6 fctrXu-v, VOLUME XXII KIW BIRN, CRiYIK COUNTY. N. I . FlillJAY. PI!II. 21. I!'J -suruM) SKl'TION. KUMBIi 9. THE STATE CiPiTil. Tai oi Base Ball Gam s Mi Goot (ceipalsorr Varelaatlea mhi 1I Teres Disease Seize Kalelfh, Water Suits. NrgrotU lar North. Iaiaortaat Deelsloa. Hai.ekiii, April 40 The attorney gen eral decides Hint the Suit) treasurer (a correct In holding that under, the new revenue act a lax of $S U'lliioiti on WH baseball gamea lo 'VlilctTiuj adrimSMT fee is charg ' ' Com pill no ry vacillation lias com menced bare. The negroes' have so spread (lie small pox among tbeir racr tnal nothing else, rcinniiifd to ho done A uumlwr tif I lij) negroes, grossly iguor- ant and suporsllllous, bad refused to be vaccinated, bad hidden other negrtxs who hatl small uo or ilrclaictl that the disease was out htaM pox at all but merely "Cuban Itch." "The "divorce disease," has taken hold here and there are iwentj-one divorce suits ilocaelctt for heariug at the next term of Slste Supe rior courl. Practically all iiich suits in ibis Bl ate ate by the iguoranl clusscs of eopl : The Statu i lit-iiiinl says that the city water hcic is uiiin all right. Kor over two months Mtlphuric arid bail made It iinilrioknliic There are xiveral suits now on lor diiiiiaues to water pipes by the ai i.l. 'I'll.' minimi "New ICra" Institute for the negroes of N.irih Caioliua wsv opened licit'. It if iclf'iiui:, under IUp list auspices ami Ih lite lioMiit of n "insl iiute" lor nci ois tiy I tut Hliilo pro pie, tiling negro mis iioum Irs Mint reu lar preachers. It continues Hitu ,lays. Tlie Heubourd Air Line will makes strike for Florida travel next autumn. Mr. Heed, the mperlntendeiil of motive power, Is now preparing pluut for tine passenger trains for this new travel Negroes are pouring out of Wilining ton 'exodusleis,'' as tliey are termed. While labor Is crowding lliein out and they are going North at I he rale of from bl) to ;tl 0 a day. Some are going to Balti more, but most go further north, liusl iicsm men in Wtliniiitftou do .ml employ II nrgro if Ihqy can geU a while man to do the work, Two cases of smallpox have appeared nl .Monroe uml lioili are traced to Kalelgh A woman from this city who reccutly hud the disease has lieen sent back here from Monroe. The twenty -liflli annual session of the South Carolina Denial Association be gins here May U, Dr. C. V. llanner, of Mount Airy, presiding. i'liu Supreme Court lias decided that by the tonus of the will of E. T. Cluui iuoiis the Moravian Church in Forsyth county gels f lOO.UOO to build a church and school and give each member of the church an acre of laud. ( AN IH:U. WITH SITUATION. No Instruction a tu Ivry' Caplureil Men. No iriiMlit4N9 Kelt. Manila, April ID Admiral Dewey has been notified of the strange disappear ance of Ideut. J.t (lllinore and four Icon members ef tliocrew of. the United Stales guulmat Yorklown. On Saturday last the Yorklown an chored olf Baler, on the east coast of the Island of Luzon, and about two hun dred miles from here, where there was a Spanish garrison of about fifty men, which had lioeu defending Itself against several hundred Filipinos for months past. x Idem, (iilmoie, Kuaigii W II. Bland ley and a boat's crew were sent up the river from Hal. r I lay to communicate with the Spaniards, the towu of Baler being situated some distance inland. Kuslgo SI ami lay, wh lauded al the in on ill of the river, reports that be heart three volleys, a bugle call sad cheers from up the river, but that the automatic guu, which waa pari of the equipment of the boat, was not beard tiring. Standby later paddled to the York town in a canoo. A search was made for tbe Yorktown's boat and her crew, but no trace of them was found and the Yorklown sailed lor Hollo front which place her commander