Crippled by Rheumatism, vug iiti jaBcamaturn nnq uemseltM growing ateaddy wcrse all the while. One reason of this is thai the re mod k preacritied by lb doctor contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify ton disease by eaua ing the Joint to swell and stiffen, producing a sever aching of the bone. 6. 8. 8. haa been curing Khenmatiem for twenty yean even the wont eaaei which eoemed almost ineurahla. - ' M-M eaeewlih BlmmiilMi walon eoaYtneed ua u B . tiron. u, 'n i J gin euro for that painful dis ease. E or': "1 ra a groat kt'flrrvr from no- mar imwauuD lor two yean. I oould act. 'M nermaaeaa. moat from any medtoinj pre scribed bj my phyalfilan. I toot about a dozen bob Uoa of nur A A a nr1 it. bow Iia u wall aal -'-") nvriraauiByon, iam k "V. f awed me, and I would f recommend it to any one a" toSariac from anj Mood dllM Everybody know that Rheumatism U a diseased atate of the blood, and only a blood remedy ia the only propel " treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravate! the trouble. being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very cause of the disease and a per ruanent cure always results. It ia the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain nq potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Book. mailed free by Swift Suecifla i Off for a Long Trip. Mr. J. H. Mackhurn, the well known merchant, left last night on the fteam cr Ncuso. the beginning of a several months abseuco. Mr. tlackbnrn will first go to New Orleans, there lo enjoy Hie gsyicties of (he Mnrili Utah, nmi ihen goes to Vexico where he experts to lake In the Rights of that Republic. From Mexico, uorlh again, through California., with a visit to Hall Lake t ity, and prohnlily in Oregon. Mr. Ilackburn will propitbly return from the far west by the northern routo 'Che friends of Mr. Ilackburn will hope to sec him nine back gru.ily benefitted in health, and having cnj'ivcd Uirt ailil seeing. CunR hi grippe with Riiikkth' Tastr I.KH8 Cuii.i, Tonic. 25c. Deliglitrul lo take. Try it. C l Brad ham. Not Much I.vH. "1 am the gas meter inspector," an nounced the caller. ''Uoiue tu," replied the man of the house, "but I don't think you'll find much lull. The plumber has just left, aud we cro visited by burglars during the night." Rheumntlxm Cured In 21 llonm. T. J. Clackmore, of Ilaller & Black mere, Pittsburgh, Pa., sayn? "A short lime since I procured a botllo of Mystic Cure, It got me out of llio bouse In 24 boars. I took to my ted with llheuma tlbm nine mouths ago ami the Mystic Cute is the only mcdicino that dUl me any good. I had five of the best phyti rians in the cily, but I received very lit tle relief from them. I know the Mystit Cuietobewhat It ia represented and take pleasure in recommending it to oilier poor sniToiers." Sold by T A Henry, druggist, New Hern, Ues ur Flattery. !'f latlerers arc our enenibt.'' "Oh, I don't know; flattery makes us feil good when it lasts.' IlAttxi.KHH.eincii-nt, rolinble, and pleas sot to take, Is ItniKi!Ti4' On ill TonIC lor chills, fevers, inxlarla, night sweats and la grippe. 2Jc. '. Jio cniv, no pay. "The lie I ovor mw,". Is what they all say. O U Uradbam., . " v '- SUe If an FalUi Thut tie U Cart d. Mrs Hlx I don't take any slock In these faith cares brought about by . the laying on of hand. , Mr Dlx-Walhjdn. I cored my lll lle boy of the cigarette habit Id that way. ... It Is a Ileal Plestan to as to speak favorably of I'aih-Killkh, known al most universally to be a" good and safe remedy for barns and other palni of Ihe body. U Is valoalde not only for colds In , winter, but for various summer com plaints, sod slioa'd be iu every family. me casualty wutru demands t may come Unaware Christian 'Advocate Avoid substitutes, there Is but nna I'sId- , Killer, i'erry DavisV' Price Soc and 60a ' 1 - 'AaelberWIreleas. - ' ' "WUt do ou think cf wliehsi kle- inpbyf- asked Ksterbook. ; .' "I supposo It Is all rfgbl,"-. replied Goldsborough, J bnt what I wsnl .io u Is wireless polliles." - ! .' ' "After doctors failed lo core me of . pteumonla 1 used Ooo Minute Congb Cure and and Urea hoitWs of It cared saw. It It also Ihe beat teme dy ua earth far wbooplog ceogb. Inured my grand children of the worst fair," wrltrs Jao. Berry, Logsoloa, Pa. it la