Sift Iteftt I 1 VOLUME HI!. MW lit KN. TKAVkS tiM, N I TltM.- iH I 1 1 1 1 1 1 XIMBIK ; IH BRITISH IBIJT. Larp Nnmlier cf Americans ft ported HiUiii Under Bailer. Denial of the Lord Salisbury Story. Flshtls aid Explodla; Naf aslaei t Ladrsmllh. German r Beaaati Seizing of a Steamer. Klm beiley Sortie.' Kaffir Attack the Boer. Special tojJoarnaL London, Dec. 80 Many American are serving In the British Army under Gen eral Buller at Cblerely camp below Colenso. In the British Mounted Brigade there are 75 Americans, and in one com mand there are 450. The British officers say they are fine soldiers and more would be welcomed. The presence of the Amei leans Is regarded here as an indication of friendship between the two nations. The reports published In the "yellow Journals" that Lord Salisbury is abeut to resign as Premier are ridiculously un founded. It is pronounced a very silly canard. It is declared that there never was a moment in the previous life of Salisbury when he was more needed at the head of the government or when he felt his own duty In office more keenly. Only Ibis week Lord Ballsbury has been giving his personal sttentlon to the problem of supplying the troops under General Robe r Is and equitably and effi ciently financiering the war budget. The budget will surely take three hundred million ponnds sterling $800,000,000). Chievkly Camp, Natal, December 30 A great explosion in the vicinity of Lsiljsiuhb was seen this evening. It was probably caused by a shell from Lady smith bursting in the Boers magazines. ftative scouts report overbearing the Boers making plans to meet the British in the open country. The Boers have miles of barbed wire endangering the tho neighborhood of Colenso at points where an attack Is expected. Heavy firing was again heard from Ladysmilh The guns began before sun rise. A patrol of the South African Light Horse, under Colonel Byng, reports that there have been no Boer seen south of the Tngela river or west of Colenso for 48 flours, and that they have retired to the norlli bank. They weie doubtless afraid lest the swollen river should bar their retreat. Bkiilim, December 30 The news of the seizure of the German steamer Bun desratb off African coattt by the British cruiser Magician has stirred up a storm here. It is claimed that none of the cargo was contraband. It Is claimed that the Foreign ofllce has promised to Investi gate the affair at once. LoHDeH, December 80 On board the steamer Bundearath which was seized by a British cruiser were three German offlcers and twenty men attired In khaki uniforms en route to the Transvaal ltallar Kelnforoed. London. Dec. 29. Since fighting the battle of Colenso General Buller has re ceived reinforcements of 8,000 men and 18 guns. The Tugela has risen and Is still rising thus dolag the first part of General Bui -ler'a task of clearing Ihnlawe Mountain, on the south bank of the river, for htm by the fact of the river remaining In flood but leaving Buller with the swollen stream bef or hlra. There Is now good reason tc expect that as soon as the To gela drops again, In ten days or so, Bailer will make a great effort for the relief of Ladysmllh. Though Ladysmllh dispatches state that the town can hold out for all weeks confinement wlthlu a limited space and constant bombardment must effect both (be health and morale of the troops, Enteric fever Is Increasing, ahd next to cholera It ss the most Unifying dis ease. PnsTORiA, I Scomber 26 (dc)ayed In transmission) Commandant bnyman report as follows from Molopo: "On Monday morning the enemy from Mafeklng attacked one of our forts in foroe, with cannon, Maxims and an ar - snored train and so persistently that there was fighting right on the walls of the fort. But we have retained our fort. The British loss I reported as 51 " kaJSrl Rising. Pretoria, December Jo (delayed In transmission). Commandant Swart re ports from lb laager at Alowos Kop ear Zee rust, that be had an engagement Friday, Doabt tt, with Kaffir lb the neighborhood at Derdorpoort. Tho Kaffir ooenpied a. ttroogly fortl fl4rUgnl wero wall prepared for snorgencleo. A fur heavy lighting tb burgher captured the Kaffir posl tloaa, olog three killed aad n waoadad. 