ffijefti V4II.HMK XXII. SEW BIKN. CKAVIN Ciil'MY. rV V . K R-UAV N' KM Hr K ,! - nMi sKtTiON. K I'M Ml.' Mi BRITISH SUCCtSS. Gen. White Makes an Assault From Ladysmith Afainst Boers. Takea Their Camp and Han; Pri--oners. MafrkiiiK Not ihK-ii Entire English Arm' Called Ont. London, Nov. 7 Toniglit's dispatches from the front have rent the valL of gloom enveloping Ladysmllh. showing, It is said here, that the British garrison is not merely standing on the dogged defensive, but is executing a series of brilliant sorties. It appears that Gen. Bir George Slew art While sent a strong force of cavalry and infantry to attack the Boers at Ta ham's farm, about 10 inile9 lo the n'.rth ward, near Hester', and apparently achieved a surprise, I he Boers being caught on the open vehll.cut lo pieces and their camp captured Encouraged by thU 3uceess, General White decjded to rnk an even nore Iin portant engagement on the following day, which was again justified by su- cess. Ladysmith had been isolated and a lloer force had intercepted the rail- way between Ladysmith and ('olenao. I This force on Friday had descended upon ! A " ' - V - jl n ' V-' '' '' P ' A - 'fi"- I r3 Mai of th icu e of wi r in South Africa, showing i:u of rai r ul from Hurl a i to Pritor'.n, Engiish ar ,iy is no.v in i adjsn i'.h. fit to m o I hy I ot.h w ho h..i, Colanao in th renr. C jlerso had compe led a hurrted abanl onmcnt of Colenso and it retirement of lbe British to Estcourt. The Boeri had advanoel southward until they had occupie I the hills just north of the Tugela river and dominat ing Colenso, on the oilier side of that stream. The hills slope to a plain thai reaches to the banks eft lit Tugel i. General White's dM.ion cHiihl the Boers in the rear. After liie hills bad been shelled the Briilsh iuf miry :or :w ii the position. M'anwlrl the l!:iip!i cavalry swept round tli:i hillJ. Ah i'.h retreating Boers de9ended n;:o lie plains with Biiti-ili bayonets behiad them and the river in front of them, they were charged by tho cavalry, and, It Is said, perished almost to a mm. The British then returned to Ladysmith without coming Into touch with ihe Co lento garrison, which had nil red to Estcourt. A later dispatch from Estcourt Haled that an armored train hail been Font back t Colenso to repair the line, and the next news mays possibly be of the restoration of communication with Ladysmith. Mafekluf Iloida Out. London, November 7 The Daily Mall's war coirespon lent cables as fol lows: Mafekinu, October 20 (via olapaich rider to Koruman and runners to Oc ange ltlver, Noreinber o) The Bier-' bate bombarded the town for several days put witu five T-po Jiuiers, onf 10 doander, two Krupp 12 ponn Ivr4, mid : one Krupp 94-pounder. Three bund red hells were flrod In the course i f !I0 hours, Tbo IVIlisli had four men only wounded. The damage to the town i Inconsiderable. All efforts lo storm .Maf eking so fur; have been thwarted. The garrison is Iu ! the highest spirits. The Doer seem to be gotllng dlsoou raged. Kvarjr Man la trmi. London, Nerember 7. The Dally Mall U Informed thai the Bocond and Third Army Corpt are to be Immediately moblllfed tad that a division consisting of 10,000 men of the Second Army Corps will be dispatched to Booth Afilca at fooa as the necessary arrangements tan be completed. Y ThB.cod Arniy Co wilt oonilal in round numbers of 40,(K0 men. It will be made up as follow Thirty infantry battalions, three bat teries of the Hoyal Horse Artillery, 18 batteries of field artillery and !U regi ments of cavali y. The Third Army Csrps w. 1 number a! the outside 25.0UJ men. It could not be brought up to Hi full ttrengih without ihe aid of llie militia. It will be re quired for garrison