I T ' - - ' VOLUME XXII. REW BERX. ClLaVEIi tUl'm. S V, . Till 8M .'AMhY !) I'lili - riRsT SITTIO M MEEK H4. XOHSBUBB T1KEH. THEIR fill, i H1RD PRtSSLD. RiUlfiH. TIDE TURNS- J, L. McDANIEL, . i, A r -. -, Occupied By General French Wno Anti-Amendmentltes Hare A Plan Drives Out Tbe Boers. But It Will Be Risky. Opealag Haas Ofs Bailie At legale Hirer. Talk ef Ieager Te Geaeral Beberta. Bedea Powell gaceeed At Mafrkiag Special In Journal. London, Jany. 6. Dispatches reoelved here indicated Ibat lb attack of General French on the Boera at Golesbarg was developing Into a general engagement... The fighting arouad Coleaburg iu resumed early this tnoratng. The British artillery opened to the westward . of the town and the earlier dispatches said that the fighting waa inconclusive. The Boer unexpectedly attacked the British left but were repulaed. The attackeri numbered a thousand men. The Enniaklllen Dragoons cot their way through the Doers, who were forced to retreat by a beary artillery and moiketry fire. The British loss Is said to have been light, bat the Boers are reported to have lost 100, Including 20 prisoners taken by the mounted Infantry. Lieutenant Gibson, of the Ennisklll ens, was among the British wounded. Hajoi Harvey, of the Tenth Hnssars, was killed and Major Alexander was wounds I while the Hussars were pur suing the retreating Boers. A late special from (Jape Town says that It If- reported that Oeuersl French has entered Colesbury and that it I. now occupied by the British. According to a dispatch from Cape Town, General Melhuen la building a railroad around the positions held by the Boers at Magersfonteln. The Boers bare completely retired from the neighborhood af Molteno, but General Qatacre does not appear to hare pursued them, as the reinforcements from Slerkslrooru bare returned there. Letters just received say that ihore Is not doubt that a Boor sympathizer was on board the Douattar Castle on which Lord Roberta sailed for Cape Town, and that he was ready to attempt to assassi nate the Commander-in-Chief, ills ac tions In lounging around the General's cabin led to an Investigation and the man was placed Jn Irons after a revolver was taken, from hint.. He; Waa. ,furned over to the authorities at Cape Tawn. There is a rumor at Cape Town that Colonel Baden-Powell has defeated the Boers at Mafeking. The rumor, it Is be lleved, refers o a fight which occurred after Baden-Powell's recent reverse. In which, according to British accounts, he lost 4J men out of 80 who were engaged. London, January 8 At an early hour this morning there are unconfirmed rumors hera that General Bailer has i turned the offensive in Natal and has already started fighting, having been heavily shelling the entrenchments at Galenad. It is kunwn that this move is a noces sary preliminary to at attack. Within a few days 7,000 additional British troops will be In Natal, but whether It Is possible to wait for them or whether Boiler's hands so ay be forced by the Increasing difficulties at Latly- amlth it Is Impossible to say. Extended reconnaissances have re eently been the order of the day on the Tarsia to discover the preseno and position of Boer batteries. Wherever - there are Indications of Boer strength - Uie naval guas are brought Into play. Beset by Ihe Boers Will Fierce Eiernj. The Trial of Marshal In the Federal Boers Routed At Ladysmith With Caurt. WHOLES ALEWDICTKENTS, Suit The Trial af Marshall Favorable to Hi.. Mlaalag Bead. Tar. Up. Repulsed by British at theBayo- rreaeriy valoes laereaae. Tk. .,ji...it.. net's Point. to Lniaberloa. RaiEiou, Jan. 0 Ex-Judge Avery, of the Supreme Court, says the Republicans hare made a concerted plan to apply to some partisan Republican Superior Court Judge for an order restraining the State Election Board from enforcing the election law enacted by the last Leg islature, that no Superior Court Judge has power in advance of the decision by the Supreme Court as to the constitu tionality of any statue to assume that It is Invalid; that the Supreme Court Judge cannot grant an Injunction, and that IF the committee finds a judge who will grant such an order Mr. Avery will urgo that he be Impeached by the