TIB WEEKLY MP. Published la Two Becboftt, every Tue Sly and Friday, at t6 MUdU BUMt, mw Bera,N. C. CHARLES U STEVENS, kdrob ami ntonunoa. BUBSCRimON RATES: Two Month M Cente. Three Month, " Hi Unnthl 60 Twelve Months, 11.00 ONLY IN ADVANCJL Advertising rates furnuhed upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry ty mail. EyThe Joubnil is only sent on pay-In-advauce basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scriptlou, and an immediate response to notice will be appreciated by the Journal. Entered at tbe Poetofflce, New Bern N. C. as second-class matter. Section Oao Tuesday, Jnly . PUSH TUB TOBACCO IMDDBTKT in tbe rush and desire for tbe estab lishment of new industries and enter prises in New Bern, thue should le no forgelfuluess of tbosc alitsdy establish ed, nor auy cessation in giving them all encouragement autl assistance possible Among these local industries is that of tbe local tobaico market, which means the tobacco warehouse industry of this city, The lucreasing business done by the tobacco warehouses each year, with the greatly increased acreage planted in to bacco by the farmers in this vicinity, p lions bow this interest has Increased. Tlie value to tbe merchants of a com munity, and to tbe Increased prosperity of a town, which tobacco brings, needs no special showlng.it is illustrated in l he development seen In those places which have established tobacco ware houses ami local markets for tbe trade in tobacco. In the short time New Bern has been a tobacco market, tbe increase of local business from this source has been Been and valued by tbe business men of Ibis city. Now tha t a new year is just open ing upon this city, In tbe coming of a new tobacco crop to be marketed here, let there be some local enthusiasm shown, ami even those who may not have a dollar's stock in tbe warehouses, lei them talk up tbe business snd thus encourage those who have. Here is a local industry well establish ed, but which can be further promoted and increased by the active work of the citizens of New Bein. Lei every one assist iu pushing along New Bern s tobacco industry. li means more business, more money, anil greater prosperity to this comniuni ty- It's a good thing, this tobacco Industry so push it towards greater success! EASTERN CAROLINA AND PA. SEN Q Eft TR1V1UNQ. Tbe four hundred and eighty miles, from extreme east to west of North Carolina, are enough to make the almost two distinct classes of people which live iu the two sections of tbe Slate. From the climatic influence of tbe A t Untie ocean, with tbe proiimily of the Gulf Stream, on the East, to the lofty Blue Kidge mouulaius with altitudes rangiug above six thousand feet, there can be no surprise that the Old North State produces peoples with tastes, habits and surroundings so greatly at variance. Nor is it any wonder that even in po litical campaigns, the people of Eastern Carolina and the people of Western Carolina are hard to get Into that per fect "community sympathy," for they can not fully understand the peculiar environments which govsra the people of each section. , And In this Isolation of the two sec tions, that great and important factor which brings into complete union tbe people of every other Southern Stale, the railroad, do not act In North Caro lina a tbe tie which should bind and keep In perfect toack the people o( this Stele. J The peculiar Isolation of tbe people east of tbe Wilmington and Waldos Railroad, t especially noticeable. The people of Charleston, S. C. can go to Colombia, the capital and return the tame, Jay. Tron Bevannab 'ol Vf lanta, la Georgia, travel is equally s easy. Alabama from tbe Gulf to Iu State capital, 1 eay of access, : BfttfolkV Va, to Richmond, to no day's Journey, and o tha llloajratloa mlgkl ba earrM into other State. " . Bat u to North Carolina, how eay la It 14 go front the eocat . lot BaleJgh .v. J-. How accessible to Raleigh to Wllmlng to t or New Bernf And fat tha