purpoi-et, ns nearly every militaty station in the Kingdom, will be denuded i f troops by the con centration of the Second Army Corps at Aldersliot. , The mobilization of the Second and 1 Ttiird Army C orps is without precedent, j It will, of course, involve the calling up ' of the reserves of those regiments which J are on the list 1 KENTUCKY NOT SETTLED. Claims Made Jy Both Parties. Reports Seem To Favor Republicans. Special to Journal. Lorisvn.i.k:, Nov. t'p to lute this afternoon, there is no reason to recede from the conclusion reached early this morning as set fourth iu a bulletin then issued. The probability remains that Taylor, Republican, will have a plurality of something over J.OtlP. Reporlscovcl ing counties and precincts yet missing are criming in very slowly. Many of them will not cone In before tomorrow' or lt.t ;r, and until they arc in the result cm- not be definitely known. Both parties continue lo claim the election. Tirj Gobel nilherenls Cijnt-'iid that they wii! have a plurality of at least 7 00 ', while the Ta; lor adhetents seem to tiKMi'c out a plurality i f as much as It) no I hut ! he claims cannot be sustained with ii!iv sort of reason for either side. Tiic Winnie Davis Monument. Iin iimiiMi, Va., Nov. 7 Mr. George Julian . dnuv, of Florence, Italy, the sculptor of the Winnie I 'avis moiiinneut and the i.ii'i e statue of I'm-;, lent Jeffer son I aws, is here. All arranci mm!, he says, have h-cu n ade for the dedication of the memm iali. The sculptor thiw morulr.g saw for the first time Hollywood Cemetery, iu which Ihe-o iuonumeiiii aio to be erected. "It is the most beauti ful ceincterv I ever lavr," ta'il the artist t he site of (he Davis monuments, Mr. Zolnay declared, was a splendid one, The plf.leau overlooking James river, upon which i the .JelTerBon I);;vis circle, the sculptor thought, made an ideal location fur llieso monuments. Jutt befoio he left l'lort ore Mr Zolnay i says he uctived a request from the ll , ; (in .. i i r Art in lluchaiesl, Kou uiiiiia, for n pinker of-paiiv cast of the Winnie i : :s cioiiitnienl lo be placed In that . say i , 1, Ii".: I frdei u 'I..,: ,.',,... ; i-l;.'il nil r to I h" I bi . we I r. b w hieh Ihe artist i coii-l.lcted a ii ' r . t lie Con- ." :,l I i I . COTTON IiIARKLi. It. c Ived by .1. ti l.al iiani, i ii;n.isioii in r i o hull t , uw Hern; Nitw Yo:ik, Xtin-ml etO Oj cn. Ill,'b. I ow. Closa Jan, cotton .. . 7 ,V T-i "AH 751 May. cotton ... 7.WI 7 1,8 7 0(1 7.5H rlllCAOO UUIKFTS. WhkaT; December . CoM: December . Corf ut - Xovamber B.lt T.i.;.. fo. lt y PfJ.. Open. High. Low. ( lose liH m BOO (! 7) 31 3U I.M 8? 8U v T CO C&SE DISMISSED. Gattis vs. Kibjo Before Supreme Court, But May be Retried. Smallpox Likely to Spread This W inter. Death of Dr. Sanderlin Kajetteville Bond Case, lit-1 -haven Oyster Trade. Cot Ion Compress Idle. K.U.Klim, November The decision i i the case of Gattis s Ktlgo, apcalcd to the Supreme Court upon the question of practice, was rendered yesterday. The complaiut alleges in part that the de fendant Kilgo uttered iu puulie slander ous words against Ihe plaiutilT, chaigiug him with an offence equivalent to per jury, aud intending thereby lo injuie aud did injure the goo t name of the plainlilT; that the defendant Kilgo anil his co-defendants, Duke, Branson an I Udell, wickedly intending to injure the phintiil, published slanderous, lih.