Ijefit vim. Mr xxii. NKw BfcRN, CKAVKK U.Uim. N. ( . FRIUaV JAM hV 19 i'i II". I) Ml H'MBItt B7 mmn.li. Populis'.s Not Yet Decided on Their Stand on Amendment. MQVEF.UHTS- UHKHQWM. Results of Euller's Advance Across the Tufela Unknown. FOR A PACIFIC CABLE. Prltchard is I'aforlnaat Ski nicnts 10 Purls. Tobaeeo Grow ers Arriving The Small Pox Tages. State Hoard Matters. llALF.u.n, Jan. 17 Some Pupulisl leaders are saying loday thai ibey faver ihe silence of their Stale commit tee regarding the constitutional anieud went, but alao favor tbe holding of a l'upuliht confeienee soon after the coin nainee ailjouius and before ttie conven tion meets. Tnls cnfeience ts to deride upon . lie pailv policy as lo tbe amen.! Uitnt. A leiter was written fioin here by tbe editor of The l'rogrestit r-'anuei. ask ing the atatua of the constitutional amendment In Louiaiana. Tbe reply a&ya (here has been no State election sin'' the constitutional convention adopted the present constitution; that tbe negro yet participates in nominating convention?, as there are as yet no laws governing primaries; that this feature is vto y objectionable to all t lie people without regard to party; and thai until the e'o. ilon next Apio very liillecanbc said nf piTc. i , I here bring none yet. l.o'.' Ila-ita -"ays Ibat smallpox struck the K." ' : . in sccii' ii h'foie fstnator l'r . Ii . . . n 1 I pi is. ' he: e and I hat he lliluk- vel!"W fever wiM p H i U ; Wilming ton b- 11:00. !l nre hood i 1 0. -I to i-'.i.-i -tl !.o vlfi of i 'it N. oily ,1 ,V I : r.Ucli.id speaks hlnks I lie Senators K Sh: aim ;.-super- Bo, ' of ! no p lonei le A i: ' i .1. :i l c .iiercil ooi. iimv'.i farm. 1 :l tlie ili'ectors innii lell would no Cannot be Far From Ladvsmilh (antral Warren May Strike Pram Ilehind. Boers fte pulsed by General . French London, Jan. 17 The military critic I I Secretary Long and AJtilra Bradford on Senate B11L Wasiiikutos, Jan If -Secretary Long and Kear-Admlral Bradford appeared before the Senate Committee on Naval ' Affairs loday In advocacy of tbe con struction of a Pacific cable by the Gov ernment. The Secretary's statement re lated entirely to the feasibility of the plan and its advantages over doing the i work by private enlei prise. I Jlear-Admiral Bradford detailed the! nnnr&liona nf the collier Nera which in I CONSOLIDATION. ACROSS THE RIVER- Seaboard Air Line Adds Other Roads To Its System. The Ryan Opposition Overcome Tax Assessment Matter. Hie Hurt icae and 815(00 in Stamps. Iturned Shops to he Rebuilt. Hmkh.ii, January 18. Creat ptoreB of the Morning Leader, who is known to jB0W eogage ln making B preilminary j was made here yesterday towards tbe mi'l loieiiaiiv, with t7'i,0t)(l c.-ipiiu'. '0;;:; 'i.o d .-t Se'ma yestct .dr.. It pn.pl. ii .i in hiive it lemly for ope. ai ii 1 f .v . , b not of t he year. Five shi. incuts of Nm t b Carolina e' t. 1,.. i nnd Wales II . tlieni A ,.,:. Male lfi!)K ale i a ( to- r p .. i T..e I' . Ill, . .. tA;i r- coii',.1 to H (i i ' Ne:son : Cl::. t,e-i w U1 V ' Uil dweiWiir oir. II I- l-H. 't'O e ml 1'iai K . i.ii.iiio iv lir o the del. w I .1 i: ;,;.!n liven' i ll.i a wi re Pnited e el ve to Ihe mi lias ::, ilS Ol I . I am '"I : Ol' ' I lie' . 