Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes the most in tense suffering. Many have for vean vainly sought relief from thif disabling disease, and are to-day worm off than ever. Rheumatism it a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is theonlj cure, be cause It is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated diseases. A hi year ago I wu lakcn with luOamma tory Bhramausm, which beeasia so iutraM that 1 was lor weeks unabla to walk. I trted several prominent pbrsV etaa asd look their treat ment faithfully, bet wat unable to get the slight est relief. In fact, my eon. dltloQ seemed to grow worse, the dUeue ipread OTermyentlre Uxlr.aud from November to Uarcb , I suffered agony. I Irlee many patent medicines but none relieved me Upon the advice of a friend 1 decided to tri 8. 8. 8. Befon allowing me to take It, how ever, my guardian, who wag a chemist, ana. lyted the remedy, and pronounced It tree t,l potash or mercury. 1 felt so much better aftei taking two bottles, that 1 continued the rem edy, and In two months 1 was cured completely. 'The cure was permanent, for 1 have never since had a touoh of Rheumatism though many times exposed to damp and cold weather. Eleanoi M. Tirrsu, 1711 Fowelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, ai they can not roach your trouble. Don'l experiment with doctors their potash and mercury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy your diges tion. C C Cf2r Blood The will cure perfectly and oermanently, It Is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains do potash, mercury, or othei mineral. Books mailed free by Swill 8peclflo Co.. AtlanU, Oa. The tug Frances Is on the Mm ine Hall way for repairs. Tbe Atlantic Baptist association will meet at New Bern, October 10. JSVAlfU- ' recommended nwafaTi for everything; but AVf.FUJS-. )f you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble It will le found just the remedy you need. At druggists In fifty cent and dolhr sizes Yon may hiive a sample hot lie of this wonderful new discovery by mail free, also pamph let telliiiir all about it. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., llingbamton, N. Y. Water Proof. "It seems to me," remarked the pros peclive tenant as be noted fourini bes ol water in the basement, "that Ibis cellar leaks" "leaks! Not a bit of it," spoke up tbe hustling agent. "Why that water has been there for a month and not a tlrop has escaped." 'I wish to eiptess my thanks to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy, for hav ing put on the market such a wonderful medicine," says VV. W Ibassinglll, uf Heauuior.l, Texas. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved fi om attacks of dysen tery and cholera lufanttiin who must also fee! thankful. It Is for sale by F. b. DulTy & Co. No Joke. "Laugh and glow fat," and the will be on you sure enough. laugh Story of a slave. To 1 bound hand and foot for years by tbe chains of disease is t lie worst form of slavery. Ueorge D. Y illiains.of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a slave was made free, lie says, "My wife has been so helpless for live years Ihst she could not turn over In bed alone. After using two Ironies of Electric Bitters, shs is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures ner vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, headache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a Godsend to weak, sickly, ruu down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by F. 8. Duff, druggist. Kaaaon For It. It Is probably because Truth Is naked that she so seldom sppears in public life. Why experiment on yourself with remedies of doubtful utility when you can get Chamberlain's Cough lteniedy which has stood the lest of lline? Twen ly DTe years sale and use have proven that remedy to be a prompt and certain cure for colds. It will cure a cold In day if taken as toon as tbe cold has been conlrscted and before It has settled In tbe system. Sold by F. B. Duffy Co. Vail laalde. I ain't no bargain