cabled to Admiral Dewey bis theories that tbe Filipinos bad captured or sunk the boat or that tbe Spaniards bail res cued the American parly. A scouting paMy of American troop today found an Insurgent skirmish line mora than a mile long east of Maloloa. sharp fuislllade followed, but ao losses wen sustained. Brhradler General Charles King, who has been taken suddenly III snd who is unable to continue In command of bli brigade, baa been' rellufed of further duty, ann uaa wen oruereu to return to ... .11. . . lue uniieu otaiea un iuo urn iraunpii sailing from bere for borne. Tbe treAtot rtmiv k ivfi loclpieut Coosuinptlon. VUUII Owes at ooce uwfHl,,'-,.-' rUi. Hxsnrnesa, Loss oi II V 1 11 II- V. J.. tUnni-blila.r.rlma. m ' dr AithmaaadCrotsp. Al m amebic an pjtnownta. Flftara Ma r flur Nary Held Cap By ths Iasrgiita. Washington, pifl 18 The Navy Depart me n l baa glveu out the following dispatch from Admiral Dewey: "Manila, April 18th. "Secretary of the Navy, Washington: "Tbe Yorklown visited Baler, Luzsd, east coast of Luzon, P. I., April 12th, of the purpose of rescuing and bringing away the Spanish forces consisting of eighty soldiers, three officers aud Iwo priests, which were surrounded by four thousand Insurgeuls. Soma of ihu insur gents armed with Mauser rifles by natives, Lieutenant J. Gllmore, Idle making ambushed, were fired upon and captured. Fate unknown as Insur gents refused to communicate afterward. Tbe following are misting: The ottlctr previously referred to, Chief Quarter- etarfY VY. Walton, CxjHJ A. wort, Uubneri Hate U i Uyfard, SeU maketa Mate Vendgit, Seamen W. B. Kydnwrs and C W Woodbury, Appren ticesi) Wavenville, l W Peterson, Or dinary Seamen F ilrisoles. O McDonuld, Landsmen L T KdwnnU, F Anderson, J Dlllou and (J A tlorriasey. (Slgued) ''ii:wh " The tlispa't h fiom Admiral Iletvey caused much excitement In naval circles as soon as Its contents liecome known. It was received late iu the day and con siderable delay was occasioned by the blindness of some of the cypher words, it was Impossible to completely decyplier it, and the asletisks indicate the uuin lelligiblc words. The capture of the Yorktown's men was discussed with much feeling iu naval circles. This misfortune, was fell with addeil keenness, as the navy has prilled llaelf thus l;ir on iniuinnity from re verses. The Admiral's tlUpulch of today was the liisl Ltxifflcdgti ilio Department had llial the , orklowii had gone ou this special mission t relieve liie. Spauisli gsrrison al It. tier. I'h ii I iic capture should have heen cf fettled wliilclliii American forces vveie ii a mission f merry toward the Span iards, rather lltun In the proscenium of ajcauipsign, led to I he belief thai Spain would have no further ground for ities tlnniui I he rood failU w ilh which the Americans were sevkiug to relievo the conditions of the Spanish prioners. All hough the dispatch gave no indi cation that Lieutenant 1 limine ttml his men had lost their lives, yel great anxi ety was arwiiscd by the mystery stir rettuding their faie while in the bauds of an uncivilized enemy. This Is the first capture of any Americans, military or naval, that it is unknown how the insurgents will treat our men. If civilized methods were pursued, an exchange could be titickly elfecled as (Jeueral Otis has a large number of Fili pino prisoners, but the Insurgents hnvr been averse thus far to exchanging Span ish prisoners, and this raises a question as to what they will do with the York -towu men. The purpose of otlicials here is to spare no effort to secure the speedy release of our men. TO IDSK A I '. KAY Take Laiatlve Bromo Qulnlue TaDlets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2."ic. The genuine bus L. li. Q. ou each tablet Tk Issue Is Hllver Says Teller. Dbn vkii.CoI , April