BsmMawmd An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy. Grain- or Flo. manufactured by the Calitouu Fi Srmvr Co., illustrate the valnc of obtaining1 the liquid laxa Ut prineiplea of plants known to be medicinallj laxative and presenting them In the form moat refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleaiMung the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. la the process of manufacturing tips are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Stiu i Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM rKAMCISCO. CAI LOUISVILLE. IT. MBW YORK. BT. T. Par talc by all DruggMU. Pricr 50c. pr bott' THE JOURNAL .n Item, N. I'.. May 80 IHit'.l. .4 HAY IN TIIK CITY The I, mill's Aid Soriely of tUe ( hri-: lail Cluiroli have postponed their io cream festival until Wednesday nielli June 7tli. Itoyall'd Fruit Store on Broad slreei was broken into Sunday night, and a jit of candy, hoi of oigars anil fruit stolen The thief effected an eulinnc e through window. W. K. Foy, a tobacco fanner who livi between thin city and I'olloksville wa: in the city, yesterday and reports hi lohscco as looking line, and from three to Hit Inches high. Mary Isler was reported as the colored woman In yesterday's Joi hnai., having received Mottley's stolen goods It should have been Mary Ellison, in itead of Mary Isler. The colored woman, Mrs. (leorge Hed dick i f James City, who was severely burned several weeks ago from falling In the lire, while in a til, died yesterday from the burns received. Superior court convened yesterday, Judge Hoke, presiding. The esse of Deppe vs Stimsou Lumber Co. judgment was In favor of the plaintiff Court will meet again this morning. The A. C. L. lias been running a Jim Crow csr on its train lietween here and Wilmington for several days. As yet the color line has not been enforced on this car, but it goes into effect Thursday. Deputy Marshal It. I!. Blackledge passed through here yesterday from Beaufort, with C. A. Clsussen, who is to appear before the United Stales court on charge of selliug spirituous liquors without a license. The lufsut Class of Mrs Carrie Cole will give sn entertainment tonight, in the Epworth League rooms, next to Cen tenary church. Admission ten cents. Hefreahments will lie served aud the Orchestra will play during the evening. At 10:45 a. in. yesterday, an alarm of fire quickly brought the department to Kills' shingle mill, where the lire was found to be in a pile of bark. The tiie was easily extinguished. The origin Is supposed to be from sparks from the mill. The colored man Kobe rt Mosely, Jr , who was arrested for stealing goods from E. II. Cox's grocery store, was ex amlucd yesterday by llr Jones, and prs nounced of unsound mind. Mosely was put In jail and will be sent to the asy lum at first opportunity. The Electric Light Company has put np Incandescent lights in front of St. Paul's church and the parsenage neit to the church. These lights were very kindly contributed, and their presenta tion Is highly appreciated by those re ceiving the benefits from them. Remember the New Bern Heel Team Festival, tonight, at the Planters Ware house. Let every one turn out and give the Buttons a big success. New Hern wants that Belt, so encourage the boys who tret fight for It aeil August. Help them with money and they will do the rest. 80 go to the festival tonight. Music by City Band. Baaed CI las;. Thecloelng exercises of Miss Leah Jones' School wlU take place this week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings twtarae .W and it o'clock. Tuesday'! ; eiamlnallone wilt be on Arithmetic sad. Reading; Wednesday', History and Physiology, and Thursday Geography and Literature. Parents and all interested persoai are cordially Invited to attend. . Needs assistance tl may Vs beat to render - it promptly, bit one should remember to M evea the moat perfect remedies oaly -whe seeded. The best and meet itmplo Md fenUa remedy le taa 8 