Get a Start On And Save Endless Suf fering which Winter Brings. The moat offensive of ell di Met becomes more intense u cold weather approaches. In l ei, many who have been under trent ment for bo loug, am! .It :-u i! iurnmer feel little di-coi;: . the diaeaee, are almost ..'.-! that they have Ixii ci. .1. 1; the flnt ohilliug M:i.-' : a . proves that tho disi'ti.- r j : . )hem, and at the winii i,.. ... their J3atarrh grow i:. - v.-i:. Those who have felt .miy ' ii touch of Catarrh nutv le :r only oold weather is 1 1 -- i 1 1 ' relop the disease. W ' i.ut a'i':i" to be only a bad cold will pr.A. more difficult D cure than t'.r merly, and will return with in. -i.-frequency, until hpfiiro lnn the disease is fully developed. "For jea" I suffered from a RPvere oaaa of Catarrh, and t.Mik simtm! '. of medicines and uimm! varum., lucui 1.1 plieations, but they lir.d iu ii.-.-t what ever. I was induced to try S. S S. J Swift's Specific) and afii'r two m-m h wu perfectly well r.nd haw n.-i . felt any effecU of the dinpiuii sinre. "B. P. MoAi.i.istku, "Harrodaburg, Ky." It is easy to see the importance of prompt treatment for Catarrh. A Oai bill Tragedy. In I he ve.t pocket f a man who coin lnitted suicide Hie coroner found nothing hut a gas hill, on the back of which wad written. 'I solemnly swear thai I burncil less gits Inst month than ever before In my life, anil yet this bill speak i for itself. 1 hiivo always been on good terms wilh the ga 111 r t. r and never sal.l a cuss vi rd to It, a en when exasperated beyoi d measure. I voluntarily go wheie there are no gas bills. 1 haven't lit the gas in my late house In Ion bivs, lint 1 have' left the door open, mill t t.u ... mn r vi I tind the ini'ler in go.i.l hiiilllinud i. -i-t.rillK Inward I Ik: net t I. ill, its uiial. tlood Hyc!" Tim kidney Comjil. xmn. The pale, sallow, sunken-cheeked, di -tressed-looking people you so nlicn unci arc a 111 let 01 1 with "Kidney Complexion " Their kidneys aro turning to a parsnip color. So is their complexion. ; They may ulso have indigestion, or suffer from tlccplessiicss, rliciimalisin, neuraigla, brain trouble, nervous exhaus tion and sometimes the heart acts badly. The cause Is weak, unhealthy kidneys. Usually the sulTerer from kidney dis ease does not find out what the (rouble is until It is almost too lalo, because the first symptoms are so like mild sickness that ihey do not think they need a in cdi clno or a doctor until thry tind Ihcni selves sick in bed. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot will build up and strengthen their weak and dis eased kidneys, purify their diseased, kidney-poisoned blood, clear their com plexion and soon they will enjoy belter health. You can get the regular sizes at tho drug store, at fifty c.euts and one dollar, or you may tirst prove for yourself llie wouderful virtues of this great discov ery, Swamp Uoot, by sending your ad dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co , lSiiiglmmton, N.Y , for a sample bollle and a book that tells all about it, both sent to you absolutely free by mail. When writing kindly mention that you read this libeinl offer in tho New Heme Weekly Jouhnai.. Conld Mark Hit Way. Hoax "Thore's a fellow over there who is destined to make his mark in the world." Joax "How can you tell?' "Easily; he never learned to write. " At tlomo. Caller Is Mrs. Brownslon at home: Hcrvant Yea'ni, she'll be at home nil the evening. It's my night out. Spain'a Greatest Need. Mr 1! 1" Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, H. U. Weak neives hail caused seyore pains In the .bark of his head Oa using Electric Hitters, America's greatest Wood and .Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left htm lie says l his grand medicine Is what his country needs. All Amur lea knows that il cures liver and kldnoy trouble, purities 4 he blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and uew life Into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it, Every bottle guaranteed, only f.0 cents, yold by F rt Duffy. Well Fsstsd. Office Hoy "DU new dramallo critic of ours oughter be all right." Editor "JkVhy my boy?" "Cause be write under k noin de plume of "Billboard.' " "Well what of thai?" "Why a billboard's alius well posted, alu'l Itr BaaMMtirai Caret U 34 Hears. T. J, lllackuiore, of llallcr It lllack mora, Pittsburgh, Pa., says: "A shori time since 1 procured a boulo of Mystic Cum. It got in out of the bouse lu 84 hour. I look to aiy bed with liheuma tlsm nlua menthi ago and the Mystic v"t hw wri; wnuHiiui UM, U1U nir any good. I had Ave of (ha beat puysl- , lua In the city, but I received vary Jlltla relief from them I know the ' Jlyitl Cur lo M what It It represented aixl take pleaittra In Kcoiuraeudlnf 11 to Other p tot sufferers." ., Bold by iU ury's Phi lntey, ! ' Catarrh Those who ?t a start on the dis ease before the oold and disagree able weather aefravatee it, will f:M a cure less difficult. Catarrh ;rf!me in pr-vritv -r I y year, bocoiUi oi.j of t.ij juost ob stinate and deep-eeatod troubles, b it it la equally important that the riht t ed , hi given. All b il npi lioi.tii.n9 of sprays, 1 :i lif, ml alar., lia, etc., can . . cure ("nt.r:!i, for they do p.. it reach the dis . uoe. Catarrh is in tho blood, and uiiiy ti blood I , i.'iiiiMiy can cure t ' - ' 11 Local appli J - - .' est ions only k reach theirritated ' " . . surface; the right ;-..... rumedy must be M.k.'i. ; S ;'-., ycf. (9. S. S.) is the I rrht r-'-fdy for Catarrh. It cures tlin luoet obstinate cases by direct to the cause of the ir,.i-bf. th blood and forcing or.i t !. dUonne. Those who have ! :!i.'t wit h so muoh disappointment . from local t rent nient should throw iK-tcb' their sprays, washes and in haling mixtures and take S. S. S. A euro will n-Hiilt. Send for free books. Address Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. The Munev Value ol Water. In a recent address bcfoie the Engi rt ;ers' Club of ft. Louis, Prof. .1. II Johnson said that the deal li latent Chi cago from typhoid ever dropped from 8:1 J 80 and HM ,'er 100,000 in lf!(0, IMt! mid 1MI2 to ill, o2 and 4(1 in 1HSI4, and lMhi respectively. This was lr;. ca ble directly t bringing into teivii-o the wilt im in'ct fmir miles from sli-ne in place ol' two mili-.s out, winch iiuui.;c was m nit! in l'.i. I Tii.-il i- to sa . ti is this c:i i-i;,.' in lln- i.iii'kc "! the walei ii' Hn' tliu'ii I;. m iv i...i. fever .ii I !iai rit i In- 1 r ' !i i v ai s, l ' I l -:r, ami iv-.. ; i..m i , -. !. i," m a snvhiK 1 iiii M.n,) If a liV is (nti .":.liii), Hie 1-p.f '.! in .iiiy Staus i.u-!iiii:i; ii i ...... Ii i ci!; I. r:n- inril, I hen lln' mill.- vilr.r . i III lives saved in I hi-.' v . ar- nm! : -H'ce lia- Ic.n over $li,0 ill. 000 .inniial y. If to Ihi.- e add I lie value ..I liie !i "I i ime by liess olfcal ne pail i-i' U: .m ly this disea.e and who recovered, which Is usually about six times as many as die we have a saving of ?,!c-0 cases of ty phoid sickness. If vc e.-iimaie a lo-.s ol six weeks' time to each patient, and a combined money los.-i of lime and ex pense of $200 for each case, have ifljSOO.tKM) more to be credited aumiailv to the improvement caused by taking the water from a point two miles further out in t lie lake. New il. The legislatine has accomplished an admirable job by providing permanent good government loom sister cily, dow n on the Nciise. Tl.e people there sccmlo be ever divided. They pull at botli endo of the rope and do not work liai iin.iiiou.v ly together for the general bcnelit. They cannot agree even 0:1 how to spell the name of their old tow 11. There is New Hern, New Heine and Ne.vbein them assemble together, bury their .lit ferences, love one another and go to WOll. ; build up tho ancient liuhel and I henceforth prosper. Then let its char ier be amended aiid by couuikjii consent, ever I hereafter, let the city be known as "N nwiioiiN." Kinston Free l'.c-s, 7lh. Slllllll I'lIX III il.llsll..