Wukh eto mttn VOLUME XXII. NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C . Kill DAY'. Oi'TiWKK 27. 1 1! W - SKniM) SECTION NUMBER V. 1 Vt l GAME IS PLENTIFUL. New laws Were Passed By the last Legislature on Hunting. Farmers Alliance lUriTtni,' on New Lines. Klgares on faille Pre paring. Loss By Fire. Will Gather 800 Bales. Fire At lWnirhaui. Raleigh, Oct. 25. The shooting sea so i in this Male will begin November 1. It is safe to say that not in many years hare there been more partridges. It was feared by many persons that the extreme cold weather and the deep snow last February would destroy tlicui The birds are in all that part of the Slate east of the Blue Ridge and extending to the tier of counties bordering the sounds. From Danville to Greensboro, thence at far west as Morgan ton and eastward to Uoldsboro there are birds in abundance. Greenville County offers good sport, and so docs Person. The Legislature, at its last session, en acted a law for a number of counties, re quiring hunters lo have the written per mission of landowners when hunting on the latlcrs' lands. This was aimed at "pot hunters." In parts of the State mainly in the High l'oiut and Hickory lections, Northern sportsmen, to a very large extent, pay the taxes on the lands and have all the privileges. Fast of Guilford county this is not done. The largo landowners make things particular ly pleasaut for spoitcsmen, but some of the finaller one gives trouble some times. It is not permitted to ship birds out of this State. The law in violated by Inking birds away in trunks and in such pack ages as would not be suspected to con tain them. A number of live birds were sent to Virginia last spring. New Hern remains the centre for the best deer shooting. It is said there are more wild tut keys in the lower lioanokc river country than elsewhere. The i 'ommissioner of Agriculture has gone to Atlanta to aitend the cotton growers' convention. The Stale farmers' organi.at ion here take- the name of the North Carolina Untnch of the Cotton Association of the South t'ounty organi zations are lo be formed. It seems that the Stale Farmer.-.' Alli ance, which but year nearly cc.ned to exist, Is now gaining rapidly in member ship. It is assorted by members that in bIx months it will ha doubled. In 1M i it had 105,0i0; last year hardly &,0(K) The progressive Farmer in an editorial heartily endor.-ies Admiral Dewey for governor general of the Philippines. It Is asserted that the shortage in the cotton crop in this State :s even greater than tho estimates. The tiuial of the tower of the new Presbyterian church here was put on yesterday. Work has been resumed on the Church of the Good Shepherd. Kvery thing will be ready for the laying of the cornerstone. The Agricultural Department is pre paring ligures as to tho number of bogs, horses, mules, sheep, cattle and beef cattle in the various counties, as compared with last year. Hums of the returns by correspondents are observed, in staling that there are only half or three-fourths as many as there weru in U08. Mr. William 0. Slronm.li, chairman of the directors of 0o Soldiers' Home, has last by lire his stublus anil eight horses, the property being worth some !t,030. It is said the fire, which occurred about U a m. yesterday was due lo the explosion of a lamp, which an employe neglected to put out. There is considerable complilul among people whose farms or homes are southeast of here, along Walnut creek because of the dischaigu of city sewerage Into the stream. A Mr. Galling has sued to city for $4,000 damages on this ac count. The new ga company is putting down seven miles of large main aud has a force of 100 men at work. The penitentiary authorities now feel qulto confident that they will gather 8.0J0 bales of cotton this season. Thoy declare they will moro than pay expen ses this year; thlj including $33,000 which the Legislature approprialo l for expenses. As lo tbo tVt.000, Ills not known whether il will be covered into the Stale Treasury or not, or whether It will simply be placed to the peullen tlary's credit. Some leading attorneys hero say they want 4o know the grounds upon which the