wtzkh VuLl'MK XXII. NEW BEHN, IR4YEN COUNTY. N. V . FRIDAY. Si'PTKMKKK I. 1 tf 1 -Mansil ACTION. NUMBER 4G. POPULISTS ILSO Saj Hat Tiiej Will Sspport liie Samethlnir About (' l li rti;rs. Sum uerell Will lo. fraud on Farms A. K M. ('olUre. ! Insert Penis, (apt ! Barnes Shot. j Rai.kkiii, Augut :M) - 'icniocratie State 1 Chairman Simmons snyi that HI I ;ie con stitutional anieniluicul" rally, pienic at: I i barbecue at Clinton lal week the leml lug Populists ailcuiled and that llicy i openly declared l':e Populists would sjpportthe amcmliiieiit. W. B. Smith, of Wyatt, this county, Sinilsto tlm A jjriculin fal Dep irtment specimens of a liu.j v hicli Is destroying his cabbage. He says It thrives on Paris j green. Itut a kerosene emulsion will kill It, or belter still, erylliruiii povvii-r. j Cablagt!-raisln is an iiiipnriaiit'lnisiiicn-i In North Carolina. In Hie m'luiitii'm country the grower have n way of hy ing a leaf of the culilinc on top th'-reof j and in the morning lind o.i this the i worms anil li'ii; wliicli are then killed But the mountain citbliae raisers are not I cursed Willi a lot of the iiHerU whieh ! ulllicl those ea-it of le-re and in lliii see tlon. Capt. Hill I) iv will 1iiu:i.'c Lewis Hummercll, llie sup-rvisoi of the Norlli- ainploii eniivii ! firm. Tie" pren people of ihe Slate di iniiiideil 'I Capt. I'ay h.i-i t i'.d th' (! iv-B:-iior Hummercll is t.i c,i ui I i al o ire solicitor of the II ihf i dMriei will a bill atrniiut Smnnierell f ir eriinlt , n n 1 t.io 1 ll.lt I'll lr:l V I'll ! matter will go into Um: conn -.. Hemic tlovernor limscll app.iinte I Sim iiereli an luveUigalion was madu by .1. C. L Harris mid others as to his life and ini'i ItH. Cruelty h id been charged agaiusi him before then, 1ml he decliui'd to Loe Harris that he was not cruel. Harm after this endorsed him and had r.rieh to do with procuring his appointment. The State charters Ihe Mchane Kidge way Telephone Company, which has authority to construct lines in Alamance, Person, Durham, u.at.e and Cimvcll counties. The new h"aiing npp trains in the poslolllce building is completed and tested. The work appeals to h ive been weM done. The building i now being painted and rciiilcd. It Is said thai . gieal. frauds have been perpetrated al Home of the penitenl iary farms in the matter of sales of crops, weighing of eoiion, e:e , and I lie rrveU tions will i.pi il ii prim of i-ensaii on those regnrdi.i cruelty to eotniets. A judgment, for $:!ik) a;aiust the clerk of the United Stat-.i Conn, .1. I!. Koiiune was secured by a eieiliior here. United Slates District Attorney Claude Itenmi.l returned I rum (iivel.nl .Springs. IN; declares lhat he found only "gold-bugs" there, no matter what their party. 'I hi! examination papers of many ap plications for schol.uidiips in the Agri cultural anil Mechanical t ollege have arrived. I'y next Monday these will have to be xn niiied nml passed on President Winston w ill return this week He has madu a rapid study of Agiieul lural and Mechanical ( ollege woik and farm operations in half u ilo.en Stales and In Canada, lie i,m also made a study of Industrial work in such iustilu lions. Htato Labor Commissioner Lucy will make letters from employes the leading feature nf his annual rep rt for lMJ'.l, and there will ffe groupeil according to the various trades or avocations. Let tcri are now coming In very rapidly Of tho leporl for 18!IS about O.OIW copies were printed, but not over 1,000 were sent out. Dr. 11. .1. Thomas, of Winston, ro celved a communication today from the suriroon trcncral of the United Htiilosl army, tendering hbn the position r which has b-cn engaged in distributing aurgeon, for servic; In the Pmllippini s th :i,"00,lt!