til. United States Senaler Uenry M. Teller says that tbe gtdd standard Democrats will uol be able to control the Democratic convention, and thai, as in lH90,lhey will support the licpu'illcaii candidate, lie says that Ibe Democratic convention will realHrm the plat form of 189tJ, and that the parly must and will be allied with the silver Republican parly Snd the Populist patty both of which must maintain their or ganizations aud lend all their aid to win a victory iu the gnat battle ef 1000. ' I cannot conceive of apolitical situa tion that will Induce ie In favor a union with the McKlnley republicans," said Senator Teller. "The republican Hnanclal system is one fraught with gieat danger lo the country aud one well calculated lo n,ake the rich richer and the poor poorer. The republican party favors a large standing army lo time of peace of not less 100,000 men, at an ex pense of uot loss than 1135,000,000 to $150,000,000 per annum. Ills its purpose also te Increase this army in proportion as the population of the country shall Increase." Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup aud whoop cough ready yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Use Ibis rem edy Iu time aud save a doctor's bill or Ibe undertaker's. F. S. Duffy. TMK HPKCllt.ATITBAfAKIUCTS. Today's quotations furnished by W L, Ualbrailh, New York, Hepresenletl by A. O. Newberry. 1 , Nnw Yoa. April 20. 1 . STtMIKS, Cien. High. Low. Cit s - Bugftf, . , . i . . . 103 ltWi 1641 16ftt 'r - T: 149 14. 144 laoi 123 141i 130 124 131) 126 181, v. a, a t yj txmoN. Open, illrh. Low, Close August 6.61 5 7 ' 8.8 t.hl OIIIOAOO MAHKET8. Wwur Open. Higb. Low, Close M 71 M 74 It KmI Yh Njw Unit ttngM I -' I. antka ' A 4. Ikateai r& , ef Vem.W THB If A TAX KKSKRVKS. They W1U 0i tDUuf 8ea Herviee awl FnveUoe Urlll. it la snnonnntl from the Adjutant General's office that it has bean decided that about a hundred of tbe Naval Re serves will make the summer practice cruise on tbe Prairie in May and tbe rest will take tbeir cruise In July on tbe Hornet. Tbe U. 8. S. Prairie aud Hornet hav ing been assigned to duty for the anuusl drill and instruction of the uaval militia organizations of the Atlantic ami Gulf Slates, the Navy Department has decided upon what is considered tne most feasi ble plan forgiving each Slate having such an organization an equal amount of practical experience at sua This plan ooolemplales having Ibe Prairie oft Southport by or before May 3d, where she will pick np all the Stale dlvlitious, those from Wiluiingkou and other points, being vent to hor on board the Hornet. The organization will re main ou board the Prairie for a drill period of eight days, at the end of which time they will be dlsouibarkcd oil South port. The State of North Carolina will U expected to bear the expense of subsis tence of Hie organization while on hoard ship, aud lo see that they are supplied with proper bedding aud au individual mess outhl. Hereafter the allotment of Ihe appro prialion for arming and equipping the naval militia will be based upon the iiiim ler or properly uniformed petty ofllcers and enlisted men of each Stale who perforin this annual tour of duly The men of the organization are to be ready lo go ou board Ibe l'rairiu on the morning of Aluy 2ind. One day will be allowed in Jiorl for the organization, Uerlliiug, mousing, stationing elc , of the lew, al ih i ud of which lime the vessel Is to go to sea aud remain seven days, the first lout of which will be devoid to instruction and man-of-war duties, with pai titular lefereuce lo aiming drill and sub calibre practice, the foilowiug two days lo be devoted lo actual tsrget prac lice. The watch duties of the vessel will be performed by the officers of the naval inllitl, under Hie supervision of i lie regular