ggttf imi 1 VOLUME XXII. KIW BUN, IRAVM COUKTT. N. C. FRIDAY, FIBhTAKV 23 190U-MlO.HU SECT10S. S1FE J1LUST. Bailer Will Enter Ladysmith in Few Days. a GENERAL CRONJE AT BAY. Avsanll.-. Intrearhed la Ills Camp. Jou. bort Order Concentration Affalnst Room. Mill tary Critic' Opinion. 8peclal to Journal. j London, Feb. 21 The Berlin Tagc blal publishes a Special dispatch from Brussels which saya that tin; Tmnsvnitl 1 legation in that city lias announced that 1 tho Iloors are evacuating Nut l. Tbelr position in the Coiouy was ad- m 1 1 ted to be untenable Gaucrnl Joubert' b&s ordered a concentration of all availa ble forces to oppose the advance of Qen- ral Roberts. It i further announced that the elege of L-tdvMuilU be raised and ll in expected that Ocncrnl Uuller will enter the town by the end of the week. London, February 21 SpecKilOlllc- , .... .. , , ; ,, , . , 1 ial Boer dispatches from I relom, dattd ' ' the iOih report the fighting on the IHlli and Ii) h near Koodoos itind. Tiey slate that the British nllcmplcd to sur round the laager of General Cronje ajjd were repulsed. General Dewet reports lha: the Boers captured several kopjes between I'aarsdebery and Koodoos Hand aud took forty British pri Miners A dispatch from Capo Town says that General Cronjes lore.e, estimated at seven thousaud, his been checked i:t its retreat at Paarsdeshery where Cronje is strongly intrenched Ho has saved his guns and is believe 1 to have ample am munition- Every utuiek en his position made by the British so far has been repulsed. London, Feb. 21 The relief of Lady Biuilli has been announced. The Boers are iciaxing their hold ou all sides in order lo assemble and oppose Lord Rob erts w ho Is pressing on steadily toward lloeinfoii leiu. Bpenser Wilklneon, reviewing the mili tary situation in the Morning Post to day, sav i : "The meaning of the position in Natal is that the Boers have scut the hulk of their forces to resLt Lord Huberts. Gen eral Bullcr's aim lo join Sir George While and then cither to push on lo l.aing's nek or to send back t we divisions to reinforce Lord Itoburts, n t lining two iu Natal to complete tho r c iv ly of the northern triangle. "It is to lie hoped that L rd Hoberls will overcome Genernl Uronje before the lailer is reinforced. Otherwise tho British commander may lind him-elf facing a Boci army equal iu strength lo his own, as all the Boers nppcar to be hurrying toward Cronje. "The British commanders ought soon I i lie able to free both Ni.tal and Cnpc Colony from the enemy. Tho actions now in progress arc the docislvo battles of the war and every effort must be made to reinforce Lord Roberts." New Philippine Commission. Special to Jonrnal Vasiiincjton, Feb. 21. .Indgo Ide, of Yi ruionl, lornieily ('lib f Justice of Sbiiio at ' 11 r Wright of Tennessee v I I lie the new members of the Philip pine Commltsion. One uioic member of I he coiniidsaloo I mill to be appointed. Tayfor and Beckham Confer. FRAHKmirr, Ky. Fib 2J -The attor ney for Taylor and Beck htm will hold a Joint conference at 1 o'clock tomt r row for the purpose nf dlscunlng prope fiitlon to lellle which of the two In junction lull relating to the contest over the Governorship shall havo prt oedene on Ihecojjsolldatlon of ihe case in order to avoid a claab between court over the qnenlon of Jurltdictlon. The Beckbam tult I act for hearing before Judge Cn trill at Georgetown Friday, anil the attorney will t tempt to agree qpoa plaa of action and fact forming