Republican State executive commit tee proposes to have its Injunction case to restrain the State election board from carrying out the law. The board meets arly next year, ucder the new law. The Adjutant Qooeral was notified that the Charlotte Artillery detachment would leave for Atlanta this evening. The surveyors who are seeking tor route for the Raleigh & Eastern Railroad are now 13 miles from here. They are making good prog rets, li Is proposed to build the road this winter, so as to obtain convicts, who can then be taken from the farms. Three thousand dollars' damage was caused by fire whloh broke oat at o'clock yesterday morning In the bar racks at Bingham School Five rooms were gutted. No one was hurt end .the school was not Interrupted. BE CUR2 tlitit ymtr blonl !a rich and pure. TliOlM'st blood purlllcr, enrieher and yl;illrr li Hood's Nn Pa par! lis. Be sure o GET HOOD'S. BRITISH FALL BACK. But Only to Concentrate and Meet For Decisive Battle. Boers "Annex ing" British Territory. Laovsmitii, October 24 General Yule has performed a brilliant Mi alexia) movement. Liy a swift march to lie south, leaving Dundee and Glencoe emp ty, be has effected a junction of Lis forci-s w ith tliO'e of Gem ral Wliile, slijblly to the north of I.ul Mini h I In two are now in a position to offer batt li . The lirsl atlack will pioliably be made on a large Free Slate force, liili in tered Natal by way of tho Tintwa Puss and has since been harrassing Lad) smith. The military authorities de.'lded that by joining forces the two generals would be belter able to cope with one large force at a time thau by having two small detachments oppose simultaneously two large Boer forces. After defeating the Free Slate troops the British will offer battle to Joubert. Only 40 miles now separate the two Boer forces, hence the need of swift and telling action. The two sections of the ; Boer army together outnumber the en tire Brilisli fotce by thiee to one. Hard flghiiug is certain al aneailvj date. The British are eonli.li nl and time is much enthusiasm. A private telegram from Dclagoa Bay ! SHjsamnn who has jusl arrived from Johannesburg states lual the Transvaal Government has appropriated Sod beds In private nouses there for the wound -e 1, who are being carried from the front. The Boers arc advancing on Kimbcr ley, Conimi'.mbtnl Cronj", who liai been repulsed by Ihe British at. filafukiii, i-. staled to be heading a move against I be diamond cent re, U'aing a suuill force Investing Mnfekiug. Arthur J. Balfour, Government leader in the House of Commons, announces that Parliament will piob ibiy be prori - gued on Friday. The Tiansvaul Government bin issued proclamation duCaiing the district nortli of the Yaa! river, including Bccii uanaland. to be Boer leiritory. The ( range I" ree State has tuki ii similar ac tion in regard to I i i iipiaia'id West and ihe tenitory between Ihe Vaal and Orange livers. The part annexed bv the Orange Free State includes the great diamond centre, Kimberley. EPISCOPALIANS MEET. Attend Missionary Council In St. Louis. Services At Christ Church Cathedral. St. Loi;is, Oct. i I. Between two and three hundred bishop i and clergymen of the I'roteslanl Kpiscopal Church are assembled here lo attend the annuil missionary council, which met today an i will continue in session throughout the week. Proceeding Ihe business session Un delegates mot In Christ Church Cathe dral. An elaborate service was held, the bishops present being sealed in the chance 1. Bishop Thomas Underwood Dudley of Kentucky preached the sermon, which was followed by the Holy Communion. Immediately after the close of I lie service before leaving the Cathedral, Bishop Tuttle, of Si. Louis, delivered un address of welcome lo Ihe members of the council, and this was responded to by BiBhop Henry V. Satlcrlci?, of Washing ton, D. C. At Ihe conclusion of the services in thj Cat lied nil a lecess until 'i.'iO p m was til on lo enable the delegates lo take Ipnch at the Planters' Hotel The after noon session of tho council was held in t. Peter's Church, Bishop Doane, of Al bany, N. Y., presiding. The tlmo was takeu up with tho presentation of papers. Tho