store, remarked tl.s bad boy emerging from the pantry, but there's a perfect jam Inside me. 100. Or. S. Deteatea'g Antl Dlaxwtie. May be worth to yon more than $100 If yon have s rHIld who soils bedding from Incontenr of water during sleep Cares old and young Alike, b am th trouble at once. $1. Sold by 0. D Bradbaui, drngglsl. New Bern, N. C. ThoJUfS Aet. Hell - (loldle Locket Is lust dying lo catch Hist rich young man. Belle That's literally true. She bss heard lie prefers brunettes. Diplomacy. Short Were you at Ibe races yetter day? Long No. Short I hen you are the very man I m looking for." Jin Whysof Short I want lo borrow 4. Proof of tho pudding lie la tho eeilhg ol M. Proof of R0BSBT9 TASTELESS nrrrr t im-KTn n . tk. i u wt Kfrrnrwn ir it fu ... ... eaata PboUU If tt onrea. Bold strictly IU merit by s ,. . .. . V V BltADIUM, tfh( ieaaU asd FattU TIMPOBAMY OfteAMIIATlOM Of CUM Mill Company. aUrlloa OfCow tWtooa Oa Oraaataattm, IMikcriiUoe Ami Site. Pursuant to lite call of committee to the subscribers of tlx proposed cotton mill, there was a meeting held at ibe City Hall, last night, there being present j over forty subsc libers. On motion Wm. Dunn wit tlected , temporary chairman of tbe uireiiuti, and '. C, L. Stevens temporary secretary. I P. 11. Pellelier was called upon to ex- plain the object of tbe meeting ami staled In substance. Tbe committee had called tbe uieetlug thinking It best fori the subscri Iters to meet and discuss tbe situation, in order that tbe mill project 1 might lie s success. Tbe committee hsil j not made a full canvass but tbey bad secured enough to warrant them in believlug the project a success, sad tbe stock taken was sufficient to begin with. There was no need of going outside for help until tbe home folks had shown their faith in the enterprise by their works liaving gone this far, it was advisable lo form a temporary organization. Remarks were made by VY. M. Watson, E. W. Rosenthal, H. B. Duffy, C. D. Bradham and J. C. Whitty. It was moved that subscription list be opened lo those who washed to take Stack. On mwlion of J. S. Manlx, it was moved antl carried, that the meeting pro ceed to the organization of a temporary Cotton Mill Company. Win Dunn was unanimously elected President, and P II l'elletler, Secretary and Treasurer, of the Cotton Mill Com pany. On motion, which was carried, the following committees were named and elected: Plan of Organization O II Uulon, T W Dewey, T G Hyman. Subscriptions H II Duffy, John Dunn C K Foy, J Latham. Site C K Foy, E W Rosenthal, C S llollister, E W Ii'iBhop, VY B Blades. Speeches were made showing that out aiders were interested in cotton mill building In New Bern, and thai uuder conditions they would subscribe for stock in such a local enterprise. On motion, the meeting adjourned lo second Friday in November, that date being November 10th. Velcanic Emotions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of Joy. Mucklen s Arnica halve cures tbeiii, ah Old, Kuunlng and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, happed Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile :ure on earth. Drives out Pains and Vcbes. Only 2octs a box. Cure guaran teed Sold by F. S. Duffy & Co., Drug gists. Criticizes the "1'osl." Editoii Journal: Is It not very sin. gular thai the W ashington D. C, Post seems lo have such a "penchant" for meddling with the affairs, or laws of severs! southern Slates, (specially those of North Carolina!1 It recently cAught on to Mr. Pearson's policy in regard to the suffrage question, like a hungry fish catching at a ball. Just here, let me ask (simply for Infor mation that may be of benefit to our people), what right has tbe Post to be ao expressive, touching the laws and af fairs of North Carolina? Does it think her people are Incompetent to attend their own affairs, and knbw not what laws are needed for tbe best Interest of all? One thing sura she does not assume to dictate to other States what they should or should not do. As to the "Post' if i he power It seems so