Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula it the most obstinate of blood troubles, aixl la often the result uf an lntw.rit.A.1 taint in thn hLirvt R , , . ... , i U tho only remedy which P' t deep . . o :. ' . , ,, erer, trace of the uua. aU cure. wie worn oafs. My ann, Ohrti, waj ftfTV-tad from Infancy with tkrofula, and hti luflMl o Uil it u Impossible lotlrpw him fof three year. H I head and body wrr a maaa of aoraa, and his eyeaJpbt alto rye me affected. No tTAiment vii spared tbal we thought would relieve Mm. UuL lie (Crow worse until his f.iti.Ut inn tnde-il pitiable. 1 had UK almt rtespclr'd of I.Ut ever Ifiim cured, when by the nili Ire of a friend we guvr him H. 8. S. (HwIfi'N HneclllrV A de cided t in prt i v in t 1 1 1 wus the result, and alur he had taken donen 1 ilUes. no one w ho k new of hi fornvr .lr.-a-lful cnmhthii have recognized hi:. i. All ihl (lores on hi, tnty have heated. In: skiti ) srfVetly clenr and smooth, and he liu icn restored to perfect health. Mas. S. 8. Maury. OT Kim 8t., Mar.. ii. Ua. For real Mood troubles it is a wsatfl of time to expect n cure from the dis tort, lilood disoiws are beyond thoir skill. Swift's SpeciHe, S.S.S.cBlood roaches ull rtie-",iitl cases wliioh Other remedies linvc mi effect upon. It is the only hloiul remedy guiininteed purely vegetnlile, and contains no pot omIi, mercury, or other mineral. Books mniled free to nHy nddross bj Swift Specific Co., Allui ta, Ga. British Rule. Theodore S. Woolsey, professor of in ternational law in Yale University says: 'The results of llrillsh rule In India have !cen splendid. It lias kept the peace, pieservcd or.ler, Imilt roads, railroads and liriKalio i works, lvought justice to the liumhlest, lessened famine and pesti lence, Introduced Hate education, sanita tion and disrcriia,. ios, freed tiadc from many burdens, simplified taxation aud begun to introduce local self-government." Adiniwd I'eweysays in a letter ad dressed to Hie cdiior of i lie Iliitisli 1 1 crI in: "A fter many years of wonder ia I have ciiii!' lo t'ie conclusion that the m'g'ii iesl facto:- in the i:i ilization of the world is t lie imperial policy ol I'viglantl '' C' :i it i . In irrippo wilh liounuTs' Tastk l.riss Clin.l, Tonic. ',"h-. Ilcliglilful to take. Try it. C I) Hradliam. or.on. Insomnia is simik-i imcs for a guilty conscience. aiiotlu i nuiiii- Meuir;iOiiii l'ii"4-il li it Hay. Mystic I'u.i: for 1 ; lull mat i " in and Ncui aiL,i:i cu es in 1 lo ;t dnys. Its ac tion upon thesys'em is remarkable Rnd riiys.i-i-io i.s It removes at once tbe cause and i n: iKi-ease iiunieiiia ely di appeals. The first do-.o greatly benefit. 7' cents. t-o!il by T A Henry, druggist New P.err . 1'imtrnry. H'h the bad young man who usually livi s lo a good old a.;e. Krinosr. e lo wet, oamp.icsa and cob!, itva iabiv -eKii ls in a sudden chll', w Leu if not altciuieii to Immediately wi ' ca,isc a cod. By nti'ttig ateaspoo.--fu' of P titv Davs' Pa'n-K ii.i.i it in lia! ' a g lis of w a n waier or milk, t tie wno'e system wi'1 be hea.ed and tne d.i "e-o' co d avo ued. Avoid subsl' t,, the e is bj; Pain Killer, Pei: Davis'. Price '"ic acd 50. II- v r.MJ It. Carrie - Tell ine, Kate, how wan It you did not marry Mr. Tylei '! Kate- He told me I was the only woman lie i er loved. If a man will lie lo you before mairlage, what stories won't be ti ll afterward ? II ah M t.i'.KH, efficient, reliable, and pleas ant to take, Is ltoiiKni ' Cm t.i. Tostc for chills, fevers, malaria, night iwcatB and la grippe. 2.1c. No cure, no pay 4,Tho best 1 ever saw," is what they all say. J D Bradham. ThrnThiy I.Miighril. The refined sketch team ami sidewalk conversationalists ateppod to the foot lights. "It's a wl'e man who knows his own mind," said Moriailly. "Its a w-lso man who mlndi his own nose," retortedMuldoon si ha playfully burled an ax In lilt partner's skull And the Intelligent audience screamed with delight. 100. Dr. r. Detcbtas Antt Olarstis.' Vay be worth In you more than $100 If you have a r MM who soils bedding front lncontincj of water dining sleop Cures old and young alike. U arrests the trouble at once. 1. hold Ity C,"T Iinulham, dniKjUt. New Bern. N. C. In tr.t..ri, "My dear." d I li nn Paul, after a vUii lo the prionors, "Hid reminds me of the Queen's .lul'tleo." llnwT ' .aid Mrs K. "Why. we liavn umpire of Dearly every smt I roups In the Hrltiah army. I am Indi bu-d lo One M inula Crumb : Curt for my tinkli and life Ii eerwt ma of lung lr. nblr following grippe. TboiuaieU owe tbelr lives lo the (liompl etloei of this mrvir falling rrmeily. h cures coughs, roMa, croup broncliltla, paeumnnla, grippe and throat and lung i troubles, lis early ase prevrnli con ampUnn'. Il ls Iheonly htrmless jemrstf that gives ImarMllats) rMotla. F 8 Daffy. t J Iff Km B-sl 9t f1tT - t . rat vjp. j- mwi ' TOTAL EOIrSE OF SUH. The Woadcrfal fbeaxHoeiioa Hit 2Stt. VUftk la Hum fath Acres ' Sottbern States. I Prof F H. Bigelow of Washington ha. written an ioleresllDf itairmtnl of I the total eclipse of th sua May W, 1H00 , . ; . . . . The Bather of tbe shadow, he sevt wil The Bather of lbs ahadow. he tan will ! (begin at aunrute over the Pacific, ocean I , eI,tn1 i llhence nortnw.