left A 10 VOLUME XXII. HIW BERN, CRAVEN CODHTY. N. !.. HtlUAY, JUNE lli. IH'.ll) - SEl'OMi SECTION. MMblK '24. UGHTHIHGS POWER. Bailiuad Depot And Waieta A! Unlawful Checks Issued luipora tlou Commission Hears Excep tions. Teachers' Assembly. Vote For Bonds. Sous of Revolution. Halkioii, June 1-4 - Lightning ilesiroy etl tbe Seaboard Air Line'B Depot auil warehouse at lloucure. A ijUKUiity t bridge material was burned. Tbe Seaboard Air line I.lnc baa bad 400 men at work straightening its Kal eigh and Augusta division's many curves near Monouie. Ten curves have Iweu stralglhcueil aud unw 7o repairers are at work. Tilt re are now only three smallpox a ients iu the pesthouse and only one suspect in tbe detention camp. Tbe attorney general has decided that noii-truusteralile checks issued ly a cor poration aud good in trade only at tbe corporation store are unlawful and vio late chapter 280, acts 1SH0, and chiptci 45G, acts lt!)1. The annual session of the North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly has begun at Morebead City. It was opened with prayer by Hev. T. A ISuiool, of Greens boro Female College, and there was an address by Itev. Daniel A Long, of An tiocb College, Ohio, who is a North Car olinian. Many prominent educators are present, t he Mate supei intenilenl of public insti u.tion, ( bulks A. Meliane is present. Tbe trustees (I the Institution lor tbe Blind met and unanimously te elected John 10 Ka) s upci intcndenl lot the next two )l'Uls The 1'orpoi at ion commission postpon ed until June M.h Hie hearing of the Hell Telephone Company's exceptions to the order living tents Kx Senator John W, Daniel could not be lo re. The com mission also postponed Ibc exceptions of the Atlantic Coat I I ine, Norfolk V Western and Southei n Uuilway to tbe feililizcr rate until July l-l. The State grants a charter to the Cou coul Cotton Oil Mill, capital $30,000 YV H. Udell aud other stockholders, The Adjutant Cieneral bas accepted tbe second division of Naval He-serves, lately formed at Elizabeth City. Tbe people here are much pleased at the practically unanimous vote for tbe issue of the street improvement bonds and the school bonds There were only 50 voles cast against the street bonds. The street work so far done here Is excellent, aud ratlliea the citizens greatly. Tlieie is a sharp advance iu real estate here. Hy order of the Sons of the llevolu tlou, 50.1 copies of the admirable address of Juuius Davis, Km , of Wllmingtou, on the occasion of the presentation of poitruiU of Alfred Moore aud James Iredell t ) the supreme Court have been primed handsomely, and been issued. Weekly t.'ru Itulletiii. The W'eeLI, i : 1 i :ii for week ending Munilsi, June 1 :, i- a- l .llows: The wtatl-ci .Iming iln- bi t half of tbe week ending vlond o, Juuo i2, 1 0 , was cbai ie!ei i,i d by 1-kiic.uc beat, dry ness an I glaring sun-nine The urn peratuie average I owr six tleiees above the norm.) diily, wi b i liemes trout J). to I'hi" a in .:.t i v. rj here up to Fri day. I. n.al tli ni l. un.r.ii i ur, Hi red Thursdj i Venin .', and h'it mills were general in.- i..oo,i t..-r oi t lie- wren. a;--parenii) in.: i:.oi ; . Ii - li . . : 1 1 H, -.in i, ly. The I iliil.ill V i - ,e i-l in , In .- i li I ,, part of the State, and especial. j ... west where ni ne moisture is still re quired. . ecro storms with bail damaged crops over considerable aieas in the cen tral poition of N'onb Carolina cbletly In Davidson, Ireilell, Franklin, Wade, and Mash counties. Tbe week cloned cloudy and cooler, but not tufficieutly so to check tbe growth of crops. Tbe effect of the drought during the forepart of the week was most serious in tbe Western District, where the lalnfall has been Insufficient for some weeks. Tbe growth of corn was seriously check ed and tome young corn was kilted Garden vegetablea suffered everywhere, nd spring oati were considerably dam aged. The Injury on the whole was far lesa than might have been expected on account of (he excellent itale of cullira- tlon of al'. crops, and the rainfall already received will Induce fresh and vigorous growth. Harvest Is now fully underway with prospects for a wheat crop of good qual ity. Some fall oats and rye have been cut; spring oats are low and very boor. Cotton hat withstood the drought well, id even made excellent growth. Corn has