f V ti 1 IS v -WW i 1 Vol. I M . NEW HI K.N, l KAY I.N lUl.NTY. N. I'. rlilli.U, M I M M B E ti 1 1 M J :r1 BULLER Carries by Assault kntrenctu-J Posi tion of l!:-.' Boers. t iit We .upt Ft iil.n I , 1 1, , IIiiiIi i M ,,-t he ( I...M- In ..ul i Mil 1 I ll l.llgl :. Illl'- ( .,' , n i it -Jm i cc lh , ; Cull its L a . a i i I ', , ,.. , , I, j,, ,., 'in 111 In, . i I, .-', !i I . r ; e .1 !. I : , war i III r 1 I l.al I ., ii . . ,. ll"1 111:1:11 pus:' I..-, III l Imo . , .. t Hi' 1 i.lr.m-l I.. I.. :. 1,. !(., :, . tin r.l yc-lcld iv ,, , ,.! -.!) 1 1, .'l;i 0 wi re taken i-OM,. I-. . J7 . i, 11 rvi i'il f 1 1 mi , j !.,.if ;i. i gOn,s, ll"W 111 .,,, I, , j ; ,, conln 111 iln- iep..n 1 Inn a "TI ICC In I I. a I'. ;n ;;, ,' gaaamcht a; ! n hup lit- mi.i ll.r li,i:; ...'!i w of til1' I r am, mi. una j, u a l.lllf. N 1 xi . Suml.,', RALEIGH. (oiivLis Still At stun Making. Dun.jn L uve Rutkr. rCs-ky M ,u , Visits Pjhlk Si.liu.il IU Kl" 1 ' i 'l lr .. nil! I. ,1:1m -I i. ;.: I:., in 11.. .1:1 : i H:.i I In- !,, '.,il, ,.( II I. .11' hllli, L' six n-iiii: ;i - 1 : i!i' uli .11 I'.,' Mr I.,!::.: r 111 : ill 11 : 1 i..t!,ci. f - t Niiitf ; m 11. 'I timing .iii.i' I. n'li 1 I IltiHI I . iiii"i:, m' 'I nf if'inll I,- II. I i- t fe.al.a.e 1,1. ; u 1 ..,! , !,, . licit line I i ll. rt..r 1 1., Ill" IIIIIII'..-. II, ( Ml ,, , ,, JUST IN TIME. Defenders Of LaJysmnh Were Liv ing; On Mule Flesh. Gfc.N. BULLER IN THL TOWN. Roer Army In Full Retreat For The Mountains. Ileal) Reinforcements l ur tin- War. Hill Meet Of In r Fties. Iti.liiTt and Cronje Meet. ltus.sia firinis V i rtuons Sp.'i il t.. Journal. l.i'M'DN. Vaich 1 - 1 he War itlirc has "llii ially announced 1 hut I. mil I ii in 1 1 - juhe mm. Ienl of Business For the !.. lure, is Taken l ; SCROFULA AND ITS AWFUL HORRORS -ItKiU UV Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. must oniikuf-i-l thk ' A r ! t Is. Li . iln- (ii i. : r 1 v 1 1: 1. 1. e in lui.iskaiins Kii la. t In- liner I'osi' imi mi ; re w 11s mi terrible I t'ol.ts t lie n! lei evening l'icler's hiil, the li,,er when i:,e w.r;u,lij 1 im ueil Imm the c ivi 1 nf : i," 1 1, e- 1 h , nln.,,,, , i , , , ,,, , in the I. ifiuii: ::m- ! '.' 'I ln- lelv.:!.' e line nf the l;, itj-i, reiielll'll a iIiiiil'h in Ir-ii! n the nri liner Ireneh, which w: niil aii:ueni 1 n i i I they were actnnllj in 1'. I he Hihth iriireil In the cr.-t ami ihen relumed, im hnlh ll-inks of the lniiiskilniis, oiilllnil.n- the eai t lied iloiin wi h 11 lerrjlile ein?lire l-'niiliiii; ii i m ; m 1.--i I1,' to a Ivance or 1.1 Im ! the i.iiii mi, ih,. 1,, 1, iv: i,.,,- and in! 11 ni he.l 1 liein-i li es hall way up (he hill I he ! lire 1 -e Illlllll Mi se-t .1)1 is iniiiuliiiLe i a In my wh.i has n .-illnirs in '"'l 11 i ;il lilia, is w !,,,"K WM'llT e'illll'l- Ullllu's flunk a j;reiit many i.j.ic- of Hie IhIIit's aaint the friinciii-r iiuieiiiliiient t ' Lie 1 ":i -llliitii. 1. I ln- 1 ,,!! , j. ni'i il-'U llii'M- to h ml, n:eii I he olil.'illis. 1'he 1 1 !i,r , ini'.-i l.iltme iiilinirminii .., ii:.i Il'll'l'l. I'l "I'e .Mm ill.', I ii,' Ilfr.i y , ,; l, ii has l ei 11 in j ul j,,.,,. under -iim the luiir.ler ,,l his la; her, .