TIE WEEKLY JOURNAL BatanliaW 87. "Published In Two Section, every Tubs uay and Friday, at M Middle Street, New Bern, N. C. CHARLES U STEVENS, ID1TOB AND FBOPRlrrOR. SURSCRIPTION KATES: Two Mouths 23lVnta. Tlireee Mentha, Six Moutlw i " Twelve Mouths 11 .11 ONLY IN ADVANCE." Advertising rate furnished upon ap- j plication nt the office, or upon iuiUiry i mail. HT'l'lic Jut KNii i only sent on pay iu iiihimre busiK Sutiscrilwrg will receive notice of expiration of their soli s nptioiiN. anil an i n in i I lul- response to notice will In- appreciated liy llie JofltNAI.. 1 iiten-d at the l'o.stotlio N. I'. :ik secoint-cliiMS matter New lieni Section 'I w ti, K r i tl st y , July H. TUE VALUE Or NIWSP-PER LIBEL LA W. The niceling of the I'ress A?socialion tliii wi-cL oilers the opportunit y to I lie K.litors to talk over and discuss the lii ncMx of a newspaper libel law, such a i i . I.. . I .. .: i... , l. II.,,, out ii uie lasi i .et; isiai u i e, pei i ..vn. . .1. Frank K.iv et aK considered so un necessary for the press to have. An illustration in point just at present on this matter, is the case of the Wil minton Star, which has been sued for libel lor iiicorructly publishing a mini !, inline in an enibe.ling case There happened to V t wo men. both li.ivinu the same initials anil both en iMin-'I in the .same business, and through one of those strange nii nps which will occur in the best newspaper offices, the uniii; siii name w as added to t he in it in Is and the man llius made defendant in the enibezling cau was naturally provoked. ( and sues t lie Mar, although 1 lit paper in it-eat lies! is-ue makes ample and full amends for the typographical error of its proof reader. Here is a .-( in which no malice or ill feeling of any kind can be alleged, a simple news item is given, anil through an crhr, w liich would not occur once in a thousand veal - well known ami f rcpiil'ible newspaper is placed in a false light, that ol a libelling sheet. Nothing so far as heard since, has re lieyed Editor Itemanl from the damage suit, vet be has made a frank and full confession, and an ample apology fot the mistake in his newspaper. The value of a good lilx-l law is well illu trated in Hie Star's case, anil it is to be hoped the I'ress of North Csroliua will not allow another Legislature to p. is-, without a law for its protection. IS SOUTHERN DEMOCRACY THUS TENDING. Mr. -I..I Willctt, of Alabama, who delivered the oration at the Fourth of July celebration at Tammany Hall, in an inleiview published ill a New York paper, said of the Democratic political sit ual ion in llie Soulh: '' 1 be Democrals in the South have no oontidenee in the Democracy of the West, In IN'.lli the West was allowed to make the platfoim and to name the platform ami to name the candidate. lioth iei eived the loyal support of the Demo cratic voters and leaders of the South. Two years later we find the West return ing a Hepubliean majority to the Senate such aa has not lieen known since the period of reconstruction. The West is dividing again and the old lines are re stored. We of the South are in favor of going back to the old alignment with New York, Counelicul, and Maryland if we can." Here is what one prominent Democrat says, and yet it is published and repub lished by some newspapers, that the South is solid for liryan, and will join the West in nominating and helping to elect him in 11100. The whole political situation, to those immediately concerned in party successa rather than party sentiment, resolves It self down to a close survey of the politi cal battleground for next year, and pick ing out the advantageous points as well as selecting candidates who will lead the party to success. Ststes and their Influence is an Impor tanl political factor In a campaign, and the party which falls to consider tbem, is going to fail. There l.n. encouragement from the West for Democrat, while there is In East, notably Kentucky has returned (o Democracy. If the Southern Democracy Is going to make combinations with the Western Democracy, simply to let the Westers Democrats name the candidates, while the Southern Democrats mast farnhh the majorities, the game looks t Soslnjr and senseless one. ' Better make combinations with a sec tloa which not only furnishes candidates bnt yote s, for the South almply seem te4- be reckoned n rote giver, laaa ftQe ' made ridiculous following t dead sore political defeat WH.tihht. mo mnn or delati. Tbe healthiest iking about the pro gressive spirit of New Bern is that it does ant go