-o. Word rei'elved from (loldsboro, yester day, in regard to the small pox cases in that city, said that but one case, a mild 0:1c, was there, and the suspected eases gave no sign of being small pox. The disease was among the colored people and the cases had been isolated, also that the city had provided a pest house in case of any furl her signs or new eases developing. Il was reported last night that llierc was no excitement in Coldsboro, busi ness moving along iuielly. The cily aulhoiilies ol New Hern have taken all necessary precautions against the disease. l l.lihilC In tlie Air. One of the lucldeuts of the wind blow lug the water out of the river, was the strange sight of the shad (isharnieii gath ering fish from the nets well above the water, making it a veritable lishing in the air. Tho fhad had been caught lu the nclt and the water running out left tho nets suspended from IhepoBls and high above the water, the tlshi riuen having to jml go along ai.d pick the lish out of their nets. He UIVttsTllolu Away. Mr. J. M. Cockran representing the Coca Cola Co , of Atlanta, (la.. Is in the city (lUlributli g free tickets for a glas of this uclli Ions soda fount beverage. Mr. Cochrnn Inslels that those using lh. tirkels-shoahl stress Hie point that thej want Coca Cola and not any of the Imi tations. Coca Col Is a great sou t hern drink and fold alinol everywhere and n drink Is quite 10 popular. (iberla'l Oieat Bridgo, One of tbt grandest engineering wot ki In the net work of railway In Central and Western Sllieria It undoubtedly tin bride orcr the Yenhretr It will cost i 270,930 rublos, and will be the largest railway bridgo In the world, It will bt opened for i rafflo next Moy, a ycr fe fort the data originally fixed. The tm terUI rmploywl In the construction li ktont tnd lion. ' ' ' THK MA It OH BUS2AKD. Wind, Baow And Ida. Oatlnok H-rWu For TrucSl nd Fruit. Low Wrr Id Uler. From a temperature of SO degree on ?tturday, to 28 .leg reel on Tuesday Is i fall, which was a unexpected as II w& undesirable, yet such Is the record. The w ind sionn of Mondsv night con tinued all day Tuesday, and wilh the wind there was rain, and later a Utile snow, and a continal fhll in temperalure. The wiiid blew the water well out of the Ncufe and Trent rivers, and made navigation practically impossible. The steamer New heme on her up tiip reached Fori PolDt and ieinained time all J.iy, reaching ilie city about f o'cloik pm. Tlie boats at all lie docks weie left pu the bullom. It was the loweit water seen in a good many jtais. lieporls along the railroad said there hud been a 1 wo inch fall of snow at 1 1 ictnsbuJ o, nearly au inch al iloieheao City, and al Have-lock an inch. 'I here were only a few flakes here. Truck in this vicinity win seriousl) threatened, and some damage done, the J higli wind making It haul to keep au beds covered. The damage can be beltei estiinatid when the weather becomes warmer. Just how inmh fruit will be affected is not now known. Like the February Mizzaid, il is a record breaker. IlIsrOSAI. A. A N. :. HOAi. Silorliliultli'r filves IT In 'il'Ws In Kiiisliin l-'r.'. I'i'esK, Till insl. Mil. Km tor: Our citizens are pleased with the sction of the legislature in its refusal to sell the Slate's stock in the A. .V N. ('. K. K. for 8UO,f00. Jt is worth more money, but even at its fair valua tion we consider a sale to the syndicate mentioned as inimical to the best inter ests of I lie people living along tho line, and as opposed 10 the "w ishes of the gieat majority of the private stock holders. Never! heless, for the good of the State 1 he loud itself, its stockholders and pat ions, it should be disposed of and taken o'.it of politics. Tlie Democratic party in eastern North Carolina would especially l.e gieatly heneniert by having this dis uirliing element taken off its hands. The many years of ihe road's existence leach us that il cannot be properly managed by political methods- As a factor in politics il has ever been derogatory lo l lie best interests of the parly and has occasionally towards, if not caused, its defeat. On the other hand, political and not economic reasons have been the principal guides of its various managements. Presidents and directors, agents and employes ate not appointed 10 positions by virtue of elliciency or capability,,!)!