Ibe only Larmleet remedy that gives Immediate results. Cures toot; It's colds, cronp sod Ihrost aaiTlnng tMithles. It prevents consumption. Children always Ilka It. Mothers endorse it T. U. Duffy. - All KI..I. .! O.adiMita. -: ' " ytoree people hart a mercenary motive In being good, ill ciher people are Just good fefbotli Ing. -I . i leiiwi i. ii . ,m,,mm m 1 A.J f. 1 3 fdorcie wra cowAirr. eettaf f IncwpMatnra. Ssbtaiptki. Ust Ore4 Cottoa 1C& j ' Tb called meatini; of the ineorpora-' tonaadUoaa lata reeled ia lb ea-eb- Ushmentof lb Pmnbrok Mannfacturtag Comoeav. which U to balid m cotton I aiillia this city, was quite , largely al-' tended laMalcht at lb eitv ball. ; William Dona, nreslded. and P. II. Pelletler, actad at Becntary. The Secretary read the artlcks of cor poration, and gave the plan of nrgauixs- j Uoa. A Bomber of remarks were made ly those present, and lists were opened for subscription, over $30,000 beirg aulacrlb ei by these at the meeting. Committees to solicit subscription to the stock of the company weic appoin ted, and these committees w ill call upon oar citizens today, anil in Sunday.' Journal, there will be further detailed particulars of the organization, also tlie list of inaacribers, with amount of stock each has taken. The cotton mill movement ia than ever, and Sunday's list will nhow who arc lnteiessed. The Mid-Winter Fair. The Fair of the New Bern Company, to begin next Wednesday February 21st for three days aud nights, promises io be quite a success. New donations come In daily and a glimpse in the fcloru on Middle street, shows tho arrangements being pushed to the fullest. The booths are being built and decorated under the skillful eye of 8. C. R&dcliff. Tho celebrated works of art, loaned the Fair for exhibit will arrivn on the Neuse, Sunday and will be nrruned as soon as they arrive. There will bu bix teen of them. M idnme Chiroghy writes lliat she is arranging her slay in Norfolk and will try to get hero Wednesday. Thfi Mad ame Is of gypsy origin, and will aeleel two assistants from some of our young ladles who will assist her. New donations, Silver berry dish, donated by A, K Qibbard, Jeweler. One genllomcu's bal by II. II. l'.axler, clothier. Half cord of wood by J. V. Moore, wood dealer. From GarreU & Co., Chook.iyoue, N C, case brandy through T. llurke. From Wayne AgricuHuial Works, Qoldaboro Guano Distributor, through L, II. Cutler & Co. From Armstrong, Calor ,t Co., Balti more, check for for $3.00. ihroui;ii U. A. Barfoot, Dry Goods. The following committees nrn un noticed for the various booth?: Art Gallery Mrs. Frank Smith, e.lini., Misses Lnlio Ives, Lizzie llam.ock, Mary Lucas. Cigar Booth Miss Mary Oliver, chin., Misses Sadie Moore, May Moore. Country Store Miss Laura Scott, chm'n, Mrs. B. B. Davenport, .1. 1! Congdon, Rudolph Ulrlch, L. A. Taylor, C. D. Bradham, C. 1!. Warlers, Misses Eunice Gaskill, Brownie Hanks, Daisy Green, Annie Fowler, Lula Tay lor, Georgle Oxlcy, Maggie Lane, Zora Folsam, Musa Salter, Julia Slnub, t nrrle Arcndell, Ruby Daniels, Gertie Willis. Bods Fountain Misses Mamie C. Daniels, chairman, Bessio Williams, Rebecca Street, Janle Stewart, Maggie McSorloy. The other committees will be an nounced as soon as Ihe chairman hands them In. The general public is invited to Inspect the donations. Not Hardly. Tommy Pop, the Bourj are Dutch, aren't they? Tommy's Pop Yes, my son, I lullove they are. Tommy Then I suppose a Boer's wile is a Duchess, Isn't she! F S Duffy & Co guarantee every bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to auy one who is not satisfied, after using two-thirds of the contents. . This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds croup and whooping cough and Is plets sat and safe lo lake. It prevents sny tendency of a cold to reknlt.ln puoa- monia Kver Doing. Let us then be up and doing, Doing all the good we can, Doing all that's worth the doing, Doing every fellow-man. . , . ' FREE OF CHARGE. Any adolt anffoiing from a cold settled 00 the breastr bronchllis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, whd wilt call at FJB Dully A Co's , will be presented with ample bottle otSoachee't (lenusn By tup, free of charge. Only one bottle given to on person,, and none to cull dren without order from