FAIR ROTES. POLLOCtiVTLLE. IT HEIRS COTTON KILLS. RRB AT ERTOIf SUKDAT. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the vstem rl EFFECTUALLY Habttual CoiP 1 UAU PERMANENTLY Buy THE GENWINl - MAM V o By V1 kv. " 9 CAu. 3Cn l M Y. rCO AU 6Y All ORiJGGtS'i Pffitt 50c rtfiMTHL THE JOURNAL. Now Bern, N. t'., Feb i!t, l'.MIO, NEARBY AFFAIRS. Matters of Local Interest in the City Country. Fair and slowly rising icmpct a: ur the forecast for today. nJ The maximum temperature was 39, and the minimum I'.l i The Kind's Daughters will night, at 7:110 o'clock, at tlie yesle; ! j i re-. da rue 1 If home' o Miss Leah Jones. The New Bern 8. F. Company v. i -!i to thauk the Misses Justice for cotT. c served during t ho Sunday morning fir- The Atlantie S. F. L. Company tender thanks to Miss Justice for hot ciff, served during the Liiun,dcit lire on Sun day morning. Messrs. W. C. White of Ft- Barnwell and . I. It. Cromwell, r.re the lir.-! si;!. ue.ribera outside of New Ib-ni, to the new cotton mill project. Mrs. J. W. Biddle, received won! - terday, of the death .f her i.i.-ter in hr.v, Mrs. E. 0. Hrown, who i!id at Na il villc, Ga., on last Friday. "An Indian Komance", expected to In given at the theatre Tim rsilny ni-;hi, became side-tracked some vt ay or oih-r snd will not appear here on lids trip. The cold wave came Saturday i.igci, the forecast being for '2') degrees, the themometer show cd a iviiimum r IS degrees, Sunday. The; , liere, but a strong wind Id feel much colder than th; really was. was no : ri'tw :, ni.ikio: it ! c.n pcrali. Truck Damage Unknown. Tlio severe cold wave of Saturday night, which continued until !a.-t nigl t, causes the truck farmers in this vicini y to feel anxious as to Hie f::le of their lettuce anil cabbage crops. Ju3t how serious the damage U cannot be ascertained until warmer weatlni comes, when the planls will show b r themselves how much Injury they ie ceived from the cold weather. Sunday Morning's Fire. About 2:30 o'clock Sunday morning fire was discovered in the residence o." Mr. II. C, IUmsden on East Fi out street. The fire was under good'beadway when discovered and a hasty exit was made by the family to nearby friends. The fire caught from a healer situated on the first floor and used to heal lh floor above. The upper rooms w ere bad ly scorched and the names worked through trnder the roof on several sides and the south side of the house wa burned through at one padul. Consider hie furniture was carried out but what tbo fire did not reach was completely (oaked by the streams of water poured In by the firemen. Few of tbe fire laddies heard the alarm, th Jocuhii. force furnishing abott half lb help. It waa very cold and the boy became covered with ice which also forjiad In quantities upon tbe building. Tbe house belongs to Mrs. Anita Msnly and was protected by $1,000 Insurance. Mr. Lumsdcn carried $100 Insurance on bl furniture. Schooner Diadem In Trouble. Word waa reoelved from Pamlico by telepboo last night that the tcbooner ' "Diadem," Capk Hebt. Oeddee, bad met wllhlroable (a Pamlico Sound. Tb , cbonr wu eangal la be Uublow . and loat hr foratnasl end lb mala nasi wm prang and Ibe taB badly , tfamagtd. 8be wu loaded Ilk eystrs far JK w Bern and bad a erew of Cap tat a and four mtn. ,' ... : .', Tb accident took place af Kne river light. Valual service was rQ dered by Llbt-kepr . Curtis. Tb chooner I In a balples eonilliloa. Much regret Is i pressed for Capt, G asi des In bis Bilsfortnu. Gen. HarU, Mendola, Va, SsysNotb- InsdMmeiomurhgoodMKo-lol Dy- tH !a Cure, One doa relieved m,a fw l.oiib .crrdir.a.