- because it might be sup posed they would till the positions to enhance the value of the property, or lo serve the interest of stockholders, the travelling public and shippers. Oh! Not at all. The ollices are he slowed as political pullB for party service '.Dnl iifilitienl n M no ,,,', Tlie man w ho can manipulate votes knows how to run a railroad of course It is supposed that names of persons have lieen on the pay roll of the road year alter year drawing good salaries who have never rendered a dollai's worth of work, nor benefitted it to tlie least extent. What affords them Ihe pay they do not earn? And how can the road be success ful w hen governed in such a way? 1. el it be taken out of politics so its proper earnings might go for its own improvement and lo those to whom they of right belong, and in order that the paity may not be stranded in a political railroad wreck. As to tlie best method of selling the State's stock and the stock owned by tlie several counties might well be in cludedit is a matter about which our legislators might well ponder A com mittee of good business men such as have 110 axe to grind without political ambition or selfish motives (and it Is lo be presumed that honest, trusty men can be found) should lie appointed to inves tigate fully the present value of the road advising with experienced railroad men and others having knowledge regarding any of the properties of the corporation, and w hen the precise value Is ascertained after a most careful inventory of Its real estate and effects and deduction of all liabilities and taking in consideration the correct earning capacity of the road, the precise value of the ehares of slock should be found and reported neither more nor less than the rlg-ht amount; and at this exact value the 8tate should offer its stock, not to any combination of men but to citizens of the State the pilvate stockholders of the road and the people living along Its borders. It should be offered in subscript Ions of from one to a hundred shares, but preference should be given lo the small orders and thus the stock should be distributed as widely as possible giving no one man nor several men a great controlling Interest therein. When so disposed of we may tafely rely that the natural tact and business sense of the many will surely And the right man for the right place to manage ihe road as It should be managed for the benefit of the stockholders and Its pat rons. ' A BTOCKnOLDKU. An Honest Medicima Tor la Qripfd. George W. Waltt of South Gardiner, Me., says: "I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and hare takrn lots of traah of no account but profit to (he vendor. Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy i the only thing that hat done any good whatever. 1 have used one 60-cent bottle and tho chills, cold and grip have all loft me. I congratulate the manufactur ers of an honest medicine." For sale by V. S. Duffy iiUHiFftiitilt AU. 1 J Sasl Outurh Brrna Ti r " t JILi3? Vm I 1 lmifir1ini.J f PRKMil'MS AWARDED. II) Ihr Nw llern Mid Winter Fair A rlatlua t ThetrLul Exhibit Ion. CLAbS I. LIV B OA ME. Joseph Tisdale, New Bern, best pair .uall, live, $1 50. Charles Wallace, 2nd bet plr qns'l, dead, 2'c. Wm Kills, New Bern, beet pair woodcock, dead, $2 00. Bryan i Bro, New Bern, 2nd best pair woodcock, dead, 50c, Do. do, betl pair English snipe, deid, $1 50, Ino Dunn, New Bein, 2nd best pair Eu i;lisli snipe, 50c. Charles Wallace, liest double isil, dead, $1 00, Bryan .t Bro, New lhrn, 2nd best, double rail, dead, 25c. Jas B Duffy, New Bern, best sin gie rail, dead, $1 00, Charles Wallace, 2nd liest single rail, desd, 25c; J W Hum phrey, Clarks, best pair doves, live, $1 50 Jno Dunn, New Bcru, 2nd best pair doves, live, &0c, do, do, liest collection of 'piail, not less than 12 or moie than 15 hy one exhibitor, 4 00, do, do, 2nd best do, 1 1:0. CLASH II. Charles Wallace, best shuhVr ducks, dead, 1 25, do, best pair mallard ducks dead, 1 25; John Dunn, New Hern, Jnd best mallard ducks 25c. Charles Wal lace, best pair black ducks, dead 1 25, John Dunn, New Bcru, 2nd best pair lilack ducks, dead, 25c; Cuarles Wallace, besl pair sprigtall ducks, dead, 1 25, do, liest pair, green wing tail ducks, dead, I 50, Bryan & "Bro, New Bern, 2nd liest ,'recn w ingtsil ducks, 50c; do best pair coo1, dead, 1 00, John Dunu, New Bern, liest pair, black brant, live, u 00, Charles Wallace, 2nd best pair black brant, dead, 55c, do best pair