0 : it "1 adiv. ! I s, , I i ' 1 1 s .t h it i-'. . linn hi I bo e.. ly .d c.ii, -.i i-'.i- ion cif i ne o. a i:ev i). is in j ill hole, ;ai iii u to. 'in s wife. The rTiHi i 1.. .ike into Hie o (.''' i ..I i . n.i 1 i ii 'od he- T.ea A i i v . i abm.t i ter mid limnie r ei n pt I. i i WimIIi has a lel.ei fiom lit. v i 'i i!i,..c w is a eood deal sin., i -ox s in.itioii. Tbe wri- loil i c.mi lo ol moutbs airo a ol people BiifTertIT!' from an no I about two works ugo It bc- g.ri lo Iw ospocleil that It was sina'1- pox Ki, til doolios iipi.Io an exnmiii. tt u; twos iv. ii' Hint II was 9itnill...r aud ihrec an e it lug it win only chicken- po i ! ne lot lni es on lo njy lb.il only iwo pi i sons uro k nil Hint cliild'cn won tint tmi'tloii tut sml play. Tbe ffi r-lloit .il!in v would make ilself ft'l 'ii tin: Stui e mis n 'nter wete wrl fin.ndcd. 'I ie Ailjutam tJeiicisl Lai reolved a r poilfuini lolonel J. Aiinnelil, on the F'list Igunei)t Stale ( nard. The colonel say it t ie are Hi otlheis and 472 enlisted men i.i the eleven companies of Hie refl uent nd lliat only th.eocon pa ilos biivo soy anna or eiulptocnts The one company miatiug is K (Ualelgb) Cnpl Bsver, who was to i-oiganUe It. and a nuiii'-ei of the in on. who were 10 compose It, are now lu Ihe Philippine.! Cainot Coin the Gold. Wahhmj t' .x, I). C. .lutiuary 10 An amroil'Miil of lb (old standard bill so ai lo pe-.nH a pan o' the gold ase-va to lxi tie 1 1 In tioliinn w'll tie recommended b 1 'ir I: ibu j ! Hie Henate PI Bi n e t o mu ll. e. M . Culeili bns been going i a -f inn t lie bl'l, In older to Judge nf p.i Hi l oilngi nter the Ail.uil-iiil'T of tbe Ticasii'v, aud . Y iOtd I fat ll ia si Jiplu and piHCilcabi In rami of iia fealmes. - He a; Id todty. bowtvn , Hid It would ba abaoiuiclr luipriM.ilctii la art aaliia -.0,t"Oi,ltOO In gold tola, m rxpilraH by tb heiiata til1', "'he T easa vbns plenty of (b'd. Tar la f vi of lb nouat rt ciulieJ u idfli il I'll, but a la g paiCl to fohl Uuiiton. Tlw atnoat cIToila of lh ', al'.boogk tbey wtr workeil at a biiLtie. fsia last jeatlbaa aver be be exceptionally lucky in obtaining In side news, writes that on-Honday iuoin ! ig General Warren's division was encamped between Springlield, where Uenaral Bullet at the time had his head quarters, and Bethany, five miles north of the former pluce, and that Duller had assuredly one, and it was believed two, passages of the river i i his hands. A careful study of lopograpblcal con ditions shows the wisdom of such con centration on tbe extreme British le.'t. The plan would be to tum the heights to the north and northwest of Colenso, aud ihus compel their evacuation; then la attack the Boets on the left between Buller rnd General White. There is considerable ground for be lieving that the Boers around Lodyamlth are preparing for some such attack, al though they are not turd from which do ruction it will come. A late dispatch from the besieged town reports signs of Boer preparations bein made for a pos sible retreat. lifts to the north and west are being fortified, while a few big guns biive bei'i posted lo comiii.itid a British approach from the south, t'n dotibledly the burghers know the peril o' lieing caught between two armlet., to which they are exposed, and as