t -1 . j,!Jirutlli!j(Ui.?,UloUWi- E r . p ' There inrot tho slightest doubt that the ..I I 111 lit LoUlO -doctors da nor harm than good m treating -, ul i . : . v "Contagious Blood Poison; nutj victims of " Df atiwftrlr. Vm po " this loathsome disease would be much hotter - I OlCniUl IJ IC J UO off to-ds if they had Jievsr sllwedL thens- .,r.x - -- . ' ieWe to be doed on mercury nd poUh, U Cro V"ro!i ft Ue only fwnedi which the doelow OTergivefor t.10 ll.UJl ftl fiwi..Ji blood poison - ; ' . - .. . ? : - . u- ' -, ;'Tt- The doctors are whoDy unable to get rid of 1 this Tito poison, and only attempt to heal op the outward appearance of the disoaao tho tore end eruption. This the? do, by driving the poison into the ' t system, end endeavor to keep it that In with their constant doses of potash L end mercury.- The mouth end throat end other delicate parte then break out tntoeoree, egd the fight 1 eontioued indefinitely, the drogt doing .the lyitem more damage than the disease iteelf. - - .:. 'i ; - Mr. H. L. Myert,-100 Mulberry St., Newark. N. ., sayn "I had: Sprat a i hundred doUart with the doctor, when rrealiiefl ttta ? they oould do me no good. . 1 had large spots all over my - v bedy , and those toon broke out into running soro. and I - . endured all the suffering which thia vile diaeaie pro-- ,dueei. I decided eotrjKH. 8-a a last resort, end wee soon greatly improved. -1 followed eloeely your- Diree tiii fn HAif.TMtatmant' and the large Dlotchef on my ' eheet began to grow paler and entailer., and before long . disappeared entirely. ;I was eoon eared perfectly and my -' akin ttmrn hnan aa eleae ai class ever since. I.eured ray, elf at home, after the doetori had "l . ft i. I kl. .1 tkMnt arw n r ..tn... mnnA T mii' tat VBHn.vwimivw, . " i - s- lond their aklfl. Swifu 8 iUflo . , . ; , . . 08. GFORSTHeTBLOiPDr eta m an entirely different way from potash and mercury it fereee the Soison out of the system and gets rid of it entirely. Hence it eures the isease, while other remedies only shut the poison in where-iHurka toreveis eonstaneta undermining the constitution. Our system of private home treat ment place a on re within the reach of all. We give all necessary medieal ad vice, free of charge, and save the patient, the embarrassment of publioity. Write for fall Information to Swift Specifie?K, Atlanta, Qa - A bueincos - man f rpm Bnltituore ' found hiniBPlf In a peculiar predica ment ono day, says the New. York- Preea." He visits New York about ouce a month.' He sleeps with his glass eye : la a tumbler, and there a Mend found It one morning. The sight suggested S a practical Joke put the eye In Mr. X.'s overcoat pocket. Done! When the frlend departed, bring short of money - for tbe moment lie pawned his own overcoat for $10. in the afternoon there came nn" urgent telegram to Mr. - X., who biul betu unable to leave his room on acconut -of. the missing eye and whoai frame of mlud was all dis torted and warped. The friend frauk- ly confessed: V "Bill,; 1 meant It only as a' simple Joke. If'ou will find youf eye In your overcoat pocket." But It was not there. - "It must foe. because I put it there myself," urged the Joker. The coat was held up by the tail and slinken. "By thunder! I wonder If I could have put It In my own coat?" . "Where's your coat?" - "I've 'pawned It I didn't want to borrow and needed a few dollars." "How much Is It lii for?" "Ten dollars." Mr. X. produced $10 and the coat was redeemed.- The eye was In the Inside pocket. He carefully washed it slip ped it Into place and walked out after. 12 hours of solitary confinement Oil Tklaars I WhUky Makln. "Tliero ore Iota of queer things about the whisky business," sdld an expert the other night "and-one of the queer est la the peculiar qualltv that a dis tillery, for no apparent cause, will lend to Its output. The thing has never been explained, but nevertheless. It's :- "an undeniable fact I knew a distiller who sold his old plant and moved to a : . more desirable locality, where be tried to put up an exact duplicate.' He even - went so far as to smash a couple of - ' - windows that happened to be broken : In the old establishment but it was no go; be couldn't make tbe same kind ! of whisky to save bis soul. :. v "This same dlffleully -lias destroyed the usefulnese-of many a valuable y brands Another singular phenomenon - is the impossibility of making a good Bourbon whisky east of Kentucky as , a good rye west of tbe Alleghanlea. m I speak In broad" tnns. Apparently " the , feat ban been accomplished - few times, but , Investigation baa always developed the fact that ' tbe makers, of seaboard Bourbon were of blue grass origin end the chnps wbo succeeded in turning out an iniana T " rve were aliens from the east? A real ICentueky colonel will not touch rye. - .'