redhead, 150, 11 H Harrow, Hep isloro, best pair geese, live, 4 00, Jno Dunn, New Bern, 2nd best p'r geese, live, 50c, ('has Wallace, beat pair harryhead, dead, 1 00, Jno Dunn, New Hern, best pair summer ducks, live, 4 00, Chas Wallace, 2nd best summer ducliB, dead, 50c, do besl pair boobie, dead, 2 00 Bryan & Bro, New Hern, 2nd best pair boobie, dead, 25c, do, best half bltoon, dead, 2 00, Chas Wallace, best marsh hen dead, 2 00, 11 II Harrow, lleelsboro, best wild turkey, live, 4 00, J M. Keel, Kecls b:ro, 2nd liest wild turkey, live, 1 00, John Dunn, New Bern, best collection,! (not less than 12) of above variety bo one exhibitor, 10 00. CLASH III Asbery Harrington Olympia, best squir rels, live, $1 50; II II Harrow, lleelsboro, besl rabbit-gray, live, 75; Bogie llichard- son, Hcllalr, liest musk rat live, 100; Bryan & Bro, Ncwbern 2nd best musk rat, dead 25; S C Cannon, Kershaw, wildcat, live 400; E I, Taylor, Belair, best fox live !i 00; David Sampson, Hiver dale, best crow, live 1 00; Bryan & Bro New Bern, best opposuni, live 1 00; Jos Tisdale, do 2nd liest, opposuni, live, 50; imr.viti'MKNT 1 1 class 1 Fair Association, New Hern, Largest live alligator not less than 5 feet, 10 00; I'" Oaskill it Co do, best sturgeon not less than 4 feet 5 00; (1 N Ives & Son, bent display of of crabs, 5 00; do best do es collops 5 00; tl L Arthur, Morehcad Cily best dead porpoise 5 00; () N Ives & Son New Hern, best collection of lish 75 00; CLASS II T T Wallace, Meriman, best bmhcl oysters, 5 00; J A Darker, Newbern, besl bushel of clams, 5 00; ON IveB & Son, do 2nd best bushel clams, 2 50; Fair Association, best display of oysters, not less than six varclies one bushel each 25 00. DKI'AIITMKNT III FIELD AM) OAIIDKN mors. W V Crocket, New Bern, to the indi vidual making the largest and best dis play of agricultural produce, garden vegetables, fruit and home industries, $50 00. HI i Hardy, LaGrangc, 2nd liest to the individual making the largest and best display of agricultural products, garden vegetables, fruits and home in dustries his own make, 25 Oil. COTTON. O T Richardson, Bellair, best bale of colton, 5 00; W V Crocket, New Bern, best stalk of cotton, 1 00. COKN. W E Crocket, New Bern, best 2 bushel white corn in ear, 1 00; do, best 2 bushel yollow corn in ear, 1 00; do, best 0 stalks of corn with ears attached, 1 00; do, best 12 cars of longest white corn, 1 00; do, best 12 ear of longest yellow com, 1 00; do, best and largest display of corn, 2 00. OATS W F Crocket, New Bern, liest bushel white oats, 1 00; do, best bushel winter oats, 1 00; do best bushel rust proof oats, 1 00; sheaf black oats, 1 00; do, best sheaf rust proof oatB, 1 00; do, best and largtit display oats, 2 00. RVB. W F Crocket, New Bern, best bushel winter rye, 1 00; do, best sheaf winter rye, 1 00; do, largest and most artistic display of rye, 2 00. KICK. L M Hardy, LaOrange, best bushel up land rice, rough, 1 00; W F Crocket New Bern, do, low land rice, rough, 1 00. HAY. W F Crocket, New Bern, best bale pea vine hay, 1 00; do, best bale native grass, 1 00; do, best sheaf German millet, 1 00. . PKA8. W FCrocket, New Bern, best bushel black eyed peas, 1 00; do, best bushel clay peas, 1 00; do, beat bushel white peis, 1 00; do, best bushel speckled peas, 1 1 00; do, liest bushel black peat, 1 00; do best bushel unknown peat, 1 00; do, best bushel whlpperwlll peas, 1 00; belt bushel red yorlc, 1 00. rKASUTS. L M Harvey, LaOrange, best 8 bushels large peanut, 1 00; W K Crocket, New Bern, beat 8 bushel small peanuts, 1 00; L M Harvey, LaOraugo, beat 8 vine wilh large peanuts with f rait attached, 1 00; do, oett 0 vine small peanutt with frnlt attached, 1 00. HERDS, W F fOrockot, New Bern, best quart colltrd eed 1 00. , ROt T CKort, VEOKTABLKB, ETC, W F Crocket, tNew Btra, best bushel white turnlpt 1 00; do, best bushel pur pie top lurulpt 1 00; do, liest bushel slock beetk 1 00 do, best cabbage, tlx tpeel men, 1 00; do, bt collardt, tlx tpecl- s-vl; ev.' 1 ;as ivdd rru-v fpuii'.v c-j- ' V -uh.msa'c " end .ure Mo.hers ctn -ays-up. v a 73 reW 011 it. Children 1-ke i'. Lor A. srruH. Prlff T j ceuts. mens 1 00; best salsefy, six specimens. 