grown slowly; many complaints of damage by out worm continue to be re ceived, and there are tome complalutt of poor stand; laying by will begin In the south soon. Tobaco generally looks well, though small for the season In tbe northcenlral portion, where tbe stand it not good. Potato shipments continue, bnt tbe tubers are small, and the yield below expectations, Dry weather Inter fered with setting late twoet potato slips. Cabbages are heading nicely, melons doing well, and blackberries ripening. Many Held peat were planted. Rice In the east suffered to tome client t m drought. A ri'KIOI'S HATII.E. Americana k1 MI11uoii Flg-hl All lajr Nr&r Mjiiila. Cablegrams from Manila date that an all day battle between Americans and Filipinos raged Tuesday on a strip of land along tbe shore of Manila bay ex tending from Cavile Vlejo (old Cavlte) to Las I'iua, aUml seven miles distant. Ai M 1.) p m, the lime of the last ad vices, the battle still continued. Tbe Amtilcans bad driven tbe Filipinos back slowly, but there appeared to be no de cisive result, as the natives still occu pied s strong position. The American force engaged consisted of 11,000 men under Cieneral Lawton, aid ed by the guns of a number of warships. Tbe Filipino strength is unknown. The loss of General Lawlou's force Is estimated at U0 killed and wounded The Filipluo loss could uot be accurate ly computed. The battle began early In tbe morning, when tbe Filipinos fired two shells from a cannon lulu Cavile Viejj. This place Lawton could cross the river. It is 11 miles south of Manila, In a straight line act oss Manila bay, but by the Bhore n a I it Is about 18 miles from Manila. Tbe Filipinos also began firing cannon shots on tbe American garrison of Las I'i nas, seven miles northeast of Cavlte Vlejo. They fired rifle volleys at Bakoor. about midway between Cavile Vlejo and Las I'iuas. The centre of tbe early part of the fight was at Las Pinas. General Lawton, with his cannon, silenced the Filipino battery there. Then he started an ad vance with part of his main c ilumn. Meeting unexpectedly strong resis tance, (ieneral Lawlon ceased fighting until ii-inforcemenls arrived Then the battle was rcainncil The main Filipino aimy was concentrated at the mouth of the Zapote river, two miles north of liakoor. If Lawton could cross the river, he could probably scatter tbe natives. Hut the approach to tbe bridge was guarded by strong entrenchments. Here the battle raged. The Filipinos were driven across the .-ipote liver, but tbe Americans, al I lie latest advices, had not beeu able to cross the biidge, and the battle continued lIH I. TOKN.VIMIK.S. Hundred Killed 111 Wisconsin Aud Many lu Neliraska. Towns Almost Itlotted Uul. Two tornadoes oue at New Richmond Wis., and another at Herman Neb - are reported to have resulted in the loss of 200 lives. Hundreds are injured. Tbe storm struck New Itichmoud Monday night, but lull details of it were not received until last night, as wires were down. The Nebraska tornado occurred Tues day night, aud the list of deaths which it Is reported to have caused a hundred, may be reduced by later data. In each case the storms developed tre mendous power. Large buildings were reduced to rubbish heaps Iu a few mo ments. Nearly all the people of the stricken towns who escaped did so by taking refuge in cellars. Counterfeiters Convicted. Wilminoto.n, N. C, June 14 Nicho las I'oliiz, a Greek, was convicted In the I'niltd States District Court here today on the charge of counterfeiting and was sentenced by Judge Thomas K. Purnell to six years of bard labor aud a line of fiOJ. Walter Hilvey, convicted Monday of counterfeiting nickels, was sentenced to '.tie year and a day's Imprisonment at anl labor aud lined $100. 1 he counterfeiting case against A. J. Marshall, a well known attorney, was railed before United States Commission er (oilier and continued until the fall lei in of the District Court. TIIK MI'KCULATIVIC MAHHKTS. Today's cpiolallous furnished by Lewis A. .May & Co., New York, Represented hy A U. New berry. New York, June 15. STOCKS. Open. High. Low. Cb Sugar 152 165) 152 16;t leading.. 01 (1 6tf 60 C. H. y 1321 132i 131i 18IJ R. 1 112, 112, 1U 1 1 1 i 0. T SH 82 82J 82 1 B. It. T 117 1181 117 117f m. o. p 42, m m m Manhattan 1181 114 1184 U8 COTTON. Open. Hiph. Low. Close August 5.03 0 93 6.01 5 91 January 0(H) 6.01 6 00 6 01 CUiCAUO MARKETS. WaaAT Open. High. Low. Close July Vi 77 75 77 September ... 