House of Bishops will bold a meeting Thursday afternoon for the purpose of considering the question of the appointment of a bishop to Japan and to decide about bishops for Puerto Itico and Ihe Hawaiian Islands. Al present there Is an Kpiscopal bishop at Honolulu, h'll he belongs to the English Church. In order lo decide how the church in the Islands shall be brought under l be Jurisdiction of the American Church there will be somo diplomat Ic corres pondence with the authorities of the En glish Church. Since the Islands have become a part of the United States il Is conceded to be only proper that the churches in them shall be under Ameri can Jurisdiction. Lieut, Brumby in Atlanta. - Atlanta, Ga., Octobur 24 Flap Lieutenant Brumby, of Admiral Dowey's tlagshlp Olympia. arrived here al 0 o'clock. Thousand of people, waiting at the depot, gave him a rousing recep tion. A committee of Atlanta citizens met blin at tho State Hue aud acted as an ercoil. Lieutenant Brumby wishing to go direut to his home at .Marietta, Ga., no ogiainine of reception was carried out. He was escorted lo a special train oa the Western and Atlantic, hlch took him Immediately to his destination, twenty miles out of town. Atlanta Is splendidly decorated In honor of hie coming. Lieutenant Itrumby will return here tomorrow, and a formal welcomo will be given him tomorrow night. Millions of dollars, Il toe value placed by Mrs. Mary Bird, l!arrlaburjr, Pa., on ibe life of ber child, whloh she saved from croup bv ibe use of One Minute' CoouCur. It cures all coughs, colds .d throat and long troubles, F Duffy CR11G UW. Case Before the Supreme Court as to its Validity. .Masonic Temple. The kilgo Suit. .Society Marriage. Military Com panies Disbanded. Illicit Distilling As to To bacco Tax UaI.kk.h, Octob.-r 20 The Craig law and its constitutionality is the most im porlaut case before the Supreme Courl this week. The lawyers who appear against the Bell Telepuoue Company in the case in which the Ueslion is invol ved declare that an Alabama case, which was decided by the Supreme Court of the I niled States, decided that the act was not violative of Ihe Federal consti tution. On the other hand, it is asserted that a Louisiana case entirely knocks out the Craig law. The Masons are to have a temple here. Il is lo cost :t0,0(X). As yel they have not slated the location of the site. The Odd Fellows are soon to have a very handsome building. The Supreme Courl today bearing ar gumi'iH in the case of liev T J (iattis I .. lru,l,.l t'll.ro ,,f Tri.llli. (',,1 lee, aud B. N. Duke and W. U. Odell, trustees of Trinity. It is for $10,000 damages for defamation of diame ter. The case involving the validity of the new road law was argued ill the Supreme Court Tuesday. The point at issue is whether a citizen can be forced to work the roads. The case comes from Durham. Delia Dixon. M. D , of the faculty of I he ISanlist University here, went to Wilson to go before the Slate board of medical examiners in order lo secure license lo practice in this State. She is a sister of Kev. Thomas Dixon. At the Church of the Good Shepherd yesterday Miss Lizzie Taylor and Mr. Henry W. Miller wero married. Theie was a great turn out of society people. Mr. F. P. Mcivissick was besl man. The gifts were as handsome and as numerous as weie ever seen here. Mr. and Mrs. Miller lefl this afternoon for the north west, in Col. A. li. Andrews' private car. It is said olllcially that one Chapter of Ihe Daughters of the Confederacy in this place has already raised $700 for Mrs .