Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, and ii often the result of an Inherited taint in the blood. S. S. 8. Is the only remedj which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula ; it force out very trace of the disease, and cures the worst eases. My aon, Charlie, tu afflicted from Infancy Tlth Scrofula, ft ltd lit luflfced w that II wu Impoaalble to dnm him for three yean. U 1 head and body were a Baaa of frorea, aud his eyesight also became affected. No treatment was p a r d thai we thought woold rellere him. but he grew woraeV until tin condition wan Indeed pitiable. 1 had almost despaired of his ever being; cured, when br the advice nf a frlnH we gye him 8. 8. 8. Ii (Swift's Specific ) . A de- elded Improvement was the result, and twi he had tak n b flown bottles, no unc who knpw of hU former dreadful condition would have noofralErd blra. All the sores on his bod hftTe healed, his skin Is perfectly clear aud moo in, and ha has been restored to nrfocl health. Mas. . B. .Ulnar. MO Elm St., Macon. Ut. For real blood troubles it is a waste of time to expect it cure from the doc tors. Blond uineaoen are beyond their skill. Swift's Specific, S.S.S.eBlood reaches all deep-Beated cases which bther remedies have no effect upon. Il is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no pot ash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. A Study In Hoaa. The girl behind the counter said to the youug man who appeared as though he know Just what he wanted to buy, "What can I do for you?" "I was going to buy a nice pair of stock lugs for a woman. This Is the right depart mcnt?" "Yes. What material and what size?" "I thought I might leave that to you, as we are sort of related In our call ing." "What do you mean?" "Well, I'm a fireman the man with the hose, don't you see? As the head of this department you're the woman with the base. I haven't the slightest Idea of what I want or what It should be or what It should cost" "For your wife?" "No; I hoe my own row." "So do I," she laughed, "and as a hosier." "They're for my sister. And that's all I know about the whole thing. She's smaller than I am, but larger than you." "I take eights." "Then I should thluk she'd take six teens." He laughed to bear her laugh, and a whole row of customers waited. "It's the host hose attachment you ever made," he thought to himself, and so It proved, for the cards nre out and they are furnishing a regular birdcage of a flat In the north end. Detroit Free Press. A MftOest Hero. Not long ago a Freuch cbroulqueur Montmlrnll of the Paris Gaulols en couutvred iu a little village of the south of France a gnrdener who wore, pin ned on his clean Sunday blouse, the ribbon of the 1-eglou of Honor. Nat urally, the newspaper man desired to know how he got It. The gardener, who. like um ny of his trade, seemed to be a Bllent man, was averse to meeting an old mid wearisome demand, but finally he began: "Oh, I don't know bow 1 did get ltl I was at Bazellles with the rest of the battery. All the officers were killed, then down went all the noncommis sioned officers. Bang! bang! bang! By and by all the soldiers were down but me. I had fired the last shot and nat urally was doing what I could to stand off the Bavarians. "Well, a general came, aud says he, Where's your officers?1 " 'All down,' says I. "'Where's your gunners?' says be. " 'All down but me,' says I. "'And you've been fighting here all alone?' says be. " 'I couldn't let 'em come and get the guns, could I T I says. And then be up and put this ribbon on me, probably because there was uobody else there to put It on." Volcanic Eraptlens Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, 4 ures them; also old running and fever sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, warts, cuts, braises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 23 eti box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. 8, Duffy, druggist. Hbm Knew. r' ' Bqnlldlg Yankee Doodle Is an absurd tone. Who od earth was Macaroni, any wsj? ; Mrs Squlldlg Why, my dear, don't you know? lis was the man that In vented that wireless telegraphy. 