77, 78) 70 78, b Thomas Thurmau, deputy sheriff of Tfoy, Ho., says If everyone La (he United states should dlacover the Virtue of De Will's Witch Hazel Salve for piles, rec tal troubles and skin diseases, the de maad could not be supplied T 8 Duffy & Co. Track QwotaUmufe Niw York, June 11. Potatoes $3.50.; J. II. Roberts ft Co. ltepresented by II. E. Royall. v DeWlu's Little Early Risers act as a faultless pill should, cleansing and re viving the system Instead of weaken ing tv They are mild and sore, small and pleasant to take, and entirely fret linn uujwuvuauie uruga. , i umj nun rather than compel, F 8 Duffy Oo, . STATE MILIT1RT AFFAIRS. What Is Doing: Amona The Divisions. Wood Man Leaves KaleUh. A i'eatare Of St. John's Day. r'uslouiststJu Out, Prizes Awarded HitKiou, June 15. The Board of Aldermen has fixed the iulerest at 5 per cent, on the bouds which were voted hereon Monday. This was the limit, only one alderman, Mr. C. C. McDonald, wanted 4 per cent bonds. Military affairs in Halelgh, Charlotte and Asbevllle are gtving the Adjutant Oeneral some trouble. In these places the old State Uuard companies are re organized and want their places iu the Guard, and at these places new coinpa nies have been formed. The Concord Cotton Heed Oil Company has been incorporated with a capital stock of $:IO,000. Mr. John C. Drewry, whose insurance company has declined to domesticate it self under the Craig law has lei t to make his home iu Itichmoud. Mr. Drewry bas beeu for quite awhile chairman of the Street Committee of the Board of Alder men, aud Halelgh owes her Improved streets and the plans for future improve ments to him. One of the pleasant features of the 8t. John's Day celebsation at the Oxford Orphan Asylum, June 24th, will be the presentation of an oil portrait of the lather of that institution, the late John II. Mills. It is tbe woik of Miss Hall of Oxford. Dr. Klcbard II. Lewis, secretary of tin- State board of health bas received a re port of a cate of smallpox in Harnett county, contracted from the Holiness preacher who was last week placed iu 'be pest bouse near this city. It is pos sible that this "lire tried holy man'' has spread the disease, as he had a well de veloped case when the authorities took him in charge. The fusiouists in tbe Agricultural Department have stepped dow n and out John U. Smith, commissioner; J. L Kamsey, secretary; J: L. Kelly, fertilizer inspector; J. M. Allen, mailing clerk; Miss Ada King, stenographer; lv. K. Shore, usher in the Museum. The fus ionista in the State chemist's department will go out June HOlli. The Adjutant General publishes an order forming three battalions of tbe Second Regiment. First Battalion, Maj John C. Bond, of Edentou Companies D, Plymouth; F, Hertford; I, Edenton; B, Scotland Neck. Second Battalion, Maj. ll.C. Bragawof Washington Com panies A, Tarboro; C, Wilmington; O, Washington; K, Wilson. Third liattal Ion, Maj. John N. Guile of Goldsuoro Companies K, Goldsboro; II, Clinton; L, Lumber Kldge; M, Maxlon. -The Adjutant General directs tbe pay master general to pay the regimental, company, brigade and division coalman ders the half-yearly appropriation. It is said at the Adjutant General's oltico that the First Heglment's practice march will be made probably in Septem ber, though the time is nol definitely settled. If the necessary transportation arrangements can be made with the rail roads, the Second and Third Regiments will encamp at Morehead City next month. It seems that there is considers ble trouble in Inducing the railroads to give reasonable rates. There used lo be no trouble, as for years the rate was three-fourths of a cent per mile each way. The Mechanics and Traders' Insur ance Company, of New Orleans, domes licates itself. Slate Auditor Ayer has sent to the various sheriffs a book for "Schedule li taxes. It is the first time the State has so furnished these books. Some of 'he Populists who affiliate with the Republicans are urging the lat ler lo give them places in the revenue service. Commissions were Issued to the fol lowing staff officers of tbe Second Reg I nieul, State Guard: N. Anderson, T. S McMullea, surgeons; N. Harding, chap lain; II. A. Smith, quartermaster. The battalion of this regiment are designated John C. Bond, H. C. Bragaw and John W. Gulick being the majors. The officers of the Second Battalion of tbe Naval Reserves Brigade are commissioned, as follows: Engineer, Bradley Saunders; paymaster, T. D. Carraway; surgeon, J. M. Ward; adjutant, E F. Masten. Rev. J. B. Arlrett, rector of the Epis copal churches at Loulsburgand Klttrell leaves today for Cumberland, Md.