-tonewall Jackson. The Stale charters the Central Tolmc- o vvaieliouse Company al ixinslon, r,r,oo paid up capital, S. II. Lol'tin and oilier owners. Also the Carolina Chris tlan College, at Ayden, Pitt county, Dr. Joseph Dixon aud others stockholders The Negro Stale Fair, which opens al the Slate Fair grounds here October Jilst secures Ihe same low rales of railroad fare granted the while fair last week. Revenue ctllcers made a raid in Frank lin county and captured two large illicit tlislillei ies. Dr. George Bingham, of Davie county an inmate of the Soldiers' Home, died suddenly while silling in a chair this afternoon, aged 70. He was a brother of G. A, Bingham, a wellkuown merchant of Salisbury. The Scotland Neck Hillemen refused to obey orders and go into camp last summer, so the Adjutant General lias Issued orders to disband the company. The Ml. Airy company, whose captain last summer was arrested and lodged in jail it may be remembered, was also dis banded, and its property turned over to the Bluo Ridge Guards, another company formed in Ml, Airy. Samuel Bartholomew, of Boscoliel, Wis., wrltos the Secretary of Stale, ask ing if Colonel Gibson, of the F'orty sec ond North Carolina Regiment, killed at Gettysburg, has any relatives in North Carolina. Bartholomew says he burled Gibson and that a ring aud a watch were taken from his body. He knows where the rlntr is and desires to have il ic- turncd. There aro In tho Kastern District 400 cases against moonshluers on Ihe court docket. Hut few are on the WeBlern docket. Judge Puinell of the United Stales Courl, says lhal illicit distilleries are on the Increase. State Treasurer Worth rules that ; merchant engaged In I ho selling of grc cm les and Includes tobacco In his sales in any shape should pay all the taxes levied under section 21 on tobacco aud cigars, and shall also pay under section 21) the tax on his capital used, less the amount of capital used In conducting the husiuess taxed under section til. The portion of capital employed under section 31 is not 1 1 nolo to tax under sec tion lili. This appeal came up on an ap peal from the sheriff of New Hanover county for Instruction. COTTON MARKET. Received by J. E. Latham, commission merchant, New Bern: Nkw Yohk, October M. Open. High. Low. Close Jan.colion 7 04 7.08 7 04 7.08 Gel. cotton 8 01 7.01 8.01 7.01 ClttCAOO MARKKTH. Wheat: December . Gorki December . Cor ran Nov. Coffee Open. nigh. Low. Close .. 70 71 70 701 .. 811 m St! U .. 4W 4.00 4 63 4.B0 Tolk Miller'1 Is the name of new cigar that It rapidly becoming popular. It ta on sale at Davis Prescription Phar- jcSSQd Powder yr 4BS0LUTEIY fclJRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome evu mm mm AFRAID OF NONE. England Prepares to Face Hostile fcurope. Boers Pressing English Army. Losses 600. The danger of European complications as a result of the Boer war seems nearei. Evidently, Great Britain Is preparing to meet it, and oilier nations seem lo be also on the alert. A British squadron of eight battleships aud five cruisers lias beeu ordered from Cape Clear, Ireland, to Gihraller. These will be added to a large squadron now in the Mediterranean. Dispatches to the London Daily Mail state I bat the French Meet has been instructed to watch the British warships, and that the Italian tleel is under orders to concentrate in the Bay of Spezzia, on 1 1 if northwestern coast of ilaly. The hostility of Russia and France to English interests is taken for granted, but Italy is supposed to be on terms of particular friendship with the Queen's Govcrnmenl. Germany, as far as oMicial signs go, is also friendly, though her press is bitterly hostile. A mass meeting of "1)00 membcts of the Pan-German and Ami Semite Leagues at Hamburg sent a dispatch to Kniperor William urging him lo inter cede in behalf of t lie Boer-t. iNccoiding lo the latest advices from Natal, the British force tliere is hard pressed by the Borrs. A telegram from General White indicates that General Yule'o column, retreating from Glencoe to Dundee, hail not, up lo noon yester day, formed a juiu lion with General While. Tiie British will probably retire on l,.ul Miiiui : i : 1 1 1 avvaii ibe attack of the Boer ar uy i.i an intrenclied posi tion. The Boers have probably captured a whole squadron about S.I men of the Eighteenth Hussars, who had been sent to harass t hem. A number of the Hus ,r olliccis have ceitainly been taken. In Hie battle near Ladysmith Tuesday Hie British lost Id killed aud !):! wound ed. The total British loss in killed and wounded since the war began iaoverGCO- Tnc proclamation of the Transvaal and Orange Fiee Stale Governments an nexing ISriii.