ofllcers stationed ou board, and such watch otllcers will as far as practl cable, beinstrucled Iu all that pertains lo the handling, navigation aud lighting of the vessel. A I the cud of this tour of duly, the commanding otlicer of the vessel will make a detailed report to Navy Depart ment, in which he will slate the qual ifications of t lie ottlcers for the pasilions they hold aud the fitness of Ibe petty otllcers and eu listed men for naval service at sea. The ilinerary of the Hornet has not yet been arranged, beyond the fact that it will during the month of July give certain of Ibe naval militia of the coast States an opportunity for sea service and practice drill. I. litl of l.etterit Remaining in the Post Office at New Hern, Craven county, N. JV., April 17, 1SI19: urn's lists. A L II Alford, Arthur Armstrong, d I. 11 Mitchell Bryant. D-A P Davis, Ueo K Dunlor. 1I-G A Hill, Wm Meury Hollon, 2. J Matthew Johnson, (2) John John son care of Clark, E W Jones, Nor man Jones, T W Jones caro of Leu Jones. L J W Lee, Benjamin Lynch, 2. M 0 F Marshall, 0 II Moye. N Samuel Neils, J A Neal. P Henry M Price. It Llda Richardson, Frank Kobius Madison Howe. 8 William R Slaton, Rev A Small, Rev J B Smith. T-W T Tarrant. W-George White. WOM ION'S i.ibt. Elsie Barber, Namie Higgs, Flora A Bryant. C Palsy Clark. 1) Charity Dlion. K Martha Edwards. F Martha Foy, Katie Fulcber, Mary B Fisher, care of L A Lawrence. G Annie Green, Grlssellu Glllers, Ella 0 rice. II Jeannab Hargrave care of Judia liarget, Lucy llenson. Miss Hill. C W Ilalhrook, Gertrnde Uailaday care of D A Halladay. J Sarah Jenkins, Lucy Jordan, Mary Johnson, Bettle Jones. K Louise Kennedy, Leah Klniey. R Halite Itawllnga, Annie Keebrook. 8 Emma Small, Lucy Blade, Eliza Spruill, Maggie Squires, James D Smith Mary J Smith. T Susan Taylor. W Fannie Whitfield, Jane White, Leah Williams. Persona calling for above loiters will please say advertised and give date of list. Tbe regulations uow lequlre that one (1) cent shall be collected ou tbo delivery of each advertised letter. 8. W. HaaoocK, P. M. A Mewnbto reaat. Thomas Jefferson wm bora on Aprils, 1743, old style, or April 13, new style, or any day In tbe year,- Modem Democratic Jpv i;mvWak ; Tb MlMWipw'l Tribune saye Ger man firm bdrertlsei beer tablolde, ee of which, tlroppod Into n' tlaas W water, will tursi ' It Into ? b beer ae fmb as iuit drawn," Mow let ail the grow bin V. J-' L Vf . .... . Makes the food more delicious and wholesome nl am KVI1IKM K or THH1KT. Buntue Men'N Caiivelitluii ut outherll floea, N. C. Where Maner OnlyTalki aud Is Wanted. Ourur Ruell. The much advertised Business Men's Convention was belt! at Southern Pines, N. C. this week. Speakers from Florida ,Ceorgi, Ala bama, South Carolina and Tennessee, and from sections of North Carolina had been invited to read papers and make addresses. The 8eakcrs were given to under stand lhat Southern Pines, the Yankee City, had so much money olfering il for investment that it could not use it all, heuce II. e speakers were invited to u:k up" their Bectloiisand at-cuie this overflow of Yankee money. Delegations of northern hankers and capitalists had been invited, per pro grain to attend, and hear the addresses, and make investments. Tuesday was given t the Industrial agents of the Seaboaid Air Line, who had a love feast in the pallor of the Pincy Woods Inn, and told of how great things were being done along the S. A. L. Uagundi, all witli Yankee money. J Wednesday liegau Hie business Men's Convention. The speakers with great manuscripts, and slaiiitics iu plenty were ou band, prepared to take up the overflow of Yaukee in iiiev. But somehow the ndveiiised bankeis and capitalists failed to uj qicar. Instead, there crowded into the par lors of the l'iuey Woods Inn t lie visitors in