- Il d!g-i what yon r.taal a;wsys tore rjy.prp.l, F 8 1 '" ' Special Law kaUroad katea. ftatteoolst Hifcklsoa aad EU Great "Bevcy laUcao, The Goat Races. The Atlantic and North Carulica lti -road will ma "Special Tiaias'' from Goldaboro and Intermediate points on Tuesday, Wednesday, Tharvday and Fri day ef Fair week oo a basis of one cent a mile for distance of a 1 x I y mile. J Tbe Fair Association bss lecured the services of Prof. Ed. it. Ilulchicon, the famous balloonist, and on Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday of Isir Week, there will be balleoa aeei..ons snd parachute leaps by the noted aero naut. This will be I'rof. Ili:t bins' fourth trip to the Fair, and his past ieco:d ts a guarantee of success In a letter to Secretary tireen the Pro fessor says he will bring ilh hlui the m moMer balloon "Dewey", me largenl in the Cnitcd Slates) and make ibe pan.- chulc leaps therefrom, while alahelglilh of Ml JO feel. Ti.is is considered the most marvelous ami daring feat that can be acCOlU plislitd. J 1 lot s, bp. In our prep o 't ion - an I pet your "llnala" In readiness. The geal races this year promises to be an inter esting and amtwing feature. '1 hero will be a race on each day of the Fair and some nice prizes are to be offered. t VANCEBORO flail S.rvice Bad. H!fh Water Is General. Farming Backward. Country Gatherings. The water Is very high in a'l tbe creeks and swamps, ib e to the heavy rain, ami traveling is diliicult. Great Swamp, about eight miles from Vance- horo, is in a bad condition on account 5f washouts in the road There is much dissatisfaction with tbe nail s.rvice between here and Now liem. It is generally eight o'clock before lie- ir. ii! ets here. It is said that tho car rier peddles chickens a. id eggs and other :irroics on the route, which is said to ac count tor the slow delivery. I he con tract is let to W. K. Hrow.'i. i h re was a foot tournament held In A ill i- 'eek I his evening, Fildav, and 'here will he a ball at P. Willis' tc night. A grand time is expected. The plu,- is about tin eo miles from Yance :io and V large crowd is suio to be present. Very litl'e work has been done In this s'-.iioiiso bir In farming Sowing to aeon beds is the order otMhr day how ever. A large acreage u ink he planted in the. section again this year. Some of he f aimers have had their tobacco lands 'token up already BAYBORO. Pri 'jvet of Large Crop Planting, purtntlon .Needed. As to Trans- the Neit Governor. February llh. Farmers are hauling fertilizer. A heavy crop of Irish potatoes and cabba ges w ill be put in this season from ap pc n ances. The (iuano factory at this place of '. owell, Swan ami McColler Co. Is run ting at its full capacity and cannot keep up with orders Thi piace is barily In need of trans portation now, complaints are heard from all sides of the inability to get goods from New Item here and from here to New Bern. A wagon train frcm h"re to New Bern Is suggested, the de mand is so great. Politics arc being discubscd a little, not enough however to figure much on, as yet, a good many think that Cy Wat son should have the nomination for Gov ernor if he wants It, be led a forlorn hope in 1-9(1, and made a good fight, proved himself a gallant knight, a safe leader and a faithful servant, and should be rewarded if he wants It. Fair Marshals. The following Fair marshals sre ap pointed by Chief Marshal T. W. Dewey, for the city of New Bern. 