( to remain uatll fall, on account of failing health. He has been In the ministry nearly 40 years. The executive board of the peniten tiary says It has saved tbe Stale fully $10,000 by ita close scrutiny of the bills against the penitentiary. Most of them are due to Raleigh merchant. The North Carolina Publishers' So clety recently offered two prises, one of 160 and one of 40, far the best sketches of any person whoae biography appeared In the book, 'Lives of Distinguished North Carolinians." Tbe committee, computed of President E. A. Alderman, of the State University i President Chat. BC SURE that Tour blood is rich andptire. The WblooU purifier, enrlclior and vllaiicor la llnnd'a Kna. t parM. Be tun to GET HOOD'S. Absolutely Makes the food more delicious and wholesome aovM owoso POwots E Taylor, of Wake Forest tiolle-e. m:.l President A. (J. Holloday, of ilie North Carolina College of Agrlcultimi! und Mechanic Arts, have awarded the Tic -1 prize to Mr. Clarence H. Poe, associate editor of The Progressive Farmer, the subject of whose i-ketch was "Nalhaniel Macon." A check In full payment of this prize was handed Mr. Poe Tuesday, j The manuer in which the Hteaboard Air Line manages Its Jim Crow cars is bet ter than the Southern's execution of the law. The Seaboard hss special Jim Crow , cars, oue end lirst class and one end second class. The cars are used lor uo other purpose. The Southern b is di-1 vided up all its cars, making them stulTy ' aud hot. Sometimes the second class i Jim Crow apartment is iu the first pas senger car toward the engine and the lirst class Jim Crow compartment in tbe last car. ri.owiv (ui;. You may talk about your i ity dude With leisure aud line clothes, Who walks the streets with eiinein hand And "specs'' across Iih nose. He likes to guy a chap like inc, Ami laugh al me in scorn When I tell him of the fun 1 hsve On the farm a-plonin' coin. He says in some great niouei . d scheme He means to have a shaic, Because 'tis bis ambition To become a millioiiaiie. And that the tlowei 1 would pluck Would only prove a Ihoni. For whoever knew a millionaire Who made it plowin' corn? He does not know the treasures That are bidden in the soil, He does nol know the pleasures That are won by honest toil I'm glad that I've liei-n tau;hi, Fi oin childhood's early inoi ti, To know how sweet arc tbe rewards Of work like plowin' corn. And wbeu his health is broken, ; Though millions he may own, He'll tind that for his loss sustained No money will at one. Aud as he struggles on throne b 1 i If, So feeble and forlorn, He'll think of what 1 told him About the fun of plantiu' corn I't'ocft'tllitjH ofllottrtl AliU'iiin ii. New Hem, June 1 Ith M'.l. The Uoaid met pursuant to recess, at City Hall at H 4(l o'clock p in. .Mayor Patterson presiding. Aldermen present, Parker, Foy, ftcr ock, Watson, Uowden, Phillips and .Mc Carthy. All bills approved by Auditing com mittee were allowed aud vouchers ordered therefore Hill of M. Halm for $305,00 for paii of horses and 5 days, board allowed, entire Hoard voting aye. On motion, tbechaiiman of committee on Fire Department, was authorized to have the two lire engines overhaul and auy deticiency found, corrected. Petition of Foreman of Atlantic Fire Co., asking permission to try one of the sprinkler horses lo hose carriage with a view of exchange, was refused. Petition of Naval Reserves for City contribution of if 15,0 per month was granted. On motion the Chief of Police was au thorized to purchase lime for military purposes. On motion the City Clerk was instruc ted to enter up all certificates of sales of property sold by the City for tsxes, and notify all parlies concerned, that the taxes in arrears on said property must be paid. liy a unanimous vote of the Hoard it was ordered that all delinquent tax pay ers presenting claims against the city for payment, shall have the delinquent tax deducted or credited by the City Tax