parent, So throat or lung remedy erer bad such aal as Boecbee's German Py tup In all pan of Uncivilized world. TwenJ ty yar ago million of bottle were given way, and yoar droggUis will tell yoa It (ace was marvelous, It U real ly lb only Throat and Lung ItVutnly generally endorsed by physlclainl. One 75 cent boll) wilt ear or prove It value old by dealer In all civilised coantik. A Mellow Blf. -' Dealer tier, sir, I a very snperlor bird. It will mlmlo anything! ' Purchaser Polly, want a crarkeif Parrot Ye. I'm n bollow mocker) 1 "rift aaa M Kswar., "What,'' sld on cynic, 'U fsmeT "fam," answered lb oilier, "Is what make yoa Valuable to some book pob llsbr after you'r dead." , ' Peace ess Karth. ' MrsA Ar tbetr domrslla relsllons Sstlsfsctorjf . Mrs B I should think thry oapbl In l. They ksv bad the sam servant girl for 10 years. FADt 00XXHTEE. Ladies vho wlU ktU TV Social ftat- araa Success. - ChW Marshal Dewey ia nmrvelyet werk on Fair matters and bm appoint lU following ladies, whoa a sates an '' of soceeea. '' Bal Pood re, which i given Fair Wek, the following UI be ladles will have eharge: Mctdamea Jama A. Bryan, li 8 Primrose, J. L 8111, Ralph Gray. On decorations Uetdames J. K. La tham, J.T. Hollieler, T. W. Iey Chiel Marthal learey wants to see the cily generally anil freely decorated, sod all citizens should lend their efforts this mil. When Pesxy Goes to Market. When I'egy lakes her ba ki t up And off to mirket goi-a I'm stupefied lo wi3ier at How very mueii she knows the makes her w iy bteeu the stalls, And with judicial air Decides that this is "so and so" And that Is "pretty fair." She knows if fish are freih or not, An 1, wise as any owl. She differentiates between A chicken and a to 1. She thumbs the breaslboiw of the one And pulls the other's Wfs; She squints her pretty liu:o eyes To test the new-laid eggs. Tho veg'tables mtipt lie just right, For with a critic's eye. Sho scans them, not inclined to pass Their Imperfections by. She calls the mat Let folks by name; All, what a lot she knows, When Peggy takes her basket up And off lo market goes I When Peggy does the marketing My heart with p.-ide she tills; I go along, a useless thing, Kxcept to pay the bills. J. Murray. Important to Lumberman. The attempt of the Government lo in duce the adoption of conservative meth ods of lumbeiiiig in older to preserve Ibe national resources, and Ihe respon sive interest taken by limber owners, have brought up many interesting legal questions, and the Divison of Forestry lias found it necesfary to make exten ivo researches in ibis direction As the result, a circular dealing -with the laws which afTccl forests is lu course of preparation and will bo tcnl freo to persons interested. Ouc of the most im portant points brought out is the recog nition by law of the prospective value of growing limber, Tho possibility of pioliiably carrying on lumbering with systematic provision for future cutliug depends upon ibis point. ll has usually been held that when, by trespass or by unscrupulous cutting by contractors, tinilier has been removed contrary to the owner's wibh, he could recover only its Blumpage value. As forestry usually requires that a certain number of trees of certain size be left, it follows that au unscrupulous con tractor could easily upset the plans of years with little fear of punishment. The Supreme Court, however, has re cently ruled that difference in value be tween logged andunlogged land depends not only on the value of tho timber re moved, but on its probable increase had it been left untouched. U. f. Deparlm't Agricultural Bulletin. in Kriitor'i Life Baved Itj Clinmberlain's Cough Remedy. During tho early part of October, 1808, I contracted a bad cold which fettled on my lungs and was neglected until I I feared that consumption had appeared in an incipient slate. 