'Pae names of the outside marshals will bo announced later. C i Ilraiiham, O A Barfoot, Luther Bryan, N A Bray, L II Cutler Jr., C T Chadwh k, Edward Clark, D F A D -Olte, Jss I) Dawson, II It Bryan Jr., J Ijio Hurrui, A II Bangert, G H Bender, J Congdon, P E Cox, T D Carraway, Richard N Dolly, J Gulon Dunn, E D Bangert, J E Carraway, D Congdon Jr., W W Clark, Jesse Claypoole, Lalnsler Duffy, D It Darla, E K Bishop, 8 M Brln son, F S Duffy, Tom C Daniels, A T Dill, H I. Dill, Jr., J W Dugnld, i 0 Delamar, II B Davenport, William Dona. Jr , E Early, G N Ennett, K Eaton, Jr., D F Foy, E M Green, Ralph Gray, T Gasklll, F. B Hackburn, Jebn T Usrgell, T O llymao, F K Lir man, Geo Iltnderson, Jr., N C nughes, F M Habn, J T Hoi I la ter, W II Uenrey, W T Dill, 8 W Han cock, Ed Hancock, J M Howard, A E Ulbberd, J L Ilarlsflrld, John B Ire, R Da Tal Jones, 3 A Jonea, rUyaer Jone, H 0 Lamsdan, L J Moure Jr, Wad Meadow Herbert Moore, Ali Neat, Adolphn Kaaa, MT I Patteraoa, Bert Roberta, Thorn a Eehne, A T Lead, J X Latham, M M Marks, W J McSorler, 0 McCarthy, J H Real, Honry Nee a, P II Pelletler,' Harry Robert, M Maaly, t T Matthew, Harry Mark, R 8 Rami R A Xaaa, K B Prlmroae, D M Robert, E W Roaentbal, I T Rbem, Fred Ulcb nloD, KDW Btevtato. Jr. C L Bier en, A E Stereo, J L 8lll,Joha Baler, Jr. II W Blmpi, L A Taylor, T W Waters, Geo U Wler,CR Wnr,' Itl.oie Coer Ca.e, We are aeraf wltt - Fred Wbllly, William X EllU, W Cioatll. "Qulcklf break no coach and f Wllleit, Herbert Willis, Wm Wataon, Jr.'cold. Cur til throat and Inng Irou- D L Wrd, Allierl Willi, W L Want, D' Idee, luaaewtll prevent cnnenmptiiM. jW Roberta.' ..'. J I'lfa-anf to take. F 8 Daffy. Cotton About tat WlUTvkey Hiuitiu?. Scrgt. Taylor Leaves For Ylrglnla. Death of Kiss Ida Taylor. Pollocks? ille, February 18. Vary cold wav bas reached this place Oiermcuaeter ISr above aers lul night. Cotton all about marketed. Mtssr. . L. Haughton, John Siiumoiis and John Prarca have about 3i0 bales vet to sell. Wo learn there ts a growing d-mand for soul hern raised Irish pol aloes. Messrs. R. B. Elliott, I J Sinnuons ami B F. Henderson bsve bad more orders for potatoes than pos-ih'e to sell. Farmers are complaining at the rise In price of guano Thty mi) they will plant less crop and use leas gut'.o than in the past. Mrs T S. Ueuder i nd been spending several v parents in Pitt count;, . Miss Annie She pare; is time with her uncle l. S chl eeks dren have w ii h hi r S; ending some Anian at Palo Alto, Onslow cojnty Miss Herta liell left lal week for Bal timore, where she eoes to lake a special course in muafc. Mr. Clyde Bell i- a' Wsk- Forest Col- If ge-where he w iil s-ie! i he next four years of his life pnp oi-i.' f r future usefulness. He rep and place very mm: s liliiag the school iters guide of th :dpp d 1 pair li ve lent v CarrUon f E T Bender, the Cattish lake section, wild tui keyR to Mr. i ! ' terMin, N. ,1 . last i". e k br w hieh lie received a$ t cheek in i in p. tlriinsha'.l i-pen' I ire lake pocosin, of can e, among kleis tipping the sargeant in the Po: tress Monroe, o;.t of duty last a ! on: h islling Messrs G . i-n i ; week shooting in killing various kin !s tbe lot beiug 2 wild; go scales at Bl lbs each. Mr. J. G. Taylor, L'nited States Army at Va , returned to Ids Sunday after spending his father, M r F. M Taylor of I his place. On last Satuidav night, the 17th, Miss Ida Taylor died at the home of her father, Mr. Joe Taylor near here, who bad been suffering from i onsumpllon for several veais, but alas In r troubles ate over. She leaves two s' teis, brothers, a father and mother in this their sad loss. llirce mi n i ii Samuel Jordon, colon a very highly respected, tlst preacher, died at hi I, ol this luce, I i.en and i :ai -home of pneti- tnoniu last Sunday, the I will be greatly missed b i spent the last live yiais th insl. Sinn s all He ! -s ol lire ill ou. midsl, a good old chiisli his spirit go In peace. in darkey. .May General Gordon's Lecture. Of Genera! John ii. Gordo, i, who wii: lecturo In the Court house eexl Salilrday night, the Boston Globe mys, "General John B. Gordon. M-natoi soldier, bullet scarred veo ra i and brill ianl orator, "Gordon uf i'eo.i;i:i, ' sim,:i on the platform of Mu-ie Hail last t veil