1 00; do, beat parsnips, ha!' bushel 1 00. do, best cariot, half l.tisliel, 1 1 0. U -i half peck artichokes 1 oi. do, U-t hurlu-l radish 1 00; do, besl bushel spinich 1 do, liest bushel kale 1 oo: do, bc.-i L uln I red sweet potatoes 1 00, do, le:-i bushel white sweet potatoes 1 r0: do, best bu-h el yellow sweet potatoes 1 00, il", beM bushel Irish potatoes, red bii-s 1 fto. do. best bushel Irish pitatncs. while Lli.-a. 1 00; do. besl bushel 1 1 potato'-, early rose, 1 00, do, he-t do n red onions 1 00; do, liest l.ushel el!ow 0:1 ions 1 00; do, bet bushel rutub'ii'as 1 Is., do, best two dozen stalks sugar emu 1 00; do, best sample fall grown simp beau, i bushel 1 00; do, best doen lic.-eU of lettuce 1 01'; do, beM N C ham.-, :i I" lie exhibited 2 00; do, best mi .ke.l home made sausage' 251bs to be exhibited, 1 'M do, besl 501li stand home in:ile lard I 01 DKl'JUIUKNT IV, SMTION 1 - ll.ilisls t'luss I Tbroughbreil W 11 Joyner, Oar) slnirg, best liily, years old and uuder 4, 10 00. Class II. Sliuidardbre'l. Denipsey Wood, LaOrange. -t lion, 2 j ears old and under 4, 7 50. flass III. Native. W F Crockett, New Hern, best ii'U gelding, 2 years old anil under I, 5 o.i J L Rhem, New Hern, best mare w d colt by her side, 5 00. W F Cuotel, New Bern, liest team any age or sex 5 00. Class IV. Matched Teams. J W Stewart, New Bern, best team . f coach or carriage mares or geldings, not uuder 10 hands high, 10 00. Class VI Donkeys. James Spruell, Merritt, best jac k 4 ji s old or uver 5 00. Class VII-Mules. James Spruell, Merritt, best colt, eit her sex, under 1 year, 3 110. Clasi VIII Ponies. L B Ennctt, Cedar Point, best n atclud team, any breed, 10 00. Wright Moore, New Hem, best pony, 5 00. IIKI'AltTMKNT V, SECTION I-I ATTI.IC. Class I llolstein Krlesian. Hackbtirn & Willelt, New Bern, best bull, :i years old or over, 6 00; do, do, best bull 2 years old and under S. 5 (M ; do, do, best 1 year old and under 2, H OH; do, do, best cow, !t years old or over, 5 00; do, do, heifer, 2 years old and un der 3, 5 00; do, do, best herd, 5 00. Class III Jersey. WF Crochet, New Hern, best bull :l years old or over, 5 00; do, do, best cow, 3 years old or over, 5 00; do, do, besl heifer, 2 years old and under !!, 5 00; d , do bcBt heifer, 1 year old or under 2, 3 00; do, do, best herd, 5 00 Class VI tirades. llaekburn & Willett, New Hero, cow, 3 years old or over, 5 00; do best heifer, 2 years old anil under '' best do, 'i 00; do, do, best heifer, 1 year old and Ullilcr 2, 3 00 Class VII Native, llaekburn & Willett, New Hern, be cow, 3 years old or over, 5 00 Class VIII Sweepstakes. W F Crocket, New Bern, best bred bull, any age, dairy bred, llaekburn & Willelt, New Hern, pure bred bull, any age, beef bred, W F Crocket, do, best pure bred pure 5 0 I; b-'st 5 00; cow , any age, dairy, 5 00; llaekburn A: Willelt, do, liest cow, any age, beef bred. 5 00. CLASS IX OXKN AND IIKKK 1'ATTLK. llaekburn & Willett, New Hern, best yoke of working oxen 5 00; do, fattest and best beef animal, cither sex, any breed 5 00. SECTION III (10ATS CLASS IV COMMON IIOAT. Randolph Howard, New Bern, best buck of any age 2 0 ; Charlie Snelling, best kid of any age 1 00. class v sri ( I AL. O O Dunn, New Bern, best team of goals, any age, either sex lo lie driven in harness lo wagon 4 00. HKCTUIN IV SWINK. ClaBS I Berkshire. Hackburn & Willett, New Hem, best boar 2 years old or over 3 00; W F Crocket, besl boar 1 year old and under I, J2 00; do, best sow 2 years old or over il 00. do best how 1 year old and under 2, 2 00. Class II 1'oland China. G H Barker, New Bern, best sow 2 years old or over, 3 00. Class VI Sweepstakes, llaekburn A Willett, New Bern, best boar any ago and breed 2 00; W r Crocket, New Bern, best sow 2 00; do, best herd consisting of 1 bvar and 2 sows, all to lie of ono breed and owned and bred by the exhibitor 3 00 DEPARTMKNT VI. Class 1 American. Barred Plymouth Rock. W II Bray, New Bern, cock 1st 75c, do, 2nd 50c; do, cockerel, 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; do, ben 1st 75c, 2nd 50; do, pullet 1st 75c, 2nd 50c. White Wyandotte. Austin Henderson & Co, S C, cock 1st 75c, Jud 50c; do, cockerel 1st 75c, 2nd 50; do, hen 1st 75c, 2nd 50c; do, pullet 1st 75c, 2nd 50c. Class 11-Aslatic. Light Brahma. J L Pope, Shelby, N C, cockerel 75c; W D Uarrlbl, Ellenboro, N C, 2nd do 50c; do, hen 1st 75c, tnd 50c, do, pullet lit 75c, 2nd 50c. BuS Cochin, W H Bray, New Bern, cock 1st 75c, Ind 50c; do, ken 1st 75c, 2nd 50c : do, pullet, 1st 75c, lud 60c- Black Langshan. E L Conner, Ooketburg, 8 C, cock 75c; W D Darrlbl, Ellenboro, N C, cockerel 75c; K L Conner, Coketburg, B C, lieu lit 75o, 2nd SOcido, pallet 75c; W D Uarrlbl, Kllenboro, N 0, pallet 2nd 50c. BLACK MINORCA!. . R Bimmoai, Bbelbjr, crockerel 1st 75c; do, ben, lit 75c, 2nd, 60c; do, pallet, 2nd I -!. 