out 11 VOLUME XXII. NEW BLKN, CKA E.N H'l'!m. N. ( . UI.M'M ;V - ! I'S MUbEi - peto SIMQNTON'S DECISION. Holds That Corporation Commission Can Assess Railroads. Holla Bated od Abbott-Beading field Deelalaa. Notes 6n Marshall Cane Skies of Fertilizer Tags. Penitentiary' Water Supply. HaLKKiu, Jauuary 13 Muxh iuleieat la fell bete la Judge Slmontou' decis ion, filed yesterday, llial the corpoiation conmilsBion has ample power lo assets railroads for taxation, having all the power the railroad commlasiou had. 1 he decision, In favor of the Htale on all legal points, Is based upon that of the North Carolina Supreme. Court iu the Abboll-Reddtnglield case. Tbat decls Ion, was In effect that the powers of the railroad commission were devolved upon the corporation commission. Judge Blmonlon reserve his decision on some other questions involved in the assess ment matter, notably that of the claim by the railroads that taxation is unequal and that while the railroads are taxed at full value, other property is taxed on an average at approximately t0 per cent. This question is referred to ex-Chief Justice James E. Shepherd, standing master, of discrimination against the railroads in taxation, if they desire to prevent it. Under the new assessment railroad property is rated much iienret the true value than other property. In fact, it may be (aid it is assessed at two thirds the commercial value, while other properly escapes with an assessment of perhaps h ilf its true value. It msy fur ther be stated that one third of the taxa ble property iu th j Stale escapes taxa tion. These statements are made on the authority of one of the highest anil best informed State ulllcinU, who suys they are the result of a ea'cful study of the situation. Properly Is now assessed at $ 200,000, 000, Including $10,000,000 of railroad properly. If all taxable properly were returned for taxation at an amount us near the true value as the railroads are assessed between 100,000,000 and l -0,-000,000 would be ad. led. If this were done taxation at the present rule of ex penditures of the Stale government, could be reduced one-third. The Morning I'osl, Interviewed Law yer A. J. Marshal! about bis case, lie said: "Believing as I do, the feeling which District Attorney Bernard and Assistant District Attorney Spears enter tain towards me, I do not expect any favor at t icir hands h-i long as they have a string to hold me by. I believe my Innocence will be proven." The rumor was prevalent on the streets that the district attorney would uol pros the case. This rumar was put before Mr. Bernard here. He said: "There Is not the slightest scintilla of foundation for lhat rumor The case will go through the usual chaflneU aud will be brought up at the next term of the Federal Court here Thai rumor was only started for effect." 11 Is Bald that tho Marshall trial will cost him $2,000, and that he has mort gaged his property to pay the heavy bill. The judge reduces Ida bail from $',000 to $:i,00). This Is construed as very favorable to Marshall. The jrorernnient wanted the case lrlitl hero an I not at Wilmington. It cannot convict Mar shall here. Some gentleman from anoth er place In the State told a government official that now a nol pros should be entered In this caso. The jury asked tl e iudge to tell ll whether Marshall was guilty or nol guilty. Public opinion is lhat Marshall's innoconce Is beyond per adventure. It was said that one Juror Ul l not like Capt. W. If. Day and hence rejected that gentleman's evidence which absolutely negatived the entire inasi of evidence tho government pro duced fiom convicts. Up U this date IK sheriff have made