100. Sr. 1 Dstcktsa's Anti Diarstie. May be worib lo you more than $100 H"it yoo bare s child who soils bedding from Incontenc of waur during sleep Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. tl. Sold by 0. D Bredham, druggist. New Bern, N. 0. ' -: ' Quite U. A mutual friend It too often nun (or a busybody. - another 0. tbe 10th of December? 1897, ReT . , l rl.Hu.k B. A- boe, pastor M. It. Church, ' ,MrJ , never old which was attended from,.nn.Db,lol.n coughing 0. syei -Afteriesoniui ra numoer oi which acted like a charm. I mostclieer. fully recommend It to lb public" For Isle by F 8 Duffy 4 Co. ' 1 . ' mm Retarding Country Magistrates. Wiieviixa, October, 19 "A good tree can not bring forth evil fruit, neither can a cortuot tree bnug forth good fruiL lvey tree lhal brln elh not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast Into the fire. W herefore by their frails ye shall know tlitin.'' Od this subject the history of the Roman Catholic church, will never be fully written. The number of in r gu..kiiy , marders will never be known All Id records of eternity are open to us. From the days of Ro ruin's dark history, t be da8 of Pope Innocent HI lo this pres ent day, there hai been an I iill is, thai disposition In some men, where "might makes right," aud only for the fear of the law would abed the innocent blood of their fellowman. We hive among us those w ho fear not and are not Impeded iu l lie I r evil designs by the fear of God, but only their fear of Civil law deters iheni from their desire to crush. lint I started out to w rite something of our law, as il exists among u, and of our judges of Peace, between man and man. To come nearer home and say something in a feeble way, aud lo ask thinking people all over our land to rem edy the evil, if evil it la. We are taught to honor and speak respectfully of Min isters of the Gospel, Justices of the Peace and all men in high places. We, h rural citizens are constantly in close touch with the two former, and that we may be made willing to carry out the in junction in regard to the Justices, they should and must be men of high char acter, of moral worth; Is this true of them? Justice, the quality of being jusl; the practice of rendering to every ninu his due; opposed to wrong or in jury. We have some good men who hold this important office; of these 1 do not write. Important office, because it is a home office and the one lo which nil our people have lo apply to settle the small differences with their neigh bor when the more reasonable course; that of compromise, is Inadequate. I am in favor of increasing our magistrates jmiMliclion, but not until the practice of appointing or elect ing our very best men, men of ability, men of character, men with ht'ttrta, men who know their duty and date to do it, has been thoron , hi v established. If on the other hand we are to have men as justices of the pence whose ouly incent ive is prejudice, and their only knowl edge the power lo curry out their brute force, their jurisdiction t-Smuld be de creased until liieii h 1 glory is cul to probating instruments of wiiiiny for registration. 1 um oppo.-.ed lo the elec tlcn of justice of the peace by populai rote, because so many ignorant men arc elected, simply for being a member ol the party that happens lo be succensf il I am also opposed lo the present uiannet of appointing for the s&uie reason, but that can be greatly remedied by tin recommending or endorsing authoiily Most educated men will not be en lirely governcil by their prejudice and I malice, while Iguoranl have no law but like or dislike. We have men competent, capable ol doing right, why not seek them out, why not improve our communities in which we live, by insisting that our best men shall be appointed lo Ibis office, which holds the peace of our home. We have plenty of officers, justices, i.i our county, who, today, cannot write the most simple instrument, deed, mortgage. simple note, or even probate a mortgage without a fern). If this thing goes ou we will soon be under the heels of Tj- rents, not a great deals less unbearable than in those days of the Inquisition of Rome. Cases In our Honorable Courts, not far removed from this place have been heard and parties refused an appeal to court, aflei gHlng legal notice. We must have better men to rule over us, or the time honored admonition: speak respectfully of Justices will be no longer heard sud the office of Justice of the Peace will be a disgrace upon our peo ple. Maysvim.k. The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J Kirkraan, Belle River, 111., says, "After suffering from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Miu ute Cough Care. It is all that is claimed for It and more " It cures, coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. F. 8. Dudy. Kxtrein Case. Noll "Maud writes that during her stay In Uostou she has joined one of tbe woman's clubs there." Belle "Poor desr I I knew she wa Insane on the subject of antiques; but 1 didn't suppose that her craze went to that extreme. Bismarck's Iroa Nerrs Was tbe result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels are out of order. If yoo want these qualities and the sncces they bring, use I)j King's New Idfe Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 23c at F. 8. Duffy's drug store. A financial ltlank. Uobbs What's in s nannT Blobbs In your case, nothing, told It' all lo yoar wlft's nsino. I'm If Bight DfBliaess. Tbe woman who Is lovely In fsce, 1 form sad temper will always have friends, bat one who would be tltrsctlTe must keep her health. 'Jit she Is weak, sickly CHILL TONIC Ilea In the taklmr ol it wa" " ther were Ai,ing end all run down, the will be nervous vnmtrnrn ,. ... ull 7L "ou "" b9 al'1- "I uT " -1" auu irrimui". wmtiymuii vi b, fc , y m u l JXlLkmT XMm : """' V, vL.j- r..!.. . . 3 u-S ----- . fcM look,. .htrBln)? wolnM 0f a run down invalid. Only 60 cents at; P. B. Duffy ' diug store. CANT LIFT THE CUP. Columbia Wins the Third Race. Heavy Wind And a Good Contest. Yesterday's race at New York between the Columbia and Shamrock resulted In a victory for the AniTl-an Y!"ht, the third succeaslv" one, and being three oul of five, the foreigners have failed lo get what tbey came for The greatest K.n lng trcphy in t!i -v. rl t. net In Intrinsic value for II is worth less tban fWO, the America a cup, remains on this side of the water. At 11:00,84 the Shamrock crossed the line, followed by the Columbia at 11:01, .15. The wind was north northeast aud blowing twenty one miles an hour. Within half an hour the Columbia was drawing away from the Shamrock, the yachts running free before the wind. The course was 15 miles and return The run to Hie out mark was made in not much over an lin.;r, the Columbia turniug the mark first at 12:1B,20 and th Shamrock at l'.' ID,02. At 12:30 Ibe yachts were well on the homeward Blretch, in a heavy pitcblug sea, and were beating up against'the wind. At 1 05 the yachts had ten miles still to go, the wind was Increasing, and the bulletin said the yachts .were "golug furiously." The Columbia was then three quarters of a mile ahead, at 1 2? the Columbia was seven miles from home Ihe wind had increased unlit it was blowing a gale of 20 knots an hour. The heavy seas at times wasted clear over the flying vessels. Sail had leen taken in and both yachts had up Hying jib, stay and mainsails only. I lie neit bulletin said "Columbia wins", and then shortly after came the official time of the finish. Columbia 2 :19 30, Shamrock 2.44 45. Columbia had crossed the line 5 minutes 15 seconds ahead of Sir Lipton's boat, and with the time allowance of 16 seconds, 5 minutes, and 31 seconds ahead of her rival. The liual official figures received later, and found on the lirst page, will be found to differ somewhat from the lig tties of the bulletins, but are substantial ly the same. Presentation to the Knox Sunbeam. Miss Kli.aliclh Kills Knox Knowles is a fortunate young lady. She is the only daughter of the Kev. It. ii. aud Mrs, Ivuowles, and the lirst child born to a pastor of Knox Church, in ix decades. just sixty years. And, as it llus were not sufficient distinction for even such an attractive morsel of femininity as the sunbeam of Knox Manse, she is the pos sessor of a massive gold lined, silver howl and plate, presented to her lady ship by the congregation, the members of which are about as proud of the princ ess as the parents themselves. The cup was delivered on Saturday, and bears the simple inscription: "To Klizabcth Ellis Knox Knowles, from Knox Church, Halt, June Ulh, 18!)U." June (till, il may