.He considers It almost as eleterloue a. water.'4-Sew Orleans Tlmee-Demo- iiiM flat tia Ham. . - CommunlcaHou bad bcia estabflshed i'X last With Mars. Tho man ntlue-JiK ' terplanetary telephone called out: , -neuor - ; , v 4 , . I "HeUoI" ?me the answer back-v. - x "Am I sneaking to Mara?" , To. wJiwar' " ' - "Try again."" I doat understand you. ' Stand a little farther away faun- the .'phone, please.'' . "I say hear me any better nowf - ,"I thto Uarer "V "Mare-fourth planet in ordor of dis tance from the sun-Mercury, Yen ua. .Xarth-tbls U the Eorth-Uars, That's vou, you iMowi - "No, sir. You ore" iway oft. - You . ' haven't got the ftanics of any of them - right Thla Is the fourth planet from ' the sun. but Its name is not liars. If (But the world Is not ripe for this knowledge yet.HOiIcgo Trlbuua ;:f :;:- Phesphate Rising. . .' - Pbosphsto miners front southern Flor Me report an Increasing demand foe phosphate and the vigorous working of I ; all the mines. Shipments are . double what they were a year ago; . andtJprlces continue io sovanco. c ' , , ' I IBill . ' Tbe Chinese deie I've force Is a teen t ' body and the best organized In the world. Tbfy,have"e eye upon tvery man, woman or child, forelgb or native lu China, sod, In aildlthm, watch each other Proof of the pudding Ilea In the eating . South Americas Kidney Cure."' It Is a of It Vwof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS grst surprise en account of Us exceed CHILL TONIO lie. In the taking of It,.1" Viiu rellsvlng pale u Had " s der, kidneys snd bsck, In male or female. C(HT KOTHINQ If it fslls to cure. S3 ite,,v of mtimt? ,)W(1,i tm. e,ini p. r bottle If It cures.' Sold strictly "mediately. If you want ijulck relief sod on It niiu Its I r " . : ' ; !. i euro this Is the remedy,- Bold by C, D C I' liUAlJllAM, Wholesale and Ptall 11. - - V- - failed completely.'! ownortfc lin rinfttnM? H Hium it h. - .J-JSK TOBACCO. FBOSP1SCTS... . la Pit Conaty. OreenvlllB Bnlldlnc Vp And Iroupprom. From the J uiinal's travelling repres entstive, who writes from Greenville under date of July 13lh, It is learned that the tobacco crop outlook in Pitt county Is unusually line. From Johnson Mills to.Qreenville, s distance of 20 miles, the prospects are for an excellent crop, in quantity and quality. As to Greenville, which was recently risilcil by adissstrons lire, the people are showing great energy, anil good tub stnntial buildings aro going up where Hie (Ire occurred. r l)iver Ileum. July 14. Mr. J. E. Korncgay lias gone down near Moreh ad City on a fishing trip. Miss Sue Wilson hax been visiting friends and relatives in town for the last few days. She returned to Qoldsboro this morning - A lot of people with covered "wagon t and horses pitched tent near town last Sunday, It seems 'hey arc in the horse tradln; lusiness. We see In the Journal thst President Bryan will build some branch roads when he comes In. We have a section of country near here If we had a public! road to would gjvo the railroad a large amount of freight and passenger traffic. Mr.L. II. Whitehead discovered that some ;one had ' beeo using ' vegetables from bis garden without his authority and concluded to set around last night. fo be secreted himself about dark but did not have to slay long before two genermens of color" leisurely strayed In. It was rather dark for a close sight but Mr. Whitehead says he found blood on the fence this morning. Craven Circuit Sunday School Con ference was held here yesterday. All the churchej were represented and reported the condition of their Sunday schools The reports were fairly good showing the schools making progtess. Some very important subjects were discussed