ing, surrounded by nearly one-hundred Grand Army boys, and sno' e to a vast audience, on "The l.a-t Piys of the Confederacy." The reuerai told his story of battle and ciru.i .e in tbe most fascinating manner. His weie irlowiii" words, with flashes here and there, ol wit, humor and pathos. He s-j,tl f,,r two hours, but at 111: be when he binled to stop, the great audience shouteil ib, on!'' It was a great address, great for Its abundant human natme, for its gran! devotion to the flag, an I for its tiilmies to tbo men who fought middled bo what they believed to be tiie truth. Gen eral Gordon bas a fine presence on ibe platform. "General Gordon closed with a mag nilicent enlagy of the Hag, and ho sal down amid a storm of hnz.as from I he people. After the oration he was sui rounded by the G. A. It. men and shaken warmly by the hand and greeted as an ol4 comrade. It was an affecting scene, and the audlonce caught Its spirit, toi i they gathered around the platform and joined in tho welcome." Tickets are for saie at F. S. Duffy's Drug store, find can also he obtained from the Daughters of th- Confeder acy. THE MODERN WAY. Commends Itself to the well-infoxmi d to do pleasantly and effectually w hat was formerly done In the ci udesi manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the ss tem and break op colds, headache, and fevers wilhODl nnpleasan I after effects, use the delightful lhpild laiative remedy Syrup of Figs. Made by Califofuia Fig Syrap Co. The Manila Pi?. On of tbe carina lights to an Anieri can visiting tbe Chinese and native quarters la the ever present pig, but pig are not allowed at large, they have an ingenious method of lying lite pigs by tbe ears. They cut a small bole through tb pig' ear, one-half lo an loch In diameter. Through this hole they Insert a rope, with a largo knot oo oae end. This rope securely confines lb pig liberty about tbe premise. Tho same sight are seen oflen on tbe native boat, aad even on-M twell steam la u ache plying oa Manila biy. Traaiportlag plgl tbrougb tbe streets of Manila always attract a crowd, al- tfelfttttflh I ka alivkt la AnwiMtAM Thd lair .7. .a , .-V " " ' - ""-" " tbe pig la then ..speeded on a Ion pole re.Uao.Ue.bnblev of two ! carrier. Tka pl. wltk UU leg. np and . r Dead dowa, auk tbool ac mnrk noli whllelatraaaltaetberHcaader f I. M!eAar1- a.d aa,.e fi I- W.LI .Sa rowdMail. Freedom. ' v : - Joba Mr, Poa-y-flle, lod, , "I evr tMd aaytblnf good a One Active Sabscrlbla rtubrakc Ilac- Ca.s stock. Explanation of riaa. List f Sabscrlbcrs. A meeting of tbe incorporator and thoM: iutertuled iu the Pembroke Mana factnriog Co., was hekl Friday night, and aa reported in Saturday .Jocuai, the stock thon subtcrited being above $?0W0. A canvas was mad yesterday, tbe result Wing a good iccreae of lubtcrtp tious to the stock, and It is eipected thai more v til be added to ibe list tomorrow. In ronneotlou with the project th follow ing explaiiViio! lerest; Pinion JoUKM M -the Incorporators ot i ufacluriug Cuuipan. II all on Friday ever.!; through the colu un live an explanation i pose of this ( omp in The charier id : i,e that ii may I c oi : t. of officers w hen .' e stoek has been so1 provides for tbe i: . paid in on the suh- ' lb" plant isesiahi.-he that are paid in w'.l 1 'i'he !e;i:oie of the p n.eueed iiiil I at least will prove of In- A l a meeting of '.i Pembroke sian hehl at the City j, I was requested of y mr papi r to ; the plan and pur- uiipauy provides d by the election it of its capita i lud. Il further meiitof tiie money mm, so that until , the subscriptions earning interest a ni cannot lie com JT5.000 has been cubed. The incorporators at this ;i:i- ordered books for subscription to ! opened upon the plan that each ! sidi-ci itier sle'iil I pay 00 per month on each share of stock subset ibed, and tl..l lb- par lue of the shares should ! lie .1 ;. ii.UI. 