-oh, 11. .11 Jr. ill-', was ili,( haii;iil l.i-t eieiiin after a loihens em ,'iis l.i-iii in- hv .hiii, e Waller Clark, 'liiree h ii nes'es suiire they h d seen Snlnrnnii sii.i e the ni'i:-!,! i!,i;;,er and thai he inn mi hi.- way In ii.iiiia. The funeral of llr. .Inhii 1 1 I n, ki r. who died al llendi 1 -m, n! 1 1 ;. - liin;, inn was ne. 11 l lie 1 1' j e-li 1'iln- . j',. :tt ,, ,,f fhe lil'ibt vnlin d eil ieiis. . The e, 1 1 on uii.l al t an II 11 Her '.nine the 1 ,;.,. II 11k e II e 11 , e r-.un (live s , r , a, till ( hurters. uni.e III l-11 Ik In l'l'll-llil t. I; I'M 111 I Ii League ! 1 i a 1 k 1 . 1 1 v,-, 1, 1 a:: -i,, , -liilll In tl... I a! I '. 1,1,1 I !. 1 'i,;.; w ill he .... rfulH 11 n; ed 1.. ' 1 .1, -;. illil'- a li'f nf , ll-lii' Hi li;i r ,-. : hll-i liess 1 hli 1 1 l m. I,! : i . ! n - . . land with his foree of Natal earhineers t" 1. 11 days. T I..- i t : ; " 1 "" troops entered l.hdysniith di ni.Ti- ll,an f-iki- i.p si, I . W f 1 lit--, lav night. Oeneial Itullersais of ihe i inr rL'ein 1 I n. ,,... , ,., ,. that ihere aie no Boers liel weeu him was. tiricinnlly pi y, ,,( ,; t ,,i. ., ,i ,t and l.ii'iysnii'.h and that lie is advaiieini; i reKar.lii.K ihe ih.tim, i,,n , on Neliiiorpe, helween I'ieters and Lady fmi-l iiiilnmal '1111111.11111 1,1. l!Hth. I due of the il.lelesUllt' l.oM'os, Mareli 1 Special ( ieneral ' whether 1 natm I'm 1 !, 1 can fm llnller sends the fnllwing dispatch: Deniiicials to eiidnrsr hi- man im Vice "Nelthorie, Thursday, March 1, 5 'JO l'resident. 1 11 I le, emhi 1 ihe eiiii;,,r 111 1 have just returned from Lady-: plan to I hus leice, 1.1 t ry tn Inrce. n,c sinilli. j lieinncralie hand l ecanie ku.iwn i,,n (1f, i-M'i'pl a sniail guard norlh of Sur1 U la the tall; aillilig ihe liep li i ,1 ica 1 pi ie 1 1111, the w hole lioer army lately ' here thai it .) udge l.w ai 1 1- nm enntn nu ,1 hesieging the town lias retired in hoi ' " .'u Ige, that I'riu hard and mil .'im hasie Somh oX Ladysniith the country is iiiiite clear of the eneniv. I.'"iti A Grand Old Luiif Gives Her Klperlrnre. s T. ai.kfi.l urilla Hurd lives lu th,- In auuful ullaRe of Brlghtoi ' " M-c!l- "' " v. ueratile at., I highly r.-sptK'ted lady was Dora ii ' ':' '-;; 1 li.e trcii! war. in ll,lir,,u. Washington Co., New ,!:-,' ' ;;:)-' '" Si ' : -:"- :" !- ' ;'r f 'Tippecanoe and Tyler '" '' 11 '"' v :',-y l-r' -mi ed. aiel possessing a very r ,,' ' 1 ! f,"!l -: ;:' ler.-Miiig reiniiiiscetices of her early :" '' !'' S:'"'' "f Michigan und t.,,- luterffctlnjr aod re- ' 1 ' ; 1 ""' Ki'mriK .-v.-uti. nf which she was a vvlt- ' -: ' J ':i !'r ridaii.l uianifnld rei nlh-t t ions are more mar- :! ' " r''' '' tD ,:,a" are h.r 1 x perieiices In the use of 1 '. MM' KI 1. 1. A, Mrs llutd inherited a tendency and pre- ' : ' ' '' ;"' ;'-r'l'1.v di'.-ni. me Id taint which has cursed r tiinusan,' . utid iii.irkiiig thousands more as vlc 1 raiisii.iited from p -n, ration to generation. It Is t:y 111 one f,,rin or :in. tii. r. It may make Its au la uii-lirl ilv Mvellings In the neck or f tl.- il' ilt. . :n,g, 1 1 11 n.