-lo.H and delamilorv words concerning the I piaintilT and pravs for damages. Tile ilefeu'lants (k-inuried to the coaiplai.it , thai it improperly joins two separate causes of action against ilitlerent parties and moveil I dismiss the action. The demurrer was sustained an I the motion to dismiss allowed. The Supreme Court holds that I h" demurrer V:M properly s istaiuerl, as the two ciuses of action I alleged in the complaint were improper. I ly joined, hut th it tlcre wm an error I in dismisin t :i ' a 'iio:i, and the j i!g . jhelo.vmay cither allow amendment lo ; ;the coinplaiiH or d!'ide III : nr'Hii! So , I . ep tr.ile trails. The two caude ot a i ''ion may be j lined in one coinplaiul, ' I h it each cause must tic sepal ately stated i Code, section 2il; lli N C. I Hi; N C. lo; liH; ;i-JU. Dr. Kiciiaril ll Lewis secrelarv , , I ot the Slate luiard ul health, say.i lliere are now cases ol smallpox iu Halifax, Person, iiott an noil Chatham. At Scotland Neck Iheie are four. He expects an outbreak ol the disease this tail much mine severe than the one last spt ing. lie is inform ed Dial there are a thousand infected points in southside and southeastern j Virginia and northeastern North Ciro I Una. The fact is that Virginia took no piccautiuiis against the disease and some of th-: counties in northeastern North Carolina were equally short sighted. In this State as a whole the ilise.ise ha been remarkably well managed. Dr. Lew is hpoke of the vital questi n of pure water supply, and s,iiil some water companies show no disposition to I iok afler tho puiity of the water they furnish. He added l-iil when people discover siu h a lack wf Interest a move ment for municipal ownership is Ihe in evitable and proper insult. liev. Dr. Goo. W. Sanderlin, who died Monday in a Baltimore sanilarium, w as Iju : if! beie this afternoon, Govern' r Uitssoll and the Council of State attend ing Ihe funeral. Kings on Ihe Capitol weie halt-malted. Dr. S:in:lerlin was 5b years old, a native of Camden county, captain in the Confederate service, State Auditor four years and appointed fourth aui.itor, I uiteil stairs treasury, six years ago. He was for several years pastor ol the Franklin Square Baptist Church, Baltimore lie Had been In feeble health in uiinil and b idy several years and some monllM ago was injured by a fall. He was a Itrolhcr in-law of Chief Justice Faircloth. The most important case before the Supreme court is one in which Robinson and Cook appear for the town of Fayette ville. The Legislaluru passed an act allowing that placo to expend $75,010 in the purchase of water and electric, light ing plants; the people by vote ratified the act; the opponents of the plan contend that the Legislature failed to prevido for a special lax lo meet ihe interest and create a sinking fund; the tow n contends that Ibis was not necessary, as Ihe ad recites that the i egul'ir t ix ;s ample lo meet the Interest aud provide the sinking fund. Charles F. Warren, of Washington, N (J , Is here. He ssya Bellhaveu, Heaofort county, Is now tho centre of the oyster trade In North Carolina Six Ballimoie firms are operating at many cauneiles there. ti. .i ,ti.,,. r ,i, u.... r ,i. Uevolulion will be held hero Noven.bi r loth. The society now has (lOmenibeis In North Carolln. The cotton compress here has done little or no work this season, foi Ihe reason that the North Carolina mills arc, taking all the cotton. OHIO'S VOTE. Ticket. Not Much Change From These Figures Likely. Special to Journal Cincinnati. Nov 8 Unoltlclal re- turns from 7H counties In Ohio, and a tlmailiglhe remaining 10 counties the, amo as in ISJT'givts Nash, Itep., for 'governor, a plurality of 40,041. 