they all along have been excoilenllv sctved by their scouts, the movements of General Buller are pei impj by no moans mysteri ous to them. Lomion, J in. I'i. The Daily Midi lias received the following dispatch from Son I Ii A ft ion: Pletcmaiit.hurg. Natal. .Inn 1' There was very heavy lirlnir to the north esterday Jl Is believe the lioers are cutiiesll'ig the passage of Ihe Tugchi by General Duller. The howitzers were evidently bus , us the IHng is described a3 the heaviest vol heiiid in Natal. I he e is a iliuoi tb il a poilion f ll e Iji iltsh lorco is near Laiksmilh. I.omi i;;, ,1 an til.- '. ne Times has the ili.v. lug fiom i'.eli linn il.bui", da. id Tuesday: Veiy btiivy ni littery fiifug was beard ) CKlerday in Ihe ill . ectioti of Spring liehl "' Kens'ourg, Cape Colony, January l"i (deljycd in transmission;. - The Doc s this inomi.ig alicmpled to rush a lull Id by a company of the Yorkshires and lue Now Zealuii'loi s, but luey weie io pulsed at the point of the bayonet. The Boers, according to Brit sh ar itiuts, bad 21 men ki'led aud about fill won uilod G. II Appleton, Justice of Peiico Clarksburg, N. J., sayr, "DcWttl's Little Early Uisirs are the lesl pills made foi constipation V e use no ol hers, tjtiick ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. K S Duffy MORGAN DEFENDS CAROLINA. Says Her White Hen Shall Nut Be Dcrad ed Ey Negro Equality. CnMti.oTTK, N. ('., January 17 Sena tor Morgan, nf Alabama, has replied to Ihe resolution recently passed by the Democratic Executive Committee of Mecklenburg county thanking him for speech against Senator Prilchard's ieto. lullon In the United States Senate de claring the p'oposcd amendment to tbe North Carolina constitution unconstitu tional. Senator Margan writes in part as follows' 'The veneration In which all true Americana hold tbe 'birthplace of Amer lean Independence' and the honor that belongs to the race of int i who first de clarod our Independence. Impress m with the moat si nee -e gratitude far your approval of my effort to rcslo-e la them the great heritage bequeathed lo theji by Ihelr lathe.. ' it Is not becoming In the decendan. of such men voluntarily lo submit thel political destiny to the condlllan of equality with the negro race, and there It no leral compulsion that require of tbi m such dangerous and depraving hu mlllatlan. "The people of the United S.s'.et at , poi1 will ajalu declsra your llba.'.y and your equality with your o vq ta ccalora, and wIM lellevc you ot tha in suUlpg aligoia that you ate ou'y tbi political or aoclr' tquilt of the negro lac. "Tb Mtcklenbr dmlarailoa of loda survey of the proposed line west of lion olulu. He said Ihe Burvey had been com pleted and the Nero was on Its return, making a zigzag survey, According lo the reports af prelimin ary wort, the proposed cable was entire consumatian of the plans of tbe Greater Seaboard Air Line System. Meetings were held of the directors aud stockholders of the Raleigh and Gaston Bailraad, aud resolutions were adopted providing for the immediate net, they contain is Two Of General Buller's Divisions North Of The Tugela. Big Battle I'ruhnbl) lu l'roicrew-. Figutiur M Mafikin- Gen eral French I- i.eiu; i:in fiiieed From t ape I ow n Shelled the Trenches. I.oMhin, Jali 11 At at the H.'