by the brethren, Miss Janle Lane read an essay on Music in the Sunday School" which was greatly enjoyed by the Conference. Song by the Infant class of Dover Sunday School was sung, to the pleasure of all and showed that the little ones had been carefully tralneJ. MissMeta Outlaw Melted the ' Last Hymn", in a very 'impressive manner. Showing that when all else fall We still have Jesus to cling to. Asbbury was se lected to hold the next Conference, " " fEveft thing passed off pleasantly "and W were Indeed glad to have the good people with Q. VY R. j 'JL Loudon omnfbusearoi'm aC aver age 44 shillings per tlsy from passenger and 1 shilling pertay from adversers. ';Sri: Oesdeg at Gifts, MessengerHcre's t package lor you, WeriyifWhStVlrf. 'k.-' .v,; ? Messengef-rm'nol,suiV sir, bul I think U I a birthday present from your y WederlZ-Oh, terf well; Just leave the bill sad I'll it nil a theek for tbe amount around In the mwnlng. s r- ij 4 . 'Qua sho( wounds snd ppwder burns outs, bruises, sprains, wounds front rusty nails, insect slings and ivy poltoulog quickly betted by DeVfllfs Wllcb Ilase) Halve, rosltlvriy prevents blond poison lug. ileware, of counlerfelt. !) Wilt's" Is safs and ule. -T.S, Uuffy. ; V r-'-W' One ''Ahead. Cooking school?, n'mplil I lUDuose you've learned everything except now to hake bread, young woman? Yes, alr Ve; du't hake bread at cooking school. , v; . ., v . O,)ou'don'i? ''';,, --",iv'-. No, sir.- We bske the dough., , fiii.VMM U Bis Ueers,' ' Distressing Kidney end .HUwlJtr DIs j esse relieved in sit hours by "New Great Bradham, dmgglHt, New Bern, N. C. THE FHESS CQHYEHTIQII. Oteenrallons 0 (Its Vert . anil " - Iarge. Atteadaaee. Baslaess Set sleas iTeil AtUsded. Wllmleg- Ue'respltailty. Beeeptleas and Local Features Te .;:' the MeaeUIss Next .v I Tear. i The 87th Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Press Association has just closed its sessions, which were held at Carolina Beach, the summer resort near the City of Wilmington, It was with so bib misgivings on the first night, when the members and those with them, wive and sisters, arrived at the Oceanic Hotel nd Viewed the prospect for "board and lodgings. , The crowd was a large one when It Is understood that over one hundred guests had to be added those already at the Oceanic.';, There were no spacious apartments, but after the first night, tbe "press gang" readily adjusted themselves to the con ditions, and Mine Host Jenkins willingly lent all aid and comfort possible, and the situation became agreeable and all en joyed their stsy. .-" - A pleasant feature of the meeting was the good attendance at every session there was the customary slow start, which will In future be remedied,, and the rush at the close, which needs cor frection. President Dowd, was all that could be desired as a presiding officer, and gave character to the meeting by his promptness in calling the session on time, preventing the drag which too often tsjtes place. Of the many attentions shown It may seem hard to particularize, but Capt John W. Harper undoubtedly stands at the bead. lor nls two steamers were alwsjs at the service of tbe editors and those with them, and this without cost, nit to mention the courteous attention shown by every employe on the steamers to the visitors who accepted Capt. Har per's hospitality. The Messenger and Star with their editors and stall assistants were most generous in attentions, and Mr. Helns berger representing the Merchants Asso ciation, the Wilmington Street Railway Company, and the Wilmington SeacoaBt Company extended tbe bounds of the meeting by their generous treatment to the editors. In the social line, Wllmlngtopians fairly carried away those of tbe Associa I tion, who were on social pleasure bent, and there were many of tgrWo disposed Receptions at the Beaflf Snd Ocean View gave an enjoyable ending to the meeting, and It was with tired Steps, but minds full of the pleasures of Wilmlng ton, that the last guests took their leave. Business or Social, which is the first object of tbe Association, has hitherto been tbe question of many- This ses slon It was a question with several, was not the Association stretching its limit, on that most dangerous subject, politics' There