I-egialature next Jons and made an example of. This causes a Hurry among the Kepublican plotters. The trial of Attorney Marshall, of Wilmington, for counterfeiting was made quite sensational by the testimony of Penitentiary Superintendent Day that Nlchelas Polilx. the convict, told him Marshall had nothing to do with coun terfeiting. Day swore lie sent for I'oliU In consequence of intimations bo had thst undue influences were being brought to bear on him to make him xwear to a lie lu the court B'ainst Mart-hall, and told him to tell the truth. There was evidence by a negro who swept out Polit z'a room as to counter feiting material there in 1897. also ax to the sending out of money by I'oliU which merchants refused to accept Theodore Darkley, a Greek, said he did tell soma people lately he knew nothing about Marshall's guilt. Darkley said he told this to get; rid of them, as lie wan not on oath. This conflicted wiili his testimony last night, I'olltz swore lie never told Day anything about Marshall. The government made an attempt to attack the pereeual character of Charles Schribben, chief of the Wilmington de partment. He said the statements were lies. A convict named Uawkins swore Politx told him Marshall was not guilty. Bawklns wrote Marshall this and told Polltz he ought not to swear falsely. Day's evidence was the Mow of the day to the contention of the government ant) it made the district attorney very ner vous, as well it might. Many more wit nesses for Marshall arrived. Four of the long missing 2 bonds of the Stale, known as the 6 per cent con strucllon bonds of the North Carolina Hailroad, arrived at the Treasury. They are worth over $1,900 each. Property here Increases steadily in value. A lot of 42 feet front which brought (8,000 twelve years ago, sold yesterday for $15,300, and a handsome store and office building will be placed an It. The excavation for the founda tion of the Odd Fellows' building is being made. It Is within half a block of the capital. Rev. John E. White, secretary of the Baptist mission board, will temporarily fill the pulpit of the First Baptist church here. The bearing fit the Carolina Central fertilizer rate case was adjourned to next Thussdsy. Mask Interest was fell here today in the state of affairs at Luinberton, where the Raleigh Light Infantry (Company It. Third Regiment) was sent. The men whe went were nearly all former in Company K, of the First North Carolina Volunteers. When Governor Russell was Informed that he was being denounced for sending troops to Lamberton to guard Reuben Boat, be expressed ao surprise, but seemed la think the fact that talk of lynching bad aaded was doubtless due to the presence of the military. Heavy Losses. i Telephone Coinpanj Chartered For NadaVa Change la the fortunes of Kastern Carolina. No I'aj For Com uilssloarr White The Smallpox at Salisbury. EAST ROBBERY. Many Graad Jury Indictments or Official la Ichlg-a. Special to Journal Liaaiio, Mloh, January 6. The Graad Jury which has been laveallge ting the slate officers, iba military board nd others adjwraed today, after la dieting Speaker Atlanta, Commissioners French aad Charles IL Pratt, all ea charges of briber connected with legit latloa, I Repreeeatellve Uammond - waa ' also ladloted (or eoliriilnr bribes, aa Auorasv Genera! May nerd for retaining; part of the salary of a clerk la his employ, alse General Marsh, General White, aad Colonel Bmtl,, charged with selling tftaie property at a law figure, aad baying back the isfca at stiff prl , Coleael Bntloa, a cluea friend af the Oovtraor waa also lsdlcud, hoi the exact charges have aot beea disclosed. Pot the Sattlac. Tlctors, Special uloaraeL'' . '' ' WaaaoaTota, Jaauary Secretary : LoDg hat addraaaad ft letter to the ah air aaaa of tba asvsl aommlltae la Coag reea ragardiag the bast way W reward the efflevrfl who helped to destroy Cemra'i llaat at fUatluo. lis ndaealaJ a hill trovldlnthatthadvaaoamaatla raakt 'y'. WTlJ If Ot WiSilflftoa ? f the asry aad marina afficera for ear-' Bcial to Joaraai 1 tloa la war shall aot laUrfera with thai Oaisaa, IlL, Jan. I-Mra. Johanna rag star pramouoa o aa emoerauMraua' avsare u aaaaai thaagaorioi years. ftobben Hide Off With Plander In View Of Armed CltUent. Special to Journal. Baosao Faixa, Kansas, Jsny. 8. 