I YUU'MI XIII. NIW BERN, CRAVIH COUHTY. H. C. TUESDAY, flBBUAKY 20, 1900 - FIRST SECTION. MJ&IBEK Si! CR0WDIH& CBQHJE. I Kitchener Hopes to Catch the Fly In; Boer General. Creaje forced lo Rest aad BrlUeb Saelliajr Hi Camp. French and Kimberley' Hefeader Uo warded. Boiler Again Attacking. Special to Journal. Loudon, Fob. 17 With the Boon un- der General Cronje In fall retreat and i national Topnlist party lo ineel ci I.in Oeneral Kelly Keuny harassing hi rear, coin. Neb., next Monday, to lix the i hue hopes run high here that a decisivo lc tlon will occur, If one has not already been fought. -. Dispatches from Roberts at Jacobsdal confirm Ihis'befief.' Cronyelnr I een com pelled to form a laager or camp in order to rest his oxen with which he ia taking off his gans. This explains the latest dispatch from Kelly Kenny In which be refers to hta shelling the Burr laager, lie has taken many prisoners and large amounts of ammunition storei and wagons belonging to the Bai l 8. If General Tucker with the Seventh division is ablo to couie up hu will form the projected junction with the forces of Kelly Kenny, General Colville Is also coming up rapidly from thu icar witu the whole u uih division. KiM.bener should then havo sufficient force t-J decisively engage Cronje and prevent him from teaching Uloemfoutcin with any effective force. Kvery commanding general nlong a line of tire Is now engaged The Queen has promoted French to be a llajot-Ueneral. IK-n 1(l i o he bin only ranked In the army as Colonel with the local rank of brigadier gcneial. Lieut. Colonel Kekevtich has been promoted to colonel for his services in the defense of Kimberley. Dispatches from Lorenzo Marquez from Iloer sources, say that lieneral Duller is again attacking Vital Kruntz. Thu dispatch says thul the Boers are holding their own. The great valuo of Roberts' flank movement from the British point of view in the effect it will have at Lady Hinlih, v liich is besieged by a force about half from one and half from the other B.er republic. Will the Free .Slate men liiuw; on there when, their own homes arc threatened by tbo advancing British? It is not easy lo-ece upon what tbo Boer will decide es their future plans; for though ..Ladyfmiih Hero to fall, Buller's big force would prevent the overrunning of Southern Natal. A heliographlc message tithed Loin Ladysmttb yesterday la W'tcnen states that (he Boer Investment l relaxing. IJuller contluuos to show activity. THEIR TURN NOW. Krug-er and Lcyds Explain Cronje's Re treat. All Arranged For and Suits Them. Kprclul to Journal. Nkw York, Feb. 17 A former Hol land olliclal now In Ihis city has received a copy of a messago today from Presi dent Kruger to the Hague. The message read, "'No uneasiness. Federal operations fully planned." lie explained It at It meant that the Boers hid prepared for tho contingency of re liant from KimliO'ley and had another strong lino of defeuse lo fall back upon. BacsaKLa, , Feb. 17 Dr. Lcyds, the gent of the Ttansvsal, states that hs Is not worried over lbs British Invasion of the Orange Free Stale. He declared that the Free Slate was as well prepared as the Transvaal. NEGRO SOLDIERS Attack a Jail to Release a Disorderly Comrade. Two Men Killed. Rpeclal U Journal. Jt, Paso. Texas, February 17 Negro troop stationed at Fott Ollsi early to day made an-assault upon the coanty Jail with the Intention of rescuing - two Comrade who bad been locked op there. Twenty lo thirty ibeu were eichanged a soldier and a constant1 were .killed , Tbt sheriff called out a posts lo prevent trouble spreading. The man killed were private Hull. Several posset are today . l.mklnf tor tie Soldiers .who escaped ' front the city. There Is a si tie of great , excitement. . The negro soldiers are armed with Krg-JorBooa rifle. The trouble arose over the arrest hat Iglil by officer Christy and Scott of a negro soldier who we drunk and disor derly.. The man wal placed la Jail end foiling mere wet thought of U aulll the stuck early tbt morning. ', '. . ' ' Workmen Injure! ' rpelel to Journal' : '. . Middlktor.' Conn. Th, 17.