() a;.propiialed for the pur Dr.Thoma. Is givln the m itier eoii-ld J l,i,e "r Pa '' uir Cuban l'era who r.ii.. i.ni i I o..fi..l - . ..on! , surrender their arms to the American lloli. The Southern has added a new dally freight train between theenshoro and North Wilkeaboro. Capt. Calvin Dames of Wilson, who was waylaid and shot In the back from ambush Monday night about dusk, died at 3:'X) in the morning. The bullet frac tured the left shoulder blade, passed through the left lung and broke some ,n- II. a. congou, nn to th tin... of hi, de-ah. Tho drought around Lexington la bro-' ken by the season of good, rains that bo nn falling last night Aa Iniect peat Mleved to be the army worm la preying on tho crops In iouth-( eastern Rowan. It made Its appcar.inre about a week ago and Ii causing tho far - mora considerable anxiety. Tbe corner stone of Iredell courly'i new court house was laid yestorday af ternoon at 3 o'clock by the Grand Lodge of Macon of North Carolina. Tho Ma sons of Btatesvllle lodge ant vlslllng llaaona from this and surrounding cuun ties to the number of 12 or mora were present. " irritating stlngr, lite, Kralilna wound and oats soothed and healo.l by DsWttf Witch 1171 Salve.-a surt and safe application for tortured flcsb. Jtawara or counterfeit. 7. 8. Duffy. NOT A HKKAI t ! Hi KliimllKIInn IX.i l.i.ra Tlmt t lm Wllmlng luo Cnliler S.).tiie Tim.1. one of Lh llMuk' I mill.. V I IAI INl.TuN, N. nem went n 'o lay (.'., A ut 21). Itusl- .,,i.ii ki ti.c bank- iiii' house o tin) Wiliuingioa Bavlnirs and l iust Cuiupatiy, The Inillvidual ' tii po.ii s e ii e .;,1 ; ,e withdraw a Is, inauy ; o: iiio-f nlio called for their bai.ii.ies li i.iay lei'inied the ini-nty today and ' eonlideucf is now fully retoicd. The following telegram to Mr. ,1. W. Norwo..d, pi evident of ihe Savings U ink, waa received tonight from Hairy Wal lets, viec p:c-iti':.t of the bank ami pren Ident of Ihe Atlantic Coast Line sysiem ".N'ewport, U. I., Aug VJ. Wire nie :it the ' loister. Newport, if y ou wih me to .elld mouev. I willsnp ply whatever may he required. li. WAl.ThlUi." The combination iiiiu.bero being known only to the absent cashier, machinists opened one of the safes today mid access was thus gained to the cash box and the books. The cash balance of $3uT, referred to last uight, was found ialaet. It was also discovered th.il Cashier Sloitne had taken only the ba!uin e of sa'ary due him nml one hundred ihllurs tor whieh he left his note with ample eollaletal at tached thereto. AN KST1MATK III till: DKAI). I'lirlo Kiean SUorm Viel Out i'rmii l liree to Five TlimiMiml. Nl'v Voiik, August i'b The steamer Caracas, which arrived today, (nought a number of passenger.- from l'orto Kicau ports. Hue of the pa-setifcn .-aiil: Thedeso l ilion and ik'st t net mil caused at the to w n and ion h o of Poll e is appalling. The it 1 1 in In-1 o f ileal ii- iincuiu tin' people Ins not a- yet lieen i.-cei ained, lint it i I will ecilai'dy iinin'iei JI.taM foi tin; whole island, probably .r,0l 0 'Ihe desti'.ution is being leiieved as rapidly as possi'ihi by Hie gincrunient olUciah. The lowci classes of the peo ple, however, an.' iuc'ineil to be trouble some, and it is leared that theie will be an outbreak among thiiu. (el ui.iiiy C iMilit Tell. IUmiI.in, August U The Cologne tia .ette today, in an inspired article, reply ing to the foreign press, says: "After I lit! failure of Major Paui..aidi and Colonel Si linicdcr to convince the French people, Scliwnrukoppcn'a inter vention in behalf ol one innocently sen tenccd would be futile, especially since (Jerinany has already done more than could be expel led by Count von Hue low 's di claral ions, w hich were given as representing the Empire and the Emper or, and Colonel Si hwatzkoppen's word i I honor, iii !iis th el n alions in Novem b i IWf., and that he never had any rela tions v. ilh Die) fii.s." The Tagi'hlatt says the government might name the real spy. Yoitll (lirl Anarchist. Itio .Iamoiko, Aiigu-t ill --The police have discovered nn association of itn uichists at San Paulo, forty miles from Santos, ami Ihe Investigation shows that among others who were chosen by lot Is a young girl, (Inbriclla. who has already started on her voyage, whose mission it is to dynamite buildings of the Paiis Ex position. . Several person have been arrested in connection with the plot, including the editors of annrchi.-t papers at San Paulo and in lids city. Cunt. hi Docs Honor. Canton, ()., August 30 Major Wil liam McKinley, as congressman, governor ami PiCsideut, has in the last twenty live years been the central figure. In a great many big demonstrations In Canton, bul in the matter of enthusiasm, unanimity heartiness and cordiality of the welcome, none has exceeded and few have eiiiall o I the one which marked ids arrival here iti noon today. Dl.lrll.nlvil !,.