TUE WEEKLY JOURNAL BsuUtoM lira. Published n Two tVctJon, every Tuns day and Friday, at M MkUi Suae, new Bora, N. C CHARLES U STEVENS, uiito mu norunot. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Months 85 toll Tjireee Mentha, 86 . x Months 60 ' Twelve Months, 1 ONLY IN ADVJlNCE. A'tvi-rlisini! rates furnished upon up lili.niii.ii at the office, or upon iu(juir by mail. fyThe Jovr.nal i only sent ou pay hi :t.i .iiu-M basm. Sabscribr re will n'eeivv notice of expiration of their sub S- a I I't '.' 'PS. ai.tl toi llliuieoini; it-n.u.-i v . will be appreciated by Jt.ltlN i . Hit ilirr.l at the l'ostoflioe, Ktw Bern . am secend-claas matter. Ci. 1 S. ctiun One Tuesday, Jan., -3, li00 CONSLCRATED FALLACIES " A wi iter in the North American He iev nioralies entertainingly on "conse crnli'il fallacies" anil devotes consldera Me spare to the familiar dictum that "all men are created equal. " Thi is con tained in the immo.tal Declaration, i--.mil at a time when slavery waj an acknowledged institution, and a doeu-m.-nt that was spoken of as long ai;o as liaf'i-Ciioale as made up of "glilleilrm aad sounding generalities." T ; i o writer of llm above metitiontd :it licli might have included with profit tin' phrase so often heard, "1 have a right M my opinio.i," as much as to say that t here is a certain "inalienable right" 1 hat i !i pets, i has to his or hr own opin ion as belonging to them and that they ii .v.' a right to express that opinion. icganilesa of how slight foundation it has to re id upon, or whether the matter ha.- undergone any investigation by 1 1. cm. It is the fault of this class of persons H at their conclusions are jumped at. Tory are usually caiu'ht by plnases. A ny thing that is called "free" strikes tli in favorably at once. A country like l!;i Transvaal that is called a " Kepuhlic'' although it is an unadulterated duspol i ;. .'ipjirals to their sympathy airainst a ii'.-i.arfliv like Kn.gland, the freest conn t' , o:i earth, except our own. and where p. i .i.!i:il freedom in many rrsprrlH sur p isys ours. We sMluiiii then that only his opinion is worthv of respect who has made some . i: o I at research. Whocangive, when failed upon, some reason for the failli thai is in him. If he has devoted many days to the study of angle worms, lie is e ilitlcd to be heard with consideration : i that slippery subject- Hut if he ad neater, a cause because it haa some glittering generality prefixed to it, have none of him. Call on him lor the facts. 1 f I hi y are not forthcoming let him be 1 1 n 1 1 you as a publican and a sinner, inli! he can show that he has made an honest elfort al investigation. If the foregoing des not suit, we can only say that we "have a right to our opinion."' 1.1! f IN THE FUTURE, DON'T. What may be termed the attempt to revive negro magistracy in this city, a Tew days ago, met with the result that could only he expected, that is, (ail urc . lo it !'y stated, the case was the sum moiling of a white employer, by his ne gio employes before a negro magistrate, who ii i ii' Ii t lie supposed to favor tint negroes as against the white man. As to the Individual met Its of the case, which are really unimportant a liearlng on the matter of negro magistrates, It can he said that the al tempt was one on the part of the negro employees to ex tort payment for services not performed bv placing a while man In the obnoxious position of appearing before a negro m aglstralc. Fortunately for the sake of decency ami law anil order, there was an eihlhl tlon of fjood sense displayed on each side, the negro magistrate being waited upon before tbe case was brought up, and quietly told a few things, and his acceptance of the situation and dismiss ing the case. With no thought or desire to lessen the peculiar dignity and power wLlcfa may be Invested In the office of a negro magistrate, or to eepdally lecture the negro magistrate f Raw Pera on tbe duties of their office, tbe JovaaaL bt- Here that aaj bat the nol obtuse negro magistrate ran easllr draw a Uetoa from , tali cat of a whlu naa before the " negro magistral Chapman. - Oalmaaaa, food tens and moderation ' prtraDed In lata laataaea, bat It U Jast a wU for lb negro maglttrata la iba falBra, If inch caaat may b DrMgkt to 'than ft their dlspaaa, to aoT merely . think, but to aot at oaoa, aad DoaT atunent aura mml : - 't. a - ; r .'