- Foer mea who wrje eonalruollng a toad bet ear Cob-til today were probably fatally Injured by the premature explosion of dynamite. Twenty Italian ftera work' Ing wbea Ibe two kindred penndf 'of dynamite esploded, throwing lb man to tb ground and Injuring all of line - Tbe Blr Battleships. flectal lo Journal. Xentnckf Pntecky at Newport f .w. will . ready to place la eorom'r!e April SS Ti depsrtment bsi aot yet let lh dst fur eommUslonleg ber. Tb battihlp Kaaraarg will b pls ed la commiitioa Jfb. SO. IMPUDENT PtlliCREW. Dakota Senator Knows All About The Constitotional Amendment Bailer Intends To Nominal. liryan Karly In The Season. Tele phone ChartcrUrantcd. lot Von Buyers Offer, limner For Paris Raleigh, Feb. 17. ScDior IJuller calls the executive committee of i lie aad place for the next convention. J he convention will nominate Bryan ami a I'opulist for Vice President. It remains to be seen whether this attempt to foice the Democratic hand will not be cms of Senator Butler's biggest fallmcs. Butler last week published pi his pa per, The Caucasian, nu "opinion" by Senator Allen that the constitutional amendment is unconstitutional. Friday he publishes one from Senator Peltigrew of South Dakota, along the same line. Senator Petligrew declares uol only thai section 5 (the grandfather clause) ia un constitutional, but that the courts will declare it void aud sustain the remainder of the amondmcut. The Senator must be a mind-reader. But he goes a bow shot further be saying thnl the well es tablished principal of couft ruction which the court (the United Siatea or lie- ritale Supreme Court?) follows vviii make il necessary for it to take litis cv,:ir.,c ie gardless of any attempted iu.-truc! ions to tho court by tho Legislature. This means that the court is not I notice t'ne declaration which in ail probability the Legislature will make in the shape of an amendment lo the amendment, doit 1 lie amendment must stand or lull us a whole. Tne Stale charters tho fahdiins it Vir ginia Telephone Company, c;ipiu. $10, 003, headquarters at llendeivot-, N. 1 Strause, F. C. Toepleman and .1 li liriil gers stockholders. Il is now learned thai llio Scaboiuti Air Lino through Florida trnim wi;i not be put on until next Bc.i-on. it i fouud lo be impossible lo compN io ail the new lines in time for un; t his anon. CommUsiouer of Insurant;.: Youu.' says he will turn into tlie St ;te treas ury for the fiscal year aliout $1.",0;'0 more than il has over relieved in any one year. The corporation commission calls fot A report of the Stale banks up lo the close of business, February Hill. There are 85 banks. It is learned from some co. ton grow ers that buers are now offering lo take their crops, deliverable next October, al 1J cents. One grower says n buyer has made him this offer for 1,000 bales, liul that he has never rained over Gt;0 hales, and ia dropping cotton as a crop because he has found it unprofitable. Secretary T. K. Brunor, of the Agri cultural Department, will go lo l'arln directly after the meeliog of the bo aid In March, and will remain there until its June moellng. lie will distribute litera ture regarding North Carolina and look after the display of North Carolina ex hibits In the exposition. All the exhibits are now on tlte way to Paris. Nothing more will be sent. At Wake Forest College, the two liter ary societies observed, lu the usual way, the 65th annlvcrsity. A nuiiitier of per tons attended from hero, among them Iter. Dr. Skinner, President PlasinKm of I he Baptist Female University; John 8 Cunningham, and Principal Joi n K Bay, of the Institution for tho B ind. t he ciuerj debated this afternoon w as whether England was justified in fight ing the Boers. In thu evening tho orations were delivered; by Ar thur W. Cooke, for the Kuzelisn, and Daniel YY. Slrlugncld, for the Pidlouis- luesluii. Potentates Quarrel. Special lo Journal. Br.KI.M, Feb. 17. Ka;ser Willimn has bad a quarrel with ILs duke u gent of Uecklenburg Bchwertn. 