jr. pel fig, auaifac lured J by tbo CaJuevala Tig Byrap Co. . !; w-S J;tDin - : f A em st sfk V 'a'1L' i i tsars' tat' 1M Km lfw M Www Ugaataie TH. Mart Batla- Uwarf Tlato. S Mara baa Craw da Maat aaanltas'. The Journal received the following dispatch yesterday from Lieut. Tom C. Daniels, which explsins itself. It was written on board the U. S. Auxiliary Cruiser Prairie, which now hss the North Carolina Naval Kexerves on a practice cruise. Point Looaoit, kin , May 25 (Via Baltimore, kid , Wy 27 ) Arrived here yesterday, rough weather, but pleasant trip. Some of the crew seasick. Sub calibre practice on the guns to lay. Very tins target work has been done by the boys. There was a bost rsce today between 1 be Boys and the Itegulars. All are having a tin time, only one lu the brig for insubordination. To sea sad northward toiuoi row for target work with solid shot. The crew are very much pleased w ith the Reserves. Our officers had to pull themselves tshore for this communication, a pull of live miles aud plenty of blisters to show for it. We are now anchored at the mouth of lie Potomac river. Ilargett s gun crew have done Hie of the shooting. i'kkmin .-,.Ik;i.h lio.iolph iK.IIv ot Winning uu, I in the cr y. Solicit. n Wuller K lsmeU nrriv cd IfiM nicln .1 Wi i.l.i Mr I A fn-w ..f 1 1 Slcsfccng. r i in 1 ii.i i il Ml iiinl Mir S .1 I,;u: n f i (' :n i 1 . il v .'t': il l Mrs 1.1 ial'Ci !i .ioncs Wiiu.i f . In 1 11 htcnln iiM-i ii i n u in ul K i ii -1 ; i Messrs. U V IticbanUnn and i-lli Wr-t of I lover, are in the citx. VI r. Uaa. Taylor, postmaster at Bachc'or N ('., was iu the city yesterday Mr. Charles Iti.eiistein left yesterday morning returning to New York. Mr. W. A Smith, of Clay Hoot. Pill ouuty, was iu the city yesterday. Mr. H. L. Fennell, the "Horse Mllli- ner of Wilmington, is in the city. Iredell Meares, Esq , of AViliniiijjton i in the city, attending Superior court. Dr. (1. S. An mure of Stonewall was among the visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. Sam W. Westbrooke, the genial truck buyer, Is in the city on a business visit. Miss Maud visiting Mist Deleuiar of Oriental is Ethel Willis, on Broad street . Mrs. It II. Baxter and Miss Nete Baxter of St. uewall, were visiting In the city yesterday. Mr. Sidney liars came home Sunday on the Neuse from New York, where he has been attending school. Messrs W. C. Willett, W. 11. Bray, and J. K. Cromwell went to Norfolk yesterday en s business trip. Mr, snd Mrs. T. A. (Ireen left yester terday morning to attend Greensboro Female College commencement. Cspt. A. E. Piltman left on the Neuse last night for Baltimore snd New York to purchase bicycles snd su ndries for the Oaskins Cycle Co. Coming Marriagaa. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Mr. William Gerney Womhle to Miss Viola Provost, niece of Mr and Mrs. I). S. Aman. The ceremony is to take place at Palo Alto, Onslow county, Tuesday after noon, June 5lh. The announcement is made of the mar risge of Miss Msry Eli.abeth Davis, of this city, to Mr. Samuel C. Clark, of Camden N. J., In this city, Wednesday. p m, June 7th. A Spirited Sale. The Receivers' Sals of property, con sisting of New Bern lots and acreage in the country, as advertised by Messrs Wsdswortb snd Roberts, In the Journal, took piece yesterdsy noon st the Court house door. The site formerly occupied by the Stliuson Company's mill, was sold to C. E Foy, and the house aud lot foot of Queeii street was bought by S, L. Dill, Jr. Over the country property there wsa s spirited bidding by a number of lumber- wen, and good prices were realized. To cure piles, sthikk at tiik moot that's the way. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve strikks at tiik nooT-lt removes the cache, quickly snd permanently. Don't squander lime and money In a rain effort to remove the effects F S Duffy Jk Co. rlal Waak. The Sunday schools of the city will, many of them, have their annual picnics this week. Today the Christian church 8. 