-at v 11. r t 1 " in 0 ' 01 ruiiiiing s.,r -llnlM II, ll lie I . i : 1 I the stale 1 h.iri 'n Ho in ir !:ie i'.m ihe Dul, in l'llsic I- ami 11, e ( ',:.::, ., a,rnf, , graiiU'd eii. liter llu- si Uipillt I ll" ll.lil uillll;;'S Anml.l I' (- j le run in 1 1 I,' 1, in pi 11 us liiede in like ihe I'.oer 1 !i.. s TI.H aim f,o.,d. A heavy liie 1 nil I i 11 11 1 1 nr. in.' hmi t iht! 11 11 lit. - Ins. I I 011; , f 17 elli 1 'h'l and J i,m,.c, 111 I he Imll let nlh ! I he lilMI-l.;:l.;i C"M k llll I OI ll , lni-im;i ,i n;i- . 1 . C'-iicr..; I.,i;, m i.il Pan , i; and III ii I .lit i v .'ll III day , 1 ho mil tl ' T', .l an ;n ::. lo eiiah!" I,., I :l 1, and Mini'. 01 I l iie ll..,-. - .id:,, lo-scs, hi 1 I hi-! : : llnti-h v, ill cm;:; "Xe nl l.adi -c,,i,h A clou let is gi anlcd I : niliiic cmiij.anv ; mini capital if lil'i iiilil ,1. v, . Si wards and ol her-, slot k:i, The lir.-t liilliihel nf 1 ii" lina llistmical ind (.11111 ter h.u iijipt an d i 1 is 1 1 ,..., 1 l"'ll!-l.-.i tiv ,1 I; 11 1 I ' 1 lli.t ad" leli' lid , '" " '- 1 .- n The t.iw n nf li"ckv M nml 1 Nasn an I had 1,1 ;, ..nl,, i ili.'eiu l isi in. rt in in i-s n: cine 1 in a-;. I Ii" im'i-lal a ..'11 ll hill 1 IV, 11,' I he sehi" I i ; e-pe, 1 1 ve , f t cnnl nil. "(I in the nm 1 11 nig, v. ii 1 continued "il d.i'iia;e w as '.as ::'l id 1. p. ill nil. 1-1 ihi il ill ad l av .li" I il,. nil Ihiui i li'.i hid h. iui a that the ) laiM- Ihe LnNO, lie Knlis taclimi ntinivm - pipe; a, 1 deuce ht", ,1 Ihe Hum 1 lil'IC 1 display nf 1 Inan in I,. Livei pun! -1, excited. Ihe fhe ( iten' l.iltie iln ,.- " played on 1 h liuililings in al Cahle di.pi colnni, V ' I'l..' s 11 c, -1 of 1 - :n c in 'I. i'e I in I" ny I he .Til - i' 1 ii" l.n i I i.'ii i. oci'uricl on n 1 in ' j l 1 i 1 . 1 ' . iii;e the 1 "niiii'M: 1. pm: this . , ,i 11 , i ii"l i-'i.-m tin- I 1: avei , a in mi' g-neril outward .1 'I- in J in I l.e pr ivinces 1 ' 1 o i 1 i in- 1 i a - 1 1 iv and : i. cychatiL'e weie grt lttiy lira rs sail" "liml Save 1 ii iili dly and ciieend fur i 'l 1 : w "i liPt'i all v ili i" in , ni' ipn : and i'ili!ie 1 1" ' ,n 1 In ' ,, 1, tn u ns h 1 p" 11. ,1 ill from the n.i 11 ,,l le i ri ' t hi,' ; h" reiuiciriL' In thus' pari- of lh" uorld over Imrd Kilurls' vit 1 1 : ry itu- no h -.s en; hu sias t ic than in Lngluii ! ii-, If ll,.ihi,..y anil iilirallar 11 ;. i ,1 I l (heir cili, s he. ame a m i-' nf n n.i i.it' ni l tiiii ( i.eer ing er, 111 I, lille I ' h , , r -1 rec;s. ll Ii 11 pmle I I'rii I.., v I ; of Lord linl.ei 1 i , ' 1 s .n.'i -her huMiiii, I l t 1 mv i , ( or , Kii,. '.; ; gi neral , nl Im i ,11 and 1 1-j . . i ll y Intlay w hen I nm . run Ji - u 1 ri niim 11 as I ..- r t 1, 1 1 I, wif ' .-ail f..rd fill d, ::ll!hm;e,l I, 'A'. J. I d ! 1-. N ii"li Can -in.:n.,; Id'gi, ''imp, lid and in, I iv. ny. of I,, If in ami lh. II. !:; lie ai-. 111 xi a ,. it.li j 1 1 ii' s or j I. Suzerainty For Cula. IdoSTiiKAi., Kch '.'i; s,, v 1 i ,, Van Horn", until receiuly pit-nh m ,,1 lie Canadian 1'acilic Kail wa , has just rc tuilii d f 1 1 mii ( ulia SpeakliiL: nf ihe i land's polilicnl fuluie he ra'd: "I hoiieve Cuha will so ,11 he acconltd self govcrilllmnl, hul Ihut Ihe I'.iled Slates, j 11 1 je w , 1 f j I s ll'spoe-ihiiily . wt 11 as ils interesl, w i 11 1 cser ve a vein power in all ipiestiuns of f,, reign policy and of legislation alfecl leg ihe pul,i,: d'hl. 