distance li only trifling mallet of ellule .evar - one hundred mile. ff II From New Bern to4 isherin," about WO miles, the trie li ntor tireaom than Joaaay ftom l No -Hork v. From eaetenkUarollee. to (to moua tJfefts in ibe weatoni part f ibe Stale, the Journey, la time aad number of transfers nd wait la more tedious thaa a trip from this aection to the New England State. Take the railroad schedule and con venience from any or all of the leading cities, North and South, and It can be easily seen that Anheville is more o ceasible to those point, than It i to the eastern section of Ha own State. Audible is lire lualiou as it itli tSHy in Soiili I'aroMaa, and the ques tion, bow long shall this condition last, la a most important one to tbe people and the beat Interests of the State. A MB OLD POLITICAL R4Z1LB BAXSLC. Tbe Democratic political ronveBtlou iu Kentucky which was recently held for the purpose vf nominating a candi date for Governor, has provoked tbe usual amouut of criticism aud a number of il.l predictions. Iu summiug up tbe convention the Louisville Courier Journal, says; As far as Intelligent people kuew, or have seeu, tbeie was little choice lie tween the various rival candidates be youd that of personal favor or disfavor Each of them started out to declare himself first and foremost a radical (tyi il iu-the-wool, Chicage-platfuriu aud Bryan, free silver Democrat at the ratio of 1(1 to 1 without qualification or dis cussiou. Uaving sworn ibis, and, if pos silile. proved it, each proceeded iu bis own way to press his claims and to push his fortune, in no case allowing auy question about regularity to put the slightest limitation upon bis right to knock down and drag out as many votes as bis money would buy, or. in default of money, as he might be able to lay bis hands upon." And of the Convention's nominee Goebel, a western newspaper says. "He Is a young mau with a genius for political manipulation. He is cohl anil calculating, aud iu a parly crisis or emergency he is just the man to ti ml a way out. Any other man going lo Louis ville with only 2U0 votes would have recognized the fact that the people w ould have uoue of him, and would have thrown up the sponge But the author of the Kentucky force bill is uot that sort. It is a mailer of iudillereuce to him whether the people want him or not provided he attains his end. Wheu he was a member of tbe Kentucky Senate, he gained some distinction as a mauipu lator, but there was nothing in bis career to his personal credit. His force bill, fully as indefensible in its way as the Lodge bill, is a chicken that will yet come home to roost. It has done more to pave the way for a national force bill (ban all the scheming' of Lodge aud Keed and Davenport could accomplish." And from various other newspapers iu the country there have gone forth a choice lot of expressions regardiug Goebel, his record, aud the workings ol the Democratic couvenliou which nomi naled biiu. Now what does all this fieice eiplosive writing amount to, auy way? Or who really care outside of the de tested candidates In Kentucky, whether Goebel is political lago. a wne puller, or that he secured tbe guberns lorlal nomination through questionable methods? The fact is that the Kentucky conven lion was very like all Conventions, per haps it showed more fighting than usual, but it should not be forgotten that the Goebel outfit represents a new political faction which ha secured .control of the "machine," and proposes to run it for themselves. Naturally the advent of a new leader will create a "hot political convention, but what there was In the Kentucky convention, specially, to mark It so pe culiarly different from all others, the dispassionate and unemotional person will not be able to decide, and any dis Interested party will readily declare that except In degree, the Kentucky conven tlon only showed the ssme old political razzle dazzle that previous convention exhibited, and future