1 he ioui,tic iijtbeard from are llsrdln. ... Ht.mnill Vlnlnn Wv.ntl,,. , no liie-. i nuui nz. rmc. i oriuire. nene r.rry. OS counlle, Including Huller; iCujrihoRa, Hamilton and Lucas give 'Jones 70,70i vote. Later unolflclal returns havu bean re- i -- - oolvid from all tie count Ira In Ohio with fow scattering pieilnctsesilmatod. K ash's plurality Is 49 803. Heturnshava been recelrsd from 47 oountles showing Jono.' vol. lob 8J.787, this Include, v.uv iiBHii,,uut uuvM) ( Lorain, Stark ud Bonmlt counties. Absolutely Ipus: Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OVl tAKfUO POWDT NO GOOD NOW. Rerublicans Do Not Ttvink Settle Amounts To Much. Kuad I. aw Siistaiiitd. Health) Bank Condition Federal Court In Oeoeniber. The Magnetic Healer. Tree I'liuit I ni;. Seaboard Appeals I! I I. lo it, November b The licpubli- .cans wlio talk ate now rnliculiug e j t opgressinau Settle, saiing he In- no ! status in the party, and that his opin ions I are alueless. They ate making t lies declarations in the hope of minim:.- ;n ; the effect of bis letter to Coneri : siiian l.inney. Settle s-iii 1 hisl nihi that he wan ted lo know wlii'llii'SMl was iri'i)os eii to answer his I, it r The Suireiue Co'ii I sn-iains tic new road lai; lloi' is ihe w hieh us enai'tc,! lor a lai ;'e n n in b. i of la-t :o i Hi? and to -. u . I he i I'.Hlli'- . in. eel of w hieh Sbitc Geo!,), i ! I ' i 1 nu - w o ii i so '". ;.',otlsiy. ( liairinin McNeill, i I ll." orpora'ic com i - si, Ol . sa s the t Miiiina! !"'i i the repot 1 1 of the St ;t!c b , :iU c o:o .o S UO hi S I 1 1 s. I 111 Isl o, nil 1) 111 ,v 1 11 ! i: i . I particulai lv hcallhv condition . ' 1 lie tounilation ol I ut- i burcli o Good Shepherd is pi.u iii ally com; the ted It appears I hat woik will be su-pin for some lime. The Fedeial Couit ni- Is hcie Deecci b"i'4th. So le avy is tin- dock. I il.iat i; seetcs tlirie is to be a sr.-sio:i in .Ltimuiy There are now docketed '20 more eases llotn ever liefoie at a teim, and not ail liie comissionMs li'ive sent iu their re ports. The case of A. . I.. Mai shall, I he W ll minglon lawyer cliaiged willi eoimli i feiting, will not he heard at this Ii n.i, il appears, Ihougii the di.-triel nll-.iuey i curiouly reticent about it. Henry K. Litchtord, ra bier of ibej t'ili its' N al ional Bank. Ii fl here lor) Tin bin o, wiie re he is to be married I eilay. Auditor A ( r anil .lohn I. I ire wry ae coirpanied him. A 'magnet ;c healer ' is reported to I e "u 'tirking miracles" at C-old-bo-o. l! I suid iie cu n 1 1 a case, of loconiobo ;,! i:i. It seem- that many people M C, 1 I .'i.oo aie gn ally w:ieigl.l up liy hi- p 1 . iin' lie is coini;:;1 lo Ualeigh. The State i h.n lers lb i i ' l'..,nl Shirt Kaclori . w liicli ad Is a i,, in lo ll v m I he in i oy in t hat busy a'.. I tloi'. ing town. .ludge I il noil has gone to Washington l C , on business. Next wei k this city w II I'vin tin work of sell ing oul on the si h u al;-, It ' feel upart, 1 ,1100 sugar maples '1 he clerks in Ihe ollice of iIm- S i re tai y ol State have lieen ntuml, I . in . hi inaking extracts fioin th" b;'i-l.!.M-journals from 1 K-o 1 to 1S74 'b ie ;i ilk' Ihe Ciienvdle tV French Bioa l II ii.ro .,1 and also in-iking extracts from t ic "'H mils ol Istlb-'T and lHt;;! i,!i,;ive o, i;.e issue o! Bo leonibi' county boo The Seaboard Air Line np;n s's to ; he Superior Court from ihe ilci i i"ii of I' e corporation commission, that that load must give fieight rates the same as if one one continuous load, shoe it is all under one ownership and inana. e menl. Dr. W. WUon, Italy Hill. N "I heartily r commend ;,'' Cough Cure. It gave my V ib dime lelie! ill siilTocatidg I'lcasin.l lo take. Never fiiih ti cure all coughJ. ( oi l-1, ihroal troubles. !'. S 1) ,lfy. RL1NF0RCEMEN1S Y , Mil- M i i, ale t ,.; i ii Ml bm'l " i.'.i'i kly j mil Inn;'. ' Advancing Towards Ladysmith. Colenso j 1'robabiy Already RccovcicJ. j Loso ix, N(ieinbci ! To the eyes of milit iry exports the daikest page of Ihe ' ' war is now being w rilti r . Hut even that j ii illuminated w ith bii.