the batl of the tall, and a to ' what Judge the agreed case ball be tried I "or The Democratic member of the two bouattof lb Legiirialure met In joint - evasion at t 'ulnck thl afternoon aad by a tote of 74 to I ratified the former proceeding by which. William Qoebel wa declared Ooveroor and J. 0. VY. Beckham ' Lleutenanl-Oet erior, and through which Beckbam, since the death of Qoebel, oltltn title lo the office of Ooveraor. The Repablloaa member ot tlie Leglilatnre rerealaed away from the 'joint reedon, hating decided In caucoi i aollo aiund. . reWltfs Witch Uaael calve I n equalled for pile. Injuries and akin die eases. It Is lbs origins! WlUh Basel f fairs. Sewer of all Roaster fcfta, F B Dr. Kedcr, the Gold Care Han, Deal w.Aua, reu. Il-Ur. Uslls H. Keelef, of old eere fame, died oddaly I kit winter I tm sear hers, this nora Ib. Dr. Keeley cams hers recently frosi hU hem la Owlf ht, 111 M r. J. K . VlUler. Kewtoa Hamlltos Pa write, "I think DeVTItt i WUrh llawl Halve the frtadrtt salve msd." It rur.i pllu and beU' trtrytblng. All frtudulrat Iraltatloa irt worthies. T 8 pu-y. Interest Taken In The Butler Pro- gjam For Populists. Tho FbsIob TUb For Thin Stale. Trial At Wilson. Ivltou Mill. LaUrmitre Pnblic Schools Vance Statae. IUi.kioii, Feb 21. Tlie I'lipoH-l here read Willi I merest the news of the holt against lliitler at Lincoln, Neb. They called to mind how he had hosseil the coiiventiou here when there wa at the outset a majority against him, by delay ing, dilly-dallying, taking recedes and baviog his workers out. Muticr warned to trade wtththe Democrats In 1898 and it Bin out urllpn liU nmi,... il in u were so ciuickly aad decidedlv rejected. Cy. Thompson was as much surprised as Butler was. PopuliBts know lots of things about the Senator. They kuow that buck in 1894 the agreement w asmmle between Butler and Fritchard us to the ! senatorial matter and that there were , ,..., ..... ler let Prilrhard understand that in tak- , , .. , ill.. I I..I sliA.I I . ... In lllllt I ll..... ....... r. mj biiu oijuib tciui iu iuou ti.e. e Hni a i pledge for his re-elcctlon In 1WT and that this would give him eight years to Butler's six. The talk of the fusionists about put ling up Marion Butler for Governor .ind o a.) n t.. i i .1.... uucuvci u. uituuia iui uieu LeiiaiiL uui- ornor, on their fusion ticket, increases i daily. Attorney General Walser said of il: Vou sec Butler would then he made - Senator and Adani3 Govcrno:." The ! Republicans say Butler can control more! Populisls tiian any other man. They really app.eir to believe that li'iiier is the entire Populist party. f course lie wmis them to have precisely that belief. General l rmij.: is surroumieu at is They will not go into any deal with ' anleberg drift, but is offering a stubborn him unless they have him" in such a ' r'!' Mance. The lliillsh are shelling the shape ho caa'l go back on them. They j I!otl"' ig"ioi sly aud expect lo rapture appear to think Prilchard will be ju.tge.""i whole force The new trial of John J. Jefferson, 1 he j Loudon, Feb 21 The war Olllce has murderer of Cspt. Calviu Barnes at Wii- r.