..' , , , . obterva tblt Doa'T, rOtraCO. FATWOTS ROT fOUTICAI. OFFICE SthXfcki. Tha greatness of tbe routing Sis'e election, next August. I? important from t he point of view of a.l wb"e ;-i', le The more vi;l jLtiti;. n i f U.r e?"' luboicul of a dcnuie uie -;.re i. .. ; , one absolute and u n., .:cs'. auied w -1 gives in sjieia! in.t irlaaee I it.'', white man. and wwnan. rcgti'dless? ' political inclination '..ai'- ;:iii';hs which are involve.! :, Wie f,;,:t . : J. t of national affairs The North I'a'o'tna Aug i-! Keel a is one whh b iu ol es '.tir ilai is.-ut - f a white man's government In tie- -;. its periiiiinenev an 1 -eipn iv1( y : ! ri 't ; he necrssity ttiat r d i l.l ua! i-n. -ha 1 1( subordinated, and ! h a' 1 tu-Mtlin--a a ' .: 1 tie, v, !iirl: a rt re:", i. ' ' limine-., slial! In a -f :i-r ,.- '.'a. lical i liarac tor to I'm- i . ' t a : .. i: "... - otrices shall not N- s. . ' ' a-piiants after pis.i::.' p' rather shall the o.'h' i - -i . k .' i: are of rta ognied r rpi: I a"l oi: -o 1 -rliararter, bu-in -- oirli whiarl : :. intiucliC' and rrspc ! ! 1 :'.r l cauipaiirn to 'a- w .g !..r o i- t ' a str'l.'gli !l:al i- ,-. i a that ' n 1 v i 'l! -1 ii ' ' : ' ' " .'. : a.' 11 give. The position of Cia'.e'i rinmtv in t! e August election, is on test this inilivMual'l.-li pie. Are there o-adri- a' thal is I : I - n l: t tv's people, w tio thiol', only i issue, white -iipi-etnai''. o lisliiuent, and wiio w iii t.d,. den of 1 he w oi k u ii hoat a self-aggrandiz "lurul ' If such there be, then f;ie he placed iii the : : toft h" reel tlie movcnient o!' ba' tie, weak, to inspiu- a,;a:M' anr pondenl or hesitating, ie . . to overcome evei v oh-iai ; or threatens the -ueee - ' i prcniacy issue T'ie c.aniiaiL n i hi i ui successful outcome, that '.he the in l . 1 1 1 11 1 V sin ..- I- voters, shall place t;i a'a.lr: -ilical llice seekers, hut ;...::t The thought that a noi;iin. white t icket is c.Ui all n t thercfon1 the desire for not oal 1 1 should not i niei t hi of any polit ic.il pat man I au t be son Oil for the tiu-t to 1 a- II'".!. deioandeii people. Will: p. I'.niir-;, be thcil Ml 'V tin tt'i l.l reroglii.eit !.ll-ile -bo. no local iliieasinr nor will there be : the. eainpa! : cahiinc-s, in1.: lie-is. I f tins, year p the people, tie but that while tahli.-lie.l, pea.' manfully. will lie roil I t .1 - ii' it a1 pa! ri i tlieie it srprem.'tcv There is more ( 'atari Ii in thi. hs -n of the count iv than aii oihii ili a a .a put Itigrl le r. . :n. : : I la la ' .t . a was supposed .o be tin jmI'i l.e a great many yt ars doctor.- prote. ( ! :i a local di-.e.. , . and pit si ' i a , remedies, ami by i n ".iiiiliv :.i:'ni,.' io cure with local treaiun at, p: 'h.uii. i ; i nr u l able. Si le m e has pi n t alio r i . : be a const It at io lal 'I i - eae, a 'a! I l.rlef ri reipll res eon st : ' a l ii i : a 1 : real aa a t 1 1 i '' l:atanh I'uri, ma n a (art r i ed i')' i ' Cheney A, t'o., Toledo, Ohio, i. the -i h eoiistitu'.ioua! care on theinaii.tt 1' i taken Internally in doers from H) dn.ps to u teaspoonful. 1 : arts diiei 1 1 y on 1 1-. blood and inucou s sii ' faces oM he -i a: They olTer one hundred doilai- for .. case It falls to cure. Send lm iinai,.,r, and testimonials. K. .1. (.'IIK.NK V tt Co., Toledo, I i Kohl by DrugglatH, 7ac. Hall's Kaniily I'iils are the hi o Only I ot I lie I til 111 it. flood resolution- hoiil. i.i-.ii he altowet to become thini's o' tie pa.