'II M . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I! .'nd .1 I. 11 ti. II. . I in, li. u -.'lid, While C i hill hen A.jl IT -I. IS hi. I.- (' 1- Xll.-Pi lersoii t o. . u -tin lie caSC , paii rki hicks, 1-1 7 ., W i i t w hile ducks 1-1 t Ih-s XIII. (leese I'.rnv. lollhi :-e i;.-ete, 1st .!... africau, do, 1-1 tl II W il Mi. . .1 I i 1 5 ' i r i;i iT i i In. ah . :,i.i.m,-, l-t $ il i, I'l 1 K 1 M I. NT I I . I I.I.S 1, I. SI K.ST. Class 11 Jellies. Mr- K.l St reel, best lilai kbeny, 25c; Mis 1 1 1 i: lie- 1 1 oil inn i, best qui nee, '5. Class III - Preserves Mis Hughes Holland, best jar pre s:le:l Iieaelies, 5'le; Mr- 1 1 a! pli C ri: v , do h-'-, . Mis E H Harper, besl collec lion uie! ilispb v of prcs-Tve-, nut less than In ai ieties by one exhibitor, liomi made, 3 00 I Class V Canned Fruits and Vegetables Mrs i'igoit, best canned peaches, 25c; Mr- It A Ilk hardson, do pears, 25c; Mrs K 10 Harper, best canned tomatoes, 25c, do, best canned com, 25c; do, best canned l:ina beans, 25c. Class VI Wine, Cider, Brandy Fruits. Mrs U Jones, best scupp 'rnongw ine 1 not less than :! bottles, 50c; do, best ' In it ii 1 1 v peaches, 50c. Class Y II Sweet Tickles. ' Mrs lialph dray, best sweet pickles i any kind, 50c; Mrs K li Jones, best sweet 1 pickle peaches, 50c, ; ClassVIII Sour l'ickh s Mrs V. E Harper, best jar artichokes. 50c; Mis K A Richards, n, best jar chow chow, sour, 50c. Class XI Cakes and Bread. ' Mrs Fred Thomas, Rocky Mount, best I sponge cake, 75c; do, beat and largest I display of cakes not less than 5 kinds, il 50; do best l ake, TV; Mrs Ralph tlray, j ! st fruit cake, 2 00; Miss Jennie Murrus, , liest cocoanilt cake, 1 Oil; Mrs E K Hat i per, best chocolate cake, 1 00; do, hand soiiiest ile. orated cuke, 3 00; do, 2nd do I . 2 ml; do, l.est banana cake. ,.'ic; do, oesl and largest display of fancy dishes by one exhibitor not less tlianour kinds, 3HI; Mrs I' II Pclletier, best wheat loaf bread, 50c; Mrs () II (iuion, best dozen rolls, 50c; Miss Margaret Bryan, besl bcalen biscuits, 50c. C ass X For (.iris Coder f itleen 1 ears Of Age. MiJs Mamie Richardson, best chocolate cake, 50i : do, liest sour pickles, any varicl v, 25c. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in Chicago. llisgen Bros., the popular South Side diuggists, comer C.iMli-st. and Went worth av., say: "We sell a great deal of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and find dives the most satisfactory suits, esiieciallv among children for severe colds and croup.'' For sale by F. H. Duffy . Getting Bash. Mrs. Brown Mrs. (lieen told me her ge last evening, and 1 know she told mi the truth. Mrs. tlray The Idea! Next thing she'll be lei Hi'' tho number of the glove or shoe she weai s. Dangers of the Grip. The greatest danger from La (liippe i of its resulting in pneumonia. If reason able care is used, however, and Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the lens thousands who have used this remedy for la grippe we have yet to learn of single case having resulted in pneumonia WHICH snows exclusively ina. mis itiui. dv is a certain preventive of that dan irerous disease. It w ill cure la grippe lu less time than anv other treatment. Il iM pleasant and sale lo take, ror sale by F 8 Duffy For mo. Keep Lent, sweetheart; make sacrifice; Help humankind by each devise; Let this your spiritual method be; Deny your smiles to all but mo. On the Way. Well, announced Mr. Porkasle to his wife, John and Mary have taken the first step towards dlvoice, You don't mean to tell met What on earth is the malti rV They have got