-siaerci over tne Douti - ern States from New Orleans to Norfolk crossing the mUdle portions of the North Atlantic lo Portugal and termi nating near ibe unrtharo end uf ibe lied sea at sunset. The locktlon of tbe track In the United Stales is remarkable for lla eoovenieot accebttibilli y to a multitude of people He tsiimales that more than balf a mil lion petguo! will ce the total eclipse of more or leu duration from their homes, aud many more ill take advantage of tbe opportunity to see the evrut of a 1, felime. Kducalors fhoulil encourage their stu dents to sec It, and he suggests it would Lo a popular thing for the railroads to an auge for excursions to the cities aud localiliee affording tho most farorablc oppoilunitics for a sight, as theic are good hotel accommodations through all tho sections affected. The United States Weather Hurcau, which has been conducting a cloud sur vey of the region, predicts the chances for fair weather as almost certain in Georgia and Alabama. The track will pass over Mobile, Montgomery, Macon Mil lcdgcville, Augusta aad Columbus, a little south of Atlanta. True To Life. Old Subscriber Wall, I gucs I'll take yer paper arfnuther yeie, but I'll jes' say I don't like th' stand yer takln' on lb' Fillypeen kwestshuu. Country Kditor I'm sor y, because I like t please my old subscribers, and I see you aie one of tbe oldest. Old Subscriber Vesslr. Ilin takin' Hi' paper ever since it started. Country Kditor Little behind in pay ments, tho'. Old Subscribe!- Thet ao how fur? Editor Wei'., you paid for the lirst year you subsciilied Tnat was 1T0. Old Subscriber-Hugh! Wall I'll jet.' pay annulber doller fcr IS80 an make it even numbers. But I'll say rite now thet ef y' ke p harpin' on that Killypeen kwest.ihun I'll slop th' paper I baint goin' lopay my money out fer littercbure agaiast my principles. ' Hiio Slate Jou:- nal. 'A oii''g man came into our stoie yedcrday sullering from aseeic uttack of cramp colic," wiiies I! K Hess, miller an-l genend mercliant.. Du kt y's Mdiin tain, Pa. '-lie had liied vaiimu borne remedies without relief. As I bad used Chatnb-iinin's t olic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy I gave him a dose and it soon brought libii out a'rigbl. 1 never saw a fellow so rcjoh ed." Sold by KS Duffy & Co. Colton Manufacturing:. Stalinlics of cotton manufacturing for the ten years from 1KH!) lo lH'tS show very remaikable changes, tho increase in spindles being as follows: Per Number. cent. (ireat Brilain l.OOO.lXtft 4 i Continental Kurope . . 7,0 1 5,0' 0 Sl).(il) Northern U. S l.-I.W.WO 1 1,40 Southern li. S 2,.V.M1,00() 100.: Total V. S 4,010,0(10 28.75 India 1,075,1.00 7I.(H I.atrHt 111 ICihoi The latest thing in roses h in the pos session of an Kast Anglian rose grower who, In bis catalogue, says that its name Is Kruger, and liiaV it requires n warm position anil much disbudding. F S Duffy A Co guarantee every Wot tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund, the rtoncy to any one who is not satisfied after using tws thirds of the contents. TIiIb Is tbe best remedy in tho world for la grippe, coughs, colds croup and whooplng.cough and Is pleas anl and rafe to lake. It previ nl any tendency of a cold to resull'in pneu monia rroffiulunal Humor. 'You cin't see the editor for thrto hours'' said Ihe ofiloo boy to tbe pro fessional humorist; "do you want lo wall?" Tb professional humorist tapped bis brow thoughtfully. "Hal I have HI" l e exclaimed; "I'll go out and get my hair cut, and perhaps thai will reduce my weight" I want to lei the people who suffer from rheumatism and sciatica know that Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved me after a Dumber of olhor medicines and a doctor bad failed. It Is the beat liniment I have ever known of. J A Doihikh, AlpbareMs, Qs. Thousands have beeu cured of rheumatism by this remedy One application H-beves the pain. For sale by F 8 I uffy A Co. Aa Amsdaritmia Tprtn. Watchmaker I'm afraid, miss, ynu ei peel loo mu h from your watch It Isn't adjusted. Miss Wilde Are you sure of that sir? If 1 Dad be bought It oa credit I'll fling It la bis race. Are yon la favor of reform? was ask id Senator Korgbum. I awi, Mswered Ibe aeaalnr. I Just gave $50 In a reforei school and I told my wife alia eoUld wear rainy day skirts w briii tar the fall India... Aa Ortgiswil tlesy. Professor -11ow, Mr. Ooolltlle, what bav yoa learned about )oor triple ibe dlasjioBd? Mr. DoolHHw TWai all aoeiii believe ll barmoaliea tartly wltb tbelr eora plraloas, ; ' ' t FREE MAIL SERVICE, f - ostnuiicr Iuck Shows Tlik To uxdlt of Securing li l-or Hew tern. Ed Joi kal Aa order Lu lu is ,u1 bJ ltie 1 1 umc lereriiu-nl e vami.mng r r i wt-r, service Tor ike cim ci re Hern, N i. I hu onier Im "e0 poDltabea and l believe the people 01 ltit cllT bT "ul Inlerrel In any iue.non of crrdli in sn ..,.1,,du., f..r . ,, . , . , . , , ii"" - "" '""t,l"t 1 but briefly reply to tut ailnlc -by C. R. Thomas, M. C, appearing In your Issue uf the lttlb. i List TMs article assent only by Inferrence First he inferenllally iubmlta that 1 never applied for FreeDelivery; secondly he iuferenlially takes the credit for It to hiuiself, aud thirdly he inferentially rt mat ks, by the way, that I might suppress information due the public. To the first I w ill answer that 1 mule personal appli cation to the Department, accompanied by meu of influence wilh this ailnnn s tration, to accomplish that w hich does not as he says "go into effect by opera tion of law" but is entirely within the discretion of tbe Postmaster General Sec. 59 of the Postal Regulations. To the second I will reply that Mr Thomas had as little to do wilh procui- Ing this service as the humblest citizen of our city, and that tbe credit belongs to the business men who used tbe stamps ami thus placed us in a position to ask for the service, aad any attempt on the part of Mr. Thomas to assume the credit is small and unworthy of an accredited Representative of an honest people. The inference that I might refuse in formation is uncalled for and malicioub ly false, as I have published every order received and have given freely all the iu foriniition I could procure. I would state further that if Mr. Tliomas pro poses to furnish any information from his own knowledge, the public may as well save their slumps and consult the stars. Seymour W. Hancock, Postmaster. ONE OF THE VERY FINEST. The Atlantic Coast Line's Florida Special - Us Schedule Will be Faster Than Ever This Season. It is now several years since the At lantic Coast L'ne, working in connection with the Plant system began operating a special tourist train between New York, Charleston and Florida, and as the railroads kept pace with improved meth ods and tbe fastidious traveller the trains each yea' became more complete and handsome, and the schedules quicker. This yenr it seems as though tbe high waier mark must have been very neai ly reached, for it is hard to imagine a more speedy trip tiiao that which will be offered southbound passengers on and lifter Tuesday, January Hi, and also u more comfortable and luxurious train Is well nigh impossible to plan. The t ruin is composed entirely of Pull man cais, made for this particular ser vice and veslibuled, so thai passengers pass freely from one car to another, re gardless of the speed at which they are travelling and unaffected by wind or weather. Bach car is a model of its kind, one a dining car, where the traveller pai takes of his meals at hours which suit his convenience and where deft waiters serve the most tempting of dishes, pre pared while Hying along the steel road way by a competent chef. The end of the train is always occupied by the "ob servation car," so uniquely arranged as togitu a view elmosl unobstructed of the scenery along the line of the road. A d. awing room car and a library and smoking room aie among the advanta ges of this movable hotel, for it is more like a first class hotel, with every con venience and comfort, than anything else. But the number of guctUs Is lim ited strictly lo tbe numlier of berth ac commodations in the magnificently ap pointed "sleepers," and there Is no fear of finding a favorite window seat oc cupied by a "match and toothpick'' cus tomer and always a seal In the dining room. Then the speed of It! Leaving New York al 12:2.1 p m tho "special" pauses lint a moment at Philadelphia at 2:52 p in. Baltimore is reached at 6:05 the same afternoon and Washington reached al (1:20. Four hours later the "special" makes Richmond and at 7 45 the next morning arrives In Charleston, eighteen hours and a few minutes after the start. From Charleston the same excellent speed Is maintained to the several points on tbe Plant system In Ueorgla and Florida For the oorth Iwund trip the schedule la also very convenient and speedy. Travellers leaving Charleston at 0.10 p. m. arrive In Richmond at 7 15 in the morning Washington Is made at 11 