were many hints and broad ones. Illustrations and pointed ones, along political lines, and while the old Associa tion continued In form and substance, yet there was an uneasy feeling, and the fear that politics might enter, and with Us entrance, the destruction of the N. C. P;A. 1 r The question of whether there should be a Democratic Press Association is one thing. How shsll It be organized, when meet and hew closely shsll members of the N, C. P. A. and the D. P. A. be as sodated, is a serlousproblem snd not one of easy solution. With any politics Introduced, or political Insinuations In speeches or essays, there Is certain to be rupture. - But of the meeting just closed It bad much to be 'commended. There was prout ana pleasure, snd these ere most worthy alms to have realized at every meeting. Neit year the Press is to meet at lien dersonvllle. The following officers were eleeted to serve during tbe ensulug year. ; Presldent-D JWhlchard, of Tbe Greenville Reflector, -v ' r First Vice Presldent-D r." T. N. Ivey, of The Raleigh Christlall Advocate. 8econd Vice Presldent-Beo jv Bell, of Tbe Wlhnlngton Messenger third Vice Presldent-U 9 BlafYT of Tbe Lenoir TopWj;;:: : Secretary and Treasurer J B Sherrlll bf The Concord Times.- '.i nistorlan-W F Msrshall, of TheQas Ionia Oazette. Oralor-Majof S I Uafe. ef The Pay t lev III ObserTer--ty- Ppe E. lusooj of , lhefrm . veiegatee to toe national frees Atao- ctatlnaU A London i B Whltaker, Jr, R H Fertean, J B Sherlll and C L Abef- nethy. Alternates, 1 ' D Boone, i Robinson, Dr T N Ivey, U Blair, II ( 1199, .:. Uehtest'e AaW ititorette. May be wSrth to you more thai' $100 If you have a child who ' soils bedding from incontence of wster during sleep Cures old and young ' alike,' It arrests tbe trouble at once. il. Sold by C. 1 Bradham, druggist. New Bern, N. C I' I 1 UcatIacI:o Is artea a waraioc that U Mm Is torpid er laactiva. . Mow avrions troubles saay loUow. fee s pnwkpt mctaot mm m Heaaartm and all uw Wonbsss, take Hood'dPilte Whit they tons the liver, restore full, regular action of U bowels, they do Bot crtpa or para, do not 4rrtUtoer innaine the InSacBal erfsna, hut haw iKMltiva tanle cfleei, x&c. at aH-dra(glta or by aaaU i W U.JLHO0a vg,unm,wi BK-TAKKitr- FBakmtoU Hue OoUa PiiiiiiIm of lb Nurth CanUaa Kany. Wa r U11U . Bem4 with a ShariST Writ. Testerday afternoon the steamer Lii lie was captured by the Fusionl and lies at anchor in the Treat river in pos session of a blrling crew. The seizure was made with a writ served by Sheriff Hahn, Issued by Judge Brown, father-in- law of Senator I'rilcbard, and is the out come of tbe suits now In tbe courts. When tbe crafty deputy boarded the LiUie It was at a time when no- one was on board. Not a shot was fired, there was no blood shed, in fact there was not even an occasion for "cuss ''words". When theDemocracy learned of the dis aster Maj S. D. Pope was In proud pos session of the deck and declined to al low the Democratic ship-keeper or any other person on board. It Is a matter of history how the new Board of Fish Commission got posses sion of the oyster steamer shortly after the adjournment of the Legislature last spring. Some little force was used on that occasion and then the matter was heard before a magistrate in New Bern. He decided that the Democratic seizure was illegal and the case went before the Pamlico Superior court. Judge Bowman who heard the case, a mountaineer Re publican, also decided in favor of the fusionlsls that the seizure was forcible and contrary to law. The case was ap pealed and will be beard in September before Supreme court at Raleigh. It has been no bonanza for the new Fish Commission, of which J. M. Clay ton of Hyde county is chairman. The administration of Governor Itusaell bas had the inside on the whole matter. When the new commission li rat took hold they sent on some bills that had been incurred and they were paid, but when the members sent on their vouch ers for their first months pay they were turned down. The suit had been begun and all salary claims were held over. Whether the former Chief Shell Com missioner, Theophilus White of Hertford has been drawing his pay as usual and lettiug out little dividends to bis old deputies Is unknown. Perhaps