married. Be Low. Mr. Blanquc Have you spoken with the Hcer Professor yet, Miss Waldo? Miss Waldo No; the German gullu- rals are so decollete that they ofTend my cars. Mr. Blanqiie Kr decollete? Miss Waldo Yes io low In tho neck you know. Fairy Tales. Children Oh, papa, do tell nt a ilory a real made-up one, you know. Father But, blots you, my deirt, I can't make up stories! The Mother What about those expla nations you have given me about being detained io late by butluest and at tbt club. -s v Bat te Give It Vf. She't bad to give np her whist club. Too much of a at rain oa her brain. Mo, She alwayi came boot to hoarse. PLANT LIFE, to bevlg oous'Snd healthy, must have Potash Phosphoric Acid ami Nitrogen, rhese essential elements are io plants, what bread, meat and water are to man. Crops flourish on soils well supplied with Potash. Our pamphlets tell how to and apply fertilizers, and are tree to ail. OERHAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau St., New York. Another Clnriug inaccuracy. 'Oil! fai hers,'' Mij M i Bryan, "fought or independence i. iidcr a baiiner upon . 1 1 i . -1 1 was in sc i lied 1 he in. 't io, 'millions I'm de'ense, but mil a cent for tribute. ' Mr. Bryan deteimined to construct a new history as will as a new political economy' Accoiding to the old history, t was nearly twenty years after the t'Zl for indi leii'lellce had t't'l II w on by our fathers that 'his .lenCnienl was ut tered, provoked bv the impudence of our former aily, fiance A Case of Cruelty. Mrs. Criiiisonbeak--Does your lni- hand grumble when his dinner isn t ady on time? M rs. Yeast Oh, no; he always sings while he's wailing Mrs. Criinsonbeak Well, some bus lands are cruel, aren't they. Photographic. Tl migh he be single all bis days, To wedded life averse, How often the photographer A woman sees and takelh her For belter or for worse. A Double Moak. nnm w ho 'soaks' his niackintok says the Manayunl. Philosopher, the of gelling soaked hini- "The now,1' "in lis All ot 1 hem. "Your wife, llenpeck. always seems determined to have I lie last word." alw ays "You're wrong, old man; she dcleiniines not lo hnc it. I'm c. 'iiipell- cd to take every wind in her when she starts lo talk." ubiilary Season Change. "Well, the rigors of winter sue ocr." "Yes, and spring is lieie. I've alieady changed one shirt waisl patlei n for my w ife live times." I nothcr Tree Entirely. Mr. Dukake Although Mr. Depew has been elected a Senator of Hie United M iles, lie win not snaKfc liie pium iree. Mr. (iaswell Wlial sort of a tree will lie shake? Mr. Dukanc The chestnut tree. Another Point oi View. ' This really pains me, Willie,'' the old gentleman as he picked tin said boy up and laid him across his knee. "Well." replied tiie boy resignedly, "at least I've never been fool enough to de liberately hurt niyiM'lf."' Where France comes in Second. Teacher Can you tell in lu.w I lie American and Ficncli republics differ from each othei? Little Ceorgo-The Fr nch ain't got no log cabins for their I'resideiils lo be horned ill. Very Likely. If 1 were a man, she licrceiy cried, Do you know what I would do? You'd stop soiiicl inn's, ihe wretch re plied, And thus let me explain my side Willi ut leasl a word or two. Toar Badly. The I'aslor Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Baldheaded Parishioner Mine, are numbered wilh the past. alas! If you" have a cough, throat irritation, weak lungs, pain in the chest, difficult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let us suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al ways reliable and safe. F 8 DufJy. Tested and True. Wood's Seeds The Best for the South. Twenty years' experience enables us to offer the best of everything in seeds for the Southern Farm- . cr and Gardener. Vegetable 0 Flower Seeds, Orass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Grain, And all Onrden and Farm Seedt. Wood' Seed Book, giving the most successful ways of growing all crops, and full information about Seeds, mailed free upon ' request. Write for tt. ' T.W.Wood & Sons, SEEDSMEN, Richmond, Va. Ths tarfast bnt J u itoM la tut .. v.i-'-Vv:'..';--

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