fall settlement of Stale taxes Cleveland and Hyde arc the two lal to settle Mecklenburg liai not settled In full yet. bat Its sheriff h sent la over W,00:J to the Treasury. The other day a press telegram from Alabama said the sales of fcrllllicr tai tags were Immense and ilmncd that there would bo a great Increaie In the cotton acreage, and further that advices from Ihe other Slates showed a similar condition of affair. At tha Agricullu ral Depart man I Secretary llrunar said the aalea of leg re entirely norml. All th manufacturer are b iyln tome. It Will nol be mill March that any Idea can b found as to tha cotton acreage from tha laf aalee Ho far to ru I ooiu o; lo Indloate an Increase of acroae. t halrnan Trals, of tha penlteailary entire board, eaje ha la (raliOe I at tha abowlng Capt. I ay makes of lb panllaallary earnings for IttOf thai it la mock batter than b thought polbl aoalbatfo or even weeks ago, A I oae tine) Trarla and Day were al odds, but low taajr ar cordial. Travis iajra bo doe tut know whether tb penitential? WlU draw an of lb (0,000 appropria tion for 1000 frons b Stat Treasury; Uat than will ba a balance of I ',000 or 170,000 (rO.lt Uat JrMra produet, but thai tab) faj lot aoagh U ra th penltentl- at? til fear oa a caah baaU, which la tha Iblag doelradi thai taa lb 10.1,000 drawa lut froea tb Suta will erUlaJy not Im rafaadtdt tbat tha par- the Caladonia farm are about equal as money-makers. The penitentiary will, before a gnat while, have to consider the water prob lem that Is, whether It will oe artesian well or the cily mains. The reservoir now Is what was formerly the quarry The supply is from springs These must bi slowly fading, as the water is lower by about bIx feet than it was a year ago. I.C. Itifgs, of Durham, is the new grand marshal of the Urand Lodge of Masons- A K Smith, of Smitlitield, irrand ewordfiearer, and T L Fairjw.of Wins ton, grand pursuivant. Robert H Itrad ley is re-elected grand tiler The penitentiary has sold IC O bales of cotton. It has remaining 1,700 bales all at Norfolk. The revenue aet requires that telegraph telephone, sleeping car, refiigeialor car, express and dining car companies, etc., shall make reports to the Stale Auditor during the first ui inths of each year Notices to them are now being sent out calling for the reports. The repoiis when received will be turned over to, the cor poraliou commissi in as a basis for the assessment of these companies lor tax ation. Already the Confederate monument In the capital square is beginning to look shabby or lack of attention The lamp posts neeil painting. The lamp globes are dirty an I sonic bent over There are bad stains on t he base of the monument. LONDON TALKS. Criticism Of Ministry May Lead Their ResiDia. PROB&BLY RETIRE. J. L. McDANIEL To The Voter. Fully Educated on Stak Issues. iuiiiii n to a Reu WHEELER ON THE WAR. Philippine Climate Good. Sends S.tpiple of Cotton Mkmciiis, Tenn.. January I I A local cotton firm has received a letter from Uen. "Joe'" Wheeler, now in tin' Philip pines, inclosing a auinplc ot the cotton grown theiel General Wheeler Kays very little cotton is grown ill !hn rhilippincs aud most of the cotton inihc Manila mills comes from the Hulled States. Speaking of the insurrection Ueicial Wheeler says: "I regrird the insurrection as substantially over. Hail il not been for the acliou of llioe yyli. are eailed anll-impeiialists in the United Slates, who had deluded Auiualde into the Idea that tliey would secure him hide penden. e, il would have been over some lime aeo. These islands are rich and an; oliauir ingly delightful. All thev leqiiire. is a good honest