OS a m. Baltimore 115 p. m , Phil adelphia 2 30 p.m. and New Y oik at 5.0.5 p. m. An Important feature of the lotirlnl special is that no extra charge la made for traveling on this train. The regular fare, with only ordinary Pullman fare added, is charged and the passenger lift If limited strictly lo tbe capacity of the sleeping cars." Charleston News and Courier, January 14, 1600. WImmi rmtttl -. When t mftQ weiri honi-mj1e clmhwi ho bflgtni to Iom faith Id lh eUro-d flt nmt of Iblnga. OoVila art) aally Ukmi and often da- vnlop Into broochlUaoTConiKimpUosi. "Yoti ahould mrw coM nrornptl erlUi Ir. John W. notl't Coogh fivmp, This) celebrated remedy la mossS aoi (rlenl and will raw a Oold al ontm, COUCH SYRUP Promptly curtt 6tubboni Cotds. laWi M tMHstl aMtd llWH I laW. Tonight If your Iivr it oat of order, causing Biliousness, Sick Headache, H -.unburn, or Constipation, t&ke a duee of Hood's Pills On retiring, and toiui'rrow your di gestive organs mill 1 reguUu-d a:d vou will he brifht, ri'-tive and rev' Kt a::v kind of v .rl:. V..: !..: been the experience of others :t will be yonrs. Hex '! 'S PI 1-LS are sold by all -medicine dealers. ' cts. RINC-A-kiNJ (J' I.UitS. pr,i:j iripl 14: L..ns I Tu i, , UsMi- li r -.. W tieu il li r.i ki,.. i. Till .-ic- l.a 1 in' ni Itiu,: K ii1 But. nh S. I,,,. Buili i i I I Am I.. . ,n i;li'riiuin Sj. 'n mi '3, !.: I. Iii r Mi , ii in tier li- k 'n I'lin-a. .ti all t'artlili iijini:9. un I l.ovc'B .it li- ' -full Mi l i:;i A LESSON IN PRONUNCIATION. gee Ho MRny of Tlint oriln Will Set Vou CiifHlnB, The following "VpiM!r" has nn literary value to commend it, hut it will prove n very clever puzzle to any assemblage as a test of the ability nf people to pro Qoimee readily anil enrreelly many eom nion words of their native tmi'iii'. Thi list, which contains no words of disputi l pronuiieia t ion, is ns follows: An iutei est ini; iihiuii y took place in the court of oyer ami terminer some linn sko. Indisputable evidence wns iriven to ward proving; (hat n heiuniis incident hrit taken place ihirini; a public pageant. Il seems that n pretty Kill, rather juvenile in appearance, bavin; an extraorilinan head of hair, like an Albino, represented Thalia nnd sat on n pedestal erected on one of the floats. The procession was di reetinj; its course eluwn the Mall when the attention uf the onlookers was drawn to thi' excited conduct of one of the spectators, u tin had lied her eyes upon the Hani, set with j. wels in the form of a caret, which Tlmlia wore upon her head as sin- sat in v. lint seemed to be her wonted attitude nf niinchala nee and lei sure. This prison was afterward shown to be a maniacal !aitinli ess whose squalor and detestation ami hi'lcoiis grimaces were all unnoticed by the mock oildess; What vapary bade ihis reptile turn her servile eyes, full of rapine, on the liratiti fill maiden, it is haul to say. but sinlih-n ly. under pretense of seeing snmi'thiui; on the ground, she proilin-e.1 a hiatus in tie- crowd and thus obtained preeedem f all. Simultaneously with her appearance tbe van drove pasl. Sin- then tilled the air with truss mill ny and liean to pro militate nnnrehisni. sncii ty's lack of pio hit y and the general iieilileetion of poll tieians for iiatroiiaL'c. Then she In suiiu'til her audience to hear her dilate on Ihot'la cars of the Alps, the ruins of Pompeii, tbe fclpale f : a iit-liKr, the Pleiades and her patron saint She was evidently th nienleil. and the How of tier vocables up piarcd ciiil!c-s. Suddenly she rai-cl a pestle w li'i-li bail lici n hidden lllnh I In r shawl ait'l threw it directly at the visor nil tile ".ill's dcail. Thcrclllinll a llarriil lithographer, who was cntlin;; a swath as a tribune on the follow m van. c.ra-ni! a veino and ihrew it ovci the iraual ol.l h:.e. so that tier i Itnrts I" c cane were fil'ile, ti m 1 she ln-caine a. d'cilc as ll lai ib. The pathos of the lltTalr lay in the wav the till bore the oiil-al In cant the vlr: .-in iravc an alias instead of In r iiwii name. 1 1 or defense was that vac cine, whose prescme was linwn by a scabious nri.i. ! tether w ilh !i -oii-tii'le in the matter of pcrsniiii! fKcili.m, had pro duced ail nliM-iinli. which ilccleii! the irievocilble ileal h of the .-l: 1 An inven tory of her belnlitiiiKs was ina.le. and she was then victim of ac-iti sus City Join n sent 1 - hoiiii il. i an iei linn inaioa. Ivan V.'fi K lie r' Altboiich count ry. I he pi here is referi c COl respondclici IlIeH if Amerlen. iiiai. i nevci w as in this ssil.ilily of Iik cltiliu' .' I to often in In . published In fact, he made Ainer lea a his f furcv stand and deliver ,-u eninenl wilh iolliU. l evcrnl times llu all niai: lo r put aside his "Kim; "f the .Nil.e- lunu" iind to cross the ocean tu i.iin a competency unless they cuiiti iliuted to his siippurl . Thai Warner rcjinrded A nn'i ii a ns a Kohl mine well worth exploitation by fur eiK11 artists appeari. from a l.