-cclvcd the following from General Bui sn, is cow in progress. T. J. Pence., of 'fr: Thelllaleigh Post, is one of ihe chief j ' Chicvely Camp, Feb. 21. -The liflh witnesses; "perhaps the most iinpoilant ' Division crossed Ihe Tugela today, by oiif, as to him Jeilcrson confessed, sfier ! pontoon, and drove back the enemy's having been brought here, l i o'clock one night. The Stale charters the Smithnel.l Cot ton Mil!, capital $30,000. K. W. Pou and others are stockholders. Tho cotton mill at Wake Korea will bo about a mile north of the village, and alongside the Seaboard Air lne Rail road. The town of LaGrangc notifies the State Superintendent of Public Injunc tion that it, too, desires to have a pubil : school, maintained by special lax. The date for the meeting at Rocky Mount in the interest of a public school Is post poned until next Monday, in order that tho Stale Superintendent can attend and make a speech. He will be there. The Agricultural and Mechanical Col lego here needs a building for the textilu department. PrcsldcnOVinston is now at work on a plan to secure this. He thinks ho will succeed. Ho says another dormitory is greatly needed. Tho committee on the Vance statue Is notlllcd that Hie lifi-iize model would not bo ready for inspection until Maicli 1st and goes lo W'adiington thai day. A Joseph Crowder, a tinner, was coming down a flight of steps, with a tinner' fire pot In hi hand, ho struck, overturned end broke a botilu of gaso line In an Inatant be was on fire This occurred in rear of a iloro. lie ran Into lire etoro aud ran around In It. Only two ladies wero there. One pulled off bl coat and opened the door, tie dashed Into the street and a lawyer threw him down and suothcrod the flio with his own overcoat. The burus are not tci I- OUi. NERVOUS troubles nn: curnl I. Hood's S n-H.ipurill.i, whieii ( :: riches anil ptirilics tho blood. II is ti boat medicine for nervous PEOPLE. THE MARKETS. The following quotation were rcceiv od by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. C. Hiw York, Fcbtuary f 1. Open. High. Low. Clote Mch cellos . . . . 8.M 8 59 8 M 8VJ Mar cotton .. . 8 50 8 44 8.30 8S4 Aug cotton 8 88 8.80 8110 8..T8 Sept. cotton ... 7 69 7.74 7.08 7.74 Oct eel ton.... 7.1.0 Hot. ootten.... 7.14 7.40 71 7ns' i Cuioaso auairrf WhiaT: ' Open. High, Low. i lose Hay (8 Coiuii Hay $81 So. x'r pm i7t B. R. T.. ....... 71- 0.A0... t0 Readlog..... .. Mt Cont.Tob.pref. IS A, I. W 9 . T. 0.1 100 6', i u:i ii m 'U jlj, ui M 0.W........ Ill Ml ft.t, t mln prU were H,(0 Via. CASTOR I A ,' jor IoiuU and Children. Til tti Yea Ksti A!;::j l::?A Bears tho C';aaturt of I ut4 TIGHTLY HELD. Roberts Scatters Boer Forces At- tempting to Reach Cronje. K Mi. fore men Is I'roui Jan'oTt at jauiilh l!i pii i-nl While Brit lk S Ii J I Die liitn nrhe.1 ( nni. Itiiller Ad r a he i u g -la! to Joii' ral. London, Febru&iy 2i I In- war ufiUc h is looelved the following diutic!i from Uencrul ItoberU: I ' Paardchcrg. Kcltnaiy 21 Yesterday afternoon 1 was saiialiei! h a careful rcconnoUaauce in forre ilmtilie poiiion of tho enemy could riot lie curiied us "UHl """tout a heavy SO X lulls to avoid. w hlch I wan Therefore I decided to bombard tlie wi,h artlllory ,1,r " y lo me euemy a reinforcements The result was most satisfactory. ! Tho Boers were driven In sll directions,! losing many, in killed and wounded. I "We look about tifly prisoners who state that they arrived from Ladysmith . in two days by rail They say that it was our artillery that caused them to aban don tho kopje which they had been oc cipying. Our loss is two officers aud four men slightly wounded." London, February 21 A private tele gram received hero fiom I'crlin this af- r - - , lenioon declares that General Cronje is 'n 8 US(' position, bearing out yestei-j ""y 8 lorl1" rumor that General ',ronje was surrounded