'I'll- ( oiled Slillt s , a t sill 'We w id annex ( ill, a and lonliinie our .. ..I-..-.., .... iai 111 1 ii-iani 10 r 1 1 1, er p:o,ii, is hi admitted flee of duty Urn 1,,1 ana ,, and sugar interests must sullel ." Ill tin , 1 11 M iltl Imal 11 mi l .:.: 'ml.lm.'l I. .1.1, 1,1 tiimii" 'I In re i 1 'ii : ng i 11 1 hi e f (it Ml r !i I ind. 1 he lien s ii a - c 11; ,1 r.'ned la t i'l hy a ,lis patch fimn S,r Alfred Milner. High Coin mii-i'iniT nl 1 ap, Tuw n, w ho alo en H mi umii'ii 1 in , , r 1; 11 " ,. uetal SI In I on lliridivc lakiai hy the 1 mops frmu Cainda Kiag-i u re Haiti. 1 from the rarlmii.i 111 laiil l.'.g- an ! nil ihe irinc pal Iniudin 1:1 1 . In oil! 1 ,1 and military nicies torn wa. intii.se en I liulnMiii MoNTllKAl., I'eh. ei --News nf the Hill rendoi ' f ' .1 nm ,1 1 : lunj.. re iavrd III .V.mit : e il .i 1 1 h l .e gr. Ill .1 jay I nne wan a sp"i lid , rl rtlom at ni.'iil TllllnNTu, I Illl . Kc'. 2; I, veiy Hag In Huh 1 ity i 1. r,i ,r I 1,1,. 1, . x:.i newp from r,i,iide',. rg t,e, t n,' known I "Mill, I 1, I'rti I T'lm.r.l. I'lie lierin in ne , , 1 e I 'il lh" h'i Men. !e I lo 1 alndl III, " " n il 111 Illl nr i nr h 1 ,B 1 j,, J rlr I II, , , . I -1 e , I e I" III: papi I I II', 1, ;. ,10 of ll, i, 1 1 j U,r, It .',.., hi, ill an 1 i lloel Jul,-, -i ,1 tklllfi.i lei l" I'A.tis l' n .; 1 Jroi J '.. mi: ,, lmpiel ,11 in I 11., Wiolljfll Ihe p,c, ili-pAltl, fetiicd Hie ll ., , mninmnl, linpui,.,., L Td lla! r. hi 11 line , peeled I y rt lit em dm lug 1 he Inn I few il)t Unit he una c, prcp.e I, me im,. Ih Ix llef thm CronJ., .11, 1,1. mi . Irm t 1 1 1 it ill I hi, 11 ll null, n, "I lined Ku.1.,1 lpep.l furu In my family mlh vmn Inful renulli It glrn ImmetlUte r . i f , l pin.mnl lo take and tinly llm dyptpili Ih.i friend," ity( K. lUrtgorlnk, Oten.el, alltab., Dlgelt what you ol. C'auuoi fall to cur, f. 8. DaTy. Ind r , . , ..in n. ll Im I hi Sin-h.ipurilla and you Kj; . VVELL Think Cotton Hijfh Enough. special In .Imn mil NkW Vi Ilk, l-'eh ss- J,, Tw p,i:,,P lare planting and presi lit large n teipts further advance 1,11 enlioii Impmhahle Regaid pari li'i-es pri.eni pii.es dan K'Tous. I '1: 1 r, Mi ( nmii, K . (-,, Ke W 11 sit.er. W. v rite., " had ,li .p, p., yeui s, and 1 1 ie,l dociur wi, limit heneht I was Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and 11 I, rrom ihe marl. I hell, ye It 1,, !. naeea'for all f r in of iudigesti ,n iligeam what you eat. F Innfy 1 aton, V n 01.1 1 ,1 1 ;, ; h!ld 11,1 dl, ilie- p' ro.a led tn im pel liie e a pri li Peanuts AJvaneini;. NollKol K, 'a , I' 1 h. 'er I lie hieat 1 tn a ration of half a pound of meal for each : 111 in per day, supplemented hy a meal nil imi of lior.c ami mule Mesh. ; " The men will want a littie nursing j hi fore hcing lit for the lipid." LiMias, March 1 .Special Lord w hu ll : , , , i.uuiismjwne announced 111 Ihe House to 1 mi) 1 nm ,i,s, noi, 1111, re iroopu will reach ; Smith Africa before April 1st, art! that I IT, sun re men would arrive some time after t hal dale, i In Ihe House of Commons, Joseph j 1'owel, financial secretary of the War Oliice, announced that Cronje and his ; family would he lakcn ahoard the Hag ship of the British Meet at