1 was constantly coughing and trying lo expel something which I could not. I became alarmed and after giving the local doctor a trial bought a bottle of Chamlicrlaiu's Cough Itemedy aud tho result was Immediate improvement, aud after I had used three bottles my lungs were restored to their healthy state. B. 8. Ku wards, Publish er of The Review, Wyant, 111. For sale by F S Duffy & Co. Iu Proper I'Imoo. Assistant How thsll I catalogue this book describing a hauler's adventures? Librarian Among inventions. "I bad bronchitis every winter for years and no medicine gave me perma nent relief till I began to take One Win nle Cough Care. 1 know It Is the best cough medicine made," say J. Koonts, Co try,, Pa. It quickly cares coughs. colds, croup, asthma, gripp and throat and lung trouble. It U lb children's favorite remedy. Cure quickly. F. rl Duffy. ; .:' AnaareaUy UeZaa't (tolas; la Baa. The colonel ba been presented with a new rifle and a brae of pistol. Sol beard. What office Is b going to run for? ' . ' ( UnlhWarearu Yeu seem fo forget," rerosrked tbe rlob wife, "that 1 bought yoa." "And yoa seem to forget," retorted lb tli Impecunious busbsud, "it si I WM pretty bd1y oM." . ' ; Lronchlti tnnnrally begin with tt common cold j If not ouml It heroinea OurigorMui and thousand lio from lironrlilUa annually. Dr. John W. Pull' Congb Syrnp, the beat remedy fir this diarHUM, runt it In a fw dye a-aBi. . v.. . . .... couch gvuU? Will promptly curt Cronchili. kaa ttntll 9nA f!rnl l llr Ihw OaS iKyworlid IL l'rk ft) Al (4 draglMU. Constipation, Headache. Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, Indicate that year liver Is out of order. Tim best medicine to rooas the Urer and ears all Ills, la fcxmd In Hood's Pills Sesnta, Sold by an CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Full Text of the Proposed Change In the North Carolina Constitution. Section 1. That article VI of the con stitution of North Carolina be, and the same is hereby abrogated, and iu lieu thereof shall be substituted the follow ing arlicle of said constitution. AHTICLR VI. Suffrage aud Kliglbilitjr to Office. Qualia uatlon or An Elector. Section 1. Every male person boru In the United States, and every male per- sou who has been naturalized, twenty-1 one years of age, and possessing the qualifications set out in this arlicle, shall be cnlitied to voto at any election by the people in tbe Slate, except as herein ilhcrwlse provided. Section 2. lie shall have resided iu the Stale of North Carolina for two years lu the county six months, and In the pre cinct, ward or other election district in which be offers to vote, four months next preceeding tbe election; provided, that removal from one precinct, ward or other election district to another in the same county, shall not operate to de prive any person of the right to vote in the preciuct, ward or other election dis trict from which he has removed, until four moths after such removal. No per son who has been convicted, or who has confessed his guilt in open court upon indictment, of any crime, the punish ment, of which is, or may hereafter be, impiisoumeut in the State prison, shall be permitted to vote, unless the said person shall be first icdored to citizen ship in the manner pre eribed by law. Section a. iOvery person offering to vote slndl be al I he lime n legally regis tered voter as herein pie:-eribed and in tho manneT hereiu after provided by law and the General Assembly of North Carolina shall enact general regislratiou laws to carry into elltct the provisions of this article. Section 4. Kvcry person presenting himself for registration thall bo able to read and write auy section of the con stitution iu the English language; and he- fore he shall lie entitled to vote, hsve paid, o:i or before the ri rut day of March of the year in w hich he proposes to vote, his poll tax as prescribed by law, fotthe previous year. Poll taxes shall be a lien only on assessed property, and no pro cess shall issue to enforce the collection of the same except against assessed prop erty. Section 5. No male person who was on January 1, 1867. or, at any time prior thereto, entitled lo vole under the laws of any State in the UniHd Stales where in he theu resided, and no lineal desen- dant of any such person, shall be denied the right to register and vole at any election iu this State by reason of his failure to possess the educational quali fications prescribed In section 4 of this article; provided he shall have registered in accordance with the terms of this sec tion prior lo December t, 1908. The Gen ersl Assembly shall provide for a per manent record of all persons who regis ter under this section ou or before No vember 