some one would like to ask the Governor. He is fond of taking care of his pets any way. The Llilie needs repairs and a good deal of them. Nn money has beep avail able and the boat needs to go into dry dock. Tbe craft cost $6000, and $1500 would not be too much to put her in good order. However, it might be cheaper to let the steamer sink in deep water somewhere, unless it can be ex plained what ue the State of North Carolina has for a navy. Municipal Ownership Pays. Greensboro is now discussing a propo sition to issue bonds to buy Its system of water works. Every city ought to own Its water supply, and in every Instance where good management has been se cured, it has been profitable to the city. In Charlotte, Mr. C. H. Campbell, Superintendent, writes to. Mr. G, H Wright, of Greensboro: ."Water rate reduced 60 per cent by municipal owner ship," To the same party, Mr. Geo. P. Green, ex-mayor and leading citizen of Wilson, writes: "Our town charges $3.50 for the Grst 12.000 gallons; after that lOrrper thous and gallons. The town owns, its water works, electric light plant and sewerage system. If you will allow us $35 for our fire hydrants tbe plant would pay a good profit. (Most towns In the State pay $50,) By all means I advise municipal owner ship si the best In every aspect for your oltr. Wster for street Sprinkling Is never questioned. Our plant Is only 7 years old snd In one more year H I pre dicted our hydrants will cost III nothing. Our electric light plant is run on metre rstss to churches, )c per hohr, private Scpernour. ! Municipal ownership Is coming every where.-RsIeigh News-Observer 14th,. ,-, l i IUad Uia Nws. The Initial steps are being taken to se cure; the building of a cotton mill at New Bern. r The Chamber of Commerce has charge of the matter. Baltimore Bun. SMMM .gMtw Flraa t. A. Pai C. ' Mr. Rudolph Ulrich, lately engaged In the furniture, business, but who hss been for years In the grocery trade, hss re- lurned to tils old lint and become a mem ber of the well known wholesale grocery house of J. A, Perls & Co., of this city, hating bought nn Interest In this fins. :i . Both J. A. PsrU Co, and Mr. Ulrich art to be Congratulated oa the new busi ness associations thus formed. : QThe goat produces mormllk Snsually In proportion lo its II rs wislgbt tbsa sny other animal kept for milk production. ' BrlggsI thought yoor doctor forbade you to smoke. . Cfrlggs Ye( but I suspected be had ulterior motives. I have aa Idea that bs wanted me to sat money so thst I should be able to pay his bill.? !; . k Ksnsa paper, under lbs head of local jotting, says: "Three or four cy clones ripped through tb village since , our last tsssue. ; ' - 1 Tobacco - Warehouse ! FORTHE SALE OF T .TP. TP TOBACCO. -f ' ' llll-ffl 11181111 ' ' r"' D"""- I. 1 . -.: J? , IMliinll H Highest Prices. SBSOiT OP 3399- , OPENING SALE, Wednesday, August 2d, 18p9. DR. Uf. II. STREET, Owner and Proprietor W. K. STYROJT, Book Keeper and Secretary. UTILIZING THE GOUT. I Ha Power to Soothe tho Mm With Cracked Shoo. "Every now and then," said a man if moderate means, "something hap pens to remind nie that I am only a novice In the nrt of life. For Instance, my shoes were wearing out, and in one of theiu there was nn ugly crack In tho top. if there Is one thing more dis turbing to me than another. It Is the sight of a shoe on one of my feet with a hole In the top. But I had not the money wherewith to buy another pair, and, though It may seem ridiculous, I couldn't very well spare the quarter that It woulj cost for a patch, to say nothing of the fact that a patched shoe Is little less unulghtly In my eyes than one with n hole in It Wnlking, in this predicament, one day, I met a friend, whose means, so far as I knew, were little, If any, great er than my own. He now had In the top of one of his trimly blacked shoes a carefully cut round hole. Since I bad last seen blm he had apparently pros pered enough to have got the gout, a fact on which I veutured to comment 'Why,' he said, 'j'ou cuu get precise ly the same kind of gout with a pair of shears.' And then he smiled. He always was blitbe and gay, no matter what betlded. "Well, when I got home I eularged that hole In the top of my shoe to the size and