to sleep now tliat suniiuer baa route, and so remain in a comatose condition until I lie frost comes. While there ar a ifrea many NtwHeru tans scallered throughout the various resorts from the Atlantic ocean on the east, to Ihe mountains on the went, et there is no dead town here, and Hie spirit of enterprise is ever alert to spy out new schemes for this city. This summer of 1H9", is no summer of delays in this city's advancement, ami if any one bill pinkm i n.uiiy. it can i easily lie ascertained lliHt development is going ahead. The Ji t iinai. has already noted sever al enterprises in ionise of completion and contemplation, such as the new fertilizer factory, now ready for its uiachliieiy a nt w Mood working factory plans drawn and slock subscrilied. a new large saw mill plant These are the prominent ones, while there are a nil in la r in contemplation The ('handier of Commerce, while a immUr of its members art a ay, is going ahead, and I he committees are perfect iug plans, which will tie put into active operation for the advancement (ifaniim ber of interests in New liein in the near future. This is a gay summer lor .New Hem's tourists, and an active one for those at is no cMiinmi'r .1 .It-lavs, ami t hat means a'great deal. How's This ? We offer One II unilred Dollars lie ard (or any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F I Ciikni-y v; Co, l'rops., Toledo, O We, the undersigned, liavt known K. J. Cheney for the last Hi years, anil be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to cam out an obligations made by their linn Wist .V Tin n, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hi KlNNAN A M ui i, W hole ( I. ,al,! "'B'''"t- Toledo I Hall's t'atai rh Cure is taken i n al ly, acting di:ei tlv upon the blood anil mucous surfaces of the system. I'ricc o"ic per bottle. Sold by all I r u l' g isl s. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Not the Jam Sort. Haskell What's Hobby crying forv Mrs. Haskell -Oh' I he poor boy caught his linger in the pantry door. Haskell 1 1 'hi' he evidently didn't get he jam he was looking for that lime. Reliof la Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Jiladdtr Dis ease relieved in six hours by "New Oreat Soul li American Kidney Cure" it is a great surprise on ai count of its eiceed ing promptness in relieving pain in blad der, kidneys anil back, in male or female Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you w autipiiek relief and cure ibis is the remedy. Hold by C. D liradhain, druggist. New Item, N. C. Wheeler's Book. (leneral Joseph Wheeler has written a book ou the operation of his experience through the Civil War, and it will U published for the lienelit of the W' heeler Cavalry Camps throughout ihe South. (inn shot wounds and powder burin, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from ruslv nails, insect stings and ivy poisoning - ipiickly healed liy DeWitl's Wilcli Hazel Salve, l'osilively prev ents blood poison ing. Beware of counterfeits. "DeWittV is safe and sure. F. S, Duffy. The Retort Courteous. The vicar of a South London cliun h school having finished his Scripture lea son the other day, congratulated the lop class on a coming holiday, finishing with the expression of a'hope. that each lioy would "return with clearer and beltei brains." He was somewhat tsken aback with Hie universal response of "Same to you, sir." Spent a doea Farm Eoctorlnf. Mr. A. N. Noell of Ashcrville, Kansas, says he spent a good farm doctoring himself for chronic diseases but got no relief and was afraid that he must die Me chanced to get hold of a bottle of Cham! erland's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and was permanently cured by It. For sale by, K. ri. Duffy. No Mormons Want, Two Mormons recently made their ap pearance in Athens, (la., and called upon the mayor for permission to hold service in the cily. The mayor informed them that their stay in the community would ue ai rueir own pern ana declined to give them permlsslou to circulate their liters ture. Story ef a Slave. To be bound band and foot for years W tke f" of dlse,M ls lu wo" form of slavery. George D. Willlams.of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free. He says, "My wife has beea so helpless for five years that she could not tarn over in bed alene. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wonderfully Improved and able to do her own work. This supreme remedy lor lemsie diseases quickly cures er vooaness, sleeplessness, melancholy. headache, backache, fainting- and dlxr.r pella. This miracle working medicine tea Godsend to weak, sickly, ran down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only Sit centajJJoW bjj, B. Duff, druggist.. tars tht Kgietsre Ulw;i; Necessity Knows No Law." But a law of Nature bows to the necessity of keeping the blood pure so that the entire system shall be strong, healthy and vigorous. . To take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, is therefore a law of health and it is a necessity in nearly every household. It nextr disappoints. Tired FeNng - " I bad that tired, dull reeling, dyspepsia, headaches and sinking spells, but Hood's oaraaparllia made me a new nan. I never was better than now.' Juhs lu. Oskaloosa, Iowa. Rosy Cheek - " I have (rood health and ri.j.v cheeks, thanks to Hood's Sarsapa rilla It builds me up and saves doctor's bills. ' viiiv A. Btaai, 604 East Clair Street, Indianapolis. Ind. y foods SaUapauSg VlJJJ'JJJlJl.l .1.1.1 II u.w It f I I "If II 1 Hood 1111 cure liver 1IU; the uou irrUatli.tf vu4 utily- thrik' (to tk with Hwd't. tWsmgmj-l.ley Woild Im Like TfcUT The author of "Wild Flowers of Cnlifnruhi" ;;ives an cntcrtalulug ac i unit of how the Indians prepare for food a plant that is commonly called I ud i;i n lettuce It 111 be recalled that formic arid takes ita uaine from the reel ant, mid that ac id wan first ob tained from the Insect. 1 he risicoi county Indians greedily cat the succulent leaves aud stews of their "lettuce ." Their way of prepar ing the plant for food Is novel. I'utb erius the leave-, ihey lay these about the entrances to the nests of certulu lurge rod ants The nuts, swariuinK out. run nil over the plants. After a time the Indians shake the ants off the leaves, (.all-tied that the lettuce now has a pleasant sour taste, equaling that which ui'L'lit be u'iveu It by vine gar. I'repnration. It was evid.-ut the moment she eu red the pailo: that be was anmy. "What do in'i menu by suluu me for breach of promiso r be demanded. "1 never proposed in lull iii my life." Whv. of coins" ion didn't.' she an eled ill a uhlu't hai lino i v tone. "Ami 1 I v ou if you bad. i 1 1 U on the stntfo, preparation." po Itut you knoiv I nni and I must mul e s. t'bicao i'ost ii n Will, r lie Ihe iii vunr Filial rll I i nth' Is there life before vou any bho k -j knew lilt''.'" I.etitia I ill eal all used Press. When 1 to piece was Hi i on is dil guilts " lietioit I'r LEMONS AS MEDICINE. They regulate the l.iver, Moinai b, Ilowels, Kldnevs and Blood as prepared iy Dr. II. Mozlev, in his l.euion Klixir, pleasant lemon diink It cures bilious ness, const i pat ion, indigent ion, head ache, malaria, kidney disease, fevers, chilli1, heart failure, nervous prostralion, and all other diseases caused hy a torpid or liseased liver and kidnevs. It is an ei- tahlishcd fact that lemot s, when coin- lined properlv Willi other liver tonics, produce the most desirable results upon he nlomai h, liver, bowels, kidneys and i'o id. Sold by druggists, otic and (1 utiles. , MozUy's Lemon Elixii. Cureil me of sick and nervous headache, I had been subject to all my life. Mils. N A, Mi'Kntiiik. Siring I'lace, tia. Mozley'a Lemon Elixir. 'ured me of indigestion and nervous prostralion 1 got more rebel, and at once. I roin Lemon hlliirthsii all other medicine. J. C. Srm. iits Indian Sp.iuc,s, 111. Mozley'a Lemon Elixir ( ured me of a long standing case of bills and fever, by using two bottles. .1 C. Stam.kv Kugineer K T a A Ca l( 11. Mozley'a Lemon Elixir ( ured me of a case of heart disease anil indigestion of four years' standing. 1 tried adoen different medicines. None but Lemon Klixir done me any good. I i i.Ki) Hutu, Cor. 1UI rsliam and St. Thomas sis. Savannah, (la. Mozley'a Lemon Elixir I fully endorse it for nervous prostra lion, headache. Indigestion and consti pation, having used it with most satis factory results, after all oilier remedies had failed. J. W. Km i.o, West Knd, Atlanta. Ua. Hew Unfortunate. The young wife (In theater) It is re ally a pity! My new hat cost uie Oand now all my friends are silling in froul of me. Plan te Bail Cotton Mill. There is a proposition on foot to e- 'sblisb a new cotton mill In Macon, Qa , on the building and loan plan, and ihe operatives as far as poesible are to lie stockholder. The capital stock of the mill will be $100,000. Remarkable Beecne. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnlteld, III makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she wsa treated for a month by her family physi cian, but grew worse: lie told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to ber delight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use and after t. klng six bottles found herself sound snd well, now does her own housework snd is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery st F. 8. Duffy's Drug Store, large bottles 60 cents and $1.00. Eamily B eased Wd. Qulnn The doctor advised Bnsyman to take more exercise; to- go around more. DeFone Hew does be manage It with out lot lag valuable lime at hie desk? . Qulnn He purchased one of those re ofvlng office chairs and now , be goes around all day. . , . ANOTHER EXODUS MtU Tht 30,000 Nc-ps Wil! Leave lie Stale. Mure Cars for the A A N. C. Ball- ruad. Killed by Lightning, lav I preyementa Near Kalelgk. i ( alhellf Ornhansre. The Cattle Fever. lixi.ku.H, July 11. The negro organ here makes the assertion that the negro exodus from North Carolina will contin ue aud lhat by the first of August, 1900, at least .'(0,000 negroes will have left the State. The negroes are mainly going North and will locale In the laiger cities. If the number leavinu' the State proves as large as is predicted, it will equal the migration in IM89, hi. h was managed by Peg I.e Williams, and which was brought lo a slop by ihe action of the Legislature at that ti Chairman A mils end Jones, of the board of interna improvements, says regarding the Atlautic A: North Carolina Itailroad. that more engines aud ears and also more machinery will have to be bought. Lalair Commissioner Lacy says replies to i n 1 1 1 i i ies are coming in very rapidly anil thai mill owners are answering more promptly and freely than ever before. They have learned thai the lalsir bureau does not propose lo interfere in their af fairs, or to in any way disturb the pleas ant relations between capital and labor, employer and employee, which are so marked in Norlh Carolina. Mr Murdoch, his wife and four other persons took refuge from a rainstorm under a large cherry tree iu Cumberland county Saturday. Lightning struck Ihe tree, killed Murdoch and fatally injured two others Mrs. Murdoch was stunned. Two mules were killed. The persons struck who escaped serious Injury Bay they suffer intensely internally, as If fire were loin hum them in the stomach. .lames V. Tufts will build a 'JoO-room hotel at I'iiiehurst, to cost f ri'i.OtlO. Wood will be I in- material used. The hotel now there is ihe Holly Inn, with only l'-'"i r ns All of Piuehurst is owned by Mr. Tnfls. It is the greatest enterprise of the kind lel ween St. Augustine and New York. The contract for the lumbei lor the new hotel is awarded to W. C. llain, of (Ireensboro, and 1,5(XI.(KI feet are required. ltapid progress is being made in the work of adding another story to the Iu it! it ul iin foi the I'dind here. The brick woik will be completed next week and Ihe roof i. half on. The institution thus enlarged will be icpared lo accommo date all blind children in the Slate up to the very limit of the appropriation. The Thomasville Orphanage sustained a loss of some $750 by the hail storm six weeks ago. lis appeals for help have lieen promptly answeied and the contri butions aggregate some $l,M00. In a double sense therefore the hail storm was a windfall. Now , for llie lirst time iu ils history, the orphanage Is out of debt. Work liegius on the lloinan Catholic Orphanage and Training School, miles southwest of Kahigh. and adjoining Pullen Park property and llie grounds of the Agiicullural and Mechanical Col lege. The Catholics have purchased 3?0 acres of la id there, since last April, adding tract after tract. The school will lie on oue of the most commanding sites in this section. There, is also to lie convent and a home for the aged aud i n 1 1 r in. The reports of the 10 Stale banks are now Ix'ing received In' ihe corporation (ominission. Willi I lii-iu are also seul ertilied lists of llie ollicers and direc tors. 1 he Stale Auditor is sending out to the vat ions therilTs lists of the stock holders of banks in I heir respective counties. He has sent out the lists so Tar as obtained, of the stockholders of other corporations, and if more come In will supplement these with another list. The MacMackin gold mine, about two miles from Uold Hill, and between Ihe Union aud Isenhour mines, In Cabarrus county, was the scene of a Are night be fore last, lietween 10 and 11 o'clock, In which Its oltice, engine house, tool house holster and some of the timber In one of the shifts were destroyed. The fire is thought to hsve originated