-si d It has been demonstrated repeated 1) in every slate In the I'nion and In many foreign cnunlrics thai Chamber'ain's Cough Kcmedy Is a certain preventive anil cure for. croup. It has become the universal remedy for that disease. M V. Fisher of Liberty, W. Va , only re peats what has lieen said around the globe when he writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough lUunedy in my family for several year and always wl'h perfect success. We believe that It Is not only (he boat cough remedy, but that It Is a sure cure for croup. It has saved tbe lives of our children a number of tiroes." This remedy la for sale by K. H. Duffy & Co. 1 Kwla. "I hardly think." said his confidential man, '-that the people of the United Btatat are (offlclently Interested to make yon a campaign Issue." "Paraapa net," aald the Hullsn. "Still, I expect to be mentioned In lb Demo ratio platform." f B Tblrklald, Health Inspector of Chicago, aayK ,Kodol Dyspepsia Cora oaaaot U recoamndd too highly, It i carad ma of r ara dyippla." It dlgeata I M ui ..a .nMa f-u,i 8 Duff "Example is Better cThan Precept" It is not what ux? say, but wha.t Hood's SnprilU does, that tells the story. Thousands of testimonials are examples of what Hood's hxs done for others, and what it will do for you. Scrofula - " Hunmnc M-rufuia aort n.a.le me thunnd bj nelptobors. Medical trt.caient faiusl A relative uiajr me to tr II .xla, KarMwirtlla Ild o and tn trw reoiiitis ihr re eumplelely baled." Mas. J M Haivh Kina. S. H Inflammatory Rrwumattsm - " Two aton ks oi tue.rrip leri uie wlin lunaiurua- t..r rtieiuoalisin. Am years old, but H ls Sarsaparillu eurtMj m and I can :l:ieh -!.i:r- anil walk anywhere." J.Lova limi, -.7J rarco Ave., HufTalo, N. Y. 3fccd Sam, Itvtr ills . the non-trrttatlni ana u.k.. wttt. iTtHKl7! Baraaparilla. SrlhiTti's It el tattoo. Pi! !Mai.l l;u-.s,'il knew 1-1 A. Bothv i n, ti e ;;. tor. intimntcly and Id hlfl bo-.k, ' 1 bat Ueiniiid.s Me." tells uiany .. les ot lam. Me i-. diiiing it Portsmouth or - e ..'V. p. '. at a rei:!incutal mess to which the i.uo'is had nsked hiia with cm i v show of the highest admiration and ulth no nppennmce of soclul BU peilority. After dliiuer, as the party .1 at wine, one of the officers asked s- ' .. id to give thorn a recitation. Now, Sot hern abominated that kind of thing. !le wouldn't tolerate indng trc-nt(-d . - mi entertainer w hen he was by way . f being treated as a gentleman. He . . I.ily declined. '1 hey pressed him. lie hotly declined. Still they pressed htm. Ho expressed Ills feedings. Per haps the ollieers were n little nfTected !. wine. At all events they perslst . They would take no denial. At la.-t he said in a manner which how id that ho was nettled, but jot tabling: "Weil, If you won't let me oil' 1 must. I'll give you the dinner .'.a:.' from 'I hivld (hirrick.' " lie did. lie hud never acted It bet ter. They were delighted until, sprlng '.: ' I., his feet, he made his wild, tipsy "lt. just as he did ou the stago, and dragged the cloth off the tablo and villi it nil the regiment's prized des sert china nnd decanters find glasses, etc. (livnt was the smash. The aetor did not wait to lie applauded or to lm prose the occasion. The lesson was. In deed, a rough one, ami probably only a man with some roughness In Ills dar ::,g humor would have given It, but It w .as tpiite deser ed. Ho in Hard lleea Work. I 'arwln after close observation found thnt a bee tvoultl often visit as many .'7 I'ouei s in the course of a minute. ugh w ith other plants In which the ho'.t'V was ditlit ult to extract the nvcr- ii:-e would be as low lis seven. Strlk liiiT .a iii.-ni. between these two figures. . :.. ti ny mi.v thnt an ordinary working i. i lis 1.. Ilowias a minute, or 9K ,: ! r. ( 'oiislderlng the bile hours to wl ieh a lu e works. It Is irobnbly no ev.ae-genitlon to say that It Is busy for oi..l:t lini:i:i a day. allowing for Inter- als of rest. This would make It visit 7,'-"i llouors n day, or (VIS.fXK) In a pe rl.,. I of id inont hs. Mr. A. S. Wilson In a recent paper s'eeai il the enormous amount of labor rone through by bees In making even a small (iianllty of honey. He found that approximately l'-A heads of red chuor yield la grains of sugar, or 12T, i x X ) heads about two (Kiunds. An each head contains some 00 florets. It fol lows that 7..riiNi.ix)0 distinct flower lubes must be sucked In order to ob tain two iMiunds of sugar. Now, honey contains, roughly swaklng, 7f per cent ot