.ll'O mystt 1 y is pai I ly S'llvoil bv ttie s,.iii.il cablegrams to Loudon papets staiiht; I Lh i l.ytllelon and VYa.icn have cmsscii i lit Tugela. 1 lie ijibleui ains win looeivod in l.on don hi J o'el.M-k ttii.-. looininir T lie J. L. McDANIEW Wholesale and , Retail Grocer, : I'KUAD STREET IS H EAIXjUA UTERS FOR GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS TOISAftO, WNIIFF AI K.iltS. ly practicable. It is to run from gan I merger with the Raleigh and Gaston j has iiten 1 1 I w hat Still O all la. I loin. Tb u, Frano'co to Honolulu, thence via tue Midway Islands, and Guam to Dingala bay, Island of Luzon, with a spur for commercial purposes to Yokohama. The average depth between Honolulu and Midway Is 2,700 fathoms; between Mid way and Guam, 8,000; between Guam and Luzon, 2,800. He estimated the cost at $1,050 per knot, which, with the amount necessary for steamers, offices, etc., would tiring the cost up to $10,000, 000. He placed the entire length of the cable at 8,294 knots, which allows 20 per cent for slack and detours. BUFFETS ON STREET CARS. Chicago Trolley Company To Inaugurate Buffet System, ('tin Ai o, Jan. 17. The Record tomor row wi'l say: "The Chicago Union Traction Company will in the near fu luio inaugurate a buffet service on street cars. "Tne ai ;angement will be similar to laat between the Pullman Company and the railroads. The cars will be run at staled intervals, always as trailers, and wi'l lie conducted as well as any liana cor.lliienlial dining car. ''Besides coffee and luncheon, cigars a id llguors will be obtainable. An extra a.e o' r cents will be charged for the p.lvl'ege ol ruling on the bullet. Fort Monroe. Norfolk, Va., January 17 Fort Mon ro -. which guards tne entrance to Wash I iiiI on, lin'liaiore sou this port, Is now we1'.- t'.gh Impregnable. The woik of pulling in position mortars and dlsap p:ailng guns of the most improved pat tern, wb'ch has been going on for months, Is nea'ing completion, and wh-n the work shall have been finished e bbloiic old fortification will be one of the strongest coast defenses In Amct- ica The new ordnance Is lodgtd behind val's of cement I') feet high and 00 feet hick and ia capable of throwing saVld projei tiles a distance of five mites. To Mark Antietam. Wasaihhtso, Jan 17. Mr. ltalelgh Sbei .nan, of Sharpsburg, Mil., called on Kepiese.ilatlvo Pea: re today In regard to fu ncr signs and memorials for tho bat- t'e n.ou.id of Anlletam. Mr, Sherman Is apejlal'y deslroUB of having the bridge known as tlj' Burnsidc bridge further marked. Mr. Pearre Is much interested In matters connected with the park, aud p omiscd to ca operate with Mr. Sherman ia his piojnct. Puerto Rican Duties. Wasi.inoton, Jan. 10 Tho principal subject of discussion at today's Calil let meeting was tbe present unsatisfactory stale of Puerto Itlco. Tho President par llcutarly desires a material reduction in the present tariff duties on Imports from Puerto Rico to the United Stale. It was slated today that an entire remor tl of tbe duties would bo eminently aati.ifao lo y should Congress so decide. It Is pointed m t that the Puerto Klc, ant aro practically shut oat of United Slate markets, with