Southern Pines and t lie guests of the Inn. These listeners were glad of the con vention, for with the dark and chilly weather prevailing there was nothing lo o cupy their time, and Ihe addresses were of some intere.il. I hen when they got tired they could leave the parlors, which they tlid not fail lo do, to the (lis comfiture of t!ic speakers, many of whom found themselves Hildresslng empty chairs iu front and u few persons iu dis tant corners. The addresses were all good, and mer ited Ihe attention ot investors, which they did not have The announcement lhat Governor Russell would arrive Wednesday night, and lhat il was hoped he would leceive a hearty welcome, produced no enthusi asm. The "enthusiasm" at the station, when the Governor ai rived, resolved itself into three cheers, given by a half a dozen of the Governor's Savages, led by a white man detailed for the purpose. At the Inn, the Governor's paily, in cluding .Major Davis and Hal Ayer, were hardly noticed upon arrival, but a little later several friends gathered about them. During the evening a number of inno cent strangers were "steered tip" by Hal Ayer and Introduced lo the. Gover nor, which gave partial relief lo bis isolation. Thursday, was set apart for Governor's Day, but it was noticed that everyone who knew tin Governor and who possi bly could, got away Wednesday night. Pincy Woods inn, is a pleasant and well kept hostelry, with rales at $.ri,e0 per day. Carriages from the trains carry passengers at 25 cents each, same price going back, or B0 cents for the mile ride. Between the several freezes of the Spring, and the San Jose scale, t lie peach crop at Southern Pines and vicinity, Las been ruined, but there will be some pears and berries raised. A special feature of tho "Yankee thrift" of this convention, as one dele gate said, "was the absence of distinction made between tbe speakers invite d and the other guests.'' The delegate told that being unable to buy a special rale ticket as he had lo make a close 1 1 ai n connection; he had the privilege of pay ing full rates bolh ways, as well as other expenses while at Southern Pines. The convention from a S. A. L. Ma gundl point of view will be published a great success. Net Cn Week Days. No. I cannot agree with you. I am sure lhat true religion is uot diminish Well, you may lie right. Anything used on Sundays only ought lo last a long time. Which. An Ohio man in celebrating bis 80th birthday aaid Be "never bad a cross word with his wife," and everybody is puzzled to know whether he was ever married if she was deaf ami dumb, or If he Is simply lying at that ripe old age. By the Uaadfal. She They tell me the Black baby has her father' hair. He Is that possible! I thought bis wife got ell of It, A O A Thing . New York Is to have t cemetery for birds, iios aud cats. This i a great scheme for a ett (a tbe ground is worth two ob the roof. sowetra oo., ww t K.'.l.iJ :i H i t KSv.llt. K.eker lo.i uf II ..n.- Mi, l.- I r lowed t'iou .Mr. II pLim ir Mr. Mit-rmuii. 1:1-r.-et ..n 1. -,- n:l ..i. Nkw YouK, Aril 10 The ileralo's Washington col respondent ms: "Speak er Heed's early iclircmenl fiom Con gress lo cuijiie ill business in New Yuik will 1 ave an ini-oi t int bearing" ou ln C iir.i of legislation and politics for tin next few jeais. U not only opeds up the question of th; Bpeakr-lii(i in the Fifty sixth ( ou ress, uut it means lhat th.; Ilou e of liepiesentatives in that Congress will not lie dominated by one man, for theie is no one in that body s itlii ienily strong lo tep Into Mr. Reed's plate ai dictator ai well as piesiding of ficer .if l In' House " W till Ml". Heed's succeietor will he i a qiieiliou that cannot be ausw ered n.w 1 1 is one 1 hal will piohahly it-main un answeied until the meeting of the Ke ptihiii an i