sugar; therefore the bees must make. In round numbers, 2,500,000 visits for one nound of honey. MIIZtKVt. l.r MON KI.IXIK. i'lKtlsatil l,iiion Too'i-. pn paicl fiom the fresh juice of Lemons, e unbilled with other vegetable liver to i'cs, cathartics, aromatic stimulants sold by druggist, 50c and $1.00 hollies. I'oi biliousness and constipation. For indigestion and foul stomach. For sick and nervous headaches. For palpitation and heart failure lake Lemon Klixlr. For sleeplessness and nervous pros : a' ion. For loss of appetite and debility. For fevers, malaria and chills take L moil Kli xir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Klixlr. Lemon Klixlr will not fail you In any of the above named diseases, all of which arse from a torpid or diseased liver, -loniHch or kidneys. v'c and $1 bottles stall druggists. I repared only by Dr. lI.Mor.lry, Al 1 una, lia. Al 1 lir l apllol. I have just taken the last of Iwo bot tles of Dr. Mozlcys Leraen Elixir for nervous headache, Indigestion, Willi nis- i ased liver and kidneys. The Kllilr 'iireil inc. 1 found It Ibe greatest mede cine I ever used. J II M icnnii h. Attorney 1-"J5 F Street, Washington, I). C. W. A. James, liell station, Ala. writes I have suffered greatly from In digestion or dyspepsia, one bottle of Lemon Klixlr done ine more good than all the medicine I have ever taken. MO.I.KT' I.KMON HOT DROra. Currrs all Coughs, Cold, Hoarseness Hore Ihroal. Ilroncbltls, Hemorrbage and all throat and lo ng disease. Klegant rename 'ittc. at druggists. Prepared enly by Dr. II Moley, Atlanta, Ua SiSSrlfllh HJonos "It's a (elfish thing lo lire for ourselves alone." llardnppe -"My senllmenls cxsclly I bnllere we should liv on other peo ple Belief la IUBrs, DUtiesslng Kidney aad Bladder Dlt ease ralleTed im ui boon by "New Qraat Bomb American KldaayCara." Il I a great tarprla oa accoaatof ha tcaaoV lng promptnw la relieving pela la blad dar, kldaayi aad back, la atala or faauda Batlaraa retentloa of wataf alnnat lav BaTHatol. If joa waatqakk rallaf aad ara th!l I tba remedy. Bold by C U Bradhaas, dragglat, Maw Bam. K. 0.' II . , ! I.- SGSPESSE. Unccrtiist) Wbethcr Ud-rsiiiith Has Been RelieTd Ua4ea Belieirs It. Battle Rariig Abate ikr lurels, Wondid el(t t the Rear. Femef Dutch I prislij Special lo Journal. LoMaas, Jan. Al tbe war oflice and claba this afternoon tbe tx lief It wldt- siad that aliuvugh the neai bas noi yet come through, La-lysmlih may al ready fe relieved I This Is eipiaiued because Ueneral Roberts, at C ape Town, will allow nolh lng lo come through ujitil Ruller Is actually iu Lady siuuh This was a Irs- dilion of his in India, to with hold even tblng in the ay of news until the ope:- alions was fu.lt tomplete 1. If Ladysuiith ;s i die veil, most officials believe that i: has been ihe setiual of severe lighting T he anxiety with which decisive news is awaited is painful in the extreme, for high authorities do not dis guise their belief that au uprising of the Cape Dutch is ceilain as a se jual lo fur ther British reverses. The gravity of that event Is not dis guised. Ou the other hand if the Boers are defeated al Ladvsmtlh the Frailer party may be expected lo get the upper hand in withdrawing tbe Orange Free State from President Steyu, and proba bly one third of the Burghers there are expected to go bodily over to the Trans vaal country, leaving behind them Frazier as the new president to sue for peace, No far as the r ree Plate is con cerned the Transvaal Boers are expected to tight lo the last with the view of in flicting all possible damage upon the British London, January is - It is known here that the Boers occupy kopjes in front of General Under in farce and have strong positions on Arnot Hill farm, rivo miles from I'otgieter's Drift. But there is considerable mystery about their move ments. Their present position is open to turn ing by the west, which would cut il off from the Free State passes, and by the east also, if the garrison of Ladysmilh could make a strong movement against the I'ocn. General Duller has two drifts in his hands. This gives him great