1, 1008, and all such persons shall be entitled to vote at all elections by the people in this State, unless disqualified under section 2 of this arlicle; provided such persons shall have paid their poll tax as require! by law. Section (J. All elections by the people shsll be by ballot, and all elections by the General Assembly shall be viva voce. Section 7. Every voter In North Car olina, except as In this article disquali fied, shall he eligible to office, but before entering upon the duties of the office be shsll take and subscribe the following oath: " , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support aod maintain the constitution and laws of the United States, and the constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent there with, and thai I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as . So help ma God." Seel loo 8. The following classes of persons sball be disqualified for office: First, ah persons who sball deny the being of Almighty God. Second, all per sons who shall have been convicted or confessed their guilt on Indictment pend ing, and a helber sentenced or not, Under judgment suspended, of any treason or felony, or any other crime for which lb punishment msy b Imprisonment In th penitentiary, Ino brooming cltlxensof the United Stales, of corrupt Ion and mal practice In offfc. unless such pereoa ball b restored to lbs right of eltiaen shlp In n manner prescribed by law.' Section I Tblt act sball b In fore from and ftr lu rtlilciton. tUUef to ttllear. Distressing Kidney and UlsiUltr DI a relieved In til boar by "New Great South America Kidney Cure." It la great lurprls on account of It tced Ing promptness In relieving pain In blad der, kidney and back, tn mala or femal Relieve retention of water almoat Im mediately. If yoa want quick relief nd tnr tbl I lb remedy, told by O. D Bradhsm, druggist, Maw Hera, N. C - . Waato Ik Trata, ' Msmma If yoa cat ay mor of leal pudding, Tommy, yon will see the bogle msa tonight. ', " ' Temmy (aftsr a moment' thought) Well, glv ru sora mom, 1 might 11 well seltl my Bilod about lb truth of lb story one for IL San and his money. ' THE VARIOUS WAYS IN WHICH BILLS ARE CARRIEO. w tka Maa Wk Caea Bebber Baad Arecad file Wad File t r HI. BWU-Cwia Craake. Whe Llk im die BtMey Weallk la Ki- ry Pekt. A great many men nave cranky Mesa about Dmtarlnc tbetr bills for ready handling. One plan la to fold each bill separately, keeping the denomimitlens npart In tbe various divisions of their pocketbooka. This method facilitates tbe search for tbe desired sum when making a purchase. This Is almost a sure guard against passing out a bill of tbe wrong denomination. Then there are men wbo make a neat roll of all their bills. Tbe ttrst Is rolled by itself to about tbe size of a lead pencil, tbe next Is lapped about it, and so on to tbe end. Then a rub ber band Is placed about the eutire lot. When It Is desired to use one of ! the bills, the rubber Is removed and tbe end of the first bill caught be tween the thamb and forefinger of the right hand while the roll Is held be tyern tbe thumb and forefinger of the hft Itaud. Then the bill Is quickly un- njciiud, none of the others being dis turbed. A great ninny men never carry r pocketbook. One rensou for this Is that a well worn purse more easily slips from the pocket than n roll of bills. Then, ngnin, tbe bulk of n pock elbook Is niiuoylng. It lakes up too mi;cb room, especially where the pan taloons nre made suite;. When pocket books nre not carried, a favorite re ceptacle is Ibe wntch pocket When this Is used, the bills nre made up Into a little, bard bunch. Their presence Is always felt against the body. In a crowd there Is no dauger of loslug them, and when traveling with auy considerable sum this is a safe de pository. Some men have a fad of carrying a lot of new bills In un envelope that Is kept 111 ouc of tbe Inside pockets. Now nnd theu a innii Is found who keeps a few bills in every pocket. lie goes on tho theory that if be is robbed of one lot a sufficient amount will remain to last hlin until be reaches home. He starts out feeling that be is going to bo robbed aud makes provision to meet every possible emergency. lie usually makes three folds of bis bills and lucks them away in the corners