respectability of a gout open ing, and now, when I go down lu the morning on tbe elevated, I don't hold that foot with the broken shoe curled under tbe seat back of tbe other ankle, as though I had a curious habit that way, but 1 place It boldly out In front, and I read the paper with the air of a man who is going down town with his surplus Interest money to take a little flier In slocks." Chicago Inter Ocean. AWED BY THE AUTHORS. Bat By and Br Mr. William Got Over HI Timidity. Some day perhaps Jesse Lynch Wil liams may follow bis book of newspa per stories with some sketches of mag azine office life, lie bas bad experi ences, and be can write them. Here Is one of theui: "When I first went to Scrlbner's Magazine," be said, "I was a walking Interrogation point Tbe editor would toss a letter across tbe table just like a common piece of paper, saylug 'Here's a letter from Kipling. It's all right It might as well have been a note from bla tailor. "1 stood by and shivered at the sac rilege. And the typewriters I They would pound out letters to Meredith, Stockton, James, Howells and Kip ling Just as they might have done to me, vvUhoot changing a feature or missing a punctuation mark, and I marveled at their nerve. One day a stout, middle aged man bniBbed by me In tbe office. We begged each other's pardon. ' - 'Hold on a minute.' called the edi tor. 'I want to speak to you, Howells.' M 'Is that Howells 1 I asked the office boy. " 'Sure.' "'Mr. Howells r m Yea,' "'Mr. W. D. HowellsT "Cert' "Mr. William Dean Howells? ' "The same. "And I softly caressed the sleeve that the novelist bad brushed against aa If It bad been touched by a saint But after awhile the feeling of awe wort off. We deal In authors. That's our business.'' Philadelphia Saturday Bvenlug Post '...., . ' An alpUBU srsiarrkoia. Mr. A Sanders, writing from Cocoanut Grove, Fls, ssyi there has been quits sa epldemlo of dlarrbma there, lie bad a severe attack - and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Colic, .Cholera snd Diarrhoea Remedy, He says he also recommendVd It to others and they say It Is the best medicine they ' srsr used For ssls by FH OulTy A Oo.j'.f ;,?t.wkF They ns. Borne neonle think cyclers sra crsaks Just bet suss they msks wheel go 'round Why were 15,000 BOTTLES OF ROB. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlar IRT3' TASTELESS Ke. CHILL TONIO rhosa Remedy, F. B. Duffy . Co, , will sold the first year of Its birth f .wert refund your money If you am not sstls Beoauselt Is tho BEST AT ANY PRICE, fled after using It. ; It Is sverywhers sd guaranteed to ours, money refunded It It tnltled to bs ths most successful remedy falls, pleasant to take, Mo per'bottle. ; It in Use for bowel oomplalnts and ths only Is sold snd guaranteed by - 0 D BRADHAM. Wholesale and Retail A Coincidence. Are you superstitious?" said one young lady to another In a confidential chat. No; that Is, I never was until yes terday. A very strauge thing occurred to a friend of mine then, and now I do not know whether I am supersti tious or not It happened In this way: She and 1 were sitting in her room. and she was telling me ihe details of her marrlntre engagement, which had been biol.i i off that very day. While she was talking she raised her left urui and tli:i v II over the hack of the elialr where nhe wan Kitting, nud an she did so a heavy link bracelet fell to the door. It was her engagement brace let and had been locked on her arm for inure t linn a year. How or why it came iinrnsteiicd I tlo not Know. Detroit Free Press. Kansas llnabanda. A woninu lakes great cousolntion In thinking Ihnl some day lieu she Is laid In tlie cold, ohl ground herijius band will wish he hud her hack to Usll her how sorry he Is that he treated her so menu. She luiagiues him weeping over the sod and wishing he could see her. If only for a moment, to ask her forgiveness. But he will not appear in such a scene. On the contmry. he will probably be chasing after some other woman. Atchison Globe. Bla Noner. One of the largest and most cumber some forms of money Is found lu Cen tral Africa. Where the natives use a cruciform ingot of copper ore over 10 Inches long. It Is heavy enough to be a formidable weapon. Natal's hippopotamuses are