be explained, was the date on which Miss Knowles first saw the light. A short address accompanied the present, and when the little one is good which will be always sho will have the pleas ure of diuing from solid gold plate Knox Church, Gait, is strictly Oithodox, both iu musical aud others matters, yet The Reformer ventures to assert that even the most pronounced and uncom promising descendants of the Covenant ers have a liking for that Bwect senti ment: "Thore's just one girl" Mr. Knowles thanked the congregation on Sunday morning. Both Mrs, Knowles and himself appreciated the kindly and affectionate spirit which had prompted the gift. And, when Miss Knowles be came less youthful, bIic would prize it too. Reformer, Gait, Canada. A MUSICAL ASS. The fable which I now preseut Occurred to me by accident; And whether bad or excellent, Is merely so by accident. A stupid Ass this morning went Into a field by accident; And cropp'd his food and was content, Until he spied by accident A flute, which some oblivious gent Had left behind by accident; When, snifflng il with eager scent, He breathed on it by accident And made the hollow instrument Emit a sound by accident, "Hurrah, hurrah!" exclaimed the brute, "How cleverly I played the flute!" A fool, In spite of nature's bent, May shine for once by accident. From the Spanish. The Local Tobacco Market Yesterday was one of the big tobacco days in this market, the sales at warehouses being large. both Receipts of tobacco are keeping up well, the farmers finding the New Bern market s good one for prices, which is important to them. The quality of the tobacco arriving here shows Improvement, with good de mand for better goods at fine prices, with such tobacco In request by buyers. Low grades bring about same prices ss they have all along. Bales of tobacco at Planters Ware house, yesterday were made at $29.00. mIIj Aoqulred KaovUdg-s. A young msn doesn't bars to attend an sgrlculiural school lo sow wild oats. 1 Proof of the pudding Ilea In the eating 0( it. Proof of ROBERTS' TASTELESS COST NOTELINO If It fall, to curs. M U M "T r l I M luvkilrniik Twa M tMl I fl tn Um. .0t hr llmrei.l. T r T:r :tt nr i fHunlLLS Roa r r t l'. '. 1 -. and cure h l a d a 1 1 e , huuuUoa, tkm, et . Tbey an te bUlooaneM. su nanawa, indiges, valuable t- nr-v fever. V.M, ; : yoar confidence. nt a cold 1 r t-rak op a ,, '. ' are worthy Purely . jptable, they can be taken by children or deitcmte woman. Price, ' nil medicine dealers or by mail ot C. I. Hood L Co., Lowell, Mass. lit WILY BADGER. Row Kf Uid Himself of a PISB tff r.-:i estate Vfmls. Hem-iell. tbe i. a student of I'nul d.-al. r. I- al M.iinolory. - Ill eeller- k.i ut one i:ie taken Hue night Ihe pec 111 -i.-lle.l ta il genuine Iia!m::l ill. lie tiloe. V the pla ; lory nii.l Hliin : ved down in Neb ere the badgers of the buffalo Mr. Henri, h was cxjilaln nt larities of ihe animal un l wnv of Introduction thn' Nebraska budger was sharper tban a politician. 'Tiny have several bright ways of doing things." lie jiejraii. "l'erhaps 1 need tell of but one to make their in telligence p'jiin. Now, if a badger lias vermin, do joti know bow be goes about it to rid himself of them?" 'Scratches 'em olf," said the pro prietor. "No, sir: Mr. Badger Isn't fool enough for that. IU1 Just goes lo some stream; then be stands on the bunk and reach es around with his mouth and pulls a Utile tuft of bulr out of bis tail. Now listen closely. Willi that bunch of hair iu his mouth he turns around and backs slowly dow n into the river. The vermin naturally crawl to keep out of the water and begin to wend their way toward his neek. and as lie dips himself down deeper into the water they hasten to bis iioe and then out on to the bunch of hair which he holds in bis mouth. When Mr. Itudger finds thnt they lire all out on that little tuft, he opens; his inoiilh anil lets tile cur rent drift it (low n s! renin. Then he craul.-i out on land again, shakes him self and laughs, while he listens lo the vermin Moating away, singing "A Life on the Ocean W ave.' "Denver 'I'lnies. H!3 HEAD LIKES THE HEAT. II n I tlie Nrcro Alivn Trlca to Keep lis ll.