- 'Mmf i ' -- i. . voibmi xiii. I:- . ,S tcM' M im . rim iwfi.. nam vCyf i . i, i i i n i i i i , .. . r i . ' i i . , , i i i - ii ii i . t ( .1 it .r : BOEB HID BF.lTlin. c Fadiic Each oner Alonr tJieFlfM- "rX tar Uacs. .t . .-t Velaaea Sarreaaaed the Meaner .fclver. Bailer Walttaf Ww f i tt lay. General Mllea -' the Taetlea Urn-- ; . pUyei. -, , , Loirooif, December - tt. The ' leiest newt from 8outh Airioa shows that the Boers kin snrrooaded General Metbu at troop at the Modder rWer. Newe of todays date from tb Madder UiM Uil the Boer have been perfect ing their line of entrenchment.- Their elrategie elrength appears eo greet that tt la extremely doubtful If Me thoeowlll aitampt another direct at tack. . " 5 General Duller la playing a waiting game. It 1 clear that the Britlah In Natal are receiving heavy reinforce ments, while the Boer have been com pelled bjr operation on (he western frontier to weaken their force around Ladysmtth . Transport aftet transport I now poor, Ing men to the assistance of the British. To this process there would seem but one ultimate end. The Boers will be compelled to sustain a defeat or to raise the aelge of Lady smith and fall back to ward Lalog's Nek and the Orange Free State. naif of Gen. Sir Charles Wairen's division ha been diverted to General Duller, while Generals Qatacre and French are stationary below Stormberg. A dispatch from Oeneral Methuen's camp, dated yesterday and sent by way of the Orange river, states that tbe Boer trenches now connect the h irua of tbe Modder. Tho British camp lies midway between the horns. The Boers have been firing shells Into Metbnnn's nu n several day. - Klmberloy, it is belloved at Oape Town 1 still supplied with food and water. Bat the besieging Boers, it is said, are having difficulty in obtaining food and this may force them to assume an ag gressive policy and assault the town. The uoen. It is now known, made a dam In tho Tugela river, which raised the water so that Qeneral Bulicr's at tempted croislng was rendered much more difficult in the battle of Colenso. Lndok, Deo. 23. Lady Randoldh Churchill baa received a cablegram fiom her son, Winston Churchill, who was captured by the Boert in Natal and ta ken to, Pretoria, and whose escape from that place was announced December 14, aylng ho has arrived safely at Dolagoa Bay. Pnit.ADBi.rniA, Dec. 22 Qen. Nelson A. Mllejj who was here today, said in reference to the South African war: "At to the tactics of the contending armies, both teem to be pursuing what Is termed 'open-order' method. It la mistake to compare the tactic of the Boers to those of our Indians. Their tactic are the white man' tactic. "The outcome, of coarse, depends upon the skill of tbe commanders, at it doe in every war. The Boer have .been preparing for It for the last 10 y ears. r In view of the circumstance! I do not Uilnk their showing o far I 4n .the nature of a surprise. "They bare had no difficulty In prj- cnrlng ammunition. The people In the Transvaal are accustomed to the me ol powder In mining operation They also know how to manufacture cartridges. Besides, they bad plenty of, money to buy neoessary war material , before- f tiaad and (tore them away for use when . seeded. & 'yi-.-' ' ,;:,' To tuoceed la war la to get ready be- fore yon eommenee hostilities." . , COTTON HARXET. v v ' -' Nnw Yomv December SS. Naw Tons, Deo. !1L The stock and rain market were quiet and .closed without material change. Theeaehanget , wlU be closed Honda. ; J.'- ; ' . .f Por SaTlnf tbe dar! ilfet Xobdok, December J3-Th Cur will ipretent Prince George of Grteoe wllh plendld yacht a New Tear1 gift. : : The vessel has been specially built tt fiebastepol, and Is Intended at a sonveolr . Prlnc George tavlng tlx life of the Cxar In Japan, while they were on a tour around the world number of year ago 'I waa nearly dead ;wHh dyspeptla. tried t'octors, vltlted mineral springs, - and grew won. X need Kodol Dyspep I Cum. That en red me." It digest what yon eat Care Indigestion, tour tomcb, heartburn and all form of dys pepsia, t, 8, Duffy. . ... s ' Bring? the KalneDeal ' Cam Haanv. Va-. Dec 14.