: a, j- pi Li IJ i n WI?.1RI US VOLOMI till. NIW BIRN, CKAYM CUCST,. N. C. KKIUA,. JAMAHY 12 1 SJMi fllhU SECTION M MBEtt 8.'). PRISOH FIKIHCES. Penitentiary Said to be Doing: WelL The $50,000 Loan. Blgai oi Sidewalks. ttraad Lodge of Masons, lacreaa of the Or ' dor. The Marshajl Trial. Smlth't Island Game Preserve. Rixkigii, Jn.l 10. Superintendent Misses Martha and Else Hay-rood, and the groom by hli West man, Mr. Upton 9. Brady, of Baltimore. The ushers were: Frank 8. Whitman, of Baltimore, and gf John a. mronacti, George M. Know and John raison, of lialelga. The ceremony was performed by the rector, Rev. Dr. Matthew M Marshal 1 and Bishop Che- TteOifo.d Orphaaae. Rosa Llkelj j BL're feve h's blessing. The bride w re i taiiui-iiiiHJc hi avcillig bu lb ami BREATHING SPICE, i WRECKOF 1RI0ST0. Election of Officers and Reports the Committees. Only News From South Africa is Arrival of Roberts and Kitchener. Trie Crew Arrive at Norfolk And Tell of The Disaster. to Hang. The Methodist Orphan age. Penitentiary Directors Marriage of Prominent People. Ralbiod, Jan. 11 It lathe comment Day will make his report for 1809 to the I of Masons thai there haa never been an penitentiary directors at the meeting , oration delivered before the Grand today. The report says that after pay-1 Lodge superior to I hat by E W. Peu on lng the debts and refunding to the Btate "The True Spirit of Masenlc Life." the $56,000 it advanced laat year to meet At the meeting of the Grand Lodge the expenses, there will bo f 18,000 left, yesterday the eommlttee reported on the Treasurer Worth spoke of this matter orphanage and It was ordored that $3,000 today. Ho taid.if he got that aaoney ho I bo paid to the orphanage from the Grand would have enoagh to pay tho $100,000, Lodge funds. Charters were grunted to the public schools. But with a laugh he said he had no Idea It would be paid back, and added: "No I never expect to see a penny of it." James T. LeGrand, one of the peniten tiary directors, saya a new executive board will be elected, the lerrfis of Travis, Osborn and Newland expiring. LeGraud spoke of the money question, saying 200 or 300 bnlee of cotton hare been sold and Day reports 2,000 on hand: that one of the two things ought to be done; either to pay back the $55,000 loan last year and If necessary draw the $50,000 for this year; or else not to touch the $50,000 for this year. He says he Is sure the $55,000 cannot be refunded and no money at all drawn on this year's account. He de clares the penitentiary Is la all respects iu much belter shape than it was a year ago. Speaking of tho farms LeGrand said all tho crops had been gathered on the leased farms; that on the Norlhamton farm the leuo of which expired Decern, her 81 last, 40 bales of cotton had been gathered since that date; that the owners of the land (the Kelson's) insisted that the State should elthor lease tho cotton lands of tho farm, (the upland pari) for another year or else turn over to them the 40 bales; that lie did not know whether the lease would be continued or not, that the previous understanding was that the entire farm would lie turned over by the Slate December 81 lat. Tho owners, it appears, have served notice upon Day and arc making a great effort tn get the Slate to lake the place another j ear. In the Superior court yestorday there was a verdict against a firm here which baa a big electric sign in front of the store, above and at tight angles to the sidewalk but close to the store wall. The store owner contended that the city or dinance against signs across the sidewalk did not apply to this one. 1 he mayor thought differently. So docs the Su perior court. Now the case has gone to the Supreme court on appeal. Auditor Ayer will today send out the warrants on the State Treasurer for tho $100,000 of public school money. The Grand Lodgo of Hasans began its annual communication last evening. There are It 1 1 subordinate lodges and 11,400 members. The attendance Is largo. Never was the order so flourishing. The Treasurer reported recepls of carried violets, her sisters being In street dress and carrying carnations. The church was beautifully decorated and lighted. "JIM CROW" FOR VIRGINIA. three new lodges at Red Springs, Ral eigh and Cookvllle, and the lodge at Carthage was restored. The Giand Lodge was specially