-ets I ..ill. It lias often l.ecii said that the tclty of the in gio race for eudurinx been fully tested. Au iteat lias rover incident re'.abd by n dairyman living of the city seems to ert Ion. on thi' outskirts bear out t ids as 1'liis dairyman lias a young negro Ihe cattle and place. The oli prodiices in his boy v ho looks after does chores arouihi tin lv effect Unit the heat case is a desire to summer, l lie (latry- miin hud a voting calf in the bnrnyunl, in.l as the sun wits pouring In on the poor nnlnuil his wile sent t annul out to turn tbe calf loose, so that he could seek a shady spot. Afler wait ing siii hour for his return the house wife went to the barnyard to investi gate, lucre she loiinii notii noy linn calf cmleil up in the hot anil stilling barnyard. The calf was dead from the effects of the still, but tile boy was slumbering peacefully by Ms side. While a iiero can stand any amount of heat on his head he loves to cool his heels. It is it common sight In the winter lo see n negro boy on a frosty morning with Ids heud bundled up to keep out the cold and at the same time walking unconcernedly along the frosty ground in his bare feet. One of the hottest places in the city on n hot day Is at Ihe lumber wharfs of the rioridu Cent nil mid Peninsular rail road. When Ihe men knock off for noon, they frequently take a nap with their faces upturned to the rays of the blazing huh. At the same time they get their feet under the shadow of Home friendly lumber pile,- Florida Times l'lilon. The) Snw tbe I'olnl. An Aincrlcuu farmer near ( i uada la Jara convinced Ids Mexican neighbors that oxen can do more work under American yokes, so- gem-rally used In the republic. The American brought several modern yokes from the 1'nited States and used them with sueoesH. The curiosity of his Mexican friends was aroused, and thev proceeded to ask qui si lous. "Well," said the American, "when you lasso a steer and the lasso gets around his neck whnt do yon do?" "Turn lil in loose," was the reply. "Why?" "Because he's ttx) strong for us thnt way." "That's II," answered the American. "Ills strength Is In his neck, not In bis llOl'UH." The Mexicans saw the point, and now yokes of I'nlted States manufac ture are generally used In that neigh borhood. --Modern Mexico. Man and 111, Tailor. A man can lie measured to the best advantage, tailors say. away from a glass. Standing before a mirror he la nlmost certain to throw out his chest. If he does not lmbltunlly carry It so, and take an attitude that be would like to have rather than the one he commonly holds, whereas the tailor wants Ii i in, as the portrait painter wants his subject, In his natural pose and manner. With the man In that nt tltudo the tailor con bring bis art to bear. If that Is required, In the over coming of any physical defect and pro duce clothes that will give tbe best at tainable effect uKin the figure as they will be actually worn. New York Bun. His Rmfiy. The othejr day a little stenographer In a down town office begged some workmen who were putting up a new telephone Dot to place It so high on the ""7: .d . ZZL 1,MA .... It g can hardl, eh If - w,W'-ld thehmorl. l charge of the work, "yon can raise ES .T1 I ' . Knw What Waat. ! The Amiable riotocrat-But riches do not bring bspplnees. , r " Tbe L'namlable rauper Bat I unl lookln fer happiness, AU I want U comforto-lndltnapolUi Journal - OPEIG Tobacco n ""E' ij ,''re--', tT r - , ------ 1C. N. II. ST11KKT, Owner and Propt e or. W. K. STTRON, Book Ket per and Si r turv. Life Saver Rewarded, Masmus S. Midyett, of the Gull Shoals (N. C ) Life Saving Station, lias been awarded a gold medal for heroic conduct in rescuing ten persons from the wreck ed bark I'riscilla, which went ashore in the August hurricane. l.!IV-'ri McUKIII'CltlfllllH. Von can't always tell . how much husband loves his w ife by the way which lie holds an umbrella over her a rain storm. I wisli to express my thanks to ihe manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for ha'. -lng put on the market such a wonderful medicine," says W. W. Massingill, of Beaumont, TexHS. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved fioni attacks of dysen tery and cholera infinitum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by F. 8. Duffy & Co. Distressing Stomach Disease Permanently cured by the masterly pow er of South American Nervine Tonic. Invalids need suger no longer, because this remedy can cure them all. It is a cure for Ihe whole world of stomach weakness and indigestion. The cure begins with the lirst dose. The re lief it brings is marvelous and surpris ing. It makes no failure; never disap points. No matter how long you have suffered, your cure is certain under the use of this great health giving force, Pleasant and always safe. Sold by (J. D Bradham, druggist, New Bern, N C. Why Nil, .ill. I Tlu-j ;. Some women don't believe in putting oft until tonioi row the clothes tliey can put on today. Itewarn Ihe Snill.. Never trust a man who smiles contin ually. Home dogs wag their tails and bite, too. t'oriivred. I lii ard Cordelia sing last niglit, I heard her sing and play I heard her do these things because I couldn't get away. I'lilverNul rcmc The end of wart? It might Impose Some rather troublesome conditions, Since we must then our babies name For poets or mere politicians. 1'erfect 1ImiiIiichh. A calf with two laiU may be envied in 11 y lime; but when a small boy wanls to attach a tin can to It there is no halm in G I lead. Doing Ail Kvpr. Cynlcus How is your friend Borrow well doing? Sllllcus Ob, he's doing nicely. Cynlcus Nicely, ch? Who's Nlctlj? Local Colors. Young authors all are green, lis said, And yet 'tis true Thst all of them, when they're not read, Oct very blue. Tim Alnl Mlmlml (llrl. "And you're sure you'll not forget me, dearest." "Quite sure, George. I've tied a knot In my handkerchief." Another llnra. Muggins "Money makes the mare go." Bugglos "Ye; If she doesn't tarn the table. I know a man who lost all he id on a mare." OMMWtnllMS Scrapla. Bllllcut- Why did you never marry? Cynlous Because I have conscientious scruples against divorce. tbetrtohalH. : DotiThe Shamrock la a dead one." -i '- - . :-v't;.?'. ,-Vv - Josi "Yes; every Urn she sells ihere't wake," - - . ., V SHE, AUGUST 2, 1399. - Warehouse ! 1ST. C- FOR THE SALE OF II, nv ( Kill Tbrm. Although every housekeeper may not be it member of a band of mercy or hu mane society, she can help on the good work if Hhe will practice some of the society's rules. For ( xamplo, let her bear in mind tint crabs to be properly killed should before boiling bo thrust through the month and body with a sharp stool at one blow. When a lobster is required, insert n narrow bladed knife into the third joint of the tail, stverin;? the spinul cord. This will cause instant death and is much less cruel than to put it into the water alive, c.ipocially if it is not ladl ing, u i the lobster then suffers a slow. lingering den In. Terrapin also should be mercifully kill' d before beim; cooked. The eel tribe is said to bo n terrible sulTcnr "rom man's inhumanity to fish. Ho diliit-iilt i it apparently to kill eels that, people have even ceased to try to kill them ul nil. If their beads were cut oil before I ln-y were otherwise bandied, they would ut onco bo out of misery. liulialo H press llent of f'le lOnrlh. It is well known thi.t a great deal of effort has be. u put forth in all parts of the world where mining is carried on to it great depth, to determine as n sat isfactory average the increase of the earth's temperature with depth. A few years ago it was commonly assumed to be 1 degree for each 90 feet in depth, but more recently deeper workings un der other conditions hnvo led to the be lief that it is something over 200 feet for each dejrree of increased tempera ture, it is admitted, however, that the denth to which mining has thus far been carried is so shallow as compared with the great distance to the center of the earth that it is really not known what tho average increase of tempera tore with depth is. Observations made nt the various places have been where the surrounding conditions were so dif ferent that tho tests were not satisfac tory. a. for example, those made in the Lake Superior and Nevada regions. An I'njnat Discrimination. "This idea of making yon take ont a license for a dog is all wrong," said tho dog owner "It is unjust discrimina tion. " "Oh, 1 don't know I" answered the man who had just come from the conn ty clerk's office. "In most places yon have to take out a license for a wife too." "But yon don't have to renew it ev