-, 'ill, (MM). Havana, Aug. 2i(. T lie commission olllcers lias relurneil to Havana, it le- ports that ;l ,til)J persons have received their share of the gratuity, and thai the total amount of money dltribu:cd is $2, 6211,0 K'. That Throbbing- Bcai ii i i . ..i. .i.i.. i.. ... .. it -.i nihil iiuickiv icavo von. ii vim ubcu i Dr. kimi'a New 1 Ifo Pills. Thousands of sullerers have proved their matchless mtrll for ick and nervous headaches. I They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Kaiy to toko, I ry thoni. Only 2o cents. Money back If not curod Hold by f . 8. Duffy A Co , druggists KiiiWsiin-nnireHMj.ruM.iry. : Washington, August SO. Although rceiulling for the ten new volunteer reg- lm-nl Ins not been actively Marlod In ail parts of the cnutry, 2.701 men l,av.l?"0f The fall tarn, begin. Seplem- a ready been sec u rod far these leglment Including 187 cu rolled yesterday. CASTOR I A , for Inianto and CliiUrin. , The Kind Yea Have Always Bought' ,: Bsara tba. Blgaatttra of ft SI . SUM?-. A SETTLE SATS SO. i fn. thp Impmpnt and fannnt 14 1U1 UU UUIWUUtUUUl UUU UUUUUI Bin for Governor. Prof llowd Back Praise for Me- bane. Whea Pres. Patrick Ke tlr. Masoule Lodges. As SHBgIn of Barnes in Jail. State Fair Uai.kioii, August 31 The Hon. Thos. Settle, hag explained his position on the Constitutional Amendment, has no dis position whatever to conceal his polill cal point of view. "Unless I undergo a very radical and an unexpected change," said Mr. Settle, ' I shall advocate, and vote for, the Con stitutional Amendment. Independent of any political party idea, I believe that the adjption of this measure will mean the best wisdom for North Carolina. To tne it appears as the correct solution of a dillicult problem. "There can be no question as to where I stand on national politics. I am a Ite pub'lcan, pure and simple. But I have not been, and cannot be, In sympathy with the political log rolling of a great many of the Republicans of this State. In this matter I am biased solely by hon est conviction. "I may add, merely as a matter of fact, lhat recently I have received a great many letters from Republican friends, urging that I make a stand for the nomi nation ol (iovcrnor or as a Congressman This I cannot do. So long as the Repub lican party in North Carolina bases its platform on opposition to the Constitu lions! Amendment 1 cannot conscien tiously run on the ticket," During the past few days n large number of orphans have returned to the Oxford Orphanage from their summer vacation, the tirst in the history of the institution. Prof. Jerome Dowd, of Trinity Col lege, has returned from a European trip, lie left early in June and arrived in New York last Thursday on the steamship Pen nsylvania. C. II. Mebane, Slate Supeilntcndent of Public Instruction has received the following leUer from Dr J. L. M. Curry: "I have watched your administration of your ofllcc with the keenest interest and anxiety and have pleasure In expressing my gratification at the zeal, industry, ability and efficiency with which you have discharged the delicate and import ant duties. You deserve special com mendation for being just to both races anil for keeping the schools independent of paiy politics." Two special deputies from Wilson county arrived here with J. J. JelTerson, the white asssassiu of Capt- Culvin Barnes, JelTeison was placed in the station house, as there were no papers for his commitment to jail. The sheriff later sent for the county attorney to con sult with him In regard to receiving the prisoner and Isle in the afternoon he was jailed. JelTerson is a tough looking specimen and as cold blooded a criminal as was ever seen here. He Is past middle age. He seems to gloat over his crime and confesses it with pride. He says he had a lot of trouble with Captain Barns: that this had gone on all the year. The bullet that killed Captain Harms was shot Into his back. JelTerson, for all his coolness there, was in mortal fear of lynching until he got here. The