THE WEEEY JOURNAL bjtaUaa4 W. PublMMd is Two SMttoM, tvarj Tdw iiTHd Fridaj, at M hlkidi Btreai, ew Bon,N.a CHARLE5 U STEVENS, IUITO 1D raoPUSTOt . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Two Monthi 85 Cent. Threee Months, 85 " Sn Months " Telve Months, 1 ONLY IN ADVANCE. Adv ertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry ty mail. yThe Journal is only sent on pay-in-advance basis. Subscribers will receive notice of expiration of their sub scription and an immediate response to notice be appreciated by the Journal. Entered at the PostoffU'c, New Bern f H. C. as 9econd-cla89 matter. Section One Tuesday. March 6, liMll) THE WASHINGTON POST WEAKENS. The Washington Post which ever as sumes a Lord High Executioner air 111 mailers personal and terrestrial, if nol celestial, is exhibiting .tigo9 of weak ness in its position "concerning North Carolina." The Post It will be remembered, first assumed, as per its usual course, to speak definitely about the negro, question in North Carolina. Us 'intimate knowledge" of the negro, its personal association wilh the ncgio, were such that it spoke as one beyond disputing, for its "associations", for a ' iUarter of a century," made it impossi ble to err in expressing itself positively 011 the "negro yeomanry,'' the "subslan tial citizens" whose rights of franchise were to be taken away by the "illiterntc and rowdy whites" in this State. The Post is nothing, if not knnwull. There is always the ultimate in ils every stntence. It is even more than dogmali cal, and this when it is proven wrong in its own statements, for it cares nothing for outside facts. "Concerning North Carolina" the Po-t has editorially for more lhan a year, at intervals, established and re-es tablished to its own satisfaction that the "illiterate whites" were aoout to en franchise "the solid, worthy, estimable negro yeomanry'' of the Statt. It has been the duty of I lie several times to call Ihe Post's atten tion to a few of its Inaccuracies "con cerning North Carolina," which nave provoked discordant laughter from the Post II knew, and thai settled it for the Posl. Hut in a recent editorial "concerning North Carolina,'' Ihe Post shows Bigns of weakness. ' We shall nol argue the question of alleged errors of opinion further lhan to insist that, if they lie errors, they are at leasl holiest ones," thus says the l'osl ou its position on the Amendment ques tion. "The point of view ia everything in such a case. (The Jouknai.) feels and speaks as a party organ. It realizes at Its full value the danger of the Ignorant and vicious ote controlled by the pollt leal adversary." "The Post, on the other hand, apeaks and feels as a sincere friend of the south and believes that the section's best anil highest interests would be promoted by limiting the franchise to the Intelligent anil responsible classes, no matter by what parly name they may csll them selves. It does not seem to us thst sny great or enduring advantage will be se cured by eliminating the dangerous and demoralizing element In one party and retaining It In the other. The question Is not or should not not be the succeas of this or that political organization. It should be the purification of the ballot bo 1 of the source end fountain-head of government." And this is the very contention which the Jocsral has all the time maintained "this limiting the franchise to the Intel ligent and responsible classes" In North Carolina. But the Post, clinging to Its negroes as "substantial and conservative citi zens," has refused to recognize anything else, persistently alleging that the "Il literate whites" war banded together to disfranchise them. Bat trea with this Mall oonoeealon, the Poet Is till (ar from being correct oa Hortk Carolina, and Its poeltloa an tagonises tha paeeaga af tha Asaeadsaeat MltAagoel . A aUTTEft OF LOCAL CORCtATV- LATH)!!. ' The raf rt ol tlx btg Ira la RaWfg a last Wedneedsr, aa4 tka aoadltioat aider wolck II waa fought by U Ira- aist of that city, to ( laUraei t tha peop'e of every plao. That the flalelgh Are waa af eaca large proportions, was due le the headway H gained befora the water supply eoald be ln'T'.l, tnr sufficient preeeura gives ti sn' ' the frfmsa 14 fght taeoeee. t ' v -n-. ::m, i rsVt;',t ffr, wrtltef of tha tra saki Aa Official of th WtM Coaspaay Ulod that lb direct preeear vat oa ia three mlaalea aftor th call. A go lis -aaa talaraalad ia th Wwr Coaspaay Slated that las lack of preasar from lbs tower was du to the fact that ease; patroae of the compear have been keep- lag all spigots running during the cold weather and .hat thl. ha. forcd the , pomp house to do s greater amount r pumping than ever before, even in the summer. "This morning the pressure was not what shouid be retired. Il wi! pruba blv poorer lhan the Company would di sire to furnish However that may be, 11 was one of the poorest and vainest al