'J lis Duke recently granted tomo Interviews with newspaper men which criticized the German government. Hearing of It, lb Kaiser' secretary wrote tho Duke cx pressing the aslinlshmenl of the Km peror al the Indiscretion. Tho Duke ro plied that be was tn Independent German monarch and that be refused to accept advice a to what lo do or not lo do. Cubans Seem Worried. Bumoo Dl Con, Feb. U - (l .vrr-or-Oeneral Wood's general oroVr t!' tying the prerogative of military com mender and civil governor are o Mm a eentatlea here. The pre I divided a lo ibrlr tffei t, the more radical organs declaring that It mean a longer oocupailoa of lb roan try by American. The ' provision lro for ring publlo work to lb olvll dentrtmeal oii Aoril 1 cause alarm among the nay Amsfl- board at earliest eoavtatrnce, for par eo employ, tbeyatpect dllwlwsj poe of granting Ikwea lo L. T, QtJaler, wbea the lraorr I made. U wll Uqe. ' ', -' Tb manager of A mat lean and for. 1 Respectfully, c, ' 1 alga business enterprise ar al-o ftomc '. R. V. WtLLtAna, C. C. what eoeeernel. The Spaniards, who '" ... '"k . I bre, are particularly an i low.. 1MERV0US troublre aro tvr? hv 11 IIimmI Mttranmrlll, vlii !i fa rlrbo an.) pnriile the bhxxl. It l the Usl meUielu for aervoui PEOPLE. SEEING TRINITY COLLEGE. Ls nany Buildings and Their Location. New Structures. Securing store Ground. Bryan's Speech. A city or b college that Is set npon a bill caunol lw hid, no when Dr. J. C Ktlgo, alib IU-, ba.-klnt; provided by the Dukes of Putnam, took l'riiidy C'oliege ottl of Ibc. woods and i.'s.-cd it on hii;h ground on amain traveled roa 1, it did i more than any one otln r thing lo make the school Kell known Tiiousands of ! p oplt havo seen Trir.Hy Col'ege who Lave never enured wltutu tls gites. To enler iu gales, one gets oil at West Durham and after rive lu'iuutes walk reaches the arched iron roadway with "rellglou" sod ' education,'' done in Latin, inscribed above The broad road leads up lo thu big elgii'.y ihousaud dol lar muin building ia which are class end lecture rooms, library aad oltices, aud in tue stories above arc dormilories of the students. Off to tho right of the ap proach to the main building &rn the dwellings kuown as "Faculty Row'' wherein dwell Drs. Crawford, Bassett, Pegram, Kilgo and Prof Merriit. The second prominent building is the big Inn. it stands in the back ground between the Row aud Main Building It Is picturesque, like an Asheville hotel or mountain resort and besides the chapel dining hall and reception rooms, in contains the students dormitories. Third in size and Importance is Craven Me morial Hall, given by the Methodist denomination in honor of Mary E. Craveu. The building id built square and is handsome iu appearaace. It seats 1500 people. Further back and conceal ed from a railroad view, is the Angicr gymnasium aud the Chemical Laboratory I'lie gymnasium Is the most perfectly appointed one in the Stale and has every apparatus for developing the human fin in divine, l ings sil t trapee.es, bats and ladders, ro.viug machine and uinscl-: developers i,f every kind, in the base" mem is a swiiutuisg pool and a bo ..ling alley and various dressing rooms. Near by ia the pietty collude of Prof. Whili- housu. Kioullng the "gym" is the half mile nice track, with the space inside enclosed tiy a fence within which are the athletic diluents willi the oithodox grand stand it one side Continuing around the track and coming towards the front gain, the Mary Duke, or womeu's uiiding is eticouiilercd. It shelters the young ladies who have taken advantage of the modern cu-educalion now offered in North Carolina. Oil lo the west and Doiiunvnai sepuraied from the college buildings proper, is the High school, consisting of a main building, two dor mitories and the mess hall. Here thoso applicants who don't quite "get there" iu the entering "exams'1 to Trinity can make good their faults In a couiso of! study. The purpose, however, is a pre-1 parat.-ry school to the college. The new residence of Dr. Kilgo Is In course of erection, just lo the soulh of Prof. Flowers' home. It occupies a promlncut position and the Improve ments designed for the grounds will add 10 tlte attractiveness of the location. A new boulevard will wind across the campus and turn In front of the door. The college grounds are large and ex tend along the street which skirts the Southern Railway. In the corner next to the to wo, a piece is taken out by a louplv i.f small dwellings aud 1 bey de li net I rum tho uniformity of the plan. 11 was another Nabolh's vineyard case aud the king has looked with longing eyes upon il. But nowadays kings don't take things, they buy, incur, and so six thousand dollars was spent In