desirous to wield, was really for the best interest of the southern States, one could hardly refrain from exclaiming "vlvl m roiP T. L. II. Morehtad City. I ILev. J. T. Abernelhy Head. Rev. John T. Abernetby died at En field Thursday evening, in bis SOlii year He was the pastor of the Methoalst church at Enfield, and was greatly es teemed, Ho was the first graduate of Itulberford College, and afterwards filled the chairs of Greek and Latin for about twenty years, lie Joiued tbe North Car olina conference in 1881, serving the following charges: King's Mountain, Kutherfordton, Alexander, Mt. Olive, Snow Hill and Carteret. He was a Masou and an Odd Fellow. He leaves a wife, five sons and daughters. The funeral takes place this afternoon. He was father of sir. C. L. Abernatby, of Beaufort, who went up yesterday morning In answer to a telegram that his father wai worse. Tbe sympathies of bis many friends here go out to the son In the loss of his father.- Klriston Free Press. Yon assume ao risk when yon buy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea lteuiedy. F. S. Duffy A Co., will refund your money If yon are not satis fled after using It. It la everywhere ad mitted to be tbe most successful remedy In use for bowel complaiuls sod the only one that never falls It Is pleasant, safe and reliable. Plenty eflack. A Msnayunktnan calls his wife Mis err because she's so fond of company. Beaoarkakla Bescas. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plalnfleld, III makes the statement that she oaught cold, which settled on let tangs; she was treated for a month by her family pbysl clan, bat grew worse: 11a told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure ber. tier drngglsl sugfottsd lf. King's, New Discovery lor iuniuuutsn sue vouaut , bottle and to her delight found herself beoefltted from Srst dose, Bba continued lis ase and afttf taklat tlx bottles found '"' ! " V uo owa housework and Is as well as shs mr wta. r rree trial bottles of this 0 rest t Discovery al K. 8. Daffy's Drug Blora, Targa boltlrt CO ceaU and 11.00. I THE MAN WITH TUB IOI. Sa. What's all Ibis talk, any way. Al ::l l he man Kith : L !,..-' Duii'i Le know That ike day Of tbe boe lias passed sway ' Put blw on a riding cultivator And show him what greaitr Agriculture inraui ' U seemi Somebody's wasting salt wan Over the man with tbe boe. Well, you needn't, Things aie coming bis way To stay. Do you see tbsl corn field ' Pretty fair yield It'll make a Hundred bushels or to an acre. See those barns with their sides bursting out? See those stacks o' hay about At thick as you cau set 'emb Yes, snd you see the live stock, Hain't that a nice arra? And, say -See the Man, Tbe man with the hoe himself. Well, all this Is his. You don't see the hoe? Oh, no, That's left on the shelf Long ago. You cau Hardly see the man For his smile, He's all snlle! Do you know why He has that twinkle In his eye? And why be wetrs that grin? It's because of what's in His pocket cold, hard Cash and long green by the yard, Yes, sir, antl more of it at home. Of course he smiles. Yes, sir! You needn't stir Up any pathos about that fellow! He's not seeking syiupathj! If you have tears to shed Go spread 'Em on the turf where lies The man who didn't advertise. Go hunt up the men who knock Ag'in enteiprise, And try to block The car of Progress. But spare your weeps Over I he man who keeps Tho soil loughing And the world moving. Go dry Your eye, Anil stop your fuss And come back and smile Awhile Willi us. Agricultural Advorlisiug. Distressing Stamach Disease Permsnently cured by the masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suger no longer, because this remedy can cure them all. It Is a I cure for the whole world of stomach weakness and indigeitfoa. The cure begins with the first dose. The re lief it brings is marvelous and surpris ing. It makes no failure; never dissp points. No matter how long you have suffered, your cure is certain under tbe use of this great health giving force, Ploasant and always safe. Bold by