of bis pockets with extreme cure. He does not feci aurprlsiMl if he tluds upon making an inventory after nrrivlng home that a part of ids funds has dis appeared, as be expected to be robbed. Any number of men are found who keep only n little working capital iu their trousers pockets, tbe bulk of their funds Ix'iug concealed lu broad. Hat wallets In the Inside pocket of their waistcoats. These bills nre always ( f largo denominations and folded once. When a man brlugs forth bis reserve funds, l will be found that all the bills have a smooth, bright appear ance. They have lieen with him so loug that they are as lint us a sheet from a letter press. Very few men lu this country carry I coins In pmses. In England purses are common. The material Is generally pigskin, but uudresscd kid Is also used extensively. Tbe former have two compartments, one for small gold coJus and the other for silver. It Is some-, times ntnnstnx to watch a man with n little undressed kid bag pay his fare on the street cars, especially If he Is wearing thick dogskin gloves. Only conductors with groat patience can watch tbe proceeding with complacen cy. A woman can pick out live pennies from beneath a roll of bills In con siderably less time than It takes the man with the kid purse to bring forth a nickel. One renson that the kid purse Is not popular Is Iwcnuse it feels like the half of a small dumbbell in the pocket when fairly well llllrd. lu London It Is the proper thing to carry a pigskin owlug to tbe large circulation of sovereigns. It Is essential to keep tbe gold nnd silver sepnate In order to avoid mistakes. There are coin cranks as well as pa per money cranks. Some years ago there lived a little, round faced man over In the Back Bay who came Into tbe business district cvety week clay morning at precisely ! o'clock. In paying his fare he nhvnyi passed i' n bright, new nickel that looked as If It bad come to him fresh from the mini. Where or how he irot them was a mys tery to the conductor, but be dually de cided that his customer was connect ed with some hanking Institution aud that the new money wns used to es cape the chances of contracting disease through the handling of money that had been In common use. There are any numlier of ioople wbo cannot let gu n new oolu without ex periencing a paug. They will hold ou to a new half dollar until the In hi ex tremity. Then there nrv those who vlalt tho subtrvasury every few dnys and get a pocketful of new 10 cent pieces. They experience a special do light In passing them out. as they foci that tboae wbo receive them will woti der "wbo that mso Is." Boston Her ald. Catena al. Wlckwlre From a superficial notice I should any yon bad holy terror of water. Am I right T Hungry Mlgglua Voti are. And If you'd bail wife that made yon carry nil lb wolter fee Ihe waahlu site done fer flv rear nnd keK yon an busy at K yon didn't have time lo run away you'd bate the stuff, loo. yon would. lndlMnsNlls 1'rces. Bvtatrae. Sunday fc-hool Teecher (lo Chlcagni Why did lb wlar men mm from In mail - ' Bcbolar-lleranae they wm arm en.-rhll.h lphla Itiword -, - Ml , - r ' Piatt sMlng emask DUeaM Plnnaesally cured by lb masterly pow r of Ron lb American 5rvla Tonto. Invalid need snger 0 longer, bseauM tbl remedy eaa ear them nil. It 1 ft or for la wbol wrld of ttotnaah weakness and IndlgtiUoa. Th enr beg! a with U first doea. Tb r lief It bring Is marveloo and arprl- Ing. It makM failure' neve dlssp point. K matter bow long yon kavs suffered, yoar tors Iseerlala under the OM of Ibis greet health gjvinf force. Fteeaanl and always safe, ftold by U. I). Brad ham. a mi g I at, new Btrn, N U. ONE Of COUGH'S CUMAJCES. A Peraratlaa br Wale Hm Thrill I Hie UMrcn. Many aod many a day -, oa tbe tua fruatii-r tine of l:ir ralirr nf ibr Utfiar sots, ill the at lliat liuH- l-ii,l:;H w,Ut of Menkato. vrd ami "Ut I hat Ovagli had twee ruraft J hj be lucal lyt-uui Bu reau lo Ici-fci,- ti it-.iemuv. Oueb net. He rw-eivnl by a iMuiu,:tl,r of men who bad fought Iadlan, uaoi 1 rivers. apoil! Ibr virgin ftv-t. fift'itc litu , iKe.i. MUi.