-Th Uni ted ttatc battleship Tetaa, Captain Cbarlee D. Sigibee, passed In the Capet . t-1. CI., v.. 1 .1 ,1. . I . I . .. at T V T. . a r, a 9 tl.a Main rlaarl I than a.i,n wA .a IT . VI aveawaa avvni va Uw ttna Thursday. . It take but a minute to overcome i tiailngltt th throat aad to Hop l Couth by lb Bs of On Wlnult Cough I Cure, Th t lemedy i.ulc kly cures all forn i of tliront and lung trouble. Harm-' 1- I ..,t to take. It frevrnls famous ' . r s i. ific for jrlj j i sa l lis ( ' POPCtlSTCORVEHTIOX- - Chalrm tadcr tend Oat Utter ef U eairy. Allci Waar It Held tt V;!rylnttOfcV,X: -Special to Journal.; V'i-'l Wauhotom, Deo. MSeaakr Ma- loa Butler of North Carolina, efaelrman of lac Faopitt' Party National Coesmlt tee, ha sent oat latter to the members of ill People's Parly National Commit tee, calling attention to the action of t e oooralue ' whea In session at Omaha latt year In agreeing to bold the National Qunyentfoa at least one month before either of. the old parties met. Senator Butler ak tbe advice of the member of tha committee and Invite suggestion frjnt them of when and where the eonveolioi ahould be held and whethei or not the Silver Republicans shall be asked to meet with the Populists. Senator Allen, tbe newly elected Senator fromNabraika, favors holding the convention at Washington la Feb rnary. lie thinks it will be settled that Bryan will t nminst-d by both the Democrats and Populists and says that Bryan will carry Nebraska by twenty Ave thousand. FALSE RUMORS. Prominent Bear Operators Summoned Be fore Grand Jury. Result of Recent Panic. Special to Journal. New York, Dec. 23 Talbot J.Taylor, broker and son in law of James It Kceno the millionaire bear operator in Wall street, was served with subpoena today to appear before tbe Grand Jury next Wednesday. This Is presumably in connection with the circulation of false rumors hIioiU tin Brooklyn ltapitl Transit Company which suffe.el a big drop in thu panic of the first of tbe week. Taylor was evidently surprised when the papers Wji o seivuil and told suvtr;il that it win Vt-iy annoj liiir, tiim Ik; had a "pall" with the District Attorney's olllce having hud (Jray, one of llto As.-ixtanl District Atlorneya nppolnlo I. The 0, and J ic v will not U'ljjui n for the holid.tys lul will iuvestlguiu thu si tack upon tin BrooUlyn Itapld Transit Company. Three hear operators of the biggest kind are reported involved In the charges. AGUINALDO'S TROUBLES. Hte Mother and Son Captive, He Now Suf - fers the Loss of His Wife. Special to Journal. Manila, December 23 Aguinaldo is now entirely alone in his flight across the mountains to escape the pursuing American soldiers. His wife, who has remained very near the insurgent chief, though at a safe distance from the light ing line, died A the village of Bayom- bong while Aguinaldo was being pur sued into the wilderness by the troops. The family of Aguinaldo is now com pletely broken up. IDs son and mother are prisoner at Manila where they were taken after belns captured in 't first movement to tbe north. Pope To Perform Ceremony. Special to Journal. ; Rom. Deo. H. On the occasion' of tbe ceremony of opening the holy door of St. Peter' tomorrow, the Pope has decided to give the Papal blessing on the altar of the confessional. The Pontfical officer urited him to renounce the idea a dtngerou'- U hit health, which . 1 precarious, but the Pontiff replied, ''Let the danger be what It will, I will fall In the breaoh and hv the atlsfacllon of fulfilling to the last my. duties a Oathollo and Sovereign Pontiff toward God., .. ... Cole Arrested. 