8. goes up Treat river, on steamer Howard, to Foy's mill. Tomorrow, Centenary church Sunday school, will go up Trent river on two steamers. The Presbyterian a 8. picnic will lake place Thursday, June 1st and will leave Mew Bern for Morehead City at 8:80 o'clock sharp from oorner of Neuse and Hancock etreete. Price of ticket $1.00, which does not Include dlnnea, Ticket! can be purchased at stores of D. r. Jarvls, 0. D. Brad bam, Davii' Phar macy or from w;. P. M. Bryaa. J ."' J . DeWltl'i Lluie larly Risers act as a fanUloM pill ehonld, cleansing and re- riving the lyetem instead of weaken-, Ing Ik. They tarc mild and sure, imall and pleaaant to lake, and entirely fro from objectloaablf drnga. They assist rather than compel, f g Duffy Qp. . I v v. I '. Warn fa Bayboro atop at the Lfptoa Hon as for good aflcoauaodalUma. a-BOm bata! ft The i.Bc laves s , The lectuies opcaud at the Catholic church on Sunday night by father i'rke are rxcltiug much attention just now. Large and Interacted audiences assembled to hear the lecture on the Bible Swaday night, aad that oi the con fessional last night. The lecture on the Bible was extreme ly forcible and Interesting aud excited much comment among those who heard il. The lecturer held that the reading of the Bible was not and could not be the means established by Christ to enable each individual to know bis religion with certainty, that for s number of years the New Testament did not exist, thai the vast majority of men for 1500 years could not read and could not get Bible, that today the most learned snd best cannot agree as to the inspiration of the Bible, nor the true books, nor the proper translation, nor the true inspiration, that God established a church to teach his re ligion to decide all queslioui concerning i he Bible, the true interpretslionof it snd ihul our duty In life consists In finding out which that church is and in follow nig out its leaching. i ue lecture on lue t onlessional was iu stly explaualory and proved of Ui highest intercut The Question Box furnishes a variety of MiiijectM which call forth much infor mation and pleasant liiMiuclions. and never fail lo interest. What is Ihediller cuce between Catholic and Protestant Hibles? nv don't Piiesisget mariied What .lo I ! holies believe about the change in the lament of the Last supper do ' hey believe that a physical tr.iiteiinl v iiHiiu'c Iski phtcc' These itrc sauip!e7 of the Ufsi!on ail of win. h seem In be misncied lucidly uud fully. The inn ici ing Mibjecl of I "inn Ill's lecture Mill he Purgatory, and those who ivishlo kunw anal a large number ol chiislians hoi of many souls of the ju-t after dentil, . antind out by attending the lecture. In what the belief of Pulsa tory consists, why it is held, what are its practical dim., the condition of souls iu Purgatory, how prayer may alleviate their sufferings These are the chief points upon winch the lecture will touch. Till .11 M l U. l Ks. I AMIS 1IO UK Jol 1INAI.. The June Ladies' Home Journal reaches the lop notch of excellence in both Its pictorial and literary features. It opens with page drawing of Long fellow's "Evangeline," anil gives agroup of pictures showing some "Fetes of Col lege Girls." An interesting description is given, of "The Creole Girl of New Orleairs," and "Housekeeping on an Ocean Steamship" is graphically por trayed "How a Y'oung Man Can Work His Way Through College" has a prac tical value for every poor boy ambitious for higher education, and "Telling the Character from Handwriting" is inter esting and entertaining. Bishop, priest, rabbi and minister com ribute to a sympo slum on "What Is the Good of Going to Church?" snd the Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis, D. D., discusses "Pains Hint Pol ish Perfection." PRANK I.KSI.Ik'x. Hon. John D. Long, Secretary of the Navy, is the author ef a very notable contribution to the forthcoming (June) number of Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, now a giant among the ten cent magazines. It is entitled "The Building of the New Navy," and is illustrated with nearly forty eliaboralo pictures and official plans, showing types of all the classes of Cm led Slates war vessels, from the torpedo boats and de stroyers to the most formidable ttrstclass battleship, such as the new Maine, the Kearsage and the Kentucky. In the course of this elaborate and compreheu sivs paper, Secretary Long reviews, iu a most appreciative manner, the work of his distinguished predecessors in office Secrelsries Hunt, Chandler, Whitney Tracy snd Herbert whose efficient and patriotic energy in the building of the new navy led up to the glorious results consummated under the present adminis t ration. MC 1,1 HkS. McClure's Magazine for June will give the untold story of the negotiations be tween Admiral Dewey and the Spanish commanders that resulted in the final surrender of Manila without snytbing more then (he merest show of a tight on the part of the Spanish land forces. The story is told by Oscar King Davis, the Manila correspondent of the New York Sun, from the diary of M Kdouard An dre, the Belgian consul who conducted the negotiations. Oallag Magaalaa Far Jwaa. Outing for June Is the asxt beet thing to sn actual holiday. Tbe freshness of June foliage teems to pervade the leaves J of this popular magazine, which also carry many beautiful Illustrations. The contents are: "Golf" (played with Iron clubs), by Amateur Champion Flndlay 8. Douglass; "Black Bass,'' by Percy Band ford; "Where tbe Ouananlcbe le Wait ing," by Ed. W. Sandys: "Canoeing, from Snowline to Sea," by Geo. Hyde; "Frogging in Milne Waters," by H. J. Cralgj -The New Tachti of the Tear," y Cspt A. J. Keaealy; "Five Weeks Awheel In France," by Norman Cross; 'Practical Camping Near Home,'' by T. C, Yard; "The Last Jump," an la teres t ing piece of fiction, by Carolina Shelley; "Up to tbe Hllli In India," by P. E. BtevcBsoa, and the vsaal editorials, poemi and records. '" . . Yon get np In the morning tired, a bed teste In the mouth and head ache. Know whai'i the matter BlUottsnesst Tate Dewltt'i Little Early Riser. They regnlate the liver and ear constipation pleasantly and promptly. Merer gripe, f B Daffy ft Co. ' t ; en Thn bast headache remedy le Calory Headache Powders, made and Bold at Davla' Preecrlptloa Pharmacy. JOKES COUNTY'S CAPITAL Mt rrvat Trawl Am4 Viciwrtj. Crwaa, rraaU Aad MaalMf a. Tbenton, May 27. The exercises of the T rentes High school commencemeDt will be held Tues day and Wednesday, the Aih and "th of June. The address will be delivered by twelve miles from kClntoc, Haturdsy Rev. W. 8". Rone on the 7th. 'night about 11 o'clock. Hi iu shot We are having quite cool weather for from ambush with a shot gun. the season. Kites sie s necessity In our ' He was going from camp with Mr. T. homes while last winter's overcoats are Q Castello, another employ of the log pulled on and sprlug straw hats are left ling company. There was only one re borns hanging on the racks, while cspa 1 port, but some thick the murderer fired aud our old wluter hats are considered both barrels st tbe same lime as 23 very comfortable. buckshot aud S9 smaller shot were found Mr. Henry McDaniel, our miller Is lu hit body by Dr. J. M. Parrolt, who building a uew kitchen uiide the post mortem examination. His The Trenton Drug Company is build- , left baud was shot to pieces badly, most iug a new awning iu frmii of their place of the load entering his right thigh aad of business. 