political conven tions will probably act in the same wy, ' " " rr-ss 4 - .J. vaW Tktofflv- ' We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cat of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cur. r. J. Chenkt A'JCo., Prop., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known . r, J. Cheney for the last if years, and be lieve him perfectly henorsblc (a aft baa I nee traeaeetloM and financially able to carry ouH any obligation made by their firm. Wear A TftUAX, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Waldiho, Kimmah A MaaviN, Whole sale Druggltta, Toledo, O. , Hair Catnwl Care le taken, internal ly, ait ing tyrttytapojM i"tJuii saacoui larTsces of the- system. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all Druggist TaetislnlafiMU Hall' Family Pill are the, bett. 4atWrtet." -IWdyawllko. to, k Ua ft aiaa? asvw every quarter. iroot W the puddlae; Uea in sW aatinc aflk ifaqpfef BOBKBTf TJJBTJSLMwl GBILL TrtlCTn 1L la k. t.vi.n I aan'aiM heatli if tt am HaiA - ,i " .. . v. -TZr'.warai old and. young, alike.', .affaatt wu va aa i iia j j "WKP - '';rp.r:4 druggUti and nedictaa dealer. AU Winter glnds Out What Skmmer Lys ft.' ,Be U ySpnng, summer, atumn or writer, someone in the family is "under the weather" from trouble originating in impure blood or irritated condition ofthesystenu All these, of whatever name, can be cured by the great blood purifier, Hood8'aiapaitUi.-ftwercliujymT. AJjaoaaaea -" I am past M and my rood health Is doe -to Hood Barsapartlla and Hood's Pills, which pur tried my blood and healed the only sbscesses that troubled me." Mas. Bamtwt'.KstsLL, Southard, N.J. Dyapepasa - My husband doctored a luns time fur dyspepsis with only tempo rary rsilef. The first bottle of Hood's Sarsa- partua helped aad the second cored bins. It cured my aloe headaches." Mas. stiav A. t LiHI, WihnluKton, VI. Hwj4' IUU m aver I epjy ffclharUo tft tak. with HihxI'. Sarpriit TBCOEINQ AND ITS VANM8INO PBOnTS. We are yery sorry to see In The New Hern Juiiinai. an editorial under the headiug, "Trucking and Us Vanishing Prodis." It appears that the recent trucking season iu eastern Carolina was an unprofitable and disappointing oue Tbo returns to the growers were verv poor and they complained. "The com mission meichant sail! the fault was with the grower ami transportation compauy; anil the railioail company silid tbe fault was with the commission merchant who maile poor sales." The Joi knal fixes the rrspousibilit) upon the railroad and the trucker. It says the transportation afforded by the Atlantic Coast Line It. too slow, is not in suitable cars, anil the freight rates uie too high; and the ship per is at fault iu that he does not proper ly grade ami pack his In rrles and truck. These two allegations are familiar iu connection Willi apples, cabtiage and other products of western North Caro linn. Apples ami cabbage which we take for illustration - are dumped pro miscuoUBly into ban els and crates and when they gel lo market the whole bar rel or crate is valued by the merchant by the value of t he poorest apples or cab bages iu either. Deduct the high freight charge from the small allowance given by the mer chant for the shipment and nothing is left for profit. Kvery section of North I'aroliua is (loaded with orchard or agri cultural products brought from Eastern or Western Stales, wheu as good or bet ter are raised in our own State but can uot be sold by one section to another because tbe freight charges are exorbi tant on iutra -State shipments; and fot the further reason that the products shipped arc not propel ly graded ami packed, the good and tLe bad being all pul iu together. This is a matter about which our North Carolina people need lo mend their ways and il Is seen that this carelessness in regard to w hat is apparently a small but is teally a very important matter, is not c.outined lo cither section. If il is of more consequence lo one thaa to the other, Ibe