8peclal to JoornaL tLoe Ana axis, Cal. Dec 18.-0harlc II Cole, former President of tbe Globe flatloual Bank of Boston, was arrested atiledondo ; . today, He will be taken to Boeton by tbe United f tales atarahalL ."J ' ;" rBrlbed fl Legislature. Special to Journal. J BatTTtn, Mostaha, Ceo, SS.-The Supreme Court today disbarred B. Wei oome, Attorney for United Slate Sena tor Clark,.' Welcome 1 charged wllh the bribery of Legislator in the Interest of Clark., The Court yi the evidence against the attorney 1 conclusive.' ' ... -U' Actor Crows Desparate. Special ta Journal. -' ; '. Nnw Yonn, Dec. M.-WI1II Dark, tranded and penalles member of the Sam T, Jack troupe, tried ti h0. I la wife at Twenty Third and Fifth Aveane. The shots missed, and falling to kill ber Clark shot alifcaelf dead. Despondent at having nothing to do, hli mind be- came unbalanced. Supreme Court Decisions. .8pcolal.Jo"n.l ' I liALKioii, im. so. me Doprem Court of forth Carolina file lb follow ing oplnlonst , j Bute v Gentrf, no error.- - " r n . . State t Sbinm, do error. Darker vt Rtllwtr, ntw trial. f TCI I V si- your MooJ pnro ami your i' h on. I UlLTntlvn or-'ntmlna Ixnliby c.ii,;i!n by tiklnx Honda fc amn; uri;! aud. VOU y, VA be WELL. - STATE EU1SD. Infautry, Artillery And KitiI Re- " serrcs Nombcr 1,974 Mei. Need efBer Rifle. The Beard ef Pnblie Charities. Capital Stock of Seakeari $88,600,000. Tke Kail read Assets meat Cases. Raleigh, December 28 The Adjutant General report today that the strength of the Stale Guard I 1,074. There are three regiments of infantry, an artillery section and seven divisions' of naval reserves. He say he it very much grati fied at the condition of the force. Two regiment of Infantry are armed and equipped. The First regiment has no rifle. There are 100 f or tt In the arsenal, 149 are called in from various companies and 1C0 are requltloned for. It Is diffi cult, the Adjutant General says, ' to get any rifles or equipments from the gov ernment in excess of the quota, though there are some 200,000 rifles In varlons arsenals." The Adjutant General reports .that there has been marked success in collecting from the government the amounts expended last year In mobiliz ing volunteers. By a fictioa It was sliown that the State had paid these claims and the government was called on to refund. The capital slock of the "Greater Sea- hoard Air Line" is to be 03.5O!),OJO. Tbe supreme court files an opinion in an interesting case from Macon county. The sheriff made an arrangement with a man by which tho latter was to collect taxes and divide the pay. The court snys thU is illegal; the sheriff can have a iuputy, but must retain control of the illice. Tho State board of public charities waa n session yesterday. An earnest effort ill be made to find room in the insane ylums for Insane now in jails and liinly homes. There are mauy such inforlunates, parliculurly iu the wcb im district. As yet the list is not com pletely made up. Authority is given for the establishment of the Newman hos pital for treatment of nervous diseases a Salisbury. It Is a gift of Mr. New- nan, the rich owner of the copper mine at Ould Hill, in memory of his little son. It will accommodate twenty palicnts. iVul'iority is also given for a hospital at the Slater industrial school for negroes nt Winston, and K. J. Reynolds was thanked for a $3,000 gift to Ibis hospital ll is said six smallpox patients are uow in the pest house at Monroe. The disease was carried there from Ports mouth. The stockholders of the Loulsburg railway met and completed the matter of consolidation with the Seaboard Air Line. The statement having been made in a newspaper that "it was thought Judge Simonlon would reopen the railway tax assessment cases and refer them to a special