Cape Town. I The whole mallet of the disposal of ! the prisoners is left in the hands of Lord I Knherls. j Vki.iioi i:sr, Victoria Mt h. 1 -Special ! -Secretary Chamherhii 11 has cabled the : Au-traliaii government asking whether id lilional troops could l,e sent tn South lrici in ihe event of ihe I ill lie 111, lumps being rfiiiireil elsewhere. Iliill Duller Tot k I'irlu, l.oNimN, I'Vliruary 2S. ! ,, 'l'uesday ' 'floral Harton, nil h t no ballaliuns of ihe Mxlh brigade and the Dublin Fusil lers, crept about a mile and a half down the banks of the river ami ascended an almost precipitous Hill' of about 500 feet assaulled and carried the lop of 1'ieter's 'I'll This hill, lo a certain extent mined ihe enemy's left, and Ihe Fourth hng i'le, under olonel Noreott, and Ihe K.evnilh brigade, ( 'olonel Kitchener commanding, the whole under the com iiiand of I ifueral Warren, assaulted the enemy s position, which was maguili t cully carried by Ihe South Lancashire legiinenl about nunset. We took ahoul sixty prisoners and scattered tin: enemy in all dirsclions." I he 1,11" Kill,.. I'AAitor.ntiio, Tuesday, February Majuha I lay A regiment stationed on the eresi of a hill perceived a vhitc Hag and hurst into cheers, thus lirsl announcing Iln surrender of (ieneral Cronje Ai about 7 o'clock, a small group of men appi ared in ihe distance crossing the plain Inwards headquarters. The Inlli r, b. n.g apprised of Cronje's ap pru.uh. Loid Roberts walked lo Ihe front in the modest coal In a Inch he sleeps and ordered a guard of Ihe Sea foiths tn line up. A group of horsemen thru approached. On (Ieneral Pretty man's right rode an elderly iiihii clad in 1 rough short overcoat, a wide brimmed hat, onlinary tweed trousers and brown shies It was the redoubtable Cronje. His face was almost burned black and hi. curly heard was tinged with gray. Laid Roberts w slued to ami fro until Ihe Horn general arrived, when Ihe Mrii Mi toinmainler ad ran red gravely and kindly saluted Ihe Boer commander He II ill ,il Hall 1 iml,.m, 11, In,', :l nu sea-ric 1 1 ."1 1 , Win! s' ,; aai :i duii 11 hen in t In lull ibilanl I Hi ' a I -a' 'yd will be jilda-c. I he coi puiatiuii 1 u 11 1 1 1 1 1 s s i , 1 n meiT- 'When relieved, the garrison was on j Friday and will c nlei inh its atiornei It will iiisliuci then, u hal tu do regaid '"' ill" taking lesliiiiony as u ihe tax as 'i'"- .1 '-' 1 1 ' f si'ssnieins befiiic Stan, ima ti,,t SI llr . ...... j .... ( aril ,.,,i... ,1 mil of pe, II III 11,1 I - .III. w ay le do iililiem pi Inll'. like pi II I - I - la ople ' . Apn V, i,,i, 11111 inai kel has been sumcwh.it 1 xeited I In 11 mot loned ( ieneral Cionje to a seat inr ihe past iw neiks, espiiaully 1 1,, 111 a 1 hair which had been limught for market I r .'pauish nm s (lriiiers'sl. k ,. b's o emniodalloii, and Ihe I w o oltlcerB I hU gride ha. advanced lim 7" t a nis , cum red thruugh an Inteipieier 'o IM ci nis per bushel within n,, necks,' '-old Roberta was surrounded by his iim il,e ti'iidency Is upward 'I here linn st all w hen ( ieneral I'relty man, addresA Ii en f,.r all gru.P s an at live ,b insnd , lnk' t1"' held marshal, said er ' since ih ae o , ofc od Ihi. h' "Cm,mandanl Iron