-M- i bich in ISt-S he wrote to Kiani Lnebn.iiini. inunic dii e tor at Kici. u h-.e lo ni her wanted tinnnelal assist an i t yo to America with nn orehesttn. W'ainni iuI vied I,ne.;nann to asfit bis brother. He inMiancis the caxe of n (ieitnan mu sician who went to Aineiiiii n n p.."r mun and in n very nhort tune whm in ie et?lpt nf nn excellent income, nddiuc tloit n whole nrheslia woilhl ceif:iilil tie utill more lucky, f'"" "in n countiy where vil Inijen nn const n ut ly pmw hi jf into eit ie In five yea tf there can be ni hi. k 'if up Kirt unit ieH for t he Met t lem ni of v hole hnndM nf iini?i. innn." Could aintbom Irf more 1 1 1 1 i i -1 1 1 1 1 v nnlve tlmn llu bi-t tnt inn ? - C as i n ve Kobbi- in A niei ienn Monthly ItrMi'W of Wcview Pan flpofs nnd 11 in nigral ntna. An old f t i -1 1 r i m n vn pi! t mt out In front of hh Imuie pulhnc n v, a y nnd pull Ine heruicnlli nt bin pipe. He would llyht a ni.'l pull niol pull it hi pipe, then tliroiv the mutch nwny ntul Itjrht no other, nnd he continued the 'M'rformnncv with cti'Ml pntleiicr until !hn (fround nb-M!l lib.) w n lilernlly atieuu wltb burned in il In n "(''' i-i in nipper. I'lit." nn ill hit wlfr at the .loor "Knith. nn Ol will in ft minute, ti) dj.' am ill he " M . i V hn Im-s-o m trllln Dip that If Ol -hiin-kcd n bit rt kdiln- Ol CWl mti' the nh H)U on the villi t ihoi'l know whether Moikr Imtd n f vbB ro or n bet her (ie cl hohl nt t he wrftfiK kind nr phlu 1'lrTclmid Ceiii L-lT Ilat Mm rntrktM.). Thi tfornoiilii nf nnfkrr in powder m)m are pox ki-th-. to ihnt thrf enii'4 C rrj kniven r tunliheai nr Imleol nnjr tblnff. and rr made of nonlnnnmninhU' material. N one It allow iff tn ff l"Ul with Irutim't. turue-l up al Hip l-itoni. bfcaoiip trii i cil lax teil in thai war. aud (Im nivrval bird U danfrrmtaa A Vvflp-al taalntiall. tl k toM uf a r a Dipt ttntM Indy tmm Wichita who hfunln) atiwi rar la Kaaa Cltf thai abt -tuvafn anarr IW cunm thrvt mm In a lrimh rnw and of ffd hvr tbrir rta.KanMt CNy Htar. Tfse tarn ef whlat misiual'd la Rn. tend. ' ll U hllrvp4 la have eVvelinw ftejaa the etikf iunx ef irtarmpa. nr Inmp, wbkB was played ae early aa 1&30. . Toe taedelra tslsaiVrs sw treat Ibe aaaott ef weasel ay their errlfat nl T OF THE PACIFIC- A LONE Af'EfllCAN FtAj v L V GREET - Tmat was 1.: . ( lhf nul Oltlrrr It'll. ( a Fount of Jul In, idrhl 'llinl 1'brlllfd Ibr L:.; . n t t'Blrlullr IU-rl ol Krri Mas wa ' ' . Hua-d Hi. I rrt. "' '--' ' 'tli- pir.Lli. ' I ; ... -. ... . t- I-. - - . ' rt-l. ! . o. ::.!...:. ..... I : , th. I. m I. A . - : , I, ., .... 1 i f : 1 . -I l:. : -- f ' ,i .. .:..- t. v l , - h : , fl r , i, .-r 1, .i ; . 1 : ' ii. '' li,;; . :, :. mil I i !,-tv::. . - i. ' i -.:... r- . ., , I . t. nl , x'iit ll. ,i. . 1 l:.. ' I. I I l,i , ( ILi Li mt: l. I:,. :: .!. . t . . i, ut vxr,. , ,i cv the lilel II f .! ! I' I i ' ' I : :' Hi'- Willi I i "11 i r. ! t!,. -. ,i: I "1.1 . s-ue ,..,,, ,. I: . nti I u.-i i'i:.- r. tl . t- -i .it . f the n I t,. i i.ati !.:.! ; ; ' ' r. - f ' ' ' f-il Vlll until li Mleit "f V .i-l. . : - ... - .1 .1 ..ol (. ii li. in t i ' :l i H !. :, ! i. ..i ' I,, -.i li., rii- f Ic , t. n l :il..n f I .:. I , : ' ! i-i- , ,,, , I "-u ,!';'' . : nt ti., ,,f .it,, M U Hilt. 'I Ii th. t:::l. 1 .'. V, had I ' ' ' ? l i ! ' ''":t-. 1 , thr. t"W uik! afl. v.c:c fatiev. I. r ours W kolianri. hip. will c, as . siiniiii' Inn; lei ol ii V". ,- th. i i!. I "f Ibis .lays f i ti"l it 1 n i talo ii ship I I" F" :it f l.h An . ' a :: ii 1:1 Villi I Ilal'i'illi'. at aiu !n i .Till i f, Jill th i tu st in en tin1 sbii hit uart i "f th-lllii-trr l,:;n!f uf ship tlt.-s-iiimI, w itli t.iir )l:'l M'lMlllllt ".y, uh.'t! I';., in .ti. : iju:t1i l ; ::ril"!il ilb .1 .Inly. , i'v:ml b i with tho fn it wo iii;i-l.' nr. i;u- nn tin lit!) fnut r-tirniniim b"l't biiintiful tniic, Wei b lirrt-z'. I brjivi ii nd hi tl.-l I'i'ti-r Ihi t 11.-: V!.V.,.! fi.illl II ilis- only ;i few sbij's in tht1 Itift wr so.'iin'.l tu to hi niiil f -i ilic. I ui mil; f. nr ilnys ..f nir home 1 ' out !" .Ijijiiim wt' hihl ships nil Jlyinu' tin- Itrit-rhi- sinrOiii.y I'ourlli .-f si'. ilM 1 ! i be (Jllitt- iil.ilii' w t iv -.11 !..!!iii: nb.Mt lh stiip'.iity nh.iiL' ;ibuit HI 1 n 1 1 1 1 :T. ;i f! r:- 1 n t'l i. mi. ifl.' V.c i:;l. :iilfil pilttili tin..1 JiftiT tin ship went iilliin; to vi. i .'ibsnl-ittly :i!m tbf lirt tin. c . v;;. l buuii! i 1 1 run ncruNs n tV' ish tbl:'. l.tK :; .1 u!y nn irniuj; en tin- Si it. Wt (b'l-lt : s Uv );;; oYlnrlt in Hit' l m mir ..nt .