master, James II. Pou, one ef the attorneys for the corporation commis sion who called on Judge Himonton at Richmond and again at Charleston, says: 'Such a course wai not mentioned either time we saw Judge Simonlon The only mailers discussed related to the effect of the Abbotl-Beddlugfield decision on the tax case and to the ap peals In three of the cases. Not a word was tald abont a reference to a matter. Manifestly, that could not be considered until after the motion for a rehearing thall have been disposed of. That hear Ing la tet for the 27th inttant at Charles ion. We hope the rehearing will be granted. That it all I know." DEADLY EXPLOSION. Feared That Fifty Men Have Perished In a Mine. Eleven Bodies Recovered Special to Journal. ' BaowneviLLn, Pa. December 23. An explosion In the Brazenett Cove thaft today waa probably the word since tbe Hill dUaster at Dunbar. The explosion was terrlfio and was plainly heard here, three mile distant - The cage wai blown from the bottom of tbe tbaft 10,1b top and theu fell to the bottom mull completely block access to the mine. Timber were hauled hundreds of feet and the lower ring of brick work of 'the Air thaft wa com' pletely rained. . The place had to be tuu. neled to get Into th mine at all, and af ter tunnelling the wreckage at the bot tom of th shaft, two men were found alive bat almost off oca ted, ' , . - i sTfae mlneUiurpated to be on Urea dens volume t f tmoe kinder tbe en trance of rescuing parties. On man of a part of reacuar who want to th not' torn of the air thaft waa brought up with a rop almost dead, to there It very little hope that lb forty or fifty men yet In the mine can be eaved. . The, ma culnery cannot be ran to foroe the bed air from th mine and tbe iinok tuning from th thaft Indicate a torilble c ndl tloa Inside and It Is thought that the' mea must be all dead Eleven bodies have been taken out to far. llr.J. Bberr, Sedalla, Mo., saved bis child's life by One Klnute Cough .Cure. Doctors bad given hor op lo die wllh croujt. It's an Infallible curs for coughs colds, xippi pneumonia, bronchitis and throal and lung troubles. Itellevee al once, 1 S Duffy. When la Bsyboro stop at the Ltiptoa tlonse for good accommodations Makes the food mofe deftcious andwfMfesome AWAITING HUP. I - British Armies Remain in Position Without Attack. Belief That White Hast Fereel Way Prom Ladysmitk. Exten sive Defensive Works Great Struggle Coming. Loudon, Oec 24 The latest develop, men Is indicate that the British are pur suing a waiting game in South Africa. Day by day General Buller, at Cbeve ley, and the generals on the western frontier are receiving reinforcements. On the other hand, the Boers, both at the Tngela and at MagerBfontein, are continually extending and increasing the strength of their intrenchments. Advices received here from Natal state positively thai the 11 guns abandoned by the liritish at the battle of tbe Tugela liver on December 1 have been carried away by the Hoers. Tbe Boers have also destroyed the re maining bridge crossing the stream, over which the tduiali tried to force a passage. The Boers have construcled defensive works of great strength at Oolenso. He- sides rows of trenches on both Bides of the river they have extensive lines of barbed wire. Wires were also concealed under the cater at the fords which Gen eral Buller's men attempted to cross. Field Marshal L nl Roberts, who is to take command of the liritis'i forces in Sonth Africa, left Waterloo' Railroad Station, ondon, yesterday, amid scenes of enthusiasm. London, Dec 23-General Sir George White, who U shut up wllh 10,000 men at Ladysmitb, mint cut his way through Jouberl's army to reach safety. I'.uller has retreated five miles from his position near Colenso, to gel out of reach of the long-range Boer guns, and bas sent two brigades back