C. D. Biadham, druggist, New Bern, N C. Willing; to Give It Away. Hlx Say you want something for that cough; old man. Dlx No; I don't. I'll give It to any one for the asking. On tbe 10th of December 1897, Iter. 8. A. Donahoe, pastor H. K. Church, Boutb, Pt. Pleasant, W. Va contracted a levers cold which was attended from tbe beginning by violent coughing. He says: "After resorting to a number of so-called 'specifics,' usually kept In tke bouse, to no purpose, I purchased a bot tle of Chamberlain's Ceugh Kemedy, which acted like a charm I most cheer fully recommend It to tbo public." For sale by K 8 Duffy A Co. Bet Stuff. Hoax "Is your cook quick about get- ling up a meal ?'' Joax "Quick? Why, man, she's a regular scorcher." Belief 1st Bis Hears, Distressing Kidney and ;Bladdsr DIs ease relieved in six hours by "New Great South American Kidney Cure. It Is a great surprise on account of Its exceed ing promptness in relieving pain In blad der, kidneys and back, In male or female Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If yon want quick relief and cure this Is the remedy. 8old by C. D Bradham, druggist. New Bern, N. C. Mo Doabt. "If some men who want the earth should get it," says the Msnayunk Phil osopher, "they'd be loo mean to pay the taxes." Ahead la Slowaeas. Hoax The Shamrock was leading though at the finish. Joax Sore; It was a slow race. Eng land's always ahead of us In slowness. A Mistake Ba'at With a horrid grin the haunting spec ter rslaed lbs goblet on high and quaffed the fiery liquid. "1 have always wondered," mused the bsunted men, "what wu meant by a ghost of a smile!" At this lbs grewsome spirit fled moan ing down the wan reaches of tbe night TkaOtoen. Of running brooks and verdant banks, The peel gaily potesf But while hit note are of green banks, Bit want It great bank note. 1 Ono Dose i Tells the story. When your otad .aches, and you feel Lilious iui.: 'pated. and out of tune, with ) I stomach sour and no appetite just ) buy a package uf Hood's Pills And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills You will be surprised at now easily 1 they will do their work, cure your I henilai he arid niliousness, rouse the t ltverand make you feel happy aain. j) ' cents. SoM by all medicine dealers. ) VVsyaVsJ HOW A BULLET TRAVELS. Leiioni lac Soldier la Taaiibt In Lcarnlntx Ito.v to Shout. The soldier is taught that the bnllet travebj thr u- :h th uir in n cr.rv,-d lino culled the trajectory, ;ind that three forces ac t n;.- n it - -frst. th exploded charge, tendim; to drive it forward in a Btrniulit line aliu; tho line ,,f fire, second, the force of gravity, and, third, the tur resi.stiiiice. At 200 yant.s. owing to these force, the Ic.illet, trm ehutf i:t the rate of J. (Mill feet a Btivud, will have fallen about two feet, in the ex citemeiit of tiring at close quartern tlit aim will invariably be too h,ic.h. It has been calculated that when the enemy approaches within 350 yards the soldiers will instinctively fire a much as two feet or three feet above their heads. Now, it lias been fonnd hy ex periment that the fact of fixing liay onets will cause the bnllet to drop a distance of uUmt 2'a feet in 800 yards, and therefore when about thin distance from the euetny soldiers are instructed to fix bayonets, in order to counteract the excessive elevation of their aim. Tlie recruit learns that the mean ex treme range of the bnllet is H, 500 yards, and that the longest shot ever observed was 8,700 yards. Ho is taught the pene trating lower of his w cut ion, a subject full of interest. To take one or two ex amples, rammed earth gives less pro tection than loose; bullets easily find their way through joints of walls, while a concentrated fire of aliout l.'iO rounds at '300 yaids will breach a nine inch brick wall. Only experience can teach a Boldier how much ho must aim to tho right or left of his mark to counteract the force of the wind. A side wind has more effect on the f 1 i m h t of the bullet than a wind blowing directly toward tho firer The soldier m;ist learn t!i habits of his rifle, since some shoot higher or lower th:tn others. Every rifle, like every uiarksiii.iu. has its own individuality. PeaiVoii H Weekly. AN INCIDENT IN HAITI. Illnnt rn f I :iC l!e Peculiar Trontluv CuhIoiii 111 tootle 'I here. Of coiirsv th. re is in 1 initi a small cirri,'1 of native burn c-.