le. -ir " p .tied 1 l.e e , am 1 w imi, rail le The Com mainlan I touched lilt hat In I"-' I'r.lig was far "tlute and Lord Itoberls saluled In rt 1 ease , imn I lie whole group Ihen dismounted ind L,rd R iberia stepped forward and ,tl r n a inii'ti sitii Inellnrr ennimauilrr lie.., I lln.l cir st 1 1 " sec. , a n 1 an w n 11 till- w a, - an 1 t ' i 1 I sk ng 1 tun 1 mm I le 1,1 an I 11.1 "". ',. ars in i," eo.ii ,.u 1 imi iiihii' gaiiani iieienee, al r. ski - ".'impiion. T he 1 . aii'-rs ,.r main ,.f "dual Ion of Lord Itolwrts ti ' 'in. Im re begun lu -hmv ,., ,, Im' v sn ' ulaheti liner leader. nnee tu sell st preen' mice, m, I i 'ieneral Cron le afier waul, break ia.n.,1 a ppea ra pil. of 1 Ins an ad vane lu p io'H-,iii,iin,.i hetao, .., I,,,,.,...,. '. i " g dug out of ihe ha ,,t, , f 1 I t, ' "" '"' giad". of ,. ,,, r pi. .1 if.il CASTOR I A For Infant and Childrtn. Tbi Kind Yoo Have Alwaji Bought Boot Um 81ntro of 7 mlh the Hrlllali oillt er Cronje a fae "' aluuliilely linpaaalre, eihlhlilng no sign of hla Inner feelings M.iw A I", til I'uUmr Hr .hui am Mo, Frh. KH The news papers here outdo the reaull of Ihe ron linenla! reaa In tie wailing (Jo Cronje'a defeat and In rlrulnnlly allying Oreit Britain Thoy decl.ra lhal Ihe Tram raal has fully demoiiatralod In right to complete polltlral Mepeodenc, with in outlet to the aea Thoy tuigool that tbo best help for the Itoori would bo lo croato a dlrn.loo agaloilOroal lirltalo JolMwbtro, aud malolala Uat ll la lb I he attorneys for 1 he nnlioads ,sl. lo be allowed six month., t tn- coiooia' tion coninnssiou .-ix niiiiln, and Ihen the railroads three iiiiiulhs additional 1:1 which lo tile alliilavim in re ha 1 1 al . ' . commission thinks the lime ta long. Aiiaiel and intcn-sfing cuse as ar giled in I he Mipreme Cmnl. An ex-en gineer on I he Aliauiic toast Line ."Ued for re-insiatemeiii and also tlaniages, on the ground linn h,. was appointed dining good behavior and undo ihe noted -ci-ion m Ihe t as,. f k, Va. t n ,,-, . son, ha,', a ri ;h! 1,, hi , p.isilion din ing goud behavior, ll is ih,- n, applici. linn of that case lo civil lilc. The Supreme ( '..urt m'.li 1 -d I hat after next Monday no nt n-f shall be allow 1 d 18 be tiled a' lei the dav on which ,c case is :iis;u, ,1, ::nl"ss t.v penni-mm ,, the court and for good cau-e. Dining February luc Slate has char Icred eight coitoii mills, as I dlov.-. fin licld: iliirtitll, at I lenileison, Loweli and Loray, in Canon couiitv. -iniihiield; Weiioiiah. al Li xington; I.1I1 al .-pun, and I he i 'ape I- ie. The report of the Slate Labor I 'oiniuis sinner Lacy i 1 i contain .Mil 1 pa mm ,,1 which only Hull pages is yet pnnied i.. . , , r rioay evening Hie ahleimeii uili lake up the mailer of selling ihe cm hall and market for uui ic,s than If.vi .011 1 and building a market or an audnmmin mi anoiher site. The , , m i 1 1 1 nr. ,, , ounneiid this and the opinion app, be dial the aldermen will let ihe vote and settle Ihe ipie-lion I 1, :' Ml, there will be a pietly l,i, Iv , 1,, ti,,M Same persons declare lhal lie .:M. nil le rati lit il, olhcrs that the 1 1. ,1 , at, Will be ailvei,-,'. The dates of the chief I heat nil , i en I : lo occur here yet this sea-ox at.