-I" ' ' A .l-t;o 1, ( .inr.'i: s:in' "Ut tin boy in tin lo-;k- out. " ' WhiTi-nw ny '.' tin- .1.-. k. ;:n. y... Wt I'l' Mil Iltti MtlnM pnints Ktitn: niit iy linntiil ibr ni;iy Itt'iii-ve In r;it h the tin.' bid nloft. Ihut we C.iUlpitS '"I'll.. a vit s 1. st ill nlv'.i l-ir.:ncll in.l lin as t hai. i, mi mi h--aM'ni k till' pimp the liult in ii tin cnti niiul lnniz'tn. Yet fin- it vitb n foi':ilil j.:i'.l;ii stniim il t !n : wtis n::iUiii4 proachin--' ZUJI Sl'flU t- whin y.iu y. ini'l by i!.r i lofk at th' r . y 1 r, b;'!u' sliniii' clt JI . lii'i-t. 1 b, !h by th.. f.i.. , W( b:i'! r." ii fiH'USc.l "I; t ! -tbl .!:.: : I tbii.U a Uil nf nil of u- Vl'lL'i all nf :,' tlav il I'm- " t-Vi-s Mu ll t I nil' tin1 nun i;p lani fi.'.-Vh. an. tin sail. wlii. h Miilinj-' sbip a; in Ibf fi'i' Imri- mi i:i Imtiiais li'ivm;; fi'i her. In-.l- a s. - i i 1 1 1 ImI!: ibip br li-.--v liosh brct ,.'. in 1 1 1 1 -y: s. ii1 i.ini; on. ibit i .11 tin my;;!-. Min i::K'.c Yas :.:. nt th.- i: ain I ou i n pulilic .. 1 till- f-piiH-N l!...t. I M rl'l , timt !br llai; nut ..f I mi. I i 1 ! it mm ii ";;, nn ,-1 b I 1. ! Ill f I. II! b, M'.M; l.i;. al I 1 1 1 1 III. I .11.- nf tl. this i'.ai! ' Thi. the obi si .1 i 1, t! d.' inutler"d , and tln.'ii P .lane d b.r cude th" 1 li ..f ih. Of! tl,: of si.-: : " Th ed the briune. "Vo1 ait ..f Hath.' i diii-l. r I'm -hnut-n the .tl -h! t . b; b'M.I t ' on ii up -. kvii.'i- i..p that t m, a bk al I fear r ol.e nf forw ai .1. I h ous suid . runt: niuuiiil n Valhaila : we we;-1 a t tho S' hi"! ' ll. I I 1. I. 1 . tile deck i If It,; f h; ap tr , thi- 1. ii.' in 1 he air . I - that were nnd mitti -J a i cab u!at' l t" t. .: small h) M1 " -noes -he v. doi's he w av. ':' "The H lu ;.i.nd nil the chpp. ! : upon ns ith i v i set nnd di aw in as nil, man erei t there, llutti'liIiK ! I( ; s', siii jipi ii , i inu k'iniidly Willi the c;e:it f-hlp- t b. id to d 'M nC- I l n . ' ed v. h .. tlu within 1' i j at d in i h p' -a. l s ii-.i w:t f ' i e w un b n bKe of h 1 bio i tK- .-led. 'Well, r ..1 11. b-1 id ef her iut!f';l a n of h i wo ii v n r b. I a picture . ..i Id. And li- i main ' Mil wuv id Icons of H "ll'l lP i e lili CXK' 'i ' pt by m- j uM a ml -he did luM as she i, ihf- pride in as tho b nun r dip ; ;. I ei ev i il. miiub d tn m. -minus hi n. . f hi nn- . like these, abl b- W itb in th;. r i.l. ..x he Lie. b:w n.T p.t.i: ,.i i n nt.'. d tl: p." t! . e. n I - CITS'' tt. ! :) . uther itb lb. then he ib ei' f i n l.f .1 Vh. n a 1 1 the I tnd und' thr i a iic v him "-- a - lu i St. i ( rn Vim. her. tiKi nl le in In t inn. n ' ie tho rr- w ib I i when n l.uU V, l-t't ii n not u n rin t -i ioi:ii of ih rein i ii ii b- im it l In if on i of a fuhwmihle hotel ! n hi-d 'I he I'oinino- lk. d iiffnhlt w ith her In Uk'h t r i need the dnaphter. "don't I i ulk'n r v. .011.1 it ns th II p-.i.lti y I., u- .'" .!. ni,' re-ponded thr "nnd I n'mi-mlxr four .ld root lnfr while I rtor rn-e r, i while liU if 'Tilth, l. " fun ri'to. inU el ih one n Im I lo i t 'i 1 1 n "i 1 1 . n v fld mn u t ih mother v hen ln prilillc.t . -, -icr. up in Jcrry " The In. lie. tn nil.- nn further rommcnts. an iMeipaf.oas rr.if.1. Thiii'. "II" Jiimln." ini'l lh' hitpiw. Thv I.. '.-.lip. 1" ..tu .tnni. mm," "1 nrrr w-.iilit lin.r .ii.Mwinl ll." ri plll tbi uii"ihl'llinlcil Ellpal. "I hsv. jnt lrTi riiiii'i.iui irlth br " 't'lrafo Tribune - " i Dttniatii( Btemaeh DlaeaM I'crinanriitly rufed I'jr Ibr masterly pow erofHoiilh American Nervine Tonic Invalids anrd suKer no lonrsr, Wauae Ihla reraedy can care Iheas alL It la a cure for Ibe whole world of Slosnarh wraknna and Indlretllna. Tbe eere herlns wttb the first doee. Tbe re tWf ll bHnfs hi marvrloas aid aiprle- ln. ll wikbee aa failure! never dlsta poials. Ko asetier bow lwn( yoa bare eaServd, roar tare le ownaJn andar Ibe aeaoftbfs vreal health tlvlnf foroa, i leaaaai BB4 always tare. Bold lit 11. D. I Brtdbara. dnif flat, Haw LUra, K. O. ' N3USM a-'-s is,:. ! u of Wrr ml UmJ k4 (Sliuiii I. Mm Ft. fY5 . I : i ' . t t. I jlM yj I a f I ii.i' t t i r - ' : r. " i l tlo :e in L, v . -I !i .- V j ii f t. i.e. t:.. WtLM . .. f - -d . 1.. .:: f i l-t t ! In r " lierr . b r Im It i 1 1 H't-ii k 1 i i "U i. 5 r.iii n l . ! i ft p H H - ivci i.l i i ! ' ' 1 " ! ! i r -I.' ;i .il Hid II' MTV 8 li'! ti' ..! - -f 1.. 1.. Lf .;!). "u ri ) , I ti I.J -1 ; n 1 1 of M i "in; t . ilIm ; in lit I I I "Ml 1 11 i I . I 1 l,,IM' u : t w !j ; !'- in i f ; ! In f il e rt.: uttur tnd lOdtrn to r U lo t- I. a,' .1.' ..ll .J Ik I '..l II... a 1 1 st I aft Inc. tin. F.I.. t ::,i IMC chll llm.H 1 ..arvfli.. tti.-ir b. w IT ntluT tbl- l ti.lUk'N -t il l;n- is tin- noiltitu-lf nf .lu iMfitttl, Innat. in their u t li-1 win- lint abux1? I w n i -r if ma ni1, in iimst unln 1 1 -1 ih ..f the rnaliiu it lie i'lik'i"iis b'.uvcti Iran plar.