Copper Colored Splotches. There I only one core for Con tag tool Blood Poioii the disease which hai completely btfllad the doctor. The; re totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poiaon up in the blood and concealing it from View. 8. t). 6. cures the disease posi tirelj end permanently by forcing oat Tery traoe of the taint. I w Afflicted with terrible blood dlMur, Which iu U spots first, bo I aftrwrl. srmaa an over my ijaj. TheM soon broke out Iiim or, and l( I easy la Imagine tbo saflerliift 1 euuured. before 1 be came eonvincod that tlif doc tors ruuid do no good 1 had spent h hnndrec dollars, which vasronlli thrown away. 1 ihor IriiMi yarior.s naie-i medicines, l.ui ihey ni.4 not reach t!.: (liii'tis. When I hail lln'.RheU int flint bollle of fv s. !. 'I was greatly lniir.ivn and was defiirhUHt wit i tbe-erralt. The large red splotches on mj cheat began to grow paler and smaller anJ before long dlsanpeared entirely, t regained mj lost weight, became stronger, and my ap petite greatly improved. 1 was soon entire!; well, and my eiin aa clear as a piece of glass B. h. MTtaa. 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N.J. Don't destroy all possible chance of cure by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury nu potash. These lninemb cause the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. S.S.S.rfhc Blood is rrRiLT vsobtabi.e, nnd is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain nc potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books on the disease nnd its treat ment mailed free by Sw if t Specific Corn pan j, Atlanta, Georgia. Two Civil War Mftnulifi. It was n day or two after General Fltzhugh retired thnt the telegraph lines between Cni-lisle n;nl IliinlsbuiK were put lu condition for service, mill the first two messages pussed over them cave more than one olilcer nnd oivllinii a l:. i-ltIi. The Il.irrisbiii;; operator wii-i of tin' nrr.iy variety nuil not noted for choice diction or even Kraminutii :il ncciunev. hut he could be terse on occasion. The Ciniislo insn. II civilian n:ii:n-l Noble, probably knew more of the nib i of sytilnx. In:t be was n bit t',i;-l.-iv.l. Here are the tiles aajin nnd i i t!,..-:e days lliev were of record, since rrceh aiv.l scsuliu.'; by sound was not l:i vujrr.o: Query-lias tlie rcb. Is wemV Answer- They Is. After all I here is merit In the inter ebnnije. There was no room fur doubt as to what headiiiar;eivi at Harris burg wanted to Know nor as to the military condition at Carlisle. I'.nl poor Noble! Ills friends nearly forced llllll to re.-uiri by the methods kliov. M OS "Josh." Minneapolis Times. Sardou n Sfnxc JIimnKcr. Sardou Is one of I lie few p eat stnj;e m.-nngcrs In Kurope. He nnd Sir Hen ry Irving are probably the two best. "How Is It done? Well, yon see," re plied M. Sardou. "I know exactly what I wnut. and I take care thnt 1 jjut It!" Sir Henry's answer to the same ques tion would uot, one Imagines, be very different from this. Sardou does not read a lecture to nu actor whose in tonation Is Incorrect or whose gesture displeases libn: he takes the actor's place on the boards for n few moments and goes through the part. In theory this is simplicity Itself; In practice It is sometimes productive of emotions which the scene Is not In tended to convey. As a rule, M. Sar dou's demeanor at rehearsal Is beauti ful, but if people will not do ns he re quests he can tear his hair nnd a epeech to tatters with the best of them. When the hurricane is over, he be comes Mr. Honeytougue again, but he has carried his point. Cassell's Maga zine. KIDNHY Is a f,i,llvp mnnimv w easn lliousam'B TUOUKYjE hav.Ml nnd don t kno it. If you want quick results you can make no mistake by u irnr lr Kil mer's Swamp lioot, the irieul kidney remedy. At druggists in lift rent aid dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet lulling you how to lino out If yon have kidney trouble. Ad dress, Dr. Kilmer fc Co , Bingbaiiilon, N Y. Her Grammar. lie (a suitor) Grnmmarlans hove never been qutto suic of the proper dis tinction between "I shall" and "I nil!,' but to my mind there Is no tlllllc.ully. She I don't quite