governiui lit. Il will be a great advantage lo the 1'nileil Mates to have our mercantile depots so near the asl population of Kastern Asia.'' NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS SHOT An Atlorney Seriously Wounds Ihe Two Men. The Reason Is Not Known. Special lo Journal. Dknvkh, January Hi II. II. Tiiminon, one of the proprietors ol the Denver oat w as sbol in the otllee of ' b.t news paper at noon today bv W. V. Amlei boh, an attorney. The cause of the shoot ing is unknown. Anderson also shot Tanimon's pattner Frederick (1 lionl'iele. liotli publisher-; wero severely wounded 'I amnion, be sides the proprieshii of Hie I'osl, was the founder of the "(ire.u Divide." a monthly magazine, and also the pnqirie lor of one of the leading i urin stores in the west . Nicaragua Canal Ahead. W.HHINuroN, Jan. .. The House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Com ml I toe doesn't Intend lo wail for the re port of tho Ithmiaii Canal Commission. Il has ordered a favorable report on the Hepburn bill for the construc tion of a Canal over the Nicaragua roulo. The bill authorlr.es the President lo acquire such territory as may ha needed for the construction of a canal from (losta Idea and Nicaragua, aud directs him as soon a that has been doue lo go ahead with the construction of the canal Tin' bill carries an appropriation of f 140,000,1 0J. Mr. Hepburn expresses so much confi dence lo getting action on the hill alibis osilon that It is suspected Hint be has rooelvcd a promise from the Speaker. Senator Morgan approves the bill and says In would like to sec it a law at once, bat he has a serious doubts about the Senate acting In advance of the re port of the Canal Commission. COTTON MARKET. The following quotations wero rtcelv od by J K Latham, New Hern, N. C. Nkw Yoiik, January l.'i. Open. High. Iw. Close "JrJ 7.:tl 7 S.I 7 Mt (174 0 00 i I, oar. loae i.rl Ian. otiun . . 7 ilJ 7 M May cot ion . . . 7 3 7 .10 Not. cotton . 0 7i Sept. notion ... Bti CIIICAOO MAHKRIl WtlasT; Open. High. May )7 7 CoRH: May . roi Cow, a: - I Ma roh 7 10 7 31 Bo, Ry ITU. . . . 6:il B. IL T bm 0.) 1U Heading II Coat. Tob. I'rtf . 1.8. W 47 RaoHpti at ootlaa rxrrti bale,' (.eneral Duller Seems Tv Hare Hanked The Itoer Army, IJuite ( lose In lad jsinlth. Boers Jlay He Farced To ! I. he Rattle. i I Special to Jourual I l.oKiir.N Jhii. 1:1 There Is much talk of the resignation of the Ministry, or a weeding out of old ministers lo nmke way foi new and younger men. These wo lid be auch as George Windham, Lord Stlliornc, Williams .St. John Broiler lek, now all three uuder secretaries. Hut tt is neither Lord Salisbury's uor Hal loui's way lo throw over their colleagues lo appease public opinion. The I abinet will probably keep to gether until Parliament meets on Janu aiy .'10th, ill order to bIiow w hat Ihey have done and are doing lo retrieve their mistakes here and iu Houlli Afiica. They will li list lo ihe American maxim against changing horses while ciossiug the stream to carry them through. One of Secretary Balfour's speeches this week has been seized upon by a section of the press as forsliadowing militaiy conscriptions here. The minis try is certainly convinced of the folly of trying to police the woild wide empire with a corporal's guard, but they know public opinion too well to attempt con scription. That is not to say, how ever, lhat. tliey will not use conscription as a bogey to frighten the lax payers into largely increased military expenditure, anil an iiiipiovemcnt in the pay and posi tion oi the common soldier. Also il would be used lo secure a provision for jcaily maneiivres on a laige scale, Ihe