and that a time limit Iiatl b,!" iven lliul within which to capitulate. I Cape Town, Feb. 31. A special corrs i pondent of Die t ape Argus says; rear guard, our navnl l'-J-pounder silenc ing all of thoenemy' guns." No Two Thumba Alike. It Is not nloue ou questions of hand wrlllug Hint handwriting experts ure culled upon to testify. Thumb Impres sions, uround which Murk Twain iu "Puddlu'bead Wilson" built big lugen lous story, have sometimes formed the liusls of very convincing testimony Couiin Doyle said that Cnrvalbo's de ductions In the case of the robbery of $2o,000 from a package of the Ameri can Kxpix'ss company, for nicety of ren8onlng uud extraordinary colned denee, eclipsed anything any one ever dared put Into Action. In 1SIM Asn Guy Gumcy was tried on the charge of stealing a large sum of money from the express company. It was proved that Gurney bad opened the safe where the package had been placed, taken It out aud deposited It in another safe. It was found that a large sum was missing. The evldeuce was purely circumstan tial. The envelope containing the mon ey boro upou It, however, a thumb Im pression. Mr. Carvalho testltied that the Impression on the envelope aud several Impression of Guruey's thumb corresponded exnetly and con tended t lui t there were no two thumbs In tlie world alike. Put such evidence was too subtle for the rural Jury w hich tried the case, nnd the prisoner was acquitted. It Is to be recorded ns a tribute to the accuracy of Carvnlho's testimony that Gtiruey soon after confessed. Chambers' Joiuiml. lha llrllannla. "Cold wtve," laid the man who had traveled In Northwest Canada, "invaria bly start In British territory." "Nothing unusual," thl tho listener, "when we tike In consideration that Britannia rule the waies." The t'taal Wax. Mrs. Hoon-I bare Juit been reading an article wblco contenil that when a a person I afflicted with an Incurab'o malady (ho doctor ought to let blm dlo. Mr. Hoon They will, If they are only called In. ItaToaa Worst. Mr. Mulvny bad been one of the prinrlnali In a stairhead fight, "and wea leUtlng the clrcumittnoe to ber neigh bor. I "An' puwal did yea say when Mr. . OToole Intuited yrf' "stay? Begorra, 1 laid nothl tgt 1 jutt done lif la taoraach SWraM.iB. Mr. Meeker, who bat geae lo the front door toaatwerihe pod sas' ring, pat iii wmrni iBtiue ib uwr oi me loom woara sis wiia was sniuig, I It's a letter for me, ny dear, he laid. thall I opea hr s WhMd)m Ihlsk ol who Would tsU oat his faithful lolUwsrsT ramph, said Afalaaldo, lhat'i sot the patbetle oolsl of It st all What do fou tblab of mas who hs h lot of f.ltbful follower for ia!s aad Cast trd buyer? ... :.. , , . AKef Oftlta4a. i. . nistlf reads Welt, e&eeat twf ' ' Yet. He'l a retired stoeslloaltt. Retired! Ihssk hesrea. be Tin-y mil be Work In? !!i f i e I "ii ft ! t ii I t.f miccix. New utioii Kill lui ! I umiiurn F:ie- 11 5 1 :i riec. H.M.KMH. Frhnmry ii htiriuati Sinnnniia h:i completed und w::' - n l out this eek to the var.oi- couiiiy cliHinnen Hie i.lnn of org ri!.