-' I pas a,'i s, Me h , (j(.n,.,i W bile's i i : oro.a t soiiic-i. ll , t i...,:,-. ,i... , ; ! Lady smith unl 11 lie Is rcllci cd, the cam ! paign will tin n a fresh pae.ai d it b th -' advance of Sir Uedvels Iltillt iH S lorce, ! t he Hi ilish public Is pi oiid.-e I mo, e chei r I ful reading. ; The most inleie Iin; news lonbt.ls ;a dispatch from. Kl.oiui, nimounc Ing Iho depailure id a '.rung f oco of mounted Doopi and nillilciy for a . I i-s 1 i ni ion not giicn in liie advices. Antilher message aiinou :.ces Hie ariival at Kslcouit and I'i' tei urn' li.teirg within ,1110 lal few dayi of re cnfoiccim-nts , from Durban, and that H,50l) troops 1 .00 S.M mblcd ready for an advance to I wl,en lh" "Pl'u"u "wmvnt Birive- I . - - " ' I.iilrtnnn with Iu ftr rlTerls n. , ti- -- 1 nuallf destroys thousands of people It 'may be quickly cured by Ono Mlnule Ooii((h Cure, ths only remedy that pro- duces Immrdlats results In coughs, colds croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat sun iun iruuuin. i w ill prevcuk coo sumption. F 8 Duff. AEiiNG CO Nfw -ORH. Elections Returns. OHIO. Coll MCI . O , Nov. All unolii n' h' ol llllH!i;its b,' I (unities sin licit in "i7 counties Nasti, Kep.biii an ;.ns '-l .j'.i i i.vcr McLean, and in lil eon n tics .ii Lean has 84,035 over Nash. Tnis -ii Na-li oei McLean iu the Slate Mi.HM It is not heiieied the official re j mill-, will make any important changes ; in t!ie.-e figures I IOWA. lie- MiK'Ci. Ia, Nov. 8-Heturns I nui, ','b of I he ll'.l counties of the State ; n i I h c-i i males on I lie others, show thai ! the I'o'publican claim of 110,000 plurslin ! !or G vernor Shaw is easily maialaiiied and may no alighily above that figure. n i hi: k . , l.imoln. Neli, Nov. H. Complete coiiiiiy rc'.urns coming in tonight do noi mateiially chatme the early estimates o' rrUits of yesterday's election. The iti'i! t hi iy ihe Stale by U.OUO per s in" i , "ii the luce of the returns I," o I , ha! f t he ( ouiil ies U I It IM . i 1 " v Ni rem :llo,vs matter whit il; ii th IH of yesler conti'st i Ol nr. Addition returns id tonight ciiutiuue to d I- I oo. I: -p.i'iiicaii :;a;iis ami an estimate, ia e : l.;i n lbe 11 oina! complexion of he :., ia uinep,iited, indicates .;.! ai l ', o! li.'iilo or SO HI for Taylor ,,r I b , . I loll . sol III I) Mi OTA. Abcr.li en, S 1).. Novnnihi.r 8 More oinpleie riniii, loon the Stale, at large - 1 1 1 i i in ia.-l niaiit's estimates of a He oib , -.iu oiaj uity ol 7,000 to 10,000 for ol;,: no- Ceil 1 j:n!.;e. m m;vi. ii. llalliinoie, Noveiiil.-er H - I'nofllcial ic ons fioin Baltimore city and all the ' '.11,! :e ol t lie Sb.te shmv Unit the Deiii- i i a; s - iv. ol iir.a. ticallv evervUiiug be- oe I :: ;n in ye 'lerditv's contest by ap ;o oii:i iti-iy 11,1)011 majority. The official ouiil, i; i- th in 1 1 1 , w ill not materially i-iiatii'.' tin -e tii;uics. You never know whit form f blood iiiii nii .:! lollow constipation. Kee he h'-' r ' ..-an I v iisius: le Wilt's Litlli I.hi I ib-e:s and you will avoid trouble The, an la. nous Utile pills foreonstipa lion and r : ':d hortel troubles. !' S. ( i ti-Uii-.l llim. Sh- e ( 'Ink - Beg your pardon. I ul it is a number live shoe aM, M,s!eah ol a number three. laid of i ."- a. N i nl.er live? Von must be think i; oi I lo- ' i.- ol ;, our hat. Ouri'l l lsll. i' d Iv I waul to gel aciiiainleil with io.-kiiis, bm I hanlly know how to go b.''.! ,', he's such a queer tish. I niibn A i lin e i lish, eh' Why don't o.i diop him a lint'- A iiii inl e. ' il'lieiis C. Ken -Well, my friend ,1,14 has been elicleil (iovernor K a :' ie K id I udeeii? iiiiil.i ;; ('. Kerr Yes 1 want to send iin onie (lowers. What would you sug K .lie l-Iad I-'orgel-me nots. A i.. ml., mm. Ilianclie pinned a liny I'raiik o:i my ci I bck mi aus. I''tlllk lilt k - your -'lit llaliron at last night. Do you know what that No. Whi sht' wants you lo press One t,l 1 lit' (Mil St U-IX-t-a. What's that lliere votm; man's busi V ii - U it 1 M r. Pari eniie. lie's a tutor. 