-:.l Lun ger aud Dvtrr xurmidelt-d tl.rll la-ht f 1J the right. TLi y cgcuited hiui to the op era house auJ Ugt. His sp-eU us slow at 6ri. gestumi few, illufetrutious not urany. The rilUc topers wer out in force and noinc wore decent mi 0 for w boui woiueu r:e pray ing to give over the habit of di ink. He told somelliiuK of bis oivu life, of the misery brought by ihiuL, of the laws of self denial :.ud self i-aei lie nan intense at lintes. tiud luie, iijteuit bore dow n np. a the liii-ieTs until he Liul rui'.dc thoi:i oi:e will, 1 mi-elf Kcii the sruall vilhife boy.'l to chi calls and gurgling whistles, was thnt. and there catoe throutru Ibe aeptilciirnl hull no sound but the niw cry ef the winter wind from outside. He made some slight cuniiucut on the condition of n drunknru s f.mily- the want which came upon them, Ihe toss of self respect. He desctilHd the degrada tion of spirit which rested with llie habitual drinker ni.d how if that spirit ! was not destr cd mere signing of the I pledge would iVt redeem. lie plended for exercise of will power. i:n,ie otent lu effecting leforni than all the drags ami uicdiciiii a in Ihe v.oi U. TM-. w;is but developing the iniials of his hearers . for a climax. I Suddenly he swung one arm Idli in the air und should: j "A drunknr.i and his fall to tin- depths of cvei lasting hell is like the nan who climbs to the top of St. I Vtor's in Koine. He is on the very sanunit of imc riat dome, the blue sky above and the world i far, far beneath. He looks down from ! his perch nnd, having nothing to grasp, . to hold to, grows dizzy. "Everything ia whit ling now before ' him. His senses leave him. lie is swoon ing. His feet slip. He is off tile dome. He is in the air. He is fulling-- "Down! Down! Hown! "To the earth beneath und tbe ruin of himself. "Thus descends the drunkard "IlrSaji; llown! Down! "To the tires of hell and the ruin of his soul!" The whole exclamation was aceompa 1 nicd with such use of his right arm and ! body as to bring the fearful descent bn ! mediately to tic eye of the mind, j A shudder ran over the audience. The ; sobs of women were heard. Men felt un- comfortable. Men and women are liv i ing today who still feel the power of that illustration, uttered by lips long since cold. Chicago Times-II era Id. Iteporlern' Blunders. With the charitable puipose of pre senting a psychological explanation for the inaccuracy which nil too often marks the work of perfectly honest reporters The Christian I.egister says: "When one is listening to a discourse, two tilings oc cupy his mind at the same time the on", the discourse to which lie is listening; the other, the train of thought suggested to him by the discourse. The second runs along in his mind parallel with tiie firsl aud fic(uently is remembered and re ported iu place of the discourse, which is forgotten." Thcie is something, perhaps a ;rooi! deal, iu this theory, hut however well it may serve as an explanation its utility as an excuse is of the smallest. The sim plest way out of the difficulty is to lay the blame en Dnme Nature, whose hos tility to exact duplications of any kind is illustrated in every inch of her broad do main. No two men ever heard or saw a thing alike, and probably no two ever will. Reporters are no more fallible than other people: indeed, their accuracy is far above the average. They, however, have a thousand critics where other folks hove one, and not one of the thousand ever p.isses over their errors of appre heusiou or expression In kindly silence. New York Times. Before and After. Some years ago a young curate. --eek-Ing to be licensed, was bidden by lr. Temple, archbishop of Canterbury, to read a few verses of the Bible in order that his fitness for conducting public worship might be judged. "Not loud euoiiffh." was the criticism of the bishop when the youux man had fin ished. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, my lord," replied the curate. "A lady in the church yesterday told me I could he heard most plainly all over." "Ah! You nre engngisIT' suddenly ask ed Dr. Temple. "Yes. my lord." The bishop smiled grimly and Maid: "Now, listen to me, young mnn. While you are engaged don't lcliove everything tbe lady tells you; but," he added, with a deep chuckle, "after you nre married believe every word she says." HaejUeli Aoldler'e ICmerarnrr II -tlonn. What are kuown as "emergency ra tlons" are contained In little tin cases somewhere about the sixe of n small brsndy flask. One-half the case contains four ounces of pemmican and the other half four ounces of cocoa paste. Kvcry man In the field ritrries one nf thine in his haversack, am! whatever happens tn the regular connulssorint he hat got ukw his back enough lo live upon for Hi; hours. The pemmican Is lean meat, dried and ground to powder and compressed Into a block and, like the encoa paste, may be eaten st it l or dissolved In bot water. It comes Into the dot in tier of 1.000 pounds each, sod every tierce Is divided into 4.000 ratlona. It will keep almost Indefinitely, so that wherever Ihe Hrltlsb soldier goes ou active service he Is well prwilded. Ixindon Chroukle. fielal Persilealllee. "It Is rude for a guest tn look al his watch." "Year "And ruder for a boat to look at the dock." . "Of course." "Well, kuw da polite people ever tret wsy from each othevT' Chicago lice cd. , Ae Kslr raraa'. "Now, Willis m. Isn't this eoffet a good a that your met her need to maker' "It ia better than that she made al aoroo, Kltra mach better. But at ba't as od a Hint she Bsc to make for atarch socisla. IndlsBSpolls Journal. ' I. tf. T. Detahtea'a Aatt Blnretl. ' May b worth to yon mor than $100 Ifyenbav fhlldwbo soil bedding from Ineonteno of wter doting sleep Cures old and young nllk. It arras ts lb troubl at once. It. Bold by 0. D Dradkam, diagglst, New Bern, M. C IWsiU I paters sf .OTOItXA. j) ia v i .lSMH-ilr, COTTON Culture" the name a valu- illustrat pamphlct which should be in the hands every planter who raises Cotton. The book is sent Free. Seed tuune and addreaa lo GERMAN KALI WORKS. I y3 Nasiau St . Nev York. ll'a Haiti lo Imitate ltn tonlaaa. Those new people next riooi are t.f body In particular. How do you know? I They try so hsrd to look like fomr. body in particular. !'! I ob WIiIkI 1'nrl;-. Hert!kert! What are you little gills making go much noise about? exclsimed the little girls papa, looking up from his paper. We're just pbying we're mamma's whist party, chorouscd the little girls How It HhiiI. alust one," she said, "but don't tell." And as tbeir lips were meeting: "I Bwear I won't," he sighed, ' Nell, It's really worth repenting." you but, I Every Month ; there arc thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses. Some times the " period" comes too often sometimes not often enough sometimes the flow is too scant, and again it is too profuse. Each symptom shows that Nature needs help, and that there is trouble in the or- i frans co when in f (Mtiuiis. concerned. Be careful in any of the above con- Don t t.ike any and every nostrum advertised to euro female troubles. BRADRELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR is the one safe nnd sure medicine for irregular or pain ful menstruation. It cures all the ailments thitt are caused by irregularity, such as leucor rhoea, falling of the womb, nervousness; pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides, hips and limbs. By regulating the menses so that they occur every twenty-eighth day, all v i T o those aches disappear together. ust before your time come. get a bottle and see how much good it will do you. Druggiats sell it at Si A fjUICK cuui; roi couuiir. and COLDS Pyny Pectural The Canadian Remedy for all Throat and Lung Affections. Laitrc Bottles, 35 cents. DAVIS A LAWUKJtcK -', IJmlUd, Pro;,'a rurry Darts' I'ala-KUIer. New York. VoatnaL aSBi r-, 1 1 1 .. " ' SMamMa 1 Pennyroyal, pills la mmm Ut MI'tMMrt, i a..., i aiaa TvaaMaa, Ma rw ui,aiMH, rsiwar IaOHT ! Th undersigned having lost Certificate No, im. aerWm No. 13, dated 4th August 1894 for I sham In the HaUopolltam Bulging nnd Loan AssocUtlon of Rich mood, V-, will apply for a duplicat hereof. . WILLIAM DUNN. Henry's Pharmacy, 127 Middle Street Prepare For War In '" Time r Pence. Join reoeivod t Pupply of LOADLU OJNrh eiur death lo Itoachrs, Bul Bir. Itotba, Water Dug aod all In-' ajcV, Will rtot slain ff great th flneet fbrl-i. On trial Is all that' needed to convlnc lbs most skeptical. , A full tin nf Toilet Article I, Perfum ery, trt. Hij stclan'a omnponnilrd. I'leacripllors a-ifury Pf."f 1 I able h) ed of Send for our free book, "Perfect Health for Women." f THE BRAD FIELD REGULATOR CO. f i ATLAITA. OA. 4 SkV. eara. alra . laaiaa a t L. V la m im. ut wmtmm imln ua, a 1 n