-s 'f then l.M.U alu . pt. pt i a.l nil in s. nn' ui I It cat h Miir made bl tu ni;ain.t rcif-l-'SM in the hall wh.-u he dllll'i lllel i):e-r-. .l bi llieat." The Boeninl ' bailee w as "the crent fliiH-niliiient nf Inilintf" that is, necniii mnilntion and furniture fur the night's rest ; tho third, "the exchanj;' uf vessell, u.- of tricne platters into pewter and wuuddeii spoons into silver or tin." The name writer in two places sets fnrth a very marked distinction between the dwellings in the champaign nnd the wnni'Jand parts of the country. "The houses In the first lie nnifnttnlie builded in everie towne toither with sti'ets and lanes, whereas in the woodland countries Ueopt here and there in Kicat market townop) they sin nil scattered abmad, each one dwelling in the midst of his owne occupien." Architect. NO CITY OF REFUGE. The IHtin With a Wnrrant Goci Whprcnoevcr He Wlllcth. "A very interestinp fact nf iimdern lif that sMms In have escaped attention,' remarked a New Orleans lawyer the nth ?r ilny, "is (' nt tin world has wipe., it last city of . .'::i;e ofF the map. There i no lutifrer an v snot on t he irlobe !u r oui" fugitives ft' 'in justice are safe limn extradition. When 1 fiirt biran to p-ae tioe law, sn American criminal uf r.tir ir.r; disfiosit ion hnd a wide ranm of ( hni.-e in the matter of foreign residence. Spain. Turkey, AI'its, Japan. Holland. Chile, Kiiuador, the IMiilippines, Cuba and al! of Central America except liritish linn duras (iunrniitee'l security to assmie.. brands of fugitives, frim mur.le:c:. dnwn, nnd the list nf icsnrN pen tu sin pie einbez'lers was vety niu; h l.ner. "I'"or years, jmi remember, eveiy ri:na way bank asbier made a b. line fui Canada, ami the thim: pit to be a ;l.'iiid xni: juke, bhe the mother-in-law j.-;.'. : ;.nd the meiiy ijuip.-; ab'Uit plumbeis. Never theless, the en i le kept steadily contract ing, and one l y ne the dilTerent coun tries cnteie 1 iiitn mutual treaties and put np the bars, so tho American cmok whn wauled a e!iat:e uT air bev:,n t.i find h;M Felf in the pieiiieri "f 1 i k Swivellcr when lie checks i ;fF till I-oinlmi stiects he cunl.ln't Iiavci-e wilhuut meeting creditorw. It w;e- miLrhly liitnl wirk to fiure uiit n safe itinerary. Canada hutiK tenaciously to the t trn-le, but ut lii.-t she passe. I a law T,;.nnst hri:i;:inji stolen import v into the I tnminmu liiat practically excluded the Hit tin's' banker. "Japan was one uf the ln.--t of the dis tant powers tu adopt a t reaty covering what are called 'crimen aj'niust property,' Htid the now proviso was a severe bh.w to felonious ficnllci'-cn in delicate health. It robbed them uf the balmy climate of Yokohaiun. Kvontually things simmered dnwn to Central A mericu n nd t hen by pruccKR of din limit ion to Spanish It duras. That was the filial stronghold of the fugitne, but in 1S(M the congiea of that nation approved u m w treaty claiist' rontaiuiUK the usual extrndition pmvi eiutis "So, nn 1 Mini before, there i now no olty of ief-L-e on the fin-v uf the earth. The man v. il h a w i rt nt.t gnes whereso pTer ho lists." New Orleans Tiiues l)rruocrnl. Tea a Or. Ke!b i:l' ae n nio.-in.i nf out doubt a n tUtu in ininiei . Fnuiily I . t- Ii hen mat I urn. ;-yn the h il.i! tt.:l use of tea eht in h. attai be is with tbcieiil caue "f rheuma- ih v.-nvR. A writer in Th siivh he tins met many pen-ous wlm coiiM not foiek' i the niurn- Ing cup nf ten or coffee without suffeiiiiff HPvi'rely from h ad a ibe n ml d.proMsioo durinc the day. The them' or enftriue of the leu hns proci-cly the mime efTect uric acid and hem t hus eomt lo be n fa- voi Ite dnineht ic i emc-1 y for hi-ndachp. When useil habitually, howpvoi. qr will readily appear, (he efTect uiimt lc to caiiRp Q ntorinu up in (he body of uric acid find urn tea, tbuB laying the foundation for chronic rhcumutlRin nod the various allied conditions which have their fonudntlon In the ao called uric acid diathesis or lithenila. How lo LerN Ooo4 Raallaa. If the pupil ninny hears eorrfK-t Eng lish fr.iui bi. Icaclii'rs nnd Is alwajs cor- rertoil when he uiios Inoorrect English ho will nrqulro a correct nn of the lan(tia(e without i. pc nili tig acverol yesri stuiljlug hooks rlevotnl to rules and thrlr manr rirpntliina, illaRrnma, parsing, spelling lists, vlr. After th pupil has learned to use correct Kngliah, whll learning some thing rise which h writes end talks about 6'f hours s wrek for one ecbool rear Is all that Is necessary for the sys tems tic teaching of English grammar. Uuoton's Use:. line. Ton S.T.r. a Strata. 