Invited to meet next year at Wilmington, but declined with thanks, and will meet here as usual. Ono of the most interesting reports was that of John A. Collins, of the com mittee on foreign correspondence. It dwelt largely on negro Masonry, and says the Masonic world has been excited by the deplorable action taken by the Grand Lodgo of the Stale of Washing ton, which was induced to take up ami support negro Masonry; but that the Grand Lodge of Washington has receded from the position it was persuaded to tako up and aligned itself with all other grand lodges in repudiation of till., "ma lodorous heresy"; that all lodges like those of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, etc., long ago settled the question of negro Masonry and donouuc ed it as spurious ami fraudulent. The Grand Lodge elected I!, verly S Royaler, of Oxford, grand master; H. 1. Clark, of Tnrboro, deputy grand master; Waller S. l.Mdeil, of Glial iolle, senior grand warden; Francis I). Winston, of Windsor, jnulor grand warden; William Simpsou, of Kalelgh, grand treasurer, John O. Hrewry, of Raleigh, grand sec relary. Necdham li, liroiighum, of Kttl elgh, was elected by acclamation to suc ceed himself as director of the Oxford Orphanage for live years. The Masons are called on to pay $4, 100 which Ihey have not paid, ilihough it was subscribed for the new liui dings at the Oxford Orphanage. The latter has that much debt, having, in its confi donee that Hie money subscribed would bo paid, borrowed it from a bank at Oxford. The Masons will raise the money. Masons arc deeply gratified at the very large attendance at tho Grand Lodge. Governor Russell flays that while little additional cvldonce li being Bent In re garding the Ross caso at Lumhcrton, his opinion now is that the law will lake its course, which means that Ross will be banged tomorrow. As yet tl.o penitentiary authorities have never railed on tho Htntc Treasurer for the bonds wherewith to pay for the 'Anson" farm. Riley 1 homas, who two years ago was in Company K. First 'North Carolina, In the war with Spain, yesterday aflcr- Rallroads Object to Law. Csmmlttee Ap pointed to Frame a BUI. Ricumond, Va , January 9 The Eppes bill, to require railroads to furnish separate coaches for negroes, was before the House Committee this morning. Many representatives of railroads were present to oppose the measure and ad vocate one prepared by Mr. W. A. Glas gow, counsel for the Norfolk and Wes tern. The substitute authorizes con ductors to design passengers to auy scats they rriay see fit. Senator Henry T. Wiekham, counsel for the Chesapeake and Ohio; Mr. Alex Hamilton, for the Atlantic Coast Line; Judge Josiah Leake, for the Richmond, Fredeil;ki hurg and Potomac, were among those who spoke in favor of the substitute. Mr. Kppes, the author of the pending bill, made a strong appeal for his meas ure and in opposition to the substitute. Tho latter was rejected. Tho committee then appointed a sub committee of two to confer with Mr. Eppes and the oppo nents of his bill for the purpose of agreeing on a measure acceptable to belli sides. The committee meets again Saturday. 1 0,850 The grand secretary reported an j noon at templed suicide, using morphine Increase of 400 members. The report of WT J. Hicks, superintendent of the Ox--f ford Orphange was highly satisfactory. A special feature was the annual oration by Grand Orator Edward W. Pou of Smllhfleld. The trial of R, J. Marshall, attorney, oo the charge of counterfeiting, was again extremely Interesting. Governor Russell and Vice President Andrews, of tho Southern Railway, were both charsc tor witnesses ono for Marshall and tho other for the government, l'olltx, the confessed counterfeiter from the pen tentlary hero, was again on tho witness land and swore against Marshall and that a score of witnesses w ho had testi fied sgalnsl him (Polits) had .told false hoods, among such wltnossos being Superintendent Dsy, of the penitentiary. Marshall produced proofs of good char actor, Governor Russell saying his cbar - actor hal always been good. Several federal ooavlots, two postofflce ernbes alert and ono ponslotnwtndler testified agalmt Marshall by swearing that Con viol Hawkins, from Tennessee, had promised thorn money If tbry would swear they hoard Politi say Marshall was Innooeat. - Marahairi