know the distinc tion myself. Ho (thinking ho sees Ida opportunity.) Woll, take tbo question "Will you mar ry met" Supposing I ask yon your reply would be not "I will," but 8 he (emphatically) I won't! A WONDEBrUL COBB OF DUKHHOBa. A rROMCRBMl YfRGHNIa. EDITOft Ba Almsst Given Cp, batWas Breagbt Back te Perfect Hoalth by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dltfvfceea Remedy. J 88AD ntS EDITOEIAL. From lit Timet, IJIIlsillle, Va. I suffered r.llb diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was past being cured. I bad spent much time and money and suffered so much misery I hit I bad al . wost deckled to give up all hopes of recovery sad await iliu ro.ult, hut nolli log the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and alto soma testimonial stating how . aoaio wonderful cures had been w roughl by this remedy, I decided to try il. After taking a few tlosos I was entirely well of that troublo, and I wish to say further to my readers and fellow-sufferers that I tun a bale ami bearty man today and feel m well as I ever did In my life.) ' J(. Moonn. Hold by K. A. Duffy Co. . . Froof of tba pudding Ilea In the eating of ft. Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS CI1ILL TONIO Ilea ta the 'taking of It 003T NOTHING If U tall to cure. M 'cents per bottle It It cares. Sold ftrlotly oa Its merit by i ''.' 43 D BUAplIAM, vTholtssl nnd Retail J Wklte Krlm!u Cum tlra la 8brlW Haka'a OSbm. Those persona who will care, to recall sons of the events of Ike last political campaign la this State, wtea Ike Issue was strictly While Hupremacy, may it- member that a aoiuber of pictures, were printed of the leading negro office hold ers in Craven county. Among those printed w.i the likeness of one Nathan t'obh, u i.iio neither htndsome ia looks, nor decently citil iu disposition. Cobb we the proud juiinr of Craven county, and SherilT Joe has of leu m ploytd him m a drpuly, when there was some totitrli ciiitu to be handled. This Jailor (Ji.iib like nearly all of his ra e In n iu "Dice, lull thai he was too im,)oiiM io l e rhut out at any timr, an I t luit the nctni vote u licliiud him, and icriff Joe was afraid to tire him even for "cnue." Sheriff Joe's political principles are pi euy mill an i Le no man to go back on a constituent, even a negro, hence the negroes felt eafu iu office under SheiilT Joe. Some months ago the white evolution which had been going on in Craven county, found entrance in the Shetlll'u ofllco, aud a negro deputy venl out and a w.iile ilcpuly went iu Yesterday the evolution was continued Jaile ' Cobb who regarded himself more of fixture as a Craven county ofllce holdo than even his superior In com mand SheriiT Joe, had to go. And worst of all from a Cobb point ol politics, his successor was u while luuu named Eli Elliott Truly this "pressing the battou'' poli tlcil business of t lie negroes in Craven county seems to las the wrong kind of political "push,'' for ns each negrojout a white man slips in, nnd the negro office seeker and office holder are becom ing extinct, and will soon become polill cal curios because of their raiieiy, even in Craven county which has bithcrtoforc h ml a monopoly in this line. MrClni'e'H !luj;;ixiiie for Sckilemler. McCluie's MagHzlne for SeptemlM r opens with a iicm on I lie Dreylus aTai i by Ed -v iu iMariiliam. Following this comca a cliuracter s-kelch of Admiral Sampson, by Kay iSlannnrd Itaker, giv ing many iuleit-sling incidents and an ecdotes of the Admiral's life as boy nnd young man in his home town of 1'ulmyra, New York, and usiimates and reininis ccuccs of lit ui by his associates ill the uavy. Miss Tarbell concludes, In this number, her series of papers oa tne later life of Lincoln willi an account of LlnromV fu ierl. An illustrate I paper by Theodore Waters describes the wonderful methods of the Ilydiographic Ollice lu ' guarding the highways of the sea," and gives, from records of t lie Ollice, boiiic strange stories of sea storms, derelicts, and ice bergs. An illustrated paper by Cleve land Molfett gives a very interesting ac count of Muuelik, the king of Abyssinia, a black man. There are half a dozen good, strong, interesting stories in the number, in eluding a true story of army life by Capt. J. K. Hrady and a true story of railroad life by Cy Wnrman. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly di gests food without aid from the stomach and at the same lime heals anil restores the diseased digestive organs. Il is the only remedy that does both of these things and can be relied upon to perman ently cure dyspepsia. F S Duffy. Vi ry Similar. Reporter What is the sensation of being idl by a cyclone? Victim -Why, its jlst liko getting married! Yet den't really realize wot"s happening till il's all over aud ycr come t ;r ycr seusci-! 1100. Or. B. Dctchton't Anti Diuretic. May be worlh to you more than $100 If) on have a child who soils bedding from Incoiittnce of water (luting sleep Cures old and young alike. Il arrests the trouble al onco. $1. Sold by C. I) Hrudliam, druggist, New Bern, N. C. Out of the Ordinary. Briggs What do you lliiok of Jeffrlts as a pugiliety Uiggs 1 dou'l believe he's the real thing! Biggs Why nolf Diggsilu says he Isu'l going lo try lo elevate the stage A rrinhtfnl Blander Will often tausc a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. ttocklen'sAralce Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corn, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only tfic a Imx. Cure guaran teed, rold by V. 8. Duffy & Co., drug, glsu. Aprroriats Traiae. "That de. tci l U heavenly," said Mr. QsHWell, as he sent his plale for anolbcr helping. . "That Is appropriate praise,' replied Urs. Caswell; ' It is angel food." ' Ton assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, F. B. Duffy Jt Co., will refund your money If you are hot satis fied after using It. It Is everywhere ad mitted lo be tba most successful remedy In use for bowel complaints and the only one that never fall It Is pleasant, saf and reliable. - Register of Deeds lOM. Ureeu com pleted the county" tlx Hit, "yeswrday, 8jpt m'r li t at noon, and It will be turned olet lo tbecennty oommhialonsrs next Monday. The completion of tbt Hit It one month earlier than It wtt I sit year. This speaks for Itself. . ' COCNTT JAtXOJt OOM " ' ' MOKE TVOATTKO BODIES, Oao Met l Am4 MartW. Vaar Otfcm The waters of Paatlico Sound continue to give up lb bodies of these drowned during the August storm. Thursday, the schooner Dolphin, Cspt Warren Uardlson, bound for New Bern, while tailing through Pamlico Bound, the crew discovered a dead body floating in the water, to which a rop was at tached and tbt body was held nulil the schooner Taoline, Capt. E. E. Willis, from Core Sound, came up and took charge of the bodj. - There was some lumber on the Tau line, and a coffin was made and lh body placed in it and carried ashore st a point of marsh known as Big S mod, where il was burled. The body was in bad con dition, could not be told whether that of a white or black man, but it was that of a sailor, having on rubber boots and other marks of a sailor. Tl.e man Is supposed to be one of the crew of the schooner wrecked at Gull Rock, Capl. Willis reports that he heard while coming up llial four bodies had been seen floating in the water of Bay river. A GROWING INDI'STKY. Plant of The New Bern Cotton Seed Oil And Fertiliaer Mills Inrremieil In Capa city. A Flue EuterpHae. Things are going to hum at Ibe cotton seed oil mill this winter if the prepara tions mean anything. It is now the slack season, the new season opening about Oct. 1st. The capacity of the seed house has been doubled by an addition next the river and Ihe enlarging of the building on the dock, A new screw conveyor will cary the seed from vessels at the docks and throw it on piles in the build ing, or from the railroad cars where the seed is shoveled into a box by Ihe track when the conveyor takes it up, A new baling machine, known as the Champion bailing press, made by the Famous Mfg. Co, of Chicago, is in the seed house ready to be put into position. This ma chine will press and bale the meal in 100 pound packages. It has formerly been put in sacks and the new operation will make il easier to handle and will stow closer. A new brick office is about