maneuver ing power. Having his right protected by Ids railway line lo Frere guarded by divisional treops and enough men left in the trenches at the drifts, he would have fur maneuvering purposes, besides cav alry, artillery and mounted infantry, about 20 battalions of infantry. It is not thought thai Warren will at tempt to force the Drukeiisbcrg passes. They are fortified, and Ihe Boers have five if not six lines ot communication by the three principal passes Warren will probably work so that lie will not give the Boers any idea whether he is making for the Free State passes or Ladysmilh. If ihe maneuvers to the westward, he certainly will draw oil some of I he Boers from their new posi tion, which might help General llildyard to tike the position north of Colenso at Orohlcr's Kloof. Then Warren might press on to join hands with General White. If Buller should succeed in beating flic Boers and joining hinds with While the Boer Army must retreat across tlie Klpp river, lielween Ladysiuith and Colenso, and will be in a perilous position, for Sir Kedvers will be us near (lleneoe, on the railway to New Castle, as the Boers themselves. Having chosen the most elTecllvo direction and the one which of fers the liesl prospects of success, Wen- em! Buller, it is said here, has decided to strike with all his might. Ljndo.n, Jan. IS A dispatch from Durban, dated Wednesday, says: Advices from Potgieler's Drift, dated 1 uesday, says that Sir Charles Warren has arrived within 17 miles of Ladysmilh and that British wounded are arriving at Mooi river field hospital by every train from the front, Indicating that there has already been sevcic lighting. Neither re port has yet been con tinned." LoNDon, Jan. IH.-The Dally Tele graph has received the folowing dispatch from South Africa Spearman's Farm, Natal, Jan. 18. 7 20 a. m. I he British howitzer battery fired upon the Boer trenches occasionally last night. The bombaadmonl by Ihe big guns on Mount Alice was .esumed el 5.45 o'clock this morning. London, Jan. 1H The Standard has received the following dispatch from South Africa: Spearman's Fsrm, Natal, Jan. 17. Lord Dundonsld has made a close recon nolssance of tbe Boer position. The Boers were found to be strongly Intrenched in a srfles of low kopje situated close to the river and extending right up to Ladysmilh. Their second main lino of defense was on tbe edge of a long plateau, which they bad fortlHed and which was flanked by a lofty bill on the British left, called Abjemana. FXEB OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from a cold settled on tbe breast, bronchitis, throat or Inng troubles of any nature, who will call at f 8 Duffy & Co' , will be presented with a sample botlla of Boecbee"! German Byrap, fiee of charge. Only on bottl given lo on poraon. and none to chll dren without order from parent. No throat or long remedy arar bad ocfa a sale a Boachee't Oertnaa Syrttp la all pru of th clrllliad world. Twaa ty year ago million of bottle war g)Ta away, aad yonr dragglrta will tall 701 lu socces wm marraloaa. Il la raaV ly tba only Throat aad Long lUnvedy giaartlly aedonad by physicians. Oat li eaat bUl will ear or prov It ralaa. i fold ty dealara la all chtUiad coaatriea, I ' 1 . Flut 80 yow waat to get married, ahf Tall M why, prayf --' ' Daaghttr Oh, I lappoM It'i oaa a( th Iralu I laharllad from asy motbtt. T081CC0 ERDWIRS. Take Formal Actio T Oppose Ttie Tobacco TrusL A Plaa StkBllU4 ail AleU Peaillst CeatniitUe Heels, Up- j ta. a.ea.