--.-i uittnriillv Ikiiii lin'iicn and exiininitu in their courtly most dt'Nirable us friends !cs. who arc avntli-iiipn. innm-iri and Then the white ini'ii who nri living there, as I have already laenl ioiied. are characters. If they ta!;e a lil.-iii;; to yon. all tliey have or can capture is yours. The fol lowing will illui tratit thin characteristic-Mine ho.it and a ,'riend v.'ere walking through the lending thoroughfare of ono of tin! towns when tiiti friend sud denly came I i a standstill and. placing lib; loan nervous index linger on mine ho.it's lirea.-.t. remarked: "My dear lmy, in hero they make the best cocktails in Haiti. I have spent three fortunes in assuring myself of the truth of this. Let's t;o in and try one. " Tlun'e was a prompt adjournment from the patliwalk to tho interior of the b.iildiiix. a few miiintes of delight ful, cxi.eciaiit silenco us tho ingredient were t-liakeli together, a mutual Imiw, followed by disappeitranco of tho lit j uiiR Friend How do yon liko thutt Mine Host -D'dicioiisl Friend - Let us liavo another. Minu Host Certainly, only this sec ond one is on inc. Friend- Make no mistake, my boy, they are both on yon. I'vn no money. It is the niiexpcctod that happens, especially in Haiti tho unknown. Henry Sandham iu Harper's Magazine. ( hlol.en In Hnltl. The natives call tire, i.dand "Eye-to. " Nearly every one I liavo met who run apeuk English at all drops the "h" :,nd picks it up after the manner of the Loudon costeraiongor nnd his cousins. the cockneys and 'Arry boys. Apples in Eyc-te are hnpples. It is a great chicken conntry, tho variety of poultry depending entirely on tho color of the complexion of tho incoming president If he bo yellow, tho "yallcr logged" Dominique is permitted to thrive nlono in his glory. Every lilnck legged chick on is killed, nnd any person canght harboring ono is bound to enfTer. On tho other h ind, if t!io president bo black only black le;!;ed poultry is in the fush- lcn. Tbo "yalh r l'.ys aro destroyed. Similar conditions prevail in Suuto Do- miniro. Victor Smith in Now York Press. Nmelllnc A Hallway. Do you know that a railway track has an odor t The fact was learned from a blind man who was walking with a friend ninid Btrungo surroundings in Westchester comity la; t week. "Is a train cominY" ho asked. "Whv do von cskr Ins friend in- auired, for. though there, was a rail way truck a few hnndred feet ahead of them tliei'u was not tho slightest sound to indicate! its preeouco. "I smell tho rails," he unswered. He did smell them, and though his friend's nose wa3 not nearly go senal tivc, lie conld with his head within an inch of the rails detect an odor liko that from slightly heated iron tilings. New York Herald. Dler lllin Cuud. Arkansau-Il's un III wiud blows no body some good. Easterner How oboitt a cyclone? Arkansnn-Same thing npplles. Last one went through here brought me a horse and wagon, a cow stuble and a I good, steady farm baud, things I vo needed for two years. Ohio State Journal. To Stas) Koeblee4. To slot nosebleed cut sntna blot ting paper about an Inch square, roll It about the slsa of a lend pencil and put It up th nostril that Is bleeding. Th hollow In It will nil tho space between the tub and the nose and will very toon coagulate and thereby atop tb tow of Wood,--Nw York Timet. OPEN SALE, 1GDST 2, 1899. Tobacco - Warehouse ! FOR THE SALE OF LEAF i aw. i i ' iM ulttm n u i it: ri nji-i in tj.j a sa w, rmur srn iinva. DR. X. II STREET, Owner and Propre'or K. STYBOlf, Book Keeper and Secretary. Tacts In the Case. Hix It takes a man who wants office to discover the corruption there la in official circles. Dlx Yep; and the more he discovers the more anxious he seems to be lo get into