caso was certainly not bort by tho testimony. Dt.r.JLVJIlery, of Chicago, Is hero on . mailers connected with tho giving of In the suburbs of Raleigh. He is now in the hospital. Drink and crime were the causes of his desperation Rev. J. W. Jcnkln. who is made by tho Methodist Conference the general agent of tho orphanage at Raleigh has moved here to make this city his home. He will do very active work in collecting for the orphanage. It ia a pleasure to I c able to say thai contributions continue to come In. Tho Methodists hare their heirt In the work, and when spring comes the buildings will be pushed. The penitentiary directors did not elect a new executive board. They do ferred that to the last day. Tho time was spent mainly In receiving reports and commenting thereon. The farm supervisors on the Caledonia, Pope and TlHery farms, discharged by Superlnten dent Day, claim $1,400. The inallerwaa referred to a committee Day's report Is more a balanoe sheet than anything else. It is of little practical value to the dl rectors. Tho cotton crop Is found to be 1,108 bales. There was discussion as to what to do with tho contract to mine phos pbato at Castle II syne. Tho rice farms oar Wilmington will bo abandoned, There is great opposition to the farther use of convict in tho phosphate mining owing to tho extreme unhealthlnees. The contract was made last oaf for phos fill to the government for ;0 acres of. land M Bald Dead or Smith's Island, at pbat mining for Wilmington campany tht Booth of the Capo Fear river. ' II There have boon ho convict la tho mine ' owi II Island and will make a gam since Usl July. The question wholbtr preserve and resort of U, stock lag It tho oompany can force the Blal to con . with deer, etc - There are 14.000" acre. i tlnue tb contract Is very i aestbfsc- ' ,, . . , , ,l . All tho ofOcora of the Bute and na UitlssrnsDiirhnn ; . tlonal bank hava Leon re elected, this : rr ' r mr-.".S:JHtf nt to lb. It.l.lgh Savings - vfasnmoTon, Jteoery Jbt loving . Bank. cap for f sliver aiad from tho molted : -, It Is lbo-curral comment here that GENERAL EARLY'S LEVY. Bill lo Refund $2o0,000 to the City ol Frederick, Md. Washington, January 10 Senator Wellington introduced a bill today to refund to the city of Frederick, Md., the sum af 200.000 levied bv General Jubal A. Karly, the noted Confederate com mander, when he had possession of the eily in lSii). Tho lull recites that. Frederick was a loyal town and was entitled to protec lion from the general government; that failing to receive such protection, the town foil into the hands of General Early, who demanded tho payment of $200,000, falling which he pioposcd lo burn and pillage tho town. The money was paid by the citizens, and Mr. Wei lington wants it refunded. I he same bill was intioduced in the House by Representative Pearre. L. T. Travis, Agent Southern R. R Scllna. Ga . writes. "I can not say too much in praise of One Minute Ooagl Cure. In my case it worked like a charm." Tho only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures couglis, colds croup, bronchitis, and all throat anil lung troubles. FSDulfy. Lipton Will Defer Challenge London, January 10 Sir Thomas Lip ton has finally decided that he will not issue a challenge for the Americas cup for 1101 before August of this year at the earliest. His own authority Is given for stating that two reasons Influenced this decl.iion In the first place it is not settled who will design the new challenger. Many British yachtsmen, friends of Sir Thomas Lipton, advised him to write lo Mr. Watson lo try his hsnd. Others aay Mr. Fife should have another chance. Sir Thomas Llplon himself is inclined to the laltrr course. The second reason Is that no ono In England now cares or thinks about any thing but the war and its consequences. Sir Thomas Llplon leaves London on Frldar lo join the steam yacht Erin al Marscllless for a Mediterranean cruise (ieueral Duller Now I nder the Di rection of Roberts. Firing on Ladjsuiilh Continues. American Flour Released. London, Jan. 10 The most important development in the South African war loniiMit i that Generals Roberts and Kitchener have reached Cape Town. Until the new commander-in-chief has formulated a new plan of campaign, and until substantial reinforcements arrive, it is not expected that any great progress