'groins, serving su artery and causing Crops are looking well, notwilhstand him to bleed to deslh. ing it is so very cold, liar.lsns arc ex ' Mr. Tweedy was taken to the Bell Log tremely tine. Several of our citizens are ' glng company's railroad as soon as pot feasting on beans, leets are in the near sible aud brought to Kintlou on s log future, while others are telling of their hue vegetables. Doc t ox says he lu a few days will have a t.uare meal of squishe- Can any one divine why the hsties within two miles of Trenton won't bite, while others who tish further from the place can bring such large bunches of tish in Can it lie that lisbt-ni en around here have hooked and tislied over tins pa. e mi much that the lislies mouths are or may tie a little sorev 1 have received from the North Caro lina Agik'ultuiKl Experiment Station Bulletin No 102 of .Mai. h 22u.l Being a. nun tiluls as lo the more prom- cro( Stale. 1 li in iea.! it will, pleasure and desire ev. ry . wiici ol land and clops iu ' Jone-- eoiiuti lo procuic a postal card and w ine to some ot the director lo send ; Hi. ni i p The department will cheerfully send n to all thai apply for it free of charge, and n lo n you get it,; yuu nl certitiuly lie pleased, for it ; shows you how to improve your lands at small cost and a much belter system of niakiu.; crops than you are now pursu lug. An ice company has been formed here which hits erected au ice house and will ship and keep ice here by the large quan tity to supply the wants of Trenton and I and all others that may favor them with their orders. Partners leport that the crops are gel ting grassy , Died at Trenton on the '21th of May, ; tho little ha by gir, daughter of Mr. and Slr. YYiilimn Banks, uge " months. The parents have the sympathy of the entire community iu their sail bereavement. The tow n ordinances have lieen re vised and up here admonishing us not to violate them. The Mayor, Commissioners and the l'olleemun, say that they arc determined to eiecute them. We would like for some moneyed man to start a cannery here to can the straw berry and whortleberry crop, and truck crops that are canned in other places. Why is that some enterprising man of New Kern don't start one there as it would cause the irtickers to dispose of all their surplus crops, help the laboring class and not only help New licrn but the whol? surrounding country Trenton Is almost depopulated today, nearly every one gone a tishing. Some were inquiring of the tishernieu if they were to go with tlieni could they spare them a little bait. Our clever attorney. T. 1). Warren, was anxious to join them but wst too busy professionally to leave. Your iteuii.ei spent two days last week fishing and only caught one Utile robin and the smallest kind of an eel, a little larger than a shoe string, and he tied my line up in Innumerable knots, sol sup pose I bad better wait until the large fish get to biting before I try my luck again. The ladies of Trenton, we learn, will bsve a basket party tonight at the Court house for the bene hi of the Methodist parsonage The sound of the carpenters saw and hammer Is sounding in our village most ly In repair work. Lumber is being sawed to erect a new store house In Trenton near the 1 1 a r re II bar, on Jones street. The Core Creek road has been uluiost Impassable for the last four mouths which has caused Trenton to lose a large amount of trade. Cue creek carts and wagons before the mail got so bad were coming here daily biingiug produce, the very kind that we needed aud would re turn borne with many articles purchased of our merchants in dry good and giocerles. Will the people of Trenton sit quietly down and let our village on account of bad roads' Our good citizen T. C. Whllaker has been tuflering w ith chlllt for the last few days. Not much sickness of any kind around here now only few cases of chills caused by the damp, cool weather. J. B. 8. "re Err is Human." People like to talk about attractive things Ic advertising. In a company r cenlly the proverb above quoted, and which appeared at the bead of a well constructed series of advertisement i of Hood's Sarsapirtlla, wai to much dis cussed that we doubt If any one there will ever forget the source whence it came. Messrs Hood e?Co. are using these proverb advertiaeineBla on a very brosd scale, enu tbey are attracting dls cusslon and favorable comment every where. Soma nannh. lake naanv chances to save money,, a great maay timet at a-1 pcttsc of kiajth. Toor physician almi lo able use of the soil and croo ot ihei"m",'" the program l.y WHICH Ulshop pot all his kaowledge,, experience aad .pp,r before oar aald Hiiperlor kill, late the preecrlptloa ba -rites aad Court to bo hold la tho county of Uraven you may depond poa It that we wmjhConriHotBwma.oa tho an .h.