acquiring a piece of propei ly when four was all it was, worth. Vineyards came high wlicu dukes have to foot the bill. A new library building Is projected. It will come fioni a Duke, of course. Tho location Is supposed to be selected where the athletic grouuds uow an and lamentation U beard from the boys who piizu their well rolled sod level Held. It sei titd as though there was enough room elsewhere for the structure but that rests with the powers that be. L'puu the advent of Mr. Bryan lad Tuesday, lb La rh ami tea were addressed by the great orslor (rum lb rear plat form of bla car. The college boy were glvan the morning off and were treated to tome pretty pungent remark txlulog more or less directly to lh tobacco trust which sooner or later would make t bum mity they were ever bera. Prob ably most of lh student felt that a lit t u I ict oi tb eoljnel's part would bav li un appropriate lo the occasion and I list an occasional glimpse of the bright de 4f thing would do CO bsrov. m Win's Witch HsmI .8.lv l on qu;lud for pll, Injerle and skin dl eases, il Is be original Wllvb Haxel ralr. Beware of all OounlerfelU. f ft DifTy. '. , Called Meeting; Commissioners. Mi. K. W, BmaJIaood, chairman bcrd eomm!lonere, pleas call sMetleg ot u gll annul ng of the bctrd Of commlMloner at the court Wdnr lay, f ahraary II, 1900, eleeea o clock. f- W. fKAtt wonn, Chm'a. febreary IS, 1000. Work on the Streets Will be Re sumed March 1st. Auditor's Report Heady. Ciiart le-, clslons. Smallpox Reports Street Hallways. Experiment Farms Prrpartnr. Raleigh, Feb. 10 Raleigh folks will bail with jov the coming of March 1, fur that day street wrk will be resumr-d. Some of the tilled in or cut down stir i is, not yet macadamized, look like clay plis In the northeastern and northern par:s of the eily this is very markid. The people will not atop voting bonds until all the streets are improved. The State chartered the "flrand Assi - elated Order of Pilarim Travelers" Fdenton Is its headqart-rrs r.nd its mis sion on earth is lo iuculca'e the princi ples of love, purity and ll ie.ity. The Supreme Court will devote tin's week to the hearing of appeals from the third district". Next Tuesday It will probably file the first opinions of tho term. The board of agriculture meets March 7. Some Interesting reports will then be made. The preparation of the soil lest farms, near Trboro and Red Springs, has begun. The State Auditor ha completed all of his reports and also the letter to the Governor, which is usually one of the most interesting pai ls f it, and next week II will bo given to i he press. U will contalu some new mutter, and just bow when such tamest efforts are being made to closely af.-ess t iopeity for taxa tion jand to reach a lo: of it which es capes, what lie says will !: very timely, iudeul, A number of Kale'gii pi o;de will go lo Pai is this year. Il is greatly tn be rcgn-ncd tlist Ibe newspaper liles In the S: Library arc AO broken aud in orupb ie. It i.s also to be regretted that tin i..,ok- a ; 1 pamphlets re'aling to N'oiib Caroli..a i i o meagre. The trustees ought lo no. I t; r-pecial ef forts to vinplc:i' ibe lain r li. will cost money, but the earlier ihy woik Is hegi.u tho bettor. An nidcinian says that if t lie matter of selling tho present market house and city hull is submitted to a rote of the people they may order II done, nine to one, and that then there can bo built a market and on auditorium. Tim present clly hall is practically worthless. It was built for use as a theatre, but is quite un fit for that purpose. Dr. Richard II. Lewis, secretary of the Slate board of health has completed his report for January. Il shows that dur ing that month there was smallpox iu 24 counties! Since thi n It has appeared In two, Buncombe and Haywood, lie states. It Is amusing to hear his comments on the diagnosis of smallpox as "elephant Itch" by some doctors. Of course there Is no such disease as elephant itch and the doctors know It. WtlbU a few days a physician In a town east of here de clared a pronounced case of smallpox to be elephant itch. x The returns to the corporation com mission show that there are only 30 J miles of street railway In operation in Ibis Stale; all electric. Last year 2,793, 74S passenger were