extinct Tbe last herd was protected by tbe government on a reservation near Dur ban, but did so much damage to tbe surrounding sugar plantations that or lers were given to have it destroyed. Tbe presentation of the freedom of a city or borough in England is now a mere compliment, which does not con fer any substantial or exceptional priv ileges. Signals used by ships at sea date from 1005. Tbey were Invented by tbe Duke of York, afterward James II. Distressing Stomach Sis as Permanently cured by the masterly pow er of South American Nerviae Tonic. Invalids need suger no longer, because this remedy can cure them all. It Is a cure for the whole world of stomaoh weakness and indigestion. The curs begins with the first dose. The re lief it brings is marvelous and surpris ing. It makes no failure; never dlsap points,' No matter how long you have suffered, your cure Is certain under the use of this great bealth giving rorce, Pleasant and always safe. Sold by CD. Bradham, druggist, New Bern, N. O. A Home Battery. First Visitor (on board shlp)-I tell you what, wouidn t you like to near the slx-pounders rosrf Second Visitor No, I get enough of It. Our new baby's a twelve-pounder. Tolcaaic Brapttoas , Are grand, but 8kla Eruptions rob life of Joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them, also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bolls, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises. Burns, Scalds, Chspped Hands, Chilblains. Beat Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Only Mots a bos. Ours guaran teed. Sold by F. 8. Duffy Co., Drug gists. . .. t Jr; ;"-5-' " ' ,; Photgrapher-Qrest PcotV sn try snd look happy and cheerful. ' v.' " Customer I daren't. This photograph Is for my wtrs, who Is always oa a visit She would coins bsck tomorrow if 1 looked nsppf snd obeerful. ; assBV 00 risk when fos'onj one that never falls. It I pleasant, safe and reliable. 5W f .-. ..'- 1. i- J. . MOBG1N, Manager snd Salesman. J. XL POWELL. Floor Mngr. and Supt. Grading Dept. Taken at Her Word. Mrs. F. J. Gilllngton-Gigga is awfully mad at the newspapers; she says they treated her so shabbily. Did they? Such a prominent society woman, too. Yes; she told them they must not say auyllilng about her reception, and they didn't. Fxpiained. Hello, exclaimed the shade as he wandered near the storied gate. What causes the rush? Looks like a nursery around here Tou must have made a special canvass fur little hoys. Nothing of Ihe kind, replied the ven erable and efficient St. Peter. There has been a general ohscrvaucc of the Kourth of July down in the United Slates. Their Use. "Aud what use," cried the female ora tor in a fine burst of satiie, aie Htiim n in this world? Ask any man, and what will, he tell you?" "My father says," cried a small boy In the audience, "that they are good to raise children, blBcuit and hell." Modest Women Modesty in women Is no less a charm than beauty and wit. Is it any wonder that wo men afflicted with physical disorders pecu liar to their sex shrink from per sonal examina tions by male physuaansr The weaknesses and irregularities of women may be recognised by certain unfailing symptoms. Backache, headache, bearing down pains, irritability and extreme nerv ousness indicate derangement of -the delicate female organism. Bradfield's Fe male Regulator is the standard remedy foe characteristic diseases of women. , Sold by druggists at gi.oo per bottle. VHI WUDFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, 0 BPS nuk-iv, bdhk Wammm Bran. Pennyroyal pills . . 1 lo tA -Mil fluid Ml.t.lUA MUrr. i..kii. W ttMUOftd tMlMtMm. AI llnglL.f fc lh 1,1-n Million . 1 B , " Hitler Am- Ia4Im," . Bt.mM ft. Iftl0.lftf.. 1IN T Hall. I, TwilmooUU. Hmm Pfr. fl4d IV U Lne&l LrsgUU. llllljrVUAo A Good Telephone SERVICE IS A BUSINESS NECESSITY, A HOME CONVENIENCE., A COM BCND . . Jr'( - TXeeetmlty, r s sConTenlcuce, Order. Your Phono at Once I VQHt CPHIIIH . wimoui it,,- SYSTEM BU1LCER.GIVES APPETITE . a. rrt yr.Ts tub- nura . - - "'"" 2 T AS II L f.H S j ;5 5o)J i.fndly onifsMi-rits, iristhn Lst Chill Tome atthesnullwr pricp "il vcur money rcfunJeJ it if fails to cure you. Ik.- m. PBERTS1 . 1,SnSSwm-- Lee k nn SCO CS05, - J TV 4 t - I r i - J, - IV" , - - i?