ery year, " returned the dog owner in an aggrieved tone. Chicago Post EaroSul No woman can be too careful of her condition during the period bo fore her little ones are born. Neglect or improper treatment then endan gers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do something wrong. MOTHER'S FRIEND 1 the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications are eternally right. Internal medicines nre radi cally wrong. They are more than humbugs they endanger life. Mother a f riend helps tne mtucies to relax and expand naturally re lieves morning sickness removes the cause of nervousness and bead' ache ore venta bard and rising breasts shortens labor and leaaem the pains and helps th patient to rapid recovery. " 1 1 ' From a letter by a Shreveport, La., woman : ' I hav bean using your wonderful remedy. Mother' Friend. for th last two month, and nod it Just a recommended, u . ' 0l MgstSUl 1S1 RSS $1 Sf bstttSa ' " I inn DH.aurit;ui kcuuuiiui wi I t'-'' ATLANTA, OA. 1 gee for our fra 111 nitrated bee. . "BUr bbj W Bofa." Fair Dealings. Highest Prices. Best Averages. Prtmpt Return.. J. Li. MORGAN, Manager and Salesman. J. E. POWELL, Floor Mngr. and Supt. (trading Dept. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Suoerior Court, Pamlico County. ) Kail Term, 18!)!). Susanna Jones, ) vs Samuel Jones, ) To Sami i t. Junks: It appearing to the satisfaction of the court by allidavit that S.initK 1 Jones, (hp defendant is a noli resident of tbe Slate and his whereabouts unknown. You are hereby notified that a summons haB been issued in the above entitled case for divorce from the bonds of matrimony. You if e hereby notified to appear before His Honor Judge of the Superior Court it Ihe legular term of said court to be held at the court house in Bayboro, Pam lico County, on tho 11th Monday after he 1st Monday in September, being November 20tli, 18!)!), aud answer or de, mur to the complaint as you deem best- hich is tiled in the cilice of the Clerk of t lie Clerk of tbe Superior Court of said Pamlico County, and if you fail to ans wer or demur to said complaint within the time specified that plaintiff will ap ply to tbe court for the relief demanded in said complaint. It is lurther ordered that this summons be published for six necks in the xMew liern Journal, a daily and weekly newspaper published in the city ot New Hern, Craven county, N. C Uiven under my Hand this the 17th day of October; 18!)!). J. It. RICE, C. 8. C. PUBLH ATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, ) Superior Court. Pamlico county. ( Fall term 18!)!). I HKE( V IJAKrEH, vs RicnAKD Haiipeh. To Richard Harper, defendant. It appearing to tbe satisfaclion of the court by affidavit that Richard Harper the defendant is a non resident of the State of North Carolina you are hereby notified that summons has been issued against you in the above entitled case lor a divorce from the bonds of matilmony, yon are hereby noti fied to appear at the Court House in Bayboro on tbe 11th Monday after the first Monday in September 1899 (it being November 20th 1899) before his Honor the Judge of our Superior Court, at a court to he held for the said county of Pamlico, and answer or demur to the onmplalnts of plaintiff which will be de p isited in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court in the first three days of the term, and let the said defendant take notice that if he fail to answer the said complaint wilhin that term thst the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaints and the cost of this action to be taxed by the clerk. Given under my hand and sealed this the 13th dav of October 1899. J R. ItlCE, Clerk of the t Superior Ciurt Pamlico Co. Ml CkUkMtor! Eiwllik DUnw' Braaa, rEfiNYROYAL PILLS -,K tifeFC. aJwar rellabW. iaoik k i Driic't far CWcMwri sthi via in Vd iiiii nrtMW. V I. mu.m lor wtlMUra. Wllniwlill nl "ttll.-r R fjMlh," ( ntmn caiiirriallInM'lMn it t u um Dfi:u.. pniir. IS A SYSTEM BUILDER.GIYLS WHITE Sl rriBoTft ru w i iuri TC" TASTFL.E9S Ja Chill tonic is sold strictly cnitj Merits, If is The DEjTttiii i ionic aTiriusma near one? and your money refunded if ir Tana to cure yuu. fl 1 1 w a ROBERTS ".'imi:'.'- 180K SO WIS. It ' v I NONtMNUIN ' aeo CMOsv ISSwtaCJ without it.