carried and the total receipts were 1148,668, The Asheville railways carried the most passengers, 9H.770; Wilmington's 723,877; Charlotte's 013,828; Raleigh's 627.U81; Winston's 831,108, and the road from Plnehurst to Southern Pines 7,383. A charter was granted tbo Raleigh Telephone Company, capital $15600, flrat lo equip an exchange here aud then build lines to towns. The Slate Treasurer makes a report on ibe Oeanclsl nsult of Ibe shell commis sions from April, 188.5 to dale. Il shows receipts 18.890: disbursement, $21.4; balance $54 4 V Mrs. J K. Miller, Newton Hamilton Pa, writes, "I think DeWlil's Witch Haxel Halve the grandest salve made." Jl cures pile and heals everything. All fraudulent Imitations are Worthless. F ft Duffy. THE MARKETS. Tb following qtirttatlom were receiv ed by J. K Latham. New Hern, M. C. Kaw Vorx, February 10. Open. High. I-ew. Close ktch eolloa . . . . 1.83 8 :l 8.6J 183 May cotton .. 8 0.1 8 00 8M 8 00 Aua cotton .... 848 8 40 8 4S 848 tpt. cotton ... 7 81 7 hi 7.81 7.81 Rev. eottstv... 7.41 T 53 7.41 7.47 nicaeo HAHaait If but Open. Illgb. Low. (Ie M7 May Bo, By I'M... IHT. C.AO ....... Beadleg .... 4. S. W 8 illf Ml 67 7?t t ft A '1 . 0. w. ... ... Coat. Teb. Tref . T. 0, L..... ... W ' Ml U Mi Iteoslwti at eotlea pert wr 10,000 be!. CASTOR I A for ZofaDU and Chlldrea. Hi Ibi Yc3 1!:ti A!ibji C::;U Beera tho 6'gnalUr of BOERS IN TBflUBLE. Robert's Forces Pressing Oa Rear of Flylnf Cronje. The Rnller Seizes Boer (amps. Mill Try For Ladysiuith l.uss Of British At Kimberley , Was Fiftj Sen j London, Feb ID -General Kelly Ken ny is puisuiug Cronje and pussiug the ' ear guard He has captured 150 Boer wagons and large quantities of siore and j aiuniur.li'.ou Rumors have been in iteu'ialiou at the clubs ai'.ii elsewhere ill London that (Jen I n...l i r. . 1 . : i r - ii i t I i v i ui v i on j,-, n , i .i uti a I tij ot I ,M v, it B3 bf en captured, Ti.c la:et repoils are that tho Boers in lite neighborhood of Kiipt'.raal's drift t are undoubtedly di-du ai tened. The primary obj' i live of Unbelts is stilt to cplure the lloer army of t'rohje, .because in clippie that fori u is his best preparaiion for bis principal task. The movement eastward iuto the Free Slate will also have the object of disturbing the Boer army in Natal by ratisin;; lire Free State troops to wish to defend their own country. The relief of Kimberley was accom plished with the loss of only iO men. Twenty thousand infantry made spendid marches under a subtropical sun and through a dust storm to bold the posi tions which General French took. Lord K'lcliener was with General Tucket's division. In cot.-e q o nee of hi transport arrangements tin; four divis ions moving over the sandy veldt are fed and wittered. It Is lo rdly possib'c to appreciate adequately the nutheiiKihcal precision with which e Iranspoit department marching tlnough the t most slecplcssly through dialing the mrr.y ami iv part of I ho has worked, iv. i-.ilUg :: the nijjht, vic ev.dviio; every hour results from sc-tni: chaos. JLondon, February 19 It is announced ai I lie War office that iiulier has cap tured several Boer ramps, auon uikioii n ir il many piisouers. !'.v l ikoi I'lanina Hill be cuu icai.'u . L'.d -niiiii by direct road )uoi th. General .' '. r's latest move is aimed ..'.! !l!ain;'. aire and Motile positions tbout four miles '. Icnso. Asa preliminary I forward a c.iiuiiin which at seizing . C'htisto, 11 t southeast d (o this lie 'e occupied Htt- ir Hill, from which the tern feeble resistance. Boers retiretl : 'I had tlyFpepsia for y rars No medi; cine was so cll'ective as Kodnl Dyspepsia Cure. It gave immediate relief. Two bottes pr" lured mnrvdous lcsults.'' writes L. II Wi.iren, Ailuny, W is. It digests whin ; o i al ant! ca!i;:ot fail lo cure1 F. S D.itTy. Celery I IchiI.icIio I'owders will cure your headache. Give them n trial. Tin y are made and sold at Davis' Prescription riiarmacv. Bicycles Fot Eveyfeocl I have a very large Ftock of liiryc'e', from which ANVONK can be Suited. COI.UMHIA4 HTOIlMI.Its HAKTF011IS 1'KN.NANTS UAMHI.KIU4 n;:i. RanfiinK in price from f '.'0 P0 to (X). Hold for Cash or ou Kasy I'aj lie n's. I have a limited E!ock:of the Model T;0 Gbainless at tW and Models lo and 4.1 Chain Colu.ibias al $40. iukI