lenipls to supply water thai has ever been made. There may be a ood excise, but it is difficult to understand why the tower is not always kepi in readisess ' On the 18th of February, one of the coldest nights of the winter, a fire alarm in this city brought the dcpartuieul out to tight a fire in a frame builJing, whuh was difficult to reach The fire had been burning some time, i being about 2 80 a m, but within a short time, and without any spread of the tire, the New Hern Department had eniii- : guiBhed the tlames This tire wsi at some distance from Ihe Water Works, it was a night of such lew temperature thai hundreds of fau cets were running to keep pipes from freezing, yet the water pressure al the scene of fire was of such strength that it required several tiremen lo hold ihe tire non le. Ntw Peru's line water, quality and quantity, is a matter of local congratula tion. And combined with this. Is the New Bjrn Fire Department which stands un rivalled. That the people of this city apprecia'e Its firemen, was shown by the patronage extended to the Fair recently given by one of the local companies, and this ap preciation is always shown in matters appertaining to the firemen of New Bern. And this also it, a matter of local con gratulation. DISCRETION IN INDUSTRIAL MOVES. However enthusiastic an individual or a community may feel in regard to the establishment of local industries, there Is a certain amount of discretion neces sary, a discretion which looks ahead and plans equally for the future success, ns well as for the success at the start. The present local movement in the organization of t he Pembroke Manufac turing Company, which in other words means a company lo build a collon mill, has shown thai the citizens of New Hern are believers in local industries, and tirmly favor the building of u cotton mill by local subscription. Not many persons a few months ago would have thought il possible that over $82,C00 would he subscribed for any local industry. And ye' this sum now stands on the list, and with the names opposite the several amounts of citizens, of whom of the most of them il can be said are both solvent and w illing lo pay as subscribed. Here is the establishment of the first move in a local industrial enterprise. Here are a number of citizens, repre senting every profession and trade in New Bern, who have pledged themselves to give their money to promote a local enterprise, which everyone who liaa subscribed, believes means the lietter ment of New Bern, and an enterprise wblcb means a moat profitable return to each aulscrlber who invests In Its stock. Now is the time when good judgment in the management of securing the erec lion of this coltoa mill Is necessary, when no matter how enthusiastic sny promoter may feel, no matter how ani lous any one may be for the speedy building of the cotton mill, It will pay to make haste slowly, and along lines that are sure, that there may be kept up the confidence wblcb new exists in the enterprise, so that II may be brought to an ultimate success, by keeping every stockholder in the enterprise. ' This Industrial movement la all right up to the present time. Iet there be the same csre continued In in forwarding, and there nted be no question of its complete it eceia. nowa THIS t We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward far any case of Catarrh that cinnol be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care, r. 1. CHENEY 4 Co. Toledo, O We, the undersigned, haft kaowa f J Cheney for tha last IS yean, aad be lle re alia aarfeotly honorable la alt trusl aaaa traa sections aad flaaaeially able to carry oat eoy obligations made by tholr I rat. Wavt ATraaz, WbolasiU Draggtsla, Toledo, O. W aiding, Klaaaa Marrla, Wolo ala Dragf lata, T0M0, 0. BalTl Catarrh Car le taken, fa leraatly, aetiof directly tpaa tha blood aad asoeoaa tarfacaa of tha tystem. Teeli- atoalali sail free. ' Price 7Ja par boulo. Bold by Drif g lita, 7ta, Baift Fimlly PI1U are tee beet Vow that Loot lo apoa aa asay at pact a revival of tbe borrowed ambralla Me, 1'ailcaa Liver mis curt ill liver Ilia. Prl..i-rj. " Winter Jinds Oat Whit Summer Lays By." Be it spring, summer, tutumn or winter, someone in the ftmily is "under the Vjesther" from trouble fa Ood Of J J r irritated condition of ihe system. All theae, of whatever name, can be cured by the great blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparula. Itnevtr dxtaypotntt . AhtCOtBOt "I am past 64 and my ,! beaitn is 1 due to Hood's Barsapartlla a. ml Mml'e Itla vhlih nnrirUH ni w rtLiAil and healed the uiflv abscesses that troubled me." Ma.BjTroC.KTaLL,8ouUiard.N.J. J Dyapepata - My husband doctored a ; Ion utue lor dyspepsia with only tempo- 1 rary relief. Toe first bottle of Hood's Sarsa parilla helped and the second cured hiru. It cured my sice headaches." Mae. M&it A 1 uki, Wilmington. Vt. SaUajm Hood'i Fllli cur