-.at. I. Taaea With Eeaablletaa. i R.a.on,J.n ll -The Nonh Carolina Tobacco Growers' Aasoclallon bive met and decided upon a plan. There were .SO tobaoco-rrowlng counties renreseuted. . ar.d tbe association Is a slroo boiy ot men. It was dead act agaiosl the A mr r-, Iran Tobacco Company the ninat cordial- , ly bated in tbe Slate. So intense Is this hatred that one of the delegates lo the convention said It was rapidly making anarchists of the farmers. Tbe astoiia- lion elected J. Bryan Grimes, of 1'itt , County, president, and W. H Unchurch, . . of Halctgh, treasurer; J . B. Phillips, v U e 1 i resident: T. V. Parker, secretary. Uesolutlous were adopted selling foiih I tbc causes and purposes of the meeting and organization by counties was de cided upon. The committee on plans reported through R. II Hicks, its chairman, accepting the plan proposed by J. F. Jordan, of Greeusboro, and t he plan was adopted by tho association. The committee's re purl was as follows: "We reccoiumend lo this association a contract, in substitute, as follows: "We agree to enter fnlo a contract with J. F. Jordan and his associates lo sell to them our tobacco raised during the next five years at an advance of not less than 1.) per cent over the prices paid for the same grade of tobacco during the last five years; the said price lo he fixed by a commission, a majority of which shall represent ihe seller. We further agree to take stock with Mr. Jordan and said association, a corpora tion which shull be formed for the pui pose of manipulating and dispo.,;ug of said tobacco sold to said J. F. Jordan and his associates to the exunt of not less than la per cent of the value of 1 111 said tobacco. The details ofllieagic menl shall be hereafter arranged so as 10 carry oul the true intent and meaning of this agreement. If we make default la this agreement in any particular we agree lo forfeit to said corporation the said stock so taken. Anil we la ther recommend tor our mutual benel.l that the farmeis of Noiah Carolina ledut e their crop al least Ua per cent below ti c past year's production. We invite ihe co-operation of Virginia, South Carolina and other sections which grow bright tobacco.'1 The contract with Mr. Jordan, adop -ed by the Tobacco-GroweiV Assoilalion, is merely a preliminary agreement la -Iwccn the convention and Ihe capitalists who are hacking the light against the American Tobacco Company, i'lte con tract w ill lie submitted lo liulu iiluai fanners for approval. When 00 per cent of them have agreed lo il, another Stale convention will be held. Tlie liual con tract then adoptml will also In: refeired back lo the individual farmer for his .1 prov.il. It signed by '.10 per eenl of them it will be binding; Bint become opera five ui once. The total value of all the properly in the Slate, real and personal, including, railroads, telegraphs, elc, is found by the Slate Auditor lo be fitril.OOO.OJO, ihh being an increase of $4,00.1,000 over last year. Raleigh Lodge, the new Masonic ludgc here, will lie constituted here to night, at Masonic Hall, the ceremony to be performed by Grand Master Bever ly S. ItoysUir, who will also deliver an address. The programme is a well ar rangetl one, with musical and other features. A special committee of the Agricultu ral Department met last nigh'. 10 select Ihe location for the experiment farm In the eastern part of the Slate. It con sidered six places, and will make its cholco tomorrow. The populist commltlee propose lo have some Republicans address the con ference of the commit lee and other Populist April, 1 7 1 li . The Republican and Populist leaders have been In close touch here. At the meeting of the Populist Slate committee, an address was issued in which II attacks the election law as In tensely partisan and open to frsud and corruption. It also attacks the franchise amendment. flie Blate charters the Klnston Elec tric Light Company, capital $lft,OO0; numerous citizens of Ihe town are stock holders. The Philippines. Mami.a, Jannary 18 - Brigadier Uen eral Kobhe has lieen appointed Governor of Albay Province and Calanduane Island, and has temporarily been placed in charge of the Island of Bamar and Leyte. Ills command embraces Ihe prin cipal hemp producing country. H has been Instructed to establish civil govern ment In the pi tee under hi Jurisdic tion. General Kobbe sailed jes'.er !y on tba transport Us 000c k with a brigade coo Ittlng of th 47th and 43rd Infantry and a battery of artillery. Generals Bale, Wboaloa and Boh wan bar occnpled th principal homo lo tha Cavlt and Balanga piovtaoea. A majority of tha Instif enll bar ta- tarnad 40 tbelr bom and bar 'aacratad their guns. All tba