Collector on their claims as one may ex ceed the other. On motion W. 8. Phillips was Instruct ed lo make a set of harness for sprinkler horses. Hy a vote of the entire Hoard, it was ordered that the ordinance passed by the Board on June 6, '00, making it an of fense for any rersou to conduct water from any water motor, machinery or re frigerator through pipe or otherwise, upon the sidewalks, Into the open ditch es or upon the streets of the city, and punishable by a fine of $5 00 be amended by adding tho following: And each day of violation of this ordinance shall con stitute a separate and distinct offence. On motion the Hoard look recess sub ject to the call of the Mayor. J, J. Tolson, City Clerk. A Cart-ef Thank. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy has done for our family. We have used It In so many eases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and It bas always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feci greatly Indebted to the manufacturers of Ihl remedy and wish them to please accept ourheaity thanks. Respectfully, lira. B. Doty, Dei Moines, Iowa. For sale by r. 8. Duffy A Co. Druggists, 'An PARING Powder tuR CO. , sfw yom. THE FEAR OF A MOUSE. I). If I IlktCftiM' tie v li. n- ll Millie Womu II . a Lin- A uioiirii- 1:.ih 1 ii; l ei n known to be the litl.tist el.. -my of womankind. Just why the nv. rage run of femininity should fear KUcb a helpless, harmless littl 1 1 at o re (uniiot be explained. Poring tbe civil war a laincns femule tpy was betiaveil through tho instru mentality of ii icoiise. The wnmaJi was uiiisiiuciading as n Uiy and succeeded admirably in deceiving the enemy un til one . veiling bile dining with a party of iik n at a farmhouse n Muck moiij-e juinpi d from u enpbourd to the table, almost in the face of tbe sup posed boy With n shrill feminine eliriek the s y threw np her arms and rnshi it across the. room, anil, springing i n a couch, went into hysterics from sheer fright The men. of course, sus pectul her and. rather than be searched, she c..nfeh;,. d1 but by the nid of the loy al old fanner and bis wife she made her escape in the niht. A well known woman physician of Chicago says she can do uny kind of surgical work without a tremor, but the sight of a mouse turns ber stiange ly ill and tln-ii -uglily "niiwoiniilis" her Another woman has uncli a terror of mice that she recently went insane through fright at one of the wee crea tures The won. an was sweeping her cellar when a mouse darted out from mi old I i.i ri l and ran nl-oiit ber feet Shi' tried to step on it and bent lit it with In r broom, calling pitcoosly to her little boy to help her. Hut the lioy, thinking she was in fun. frightened the li ri ilied nneiMi toward the woman whenever it tried to get nwiiy. At length tint i my rushed at it in earnest and the mouse dinted under the wom an's skirts ami she fell to the Hour in sen ildo. only to lose ber mind when at length consciousness returned to ber. Cleveland Plain Dealer NO CHINESE IN LEADV1LLE. Two IMKliiilrd el.-slliiln Wlio Here TiiImiociI l Hit' Town. livery well known nationality except the Chinese is repn sen led in l.cudville. Only two Celestials ever entered the camp, and the story of their short stay is unique and interesting. There wasn't much of a deiuonstiutioii on their ar rival, for it was late nt night when they climbed dow n from the roof of one of tlif couches into the busy streets and hastily sin eyed tin- strange hiirronnd ings Word was whispered about in the dives with which the street waa lined, and soon the pigtails wore encompassed with a t ii lot mid gentlemanly mob of perhaps u hundred miners ami hoboes. Scarcely u word was spoken, bnt as soon as the luggage of tho passengers and the mails were taken from the boot of tbe ('unci id the China 1 os were as sisted to the seats they bad just vacat ed, the driver was given u tip and tbe distinguish"! in rivals were whirled out of town in much quicker time than they had entered it, for it was a down bill pull to Malta, the nearest settle ment down the gnleh There they were left to shift for themselves as best they might What means of communication with eachothtr these strange little people have I know not. bnt the news of the reception that was tendered to the first representatives (f their race to visit Lendvillo traveled