from a lamp left in llie tool house, or it may have been incendiary. The mine was being at lively operated by ils owners, the Whitney Reduction Company. There was no Insurance on the property de- st royed. Cards are issue I to out-of-town friends to the marriage of Miss Annie Ilusbee, daughter of Mr. K. II. Dusbee, and Mr. Itobert L. Thompson, lioth of this city, for July l'-'th. Mr. Thompson is a son of Mr. A. A. Thompson, of the big cotton firm of Johnson & Thompson, and be will take his bride to Bremen, Qermany, where he represents his father's Arm, The recruiting office Is opened here again for ihe enlistment of men for the Twenty-seventh Itegtment for the Phltp pines. The Agricultural Department has re celved letters from the Northwest ask ing for Information as to the establish ment of four sheep farmer- Dr. Cooper Curtice, State veterinarian bas returned from lili visit of Inspection to tbe herd of cattle at Baxapabaw, Ala mance county, owned by. tbe Mt Long, of F.hm College. lie foond that of the herd of M eight bave died of splenic fever, and eight are now sick. Moat of tbe sick are young cattlt and be thinks most of (bene will recover; It was found tbat tie disease bad been Introduced by young cattle driven from Chatham Coun ty. Dr. Cartlce Inspected tbe berd of Menard H. Jlattle, Esq., near Raleigh, in which there were nine grown animals and ali yearlings. The la tar were sent to the place by a batcher and infected I the other cattle. Oas see died and four are sick, of which twa will die. Chicago, July 10 Forty-two men an swered aa advertisement today asking for'4! n'J " over the hack of Richard Gray, IT years old. The wound la Cray's back, which swim" nJg beu in-sTsnder Uotory where worked, Tbe fleah was torn from the back and tbe bones were exposed. If a new skin could not hsve ' been grafted on Gray would bave died. Tbe issue of tbe newspaper containing tbe adverllseawal waa hardly on tho street before men and hoys began flock ing toward Dr. E. E. Prescotl's private hospital. Some were hard up and wanted the money; some were moved by curiosi ty; some were iuSuenced by a desire lo help the sufferer. After an examination Dr. Prescotl se lecled four whom he thought would do. The rest were told they were not needed. "1 cannot even sell my flesh for food," muttered oue old man, the oldest of the throng, when be was told the doctor would not need him. The operatlou was entirely successful and the wounded boy will live. I-ale News Itoma. Captain Watkins, lo his report upon the wreck of tbe steamer Paris, says lhat he misjudged his distances. He assumes all responsibility for the accideut aud his license has been suspended for two years hy the l ulled Stales local inspec tors. Grand Duke George, heir lo the throne of Russia, is dead from consumption. Tbe United States has declined to sub rait to arbitration the Auslro-Hungarlan claims growing out of tbe riots at Lalll mer, Pa , In 1897. The steamer Portia was wrecked 15 miles east of Halifax, N. S., anil ll.ri per sons who were on board of her were res cued. Preparations for the return of llie vol unteers are reported lo lie active at Manila. General Wood returned lo Santiago and beeau vigorous action lo stamp out the yellow fever. Tbi. Itrottklyil at Autwvrp. UltnssF.i.s, July 10. Great preparations are being made in view of the expected arrival of the United Stales cruirer llrooklyn at Antwerp In the near fiituie s.l Ocean Trip. Ciimiiol ho, Krance, July 10 The Noith German Lloyd si earner Kaiser Wiihelm der Grosse arrived at Cher bourg from New York at - 4-i o'clock this afternoon, in the record breaking time of 5 days 20 hours aud .Vi inioulea The average time was'.'i.liJ knots au houi as against her lies I previous record of '.''.'..Iii knots. 18 IT MIGHT Far An Eaitar te Becesamsnd ratant Mediciass f From Sylvan Valley News, llrevard, N C. It may lie a question whether Ihe edi tor of a newspaper has the right to pub licly recommend any of tbe various pro prietaiy medicines which flood the mar ket, yet aa a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty lo lay a good work for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rbtea Remedy. We have known anil used this medicine In our family lor twenty years and hsve always found It reliable. In many cases a dose of the remedy would save hours of suffering while s physician Is awaited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that If a bottle of Chamberlain's Dlarrhtea Reme dy were kept on band and administered at the Inception of