In the Conntli nf Cravsn farturet, Jones, OiihIow anil Famlloo. H. H. Coau at slew Horns suit Buprume uoort of R E AL E STAT E AG E N C Y ; - "v Homes and LoU Foe Bsle- et ,Lowess.-- ' ; Possible Figures. Desirable Homes and ' - '. TenemenU that will provo a line Invest, meni . ' ' ''''; '''J J. Collection of Jleati a, Specially. " Cfflce at ttotcrle UfJln'i itotp, opl " Z r ; roslte jmst filllce. '-. ., ."j , . , 13. E. IIAIlFltfiV

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