8ii aaaa armed with gone rode into town at sotdalght aad dlsmoaated la front of Bishop's flora. Four of the mea posted themselves aa eentrise and the other two broke opea the front door and demolish ad las safe with explosives. Beveral cllhwaa ware aroased by the aolsa and burrle4 the aoena but were ttapped. h took Ike robbers about forty mlaatee lo finish Iba work. . A crowd maaallmt galberad of wheas'aome were araned bot srobedy latetfarad. The rob bars sacs red a tboasaaj dollars la cash aad ether plaader. Unller L'aable te tjive Help. Anothertiermaa Steamer Seized. Rasgla Movlag Troops to the Frontier of Af gbaaigtaa. LoMtfON, January 7. Tonight's di patchea from the seat of war show the situation more critical for the British arms than at any previous stage of the campaign. The Boers attacked Ladysmith in force on Saturday, and at last advices were still fighting hard. Though Gen eral White waa ablo to repel the first a-uaults, the last words received from the besicgod town were "very hard pressed." General Buller upon receipt of this news moved Ueucral Clery's two brig ades forward, only ( lind the Boers m force in the trenches at Colenso, show tug they are strong enough to attack Ladysmitli und to hold General Bulier in check at the same time. Fighting wa3 begun by General Clery near Culenso bridge Saturday afternoon about I. :w o'clock. The clue to the re. suit i.1 given in a dispatch went today bv General Buller, who says: 1 sunt all available troops yesterday to make a demonstration at Colenso. The trenches there were all occupied by the enemy. General White's successive dispatches to General Buller, which tell the story lirielly, are as follows: Jan. 0,0 a. in. The enemy attacked Caesar's Camp at 2.43 a. m. in considera ble force. The enemy was everywhere repulsed but tbe fighting still continues. Jan. G 11 a. in. Attack continues and enemy has been reinforced from the soutii. .Ian, (5. 12.45 p. m. Have beaten enemy oil at present, but they are still around iue in great numbers, especially lo the .iouth, and 1 think renewed attack very probable. Jan. 6. a. 15 p. m. Attack renewed Very hard pressed. 1'hia waa tbe last dispatch received from General While, General Buller adds, in his dispatch sent today: 1 have absolutely no more news, and there is no sun. There Is a camp rumor that Whito defeated the enemy at o'clock this afternoon and took 400 prisoners. General White, by common consent, Is one of t'ie bravest of the brave, and it is pretty sure that be would not loose, or seem to loose, heart unless his position was exiremel) critical. The scene of the attack on General White's linos is important, as it shows the Bpers to be following a well-defined plan. Below General Joubort on Uie Tu gela is an army which numbers 33,000 men. Within the Ladysmith camp there are at least 8,000, while the Boers num ber from 25,000 to 30,000 men. Another dispatch from Frere, dated January 6, 7:20 p. m. says: "Ceneral While heliographs that he defeated the Boers in this morning's fighting. They crept up so close to the defending forces that the Gordon High landers and the Manohesters actually re repulsed them at tbe point of tbe bay onet." " Di kuan. Natal, January 7 The Ger man steamer Ilerzog hasbeen seized by a British warship and brought to this port. Bkhlin, January 7 The Berlin press prints violent attacks on Joseph Cham berlain. Tbe public demands the seizure of British ships In German harbors. The press, however, advises against this. Lomooh. January 7 It is now known here that Russia Is massing troops a the frontier of Afghanistan A 'Semiofficial explanation of these movements comes from St. Petersburg to Ihe effect that they were "merely to lest the capacity of the Central Asian railroads to transport troops." Tbe ex periment, It Is added, regarded as highly successful, and It srovea that In case of necessity troops from the Caacasus can reach the Afgbaa frontier la eight days - This explanation la bardly regarded at satisfactory, bat official circles la Lon don discredit the idea that Russia pres ent movements In any way threaten