12tHii Ueste&iBt KlUel WaMtxcTOX, Dm. 18.-General Otis, at Kaolla, cabled U War Itpartatai today that first LImImmI Zdwar4 R. Taylor, Twelfth Ufa try, wm rti ' over by i Mala roealag tho lago rlvar, leer Baalist a, tha lltl last, aad died la a . few boart. t BE 8URS that roar Lloo4 U rfih aotlpurc. Tboboetlloodporlflcr, nridtor ami vlUHaer It llooO'i Parse parilla, Ba aura to GET HOOD't. BIG OCEAN LINER ASHORE. Hanbirf Americaa Ship Reported On the EagllsaCMSt. Lorooir, December 99 An outward bound Hamburg-American liner is re ported to have (track on the sand on the east tide of Dnngenes on her way down the channel. She went on In a heavy gale, which' still continue. ( Her position Is reported perilous, ami ' nleas tha gale abates grsve loss of life j may occur before assistance can reach i her. j Thar 1 stated to be a large number of passengers on board. The assistance of , tug and lifeboats Is urgently requisition j d from Folkestone and Dover. The harbor master at Dover with great ' difficulty, owing to the violence of the ! gale, got his tugs out. It is not possible to ascertain the name of the vessel. ON THE SHOALS. Unknown Schooner On Diamond Shoals. frew Probably Lost. NouroLK, Va , December L'O Another story of shipwreck and disaster was Ml I here today by Captain Lewis, of the British steamship Ashlamls, which ar rived several days overdue from Halves ton, Texas. Csptaln Lewis reports pass log yesterday 23 miles north one-uai let east from Diamond Shoals light tho wreck of an unknown three masted schooner. The only thing visible was the topmasts of tho schooner, which showed a little above the surface of tbc Water. There were no signs oi wrcUusic about, and Captain Lewis nam i to the conclusion that the sch oner loni'lercl the gale of Saturday I 'M ami wen! down at sea, carrying with all h ml o:i board. Thit assumption is pioiiiVy cor rect, as no shipwrecked in i h ve !-e:i landed in this vicinity r.c.tulv, sc. those from the A riosto. ae o :mi oi tho heavy Stms prevail!. i ; n; ln.'iin Captain L'jwls was iinai'ic M . o-s.-the sunken vessel, an I t:icreii ii.i not cslabli li her ilcnliiv. TWO NEW BRIDGES. Greater New York Requires Mrjrid.i tics for Crossing lijst kivcr. Special to Journal. New Yokk, December ;1J Tin Hoard Union Knsl of Aldermen to!ay adopted a re-i to build two bridges across 1 1 River. One bridge will he built at Pike Hlip, the other will be built at liiacx well's Is land. REPORT OF THE PLAGUE. Uncertain Whether all the Deaths at Hono lulu Were From the Disease. Honolulu, Dec. 18 (via San Francisco, Dec. 29) -Bubonic plague has foufjd five victims here, snd In the sanitary meas ures taken to end the plague nearly half the tpwn has been In quarantine. Traffic has been almost suspended, ami business generally haB been deranged and overturned. Today is the seventh day since the last death from p lag no oc curred, and If there are n mere deaths quarantine will be gradually relaxed. There Is some question whether till of these deaths have been of the bubonic plague, but all the physicians agree, anil the Board of Health gives it out officially that two of them have been from plague, and In all probability the other three All of these deaths occurred six hours preceding midnight of December 13 There have been no deaths from plague slue Foar of the deaths occurred In what Is known as Chinatown, and one, that of the South Sea Islander, at a considerable distance from Chinatown. Governor's Daughter Elopes. Special to Journal. GuTHRlK, Oila, Die. 110 A sensation was caused here today by the elopement of Miss Louise Barnes, daughter of Ooveroor Barnes with Cat! lUvitfaborst of this city. The couple were niarriul at Oklahoma City. Cold Weather. special to Journal. Naw Yobi, Dec. 80. This is the cold est thirtieth of December on record. two men were froien to death In this city. The lowest temperature recorded today was 8 above zero. Filipinos Mourn General Lawton. Manila, Doc. 10 V delegation of Filipinos from the towns where (' nsral LawlOB established civil government Paranaque, Ifacoor, Imus and others Tailed on his widow in Manila jeiterday, delivered au address of sympathy and expressed a deep sens of the lots of their beat friend, whom they referred to 1 strong and Just administrator If wis Dennis, Balera, Ind . says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Car did me more good llfaa nyi hln I ever took." It dlC. 4 0 81 goal waal yov eat and can not help but Heading .. 