'i he gi neiul plan and purpose ! ol the i ::( oi poraiors ami subscribers t'nur fai ami ex money incuts have attended the meetings I thcmse; es, ir, that the I i:i on 'ih" monthly Install- I e invested b, the Company e ol shares of stock in ttie in tiie pin -h : New Ptr.: I i and w iii n 1 1 . p d 1 in upon t i the I'ui'i,!:: il, then ! be c i::s'.ii:ei a e idding c Loan A: soelalion, re iifts lien a : urn sufficient I his slocii, to give a margin ig it Loan, so as to secure iiow moi'.ev siillieleut 10 i cpiii lb - pianl. plan is to issue prefeired on. unit sollicienl an be sold -i- of rrc.li; in al once begin jsto, !';;,' i if an 1 re lie 'lion and. ei lipnicnl of the Pla, r bee wlo Sid: the th, kind ol bb.pt, selection of tbe o'. ol lie i m: of odiei i s and all mat i'id h:r. e not so much as oi-e-i e.: by i he i..eor oralots, the e of wiiieh will be icfcrred to the mI cis to the sin.-!;. Of course it it ::'iai puiposeaud understanding ii w ill be a cotton mill for the pur . f -o n n i ii ;r mill v-eavinir, but these 'maliii - wiil bo cmlicly imd-r the con trol oi i e stockholders themselves Lvi) moi w io sub-cribed will have bis ri-'bi . he ; ie-enl at every meeting of tbe '-toe!., holder h, audio be heard upon every ipo -ii n which in any way apper tains lo the interest of ihu Company. It is the be;, he ol the incorporators .io have the eat nest assistance and co-operallon of all the i hir.eiis of New Item and stir rouuihug countiy. T'.e pi line obi t w ub h moves us is to piie e the city in which we iive upon the plane ol busbies' pi lea ;i y which our surrounding tow ns ee l cities possess. At this meeting a res d-.il ion was adopt ed by w hich the Ii: I ol subscribers and I lit. number of shares thai each one lakes should la: pnblbhid ill the New Bern Joiiiinai, We ib siie that this list shall lie il'.crea-e,! as rapidly as possible. and lor this pu rposc r.ny c llizen who dc sires will find suh.-cripiioii lists in thw bunds of the following gentlemen. Messrs. O . Gnioii, .lonn Dunn, Wm K. Itlados, .1. K. I.alhuni, .1. T. Ilolllster, Whiltv it Parker, II K Bryan, Jr., at Hi ailhams Pliarmaey an I with mo. and la y of the above named will be only too , d to inxluco the list, and have you ubserlbo. From ihe list which appear !n lids morning's papei it will lie seen ti at there Is quite an Increase in the anion ii I over any former subscription that has ever been stan ed In this city, Some of ibe above gentlemen have been unable lo call on I he persons in their territory but will he aiouml early Moo day. Let your subscriptions: bo liberal and lei us have a cotton Factory hare at once. P. II Pki.lktibr The following Is a list of subscriber autl amount of each individual lubscrli lion In sharts, the total being 419, or $4l,0i: J C W bitty, M; ltoweuaJ Whltly, 1 Mary II Whltly, 1, A I) Ward. II: T W Dewey, iO, J R Parker, Jr, 10; J Latham, 10; Ernest M Green, 5; Ilolllster .& fox, 10; O II Gulon, 10; II It Bryan Jr, 20, John Dunn, 5. C L Stevens, 5; Mf m B Ilia !e. 20; Goo 1) D.il, h; W F Aberly ft; C L Ivc, 5; D R Davis, Ii; Wm Dona 26, V II IVIIeiler, Hi; O L Merrow, Mrs K E Brliisn, 0; 8 11 Uilnsoo, 5; II Cromwell, .1; () Marks ill Hon, 10; II Marks f; l'atlle It Oulon, Ui A T Land 9; II J Taylor, 1; J M Howard, G .N Enneti, J Emlih. !i: B K Eatoa .1; W K Baiter, 1, F B Duffy, ft; J Green, 2; F M C'UadwIuk, ti; It 8 PHm reio, 10-, c' I) P. r ad ham, Bj E Oereck. I; WM Walton, 9; S R Pall, I: R D V Jon, S, J W Dugald.t; T A Henry, I: II B Duffy, 10; J J Wolfeuilsn, Ik Frank D IVrry, i; It A Nunn.O; F FMallbews, .3; J T II a I; W 0 .While, A R Dennlaon. il; Joe Patterson, 1; F II Wbll ty, J; 0 0 Clark Jr, 8; J Wlon, I) J 1 McDanlel, Si L A Davl Davla, ( D W C.lJ-... . rt W..a III T ,.t.. , "TT.'