east is the oue. Iu its truck snd lish the easl has a mine of wealth these products properly uli lueil will yet enrich that sectiou. But the most will have to be made of them and that is not to be made when in difference is shown as to the coullllon in which they are put upon the market; nor will the railroads show themselves wise If they kill the goose which lays the golden egg Charlotte Observer, June 29th. LBMONS AS MEDICINE. They regulate the Liver, blomsch, Bowels, Kidneys and Blood as prepared by Dr. 11. Moley, In bis Lemon Kliiir, a pleasant lemon dilnk: It cures bilious ness, constipation, I mllgesllon, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fevers, chilli, heart failure, nervous prostration, and all other diseases caused by a torpid or diseased liver and kidueys. It is an es tablished fact that lemons, wheu com blned properly (with other liver tonics, produce the most desirable results upon tbe stomach, liver, bow els, kidneys and blood. Mold by druggists, rule and $1 bottles. MesUy's Lemon Blixii . ( Cured me of sick and nervous headache, 1 had been subject to all my life. Whs N. A, sIcKmtikk. Spring Place, Ua. Mealsy'i Lemen Bliair, Cured me of ludigestlon and nervous prostration. I got more relief, aud at once, from Lemon Elixir than all other medicine. J. C. Pr-nunTs, Indian Bprings, Ua. Mealsy's Lemen Blixir Cured me of a long standing case chills and fever, by using two bottle. of J. (J, Btakmt, Engineer K T Va ft Ua K U. stealer's Lessen Bliair Cured me of a case of heart disease and ladlgeitlon of four year' (tending. 1 tried a dozen diffrrentnedlclBe. None but Lemon Elixir done me any good. Tuusd Dinnx, Cor. Habershsm and St. Thome at. Bavin nsh, Ua. Mealev'a Laatsa B1U1 I fully endorse II for nervou prottra tioa, headache, IndlgeaUoa aad consti pation, havlni used It with ntoal aatli fsctory results, after all other remedies bad failed. J. W. Rollo, " Weet End, Atlanta, Oe. That's "Otsr Oharler."' Hon. C. B. Aycock ha ermtri bated to the political llteratnre of the State on tha wrongest argument w katt read oa tha amendment. Morfaatoa Herald. . ' Batahfi'i Ai DlaretU. ' . Il a ha atnHk te wna eVnra IkeK IOA ' warritlisgss - -M at mm $l.,8oldby 0, pt Brad ham; draggW, ftw Barkj . 'i SaUabatifla nMaassszsy. iU, Uw easrlnttMlae a4 CIDP1TES m I V hk TelepiiGie Cases icep ita OTemded. Uereraer Bnasell Cents Dawn. To IareallgaU Insect Peif. Dam- MaUl Facilities far RaWoh, Jn -The eocpooUloo cetnmisasoa he be id tbe argaoteat in the telephone exception cases. Ex-Hen ator John W. Daniel aud K. V,. Strong appeared for tbe Bell Telephone Com pany, aad Oeneral Meany, general uiu agar, and A. U. Andrews, Jr., lor the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, commonly known as the loug distance telephone company. The point iu the argument was the old one that tbe commission is uot clothed with pow er to make rates for telephones. Tbe commission overruled tbe eiceptlous and tbe preseut rales staud. ltev. Dr. J. 1). liufhamof Henderson, so well knowu as a Baptist preacher aud writer, is here, making special sesearcbes in ibe newspaper room of Ibe Slate Li- biary In order lo oblalu material for a work ou Baptists aud their connection with the preis In North Carolina. Chief Clerk Denmark, of the Slate Treasury, says as tbe penitenliuiy has drawu t'-'l.l1"' out of $r.,UO0 specially appropriated by the last Legislature, aud also all the earnings w hich were on hand Januaiy I last. Coveruor Itussell has descended from his "high horse" so far the Atlantic Jt North Carolina Railroad is concerned. He ma le the proposition lo the board of internal improvements to end the dis pute as to control. He has turned over all tbe books to the board. Next Tues day the latter will begin an inspection of the road. Tbe question of deciding whether ibe Governor's or the board's appointee as State proxy shall be recog nized is left entirely lo the private stock holders. Tbe trustees of Wake