m'ciii ing of fresh training grounds and nib: langes throughoiil the country, Ihe siiengthening of the yeomanry guard, Uim militia and volunteer forces, and generally speaking the levelling up of ;hc Kngiish lighting machine. I he War Ollice has issued a statement received from the ltocr commandants at 1'iolnrin and liloeiu'onteiu, referriug tit the i isualtics among the British troops at the light near Colesburg on Ihe sixth. I lie list shows that the Suffolk regiment lost mi dead and twenty eight wound cd. Washington, January 1:1. The Stale llepartment has Ivcn informed thai Ihe American goods on the Dutch steamship liaria, detained by the British govern ment o:i the suspicion that Ihey were donliucil for the Boer army, have been released and arc now at Helagoa Bay Loudon, January 12. -The War Ollice makes public Hit- following dispatch from General Itullei, dated .Springfield, Natal, at 'J.liO p. in. Thursday: "I occupied Ihe south bank of the Tu gela ri ei at l'olgictei s luift ibis morn ing and sei.ed pout. The river is in hood. The onemy is strongly intrenched abinii four and a half miles to the HOI Ih." l'olgiclcr's Drift is about Hi miles west of Colcnao and six miles northwest of Spiiiigtield, from which General Holler's mossagc was sent. If, as was reported, the Boers hud strongly intrenched Springfield, wdiere Ihey in. Hinted one or two long guns. Il ould seam thai ih-ir position there was ahaniluned. At l'olgleler's Drifl General Buller baa tin main Boer hit rem hiuonls un the right. If he call maintain himself he seriously threatens the safely of General Jo'ibert's right Hank. The river liefore him he reports In Hood, bill as he probably has ike Hoyal Knginecrs, wllh their pontoon train, this may not serlou-ly retard him. His iaa mediate opponents are four and a half miles norrti, guarding, no doubt, the road which leads lo Dewilrop aud inence lo Lsdvsmllb. From Ihe drill to Dew drop Is about 10 mile Once at Dewilrop llin relieving force I would lie In communication with the lie sieged garrison, for General W hite's d vanced posts are Iwo or throe miles from his camp on each side of the road. The movement upou the Boers' right threatens their line of com Jiunlcalion with the Free State and should bring on a battle almost Immediately. Holler, It arems certain, means fight. The chief obstacle In his path for Hie moment la the Tugela, but floods go down in Natal as rapidly as they rise. Il Is probable lhal General Clery hail rders to begin his attack as soon as the Spilngfleld position had been turned and General duller had secured tho drift. Everything looks as If a decisive move mi nt lo clear the way to lidymiiltli had legun -Sn effort on which the whole liaun of the Natal campaign depends. Loudon, Jan. 1 - The Dally Telegraph has receives! the following telegraph from South Africa Krerr Camp. Natal. Jan (I - A atorm acrnm panled by heavy rain, liegan lasi lent. Il la still pouring. There has been na firing at Ijidysmllh tilled More Kniiiii Needed at the Capitol Greensboro Issues Gold Bonds. taxable Property Should he Fqualiied. Cotton l -ed j at II 0 III e Kai.i.I'.ii .lan l.'i The I len.oi rats aic uisk i ug e cellenl arrani;eiiiem- tor di I seniinatiiiL' political news thi vi ar i Chairman Sin. mons know s bn to man i . I ae these things, as ttie 1JS ( Huipaikru showed most i onclusivelv. Some of the ijoverunieul nib- iaN a pear to be greatly vexed regHidiiiL: the Marshall coiinter.'eiling ease and at the failure to convict him There has lout be n a ' tradition," o lo speak, that there are plans soun wheieforllic addition of wintisto tin north and south ends of the Slate eapi