am us on iheeeof Ihe begin ning of Ihe new Coiigiess, for no man ou I lie Iii-iiihiican side occupies such a oinman i.ng positiou as to justify a pre liction licit In- will be chosen. Several names have atnadv been uu nlioncd, including those of liepiisentalives I'aync and v heituan, of Ni w Yi ik; Dal zell, of Pennsylvania: (Irostetior ol Ohio, Hopkins ami Cannon, of Iiim is. ind I leiiilci.iou and lie.diun., tif Iowa Some of I; cm ran 1 e i limina'ed ut once il is helievtd lltul the t onlct will id timalely narrow down to n light lielwiin Mr. Miciman, of New York, and Mi Hopkins or lllinoi i. Mi. .-!iei man, il i expected hcic, wi'l have the suppoit ol Mr. lovd'- i i-wih.il lollowing er lanrelv, while Mr Hopkins will receive Ihe million of the men of the West riicre will 1 some exceptions lo this ulc. how ever, as one of I lie first men to sugge-t Mr. S'lcruoiii for Speaker in the event of the i el i re nun I of Mr. I.eed was 1 Wesiern man. ".Mr. Hopkins, who is regarded as h:w ing lather a heller chance for election lion any other candidate, is uot, strictly speaking, an administration man. He was one of those who were dissatisfied Willi Ihe slowness Mill which the Prcsi lent moved in the events which brought about the war wiih Spain, and be part ici puled in and was made chaiimanof tin meetings of I he dissatisfied nc lubers ol the II iiise. He fully appreciates the ne cessily of harmony in parly action, how ever, and his efforts on that occasion were directed lo bringing about harmony bet wet u Ihe 1'ieident and the House, when another man in his position might have widened Ihe breach." NERVOUS WOMEN Do you itel like screaming' ju;t before and during' the monthly sick ness? Are you ejsily irritated? Do you get the blues and wish some times you were dead ? If your answer is " Yes" to any of these questions, you should lose no time in taking' BRADFIHLD'S FEMALE RUG VIATOR It will overcome and cure every form of irregular menses, leucor rhoea, falling of the womb and other uterine trouble. $1 at DrutmlBla. TDE OUADHLLU UEIALITUU CO- AlluaU. Ca. SEED RICE ! Choice Seed liice For Sale ut ( HAS $. II I LIAS. Kssl i-i lc Market lok. New Heme, N. C. Notice I Thomas F "McCarthy, Adminis-") trutor of Mary II Hcwcy, deceased. I vs. ! Notice C II Wifgina, Ocorce Tisd.ile, j Nathan TiRdalc, W Hurl I and inherit. I To Norman Hall and wife, William T Hunt, II T Hunt, Klimra Tiadale, Annie Tisdale, Henrietta McDonald and husband, James McDonald, Kd ward Tisdale, son of William Tis dale, and the other heirs of William Tisdale, tleceased (if any), Take No lice. That an action has been begun in the Suoerior Court of Craven county to e form anu correct a certain aeea ext cutea by Mary I) Dewey deceased.to C H Wig gins, and the moitgage lo st-cuie the purcliasi money ior tut- lanti, u.erein conveyetl. ukecuieti ny u n wiekuib. to said Mary l Dewey; an I lo foreclose said morliinifc. Halt! action Inmiiiilcd as aforesaid, by Thomns V McCarthy Ad I'inbtraltrr of Mary D Dewey, deceased. You and each of tou. are therefore notified to be and appear before our said Superior Court to be held in the county of Craven at tbe Court House therein, on the 13th Monday after Ihe 1st Monday in March 1800. it belit the IVth day of May, and answer or demur or otherwise plead to the complaint, which will be tiled in tbe olllct of the Clei k of said court, within lb1 first thrre days of said term. Tbia March 38i h, 18011 W. M. WATSON, Clerk. Superior Court Craven Couuty. , DON'T DESPAIR! An American Scientist's Great Work. Consumption, Pneumonia, La Bronchitis and AU Lung Can be Positively and Dr. Slocum's System of TreaUneat Has A tree Course of Treaties tar Afl .1 It" :h.ld': I1'." ? SCHSE 7V THE SLOCVM LABORATORIES, NEW YORK CITY. Tbe Doctor Dr monsfralintf to Medlcml