Forest College have tilled vacancies in the faculty by electing J. V. Sellers professor of physics and W. II. Daniel assistant piofessor of Ureek aud Latiu. The penitentiary executive board has made statement which shows that the debt January 1 last was 121, 11 1"), md March U, was il7,5t)l. Two entomologists from Washington will be "lent" to North Carolina by the government to aid tbe State crop pest commission in exterminating the San Jose scale aud other dangerous insect pests. It is asserted by Vice President St. John that iu sis months to a day through trains between New York aud Tampa will le iu operation on tbe Seaboard Air Line, via Hichmond, liidgeway, ltalelgh, Cheraw, Columbia, etc. Last autumn a white man who owned land on the line of the Haleigh A Cape Fear Kailroad slopped the convict force from grading for a day or two. Cases iu the court followed. Il was during a bol fight betweeu this road aud another for right of way The then sheriff ar rested the man and now the latter sues for $5,IM0 damages for aliened false arrest. It is decided thst tbe new cotton oil mill here will not he built until next year Tbe largest stockholder says the delay is due to the fact that machinery cannot be obtained; the manufacturers beiug overrun with orders. The lata Dr, Joyful Laughter Kamsey, of the Agricultural Department, Is now traveling in the Interest of a very excel lent patent medicine which is manufac tured by a firm here, of which he Is a member. He is a full Hedged drummer. ltalelgh'a alderiueu have issued 80 liq uor licenses. This is the same number a last year. Judge Purnell decides in a bankruptcy case that a revlsiouary homestead Is not eiempt from sale. The State charters the Edgecombe Club, of Tarboro, w ild about seventy five member. To the deep regret of the Agricultu ral Department officers aud tbe public, tn order came to continue the removal of exhibit from the south front of the Museum, eo tbe curporatloa commission can occupy it. Word comes that tbe President has granted a pardon to William. McDowell, convicted In North Carolina tn 1997 of breaking into a postofflce. Tbe pardon was Issued beoause of McDowell s enti ce! Illne . Tbe Benbow Hotel, Oreeaiboro, re cently damaged ba lly by Are, 1 lo be re built, enlarged and modernized at once. Boston capital to Interested lu the enter prise. This, with, the Southern Loan abd Trust Companies new five story building aearlng completion wbicb I to be utilized for hotel, tbe Normaodle, will give Greensboro ample hotel facili ties. Qai7af I North Carollar 1 Mot tbe "poorest Stale," In any sense, aor an her people paupers; yet If tae'calamity howler aad demf ogical portloi of tbo prea ware to be believed w ra alt thi aad mora. For on parpotaor another, all badja oftea growing out of persoaal malice fs asainlno daagulsm, tba people bara been told they wan latpererisbed, dowa trodden, robbed antU Oaly only paaperi. Urn and It attendant avllt eonatlnrtd theif dally Ufa, itad taU la Ua faca of eoDitaotly taeraaslng' prod actio ' In every Ho of tinea endeavor, and along a great ntaay vr lined thaa buT fair ,,.v f , ,. 4,lttt A ooo -and refreshing drink I iaf ppl IMiK at lo8of la, V j IKCUtAtKO TAUTAsnNa AAA Oa Beltway, ' Tele PnUsaaa Car Pieeirey Special to Journal, f Kaliiub, Juat SOh Qrtrporattoa Commission Increase lb valuation on sRalsspaee alteteJbaaea, Telephone. Tel grapk and Pullman Car property, from $M,61.9M td $44,114,808. TS tola! Oxae tUt jtaar ''ajfU be $4, 00W, aa lucres of 4S,6MTtr mat year. The AilaollcTfc North "Carolina rail road valuation 1 rnereeserl from $ 5,000 to $6,501) per mile: MAY BOLT FROM OOKItkX. fttvututky Newspapers Deaouuue Hli Nuiu luattoa Per Oeveruor. l.tviNoTON, Ky., Juo SW A general boll from William Ooebel, the Democra lie nominee for (Governor, I Imminent Leading newspaper which have been loyal lo the Democracy aud It uominee are today denouncing the nomluatiou of Ooebel as unfair aud advising Democrats