it. Insulted. Weary Walker "You look hot under der collar, Dusty." Dusty Rhodes "I aBi. A feller jest told me ter git off de earth." "Dat wouldn't worry me any." "Me nulher, if he hadn't offered me a cake o' soap ter git it off with." A Winter Scent. There's an odor of tar camphor about some overcoats snd their owners don't like it for a scent. Quite a Job. Loafing looks easy, but it takes all a man's time to learn it. Why Not Some Other Kind. It ought lo be next to impossible for a man willi whiskers lo tell a barefaced lie. Hm Waa Lonetuuie. "So you are the only surviving partic ipant in the feud?" asked the North erner. Do you not feel louely ? 'Lonely aiu'i no name fer it, mister,'' said the Kealuckian. "I allow lo marry lute another feud as quick as I can. An Unholy Light. Tbe near-Bighted Individual who reads a paper without glasses makes a spec tacle of himself. tweeter Tor Sqaeesing-. "Like the lemon," said I he Cor u fed Philosopher "a woman is not ao tour after a little judicious squeezing." Metemorphesia. Pygmalion of old Once changed a statue cold Into a woman all hlsowD; And with as wondrous art A woman took a heart And made of It a lifeless stanc. She blushed and gracefully acknowl edged the compliment when the street car conductor sald:"You're fair, madam." Insist on Revenge. Some Kansas newspaper men are in sisting that the funeral notices and obit uaries of men who refused to take tbe local paper during their lifetime shall be lacked on fences or telegraph poles the same as election notices. A Twister. She angry grew, and turned ber face When he kissed at, but mister; But the was madder still when he, For spite, just klster sister. "I weigh for thee," sang the young husband who had just eaten a pound of of his wife's first angel cake. "Its no trouble to show goods," said the bunco steerer with the valise full of sawdust. Ivor Thee! Tbe lover who adored her Only bored ber. She laughed be wept I At last she grew to love Mm. What then of hiss f lie laughed shs wept ! laswor Otsbm In Kaasaa. The Westphalia Timet It offering a colored plotar of Admiral Dewey as an Inducement for delinquent subscribers to Pt P TOBACCO. TaLIng L'nibraee. A few Idlers (no very unusual thlngl were lounging in front of the shop of the bailie of the uurgh, among whom the laird espied the village Aesrnlaplus, who was his political oracle, and thus addressed him: "How's a' wi' ye the day, doctor? Ony politico) news?" "Nothing very particular," replied the doctor; "only it Is said that the Dutch have taken umbrage at" Here i the doctor got a touch ou his shoul der from his shop tioy, who acquaint ed him that a valuable patient was wailing for him, and be broke oft abruptly from his political laird. "Ta'en rinbiagel" exclaimed tbe laird. "Mercy upon us! Hae they ta'en l inlirage? Itallie, ken ye If It's n wa'ed town of no?" "A wa'ed town!" said the bailie; "uae sic thing. Ifs a sugar Island nnd itne o" the sweetest o' them. Tho article's tip already, but ye Bliall hae a staue weight hauie T ye at the auld j price."- Coi uhlll. An Expenxlve Knife. An old man went Into u cigar store where poi ketknlv.-s are on sale. He had a fancy for one of the kuives, bat thought the price. 73 cents, too high. After n parley with the proprietor he concluded to wager 75 cents against the knife and play a game of poker, lie lost the money mid then that much ngalu. He coiillineil to lose until he lost $121, all the money he had, but the proprietor made him a present of the knife. In the afternoon he returned, saying he was dlssatlslled w ith the knife. He bad paid iM'Jl for It. but would will ingly exchange It for a $1 article. The dealer kindly made the exchange, and the man went his way rejoicing. He had no money to trouble hlin, lint he had a knife, nnd. after all. a knife Is a good thing to have. Arizona Repub lican. Slaniacant Slana. It has liecn insinuated that tbe Apple-ton-O'l.ryaune wedding Is off. If you wnnt to know, go past the Appleton bouse. The sound of a half dozen sew ing machines can be heard there