Afghanistan or India. War. Load i n Wild I) Kejoiriag. Report That Huller I rio-si s the Tagela and Captures Twelve Uang Rai.kk.m, N. C, January 7. The trial Special to Journal, of Attorney A. J. Marshall, of WilmlDg-J Londob, January 8 -General Buller, ton on the charge of counterfeiting, reports from Frere Camp, Natal, Janu which is in progress here, grows in in- ary 8th as follows: terest daily. The first day the Govern- General White at 2 p. m., yesterday, ment presented all Its witnesses, Inclu- j reported: An attack was commenced on ding Us "star" witness, Polilz, a Greek, I my pogition but chiefly against Ciesar's camp and Wagon hill. The enemy In great strength pushed (he attai k with the greatest courage and energy. Some of the entrenehments on Wagon hill were taken three times by he enemy and retaken by us The attack was continued until 7 30 p. One point in our position was oc cupied by the enemy tbe whole day, but during a very heavy rain storm they were turned out of the position at the point of the bayonet iu the most gallant manner by tbe Devonshires led by Colo nel Park. Colonel Hamilton command ed Wagon bill and rendered valuable services. The troops have had a very trying time and have behaved excellently. They are elated at the services they have ren dered the Queen. The enemy were lepulsed everywhere with a heavy loss, which greatly exceed' ed the losses on our side. Our losses will be reported as soon as the lists are completed." London, Jany. 8 A rumor is current n the city that General Buller has rossed the Tugela river and captured twelve guns from the Boers and is now marching on lKdysmith. Nothing re ceived officially corroborating the rumor io the report must he taken witli le serve. The news of General White's victory at L:idy smith spread with astonishing rapidity all over London. It caused an instantaneous change in the aspect of the metropolis Smiling faces were seen everywhere anil even the sedate Foreign Office au other departments of the governnien showed great elation. The newspapers aro all jubilant. The Conservntives announced in big lines, ''GlorioiiH Victory Ladysmith.'' The Slock Exchange received the news with loud cheers. Prices imnie diutely ascended in all departments. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, :i liliOAD STI.'KKT IS II K lgi;AITK!W l-'UU GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS TO K ATCO, HNIIFF AND CIO ARB. M Scialtios are Flour, Moat and Uoffeo. 1 have Ihe l-t-st in the penitentiary for counterfeiting. Marshall thou bad his innings, and lit erally destroyed the evidence of Poliu. Tbe evidence of l'eniientiary Superin tendent Day alone would have sufficed for Ibis. The trial will occupy several days more, It cost Marshall $000 lo get his witnesses here. Some influen tial men are aiding him His counsel are very able. The evidence yesterday was all favorable to Marshall and contradicted that of Darkley, another Greek. The Democrats say I lie prosecution of Marshall is political, but the Republi cans deny and say ex Mecret (service Agent l'erry, who arrested Marshall, is a Democrat. The Democrats say some Republicans desire to punish Marshall, who was aclivc in the troubles at Wil mington and in the Bellamy-Dockery co u test Slate KepiiUiefui headquarters will be opcnu-1 here by the end of this montii, in the rooms in a hotel which the Demo cratic committee occupied two years. The State has chartered tbe Twin-City Knitting Mills, at Winston-Salem, capi tal 12,0.'IO. The Wells-Whitehead Tobacco Company, of Wilson, capital $10,000; the Carolina Telegraph and Telephone Company, headquarters at Tarboro, George Holdcrneas, W. H l'owell aud W. H. iMeNair owners, capi tal $.r0,000. The latter will connect East ern North Carolina towns. Thus far only four of the Oil sheriffs have made full settlements of State taxes. Such slowness was never before known The Slate oilicials have decided to pay the current expenses of the oyster patrol but lo pay no salary to Chief Commis sinner White until the Hepreme Court do cideB his caae. This State lias since lS7;i allowed Con federate soldiers 'who lout in service both arms l0 a year as pensionof them there were 