to refuse to support bis candidacy. It is said that few of the friends of Ueu. I'. Wat Hardin, the leading rsndi dale in the convention before Goebel made his trade with Stone, will support the .nominee. Owen county, hitherto Democratic by $,000 will, it Is predicted by leading mau, give a Republican majority, Louisville, Democratic politicians of that city de clare, will give the liepublicaua 20.000 majority. L.VNCHi:it AMKSMTKlt. Ten Meu til Teiu Iteiuandell to Jail Chargm! Willi Murder. Houston, Tkx., Juno 2t A special from Alliens, Tex., says: Walter Wil klnson, Joe Wilkinson, Polk Weeks, William Brooks, John Uieeubaw, Arthur Ureenhaw, W. K. Johnson, William Uad dla, John Stevens aud Samuel Hall were today lemauded; to jail without bail, charged with havtug murdered James, John and George Humphreys by laklug them from theit homes and hanging them. The pilsoners will institute habeas corpus proceedings. The case is the most celebrated in Teias crimiual history aud the Stale has sent an assistant atloruey general, dis trict attorneys and rangers lo aid in sp pieheodlng the lynchers. Three of the men have confessed and others have pleaded lo oe peimilled to do so. VKI.I OW FKV KK INlNKW VIIUH. Mate of a Norwrg-tae Sleani.hlp lu a Critl-t-al L'uudltlou. Nkw Yohk, June 29 John Johnson, mate of ibe Norwegian steamship Krlm, was removed to Swinburne Islands Hos pital this afternoon suffering from yellow fever, and tonight bis couditlon lsseiious. The Krlm sailed from Havan on June 20lh for Malanzas arriving at that port Ibe same da) . Mate Johnson, who had been siting, was taken seriously ill after tbe arrival at Matauza The port physician was called in, but up lo the lime of sailing for this port on June ilth sltbougb the man developed high temperature, no suspicious symptoms sppcared. The steamer was detained at quaran tine here for disinfection, which will probably be riulshed touioir w. The crew will be held at llofTiinn Island five days, and lh3 steamer will be allowed to proceed to tbe dock with a , new crew. My.tery About Dreyfus. Kknnes, Fkanck, June 2ft. A well accredited report Is In circulation this evening that Captain Drayfua will arrive hsre tomorrow ulght, The house occupied by Mine Dreyfus was guarded by gendarmes all last night aad at daybreak these policemen were succeeded by others. In addition a gtanl perler keeps the outer gate locked and barred. No one is allowed to enter with out tbe express permlssluu of Mrue. Dreyfus. Paris, June 20 A an example of the Dreyfu rumor curreut, the 8olr this evening states that a blgb police official, speaking to an Intimate friend, ald the French Uovernment received Inform tlon 8 bom ago that Dreyfu commit ted suicide oa board tba cruiser Sfal, on wblch be left Devil' Iiland for France Doves lusteaa uf Wlue. Bai.timohk, June 29 Tbe (learner Queen Anne, of tbe Princess Anne Kailroad Company, was launched bare today, a notable feature of tba occasion being tbe omission of the time bonered caslom of breaking a bottle of wine aver the vessel' bow as she glided from lb way. Iatlead of this two white dove ware released as the vessel began to move and her deck waa strewn with wreath and garland ot flowers. . Wasters Recruit for the Mevjr, Washington, June Command r liawley, of tba Navigation, Bureau ha received a report troo,i4lnenl-on- maader Adam, of the receiving ahlp In dependence, to tltw Sect that lb e per ianal In the aalUtment o(; aallor from lha kllddla Waal for service o tha train- lag ahlp . Hartford. promlaea to mult ooeaaf ally. The mm are aald to ha Intelligent, of one . phylqov a4 nltor gather of sack aaperlor uaUucaUoa a W give grant prombt fot M fnwrtv, T-T'-as"1" i J ai'.iU' , WABjaro,Jan M-Tba Traary oBclaU art confident the deficit for tba M 1 III ..ueJ aOA . 