pet no more of them when present slock is exli iiisl ed. Second-Hand Bicycles nl nlrnosl any old price. ' All kind of Repairing ('one piomptly and your work is solicit! d. A lartfo and well selected: sleek of Records for Giapbnphone or I'Iioih umpb, eonsistinif of laut Marclic", I nke Walks, Coon Solids, etc.. at factory prices. WJff. T. IIIIL, South Front St . Next P. M. Druney I will hcII 10 or 12 good Horse and Mules with Wiigotm ami llur nras Complete, Cheap for Cuh or Oool Paprr. J. T. H. riOORE, New Hern, N. C. Lean mail. Loan placed. Apply lo BAACJ II. HM1TI1, 130 Middle street. tn f.,-'ii si!i c x Igf sl! in . M l-i? cut 55 hi? at 2 SStf I! f &: Nsw Bsra, K. C. SALT RHEUM CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART JUST SEEN SlltTht Rkln Eraptlona sure m WarU mi owetlitna Mor. kerlMS Oastk Tke Out 7 bale U tf la to Hm4 Use Warning. JoKuMoa'a aaJraaMTUla U Ike ateat FastrarlaJ BIm PurtBSr Kitiiii. Nature, in her efforts, to correct miatakea, which mistakes have come front careless living, or it may be from ancestors, shoots out pimples, blotches' and other imperfections on the akin, aa a warutur? thru more serious troubles (per haps tumors, cancers, cryaipelas or pulmonary diseases i arc certain to follow it you neglect to heed tlie warning and eorreet the mistakes. Many a ling-ering, painful disease-stud manv an early death has been avoided simply because these notes of warning h ive Wen heeded nod the blood kept pure by a right use of JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. Miss Abide J. Hando, of Marshall, Mich., writes: "I was cured of a bad humor after tutferinif with it for five year. The) doctors and my friends said it was salt rheum. It came out on my bead, neok and ears, aad then on my whole body. I was perfectly raw with H. What I suffered during those five years, is no use telling. Nobody would believe sne If i am. l tried every medicine trial was advertised to cure iu i spent money enough to buy a house. I heard JulI.N "aTON'S SAUSAI'AUILLA highly praised. I tried a bottle of it. I bcgn to iiuproie right away, and when Ifcad finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never bad a tooefc (if U since. I never got auv thing to do me tho least good till I tried JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. 1 would heartily advise all who are mirTerins; from huasora or skin disease of any kind to t rv it at once. I hail also a good deal of stomach trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SAR8APABIJLLA made me all right." The blood is your lifeand if you keep it pure and strong you can positively re sist disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHSSTON'S SARSAPARILLA never fails. It is for sale by all druggists, in fuM quart bottles at only one dollar eaoh MICIIKiAIV DRUCa- COBIl O.T. UKADllAM j. L. EVIcDANIEL'S Is the Place to Buy Groceries. o o Everything guaranteed as represen ted. Goods:the highest quality obtain able, Lowest Possible Prices. Perfect Satisfaction or your money refunded. Fresh lot "Fancy Syrup and f Porto Pico and NewiOrleanaMolasses. Anything in Grocericsyou .want. ! "aa -Pi ) "as f 'w r-si si "in i ss w I . L 01. 71 ll il l Jr -MAM' FACTU liEHS- Meadows' Grade Special Guanos. If von fnriii on the intensive? syntcni ttnd for profit, yon must use HIGH GRADE GUANO. Our (iooila arc specially adapted for this section. Used by the lnrgeiit and most snrjeessful farmers in 11ms section. Their Field Kesultfl sjieak louder than Words. SIi: I II, l Meadow.' GOLD LKAK Tni") for ( nlor, SilkincBs and Fine leaf section of the State, and specially prepared for the need of oir la&d. If interested Hend for leallet of analysis and testimonials. Our l'.iOO Calendar also for the nkiiirr. E. H. & J. A. Works: Union Point. Largest and Finest Stock of . . . . ..... Q 'Jrrw)5'T,'!r" .1 have moved to tho Broad Btroot Dtablca, purchased of J. W. STEVAET, rchcro I chall be glad to meet all frionda and cuotoi -.ci 3. BOTTLES. IK TUI. - AIVT, DBTHOIT, Tat New Bern, N. 0. Wholesale & llclail CJroeer, Brw'! Si. Co, Potato Cabbage FOR AIjIs CUOPft. TOBACCO GUANO. (Tried and Teaturo. Manufactured in the bright MEADOWS CO New Born, $. C. Ever Found In New Bern. N

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