'Ithrtie tells in be has gon ont of pol itic cntlri lr." Thnt'. true. Politically speaking, be was on thr fence, and warn tn ward heelers l. vnn milling a leg on each aide It was mm than he could stand. Chi cago Tribune. The fad thai poets have to be shoulil dlsconrsge nobody, for they alee bav to dir. fMrolt JoernaL Ravtxg a Clraat B aa Chaasaatiala's OeagX iail. tr'anayer Martin, of tbe Hereoa dra store, larotaiB at that be la htviaf f real ran on Cbaanbcrlaln't Cob Raoa. e-ly. He el Ave bailee of that audl- Hd to one of tny other kind, tod It fives great MlltfacUoo. In Ibeeedayl of la grippe Ibe re la nothing Una Cbanv barlafn't Oongn Reiaedy lo eton It" cough, heal ap the tore throat nnd loegs nd lire relief within vary short I Into. The eal era m rowing, nnd nil who try It are plaaeed with lu prowipt nrtlvn I Dims vhik.v fcaiij vwswmi V vi ni. II -5 1 . h ni- u I. it. h. i . ! utkMAN KALI WORKS. Ii.lli.ili;;,- of ,lll'l ImtM' ' b:,nl j it Nc Vor. i I- t:. " "''I to !.' . l.j ii.. Ii." he 1 u. j L . ..mI :,.!!. "'. d Ti t !ir x 1 1 I Lei'. I u-ii.n:if nr. mIi U-.iw u--uA in.-m ll ai..P.hii . ....I rt I by f, B, Dnff r 09. . COTTON Culture" the name val u- illustrat pamphlet which should be in the hands every planter who y l raises Cotton, book, is sent Free. In I it; in In. has been unreduced in the Vir ginia Letfitjlriture j r hilii inr the employ me nt of children under 10 years of ae by manufacturers. Where to Fiml Out. Hilicufl Vou can't tell inucli about a man's financial condition fioni the clothes he wears. Cyniciis No, you must see his wiTe a clothes. l'refeneil TheiMlier ISii'd. I don't care for your poem. The aonj of theLark, remarked the editor. The poet sighed wearily. To tell the truth, he replied. I nnseK much prefer the lay of the hen. :te Comiuj; is Lookod Forward to With Both Joy and Fear and its Safe Arrival is Hailed With Pride and Delight ty All. Tho arrival of tho first bfiby in thft hoursehoM is tho hnppicnt and most im portant event nf marriod life. The young wife who is to Ihci1!o u mother delights Lo tli ink of tho hnppinr:is id storoforher when tiio littlo oiiohIihII nestle upon her iriast and latterly hIio Khali hear it lisp tho 3woofc and holy nnme, "mother. But her happy anticipation quickly van ishes whon she milizes the ttsrribie pain and PvifToriiiK through which she mut pass while bringine tho littlo ono into tho world. An indecrilmbiofearof tho iniifTor attnndant uum the ord-eid soon disaipatt hor joyfulnos. ThousiiiKia oi women nave icomea !y rxjierienco that thero is absolutely no neeosfiity for tho Bufferings which at tend child-birth; they know that bp the uso of "Mother s lfriond ascienv. tific liniiiKMitv for a few weeks before the trying hour, expectant mothers can o prepare themselves for the final hour that the pain and suffering of the ireadod event are entirely oDviatea ana It is safely passed through with com paratively little discomfort. ah women are interestea. ana es- pooiftuy expoeuini. motners wrio ior niei iirst time have to umlergothis trials in ucha remedy ; for they know the pain ind suffering, to say nothing of the dan ger, which is in store for them. "Moth er's Friend' is woman's greatest bles ,ing, for it takes her safely through the severest ordeal of her lifo. Every woman should be glad to read the little book ' Before Baby is Born," which contains Information of great value to all. It will be sent free to nny one wno senai their address to Tho Bradfleld Regu lator Co., Atlanta. Cm. Pyny-Pectoral! A OCICK CURI2 FOR COUGHS AND COLDS t Very Rcmc-'y in all ILlicl tllll.S (if tliO I THROAT or LUNGS! J I.ari;e Bottlc-5, 2$c. J S DAVIS A I.AVU!:SCB CO.. Umlted, l.... nf .,n. lte...l !. VIM... 7 rENNYRQYAL PILLS .-TN rt-riU iy IWii-. w' X -11N .fts. ajwf w-aw. LaD'lb ltsuirt Is Clnsaiw ;.. We , mmJ rwJ I. lUael mm LU . I W . Mlsad WlUi tlsw Oul-si I Bp ' -ei.. lifkn si an.eail ri' -ffn I.MU wf wtlewJ. Al srfaB,er swwej -jaa. In r I await ; j-'lMi. I tiswnt4ws M.4 tUHnf tW IVre." M Vb I sa.ae4) T U tmm fmm a-M b aJU LrxAl i" I'll 1 LA aVeU. T A. FOR SALE! Parma, large or small. Farms suitable for Vegetable growinr. Small Prutta, Herrlea. ic. P.rnu suitable for Frail growing. Parr. euitable for Qraea and Oral. . Farwte laltahle for Tobacco grnwlnp. Farms aullal'W fo ren'ra ropa. C.4- ton, i'eanuts, Vrgaublra, Krulu., Jto. Finn body of land w 11 anllrd for Hlnrll Raising. Natural Ias'.uiage, niK for ttt4U wloU and sommer. Oood I an Is for Dairy Fnr. Poultry Canglva yoa e.lter on ratlmd or -, la Many enm both. J.J. WolfriulenV Itonl IXntfi Anvy, New 'Ilrru, 2V. i b ultn-.i in -'I rod a-ii-.ii Kdterv tin ruorn- :h) i nicni- ' : ut;v. : (.-c I.., v l l y- liv ni- Nnbi,.!'.- ImjhI, I r.ilt- on hornebfack v at v -Mid.! ' Wb) tli In'i f y ye rid'-