-ilio!i of white Sunreiuacv Club. Air : 1 1 1 n i o -1 BaHlliat the-e chilis will he origin t I'.rougliout tlie Hi:. te this jenr and by llio middle of , !uii,' he exiiiV. s !o see ht lea-it two tho . san 1 in fu!! h.'a t in North Carolina. I ie predicts tltii? U-loie the elejlimi theio will lie su- Ii a r in; to gether of t lie while people o! North (': olina in support of I li anicnilinc-iit an has not been seen in llos .lalc in any previous e'eelion. The clubs will he noising bodies, not ilie.s-tmrii ir orirsni it i;is Imriio- 1 ' n 1 tanl woi k will be assigned in each mem ber The work will be such a he cau per form without los of tim li nn his own buslurn ll will be such work as he cau do, and no work will be assigned to any member lo which he. ol jeeis, and no work will be assigned to ,iny member whiclris not honorable, legitimate and proper. The Deiuociaiic pariv will appeal to ihe honor, character hum bmliest aspira-j ti ns of the people, and ii w ill condemn I any except liouiuablc ;hi.ds of cam- pilgning. The Slate ronimbl'c believes that a White Supremacy Clubs to Formed Through the State. man can miller the pail) belter sei vice for lllu Kaslcrn llistrict of North Caro by bein:; a membr ihi:, by remaining ; '' bailie S. Duguid, member of Duguid fiiimiilf- It.ii no ii,.i.,,.,r,wv or ' i liiinoiTucy or; fealiv shad be !.r -lught ii;i.t oue.stion Ik- eau- he dues of joining U I Mr Ajcocl m, I j I i.u propriety Il lo ea;-.l p' l-ou ns a-k .1 w hat was the political outlook in : he ' plii d: " We w:li ei.rr v i 'i ale. lie ic Siale easily. 1 lind more cm Imsia in lb i:i I have ever seen at this early 'file.'" The Slalii chaiterJ I be Wcnonali Cot ton Mill at Lexin-ion, cpiiiil $150,000, owiins, V. V.. Holt ,.ud l.ihel Holt of Chailotte, and V. K Holt, Jr. of Lexing'.ou. The mill will spin and weave. This will give 1. xinglon Ihiee mills. The Weuoniih Cotton Mills, at Lcxing Ion, N. C ,is the third new cotton mill chartered in the Stale this week One of ihe llnee hid a million dollars capital sloek. Also the Rocky Mount Sash & Blind Company was- today char tered with a capital of $'.1,000. During January tho Stale chartered six mills aud during Febiuary thus far tlx. It Is a period of remarkable de velopment. The money is raised for all these mills. They are not meiely nil paper. The town of Oxford is malting great progress Among its new lealuies ol in. (biatrial life are a cotton mil! aud furni ture factories. The Jeffeison murder trial st Wilson is postponed until next week. Sevcial Raleigh newspaper mei. went to Norfolk last nigbl to lake a tiial trip today on the steamer Augusta, owned by the Southcru Railway, lo Baltimore. The stock has been subscribed fur a 3),000 furniture factory at Winston. The company expects to organi.e Hie latter part of the week, ll will he com posed of fine business men, tbieu oi whom arc residents of Winston and two of Salem. Tlie site for the plant will probably be c boson this week. Late News Items. Timothy O. Woodruff In a speech al Detroit, Mich , launches Ida boom (or the Vice-Presidency. Wm. J. Bryan spoke to 0,000 at Jack tonvllle, Fla , Wednccday. Ills remarks on imperialism were cheercil to ihe echo The famoui Mardi Grs opened In New Orleant Weduenday night. Olg Nctbertole and her manager were arretted In New York Weduenliy for olavlDK "Sappho. The charge wat "offending public decern y " The United Slates g- v rnoteot hat turrendered two Uland ol the Philippine Archipelago to Spain, Caygajen Hula and Clbuter. "I had dyspepsia for year. No raedl cine was so effective a Kodol Dypepla Cure. It give Irumediito relief. Two boltri produced raarvibnu result write L II. Warren, Albany, Wl. It dltetls what tou est and ctnoot fall to core- F. 8. Duffy. AaeU.f Kind ml Itaml. " Wbea yen married you thought your btwbtad a dcml-jod?' "Ye." "Asd Bowf ''Now be remind oi more of deml Johnl' WhsMae rraaMUaa. I oltaHtbaweatheraaMrlalar'sieUlm. 