deputies drove him through the country to a station ten miles this side of Wilson and then hastened here. After he had been transferred from the station-house, Jefferson said: "I did not kill Barnes I don't know anything about him." 1 he keys to Barnes' warehouses were in Jefferson's pockets and were sent hack to Wilson. Grand Master of Masons H. J. Noble and Grand Secretary John C. Drewry has returned from Stalesvllle, where the corner stone of the court house was laid yesterday. Mr. Drewry says 200 Masons were present. Mr. Drewry is astonished at Sialesylllo development. He went on to speak of North Carolina's growth and said, though a Vlrglniau, that this Slate was far out-stripping his own. Ills in dustrial development which la causing the progress here. All (he towns feel It Mr. Drewry sayi there are now 810 lodges of Masons, three having been chartered this year. The order has 11 . 000 member In this State. . 'loUi' n---"---0- Pnd the theatrical eon here last night, playing to a j Pc-'e1 uon8e. l '"M ., the acade- j mJ ot Mug,c- M - R. 0. Ktven has i "'"j .--.".-"u. -"--" 1 N' few of lheM re upon the conumon mat mcy mate a Douiuern lour l-o far the report! show that 80 appli cants for scholarships have paaied ex ainlnalion In the varioul counties for entry to the Agricultural and Mechanical berOth I The fall term of Wake Forest Collega began j siteruay. i u outlook io an Increase In the number students ts good. ..:;.; ,i.,.f '' . Yf, J. Young, who waa for many years the principal of tb Initltatlon for tba wplta blind her, I now la lb kardwar THE BEST flwuld I your aim I n-ltcn i bnvliuT i iaedlnlna.1 .CM llood'a 8nramriiltt ami hart the I wst uivuiuiuv MUPtbT VAN HUT. Absolutely tastE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome aOVAl IUOMnWIM.lMTQnL business here, succeeding B lrhy, who was recently ekcled professor of uggri culture al the Agricultural and Mechani cal College heie. I). M. Patrick, fuslonist, does not re tire as president of the Atlantic A: North Carolina Railroad until the fourth Thins day in Septeinbe r. September 1st the terms of oilier of a number of fusionists employed at the penitentiary expire. It is not known whether any of Ihetn will be reappointed or not. The race programmes for the State Fair are issued. There are $2,(KI0 in purses Till-; FA MOI'S TKI w.. Division Among the Kiieuiie of Dreyfim. lien. ItoR-et Mil) Change. Ri'snes, August 30 The air of Rennea this evening is filled with rumors of conspiracies and predictions of coups dc theatre, but nothing precise can be as- ascertained, (leueral Mercicr's attitude during the last few days has mystified his followers in the case. He is extreme ly clever, and the general feeling is that h" is preparing something, the existence of which will be revealed in a few days It is now accepled as beyond question that there is a serious div ision of opinion on the part of the Generals. While the case was running smoothly against Cap tain Dreyfus they all pulh d together, but since the tide of evidence began to turn in his favor, as was notably ihe case dur ing the testimony of t apt. rreystaetter anil Colonel Corlier, which proved much more damaging to the general staff than the latter anticipated, certain dividing lines have become manifest be- tweeu the various cliques. According to another report, General Roget, who was not implicated in 1894, will cut himself loose from Generals Merrier, Gonse and DeBoisdeffre. This Is a plausible hypothesis, since Roget has assumed throughout the role of the defender of the army, thus making him self popular with the army and with a large section of the nation, and he prob ably would not lose by separating him self from the wrong doers of 1HV4 and declaring that, his opinion has been changed by the evidence given during the present trial. Nebraska TrooB Home. Omaha, Nkii , August 30 The return ing First Nebraska Regiment received a glorious welcome when the troop trains arrived at 7 o'clock this morning. The crowds which hail assembled at the depot were immense, and as the first train pulled up to the platform the cheers of the thousands of people were added to the din of whistles, bells and cannon