tol. i'atieiit search during the last year or two has revealed no trace of any such plans and an architect says he does not believe there ever wcie any. The m:ittei of incieasing the si.c of the building U under consideration . llis certain that more room is needed. During legislative sessions many rooms iu the Supreme Court and library building aud some in the agricultural building have lo be utilized. A company is organizing to buy Ihe I'eace property, on Deep liver, four miles above tl.e Bynuin Cotton Factory, for the purpose of utilizing the water power in operating a large cotton mill The propeily I lie Dukes lately bought, and on which they will build large col ton mills, is below the llynum faeiiuy. A gentleman reluming from Ml. A.ry reports M eaes of smallpox there, all m a mi hi form. A bout two iiiont h i aioi the aldei imn of Greensboro adopted a iCMiluiion no viding for the payment of lhe-e bonds in "lawful money." Saturday nighl this order was lesciinled and a resolution adodel declining the bonds to be paya ble in goid at the present ratio of line lit hs. The aldermen lelievc a higher premium can be icali.ed if Ihe bonds aie made payable in gold. In ) WIT the railroad commission . made a Stale boald lo tax equalization. It was unable to do much wink tlicn, In cause ol limited lone, etc , but jet in ereaseu taxable values OOO.nnO. In speaking of gcneial taxation Cleik Brown, of the corpoiation commission, said that if the assessment ol all propei ly were placed in the hands of ihe com mission the Stale revenue-, would no doubt be largely increased. A 'ateolli' BulkT Arrears to Have I urn. J I hem on Both F l ink-. Hut l.illlw I h rough, lacked. ( lurg Neil Allow eil In kimberle) Again ( i' n I-1 it 1 Koherts ol 1 be r ol ces 1 L Wholesale and Retail Grocer, i'l'd!- 1 :i i 1 ; i ' A I sTIIKKT IS UKADyrAKTKKS YOU GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ( H 111 C .lull il li ll-!,e, a I I noil h tic -t'Oid'ird in I ,sd -II. m i 1 ml u ' -I d I .ad l 1 1 a vl U sho ifMne - r i 1 1 1 . . d..i a sale Inn 1 1 H 'II to I , ..! le 1 1 e l a I lad 1 1 1 on in Llld HIS' .ad-milh in be cimteniplal tin lid 1 Id '- a 1 1 all' ' I l,c slill -1 1 large li u in I 'ers, a ing aiiol her attack "Il i- known, howevei, lhat they aie grcally depre-e I by their lieaivy losses Thev had been peifeclly edu lidenl of llic:i ability to dclcat I he garrison and lake pi.s-e-:-lons of tne town." The besiegers liae hecn qiliel for two days, but can be seen in a' live movi nien'.s on tl.e dlstall' hilis. lie I'll hn die Th Hill has in More II 1 he I'a-e o I.OM...N Mall b is l I I OI1I oli uari l si m gallopin las price with t w i ved Iwo snial I macliiiu' guns hea v piei m on I hi 1 w ana Im cii lii i - I for t wo days r de id len c been loiind at :i -al 's Cainp. .1 auuai y I I I'lie I aily eived I In- follow lug dispatch A 1 1 na d Si.oroiltles ( 'olTee you ( Flour, Saw. I )i i f I . Slur and f 1 1 1 11 so bl inds i Meat ami U.ITei 1 have tho best Admiral Flour slaml at the head. hJ yon will bo iili'iiseil with your I lie lari'est ami best sel. e ei ii, and 1 ran Have von til mi y. Kverything; (iuaranlecil iib Hep.tt'si'iilcil ( iooil SutilcH l''ice. took of (iroccricB in New J. L. McDaniel, 71 II ROAD STREFX l'n'iriiniiiil'Ui'j,, N.i A ii ai 1 1 v .tl I' i sin 1 in f i (.'ii.i' W.ir.H-n lias niai !;iitl tl.un !' nu n r:h! Wrcni'ii. I lis si itiii .i;h l 1 in m t'nlcn ,i'i!n! 1 iifi- "ir. lit Dii in t l hrii t" Ail , II is I ( j i I tl, Janmuy 1 i. nl si :iU- lhal Si r liftl . nil 1 l.'HK) H ie. Iy way "l nU-'l, IipuihI no .nihin's Klonl, -.0 v?is. lie 1 1 1 1 n i l li tt I lie liui-i s it it t