completed It is handsome office, brick with metal rupf, green blinds, aud the interior pine with hard finish. New oak desks will be placed in the room and it will be lighted by electricity from the complete plant owned by the Company, In the machine room is a new auto matic tiler, for sharpening giu saws. This will make it unnecessary to send off the saws for sharpening and glnners can send In their saws here and have them attended to. One was on the ma chine being put In shape for E. Wortli- luglon of Jasper. The tiler Is from the Carver Coltongin Company of East ., M.,.. I lie storing capacity for oil has been more Mian doubled by the building of a new tank which Is nearly completed. The railroad company will put in rail road scales so that the oil can be weighed and shipped in oil tank cars, instead of io barrels as hitherto. A big water tank has been finished It holds 10,000 gallons and stands high up on a substantial frame work wilh stairs leading up lo the tank It sup plies water to all parts of the mill, and hydrants inside and out are good safeguards against fire as the company has abundance of hose and an organized system of fire protection. A new Fair banks scales are built in the north side of the grounds, the smaller scales form erly used being sent to the company's agent at Jasper. A strong fence will soon be built around the entire property which extends from the river to the street on the west. By the first of January a complete fertilizer plant will be Installed. The machines are now being made and gen eral fertilizers for termors will be made. The stock of meal on hand has been con siderably reduced, three schooner loads being shipped last week. The outlook for seed the coming season is very good. Farmers are also finding It to their ad vantage to exchange cotton seed for the meal, as by doing so tbey obtain a larger quantity of the meal for fertilizers or feeding, the company making the ex change for the value of the oil obtained from the seed. An Enterprising Firm. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than F8 Duffy& Co. who spar no pains to secure thebestofeyery thing In their line for their many custo mers. They now hare the Agency for Dr. King's New Discovery, which cures consumption, coughs and colds. This Is the wonderful remedy that is bow pro ducing so much excitement all over ihe country, by its many startling cures. Il absolutely cures asthma, bronchitis, nau sea, and all affections of the throat, chest and lungs. You osn test I before buying by calling at 'the aboro .drug store and get a trial bollle free, or regu lar sire for 60c and $1 00. Quaranleed lo cure, or price refunded. Ths tauter Tacaaas. - "Awfully ttupld lot Of men at this re wrt." it "Dou'l deceive yourself. Smart peo ple dou'l try lobe entertaining lie they take a vacation." , . Aaeaf Itraagsra. , Rivers 'Where are you going lo spend your vacation? . ' Brooks I'm going Uok, to , God's country for a month. , -, Wrtrt-Tou'll feel awfully , loootemt. ! r -r-rr'T "I 1 ifc.UUi-4 t j 1,1 I BMlCutivbSjrua. Tau0Kl. VM I I f 1 In limit. a-.M ttt (triimil! 1 1 r Trr-. :.y Constipation. Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indcate that your liTer is out of order. The best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all these "ills. Is toond In Hood's Pills 25 oenU. Sold by all mwlWiDB dealers. IF. "II I TO t mn," the - "I'd Bk&ke my mark en; I ru dead; I'd lead the world uh a battle try. And I'd be ftuiioufl ere I ahould dia II 1 were a mn." "It 1 were a yncih," ll:1 old man cried, "I'd scire ill rl.antvs, I'd ro wttli th udaj I'd win my ay t lite Uigbett place And sluk t !..! r anl vx-W Li grace II I werr a wuih." "If I werr rih. ' the poor ouin thought, "I'd Klie iti) :i tut the' poor' auppoft, Td oppn my dtor, and I'd opon my heart. And goodness aod I wuuld never part -If I wat rich." And lo, If all these tfi came true. The woman a man, I lie man ft youth, The Kor man rich then all In truth, ThU world nuuld be, wlien we got through. Just i it l! James Oppcnh.