000.000, On fti ago U tall waa DTMllnV DHU YVr Will BUt flIWW ,iWi' a JUtle abort of f DB" tha last few daya tba receipt kav been raikar above tbt MtlaUv wklla tha-ti- pendltare have fallen off, 1 - , - . r- r r OAasTOTl JesMlhs' elHMallM . Sfsstani I af ni iif ornr.ts,iliT li ii ah 1 1-; i- Mm 8ER3E ITIneXine di Silk ceived. Full Line ot SHOES Children. Prices to suit buyers A. -jr. B7 MIDDLE STREKT, Fill Oar mealeias are wonderfully iatie racto r and potent la ike ears of diseases uf sou, nioa u Pun, Oonerrhoa, Olwt, Spcrmarorrkad, VaricoctU. Jmeoteacs, Lo IfoeJWod, ike rceaUs of erl- tedu crvMon, Mer ejpeMsej, worry, uwiwfc. He., and In SHisiei of women, such aa Pius, Oimorrkoa, LtwenrrJuM, IFomk TrouMt, rmmalt Wmknmt, StertHt, itaarins Oms Mas, ViHirMl TroaM. Owraaeeltetmee are exSeMiTelx eed, siever Call te tin alekljr suael eaeue karaafwl freess. hZ2 S3 PROVE THIS BY ORDERING A TRIAL TREATMENT. daw- HOW BEMBHBSM we eeael trwatjatea swat aehrleo WmMU mm anpar 4t aUri,if 7MsnalBeupMM. MM CAJtstKfJIi to tell na all Toacun about. OV aa- rfM, tbe more the better, voar m. ooourwtlon and Jull addressj Mms. street aWT eg i nomberVliwo, ooontT and state. 7kMBTp01IUBltrE TMCTI. 05 I- ; Or- USUTIAL. If you aeoapt tbli oner yon will be pleesod but OWCM Ut wiU a . alwap. Writ today to MALTIMXM MF43. Cl., UmaMter.Oalo. ex,' Sz TRY FIR8T BUY AFTERWARDS. 7.aiuuuuuuuauiuuuiuauuiuaauitv THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITAL., tyDOES A OENEKAL FIKK INHUKANC'K BUHINE88. T. A OKEEN, President, QEORUE GKEEN, BecreUry. M L HOLLOWiLL, Gen' Agent, (S IB!)" SixixX(Si -CLOVER HILL" BUTTER ! FAHOUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. ONE L.II. PKINTN ONLY 25 JE1TS. JNO. DUNN'S lrfe'l Buller In a Verfevt Package. Ii M9fak?N Friends Ererywliert." sM aSa SCHEDULE "B". To i lie Merchants toaveu County. Oentlrnifn You are required by law lo make return of good, ware and mer chandise purchased and amount of bue lerttdone by you for the 8 mtotb ending June 80tb, 18W during tbe Aral 10 day in July 1800 at the office of toe KfRlster of Derd under act of Oeneral Aso mbly of 18W, tbe person or Urtn oarrying oft tbo following bailnrsajtre liable far taxation und-r ohrdule "D". IVraonaor firms who keep htrc and atulra for hire. . Every pt no or firm who shall buy for Ibe purpose of (tiling piiUuou, tlnou Ot malt liquor. Von) are airaeatly roqueatad to make yaur return during the lime nrracribed by law, via: between Ibe lat and 10th of July, 18W. Fr failure to mak re tare) or Met wM eoh'rdnle B"' Uie - iTour nttentton 1 raepecifully called td sect ton 70, , machiaery act of 18W, which aald aeotlon will be rigidly enforced. Only owwera of public fetrlee, peraori keeping horse or mult to hire .and dealer In tplrltuon, vlnou or malt liquor are Rqntred to give in and make return during thd flret 'KMayt in July tWV t '. -4i l 'l Allmerchanl or person dealing, In good other than those act forth above nia not ralNdjto glv 'li i at tbla m li, OBEEN, Reg.i Deed. ; J, ; . ,. "f , . ... . , ' I :'l ' -1 T.A.r1 r4Me.e v-. I wa jmswhm raaeae , r." I; - ' $Mt COATS. Shirts fdr Men just re. '' for Men, Misses .and NEW RKKN N O SMITH r:.H)ici;iE - advices -FOB- MEN and WOMECl.rj BERN, N. C. , Ji i.; itUNN, ( l-flt.- VkH CITIZENS BAfVk iti4S4 -''' - ICE "OR I10ME USB tlf CVsa, ure bolrrome, gurantrd tf be clir-uiically n;ie from diMille.l water and free from impurilli. flpccially iu tunded and prepared for human cor- sumpllon. r . , i lee dulivered.dailj (vicrpt Sundays) ff a m lo 8 p m. ' ' Kundays (retail onl) 7 a m to 13 noori. , 'or price and otliirltifortnallon, - r - Addiarn . New Beme Ice Co., B. 8. OUlON, Manaoir. NOTICE, SPECIAL ! Ml We have pn bn4rru Nice nine&MtiK. 1 tJiedfbCeirifcttry or otter ' sir ,cv.utwk.'' " ' SEE- AtVt..- . I hi: -r tr if i " WfflMi'Tkefflhiltfi-rrr hp i i rnTi tr1 1 nrnnf Ul. A lr L V 1 n-1 L BUY n' t p... b.l. T nwiMb ..iiuttmsvulm rw y'V foaslble Figure, ;. Dc lrblB JJome and TeuemepU Jlhat,wli prove a fine, lovMt, ". rollaeilaa af Santa a Saeelaltv. - ( Offlte at rastdenot, 17 Jobnton itrtetv t. j i i t a r li 1 .- il I' ' ' if, ?l Hi' i i .1