1'J cur a. dyspepsia aad stomach trouble r 8 Duffy. . n iiii t. fllhvl :tk IM naasi 01 ami, vaai, Mutton ana, Fk. Oak. If Ml Market. Gift Dayberry'a Laundr a trial, ha firuua til work to be eailafecioty or M pay. SCHOOL MONEY. Warrants Being Hade Oat Funds Not Available Tet. I The Methodist Orphanage. The Mo- seam. The Commission Decision. Masonic Temple. Association i of Academies Closes j lis Meeting ! Raleigh, December U0 The Legist ture last spring appropriated tlOO.000 directly to tUe public schools, it was hoped that the money would be in hand u' the end of the year, but the Stale treasurer saw he aid not have it. I he StRte Superintendent of Public Instruc- tlon Is making out warrants for it now on a basis -of 15J cents for each child of ( school age, the number being taken on ! the last school census. The warrants me being Issued on the Auditor and the lat ter will issue his warrants on the Treas urer, but the latter gives the Saperinien dent no assurance when he will he able to pay. It .was hoped that the nyiney would certainly be in hand by the sec ond Money in January, but it will not get to the schools by tbeji. So far the Methodists have secured f I J.' Oil for the orphanage here. It is not as yet decided by the trustees whether they will Hike f5,500 in cash or the Academy of Music here, they being given the choice under the terms of the will of the Into A. F. Page, of Raleigh. (.W. Kolmer, commissioner of agri culture of Virginia, was here and spent most of his time with State Chemist Kilsro, in the State Museum and the ex pcrimcnt stati n. He was astonished ai the magnitude and high quality of the Museum. Virginia has nothing of the Ikind. He says he intends to make a he I t mi in .;. ! Seigeanl, llait, L'niied States army, transferred to the leeniitiiig oilice lure, j i.:ts hi rived. ' K. i:. Simmons, attorney for the cor- !'ir;Uion commission, returned fioir, j ( 'ii.n -cslon, and says be believe-i .lodge j S iuo:itou will reverse his decis- ! 1 : : 1 ii I bal the commission has no power to j a,s.-ss railroad property. ! j IJi anfl Master of Mason i NobLisaysj t lie Masonic, temple at. Itocky Mount will i L... .I...II -.I I... ll... I i ...i .... i .... ....... ". ill 'in rtirn ti y l in. kiiiiii n.ilt; uaiiuai I. Tin building cost f 10,000, and is very handsome. It is learned that Judge Waller ('lark and ( lly Editor Merritt, of The Italeigh News and Observer, will go to Cuba next month 'or a stay of 30 dayB. The Secretary of State has reeeived an entry of laud paper, which began In these words, ' By virtue of a warrant is sued by tin; undertaker.'' The writer meant to say "entry taker." The session of the North Carolina As sociation of Academies ended yesterday. There was an address by John Graham, of Warrenlon High School; "College Preparation" by P. V. Anderson, of Trinitv Park High School, Durham; "New Kngland Preparatory Schools" by Martin II. Holt, of Oak Ridje; "Teach ing English-' by J. W. Canada, of the Chapel Hill School; " The Need of More Preparatory Schools," by John Duckett, of lUbeson Institute and K L Middle ton, of Cary High School. The North Carolina Association of Academies elected the following offlcers: Presideut, John E. Kelly, of Union Home School, Moore county; vice presi dent, S. L. Shepp, of Albemarle College, Elizabeth City; secretary and treasurer Hobert L. Madison, of Cullowbee High School. A committee composed of Hugh Moraon, J. A. Holt and J. C. Horneri was appointed to confer w ith the presi dents of the-leadlng colleges and super intendents of city school in regard to the proper requirements for entrance into college