'ad the mas with soold. ui do.'. boow " asiwsred lbs ant eolal scqalataaee, -I hatea'l bees able to B,kt ap , miBd whether It s tho wsather that b sscertsls of Ihe pn die. floo." ' 1 .- Iltttwl tliaa.a. iehasy-Why do they ttf that tba oea It mlgt tier tbaa tbst word t tt(t Hit father Beraajs JOS tio'l tbeckl With h iwotd. KANSAS CITY THE PLACE. Dcmocra'k Conrention Called to M.ct i,n Independence Day. irpt clal to Journal Washirotuk, F.b. 22 -The Dnm eialie National Committee met I nlav fc'id t lecud Jaiv 4 i u- ll.c .iie f l lioiiiing l lie N'aii.'iiAt leiie r si iv. o Venlio i A t ler la' i ii a i c. n:: il ; :: i ; e ci. I lie conini i ll e- lo m -1 the n-( t m ii ;e' ; ', es o! KanBus c'it ainl Miiwai -.e-. tor t,1( loci'.ion of ihe conn mi iu I .1 ll l.h New York city ws- to l,-e ii, u lep- n.-eutei by uu i e- mm I. civ, I .u 1.; ibeece d:.l not t.iii r tie ( .no-l oi-jecl i.ui III tide 1 the loilllc b. p:e.-.enieii by any but a repie-i matin: of that Slate. ; After a number ot geu'.h'iir'n had pre sent nl 1 lie claims of the in cities a N "le was laken by Ihe eoiii'ioll'-e wr. ii tiie , foil .wing resuil: Kansas City 40 votes, , D Vole;., Inns local liU I he j nt xt Deiiioeialic Naiiiei.i (' ui vein ion i ; at Kansas t iiv, .Mo. Tlie Dt'Hi- .lrls. Penelope Well, after all, 1 helievi ihe less one knows tlie hsppier one is. Genevieve That's a comfortable phil osophy. You must be very happy. A Time For all 1 IiIiikh. '1 thought," said the literary aspirant, "of spending a portion of each day w ri ling verse.'' "Ohl I wouldn't," said the editor "Write verse only whcn voii are abso lutely sure that you have Homing else to do.'' Petition For Meeting: to Consider Composition. District Court of the I niled Slates, 'V "on, Han A nipt ot JNcw Item, N. rtul.v afljudicatcil a Ibinkiwpt, has pro- I iiosei) i. i-o.i.t.ouil ii m lit Ili. i-i i t oi u nf Duguid it Son of twenty per cent net of unsecured claims, a meeting of credi tors will be held in New- Hern, N. C, at my olliee on the 2Clh day of Fi bi liary, 1U00, to act upon said proposal. L. J. .Moonii, R. feree 2.1 Bankrnpii y division, Kaslcrn I'is tricl, N t . Februaiy -.2, i',100. New Bern l-.iir, April i6-2I, 1000 Bicycles Fot Everybody. 4 have n v. i v i.-rgc ' Melt i f llicvclc YGNK can I c Suited. from whii Ii A COI.l MlllAx STOKM Kits llMl lniltDS l'I..N N ANTS HA Mill. Kits IDI.AI. R mrinc in in ice from '.'b 00 to $',: Sold for Cash or on Kasy Puyini n's I have a liniiled sloek'of the Model Ml Cbainless nt J50 nnd Models lo and 4'.i Chain Colu..ibias at J40. and get no more of them when present stock is exli iiist ed. Second-liand Bicjcics at nl most any old price. All kinds of Repairing i one piono I y and your work is sn.iciteil. A large and well selected .stock ol Records for Graphoiihoiie or I'linno- craph, oontiisling of litest Marches. Cake Walks, Coou bongs, etc.. ' laclory prices. South Front St , Next P. M. Pi am v Wood Wood Wood Cut any length yon vwn.1, nn I any kind you want. Where ? At MOORK'S WOOD VAltll. South Front Sinn I Call Phone 149 and Order Whnt You Need. J. T. If. MOOKK. Ml I will Hell 10 or i'i good Horses and Mules with Wagons nnd llur nciis Comtilctc. CIicbi) for Cnsli or Good l'uper. J. T. H. riOORE, New I'lern, N. G. If I CD , LOANING 3I05EY! Leant male. !xtat (laced. Apply to ISAAC U. BH1TH, 190 Middle street, Kw Bers, N. C. Attention Tiil ;ls c 4 iY. 2 J 111 'it I f.1- , iiu- r;' e.