- as (,, lows .March S, "Lord Birnir .lame. Young; March 12, "tiio Vadi-. ' A dm Hi-ne.lict, M arch III, " I'l,, 1 h 1 i-l n,:,' with Illlie Kllsler as 't ,l,.n 1 i.,-n ... upporlcl ,y H ca-1 of III po ..,. 1-1, "Faii-t." April III. "At 1 , orso Tavern,'' by Dan I rol.m ,1 pany, due, 1 from ihe I, m i a, I New York. May , DeW ,,!,. 11, ; his new plav 1 here is now no doubt 1 1,., 1 1 1. gh p,-l oliice w ill be a lli-t , , ,, Consideraloe a hlitioiial 11: ., h.t being put in the Calaleigh I ,,1'm, here 1 1 1 - s 11 i j tint 1 1,,, t ,i ,,f I shin . I he i , 1111 I 1 1 ' 1 11 1 ' ' , 1 : 1 1 hat I '.mii , ,,, n't 1 Ic.i Ing , 11 ovi ! ami;.' h 1 e in I Slu. ... 1 I 1 . I 01 mm f the Sa n I lie r 11 ! I a! 1 w a an arm in s n a, i dmi I a sun l,i at or .','1 noil Sil periur ( uur l his n , The llp .v oi ll, Lea.' e 1 ,i,fmen, .. ,,f Ihe North I an .1 ; n a M' Toellsl I ei, I m em t whl .,. ,,, ,, h, A mil 2 -, A t leasl J If) I, iegul, s n , ii lend all I .nil. a lllllllbel of pr,. in.,,, :,i M.-l bo li.u wi!. he Jiresent, ailimig Iheai R. l Dr Dilbose, the general L, 'im.r s.a n t.ni ,,f the H. II Char, h, South. 1 Rev Mr SprmiMlei.l, the gem ral tin ancinl iigeni f,,r n,.. Il.pil.t Female I'llin Telly h'Ti . s,i he I, A. hi fsi culleclcd ',I in i (,,, p ,,, , ,., j i ilebldlnee. . nun J , n.,l Ihspledg.a agie(te $1H.ksi I'ne .rent wars ahexd now Isioprepaii loom f.o ,j (,,,,. aludinta lhal a n m,, l.er of new ones hare applied already Im admission urn autumn and will rsl.e ihe number of hoarders' to nl It-set lino The t'nlrersliy la now entirely lull, Mr Sirlngtleld sa) a. There Ii space fur a durmllory to s, eommodatn Ihe 1 "(. and il t an lee built for Irl.nno The Stale Superintendent of I'uhlir Inatrucllon today Issued the following well limed circular to the county auper Inlendenta; "This la to aay to ) ou that I hare decided that the apeclal opproprl atlon of IIOO.OsHa to go to the teenefll nf the rblldroo direct without any abat ing iomn by commlaalona for county Iraaaurori or other offlelala, I am quite I U hal Kill, ,1 lllm. IllalenniU - I ll" tr.aillboy ilrujipial dead in t l.e 1 1:1 j age t a r a few mil, ales ago. Cmid'lO ,; 1 ,,, feila'.l I llcarl I 1,11 -liie, I snpp.-e. Ihai-.e",',;l I I m' think so He had one oi liis ,,,i m. r - ill his lie nil Ii at the i line i', .,s,a, I ,., , ,K,. A n a y , i ' .. v,:i,,, a - , i; i- i'l'' '"'HI v. a - ll, ,.,. scaled ai il W, ddlli:' 1 'I colli c -.ad II," .- a age I l.ache 1, , r; I" ll s I,,- . ' 1,1 "Hip lulls o! varn il turillS. Atlnckilli' ll,,. milMiu r,,umK.no tf '-J' K'"u", :,s ' :";"rh "'" '!' devcl. pmg In the lungs It may 'be, 1 '.' '' :i ""' i1-1""' ' ,,r COII- !,,,, i,. w 'tir-'i'ba I'sk'in i'i r .I'" ny: "l was ,rou,'1''1 for many year, vt th .i l,. skin ,ls., mo. My ,nr,,,s .,,, br,.ak mlt ,n a mag8 of m, ,ei v' t'TT' V'7 , My m" k to swell and became very u islLhm in appear:,,,,',. Mv body , covered with scrofulous eruptions. My , yes ver,. .-,1m, grenilv ,,l:,i , anj weakened, and they pained me very 'J :,''' M, U,;,s :,r-v 1,a1 "".liilm, and my head aebed severely V ; . i :;; a 1 ''r1, '": 111 1 hni sorts a,s iq y i as i, , nns,.,.,,,,,. ..... 