Profs. Shepp, Anderson and Middlelon were appointed a commit tec to inquire into English requirements for college. A commllteo was appoluled to tabulate all the facts regarding private academics and their work in the State. Launching a Failure. Special lo Joirnal. WiLuiNtiToH, Del. Doccmler3l attempt lo launch the Wiusor "Grecian" at the llolllngsworlh -The liner ship- yards today wa a failure. Tho ship Is now slicking In the ways. The ship moved only eighteen luches, the tallow on the slides being frozen 'n cikci. It U expscltd that a suc'esiful launch will be made next Tuesday. COTTON MARKET. Tb od by following quotations wciejrccclv J. K. Latham, New Bern, N. C. Nw York, Dec. ,80. Open. High. Low. Close CltlCAOO MA HI ITS WllKAT: Uty . Open. High. Low. ( lose . .. C6 C8i 014 GDI 014 82 Corn: slay 821 321 32 8 80 m 814 ns, M Corna:- Marcb 6.1.1 0 80 15 80. Uy Pfd Hi B. It. T 78 Conl Tob. Pref N.Y.Cotton Exchange closed yester day. All lb Exchange will be closed Monday. ,.,. t.,.,0. Pma. Olarksborj. W. J., aaya, "D WlU'a LIllU Early Hlatr at Um dmI pill toad for oastlpallo. W o others." Qiilek .ii ii at..i.. . a . If ear all lifer and bowtl trouble. 1 8 fjitil FIGURES. But Corporation Commission on Bank j ing, Railroads and Loan Business. Old Slute Bonds. Convicts Scented for Work. Kailruud Mutters ! Plumbers' Harvest Time i j Improvements iu Su 1 preme Court Library. i HaI.kioII, January 1 The icporl of the corporation commission for 'jyis ma Ic public. It contains BOO pages, ami covets railioad, banking aud building and loan bus n 'ss. The valuations of rkilroads for taxation are: Atlantic ' Coast Line, (J.V miles, 1!' 800,000; Soutft- ern, 1,1!):! miles, fl.V2Ttl.000; Seaboard Air Line, (i'4 miles, fx ,84 1,000; misce'la neous 8 JO miles, f 4,208,000: total 3,574 miles, f 4 .',1211,953; Pullman cars f 150,832; Western I'nion Telegraph Company f 1, 000,000; Postal f 50,000; miscellaneous tel egraphs 2,9o5; Hell Telephone :),2yii; steamboats $311,015. Increase in railroad mileage over last year 108; increase in valuation f 1 0,7(19. OOV. Railroad earnings iu 18NU $13,252, G27; increase f 1,500,000. Capital stock f.VJ,09(!,(R)0; funded debt 144,641,000; cost of roads $82,123,000; interest paid on funded debt $2,121, (WO; dividends $953, 000. Employes on railroads 9,120; pas sengers killed 2, injured 03; employes killed 2-1, injured 022, trespassers killed C, injured 90; not tresspassing, killed 3, and injured 1 1. As to banks the resources are $13,223, 5 )1. Among Ih'j liabilities ate: Capital slock $2, 140,000, surplus $455,000; undi- vided profits $:Wt;,O00; deposits subject ! lo check Vs- 1 8 .000 I As to the ( isl of railroads, etc., figures jure: Atlantic Coast, Line, cost $7,819, : 0.S0, cspilsl Mock f '..41 8.000; funded deiil $12,21.1,000, Soirhcrn Railway, cost : $J7,l'.l !,''() I, capitil slock $.'8,01.1,000; funded debt $10, 171,00", Seaboard Aii j Line, w.l $1 l,527,cOO, capital slock $, ' J71,000 funded debt $ii,8ili,00t). Miscel lancoiis loads com $12,100,00), cipital ! stock 1 J 9 . J,'l:IO; . mile. I debt ft,81H.0J0 Earning-: A ll.tiit ic Const. Line: Cross '$'',223,010, operating expenses $1,738, 1)0 Southern, gross $0.8-jO,00 ); ooerat ing exp-ii'-cs $3,94,000; Seaboard Air Line, gloss $2,418,000; operating ex penses $1,002,000; miscellaneous) roads, gross $1,243,000; operating expenses $851,000. About $2l.,OM0 ot nil! Male 'jonds were received at the Treasury for redemption at 15, 25 and 40 cents on the dollar. They were sent in by J. S. Ferguson, of New Yoik. Arrivals of old bonds are very infrequent now. M r. Jlridgers, of Tarboro, wa3 here and closed a contract witli chairman Travis, of the penitentiary to furnish 100 convicts next month to build the Tarboro and Ea-tein Railroad. The Seaboard Air Line has by no means abandoned the Idea of getting into (ireeiisboro via the Cartilage Railroad. That mailer is simply held in abeyance until tin: Seaboard consolidation is perfected. T he Southern Railway w ill next month begin a through service to Pinehurst via the Aberdeen it Ashebjro Railroad. Hy means of the electric railioad between Pinehurst and Southern Pines this will give the Southern an entry Into the latter well known winter resort. A circular lion stairway Is being put in the .