crackers. The buildings along the route of the parade had been elaborately deco rated and the sidewalks, windows and everv place of vantage were one solid mass of cheering, yelling humanity. Over lOO Miles an Hour. Wii.miniiton Del., Aug. 30 The New York and Washington express on the Philadelphia Washington and Haiti more Railroad rushed into tho Wilming ton Station this afternoon, afler having made a record-breaking spirt. The 3.4 miles between Thurlow and Claymant were made in exactly two minutes, or at the rate of more than 100 miles an hour The 23 7 miles from Gray s Ferry to Wilmington wcro covered in exactly 22 minutes, Quickly cure constipation and rebuild and invigorate the entire system never gripe or nauseate Dc Witt's Little Karly Risers. V. S. Dully. tub sri t,t i. a 1 1: mai:ki:ts. Tih!;i 's Wilson . suite ! by i. tail. ins furnished bv R B , Richmond, V.., liepic ' i. New berry. . i. v. ilKK. August 31. . S'H ii 'KS. I ;.eti. Iiih. lnW. ('lose 8uK.ir ir.T IV i m 15ISS Am. Tobacco .. liHJ l'.'i 12ii 127 Reading ti2 -'! 01 (121 C. T. O : 4!) 4!l 47J "l Leather Iti 13 10 10, ajR. &M Utii IWl 18 11J5J N. P .. 478 ''"J 40 46 j St. P 18H i:',4t 133 1SH O. T. P 102) 1021 8i lOOi B. R. T 107 107) 106i 105 A. 8. & W. .... m "71 Bft T. C. I i 0.H WSJ M. O. P 50t Wi 49 40 Wab. Pfd 23 23 23 28 COTTON. Open. Uiyh. Low. Close January... 6.07 JS.02 5.0J 6 07 Oct. Cotton .. . 5 1 5.83 6.88 OUICAOO MARKETS. fVlrtaT- Open. High. Low. Cloao. September ... 70 70 0D 00 December..:. 7 72 711 71 Conn Heptomber.... 00 80 80J 80 rXcember. ... SOf W 8 'tlamllton Clark, of Chsuncey, Ga. lay uesuftord with Itching puV twenty year "bafor trying DaWltt'a JVItch HarolSaWs, two botes of which com pletely cured Ulnt.' " Bawar of worthies and dangcrou eounterfeli. F. B, Duffy. Powder A Bival. May Jennie loves Jack Swelhedde, but she's afraid he loves somebody ebe more. Kay She's right, too. May-lndeed! Who is it Kay- Jack Swelhedde. Competency. Yes, I want a man a competent man. said the head of the turn. Can you carry a message to Garcia?" "Sure !" replied the applicant for a job W bo's Garcia?" In Chicago She says If she couldn't have a family crest without buying one, she'd do with out a crest. I dare say. She Is notoriously the stin giest woman in Chicago. Concealed Abuse. "They are calling one another a great many hard names in the Dreyfus trial.' 'Yes," answered Mr. Cumroit, "lint I t ike notice they don't darst to say mosl of 'em right out in English so's every b)dy can understand 'em." Aid to Vision. '1 suppose 1 should be lynched if 1 wore my eyeglass here," observed the tenderfoot. The inhabitants did not pause even to translate his thoughts into the usual frontier dialect 'If you wore your eyeglasses here," the inhabitants answered at once, "you could see your finish." Hereupon he fired his revolver a few times, in lieu of laughter. Boarding House Trust. HojaxMy landlady evidently belongs to a uoarding-house trust. Tomdix Why do you think so? llojax She doesn't attempt to supply the wants of the consumer. Heavenly Credits- Mrs. Upperten No, Albert, we cannot take our money to heaven with us. Albert Edward Certainly not, mam ma; that would be decidedly vulgar. 1 suppose a letter of credit from the archi bishop would be about the proper thing. Fine Tobacco, Truck and General Farming Lands For Sale. One tract of 30 acres in one fonrtl mile of city of New Hern. One tract of 27 acres in lots than one mile of city of New Bern. Ono tract of 830 acres in about one mile of city of New Hern. One tract of 90 acres in two miles of city of New Bern. One tract of 90 acres in two and one half miles of City of New Bern. One tract of 300 acres lu thrcs and one quarter miles of city of New Beni. All of the above tracts aro well loca ted, being on the tame Bide of the rivers that New Bern is. They are in good Btate of cultivation and we bold them ut a moderate pi ice. For prices, otc, apply to J.J. WOLFENDEN, New liern.N.C. At the Rook Store Schoal Teachers and School Children Attention. We have just received a full and complete supply of new school books and school supplies recently adopted for all 1'iiblic, I'rlvale and Graded Schools l'ersonal and prompt attention given til t ii 11 1 1 olders. 