Iravi; N alai, d isnm i ut l I y i 1 1 1 i i - l- n- i.it i l. t.lysniiiii. H' r.iituiiaU an. I ii rrr.M.lHH lutvc brill '!:- ' c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 A ..WN ' l alia, k mm 1 ( tHIUirih-! i llH WcllklM vi 'iilii ha 1 1 it I i Irnrr.il Wunrii s rr : a! i - k i!!rd i n I lir nil h un Jan u u y i w h t,,i-!. v if, ( iti i r i I i if in i i i iic 1 1 Km; lam I , r i:inn in I-t in hirl of OS as n is b is is is is is E. Hackburns Is the Pface to Trade. W W VI Alt Goods First-classt and Guaranteed. v w T KV ep, ills ial says Mi. lliown's view- aieyciy sensible and correct The n hole matter of equality of i.,aliMii will undoubtedly tiguicveiy ploiuinenl ly tins year and perhaps Ihe l.egislatuie at its session in June may act in Ihe premises The home mills now spin all the cot ton grown in tLc .Slate, save a little which is exported from Wilmington. The cotton coinpiesses in the Stale, with the exception of those at Wilmington are idle. Kxpoitcis hnd il banlei and hat lei lo get cotton in this Stale. It is said one exporter has lost heav ily this sea-oii Hi' has to bid against the cotton n The u veniie culler Algonquin I rived at Wilmington, her new station j (leneial Ie's birthday incxl I'lidavi, is a legal holiday in this Stale. Many ex I 'onfedei ate camps w il I Inn -p. id e X el eises. Four years aeo three biotheis named II and W. II. I'lanlley we uivieted of murdering .lohn Ihuiner, a nidi met (diant, in lij'aufort county, in older to rob his safe. They were tiled, and in some slranee way escaped tin- gallows, but jpit 111! yeais sentences, tine of the Hills escaped from the penlicnl lary , an I Is now in t iermany, one ilitd in pii'im and one is now there. Hralilley (.'-c.q.ed from a farm last May. Il is now hem d that he has relumed lo Heaufoil ouniy, and w alks the roads ai nie.l, -wealing be will lievel be I eeaplliled. ossc will go aftel him this week. FRENCH STEAMER BURNED. Many Lives HcpnrtcJ 1 osl. Report IiouM cd by the ( ompany. Hpcclal to .lournal the I in ll i, 1 thai Ihe ll. lor by Hid! ing l.i tin smith. I Ion. I as I eccl .' Soul Ii A 1 1 1 M A I 'I o'eh.c ti nog w . - I'.oels tent ion I It is I 1 : in vKiting !i Sll ppol 1 1 u i turns in f;, laic li'ie,-. d I loin 1 lie . ilniand bolder i! Ill lei i;i. ri,. ii. .il, M .il ;i h fiom JjvJ Every body is using our 20c Mocha. ffa and Java Coffee and our I. X. L Flour, is is 1 E. B. HACKBURN4 s p ,-i; .1. d : nil. 1 .1-11, ,.r ,,! ,n In I .olid, in , .1 an h i cvciy i, a-in; I" -,ippi Is plo, I edlllL.' I pOil I ll ri vei , I he loiiio -0 ccaled A ill- pal, I, fnnii I hai I'm -id, I ! ; 1 1 ,1 I I i i i al ' i on je :,l 1 ,, Kin ' I i II I ii . Jan. 111. t nit heavy nolle The tin lied al it hi iil'. I ! I, object of 1 ep I e-e'll 11 II, nil Melll ' i he h.-h ,,l Ih- I 'i Un:' gel; cAi Gaskill & Mitchell's Grocery II will II, I- III I llllll lav's Trmle N'eW , I. in kw In i: ,1 eirkn: Mapl i l;. -'unlay oltiaUnl -mil Ii In In c i p ', 1. 1, , I., , i li'i llm emeill I, T -!a, ,n I men, It,,, i. lo III are I, A- ! y ane lo!e ! the I force f.nc Hun po-s w,il 111 Ih , I, fl a pr. . Mi, -,l l.a.li 1,1 llntllillL' HillleTs either on villi 1.1 IBM i n on ihe lJ I v e I o h 1 1 Hens S i n p I. ,1 l-iU I I'.xll.lcl. In, ken ;iinl Ini -io ills ami Vegetal,!, fo i; i' k Us III, , I I I en I im I He, anil Fancy Hit 1 1 a f. ,f all kin.l- I. ('annul 1' l (M ALI I V, l(lN IN lln- Hello llav.n ( (Ull. V 1 1 wi a go ,,nl sinnke i v mil' 1 ! -ri 1 11 i , ,, y ,,:i me ii.,w using. mill Toli.lOL',1 al m a s In lie GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, QkOCERIES: ;?UOAI) STUKFI'. I,. I.. 1 lo mi x w i our dt nrr, b I Vim r use Mixture .'ISSlirl lllelll "f lille ( i'HI'M It nun I SI reel. IKWDWARI:: Ml DIM.!