an attack much suf fering might he avoided and in very many cases the presence of a phyalt Ian would not lie required. At least this has been our eipeileuce during Ibe pasl twenly years. For sale by V. S. Duffy & Co. It's only nalnral tbat tbe small I my hnnld blubber when his stern parent undertakes lo whale him. "We have sold many different cough remedies, but none has given Inner silifs tlon than Chamberlain'," says sir. Charles Ilolr.hsner, Druggist, New ark, N, J. "It Is perfectly safe and can lie relied upon In all rases of coughs, colds or hoarseness. Hold by, F. 3 Duffy. B Waa BaakrnL A bashful Chicago man courted a girl for three years without daring lo pro pose, says the San Francisco Argonaut Finally, while be was visiting in 81 Urals, ha decided to propose by mall. He sent the Iller,and for two hours waa i as of tbe happiest men in MUsourl. Then ha began la believe he had been predpl Uie and was assailed with doubt. That night he did not aleep. He thought all aorta of thing and vainly wished be Could intercept tbe letter before It reached ber. But that waa manifestly Impossible. It was not anlll noon the neit day that be received an inspiration as ha waa passim telegraph ' office. Kushlng In, he seized a blank and ncr vonaly penned tun following: "Miss Mary , Chicago: Mailed yoo wrong letter yesterday. Please da not open and deliver lo me on return." After that he breathed freer. Tbat evening a telegram was awaiting him nt the hotel. , It read: "John -, 8t. Louis: No; y an mailed right letter. It waa about time,' r ..; , ;: :; 9? a!"iI ,' 'fiSfc-ll Mr. r. BeUMaat'a Am SinretU. May be worth to yen more than $100 If yon bavn a child who aotle bedding anenU J u - ,K f horn rnronienru of eiw dairng-aWeo clleetla vf Ktati ftprelaltj. Care old and yoaag alike. ' It bmata "(Hn Minc, 17 Johnson itrrnl the trouble at once. $1. Sold by C. D"' ' mnnnn 1 Bradham, dmttlst, New Bern, N. C. 15. JL II 1 BLUE-SERGESUITS, BLUE ; SERGE WM, COATS. A Fine Line ot Silk . . CelVefl. Pull Line ot SHOES Children. Prices to auit buyers. 7 MIDDLE 8TRKET, The Monarch (ABIOLVTBLT TOM.) Its strength oomes from Its purity. It is ell puro coffee, freshly roasted, and Is sola only In one-pound sealed packages. Each package will make 40 cups. The pack age la sealed at the Mills so that the aroma is never weakened. It has a delicious flavor. Incomparable Strength. It la a luxury within the reach of all. Premium List In every package. Cut out your Llon'a Hoad and got valuable premiums If your Grocer THE NEW BERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW CAPITA!,, HT1X)ES A OENKRAL F1RK IINSUKAM K HUS1NKH8. I. A ('KEEN, Presuleul. (IKOHXIK OKEEN, Secretary. M L HOLLOWELL, Gen' Agent. JCeX! M- t lt .(ee-SS)XSl (S i CLOVER HILT BUTTER! S FAHOUS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. j ONK 111. Pill NTH ONLY 25 t SCINTN. JNO. DUNN'S 1VMV'I Under in a lNrfM't Package. If-- "Make Friend ICE OR HOME USE Clean, pure wholesome, guaranteed to. Ik chemically maae irotn uniinm and frre IrnnUmpurltU-s. hpecislly in tended and prepared for human con-, sumption. los delivered dally (aacepi ouuuaja; a m lo 8 p m. Pnndaye (retail only) I a m 10 la noon For prices and oilier information, Address, New Berne Ice Co., R. 8. OUION. Man Ant. NOTICE, SPECIAL ! We have on hand Nice Pressed BRICK, Used for Cemetery or ol her Nice Work. SEE ill HILL, Tke Sbfcile Hat. REALESTATEAGENCY Houses and Lou for fiala nt Lowest i Passible riciirt. Desirable Homes and Tenement! that will prove ton Invest; Shirts for Men just re- J for Men, Misses and NEW liKUN. N (' of Strength is UON COFFEE. mammmmmmmmmm froe. does not bsTe I.Iad Vfr In his store, end us bis uami' sih! atldr-M that we way plate It oo uie there. Lo not accept dj aubetltatc. WOOUiON 8PI0B OO.. Tolwlo. Ohio. BERN, N. C. $50,000,00 W. It. I'd A DEN, JOhN !l N N, Vice Treat. Offices: l Mt CITIZENS BANK Everywhere." II. W. NIMPNON, y M j v l in an G8 llronil ft! reel. AMERICA'S REPRESENTATIVE FASHION MAGAZINE THE DESIGNER Published Hoothly VITH HANDSOME ... ' COLORED PLATES' ALSO lliOTATIi The Celebrated, Standard Patterns Tte only reliable pntterna, because i I tbey allow nonau. . afVMJrVaaaial Subscription Price : $1.00 a year, , , 10 otaU for tlnglt oapiaa ANVA88ERS WANTE0 FOR i : '! fi THIS jv PUBLICATION. . Ukaral etth ioajajnls. Writ for, umtlt eepy ti term U t vbiorlptlai THE DES10NER, v. 3 West 14th Street, New York City. fVVVVVVrntajAnanar Arcliikl S Siiperinlf iwcbI i 1 WW

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