34. Tbe last Legislature ex tended this provision so as to cover cases of soldiers who have become blind since the war. There were Satuiday seven ap ruinations allowed and eight more are tiled. There is a sensation in the northern pait of this country. A young I'opullst fanner has deserted his wife and fou children and eloped with a school teachc the daughter of another Populist. Tl woman's father swears be will kill tb farmer on sight. Tbe farmer sold bal his land anil mortgaged the rest, too the money anil left with the teacher whom he said he was going to lake home Thcv came lo Raleigh, but Hince the thre are no tidings of either. Wr. J. Westmoreland, of Thomasville, i has married four sisters In succession. Slatesmcnts have been widely circu lated that there were 100 smallpox pa tients at Salisbury's pesthouse. The fact is there are only 80, Raleigh has not had in all pox cue since last spring. Denial Is made of the Associated l'ress story that there Is an epidemic of Binallpox in Chatham Three boyi were drowned eight miles from here Saturday. Two were from Raleigh -one a son of Capt. B I'. Wil llamsion, county treasurer, the other a son of C. R. Lee, a tobacco warehouse man. The third boy was a son of Cha. H. Hlnton. Tbe drowning occurred at a fish pond on illnton's farm. The boys been In tbe water several hours before the discovery was made that they were drowned. All were studoOls at the Ral eigh Male Academy. There Is grief In tense among their parents, relatives and friends. eaiUled thereto aad far I bin providing lot aa honor midal for Uoae engaged la the bal t la. - ,r . L. TVTravU, agent Boataara It K. Bellaa, Oa., writes, Ieaa aot soy too maehlaata I of Oa Mianic Coag Cara. la my ante H walked llksaehsrm." The aa'y hera V-os n mAj that giro bamedlati reasU. Oarea ecu ! hi, roMa, creep, bronchitis, aad all throat aad loag U ablea. Fitt'Tyv " ' the was Intimately ' eoiaaialed Oaaeral QraaL -" , . Wloroft HatosV 1 Aa honest coafsesloa may be goad for the scat, but U af tea tough oa the foefcathaoh.' - HUMORS, bolls, hlmfitoa ! all 'eruptions arc due lo impure blood, and by nrifylna; the blmwl with JIoo4-i Baraajrlila U are CURED. Upton', Nans. LoanoN, Jan. 1 Blr Thomas Llpton Ht Is anderstoad, Will defer actioa re garding another challenge (or the Amer ica's cap anlll the Dltteet Shore and another yacht bow la course of eon t true tloa accordlaf lo -designs by Wataoa have baaa completed for. Mr. 0. D Rhode. Expert lay tha Dtetaat Shore will be aa Impravstesat npoa tha Drltaa nla aad Iba Meteor, aad that tha doslgos are mach Ilka those, af Iba' Jlerraaaoff astarplaoa. . . ; , : , a lua bVoojs" ' : XeU-MMa4 at kirk f Why, be wrote a iQVatjr poem to her.? .' j - Dalle "Yea, bal aba aevef read k Whsa aha saw tha Utla . of It aba tort the whole thing ap la a Bl ot eater. Toa asa, ha called It, 'Llaea oa Mahal's 10c Coffee you ever saw, Mv Snow llrift, Star and Adtnira If'iv .-itiierof tlinBc bnuuls und you bai'ain. 1 li.ive the largest and bent ! e Iter it , and 1 can save yon money. Everything (Uiaranteed as Kepjesonted (iood Statilrs Free. Flour stand at will be pleased tbe head, with your liC'ecl stoek of (Irocerieg in Now J. L. McDaniel, 71 BROAD STREET. Thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage and good will, we wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and hope to merit a share ot your trade for 1900. Respectfully, GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, HARDWARE: OROCERIES: n MIDDLE STKKKT. 'Photic 147. 01 BROAD STREET. Alter (lliriMlimiM. Deacon Goodly What are you build lug that addition to your houao for, Par son Saintly ? Parson Saintly (lot to have a plare to Btore the eariiet wl i iiern and book marks. A Knlry Tain. Ooodnens! Where did the Joneses get that liig silver loving cup thai is in their parlor window? Why it was given to them by the neighbors that used their lawn mower and telephjnc all summer. The balance of stock Maggioni Kid Gloves. of the Celebrated A Story of Joint I:irrlKH'y. Henry L. Da htm of I'liislh Id. Mam, HieeeHHor of Charles Stunner In tho M'Uilte. told the following m.iry: "When 1 wna it Judge In 1'lttHlleld, Morrlasey and Ynnkee Sulllviiii