tbe result that busl nesa of all kinds is ttagaant and a a;en eral depression In all branches of In dusl-y prevails throughout tbe Island. foro.weia i ial'a to coavail Into Coll tb (test . of w foHl bat Hon da-' pndeeM wonld aom bar hrn wade ursrwi t int ikwj oiutOT iMim in; in ii yonr tainars aao oppootu mat u tnenx old p'odnct of California, Ool-: woold U o pvrvorud and aboaod a 16 radu and ilo Elondlke. , " , Ci'iefle Cabled Ajnlnaldo. I tLvonraia,o f id A Waak f Jngoi VI' fnlteiialpl.lt f ro $f ti Aiitrtw ( arfhi puj tb (oar lkot44 dotlati wblck lu MIr4 to rsb'a antir Ua ipeoeh Agvlitl . do Tbt tiaiecfnl It aid tl Darna- llciatlol lm Ikls apwKk a a ' b4t koa boIji tiomimat , -Bktf'ifonoiMilmo. - ' " . Corot.tnorolMCtnd Band lean it taifoei tb Ir poaloihy to political o oclr tqoalliy with lk ntg'6 laco." UT.TratU,' Agtnl (tontborn -JL miln,0a., wrhoa, "Imi Bot ttf too asnck U pia of Oa Mlnatn t'togt Ctro. it i Urn It wottrd llko eiam.' Tba only hajj.iM rroody tkal shot Immedlsl wall. Carat aoaiaa, coMa, eraap, trroncblitt, mad all throat and laif troablta. FSDaff. ' - , . ' " " ,mmm m t rrompt and tatafal atuatloa btlwayi lri t amerlptloai at Pitta fraa trlptika rkataacf , ttd"yaa lkr to at 1114. . r ,-:- ' Ratifies Samoan Treaty. WAHfliKOTOK, Janaary IB. The Senate loday ratified tht Bamoan treaty without division. Tb ratlOcation occurrod In bk ecu live toatloa and after two hour of dobata, wbloh was partlclpall in by a numlier of Soaalor. Meura. Dwvis, Formker and Bnooaar' advocalad and Senators Bacon, Monoy and Tlllsaan op poaad ratification. Senator Baoon made lb loadlna; rpaech lo opposition lis baaed bl objection upon the puiorsl croonda tbal ll waa cout-arr to the spirit of i ur lastllollon lo attonipl to jovom aay peopl In opfoaltlou to thalr wishes. Kallroail, of the Raleigh and Augusta Ail Line, of the Durham and Northern Bailiaod, Ihe Carolina Central Railroad, the Georgia Carolina and Northern Rail road, he Palmetto Railroad and Cheste- -field and Kershaw Railroad. Under the plan adopted all the physi cal properties of the above mentioned ailroad companies will be forthwith acquired by the Knloigh and Gaston I;a:- road Company, thus increasing the mil' ai;e owned by the Ka'eigh and Gaston to eight hundred miles. Arrangements were aiso mane for the issunincc of $5 OOO.OMI first mo:l;,a;e bonds upon tho Kaleigh and Gas on Railroad properties, including its ownei ship In other lines of tie $0,(10: ),00(l there is lo be 1 1, 200.000 reserved ia the treasury for the put pose of ro.irlng tbe prcienl outslunding bonds of the Kaleigh and Gaston linilroad Company. The total indebtedness or a '. t lie roads lo be th i'i Inunedia'e1)' mi!"'g(.d with I be ltnleigh and Gaston l! ';l'oad, Inc. ud;n new bonds to be issued, will be about ()00,0( I, or loss iha'1 Tr i S i 0 per mile on the N't) miles ol 'road, which will be directly owned by the 1,'iib-lgh ami Ga lon Company. The earnings of the system show a large surplus over and above II e into, est on all bonds now outstanding of those proposed to be issued Tho vote upon iUestions sulmii.ted to the meetioc stood l!.'