6. N. Ennett. i NOTICE ! Notice is hereby given the public that an ox of the following description Is be ing held at Mr. John Pate's on Street's Ferry Koad. Decription as follows; Ued and white pided sailer fork the light ear and under bit the left. August 94th, 1899. ORjEAT off Cut this out and take It to Ihe dnigglat named below and you will receive our trial coupon bottle of Ukailne for S oents, which Is one half the sise nf our regular B0 cunt bottle. Ukatlne positively cures all forms of Kidney difficulties, Dyapep da. Constipation, Headache, Hhea matlim, puffin; of the eyea. Ukatlne cures pimples and blotches and make tallow and yellow akin while, Do not delay, but take advantage of thia jrrrat offer, a thousands bear evidence of tba wonderful curative power of Ukailne. I, ft. Daffy to.. New Bera, N. C I L McDANlEL, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ;i hi:o.d sTUKirr is n kamqua rteks foi: GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS TOIIACTO, SM FT 1 M CIO All. My Specialties are Flour, Moat .inil CofTu. I liato liie best 10c CofToe you ever Baw, My Snow Drift. Star und Admiral Flour alutnl at the head. Iviiv eit Iter of these br.unld untl you will be pleased with your Imtpim. I have the largest and best seh e ml nl ck of Groceries in New Bern, anil 1 can gave von money. Kverything Guaranteed as liepjesented. Good Stables Freo. J. L. McDaniel, 71 BROAD Trenton High School. Christian Education. (Jiadiiales enter (.'ollege on Uertirlcate Musical advantages $2,511 x r month. Htudenis hoard at school building. School in a prohibition town, lb alili (loud rriqiure-i Imtli s. 'xi s for anv college teaching or business. Necessary eipense p-T year, fltio. t'luh rates pel year, JiTi). Tenth term opens Keplemlier 4th, 18H9. Km ' dialogue address, W. II KHOllKS, I'rlncipal. TltK.NTON. N. ('. 'TIS A STORY WITH BUT FEW WORDS ! WIIF.N K '1 KI.L ( F 'I'll K P1IKNOMENAL SUCCESS OF OUR LINK OF Godman's Ladies,. Misses & Children's Shoes. I'lltS'l' Thev are warrautotl to us hy tho inuuufacturer. ShX'.ON D They am warrnnteil by us to our ctiBtomors. 'I'll I UD Cur ciistomeiR are always Fatiafied with Ihe wear of tiiein. We olilinto on leclves to make gon every pair lhat proves unsatisfactory ami the priceis are within reach of every one. Ladies Dong. Button and Lace, I'lain and Enamel Tip, Heel and Spring Heel, Latest Style Tans. A Shoo of this iiutlity would bo considered cheap by our competitors at $1 oO or $1 To, hut we put a close price on them at JjH 25 Ladies DotiK. Hulton and Lace, carno ply'es as above. 'I'll in iii.ilitv shoes always priced nt (10. Our price 0 Anv style in Misses and Children's Shoes in black and tun, huttou and lace, A Special Child's Dong. Mutton 6 to 8, spring heel, a cheap Toe Shoo but we are selling them at Oc THESE ARE NOT SPECIAL SALE 1'UICES, HUT JUST WHAT WE SELL THEM KOK THE YEA II AROUND. REMEMBER THAT EVERY PAIR YOU BUY ARE WAR RANTED. A NEW PAIR IF THEY PROVE UNSATISFACTORY- Try a pair and we aro sure you will be a friend of (loiltnan's, thereby making a regular Shoe customer for us. ev pollocz: st. ga8M.1i & Are receiving New Among them Cheese, best cream. Butter of the beat creamery. k Van Camps Soups, Tomato, Vegetable, Mock Turtle, Ox Tail, Bouillon and Chicken at 10c can. Imported Sardines, 2 cans for 25c. Oyster and Clam Chowderc Everything oi the best quality-and a new stock to pick lrom. Milk on Ice. Big Hams to slice al 2c, Kingani Small llama just in and guaranteed. . ' ' . - '' Our leader the 2Jc Flour is going and making m many good eustonicrs. We continue the sale at the price, all you. want. . Fancy Cakes at 15c per lb, Our stock at the Hardware out for ad. in few days. It will pay to wait. . f o M.lt),; i i ii . i i . 1 1 i i t o r t.n(i GASKILL & MITCHELL, HARDWARE: , '" .', M .OROCCRICSi 73 MIDDLE STREET. 'Phone 147. J 61 BROAD STREET. NTBEET. 1 Ik. Kit.ao, 1 K. I'KACOI'K, A Bl V t HI. Hill 1.IDAY. Fnikihskii I Dr. Swinuki.i., I llK. l.ASKKTT, J !(KV. M R. OKoRO. ran Goods Every Day. . i 'tj , L .'!."i' . . tv fi Store will aoon le complete. Ixik ' .

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