1 : i . . I had tn..,l -very remedy that had been recom i .i.l. d. and doctor .,f n o-tar h.,,1 f.-,,,...,. (,,. of the bes, physlclans Id v.". T ', i' ." r "!"st ;,U' ','f 'u nst,,,,tinn, a9 internal abcesses is'r',,r; s '!'' V'" ,,,i,K,h wns tM -f lr. Johnston, of Detroit, and n,, ':!',a L, ' !r"'fl.a ,M"1"' m"r' ns a" "Perlmeiit than any- g , " ri r U u r'" fa"" a'"! Kr"",lv ,0 n,-v reeable surprise, I niHti, bottles. II ,t I steadily improve,, llnlii i ,,..anlf. entirely well All the of st t ' r T "-'""'I'd with scrofula since. Of course an old lady shiei m' m'l;l,l'f:V,'m''"'1,U! ' "T" remarkably good health mum then and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARII I A la the. IS ""rm-r "' ".'- "'" '' -ide wK, ' for I I, k t; e , r '! "' 'n",,l,D"- , reniarknlily In.erestln,, old lady did ot lok to be nor,, than sixty, and she repented several times,, "I believe my life was saved by JOUNSTON'S SAKS A PA It ILL A " MICHIGAN ElHUQ ( ' i). i i; nil am xjBJTn.cirr, Mroir. New Hern, N. C. ar- r! Fisie Kijin I.ullor. 30c, iS Fhik-.v Elgin aiul Fox Itiv. r Rutter, :$5 4ViiIh 1A. at :H L McDANIEL'S, 71 Broad St. .1,,'in i he's laid houn . 'I hal's hill illl le.'s I'll lie i c l ", ! a i lb ""kl I i f C-, -11,1 1 he o.d in-ill, I 'nl a 'i l.i- ai ii; - an" i , con, in' , 1 woman unli his T i; iiii ii .a ii i la. in. I,, -i i , W Im a. 1, tin V w.,1.1 I I, hoi a' 11 :ei ll, i ta m tn M ka '.to an sj IM as im Also the lines) lot of Small Suna,- (',-,., 1'j, Haniri acn in market lliis .-oasnn. Mvery tmi- nnaiantectl l.o ! -I rir; I v lirsl ipialtt y ,mlv I lie 1 1," I'l' iitv ,,' 'nc N'orion Yam I'tdatncs, sound ami all IttarJj Etos' and lied SSliss Seed JBrish 1'otaloeN. !- A n v I hiii" pils-lliln. iii I In- "rot 'cry line vmi wan f prices as low t i ir me a call. Vmi rs T'nil v, ilHd i. McOIlEL, WIioIeNale A Itelail CJrooer, 71 Itr,,:.I Hi. i - M M'.'ie Ma nl a1 s I In W Inl V., !,- fr u, lh" I. la) 1 ma, lainagu. Mi n. in . held has a in Hi I I In I 1...1 I ),, m f r , 1, e. a . i Meadows Co., .iAM''A('Tri;Ki;s ieadows' Grade Special Guanos. I f '. ai: fa, in iiii I In- in Imi s, M Ki H (ilMDK (il'ANO. o ir i ,1- . -1 1 1 1 1 and f,,r pia pn lullv adapted f,,r ilns sectini,. vmi must use I'-,,) l I 1 .; I Iln la Potato Cabbage -I and in., -I sin ressf nl fanners III ll'is section. Is speak louder t linn Words. GUANO Y W - jMi; l il, a A VOS FOK A I.I, C IIO FN. M, M, w - m 7. M r. k i i C 'J) (.OLD LKAF T()BA(X'() GUANO. (Tried and T, SllkllleSS ami Kmc T'eltllle. .Man ll furl n red li, llio l.rll.l ... in, Ul lUb if I'tb'ti "f the Stale, i.m I specially prepanil for the needs of olr laud. If , 1 1 1 it i --li al s. ml fm 1 in Hi-1 nf analysis: unci testimonials, "nt 1 Hi m ' .i!"t,i!ar iiiMi far the a-king. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO.. tl s C3 9 ,; m Milt. New I'ern, N. C. v i r 2iu' it err i ii f 4 " ' ' Just Received! A new line of Boy's Suits, ages 3 O to 8 years. These .Suits are of the Inn R Rnflor latest styles and very handsome. to. It E t K FItH. htocks lorros orain Ilmiglit and sold for cash or on Mar. gina. Kronen offlca orer Cotlon El chang., Now born, H, C. 99 ktlDDLI BTRXIT, a, MIW BERN, K. 0