-upreme Coui I library. It takes up but little space. More shelving, for which t hero is need, Is being put in. The library is said to be now the best in the South. The athletic Held at the Agricultural and Mechanical Colli ge is an excellent one. The grading was done by convicts. In the soling a great deal of work will be done on the college grounds and Pul leu Paik adjourning. All will bo iu charge of the college. This is the lime and season w hen the plumber gets In his work, liurst pipe were plentiful. "Summer plumbing" Is the kind neaily alwaya found in this part of the world. The pluinlwrs say il is lie cause ticoole build 'summer houses." So 1 lliey do. and a realiy comfortable one cold weal her ii a rarity. in There are now outstanding only 21 North Carolina Railway construction Ipiiiids. l ive of these were today heard from In New York. They are worth $J,H0d each. I lie Western I nlon lelgraph Jom pany excepted to he answer by the cor poratlon communion In the matter before Judg Slinonton, regarding the tax sessment. The ludga ' errules all the company exceptions. Gold and Silver For 1899, Wasiiikoton, I ecember 81 -Director of the Mint Roberts has made his pre liminary estate of the production of gold I and sliver la the United Slates for 1800 He gives the loial gold production as il7l.0tt4.170, anlncreas of $7,130,070 over The production of silver for I the year Jul closing la placed at $74, 4s4,WJ, an increase over 1 of $4 040,11 1 I Colorado led In gold production with $30,000,000. California come next with lI4,53,IHr3. Alaaka gava $4,608,811. 1 South Dakota produced $6,190,000. Tho iBriUshKlondjk produced U.i'li.tW. I Colorado also lead a a allver pro- 'daclni Btate. with tSIJrjt.W. Montana follow, wllk IW.WO.IOI Utaa d third lln K.we,fl. AlUf rtlTi Famoai Chocolate at Me SorU't, BUM (MPENDIHG Relief of Ladysmith PreJicteJ. Great Battle to be Fought First. (ieneral Vt h I te Keport ed llslro)lug ar Sloreti I' re pu 1 .1 1 u 1 1 i i II g Out. Itll. I - II. I I I e From (olf-linig h 111 brrlj Has I oud. I. iimi-'N, January 1 I'lieie that Ihe greatest battle of ihe rican War will occur in Mill 8 :l. A - I, . baps this week. lieonutt Hurligli, the well known war correspondent of the London Daily Tel egraph, puis the case iu a much more definite ligfft than before. In a dispatch sent from Oeneial lluller's headquarters, al Fieie, Natal, and presumalily endorsed hy Ceueral liullerorlbe pi ess censor acting for liiin, Mr. Ilurleigh confidently predicts the relief of the lirilish at Lady smith before "many days " Mr. Ilurleigh says (ieneral Duller now has a force equal to the Hoers, anil says "I confidently anticipate that the com ing battle will be by far the biggest ami fiercest of the war " He forecasts com plete victory for the Hrilisli, and Ihe end of the war within a few months. It was understood recently that Gen eral Duller would perhaps delay until the arrival of the new commamlcr-iii-chief, (Ieneral Roberts. Dut Mr. Ilur leigh indicates a decided clian: of plan. dispatc h from Kimbeiley stales thai the town has food enough for three months This is different from previous advices, which reported the town on short rations weeks ago. The Doeis opposing (ieneral French in Northern ape Colony have rel ired lo Colesburg here, il is believed, liny are prepared lo nive battle. A Drit sb reconnoitei ing expedition seven miles north of Dordrecht, Cape Colony, and attached to (ieneral (lal acre's command, engH'cd superior forei s of Doers and was forced lo retire. Hands of Cape Culony Dutch ure ueriilla lighting along Ihe line of (.ien eral Methiien's coinmunical ions. The Dritisli authorities, in order lo cope with the revolt are drilling the loyal residents nil organising them into home guards London, Dec. :tl. A dispute h lo the Daily Mail from I. oren.a Marques, dalcd Decembei 20. says: ll is r' ported from l.adysiuith, hy way of PreL t in, that the liiitish are des troying