will be made by the IlritUh. The sub ordinate generals are al a standstill be cause of faulty strategy aitd because the forces on the spot are inadequate, and noither defect can Ik; remedied at onoe. General Duller, if his preparations had lcen conplete, might have attacked on Saturday when Ladysmith was assailed or on the following Sunday without giv ing ground for the suggestion that he wished to make a stroke liefore the ar rival of the new eonimander-ln chief. But he could not have fought yesterday or Monday without leaving himself open to that Imputation. London, .Ian. 10 -The Dally Telegraph has received the following dispatch from South Africa: Frcre Camp, Natal, .Ian. fl Firing from the Itocr positions around Lady smith began eai ly today and still con liniico, but the c.annonadin is light and Irregular. The British naval guns at Chcveley sent three shells again this morning into the Colenso lines. The Daily Mail has received the fol lowing dispatch: Frcre Camp, Natal, Jan. S.--Willi the exception or the: usual aliening or me Boer posit ion by the naval guns, the finer here remained Inactive today. Natives state on Saturday, when the British rcconnoilcrcd at Colenso, the Boers hurried from Springfield. This supports the belief that the defense ef Colenso was weakened in order to rein- farce the attack on Ladysmith, London, January 10 Tho American Hour which was seized oil Delagoa bay by I'.iitish cruisers has been released. Th' r.iitish aiitliarilien have released the German steamer ller.og, winch was seized January li while on her way to Lorenzo Manniez. R&VIEWING THE SITUATION. Sixe doesn't Indicate quality. Ueware of counterfeit and worthless salve offer ed for DeWlll's Witch Hazel Salve. DeWllt's ts I he only original. An Infalli ble cure for piles and all skin dlieaes F8 Duffy. COTTON MARKET. The following quotations were receiv ed by J. K. Ulnar. New Bern, N. O. Naw York, January 11. Open. High. Low. Close Jan.ooltAn 7.80 7.80 7.17 7.U7 May colloit .... 7.40 7.40 7.87 7.87 Nov. cotton.... 6.70 8.77 8 7I 8.78 vmcAoo MaatKTs. England Discusses the Losses While Awaiting News. Quiet After Slorm At Ladysmith. London, .laiiuai) '.I- A decided feeling of discontent with the British generals' strategy in Eolith Africa has developed There Is outspoken condemnation when the public reads that men in close formation were led into a death trap, as happened to the Highland Brigade at Mii:erHfonlciii, or that Important Boer positions south of a rlyer had not been discovered, which Incident, occurred iu the action Decemlier 1", on the Tugrla Then. It Is learned, a night march was responsible for the catastrophe atSloun beru, and again. In the case of the Suf folk Regiment, at Colcsburg. It is not surprising that the public, is asking why a policy of such well known danircr has been tried so often in this campaign. The I,ondon Dally Now eorrcspon dent says of the Stormberg disaster The men were marching at ease In fours, with rilles under their arms, when without, tho slightest warning, a mur dermis fire was poured Into tintm from s long ridge. So sudden and unexpected was tills flank attack that the line was broken ut In confusion. The General at oucc gave orders lo mako for cover." Another storm Is brewing t lint, will likely break over tho heads of th trans port author ilea. Reinforcements are urgently needed In every direction ia South Afrloa. Vol ihree batteries and four battalions which should have em barked several days ago are still walling for shlpj. The Morning Post, comment lng on tho situation says: "The force ut present In the Held is evidently unsutllclrnt, for no progress it made by Bnller, Melhuen or (lalaere and General French has not enough men lo finish the task undertaken al Coles lierg. Me.isure-i now nndor way may Increase the force by Mistake In Launching The Boats., The Dead Burled at Ocra cuke. (irain Cargo Thrown (her board Nokfoi.k, Va., Jan M The crew of the British steamer A rioslo, wrecked al Ocraeoke, December 24ih, arrived here this evening. Six of the nine men saved from the wreck came, Captain Bain, the chief engineer and third olllccr, re mainlng at the scene of the w reck. The men, who came by seliooni r to Roanoke IsTaud, by steamer Neusc to Elialieth City, N. C, and thence by rail to Norfolk, were six days on the way They