.Hi7 In favor a'ld lit shares against.. Tluse IS sl ates weie volidbythe iilleincys ol Thomas I'', liyan. Meelii-s woio also hold of the stool; holders of t be Dm imm and Noiihe n I'.i'lioad, and evev shale of stool, of I m1 company was .epiescnteii aou oien unnnlruouslv in favor of the meo'i r with the Raleigh and Gaston Rail.oad Con. pany Al the next niceling of the stoekhold ers of t he Raleigh and G.i-ion, whicnj will lake place on Janus y -I'st .he to iliiisilio'i of nddltiona' laoioads will pi obably be beai d . A railroad al orney said a day or so ago In speaking of Judge Siiiioiilon's de cision iu the tax assessment mallei that the Stale was no further along now than It was al Ashavllle last August. The packing of the 1 ,0Ol articles which the Stale will exhibit at l'arls, slid which the transport I'raiiie will take from Baltimore Ja uiary 2m h. has been carc'u'ly done. Lieutenant O'lvi r fl Dook. ry, Thiid Infantry, V . S. A., Manila, has made his friends here happy by the gift of big PblMppine cigars, tlne'v llavoieu Commlssloucr K. J. Bust w ii hear a Prime todsv new In this Stale Invnlvlnij ke (iiicsilon of limitation of liabHi'y of ship owners. It Is for a I .t load uf eat tie A mortgage filed for leglstral o i hme, bv the llalelch ik Gaston Railroad, lo the Continental Trust Company of Bal.l- more, as trustee, Is for f.,H00,(MHl. Theie were tl.900 of revenue stamps on ll. 1 1 is signed by David Warfleld, presidrni ,and K. C. Drcyct, president of tin- trust com psdy, and Blackford, SI. John aid Wil im Kuarp, fi the rallroid. and wl nested by K J. I), (l oss aid W. II. I) Vlro President St. John says the Sea board Al' Line wilt rebuild Ihe homed. shops lieie as soou a the consolidation of the line is completed, that the cotton compres wl'l lie icmovdl fiom tbe souare In the cltv It now occiiiiies snd on the Istlei a freight depol will lx- built Tba compress will be put ap at tbe cot ion nlalfnini and the warohone noitli f JtePcahoard Air Lin yards Mnn itnlerates ar-lvod lo alien. I 'be mwtlngo'the lobarco srowe' s of l StsU-. at the cso'tal AM appea.ed to i flrnl wild 'foil to 'p 001 Ihe lotiarrn t'usi's woik lu Niir.lt (;arollna, I? possl day 'I no later newspaper d'spa'ches thai on .ei U pnlo ir ahead on h wheie be has s.reng low, howevc cava', v and show - lei t 1 1 dues not fo - lh.it he wi'l enta igle his ..il ai'i'.e y among the fool hi 'Ik o' ' he Diakensberg range, in which he w '1 opeiale. T'.e cava.ry and I'ht ai I ille. y may be and probably me, fai away on tne i ght It is now known lhal a large column has been se.it down lo Dm ban and thence into Zi: 'hi. i io I I'm t he pu i pose of working !' ouiid 1 no K.ii ' u 1 1 enio eastern llank mill hi .o! Mir I'i ! .0' I li l lit inid V r;, heid dial! icl , whoi e i lie I . o ips i -i.i ut in on the Boer on i ii.i;i'0!i'.:oi s , -nl uny find I hem. i Ives al or ni-.ir l.Mlysmilh and the Newcastle l'toiwav . It i- i i blent ii.it llo ni hi i Mmng 1 .1 1 1 1 b.ibty h I'l.-Ot fo: i e ol Bi ei battle v iW pi pel haps h Is ai:o; not 1'ie ma i i. ' ie to ';'ve 1 o l..i nun .ie i.-d In . the ciinn't on o Ail iMhile y G."H1 1'' i o no I : ' near ( olosboi da v '1 ' oops have Town to iein'ou-e (ll ue: nl G a' acre eoutni nih-'il :.! Su that if ilie vv,.iiiei) must take iln ii i io t io event i n.i :. Tois noiy o.ilid ii. : A dhi , 11 alio 11 ' Cape t . r in to In nt ol him A big oe 'niiiii today, or stu: toil, lor limlcr is e lesson al Colenso . nm. i- 1 ' ine I ban he i oein I. , i eason of (ji a me I oioined belwee'i ."ps and ihe lioei po Cohmy, on Tiles It.