Matbata parts wilt b opened 00a. . Oentral McArtbari Iroopt ara par flag msiy tntall bands, killing ambara of lb Flllplaoa aad aaouring gnn. t. L hnrf, Logaatoa, Pa writ, "I am willing lo. Uk mf oath that I wm Mfd of paoaaaoala attlrtly by lha as of Oaa Mlaata Coagh Oar Ur doctor failed. Il also rnrad aty Chlldrea of whooping aoog a." ' Quickly rt1lv aad carat eoagb. cold, grlppt aad throat aad laag tnmble. Chlldrea all Ilka It. lsoiben tadorat It 7 8 Duffy. ' Cure Digests what yon eat. ! ItartlflclallT dieeaU the food and aids Hature In strengthening and reooo- XS ant tod tonic No other preparation 5"ffffL.U lf W3'-, DTSperjsla, . IodlfMuoB Heartburn. oiauw; it: iic t auii pcruiBtOCDUjcuroa Flatulence, Soar Stomach, Hausea, Sick Headache, Gaatralgla,Crampn,and ill nl.hMUilla lain.rfutill-jMtlnii foLWLr rMiIa niTVE-T THE SUN BALT1H0RE, MD. 137 1900 . i . .. r of the People, For Ihr People in. t ! j and With tlie Po 1 Honest in Motive, h.ai less in Expression, Sound in Principle A newspaper is an educator; there are all kinds of educators, but the man w ho spe ads money jud'eiously and liberally is belli r able lo impal his knowledge ih 01 the man who lias bitle or nothing lo e id. i hr Sun is the highest type of a news- piip T. The Sun's reports from all pnrls of United States are unsurpassed, Dyspepsia i Sun's Cable Service is the finest "" "'"" '""' , . , , I nun; sound and well. L il Sew ell, of known; the troubles In the 1 hdipi lnea Atlanta, Ga, cured by four boil lea of a and in South Africa demand competent terrible eating ulcer 011 leg. rt W Pope, corn spondcnls and vast expemliuiie if of Jackson, Ga. had violent skin disease, o! money and labor in celling the news ' ' ''"''-V "IT!," 6f u1,,'1 p' l," rnl ' , ., ' , ly cured by ii. B. li. .1 .1 Head' of Alliens W hen you get the Sun you get news and ( () ( ))H( (,(.cmi( 0 RrmB nn(, intelligent pit Mentation of fact w ith i', sullen d live ) ears, 1 1 ied doctors and pat- as n ell as carefully prepaid! articles of editorial writers of highest standing. Wia n you irad a daily paper, win 8e principal recommendation is its cheap ness, you gel the dregs generally veiy poor tlregs at that. lt mail Fifty Cents month; six mo: !.bs one year, li) The Best Family Newspaper. All the nc.vs of the wotld in attractive form; an agricultural department second lo none in I ho country; market repoils whii ii are recognize I authority; i-hon stoiies. complete in each number; an in-lere-lin' woman's column, and a ail(d iin.l atirm'tiv department of household mle.csl. Une Doihir a year. Inducements to 10 1 1 1-: -1 1 1 1 of clubs for the Weekly Sun. IS aa the Daily and Weekly Sun mailed fr. c of pi aiae i.i the I'niletl Suites, I araila and Mexico. Payinen s invari , !.!, in udxanci . Address A. S. AI1KI.I, t OM'.'AN V. Full! shois ."id Pn priel ars, Baltimore, Md Russell House. While In U'-iiufort lie sure and stop al lie Kuscll House. First Class Hoard. A li line for frave'ing people. Fishing an I huntitiir unexcelled. Terms fl.25 lav or $.1,011 per week. G A. KUSSELL Prop JKWO K.-iiHl.a- ;.'i "i nf a nifctimttt'sl or InreotWo mlud terli f a trip to th.- I'nrls Kxpoaltlun, wllb sood ,h' it 'i.kI iti'iiil -t ni.M. Hhiml I WTle Th. r,lii r II El OKU. lialtlmore, Md A LITTLE DOES MUCH. Baltimore Weekly Suu Boos, Iow, Dee. 14 No tongue can toll what I bars endured In the past ton jears with nr moulhly slok B0AI. While tuftnrlDg entold aaony, a friend called and reoommended Win of Cardut. I sent for a bollle, and Ohl what relief. After the first dose I begin to teal bettor and have had no pln slaoe. M&a OSJtCB LAMPHKRB Win of Cardul not only euro but H acts AT ONCE. Her b 1 cut of ten years' standing, and yet on tingle dose made the sutler cr feel better, and stopped the pain. Th Wine goes straight to the seat l tlie trouble. It acts directly upon the merotruafand genital orfrinj. Its aclsm Is not vkilent, and It does not force a result. It simply (rives future tint little assistance that the sufferer's system lacks. A single disorder In the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body, and when tlie Wine cures th source, all th other Ills vanbh as a matter oi course. A woman can be bar own physician and cure herself at home. Local ex Ulltr aiVISHT MrUTBIIT. Wot artetos hi eee req elfins a?eial dlrerUfiea, ddrM,glTiiigeTet4onie, Uepi'KnktvVitininwil bumus en, t'kaiuaeena. Tnm. Drufjgista sell Large Bottles for $1.00. siimmiMiimnnnTninmmniinmtHi CTU MEN and WOMEN. 