1 l.elieve,'' replied his "What docs he leach?'' "One of them old science0, I s'posr,' iintworcd Mrs. Parvenue. "1 ain't just sure w lo,t it is, hut last night Mabella told me he was giving her lessons in OS! uli' i 111." " ell. I a'po-M- she's got to be educat ul.'' it mined the old man. "I only hopo lo' won I charge no fancy price for his W lnr to Hlop. New lliuniiiier I (an sell a big blil of HikhIi to any man on earth. j Proprietor --That's all rint, but don't even i mi ri-lf I ti fell mioda lo mv man I n ho hasn't K"1 t.ioney. Ntt Kiollrinnl In It. " ly automobile ran away with me yes lei ilny." "Urarlotitl Did you screamf" "Of course; but ll didn't go ablt faster j e i that account. The poky old thing doesn't furnish half the excitement there Is In drlvlog a liorao .-.up npcT lll I v t ",eu liuyl. mcdJolno. Got ii miiinii mcuioinu. uoi Hood's 8arMiMrllln nml hm lh bot medicine MONEY CAN BUY. J. L. McDANIEL, Wholesale and :i A n STKKKT Is GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS TOBACCO, NXIFF AND CIO ARM. M i '-.i ia't .-8 are Flour, Meat 1 f ' Coffoe you ever saw, Mv S ow Drift, Star uiiil Admiral Fo Buv Hither of tlipee brari'ls an 1 vmi will Imrg.in. 1 have the largest and best selic-ted st Hern, ami 1 cm save von money. Kverytliitig (I uaranleeil as l!euctebti Good Stables Free. J. L. McDaniel, 71 ItROAD STREET. Underwear News ! Perhaps this cold you unawares and reminds you of the fact that you have not supplied yourself with this cold weather requisite. In this line we have everything you may wish. Ladiea Union Suits. Ask lor the Onaiia. They fit like a glove. We have them in wool ul 81 2"i per nil. Also same in Misses and Children's at 60c per suit. I adies Heavy Fleeced Lined Union Suits at 50c per suit. Ask to see our Mercerized Silk and Wool Kibbed Veals, something new, they are beauties at 1 00 each. In fact anything in the line ot Uail jrwuir you may wish. SPECIAL. A Lailiea Deary Ribbed Veal, the Unheard of Price at 10;; each, ited iuantity of lliese left. W e have a full line of Gentlemen'! UNDERSHIRTS In Wool and Cotton. All kinds, All seeing us in this particular line. We believe we can suit you. PHONE 40. SI pollocz: ST. STORE NEWS. THIN WEEK NEW FUBS, JACKETS AND CAPES. Beautiful Black Fur Cape, lined with satin, very special at ti 9$. otliera up to $10 00. Seasonable Underwear in cotton and wool for men :lii!drrn. Ladies 's tl 00 Kid (ilofea still 89c. The latest iu stripe' loo pair. Child ron's Double Knee IIoso 10.) pair. STYLISH MILLINEHY OUU SPECIALTY, G. A. OPPOSITE v Cnnoiol onH Hiiiolf rioliuorioo OpUUiai UIIU MUIUII WWII I Ul ItU Of even the smallest orders la one of our methods of doing bus iness that makes Parket'a Oro ery a favorite aourcc of supplies in Pure Food Products of all kinds Another ono is the IiIkIi quality of our choice grocrie, tshlch w guaianl' e to be of the wrj txat, at the lowest prices lo ie found In tho city. Just received fresh lot Fox River Butter. There ts nothing better for breakfast than Duck- wheat rkes and Foi River Print J. R. PARKER, 'Phone 60. m 3 ''' ' L J il VtwWW W WJWWW?WwSf Retail Grocer, il KAi gl'Ai: ! I l:s Kvl; ami I.'-.. TV. 1 e the I-st the I i ad. with lour stand at jileased k of G: ncei i s lit New snap has come upon Only a Inn AND DRAWERS prices. Y'ou may save your health by w mien and Hose Barfoot, P0ST0FPI0E. Butter. , 'i JR., GROCER, 77 Broad Btreet. S a. l . . , ?L V. v