-en soul from Ca e Ceneral l-'iench. lots warned t he loier i obeig. Cape Colony a o not reuioved they ..I. e of I it-hi ir shot in i io k on I li.a place ii.at Gataoie has de J. L. McDaniel, 7i i.iioai sTitr;i; r. At Gaskill & Mitchell's Grocery a c a i :. ol loo , -prt i. i o Meibueu'. I : . iMnil.lor -hi '.: i t III- . Th-Bo-' . II' 11. V i h liner s in ule 'I. dlsiliili' diioloso tool, p A H o - . pi i i stn1 o , tiat . oe I . i . ne - i. no. i l'v I Maf, !. , s ,e' , It)1) in 'es ii -I .'i G o:.l I. ,., Ihe si-li '1 I io- ll 1 1 ei The lolluwi ed b) .1 K I.: bio, and to could do It Hunk il.n If uniiisl I bey Robert ta Stay 01' TTiantssfoi, Jaaaary 1? Uf a vat of lo I tba tpaclal Ilitua oobmo'iuo to liTlatf tb o( Brt(la II. KoborU, l V tab, dockfei t) rport ta fator af tietotioav at tba att, A fomai ttntataaal ( Jota'aa prpr. Oa U ,tMaitoa p( proatvttra U b adopt od b etmtltiM waa alvUad. Tk Majority, antlatlat af all Ik Mtnbjrt tiept Llu)a14 (Mala) aait in D Aranoad (MUaoari), faTortd aiclutoa al lb ooUtt. Mawara. CltUoflald tad Da Aratoad will kaaka at ailaottly ptport faToraol to MaHag Itobatta M alt prima facia rlfki 4 tka ipTUaf HIM it'Mwn't Indlc.ie onkllty Bewail- of cminlerfell anil worlhleas salve f!i oil for DoWlll'a Witch Haffl Halve DeWItt Is Hi" only original An Inlal I lit cute for nlles and all skin illet-e PS Duffy Separate Cars ! Virginia. Ricwuniin, January 17 Tb Iloosa naaaarf. wllboat .dlMltiof Vi le, th r.pp brtl, providing far taparat ooich a for wall and black. Tbla aaiii ao torn 10 la Sraat, wkor It I ltk- lt to a0T otipotUtoa. Ty eurt, IboviB adopltA by lu adocala,tt, l- Uilag tba dt(d for tba, Nil la a'l at ttaaf ot lb etata'jo aftng. U Cct taaaiort 4 DaU(4t kr roa)Ttg bHtttt by avtry tnaU lstslla span tWr tapponiag th Kpp or noma sins' tar kill. THE BEST ilxxiltl U your aim l'wbn boylnf tn0iotn. Get Hood't SanaparTlla and bavt (ho bt Bodkrioo MONEY CAN BUY. in M utcki ni' ,t - '.r.' .', n ic icwtil am -iiin'ii .lu lu Jiinn-iiy a ) i- i-i iuiv:i u i it; ! ,, .1.1 .ii ,Moclnnl aliout ., Gil J.I'Ml.i I . Ims ilft i.lt-ti lo i i leasu :i :il( -utnur lin mlefrnl Ii COTTON MARKET. tliain N i in ilall.in Now 11 1 oIlK. I I 10.1 . were leeeiv cm, N. C. lannaiy !. i. Low. Close Ian. col ion 7 4 .' 1 Vi 7 lilt 7.12 May citlon . 1 -' 7 li 7. I'.i 7. '.li Sep I . col ton . . 'i 'Jd I II li M.' . m Mil, i t - WllKT 1 'pi 11 llyil. Low ( IUSU May o. I. . b'-. Cons - May r:, u:, CoK'li .' Maich . . ' 0 . i: r "0 7 A 8. R'y I'I. I . . B. R. T I.''. "'-'I C. .VO " ;'. Heading ... '' A S. W 4(',' Ree-lpt-i at coilon pons weie 19.HM kales. Til nn llillli. Hie Mule. New Oileiuis, January Hi. The Amer Iran mule niuM be vaccinated lieforo be can be enlisted I'i Ihe British Army ser vice In rsoulli Afilca In Ihe future. The AdmlialU has oassod upon bin case Slid the (In :o IS linal. AcMln InrTimii. VV Il.leio'i .Pa . Januarv 17 -The l,S' employes of the l.ehlr.li Valley Coal Companv In this region wcia notified to day of Im tease of 2 per cent In their wages, the Ini reae bavli g gone Into erToel January 1 Tiitu Ii the second I i aisase the men have received tdnro De cemlii i Mt Specialties :ire Flour, no (aitTfif von ever Baw, M Simw I r i ft.. Star atni Meat ami CofTuo. I have the best Admiral Floor stand at the bcail . 