from inybrenk till late at night. When a marriage Is given up for good, the sew ing machine Is Idle, except when patcli- M must be put on the old man's un lei-clotbes. Atchison (ilobe. The Druiralal'a Work. There Is a druggist In one of the sub urban districts who advertises: "The doctor prescribes; we execute." Such advertising cti'inot fall to ap peal to those who desire to be execut ed. Rostou Journal. lie Xrcdrd No Help. "Help, help!" cried the man who was being relieved of bis valuables. t'alm yourself, my friend," said the easy going footpad. "I can take car of this Job without any assistance." Ohio State Journal. Settling- Dona. 'I'm anxious to get married and set tle down." snld the fagged bachelor, so that I cau pick out one good dob and stick to It." - Philadelphia North American. When a mnn Is calm In a shipwreck. It does not necessarily follow that he la brave. Ho may be seasick. Detroit Journal. All mechanical powers, the screw, lever, pulley. Inclined plane, wedg wheel and axle, were known to tbe ancients and used In everyday life. Th OU Orf. Twlgleo All the Irish people set i to iblnk tbal the Shamrock will win. Blngley Yes; and I call that raot prejudice. A Banc ft ri. II dreamed of gold and wealth mold And oceans of axlra stoat; ' Bat nwokt with a start And a brokta heart, Whan la tlrad pip want eat . Filar The f rnsid ski Wk rang Mt on tht aarly snoralni air, and Jena la tempted a tnora to get ap and snakt It, J. Is. MORGAN, Manager and Salesman. J. E. POWELL, Floor Mngr. and Supt. Urading Dept. A Soul For Sale. An eart hling to the Devil said one day; "I'll sell my soul. Pray, tell me what you'll pay." "Not a half-farthing !" "I'll sell it for a song I" "No. I don't want it!" "And the reason why ?" "Because, my friend, it doth to me be long ?" Little Elmer "Pa, what is fame?" Prof Broadhead "It consists in hav ing a great many people find out that you have done something they don't care anything about." THE FIRST BABY. tts Coming la Looked Forward to , With Both Joy and Faar and Its j Safe Arrival is Hailed With I Pride and Delight by AIL The arrival of the first baby in the household is the happiest and most im portant event of married life. The young wife who is to become a mother delight to think of the happiness in store for her when the little one shall nestle upon her breast and latterly she shall hear It lisp the sweet and holy name, "mother. Dili ner nappy aiiiiuiptM,iuii quicaiy van ishes when she realizes the terrible pain and suffering through which she must pass while bringing the little one into the world. An indescribable fear of the danger attendant upon the ordeal soon dissipates her joyfulneea. Thousands of women have learned by experience that there la absolutely no necessity for the sufferings which at tend child-birth; they know that by the use of "Mother's Friend", ecien- tifio liniment for a few weeks before the trying boor, expectant mothers can so prepare) themselves lor trie nnai hour, that the pain and suffering of the dreaded event are entirely ooviatea ana It is safely passed througn witfi com paratively little discomfort. All women are interested, and es pecially expectant mothers who for the first time have to undergo thie trial, in luch a remedy ; for they know the pain snd suffering, to say nothing of the dan -ger, which ia in store for them. "Moth er's Friend" ia woman's greatest blea ting, for it take her safely througn the everest ordeal of bar life. Every woman ihould be glad to read the little book -Before Babv is Born." which eontaint Information of great value to alL It will be sent free to any one who tends their address to The Brad field Begu- ator Uo., Atlanta, t;a. PEnriYROYALLLS bnaM a OMiwrl mfmm M-jaT) T StaU. 1 0,0T.tM'i li,-ii SaM v aa ui imii- , r fi0ttO1M. r wiinvwi II. IS A SYSTEM BUtUJtRjtltWAPPtTrre M a tvantbij inct-ivcri f - f 4 L vicrai b-cbu! Is sold Strictly on its Merits. It is thi best Chill Tome at the smallest irnce ana your money rerunaeu in jf fill to euro you. " ) A . ... - - . . . . J'J If- V i.