fought ii prize tight at a neighboring place enlled itostou Corners. Sullivan was nrrestivl and lined $1,(kki. lie handed over the money und went his way. A ibiy or two later, w hile I was Hitting on Ihe liench, n tine looking inuu enteml the courtroom and sent n letter 111) to me. It wiim from a friend of mine 111 traducing John MorrlMsej He. too, waa fined fl.iHUi and aald to uie that be would acini me his cheek on bla rt- turn to New York. "Well, I didn't know what nilgh happen If be was IK go im Hint uuder Hlnudlug. In:t I anld to Morrlssey that any arrangement for settlement which he uinile with lb aherltT would be sat lafnetoiy. Tbe HbertfT , feeling na I did. Inalatetl upon having the tine pnld In cnah. and sltice Morrlawy didn't happen to have thnt much caah with blni tho sheriff locked him up until the amount wna iM-nt on from New York "1 fancied that Morrlawy felt he owed uie a ifrudge becnuau of tbla In cldont. Ycnrs afterward In Washing ton a omiibor of new congressmen wem liroiiirht UI to Iw IntrodilciMl to mc. Among them waa Morrlsary When Im enme forward, he smiled and aald. 'Mr. Dawca, I bellcvo have met tiefore.' ap hope Ibat they will win la the Legls lata re, but are taking time by the fore- Tho swoot CfciM lock and looking around for other moves I Raid Mrs 0, who bad com to spend la ease Ooebel should win. It Is general-. Uie day, to little Edith: "Are you glad 1 believed they will seek to raise a to see me aala, Kdltbr "Yes, m m, and Federal question aad take tha caae Into mamma's glad too, replied the rhlld. tha United States court One of tbe 'U she? ' "Ye, m'm. flhe said she qaaatloas whlcb could be raised, they hoped you'd come today and have It over say, woald be oa tbe deposing of Lieu- with teasut-Onvsraor Marshall aa presiding offloer oi Iba Joint Assembly la then out of tha adoptloa of the rules as passed by tba Senate yesterday sad also ba tha pros pact I v anseatlag af Itepabllcaa aaembera of tba Leglslstere. Kentucky Republicans May Appeal. Frankfort, Ky , Jan. 7. Hepubllcsn leaders who are on confidential terms with (iovernor Tsylor Intimated tonight that tbe Republicans who are contesting the recent elections may not quit the fight In the event Hie Legislature and State Contest Hoard vole to seat Ooebel and the other Democrats. Republicans have by no means given BLACK 4 ,1J,4 , 2 J, 8 7. (JOLOREDTans and Ox Blood 2 r, 4 0.1 f 1 . 4 H j, fi, :i 7. l 60 grade will be sold as long as they last at 1.25. All of our tl 00 Grade Foster Hook and Button Kid Ulovea, black and colors at $ Ceilfa. I'ndrc awed Kid (llovea in colors aud black. 60c. SHEETS. Columbia Mills Bleached Sheets, 54x81, 29c. 72i90, 40c. 81i90. 48c. UOiOO, 47c. NEW YORK MILLS. Mills IlleacheJ Sheets, 90i0, 2,c. PILLOW CASES. Illracbrd, 40i34, (Sc. Bleached, 4x30, hemslit ibed 12ic Also our Muck of White Ooods. Embroiderli and Table Linens, Ac N. Y. 3EE E. I. & J. L Mews Co.. - M A N U FACTU R ERS- High Meadows' Grade Special Guanos. If voit fitriti on the intensive sjaU-m and for profit, you most use HIQH QRADE QUANO. Our (loods are sierial)j adapted for this section. MEMS GUT Potato Cabbage Used by the largrat and moat sucoessfnl farmer in this aection. Their Field lfestilU apeak loader than Word. Ul, OM VtaSao. Dlobba Judging from tba brand stories old Bjoaaa tells, I should say Is la bis dotage. Blobbe Not oaly aaeo dotage MriSCIAaLi GUANOH FOU Alala CXIOrS. O. II. Applet o, Jaslloa of rtaca, Bar taovwam. ClarkaasMf, M. J., says, -Da IT Ill's Little ' Delbatta-yoa ara Ua oaly girl I avat Ksrly HlMn are tba boat allla saada fot krftd. - . . -aoastlpatloa. W asa aootbera." quick-1 , Mtaa Daddsa-4 daaH bellara yoal ly core all liver aad bowel troubles, f 8 - Oelbotta Tbal'i faaiy-AJl taa rest Uae Maadowi' GOLD LEAP TOBAOOO 0UAN0, (Tried and True) for Color, Silkiaeaa and Fina Tutura. lanufactar4 in b aright , leaf aaction of tba BUtt and apeolallj prepared for lb need of Oil land. If InUreated lend for leaflel of analjsll and aeaUmonUlfc " - ' Onr 1600 Calendar alao for tix asking. ,f: J . ' l ' IE. H. & J. A. HEADOViS-CO.; Duff. ct'aotdliv - Worke t Union ToUtU Kaw Earn, K. C. "V

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