-h territory lias greatly encouraged linlisb subjects ot liulcli descent to join the cause of tiie Boers. Hundreds of ibeui are now openly es pousiug the liner side, where they can do so without being subject to arrest for treason. ENGLAND'S POSITION. Chamberlain Tolls Why War Was Inevita ble. Equal Rights For While Men. London, October 2o Joseph Cham bei lain Secretary of Stale for the 'Clo nics, speaking in the House of Commons today, said: "We are told that we shall lose South Africa. Our foreign friends are con vinced of it. Yel ihey are not happy. Such predictions were made before, and were cm rent even in the days of Eliza belh. Bui I am not alarmed. "One great Teutonic people caniiot hold in subjection another great Teu tonic people, but this has never been our course. It Is impossible to pretend that the Dutch at the Cape are crushed by our rule, when they have all the rights Englishmen possess, and even in indi vidual cases are permitted to talk and write treason. Whatever mav be the lesult of the war and the premature talk of the result, does any one imagine that we shall fail to do for others what we claimed for ourselves, or refuse ccUal rights lo the Dutch in the Transvaal which Ihey refused us f ' "Theie has been on the pvrt of the Transvaal crookedness altogether In comprehensible if they desired a settle ment," continued Mr. Chamberlain. "I believe that from first to last Picildcnt Kroger never intended to give anything snnroai hlnir eiiual rights lo the white races, or any acknowledgment of Brit- Ish supiemacy. War, therefore, was In evitable. "Winn our boswcrc almost dead from whooping cough, our doctor gave One Minute Cough Cure. They recovered rapidly,' writes P. B. Belles, Argyle, Pa. It cures coughs, colds, grip) e and all throat and lung troubles. K. H Duffy. Deatb of Grant Allen. London, October U5 Grant Allen, tho author, who had been In Ill-health for a considerable lime, it dead. He was SI years old. The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. J. Kltkman, Belle River, 111., says, "After sulltr'ng from Bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Mln ate Congb Cure. It Is all that Is claimed for it and more." It cures, coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. F. 8. Duffy. Celery Headache Powders will cart your headache. Made and. told at Davis' Prescription pharmacy. oo.. mw romc May Abolish Dispensary. Col.l Miiu. S C Oct. 25 Judgi a; rich in the Circuit Court toda r .led that the State Board of Liquor I'min 1 must exhibit to that court ihe records on wbic h the commissioner, J. B, Doiit hit, was dbcharged without a bearing The c mmissioner can be discharged f.r cause only, and Douthit demands a trial by the board. The controversy Is al trading a great deal of attention. The amount of the liquor business last ) ear exceeded f 1,250,000. The Legisln ture will In January have an inves'.iga lion, and may do away will) Slate dU peusaiy, letting each county buy its own liquor. Automobile Parade. Nkw Yoiik, October IM. The first club parade of automobiles in Manhattan will lake place November 4th, al 2 p. m. There will be seventy live inolor ve hides In Hie parade steam, electric, gasoline aud petroleum. The run, under the auspices of the An tomobile Club of America, just organi zed with General A, D. Andrews as president and Captain Homer Wedge as secretary, will be not exceeding twenty live miles, and on streets when ic can view the pur- the general pub ide. President K iug, Farmers Bank, Brook used DeWitt's Little his family for years best. Those famous yn, ;Muh., has Early Risers ill Savs t hev are the little pills cure constipation, biliousne and all liver and bowel troubles. ! Duffy. She Married Him. "Tho most amusing nuptial ovent I eves officiated at, " said good old Squire Hiram Cato to u representative of tho Louisville I'otst, "tho marryinc magis trate of tho Peunyriln," now dead, was in tho winter of 1871. I was awakened onocold night about midnight by vigorous knocking ou my front door. I went to the window aud by the light of tho moon could see two forms on my front porch. I raised the window and asked what was wanted. A woman of tho backwoods type auswerod in abont this luugnngo : 'Why, bit's us. Jim an me wauls to git hitched.' I hurriod down