1 ti-r of t Iioijo liraniis and von will lo jiloascd with your 1 Li vi- tho l.iropit .'mil lio-t so 1 1 1 I'.ein, and 1 ran savu von ui tn y, Kverytlting (ittaranteeJ as HepjewnteiJ. (iood Staliles Free. .ook of i i 1'oceries in Now tip I'lMIII tin- II. ili. lav's Tiuiii hi v ill linil ovoi'vl 1 1 i 1 1 tr do mis in place. Now I' tick w lii at in 10r, 1 " r ami .Tic .:ic'. ti'os. .Maplo Svt'itp iiml Fatioy liiillof. I'olloil Mi;. its of all k imls, chicken ami turkey for lioof Kxtrarl. Ctinnoil Fniil.s ami 'coctal)l(4 I'I' l (.H'ALITV, DOWN IN IMM' K. T'rv (ho Ill-Hi- llavon Corn, yon will tt.-'o no nt her. I ry our 1 ort'pto to nii .1 Ni I'or a omul sni' my liiliacco you aro now iml Tobacco always to lie 1 ti.siit";. A 'J, at our stoic. iai til with V'tir asrsoi iinciit Bioail Street o Mixt.nn ine Ciiirs GASKILL & MITCHELL'S, HARDWARE: M i 1)1 1.10 S'l KF.r. 'I'lione Ml lil OROCERIRS: BUOAD STUKKT. H. & I, Meadows Co., -MANUFACTl'IiERS- Meadows' Grade Special Guanos. If you farm on the intensive system anil for proli HIGH ORADE GUANO. Our (liK)ds are h c tul ly ailapled for thin section. you must ii: v Potato Cabbage 1 1. tin ir Field si am! most successful fanners ik louder t lian Words. his section. lie.SUlI.S Spi SPi: I II, C.tTANOS FOK AII CItOPN. i se MoaiiowK' gold LEAF TOBACCO GUANO, (Tril ami 'rue) for Color, SilkinesH timl Fine TYitiue. Maiiiifiurtiireil in the bright oaf socluin of the State, ami specially picparoil for the iic"(1h of nir land. If iiitoi'esti'il koiiiI for lentlel of analysis ami tosl iinonials. Our 1 '.H KI ( aloiiilar also for the asking. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., Works: l iiion Point. New Hern, N. C. i Santa Claus Makes No Mistake ! i l.rttl Kun. Kli-t ihesiiltil manager -Whoop '. I vo koI a i;nt Idea! Lei's rstch Ajiuln shlo sad iliMiiinllac him rV-eonJ I 1m alt leal inansrjct ll'sven- I 'He can't evi n speak Knf,Hs'i Pi. si ibealrlrsl manager - Ye, bot think what a r.eal run he would 1 in to have fss' f David llnrjia in IVroibr tlons anunlnt lo 6a,T;V copies, fhal lb teal sui cess ot this book la I con tlna la la a year tm 4 a fnd eai4 by laapala aalaa of S,0C ) op- 1m annlrj I. Ttrkeu Pot reU ntpirUM. Tfca tut aniabar of tlrkau to b prlniod tor tb Eipoltln ot 100 It IM 13,000. Wl en he rhi f . ll eXnM feas J mm 01 r slock ot Fancy and Maple Mio.vrica. Ol r Itojriil Flour for yoor Xmaa baVinc, our tiiirbir and eiinlsluly flavored ( i.fTo ard Toaa, Oi t Finn Pud. ol , K. lishn. Cryitsllwd PraiU hi ' 'mi, er, Piinlirn a d D lniJ lb i h , To4! Mii-r t'i'at llt lbr snd m-ri'a Mlm M nt wl I mis. I wi h Ihe lavor ll the roi -nolr ur. W I tvo In a lrp sblpi i IViai t.ful Kklata moo Olory tad ll It Bo. ' 1 Lawtoa rs4 a,aaa, Wblgta, Jaaaary 17-Tk VMaJ ol Malan Qrap, 0. ll'Ornla Orangja tm i A.?plet sal Dar ana. Nu'la, RoHiai aa) Flft, la let trnytaiog Khyi ae4 Ftsb fur Xmaa. 'X2GIVEME A CAlLn : . 'CS-3TOCc33?. laa Utei tei U bow 1 50,000, 1 11 i . 1, ,.. -" '