the V.ifue of tbe New Slocum System of Treatment tor the Pormaawat Cure of l.uvfi Consumption, Catarrh and All Pulmonary and Waiting Dtmamaem. Do yi u cough? Do jinn lungs pain you? Is yuur til at sore and inflamed? Do ymi spil up phlegm? Does your head ache? Is your appetite bad? Are your 'nngs delicate? Are ) ou losing flesh? Arc you pale and thin? Do yon lat stamina? TIicm- svin itoins are proof that you have in your body tile seeds of the most langerous malady that has ever devas tated the earth consumption. Consumption, the bane of those who lave l. ecu drought up in tile otd-tasn- iotied htliefs that this disease was hered ilary. '.bat it was fatal, that none could recover who wcic once nrnily claspeti in its relentless grip. Hut now known to be curable, made bv the world stirring discoveries of that man whose name has been given to this new system of treatment. Now known to be preventable and curablt by following and practising his hygienic teachings. Ihe new system ot treatment will cure you of onsumiition and til all diseases which can be traced back to weak lungs as a foundation. It is not a drug system, but a system of germ destruction and body building. I! lit We tlchirc to say that we loive l..id in for tb FAI L AND WINTKH TRADE one ef the largest and Best Asgorted Stocki .f. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, t'i'O BE FOUND IN NEW BERNE, Ami we respectfully ask for a larger Share of your patronage. We liny in large quantities from first hands and pay no middle 11 t ti's profits and are therefore prepared to sell yon as low an any 01 0. We have just completed a lot of nice STABLES and a lare t hod to shelter yo'ir vehicles, which you"are welcome to ueo FREE. When you come to the city Don't Fail to examine our Stook before buying your Groceries. Respectfully, McDanicl & Gaskill. GROCERS. 71 Hroiul N(rfcl, NEWBEUNE, Jf. C. The Monarch (ADiOLVTELT ttfekU Its strength comes from Its purity. It Is all pur coffes. freshly roasted, and Is sold only In ons-pound ssaled packages. Each packago will males 40 cups. Th pack age Is sealed at the Mills so that the aroma Is never weakened. It has. a delicious flavor. Incomparable strength. It Is a luxury within the reach of alU , - . Itwtot ee Uen Citte Wwifi:$:-h. nuvflr nruMnu nor None i If your Grocer Grippe, Asthma, CMtonk, and Bronchial Troubles Permanently Cured. Revowstienized OM-TisM Theiriss. Staffer tar the Mar Aasdwf. Men, Scientist, Sfstesmea mad Stmdemtm Not guesswork, but science. Not a step backward, but a stride out of the old ruts. Made possible only by Pasteur's, Virchow's, Metchnikoff's and Slocum's latest discoveries in bacteriology, hy giene and therapeutics. In plain English, a system of modern scientific disease curing. The System consists of Four Prep arations which act simultaneously and supplement each other's curative action. . You are invited to test what this sys tem will do for you, if you are sick, by : writing (or a (ree treatment to the SIo- cum Laboratories, New York City. WRITE TO THE DGrCTOR. Send your name and full express and postoffice address to the Slocum Labor atories, 98 Pine street, New York, and mention this paper, and the Four Free Preparations of medicine will be for warded you. The system is a positive cure for con sumption, that most insidious disease, and for all lung troubles and disorders complicated by loss of flesh, Coughs, Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis, etc. Thin, pale, weak people become iat and hearty by its use. The test is to try it ) a LJ T of Strength is wuiu fn duik, ' it,-'., , ,- COFFEE. Ganulaa without I Inn's haul. - '-T 5 nuln without Llon'e head. 6or aot tlaa Oo4 M Ms i m4 Ills Maw ft ml Midr-aa tt msjr tmt it l umc. Im aot mo ' a ftoliMtltntA. Vimiijioh iPtrra ro., r-i'-'o, .