and on opening the door found a poorly clad, fiunicky looking man of about 40, led by a deterimnod looking woman of perhaps 30. I cold sou that tho female was the buslnosn part of the procession aud addressed myself to her, asking why thoy had chosen such a late hour for their 'hitching affuir.' Thi8 was the reply, in quick, snappy sen tences: 'Why, hit's this way. Jim Owens is bin n-spurkin uv of mo, I low, for fo' yerex, an I got fetched tirod nv his iiiiuciu wurds, so tnk an ast him touito, I him, I did, I 'pected him 'votedly, an of bo wanted mo to cum on au Io'h git j'tued tonite, or I wuz gwine to take Flotch Boggoss' boy, Hez, an settle down. Jim lowed ho did ho reckined he'd cum, though it wuz a long trip. So I took an fetched him in pap's mill waggin. Didn't I, Jim?' Jim nodded a doleful assont. In answer ing the questions I put to tho groom in the ceremony tho brawny bettor uine tenths gave the bashful spouse about tho enc, and she paid mo a half dollar, taking tho money from Jim's pocket- book. It beat any wedding I ever wit nessed, I think." A HMty Judgment. "I hato intoxicatod peoplo, " whisper ed a good looking young lady to a oom panion on one of the Larimer avenue curs too other evening. A muu bad boarded the car at Atwood street. He staggered along the ai.slo and finally managed to get hold of a strap, to which he oluug in order to steady himself. "You're right, " answered tho one ad dressed; "the couduotora ought to keep thorn off tho cars. " Meanwbilo the mau was changing his hold ou the strap from one baud to tbo other. He looked down, with his eyos half closed, aud when some of tho pus sougors wanted to leave the car ho seem ed to pay no attention to them, for be did not move out of tbelr way. At the Larimer avenue bridge tho car came to a stop. Tbe man seemed to realize that he was at bis destination, for while he bad not motioned to tbe conductor he began to go toward tho door. Tbo con ductor helped him out aud after seeiug uim safely ou tbe sidewalk returned to bis car. Turning to a passenger who bad Leon an interested spectator, he said: "Isn't it a pity to be blindf That gentleman lives in the honse on tbe cor nor, and I take him home every even log." The two young ladies looked at each other in embarrassment, for the con doctor had spoken lond enough (or ev erybody in the car to hear him. Pitts burg Chronicle-Telegraph. Aa Idaal Union. lie Was It a happy marriage? She Happy f Why, thoy've been mar rled five years and they are still flatter ing each other I wuimt Waist. Tommy Pop, what Is a willful waste? Tommy's Pop-The kind you can't get roar arm around. 8h h-h I Here I oomos your mother. J. L. McDANIELy Wholesale and Retail Grocer, : 1SKOAD STREET IS HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS. My Specialties are Flour, Meat 10c C'ofTee you over saw, My Snow Drift, Htar and Admiral Flour stand at Buy cither of these brands and you will be pleased bargain. I have tho largest and best geh Hern, and 1 can savo you money. Everything (iuaranteed as Hepjesentod. (iood Stables Free. J. L. McDaniel, 71 BROAD STREET. Fashionable - Trimmed - Hats ! Our hats shall satisfy the purchaser in every way. or the money back. Walking and Golf Hats in a variety of shapes and colors. KID GLOVES. Regular $1 00 kind, the best made to sell for that price, black, white, tan, grey, etc. All Sizes, very special at 89c. G-. A. OPPOSITE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES & MILLINERY. 'PHONE 40. ei zfolhogik: st. Cool and Cold In New Goods and Latest Styles. Everything cIhc advanced except price of our Clotbing. See these values Men's Suits $2 50 to Boy's Suits $1 60 to $5 60. Children's Suits 76c to, $3 60. Fall and Winter Stylet in lUtt t Price to 8uil Wery purchajjen ': ; Big Line of Underwear, Shoe, Ladle apd ent'i undihingsj Dim Ooodi at Lowest Price. - : - '. ' t ;l ;-u:-,'- '-. . i Come and Let nt Show yott oir Good, -V .,;;', ',, . The American Stock Company, v H0WA.R0 MACHT. Proprietor,, 59 and 1 Mlddl Btitet, . r SEW BEEJf, N. 0. I have the beet the head, with your e.ed ttoek of (Iroceries in New Barfoot, POSTOFFICE. y9 Weather Clothing, $10 00, . . and Coffee.