llTer till; lh non-lrrliatliia- and oiily cathartic to trnW with IUmmI'i &ruAiil Ills Slu. What did the empress dowager threat en to behead you for? For neglecting my manners, said the young Chinese Emperor. I forgot to gel up anil give her the throne when she cime into the roem. MOl KY'H l.KMON H.IXllt. A rieaftunttL.eiuoi: Tunic. prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined wilh other vegetable livei tonics, cathartics, aromatic stimulants Sold by druggist, 50c ami $1.00 bottles For biliousness and constipation. For indigestion and foul slomach. For sick and nervous headarhes. For palpitation and heart failure tak Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervous pros tration. For loss of appetite and debility. For fevers, malaria anil chills take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural anil thorough or ganic regulation, lake Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of w hich arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach or kidneys 51 lc and $1 bottles at all druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozley, At lanta, Oa. At 1 lie 'iill. 1 have just taken the lasl of two bot tles of Dr. Moz.ley's Lemon Elixir for nervous headache, indigestion, with dis eased liver and kidneys. The Elixir cured me. I found it the greatest mute cine I ever used. J H Mknmcii, Attorney 122f F. Snect, Washington, L. C. V. A. James, Bell station. Ala. writes: 1 have suffered greatly from In digestion or dvspepsia, one bottle o Lemon Eliiir dona me more good than all the medicine 1 have ever taken. MOZI.K.VS l.KMON HOT DKOPS. Curres all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Sire Throat,-Bronchitis, Hemorihage, and all throat and lung diseases. Elegant reliable. ' at druggists. Prepared ouly by Dr. H Mozley, Atlanta, Oa Sillicus Why is it that a pretty girl is seldom clever. Cynirus For the same reason that s rich man doesn't have to work. Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale. III., write: "It never fails to relieve my children from croup at once by using One Minute Cough Cure. I would ni t feel safe without it." (Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases. F 8 Duffy. Her Work Kmluml. Percy 1 hat girl uade a fool of me years ago. Louie Pity; you never got over it Juki For Kun. "I am a great admirer of lien Jonson," remarked the Doctor. "Everything he tried to do wss well done." 'And yet," said the Professor, "I have always heard him spoken of as rare Ben Jonson," I-ewis Ackermio, Goshen, Ind , says: "DeWltt's Little Early Hlaers always bring certain relief, cure my headache, and never gripe." They generally cleanse and Invigorate the bowels and liver. F 8 Duffy. Cordial. Tom Hive yen bad any spats with your girl lately ? Jack No. We're great friends now. Tom-How Is that r Jack We've broken off our engage ment. QUESTION ANSWERED Yes, August Flower still has the Ing est sale of any medicine In the civilized world. Your mothers' snd grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors weie acarce, and tbey seldom heard of Appen dicitis. Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, e'xi. Tbey Died August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermenta tion of digested food, regulate the actloa of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of tha system, and that la all they took when feeling doll and bad with headaches aad other achca. Toa only need a few doeea of Green'i Aagost Flower, la llqold foras, to make yea satisfied there la nothing serious tha Mltar with yoa. For aala by F 8 Daffy. Ai DM Mae. "I hiven't bad a bite for three day," aid the bsigry Iraap. "Poor twaa," ressai ked tha kind-hearted old woejse, ' I kevea'l aaydog loiet aa yoa, bat if yoa atay oat loaf aaoagk parbapa yoa will get froat biltaa," Belief ka lUDstrt, D litres efif Kldaoy aad Bladder Dla aaaa relieved la alt boar by "Hatr Oreai Sooth AaMtioaa Kidney Cam" Il la great lurprUa oa amount of lu OicaecV- Inf pronptaasa la rellarlnf pala la bled dar, kldnayt aad back, la atala or female Relieve! meatloa of water almost lav wdlately. If a wsot quick relief aad , rnr Urid rnrtblltbrwdy. rVitd b C. D m,drtirgl,t,New 1Jtb, N.C. FIYE KQW. Tint Mai Nefre Debiltiar Post masters ti Wblte's District Baraed Tebacce ia the Warshetse. Tee Colored Ckarek Lot. Teaeh era' Ataoably. Tke (raise Poitaoaed. Foreiga Miss leas Coafereaee. Raliiuu, March i -C W. Battle, ne- gro postmaster, or rather ei postmaster, or 1 , ' Ballleboro, was arrested Wednesday nj jajed a, Halifax, charged with em- bezilement of $4 of money order funds 1 and for failure to deposit poitofflce funds. The warrant as sworn out by Inspector Jere Connolly and tbe papers were issued by Marshal Dockery last Saturday. Battle was unable lo give bail. He committed the crime January 14. A white man named Siabes succeed ed him as postmaster. Battle is tbe fifth negro