- 7.k i . a.. .... k. 1 Monday after tho lit Monday la March all them with beat drugs money can bay, 1(JW 4 J aadyoaukaao cbanceaofruimalblng'Mtm,crorir.maror otherwise plead to just as good." Preecrlptloa fllllag la a the oomplchrt, wWW will he aled.ia Ike peolaUywItbai-aotaald lcitieBd.'n" of bI. ooort, -wl It u.lf vniu m-i,,!. the nrst three tlayi of acid lam. . ... ,. yoa may bo aatarad of good raao u ir( Marf.h JHW yonri are filled here, Dradbami Pbar- , t , W.M. VYATaOH. fHork. r maoy. '.':"y"J ,C-':.,r . i. m. TTrnovtcTttDnBat, eni rnai Aakak Bear Ml Laajglag Cat Caaaa- laqaaat Wsgaa Baaaaj Aaa CaallaaaC til TwnSajr. Mr. J. H. Tweedy, one of the foremea ef the Bell Logging company, was mur dered sear the company's camp, aboal train. He died ten minutes afler 2 o'clock, just before reaching town. The jury met Sunday meruing at 9 o'clock, but adjourned to 1 p m lo wall until witnesses could be obtained. in tne alteruoon live witnesses were examined sod the jury adjourned about 5 o'clock until next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Mi. J Q. Jackson, county attorney, was present and conducted the examina tion. Kiuston Free Prets, XUtk. Naws Krt.Mi Triully Collage. Since tile invitations to coinuif uce- 1 nienl have heeu Lsued, a change lias lieeu i w v I 11 a ill lhincHii will preach Tuesday at instead of Mouday evening, as announce. I. I lie Alumni Add less by ' Dr. K T White w ill be at 4 p m Tuesday instead of 11 a in, as given ou the pro ' gram i ani. After the address, the Craven : Memorial Hall will be formaly present, d i to the Trustees by Iter. N. M. Jurney, and excepted by Hon. James II. South 'gati1, President of the Hoard. At the ' conclusion of tlirte exercises the Alumni Association will hold its annual meet ing lu order lo provide for the entertain ment of visitors lo Commencemunt, the Hoard of Trade of Duruum has provided a liureaii of I nformalioii at tbe Hook t-lore of W. J Kamsey ii llro , where visitors may obtain information in re gard lo hotels, boarding houses and pri vate residances where accommodations may be secured at low rates. Tbe local Alumni held a meeting and and appointed Committees to look after the affairs of the Alumni during the ap proach ing Commencement. Moudny night s Oymuasllc exhibition will lie given in the Angler Oyinnasiuin. Wednesday afternoon will lie the first annual field meeting on the College Athletic ( This and the Gym nasium Kxliibllion will be held under the auspices of the Athletic Association and under the direction of the Gymnas ium Director. Some every helpful lady friends of the College in Durham have recently inter ested themselves in tilting up tbe Col lege Parlor. The walls have Ix-en paint ed and the celling lieaulifully decorated. Handsome shades aud curtains have been provided for the windows and new carpet for the floor. 10W opera chairs have been placed in the Craven Meuimlal Hall. There are a hundred chairs for the stage, ami there is apace in the aisles and vestibule for some two or three hundred additional chairs. Dr. N. I. Crauford delivered the last of the course of Faculty Lectures lor this year on Saturday evening. The subject was "Idealism." Dr. J. S. Basset t returned yesterday from a short vltit to the Wake Forest Commencement. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hcndrcn of Wins ton, with Mr. llendren s mother, arc on a visit to Miss Mary llendren and Mr. L. L llendren of tho College. Hev. N. It. Richardson of the Wostcrn North Carolina Conference, paid the College a brief visit on Tuesday of week. Trinity Park, Durham, May this There Is a lime for all things. The time lo lake DuWitt'a Little Kaily Kisers Is w lieu you are sullrring from constipa tion or oilier stomach or liver troubles. K S Duffy 4 Co. FlltJl FOR MAI.K! I have a good farm of 14"i acies, for -ale, clc up. Tcii ii il. si f.oni Stella, Curlerel county, N. C. Will toll for $1,1101) oath or $l,S0l o i m . Ai'ilre MRS. M. A. HART, Smituville, lcxii. Notice ! Thomas F McCarthy, Adminis- tretor of Mary D Dewey, 7. t deceased, vs. Notice. C II Wtrglm, George Tisdale, Nathan Tlwlale, w B Uurlt I and other. I To Norman Ball and wife, William T Hunt, II T Uurtt, Elmira Tiedale, Annie Tisdsle, Henrietta McDonald and husband, James McDonald, Ed ward Tiedale, ion or William Tie dale, and the other net re of William Tiedale, deceased (If any), Take No tice. v That an action has been begun ia tbe Superior Court of Craven county to ia form and correct a certala deed executed by Mary D Dewey C II Wig gins, aad too mortgage to secure the purchase money for tho land, therein oonveyed, eteouted by 0 II Wlgglna, to said Mary D Daway; aad to foreclose aaid Bsortgage. Bald act to ii Instituted an a foresaid, by To010" f McCarthy Administrator of "7 JiJ"!.V SSSTrT.. aooaaed. Yon and ' Soperior Court Cravea County. 4 .11 w w aw. . w swa w aw wx 4- JjXw tJ f W -,av wa JaT ' " ' r & 8 ADVERTISING 8 t V - f f gHw Goods ! at. j aj ooo o o Lace Curtains. g Some very dainty eflects in lace cur. tains have just been received. The de signs are new and nleasine and the prices are very reasonable. $2.00, 2.50 J and 3.00. g Dainty Scrim Curtains with ruffled Q border, $1.25. O Shirt ( Large assortments to select trom and the faultless make up of our waists have won for us customers who never before would wear a ready made garment. They are priced so tairly that it is econo my to wear one. At 69c, Fancy Per cale Waists that look well and have just the same style that the higher priced ones have. At 89c, Fancy Percale with two rows of insertion let in. Some more elabo rately tucked and trimmed are priced at 98c and $1.35. Colored Lawns. Some new patterns of colored lawns lust opened. They are black and navy blue ground with either polka dot or small neat figure. The quality oi tho lawn is excellent and the price is 10c. Coupons with every cash purchase. OCCOOOCCOOCCOO o oooooooo. I THIS TIME WE TIIK OI.I The Karly Bird Catches the Worm." For those of our ctiKtoini'rs SUITS carl v can timl siuh lirutilii-s in all i-tvlrs anil Uriel's from " I0: to 40c iht yanl. l tie tvt i m i m ih rout ami tin Cotton liriiitls willt tlic Ituttons i Tht'ii wt- ran nlmw tlic Drwcv Tii-H in Itlark anil Colors. l -' I'rrrtian anil India Ijiwii witli Flcrcv licc in Val. and y KciKiisMinre and wr have lovely Wliiti' and ri uin lianil Licrd tjy and All Overs, for Silk Waints, Ac. The I'.lack Silk IVinrew Iliitulle I'artwol in fi, l and 2(i inch, cannot Ik- beaten for the money. New designs in Belt and All these ami very many other new things, not forgetting White Kids inst in. Come and sii- for viiiiisi Iu-m IHackburnj THE CORRECT HAT FOR SPRING STRAW HAT ! We have them at prices to salt buyers and in latest styles' FROM 25 CENTS TO $1.75. t Children and Misses SLIPPERS Will be sold cheap. a White and Neglige Shirts, tor Men, large sizes, 16, 16 1-2, 17. It be sold very cheap. Also have a full line soiling at Reduced Prices. 1 iK'iv" ;' BIMIDDLI BTBtfT, aw, A m fat 0 0 a. iA W Jym wwJWwWwf, If ' ' ? " ja. O D O Baa Waists. Civ. in rut- Griffon Brand i f INE NOVELTY LAWM CONTRADICT i VI I l iJK, who iliil not Ihiv llii ir IMOl'K 1$! mi y .i - now iinn I'mnr nr I lie I'anr of sanir, niaki'-iiii liaiiil.-ninii'lv. l Collar Clumps or a useful Pelt Pin. vr you want one, it will of SHOES, which aro ioi JNIW BERN, N. O o o vSv''i'Cy n ! Civ. i mi- U TVTTHFTWT '.JLlwL-lL -IL .JOL .A i

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