to Frero to frustrate a possible attempt of the Boers to flank him and destroy the railroad, Ibis leaves White without hope of rarly relief, and it is known that on December 11 he had only 800 rounds for each of bis cannon, while the Boers were pressing closer about him and increasing the efficiency of their siege guns. He has plenly of rifle ammunition, but this Is of little use against the Boer artillery It seems that be must get out of the town, for, besides the scarcity of am munition, it Ib not to bo hoped that his food supply will last much longer. No Englishman will entertain for i moment tbe idea that he should capita late with bis army; when his position becomes untenable he mutt make a rush southward. He will have to light terrible battle if he docs so, but Bullet will doubtless be able to divert part of tbe Boer force. WON GREAT FORTUNES. Keene and Paine the Fortunate Ones. Sud- den Rise of Paine toKlches. New York, December 94 The oBly professional trader who was deeply in volved In the recent panic to the extent of millions, either as a winner or as a loser, waa James R. Keeae, who comes out of the fight with an eiti a $8,000,000 to his credit. J. Overton Paine, a professional trad' er, has Incidentally won from $400,000 to rOV00. He himself la authority fo the statement to. his friends that be ts $1,COJ,000 to the good: . ''' Paine . 'a the handsome and clever Southerner who came to New York sev eral years ago with only a meal ticket and a college education. A little ' while before the death of Roswell Flower tbe notion waa fixed In Pal ne'e head that It would be a profitable undertaking to pound Brooklyn Rapid Transit. The notion waa actually wrong, bat the sud den death of Flower created an unex pected opportunity, of which Paine took advantage. A happened that the Rocke fellers and their allies took the same notion at the aame time, and thu result la that Palue, ll le said, quickly, cleared prelty cloei to $l,0f,000. ; ;-. V MarllMMwigli VatnnioAM., Londo.v, -UeosinljMr HI Tbe Duke of Marlborough, who la a llculananl In tba Oafdrdnbtre Yeomanry, baa voluntrwrvd for service la Boutb Africa and will lake with bim 19 1, mea and bono pf blj troop. . He will furnish tbe eulpmot for the.e mea, ' Tbe Karl or Warwick, Uie tar I of Dud ley, tbe Earl of Loasdalo and Viscount -Oalway are among otbor tlttexl ruea who have voluateerid for service. Wra. II, Churchill, Ilcrlln, Vl., tayr, Oar baby was envsrsd wllh running aoret. DeWllfa Witch HsmjI Belve cored her." Aspeclflofor pllea and akin dis- ease. Iltware of worthless counterfeits. F. 8. Puff, . ' Powder STEiHER WRECKED. British Steamer Lost on Ocracoke Beach Below Hatteras. Twenty ene Men Dreweed. Llft Savlag Crw Keaene Mae Oth ers Loaded With Cotton and Grain From Galves ton, Texas. Capk Henky, Va., Dec. 24 The Weather Bureau official at Ilattreas, N. C, reports thai the British steamship Ariosto, Capl. It R Bains, bound from Galveston for Norfolk for coal, then for Hamburg, with a cargo of cotton aud grain, stranded on Ocracoke Beach, six miles south of tbe Hatteras Weather Bureau Office, at 4 o'clock this morning. The steamship carried a crew of 30 men, including the captain. Twenty one men abandoneil the ship and took to the boats soon after she stranded. The boats were wrecked in the heavy seas and the entire 21 were drowned. (Japtnin Haines ami the renaming eight men were taken from the ship to (lav by t iiiit. James Howard and crew of Ocracoke Life Savins Station. T rescue was effected with difficulty owing to the heavy sea, the binding taking up almost the entire day. Cuptaiu Ibiins an) the eight surviviug members of the crew are now being cared for at the Ocracoke Life Saving Station. Some water is entering the hold of tbe vessel, but she is still in ood condition and probably can lie saved if prompt