-.U.JMl.dr: SALT RHEUM CURED BY" Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART JVBT SEEN altxbl airla KraMl 9u arc a Waratag Tkie Only Kale W ay u to Hm4 (ha la the Moat Powerful Nature, in her efforts to correct mistakes, which mistakes hare ooana frota careless living, or it may be from ancestors, shoot out pimplea, blotches aad other imperfections on the skin, as a warning that more seriona trouble (par haps tumors, cancers, erysipelas or pulmonary diseases i are certain to follow if you neglect to heed the warning and correct the mistakes. Many a lingering, painful disease and many an early death haa beca avoided simply because thee notes of warning hare been heeded and the blood kept pure by a right of JOHNSTON S BARSAPABILLA. Miss Abbie J. Rande, of Marshall. Mich., writes: " I was cured of a bad humor after suffering with it for five yeara. Tfce doctors aud my friends said it was salt rheum. It came out on my head, neck and ears, and then on my whole body I was perfectly raw with it. What I suffered during those fire years, is no use telling. Nobody would beHeve me U I did. I tried every medicine that was advertised to cure it. I spent money enough to buy a bouse. I beard JOHNSTONS SARSAPARILLA highly praised. I tried a bottle of it. I began to improve right away, and when I haa finished the third bottle I was completely cured. I have never had a touch of It hince. I never gjt tiny thing to do me the Jetust good till I tried JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. I would heartily auvUe all who are suffering' from humor or skin disease of any kind to trv it at once. I had also a pood deal of stomach trouble, and was run down and miserable, but JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA made me all right." The blood is your lifeand if vou keep it pure and strong von con positively re sist disease or face contagion fearlessly. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA never fails. It is for sale by all 'lriijrKts. in fu'l quart bottles at only one dollar each 1). i K.UMI AM 3H s "J n ' & 'la j. L McDANIEL'S Is the Place to Buy Groceries. O Everything guaranteed as represen ted. Goods the highest quality obtain able, Lowest Possible Prices. Pertect Satisfaction or your money refunded. Fresh lot Fancy Syrup and Porto Pico and New OrIeaii3 Molasses. Anything in Groceries you want. 2 ta to 3 Largest and Finest Stock of ... . CI IT I J. L. McMNIEL, Horses k Mules I have uoved to the Broad Street Stables, purchased of J. W. STEWART, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and customers. J. A- h. a j. a. MANUFACTUREKS- ffleadows' Grade Special 'Guanos. If yon farm on tlio intonsivo gygtcm nJ for profit, you mil it use I1IOI1 GRADE 0UAN0. Out (IixmIh ure speriully iidnptcil for this section. -, -' MEADOWS' HUT IVd by Ihn largest and most Rticcewfal firmer, in thii sect ion. Tbeir Ficltl lleoalU pik lontler than Word. . " . - . NIi:CIAIi OVANOS Uoe McadowaV GOLD LEAF TOBACCO GUANO, (Tried d True.) for Color, Silkim-a ud Fine Trxtam llauufacturttl in the bright itttf apction of tbo But, ktid neclally jiwpnrwl for lie n1a of oir land. If lntcmtwl send for leaflet of i nil; ii i mid tetlimonials. Our 1WK Calendar alw for the nik in g. ' , - E. H. 8t J. A. Workr. Union To'nL BOTTLES. IN TOU. of a r aartaaa a Wirali. JoaaaiMi SinuuSIU Blooet Paxtaer ataowau New Bern, N. C. Wholesale fc Retail Grocer, UmirA Ht. Ever Found in New Bern. JT ones. Co.. Potato Cabbage FOB ALL CIXOP. LIEADOV.'S CO.. New l'.-n ('. 71 Meaws