-: STliKiri'. Fin, tie i ; Iil III 1 1 ad l-l ,.(' 4, I III lillllk of I ll.e l-.i.el , ni.e linn reat.il tin imi. 1, " , n will , E. H. a J. A: Moms Co., M AN T FACTl'ItKItS- ti,, 7 10 7 21 2t) 4 H 4l Si. Joii xs. .I.ni.iar v cable Hieaini r Kiiinco llcved to be shipw reek bay. The ship h i;i petau utMriiMniung .r ,aa .u- 0-gT . vo , i I bn I balh - ropJiataa. flrt XrtkMipla fana for uUr yt w mU ihli (ari Uat H tad bat mOIoIjm MONEY CAN BUY. or Colcnao, and tha trenchea wllh water, ll l aald that tb Bnri who arr hold ln(j Mount lllaiffwana ara Uolatcd be rauta Uie temporary bridge oyer Ilia Tu gela ha Iwen carrlad away. Chance of Criminal Court for Crareu County. By Act of Uta laat l4glalatom the Febraary term of tbe Circuit CMaalnai Court vat (banged from tba third Moa day to Iba found Monday la February, being Feb. Mtb, 1900. I W. M, Wataoa, Clerk. r Ilf I'li'Ili ll s Aiago is In ,1 III ! t Mary's lered ( roin ( - f and Hankl, and was dm- at Ht Mary'abay ! repair a broken cable The crew inn, lier''d 1 JO, of whom none were nave, I 1 1 In believed llnil the ship caught lire and waa run aborn The goyerninent n am yacht and a bay aleamer were netit today liillirwnio of the wrec ked steamer lo ace If any of the crew mirylved New York, January HI The general manager of the company abl today that he did I think lhal lha ncl I ml In St Mary'a Bay wa the Krancla A rage Tlila yrnael left Havre a weak ago for St I'lerre N. V. and wa nol yet due Ac cording la the rallmalre abe ( y rl ln hundred in I lea noiith of New Found land. Now ll th lln.e li I lilt foi I ll. 1 Sill, ,11 Knilll polil. n.i, I , h e he, i, , - l.olel repoi I . I 1 1, i pUi I at line .Mendel It , , of I ,1 I, ' O I ellgKgelll.'l, lllterenl p, I till' h A I I, I - ll i o 1 1 1 , 1 n 1 n illlliillj In tlood , II li l,e .hill ',,, e UirU p., i X, epl liy n I- I. .'Il,vc, I lo ll M lleelv i,li 1 1 s vi- Inki'll .'.inls dlong l he Ml 111 Ir I of Meadows' Grade Special Guanos. If you farm on I tie int. 111(111 (IPAt)l- (1UANO. ustve h vt .-in mill for rnlit, yon nnistl uac (Im I, noils an- sjs'i iiillv ada, li'll for lIllH (WMtioll. ronje for ih thing Mum, III- , ,lte. ll,U Is hellev , lo he 1,11 re, ', re is ir.Miii lo iuppoiie lhal inni vm ,,uie again"! (oleno mid ilinni;wanp Hiinullaueoiiiily ilh ire ,.f I'nrlgielol Dillt Potato Cabbage i I'miI t , v Ihe larg-esU an, most aucccasf nl fanncra in Una tttion. Tlieir Field Itcaullit ajM'ak louder lhan Word. West InJics Claims SclllcJ. Hpe ial to .loin rial. Hi IIiiuimiii. Jan lit The Krench debt of two liunilrrd and eight thousand franca, In liquidation of the Itolamnre (Nrcayelli claim, la paid Kverylhlng la eettled to the aatUfactlon of the French and Dominican (joyernmenn NI'Kl.IAL. aiANOH FOIl A I.I. CHOPS. I,. T Trayla. Agent Houlhern It ll.. Hellna. (la . write, "lean nol y Ino much la prala of One Minute Cough M Care. In my cane ll worked Ilka a charm." j Tba only barmlcaa remedy Ibal glrfe Tba mrxlern and mail effrcllre Im mediate reanlla. Care ooughj, cold, for contlpHon and all Hrer troubl eraoD. broncbltla, and all throat and loaf, Iba famona Utile pill known a DeWltl't i ae Mo-iow,- gold LKAF TlHUOOO 0UAN0. Trii and Triie) for Color, KilkuM-M ami Fine Tcitnne. Mannfactoml in the bright Icuf mo tion of the State, mid rciall (irepaml for lite tlfrsjl of Oir land. If intiTceleel arml for leaflet of analjaia and t.-timonialii. Our ItKK) Calendar aim for th taking. trouble. F8 Do fly. Ullla Early Hlaera. T 8 Da If. r E. H. & J. A. j Wot an Union roint. MEADOWS CO., Kw Bern, K. C i ; f