assist ance in rendered GEN. LAWTON'FUND Is Steadily Growing. Opposition to Gen. Wheeler in the House. WasiiinutoN, Dec. 25 Tho fund for the widow and children of (!cu. Lawton has reached $:!'J,000 ami is still growing There is iilro movement to raise a monu ment to his memory Jy Spanish-Ameri can war veterans. The President has intimated to Gen. Wheeler, who is said to be dissatisticd with the command given him in the Philippines, that he will not undertake the task of advising him cither to remain where he is or to return lo Washington and try lo resume his seat in Congress, and the movement to get Gen. Wheeler appointed a brigadier general in the regular ariuir, and at once retired, seems not lo progress. The opinion is grow ing that there will be strong opposition lo the seatiug of Oen. Wheeler should h return lo 'Tashington and ask lo be sworn in as a member of the House. Many Cottau Mills. Columbia, 8. C, Deo. 21. Ofllcial fig. urea in tbe annual report of the Secre tary of Slate show that during the present year twenty-six cottou mills wero chartered and commissioned In this State, with a capital stock of $o,60,00'J. This total is further increased lo $9,079, 000 by tbe aggregate capital stock of Bixleen mills, wblcb have increased their capacity. BOOK STORE! Christmas in Sight I Whatever your ilo'id.iy Wants may be, we can mc t I hem n ith the ra st dc sliablo and satisfactory v lections Mall order receive pcsonal atU nlion. G. N. ENNETT. Highest Cash Price Paid tor Bough Bice at my store in New Bern, N. 0.. 21 Market Dock. O. L. SPENCER. Bagging and Ties. Bust Proof Seed Oats, , Seed Bye, Wheat, and Clover. Malt. AT V ' Chas. B, Hill's Wi nldn Market Dock. " ADMINISTEATOU'S K0TICE. Tlie ondrrtl,Bml having duly qualified ea Artmliilttratotof t' 11 rtlubM hen-hy noliflr all feraons having olaimaaealiMt aid U H HiubN to prww-ui the aaine Wt blm duly VMittcd on or twrore the inn dny if lrniler IW00 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of thf Ir recovrry. All persona Indebted to said Man are re- ..... thlm .h ri. JLrmmr ipofl )S.iK K. bl LHilH , Admtul.lrator of C. U. Btubbe decNJ. 1 1 McDMELy Wholesale and Retail Grocer 71 BROAD STREET 18 HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS TOHAKO, SNUFF AND CIGARS. My Specialties are Flour, Mat lee Coflee you ever taw, ' My Snow Drift, Star and Admiral Flonr stand at the head. , -luy nither-of these brands and yon will be pleased with, jour bargain. I h-ive the largest and best sebe.rd tock of Groceries in New Bern, ami I can save you money. Everything Guaranteed as Kepjesentcd. Good Stable Free J. L. McDaniel, 71 BROAD TItEET. A SWEEPING REDUCTION GOTTON WARP MATTINGS The remainder of our stock of 2 5 Warp pieces, $7.00 Pet Roll, Of 40 Yards. We do not this price. They bright pa erns and oods. Challenge Sale Of Christmas Goods Holiday Goods of all Kinds China wire. Glassware Toys, Dolls, Games, Books, Horns, Express Wagons, Swords, Tea-Sets, ; Building. Blocks, Banks, Pictures, Tool-thesis, Fancy Baskets, Mirrors, &c. tt about half regular prices. These tbingi yon do not necessarily need, but if yoo want to add aunxhine to the jtfa of the little ones, it rlll cost yon mighty little now. Store open evenings tstjl 9 o'clock.' " OPPOSITE ? A MFRRY IIIBal . ;. ; . 4 Andn Ifsippy and bs vjw Ik) I Z " 'A r-e- ar -ji- C J. R. PARKER, JR GR 'Phono CO. ' , (J J' A. A ami CotToe, I have tbe beet Cent Grade Cotton Mattigs, about 30 we mark at cut them are at all perfect POSTOFFICE. fiHRITMAQ I WIIIIIVIIIII I W i .... ' . , r-'.i . , IVowperoiw Ncw Yrnr to our many iriends and cus tomers for their J very ' liberal pat- 5 ronage for 1800, and trusting to re ceive a share of your businrsa lor crateiuiiy your?. ) W ft . 77 Brcrul I Barfoot JL.-..' 'f,r

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