iheir heavy cannon prior lo a final sortie. ITie Transvaal agents here have bought up all the available milk, sugar and coffee They have managed to get large orders sent for shipment here by French and Oerinan steamers. Prices have advanced 50 per cent in conse quence, anil Hie slocks are slioit. home- tliing like a famine is threatened, as the lirilish (Jovernment is slopping all goods consigned from (Oist ports. London, December 31 The WarOlllce makes pu hi ic the following dispatch, dated today, from (Ieneral Foreslier Walker, commanding at Cape Town: "Methuen's position is unchanged "French reports that the Doers, fesr ing their communications would be cut by out' cavalry, have retired to Coles burg. 1 hear unorllcially from Slerkstroom that a British reconnaissance seven miles north of Dordrecht engaged superior forces and was obliged to retire on Dord recht." i iAyu iiori i Is good fi r a long distanci and Buirirr made by us with a TI o isa'id Mile Axle means a long dialar o - loo. Wishing all a and 1'ios.eroua New Year, liaspecttully, O. II. Wnlerx k Hon, 78 I r ad 8tro.'t. YOUR PRINTED STATIONERY Ii an Index to your Huciness. Thou why not nae the beat. W do lh Nloet.; Cleanest, Neateat Job Work of all atods. W git the Best Work, fti Beat Pa per Block, lb Beat Ink, and charge yoa bo mora for. It than you par for the Hiker kind. QUR pRINT.NO pLEA3E& W.T.WQCo., 61 Botft frost etmt, Wiw Bra, H. 0. J. L. McDANIELy Wholesale and Retail Grocer, 71 BKoAD STREET IS HEADQUARTERS FOK GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS TO 11 AC'IO, SNUFF AND CIGARS. Mv Siciialtie8 are Flour, Meat I nc Coffee you ever Baw, My Snow Drift, .Star and Admiral Flour stand at Buy Hither of lliece brands and you will be pleased l,n!:ini. 1 h ,v.- the largest ami bed. s. I e 1 : toe It of Groceries itt New Kern, and I can eave von money. Everything (iiiaranteeil as Repjeeented. (!ood Stables Free. J. L. McDaniel, 71 1IROAD STItKKT. cAt Gasktll & mcbeirs General Hardware, Santa ("1. ins is coming, (lie J dm a warm w Iconic. You can't have a bnsimas h ail in a chilly body. No t" poke the tire if the stove Is a raek- t v ir h k Wi '11 s. 11 y on a m w one for abo it ihe coal of Winn i repiirs on 'lie old Co re and help y eir b. if to( lili-l-ina u at ml ha! "Peace an I (! o I Will" i'r Ces. If yon m ed a s'oe its i ertuinlv iiii appropn trf thine, to pot a ChnstmaH i aid on: ii doesn't nial.e anv difFcrcnce whether yon buy il for your wife or vice versa, ii's h common sense I'ropnbilion from all points of view We l.i.v e a full lino of Cliris' mas tlools. I,am 8 in abundance. Win. II. UoierH (io. ds Knives, Forks an I Sp ions, IS Nickel lias' very thing for a Chi'mlmas prerent at GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, HARDWARE: GROCERIES: ;:j MIDDLE STREET. 'Phone 147. 01 BKOAD STREET. CHRISTMAS Allow ns In Htiggest a few tiiiitable presents for gentlemen. What is inure nceeplahlu than one of our new and nohby Cravats at ;0r '? Our necliwear has just arrived and is strictly Up-tn-ilate. If a lillle tiiiire expensive present is wanted, buy a pair of our Kid (ilnvcs at $1.00 or do even better and buy a $1 50 pair the handsomest which have ever boeu seen in the city. We have numerous articles which we could enumerate: such as l.inen Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Half lln5i' in all t he new colors. Wliilc Shirts, Collars and Cuffs in the latest shapes. Nothing takes the place of an Umbrella as a desirable gift and we have a large variety just in, at prices from 50c to $5 00. Call ami examine our st-ork and you will (ind everything bran new and up to date. Yours Truly, j. Or. iDxrisrir sc cc, .17 POLLOCK STKKKT NEW DF.HN, N. C. iiUaituuwaiiuanmimuuiimuiUuUiUutlUlUAUiiiiUiiil TO - TH-EL 1 still kwp a Big 8tock Horses, Males, Farm Cart Wbocli, Robe, Whip, Ao Cuh or BfOBwd Mote. r Don't forget the pi 00 ntw .. 70-70 Kroad TUrcct. I have the best the head, with your and No. 1 Sia n'ard 8ilvT lie 1 1 - T-XDE I ami Coffee Plat PRESENTS of Buggies, Harness Wagons, which will bt told t cW rgil foar - r Baggy. ; A ' - ' '