-tm In New York Sun A WOMAN'S VETO. War a Certain Kaval Appointment Wn. Kerer Confirmed. An Incident which occurred during the first Cleveland administration Il lustrates the good feeling existing be tween the newspaper men and the chief of the bureau of naval construc tion. A certain correspondent, who was on particularly Intimate terms with the chief, called at his ofllce and was received with unusual cordiality. Calling the correspondent ly his first name, the chief snld: "I.ouk here, Blank, 1 want you to do something for me. Mr. 'g appointment to a place in this department, after being fought through two congresses, lias prevailed, has been signed by Secretary Whitney nnd only waits the signature of the president. You, of nil men In Wash ington, can find out what aition the president will take, nnd I think you know n wny to prevent tlie document being signed." The correspondent replied. "I think 1 know n way." He left the building nnd went for Miss , who was at thnt time doing Washington society for tlie Associated Tress. To her lie told the story and explained what he wanted done. Miss obtained an audience with Mrs. Cleveland and told what ehe came for. Mrs. Cleveland went to the president's desk and singled out ft pnper with the remark. "There, I guess that Is the one you mu;i." Klie then turned a corner of the document dowu and left it. In tlie course of ids work the presi dent came to tlie paper and then, in ft surprised tone, said to Secretary La ment, "I "an, do you know anything about this appointment V" Sir. Lament did not I; no anything about it. "Well." said fhe president. "Prances has evidently turned this dowu for a purpose. 1 t;iiesK It's all rigid." And the official signal m e was not nttnehed. Philadelphia Tost. Precentric Itnlzac. A correspondent of literature sends nn Interestin;: anecdote of ftalzac to thnt Journal: Leon Cozlnn used to re late how he met Itnlzac one day on tlie Boulevard des Cnpuclnes "dying with hunger." The novelist insisted nu tak ing (iozlnn to n confectioner who sold macaroni patties. Forgetting his hun ger, Bnlzac plunged Into an apprecia tion of Cooiier's "Lnke Ontario" (new ly appeared). Gozlan noticed that the shop attendant, nu English girl, had heard him address Balznc by name and was gpzlng nt the author as though fascinated. She was astounded pres ently by tlie appetite of genius for macaroni patties, which disappeared by collides. "How much do I owe you?" nsked Balzac. "Nothing, M. Balzac," said the Kng llsh girl lirmly. Bnlsle wns nonplused for a moment, then he pushed his precious copy of "Lake Ontario" Into the girls hands, saying, "I can never surilelontly regret, mndnniolsolle, that I did not write that book." Not III. Kind. Two memliers of n well established Arm that does business In the whole gale district Indulged Id the following dialogue the other afternoon: Junior Partner Why didn't you give that man n chance? We need another clerk here, and 1 rather like hit looks. Senior Partner I liked his looks, too, but he's no good. Junior Partner How do you kuow that? Senior Partner -When n man who Is looking for a Job conies to me nnd says, "I suppose you don't want to hire any one today, do you?" Hint's enough. If he had anything in him, he'd come right out aud say what he meant. If he supiiosed we didn't want to hire any one, why did he waste our time and his by coming In to bother US? Chicago Times -Herald. Triumphant. "When yon got lo a crowd, my dear," tald Mr. Winkles to his wife, "ulways look out for pickpockets." "I'm not afraid of I hem, dearest," answered Mrs. Winkles. "They can't pick my pocket." "Thnt't Just like you women," aald Mr. Winkles, "always so sure. Pray tell mo -why you couldn't have your pockets picked." 'Because I haven't got nny," answer ed Mrs. Winkles proudly. -Flarper't Basar. atreteklnc to Real. When n mnn la tired, be stretches bit arms and fogs and yawns. Birds and anloinU, to far as possible, follow bit example. Birds spread their feathers and also fawn; tbey open their months slowly till they are round, the bones of the bead seem to loosen nod the gtlls open. ! ' .' ' , ' Borne mnslclnnset along on their cheek, but the eonilst depends on bis Up.-rblladelpila Bulletin. ; ; 'Tbs average ' -walking pace of a healthy man or woman Is tald to bs TO steps m minute. 