."'- w " . '.T, ''TTZ' i' o . . 7 ,, n ! W 8' f"' U f i ll.r.la lilt Wlrtht 1 TLna R FaiML ' " ' ,, : , " '"V?! i". w ToUoO. -, B W Il.-IOOck, 1, J W I Waiaoa It AT Paileiaoa, 1, W D WU- lao. l; v K rrry i'e, ian at itooona, Gao Henderson, 8 Goo lldroa, Jr, t bm" 0T. t Hlcbaili A .t, AO TbompeaR,$. ' ' It U Armslrong, 1 br- Armst'ong A flimnkla. Si L A Rrar. Ii I J Hudson. I : C L Ppenrrr, ;UL Cox, 1; W M Ward, 1; 0 II 11111,1; 8 W Willis, l; Cba errt, 1; t.oea A Uwla, i, li 11 Smith t SU Marys Episcopal CharUt Badly aa ajtd by Rre. lasaraace 2,W aa Caarck aad $3o aa Faraltut Tbe Are alarm aoundad yetterday moral ag aa II iW o'clock. It proved to be Ibe EDlaconal ebnreb. A rmmti nnlnklv gathered, and tb beeches, window, doer, organ and all things that could be ved, were quickly torn from lb horn ing building. Tbe fir was discovered about 1 or $0 minutes after th service lo ibe cbureh had begun. Il we caused by a defective stare flue In tbe outheat corner of iLe building. It seemed at first as If tbe firo would be quickly extinguished, but on account of Ibe construction of the roof it was impossible to get water between the shingles and the ceiling, and for ibree hours and a !:lf two stream" of water were kept -oeatantly pouring upon tbe building. H seemed at times as if it would be impossible to save anything eicepttl." foundation, but w lieu waUr was shut oil, i-hortly utter II o'cloci a considerable part of the building was left stanitliiif. I be roof was burned al most completely off and the sides are badly burned. The firemen did fine work in saving the steeple There was t?,000 insurance on tbe building and 100 on the furniture. There was tl,"0J Insurance on tbe rec tory. 1 be do irch bulbing was valued at about aud is damaged lo such an extent I a, it will take the whole amount of th a polic". The furniture is valued at j i . A carpel Hint cost $150 was ruined. It is probable: that llic whole amount of insurance on the furniture and building will bo collected, making Ibe church receive 2,oOG in all. The rectory was not damaged, A line of hose was laid w ithin a few minutes after the alarm, aud bad suffi cient steam been tip to have turned on a stream of water, the li:e would have probably been extinguished before much lamage bad becu done.-Free Press, 1'Jth.. 'A Single Fact is worth a shipload f argument.'' Every cure by I looil Tenrsa- pariila Is a fact, proving lis merit, and the thousands and thoiisai. ds of cures recorded certainly should convince you that Hood's will cure you. Indigestion, Hood's Pills. cti.ed by Special Low Rates. Tiie Atlantic and North Carolina 1UII road Co., will sell special iow inie tick- ets to New Bern ami lelnrn Saturday, February 21, 1W-0 lo bear Cent ral John B.Gordon, of Georgia deliver ids fa - motis lecture, "Last D.i; s of the Confed eracy. Tickets will be sold !., the regular passenger tialu from -l-'.sborn and all passengers to be leturmilto 'loldsboro and intermediate stations same night by special, after lecture. Fare for round trip when th bets nrc purchased: Goldsboro, tl.nO; La Grunge 1.80; Kinston, $1.00; Dover, 7.V. A special train from Motehead City . and and stations east of New Pern. Train leaves Mo.-ehcad f r.O p iv. and arrive New Bern, 7 ( 0 p. in. Fare ! trip, night from Moreboad $1.00 for the loun Returning leave New Hern same after lecture. B. L. DILL, iiupt. J. J. Baxter will sell all of his winter stock now at a sacrifice to make room for spring goods. 