tapiuly, and the fact soon came to be understood by thein, iu all localities where they congregated in Colorado, that they were not want ed. I later queried H Chinaman in an adjoining town as to whether he had ever been in the great mining camp, and bis reply was characteristically la conic "1 no go Leiid-v-i 1-lee. Lead v i-l l ee too mnchee likee hclleel" Hanta Dailiaia ProBpfrona Marine Trad. Fanner (who baa never seen the sea before to fisherman on the Great South bay) Who's all this here water belong to? Fisherman (patting hia chest) Os, me mini, to ns Farmer lleow much d'yer charge fer it 1 Fisherman Oh, we gencrnlly charges 10 cents h gallon Farmer- Clniip cnongh. I'll take a gallon cf that hum with me for me old woman lint what kin I put it inf Fisherman - On over there to the tavern, and they'll lend yon u jar. Farmer gets his jar and has his gal lon of water put in and leaves it at tbe railroad station while he goes for a walk On his return be finds the tide at low ebb "Uosh."he says, "dou't they do a big tradel" New York Press. Ttvnln Wa'l Well. Hero la a story of Mark Twain, whoae after dinner speeches aro uniqoe. At dinner to which he was invited hla uaine was associated with the toast of "Literature" by an orHtor, who re ferred w ith ureal eloquence to Homor, Shakespeare, Milton and Mark Twain, lu response the humorist thanked the speaker for his kindly references and excused himself from making a longer speech by saying, "Homer la dead. Shakespeare and Milton are no mora, and I I don't feel very well myself I' Detroit Free Pre, oastuhia. Bwrttae ) lln Hind Yo Hasi Hlwyt Bought The best keadache remedy la Celery Headache Powders, made and told a,t Davit Prescription Pharmacy. NOTIC 1 desire to say to my couutry fiiei .1- tint I wli be tiiol t l.ava them call and examine uiy stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which consists ef everything usually kept iu a FIliST-CLASS (iliOOEKY ESTABLISHMENT. I buy ray goods from first hands iu large quautius uicl I aui therefore in position to tell yo i as low us any one. 1 make Specialties of Good Flour, (iood Cotlee and Good I lu-wiii); Tobacco. It will pay yon to see my 10c CoiTec wnicli is :ilie;..l oi any 1 bate ever seen for that price. Good stables and shelter for Yours to Serve, J. L. McDaniel, 71 BitOAD OXFORD, N. i Fiftieth Annual Session Opens August 30th, 1890. lacilltles Increased. Charges Beduced. Best Hoarding Accommodations. Extraordinary advantages in Music, writing taught . Chartes for Annual Session Board and full tuition in Fn lish with 1 aim and French f 135 00, Music $40 00. For illustrated catalogue apply to CORSETS ! CORSETS ! ! ! A timely oflering which aflords opportu nities ol savin tr. There isn't a corset want - w that cannot be filled from this stock. We have just received some of the best corset values ever shown to the trade. FOLLOW THIS LIST. Elsnaere, very heavy and well bound at Tbe "400", made of fine quality sat tee i at Admiral Dewey. This corset is tlie top notch of perfection extra long, 5 hook, heavily bound, a cheap one at 7oc. we have priced them at Valiant at Vigilant, (well knuwn) at Something new at the price, a nursing corset at 30c. Made of good quality salteen, extra long waist, heavily bound. An extra good one at In better grades our stock is complete with such Corsets as KAG, No. 115 at It oi, U, No. 121 at K & G, No. 397 at Warner's 333 at Warner's AAA at Warner's KKK Warner's E-llpse Nursing at Warner's 444 at 1 25 Warner's French Pattern Uetllh at 1 25 it!.. I , ,,,,ta t.x fit UDri. H.nir.. Tall Hliort. Kieuilt-r Stout Mpilinm uml ii c mtfl mj ... ..-. j .-o". Short Waists. Every con el purchased Tune 11, 1800 THE CORRECT HAT FOR SPRING STRAW HAT ! We have them at prices to suit buyers and in latest styles FROM 25 CENTS TO $1.75, Children and Misses SLIPPERS Will be sold cheap. White and Neglige Shirts, tor, Men, large Sizes, AO, lO A-3, a. , UJTUU WAUk UJiD) All wui be sold very cheap. - ''v Also have a full line of SHOES, which are selling at Beduced Prices. :f-MH 01 ailDDL.il STREET, J " carta aud buggies KHKIv ktki;i;t. Art, F.locution. Stcnogruphy aiulTjpe F. 1. HOHtjOOl), President CORSETS ! ! :c 40o oOc OOc 75c 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 , - - i . - of us is warranted perfect and satisfactory- "Wi " '.MEW BERN, N O.