0P1IJG SMiB, MOST 2, 1899. Tobacco - Warehouse ! IjTETXT BEEN, W. C. FOR THE SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. Ml. II. STREET, Owner and Proprc'or W. K. STYROJT, Book Kci per and Se retiiry. A Bloodless Turnip. Teacher Jolinuy, what is a thief? Johnny Ilardup Ihinno. Teacher Oil, ye9 you do. Now, what would I he if I look money out of your pocket? Johnny Hardup Why, youse ud lie a peach. Judicious Old England. Warwick Ever since Dewey's victory the English have been anxious to l ry their hand at lighting again. They don't know whi to tackle-Itusiia or the Trans vaal Republic. V. ickwlre Which will it be? Warwick Well, their newspapers have had some liery articles about Rus sia, but they've been preparing troops for the Transvaal. As usually treated a sprain will disable the injured pcraon for three or four weeks, hut if Chamberlain's Pain Balm is freely applied a complete cure may be effected in a very few days. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, cuts, bruiues and burns. For sale by F. 8. Duffy A Co. Miss Fortune. Mr. Stubh There conies 'Fortune.' Mrs. Stubb Who, John? Mr. Slubb 'Fortune' the feninle book agent. Mrs. Stubb Why in Ibe world do you call her 'Fortune'? Mr. Stubb Because she knocks at every man's door. Distressing- Stomach Disease Permanently cured by the masterly pow cr of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suger no longer, because this remedy can cure them all. It is a care for the whole world of stomach weakness and indigestion. The cure begins with the first dose. The re lief It brings is marvelous and surpris ing. It makes no failure; never disap points. No matter how long you have suffered, your cure Is certain under Hie use of this great health giving force, Pleasant and always safe. Sold by C. 11. Bradham, druggist, New Bern, N. C. Both The Same. The professor stopped at a street cor ner to buy a paper. By the way, my boy, he said, In look ing over the headlines of these foreign dispatches, I see something about a "dos sier" and a "bordereau". What is the difference in the meaning of those two words? Aw, dey's bote de same, replied the newsboy. I don't charge ye null in' fur tellln' ye dat, an' ye ought lo by anodder paper. Bee. Ground Atttchmont. First Young Attorney Y'ou seem lo be very much attached to Miss Uood catch. Second Young Attorney Well, she owns three hundred acres of land. That's sufficient ground for an attachment, isn't II? Pa's Deinition "Pa," said little Willie, looking up from his book, "what's a m-i -ss-a-n-t-h-r-o-p-l-s-lf" "A mlssnthropiatf" replied Mr. Eos tlqne. "Well, he's the sort of a fellow who, after catching himself chealiug al solitaire decides that all men are liars and frauds." It ea- A ytrociailTo. Hiss LafHnslock And you mean to tell me this It the original chsriot used by General Georgt Washington? Antiquarian Most truly, Miss, It It. Mist Lafflnatock Well, lbs falhor f bit country ought to have been ashamed to rids In an old lot wagon like that. Couldn't be afford anything beitert OAtiTOnXA. ' ' folrtNw!Bl'tl Eopt Her Busy. .My husband, said Mrs. Seildnm-IIome is always preaching economy, and I have to practice what lie preaches. Trccipitatcd a Crisis. The .Justice To what am 1 indebted for this visit? The Bridegroom- I reckon it's to Sal's mother, Judge 'lowed I'd been calliii on Sal long enough, an' she up anil asked my intentions. What Wit ! During the recent hot weal her, sudden shower of rain. Irish Visitor All, now this is wel come! An hour's rain like this will do more good in live minutes Ihau of it ! week Iu the Rockies. j Easterner I'm sorry now that I didn't take that train ahead of us. 1 Nathe Wh? 1 Easterner Why, I would net into Denver sooner. Native - Oh, no, you wnnldu't -that's the rear end of our train. What Bobbie Heard. Feat hei stone Come. Bobbie (banding him a quarter,) how many fellows have called on your sister this week? Hobble Let's see live. fia"That doesn't include me, does it?' "Oil, no. Sister says you dou't count." Bis 1 rouble. Bing Yes, that's old Spriggin's. Half a dozen doctors have given him up at