5 Meee an 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 a, Lt Miml i S.CW tort, B Dm I'enie. Siplrel I' aaaft, aataivsaar mi tinvi Tvt a r-r- i vi f t ta i v a Li IWMfllIBI vtiM mm ' laMfaary, mm ym it M p a 1 4 m. mmm Ifuas "T ' taaelstnv Wm ix-r uallt ui4 : THY n.lOT-CUY AFTCn7AnD3. 3 utiiuiiniiiiiiuiininiiuiuiinuiuiiiiit l AMVWIi -I (B. P.B) BLOOD CURE FREK. Care T.r Bio.. . .kin Dis.aa.,, Ecaaau, Vtcera, Piaaatea, Scrc- fmla, Blaed FeiMB, Cancer. Ktaar- Treahlr, Dell Malara Haea- matisna. A TRIAL TRKATMKNT SkNT 1'UIVATKl.V BY mail rasa to all who suffku. If any man or woman suffering from any Blood or Sain Trouble w ill write us we will seud them free of cbarge and prepaid to destination a trial bottle of Boianic Biood balm (B. B I) ) the fa- mou9 Southern Blood Hemedy. It has permanently cured thousands of cases, some of 20 years standing, aud after ( doctors, hospitals and patent medicines I had failed. Remedy has lieen thoroughly tested lor past do years and is perfectly safe to take by old or young. Blood Ilalm Wan honest, ixexpensive remedy that you may test before you part witli your money. CL'HKS MAIK 11 Y r.l.OOl) 11AI.M. Allan Grant, of Sparta, Ga, cured of painful Bore on lip called epithelial can cer, Julia K Johnson, Stafford 1'. O , S.C cured of a terrible itching eczema of l.'l tears standing: W A Bryant, Moody, l ex, cured of salt rheum on hand. His hand resembled a burned surface su Pined four years, yet cured by Botauic ill.ioil Lai in B W Reazley, of Americas, Ga, sud'ered with sores all over his body ..!.. ilnna 11..1... enl medicines, illoo.l reilni cured him. only a lew scats icniiiiniug where Ihe sol cs had healed. Mrs. W ,1 Meed, of August", Gh. h"d recurring boils, was cured by onlv live hollies three years ago. Perfectly well since. Mrs M L Adams, of Freihoini, Ala had deadly came-, was givi u up 10 .lie by nine doctors, ye! was cuic.l h boianic Blood Balm. W P lcl 'aniel, .tf tlaiiia, cured of 1 heuuiatbni. hut what more need we say? We could lill this paper with wonderful cures, ami rcmeini-er, all llicse troubles are caused by Bad Blood in Ihe system, and Blood Balm curis because il forces all the poison outward, In nee theie cannot be a return of the: symp toms. I on't trille with blood troubles, and remember, even if saraparilla. Ionics, doclors mi l salves have failed i:i vour ease, thai II. li. I!. Boianic Blood Balm is different from anything else, and cures, lo slay cured, by expelling Iho poisonous ma! ter from Ihe blood. This is the only remedy Ijiat (aires iu this way. now 111 cut xiN 111.0011 r. ii.M. w Km: t on i' 1:1: t : 'ri. 1 1. iioti i.k. If you are satisfied thnt Boianic Blood Balm is what you need inn will hint large bottles for sale by all diau'irisls for $1.M), or six botllci (lull 1 leatnienl ) $.1X0 For free tiial loltle address Jilood Balm to., ! ID ,l it. hell St , Al lanla, (la , mid bou h' and medii al book will lie sent, all ehaiges piepaid. Desciihi! your trouble an I we will include lue personal medical ndvh e NOTICE ! A valuable FAHM Foil HUNT, one mile fi 0111 he city. T his farm contains 1 llll acre ; j.lxiul sn e'e ir in very good condition and known n Ihe lluhlis farm. For furlher particulars apply lo St ii nustK No. Jones st i eel, I New Hern, N. ('. aminations ar nrgeiy things tne past the obnoxious castom Is no v sinter necessary. Wine of Cardul Is the only perfectly safe and sur vegetable wine nude to-day tor th cur of " ferrule troubles '. fUm.um rMe Ill eeHf WH I V Mir ill. 1 ' a mil TorsTssrarv . - 4 ft IMAt, IK(Binii r rkei MrHe f RI a4 yeepny ( Sattl i.tAelleeeHrMeeeb'-i -i " H fil 1trJ nm,plH e-wS mm "r IIKSII tMe4 srli kau, l i, Lnnur,M I IR ateeeee l 'ietl,perSlM