report that six bodies have washed ashore since the wreck, and have been buried at Ocraeoke. These arc those of Charlie Taylor, of Baltimore; Clans Ban sea, of Bergen; Frit. Gaslermann. id Hamburg; Mate Kemp, of Southampton; Second Mate Linford, of Whitby, and Steward Newman, of Galveston The sailors who are being cared for by the British consul, and who will be sent to their homes, lost almost everything they had, and were in much need. Lib eral provision has been made for them here, and they say they were well cared for by the life savers at Ocraeoke.. The men say that it was ink dark when the vessel stranded, and nearly every one aboard was asleep. When they awoke and reached the deck mountain ous waves were rolling over the ship which they afterward learned was H00 feet oil shore. They say that First Mate Kemp, who was drowned by Ins rashness, caused twenty one of the crew to lose their lives, lie ordered the boats launched, and two of these, with twenty six men In them, put off. They say that the long boat was unseaworthy and the life boat was a rotten wooden hulk, whicl sank liefore it left the ship's side. The other boats of the Arisslo were smashed by the seas shortly after the ship struck One of t tie twenty six men who start ed ashore in the boats, all of w hom won lite belts, were drowned in ttie neav sea. Three swam back to the ship and weie taken off iu the breeches buoy, ami two were W'ashed ahotc. Boatswain Andersen while struggling in the water accidentally caught, the first life line shut toward the ship, it fell short, and lay across Andersen's arm. lie knew it was rope, hung on to it, and was hauled ashore, lo his and llie lite savers sur prise. The men said that the sixth shot put the life, line aboard the Arioato, and on this line men came ashore in the broeches buoy. Captain Bain was the last to leave I he Bhip. The Aiioslos cargo of grain which Is practically spoiled, i-i being thrown overboard lo lighten her. She will prob ably be saved. J. L, McDANIELy Wholesale and Retail Grocer, .1 l'.i:iJAI ST I! KKT IS II KA UyUA KTKKS YOU Groceries and provisions TOKACC'O. HJTUFF AND CIGARS. Meat and Coffee. I have th ait ie) are Flour, Von eer saw, : llnd, Sun- ami Admiral Flour stand at of these brands and you will be pleased Mi Sr I Mi- ( 'olTi Mi S,, I'.UV ellll 1...! llll. I li ivc I lie largest and best se llcrn, and 1 can Have you momy. Kveryt liine ( I uaninteoil as Kepjeaonted ( looil Stables Free. best the head . with your d ttock of (iroceries in Ne J. L. McDaniel, 71 K KO All STREET. Thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage and good will, we wish all a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and hope to merit a share ot your trade for 1900. Respectfully, GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, GROCERIES: NUOAD STREET. HARDWARE: .!: STIJKF.T. Tlmiie V, CI h. a j. a. Meadows Co.. -MANUFACTUHRKS- The Albany is Fast. NKW'cAsn.K. Knelaud. January Tho United Stales cruiser Albany, for merly the Brazilian cruiser Admiral Abreuall, which was purchased by the United States Government shortly be fore the beginning of the wur with Spaiu while under construction here, was given a successful olllcial trial oil this port today She developed a sliced of -'17 knots, showed thorough seaworthiness and ex ceeded her contract conditions. Meadows' Grade Special Guanos. If von farm on the intensive system mill for profit, you must use HIGH GRADE GUANO. Our tliMiil.s ;m- specially ailaplcil for this section. IS (JURAT Potato Cabbage GUANO, In tin- lai'r.sl, am! most successful fanner iu this) section, i Fn Id Uc.snlls Hpciik louder than Words. NPE4 IAL. U17ANOH FOR A 1,1, CROPS. Monument To Brumby. Atlanta, Ga , Jan. 10. -Two six inch pail Ma brony.0 Spanish cannon, formerly I of the defences al Fort Han Felipe, nila, and captured by Admiral Dewey at the battle of Manila Hay, have lieen pn seined to the city of Atlanta, to lie used as the base of the monument which will lie erected to the memory of the lal Lieutenant Brumby by tin- people of Georgia. The guns are now al the Mare Island navv-vard. California, anil were secured by Admiral l)ewey nl the reiiieat of Col oncl W. 1 llcywood, of Marietta, who today received a letter from the Admiral slating that Secretary hong had com piled with tho request, and thai the guns are now al the disposal of Atlanta. I se Meadow,- GOLD LKAK TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried and True) for Color, Silkini'HS and rune leitnre. Manufactured in the bright af m rli if tlie- Stale, and specially prepared for tho needs of oir land. If iiit"rosleil tend fur leatlet. of analysis and testimonials. Our I '.ii Hi Calendar also for the asking. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., Wnil.-: I'oilll. New Bern, N. C. i o s Tin f iv T oanta viaus manes no Not tVaaloU. I always make It a point to attend strictly Wi my n u buslues," remarked another 3A,000 1 iuo young man who was after a job WllKT: May Oohh: May Cor : - March .... Bo. Rrrd.. B. It T 1 0.4O. ...... Open. Ulgb. Low. Close 7 Ut) V?' 1.85 mi tH M ns 90 8S :ti 00 ill 0 dime coatrlbeted bj over 70,000 Amort, people art galling far tired of the loag , ' M oltlseas, tha Majority of who vara Bjbt against iba oonsolldailoa ol (be 1 children, was d reseated to Admiral Seaboard Air Haa.'-' '.' " . Dewey this mora log. a small bat tot-. Boon before 10 e'cnVk last '"night tb Reading ., ' Ma gathering assembled la lb pariora of Jary ia lb Marshall case called for bedlam Tob. ITnf 1 th Dewsv resident oa IUutda Island and nracanlod In makallMl'aamrufl.hia' A. S. W ....... '-ataaaa and participated la Of ew la lb ooart roosa. It tad been th popa-) Receipts at tottaa porta wort 17.0H soay. i -i " ' .' ':lartpctal!oa that laro would bo a Valoa. . , v Tba np, which I a massif sad arils trdlct- as hoar. men. bul why lit then) no prompt dec it ion lo inakn the Increaao? "fhcie i' no panic. There is going 10 be no panic; lull there is a gieal omergency, audio coiewbli It great rfforta and rttraonlluaay measures sre required." There l an iiiirnunrtnml report thai lbs Adiniraliy has chartered tba Amort van liner Kl. Paul. Uinook, Jan. It The Itally Telegraph '1 don't Ihnik you'll do," said the iner- rhanl "llie lal clerk I had attended to Irii ily I" hi own business lhal lie hnd no Him' lo alUlld In mine." R o.i fur Hliurtua ' Do you know lhal a man is time I rlgl.ln an Inch shorter at nlghl limn be Is Iu llii) n.sinlng T ' dcniamlrd Dim II! ' I'he las) ti ne stock took a tumble," has received the following dlsnstru from replied Xutlli... "l n i2.lK horli r at South Africa: "'ht "'n ln the morning Krort Camp, Mslal, Jaa. T. All Is now jflulel at t 'here ley and ladyotlia 4S.narr rains fell laat night, swelling lb Tngela river and making a crtwslog 4'i llaeraaUoa ! ltft la height and. f Onwtrf lb ToU ol tb aeasoa wing Lw( Dee at, Salens, " lal, (y, 'appropriately Insert bed, oeceplsd tho W tb social promiosBc of lb aoatraeW "Kodol Dyspepsia Cart did m asoro bay window, draped about the bas with lng parties was th marrlsg at, Christ 'good tbsa anything I Tr look." It dl tb Americaa flag . Al oa eld wss a CbarchofMls Katberlo Boy a Dsy-'geaU wht ton tat and cm aot help "bat Jsrg sljnrboond Tolum containing wood and Mr. Benjamta Whiting Baksf car dyspepsia and M'jmacli trouble Uaft(tif U aontrlbatort. , j Tb brld wu attended by bet sister F i Daffy. . ' v '., " ,! difficult. Two gone wsr Died at midnight at Ladysmith. lard lfe. When a woasaa finally docs discover a parlect maa It's always a man soma other woman ha married. I II A BlMt4Ml. Ii'a onaar thai lha maa who kaowt It r - K.J I . . sTwea, U so aaldoas lam b e kaowixbr to Uerroaa ateamar urang naa been aaaooa i 00-UB tn lha nrtu anurt at TiiirKife. Thai ' V V - " www. - - ... . Mistake I W hen he chooses for? tb Xma least Jf rom our stork ol Finny and Ktaple Urooeriea. Our Royal Flour for your Zmas bakiny, our suirrinr and eiqalsllrly flavored ( ffa and Teas, (Xt Plans Pud-ill- r, Iteliabeo, Cry i tallied Frails n' iii.j-er, Fon-Un aid Dne5 iU- b e, Fot Itlvrr I'r at ftutu-r and m ri's Mima M -at will m-cl wi'h the lav -r f lbs i-o -iiiw-iir. Ws have In a large sblpi t Bvaullful'lCaUmacoo OaUry aad It ta flar. rortugose Oovtrabr.of Zu&liesi wss awD bor passenger Tb aval aa tborillea hav offired a blp lo coivey blffl to Dlag oa bay. 1JUMORS. butti, rlmtik? and ail II nipUoussrdiiU)liupuraUool, and by burlfyliig tiiw 1Imm1 with Uood't Sarsapariiu Utey ar CURED. Mslaf a Orape, Oaliforol Ormrg fla A.miea sad Ranaata. NnlsJRalslos and Fig. In ( 4A vsry thing Nlo aad rosh for Xmaa. COGVE ME A CALL'QZi v . E I 1 . f r I