2,000 BUSHELS IllTWT-riittOF OATS For Kwtl. Chase Bo Hill. Atlminisiralor's Notice. Having qnallflod al the Administrator of Virgil Sparrow, deceaaod, nolle Is hereby given to sll persons having claims against the estate of the deceased, must present Ihem on or bofore tbe lsl day of February, 1001, or Ihls notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indtbted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment. Lkaut BiMktoaa, Admr. of Virgil Sparrow, deceased. C. E. Paijskr, Attorney. Administratrix Notice. Having this day qualified Admlnls trttrli of lb late Henry C. Davi notice I hereby glvn to all partlee holding claim agalnit my iolesut to present same for payment to me oa or before tbe IStb day of January, 1001, or this nolle will be pleaded tn bar of their recover-. All person Indebted to my lntelt art hereby notified to make Immediate payment of sara or they will be proceed ed agalnat according to law. Thl 10th day of January, 100U. Libi a B. Dana, Administratrix of Henry 0. Deri, de ceased, Ft Barnwall. Notice of, FiIp for Ptrtilloa. North Carolina I Superior Court Crarea County J Before tb Clerk. ' Enoch Wadiworia r Edward Dlnkln and Helen UarrU and Infant. . i I a obed 'ieare to th order of th mrl to m directed la the abort eollllrd nro eawdlng, I will offer fur tal end aril et lb e.mrt Itoaae door of (rava ronnlv, oa Baturday, th Id day U March. I W0, at tb boor of II o'clock, noon, to tbe hlgtiest bidder for a) the following descrtbHl pared or tract of land to lt: IWIng that certain tract Or parrot of land eoeveywd by H. F. Dlnkln and J D IHnl lo Caroline IHnklns, telly dnocrllx-e In a eortalit (W4 of evryre dated rVpleonher I. 19I. end recorded le th oflice of th rgltrr rf fed of Ciavee ro. book 117, fspe M, (4, M, vhbh said deed I rfcrrd lo for a fall and definite rlearrtptlnn of sai l land, January S7th. f - "l O. il. GUIU:, t'omml-sloncr. Clearance . . r Of X oj onoes. - We will hold for 3 days, MONDA Y TUESDA Y and WEDNESDA Y, our J Semi-annual Clearance Sale of SHOES, j preparatory to rececp- ing our large Spring line of Shoes and Ox- fords The Ladies Cjae hfYP ht?n rff7)f. r ri?(i if)fn fnftt oc fc ' -r. t ISi every pair vijercu l i of the Drew, Delay o Co. make ana ': the lowest price shoe they make is $2 retail so you dan v chance awaits you 1 r. IujlI , ZilUt (XI d. PCI y tt'.tlC As in some instances there are such a few pair of a kind, we are forced to I say that NO SHOES OF THESE LOTS WILL BE SENT OUT ON f APPROVAL V ,A Wc will :il;;o inol. y ; j ! v Misses Slioerf tit very time Come Monday if you can, And get a Shoe Bargain 4fr & w 'y ' Houses and Moles ! Larger Bpf' -ZJD Than Wy ' The ffl fsmm Finer J VjTOWWKa Wo have just rewired, purchased direct from the lUiaer by onr Utr. MT Halm, THKEE Carlotvdi of Stock, and huve now on Imnd CO II .d of Mu lea, and 40 Head of Morse toinit yoa, for uny and all ptirj oaea, I arm, i)r ift and R)ad VTor . A full line of Buggies, Road Carti, Wagons, f'nrt Wlieela, IUrneea, RoImm nnd whips on hand Irioes and Term frnaranlecJ. W'e invite your early inspection. Iiwppctfully, Wl. HAKN & CO. , , , ,, ., , . V TUt T.YnniH A mm z nf Chn mi v m aiai j aw av w i , ' ' I , w-iPt yAm J. R. PARKER, JR., QP0CGR, . Thono CO. 77 Broad Rtrtct.. . Sale o . . . . First at $125 Second at 1.50 Third at 1.75 Fourth at ZOO Bear in mind that ' r ' A see what a grand to get a very '- Jl tCC lllis Mile los.-s linn iiiul j:l tl'CH. f va w y s.v w J w w ' - , .. 'l Will I e found in oar floe bk a t ef llrvli and Java, llial ntakra a , cop of a fft fit tif th aoIa-. ' t Our nput-ibn it jour ) gnard la lb Dialler or Teas and Coffer, and J ran get teller qtitlUy al lower f.ri(i Bn at any other tr. In frwa. Pun. ly1 fln flavor is iiiaeanlred wlih emjr pf.and of Tea, tkiffe or Pplcr 1d t Pai.ei'a. M.O. Ham. ttlfer P.uWrr, Pall and Uraliam Wa'rru, Uereda rllMm, Wafi-ra. TTlbtla ftlfcatitla M . , . ... . . . iMi nw tmh