various times during Ids life. Wing What was the trouble wilh his? Bing He wouldn't pay his doctor bills. Not Bis Musician A musician out of work, are you? said the housekeeper. Well you'll (i nil a few cords iu the wood-shed. Suppose you favor me with an obligato. Pardon the pronunciation, madam, re plied Peripatic Padroosky, but Chopin is not popular with me. Not Running. Mr. Sllmpursc (hankeriug for a suit of clothes on tick) aw presume you are acquainted with my friend, Mr. Nocaali. He has a running account here, I believe? Tailor Y'es. We do the running. What a Woman May Do. She Talk lo me of woman's rights! Women have no rights! He Haven't any rights? You're crazy Lei a man diets up in woman's clothes and go out on the street, and ho is im mediately arrested; but a woman Is al lowed lo go out on a wheel and tog out In men's clothes, and be the toughest looking body in the bunch. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspepsia because Its Ingredients are such that it can't help doing so. "The public csn rely upon II as a master remedy for all disorders arising from Imperfect diges tion." James M. Thomas, M. D., In American Journal of Health, N. Y. F.8. Duffy. KKftir.loti Kates to I'hllMlelplila. The Atlantic Coast Line will sell round trip tickets to Philadelphia, Pa., account U. A. It. Annual Encampment at one fare. Tickets sold September 1st, 2nd and 3rd, continuous passage, and limited lo return leaving Philadelphia not latter than September 12th, 1899. Extension of return limit to Septeni' 80th may be obtained by depositing tick el with Joint Agent at Philadelphia be tween September 5lh and 9th (both dtyt Inclusive) and on payment of fee of 60 eentt at time of deposit. Merchants going North to purchase their winter slock can avail them selves lot these tickets. Fair Dealings. Highest Prices. Tiest Averages. Prompt Returns. .1. Li. MORGAN, Manager and Salesman. T. E. POWELL. Kloor Mngr. and Supt. (irailing Dept. School Books ! All Kinds Al Baxter's Jewelry Store, next to the .loi -una i., New Bern, N. C School Books al Low Prices by mail, post paid. Write us for price lists and terms. .1. M. & J. 15. UKKL, RKKl.MtOltO, N, (.' P. TRENWITH, RliU'liNinitli, autl Wlicelriglit. Manufacturer of Buggies, Wagoi h, ( arts, I raj s, All kinds of Id palling ill my line done with neatness and dispatch. Two new ( 'arts ami two new Drays on hand, also Spring Wagons nnd Buggies new ly repaired, For Sale at a Reasonable Price. HPShip work a Specialty. Shop South side of South Front Street, la-lwceii Middle and Hancock, New Hern. N. (J. Fine Tobacco, Truck and General Farming Lands For Sale. One tract of ;t0 acres in one fourth milo of city of New Bern. One tract of 27 acres in less limn one I mile of city of New Bern. One tract of ,'!r0 acrrs in about one mile of city of New llern. One tract of !MI acres in two miles of city of New Bern. One trad of 911 acres in two and one half miles of Cily of New Item. One tract of Hut) acie-i in tbreij and one ipmrter miles of city of New lien. All of Ihe above tracts are v. ell loca ted, being on the (Hiin side of the rivers that New Bern is. They are in good state of cultivation and w e hold them at a moderate pi ice. For prices, eic , apply to J J. WOLFENDEN, New 5ern,N.C. CV.kMtor. F.aill.k VluMd HruC ENNYROYAl PILLS "VN tjwtra roltaWu. Laoic i i-MU M,f ra,iA in Mori ku.1 Goid tUtt4jlke . ft LLjUi lirtui'n for Cktekc$ttr fi.k Di i nattier, ft'ftttt daiurmtM two lifts. V Hon and imitations At Irsgtsts,rsa44. in tlawiix for t-rtk'ulji, twa liallcf for rsWIrk, to tarter, h ratarm 4f-fer''ktuitil Co.. M waleaa aaaaira, 1 li.mra ' "rtini-uiwia. seal rtar. fiild tx all Lta,l Im-uxtU: . L1A A. Addrcta X. WILBUR R. SMITH, "Cheapeat amd bed OoUege." COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF IY. UNIVERSITY IiTmimM ptlNW eMtteimlrt. klMlMNItaMiMM.iUl rtanll, Tr-Writta( Taken. MM. AddrtM WILBVM St. ITH.lMlBCtM.llr. ROBERTS mm MWC41HUIHS WITlltHII IT, 1 A CYSTFM dWLDER.GIYES Wlttlt ' m ft CORRECTS THE LIVER. TSTFlra Chill tonic Is ttU Vi nctty on its Murits. If is the be Jt Chill Tjbmc tffteiiplesf dpim up money refunded u a to cure you. .- d V