postmaster to come to grief in negro Congressman George H. Whiles district. The white Republicans say ihey are sufficiently amused with their experiments with ne gro postmasters Careful examinations show that E L. Fleming bad 1(0,000 pounds of leaf to bacco in bis warehouse burned, and thai .1. P. Taylor, of Henderson, had 90,000 pounds All of Fleming's loss, save about $1100, is covered by insur ance. There are iniimations of damage suits against the water company for the de plorable failure to have pressure on The Supreme Court has already awarded damages in a similar case. The ware house burned was owned by tbe presi dent of the water company. Some lime ago the deacons of Jim Young's colored Baptist church here boughl a small lot at ibe southeast cor ner of the capital square for $3,000 They have been offered $6,000 for It since, and Young says be favors making the sale hut the deacons declare they will not take 25,000 for it, nor, In fact, sell at any price. Their ambition must lie to have a church on capital square The site is ihe one on which the Howan Catholic church stood, for many years, when Cardinal Gibbons was bishop ol 1 his diocese. Capt. Tom Mason, of Northampton, is not an aspirant for the Democratic nomi nation for Governor. Chairman McNeill of the corporation commission, says that while tbe rail roads ask for 1" months for the hearing of the lax assessment matter, he thinks three months ample time; each side to have six weeks State Superintendent Mebane goes to Wilmington today to look Into the prac ticability of having the next session of the Teachers' Assembly at the beach. He will talk with the chamber of com merce about ihe matter. Provision for 1,00 1 people will be necessary. He ex pects at leasl thai number to attend and feels sure il will be the largest ever known. Mr. Mebane has a letter from the president of the chamber of com merce. Interest in the meeting and in eiucation generally is gre.tter in the State than ever before, Mr. Mebane says The hecretary of the Navy notifies Governor Hussell lhat the naval board of inspectors, now in Florida.will inspict and appraise the auxiliary cruiser Hornet al Wilmington. The Governor notified Capt. Morton that he had belter post pone tbe cruise lo Charleston until the I board makes the inspection. Chas McNanfee, of Asheville, president of the Slate Fair, arrived today, and took charge of ils affairs. Ho far this cily has macadamized 87 blocks, and will macadamize 100 more this year. Tbe great Ecumenical conference of Protestants on foreign missions will be held at New York April 21 May 1 At it missionaries from all over the world will be present and a missionary museum will be a feature. North Carolina will have sevenl representatives. Thoae learned off thai far are Rev. John E While, of the Baptist Church, and Iter. F. D. Swindell and Joseph G. Brown, of the North Carolina Conference 'of tbt Methodist Episcopal Church. Wednesdiy wss the last on which in surance compinies could file their an nual returns. Fifteen compiniei failed lo comply with tbe law. CUBAN ELECTIONS. General City Elections WIU Be Held Ia May. Wasiiihutok, March J iieneral Lud low, military governor of Havana, wbo has been In Washington oa official busl- ness, sild, Just befora returning to Cuba: "The affairs of the Island are In a wait Ing condition Just bow. Tha Brat fen- eral municipal eleotioa will Uka place la Miy, ind we ara all awaiting tbo raaolt wltb much Inleraat. All of tba cities la tbe island are to elect aiiyort aad codi cils it thai time. Politic ara already humming in Havana, whera lhara ara twelve ciodldatoa for nayor. All of tbo olty officers ippolalod by sa ia Jaaaary 18M, and ilnca tbea, will b suoonedad by tfflcers eloeUtf by tba poopk. What tba feaeral politic of tit Ulaad will oa I it 111 a problem." Il h very bard to Wad Idly by aad oir dear one ar white awaltlof tbo arrival of tba doctor. Aa Albaay (tf.T dalryasaa called at a drag slot Uora for a doctor to ooaa aad too hit child, ihoa rory tick with aroup. Rot fading: tha doctor ia, h tafl word for bias lo at oaot oa hit rttara Ct alto boogbt a hot lit of Cbaatborlala't Cough Reaiedr, Which ho hoped would fit soait relief til la doctor iboeU trrtva. Ia a few hoart ha , rotaraed, taylaf lb doctor ad tot torn, at tba child wet tsacb bettor. Tba dray flat, Mr. Otto Bcholt, ty Ik family kal lUc. recommended CbaatberUla't Cough Itrmeda their aighboraad friends until b kas eoa - tUt tad fof II from that part of lb 'country. Fof ta'e by F 8 I "y vo. Expressed Threneliovt Londoi aa New Pram Africa. BaslatM Blacked by tiraat Crowd. Britlsk Take Celeakar. Craaja at a I'tatlTt- Borlla Daei Net Like Britlsk ftateeaaea. Lokdox, March 1. "Relief of Lady smith - Londen Gone Mad.- These were the words In Urge black letters on oue of ihe newtpaper placards which lold the tale of today. "Cronje Day" on Tuesday was cele brated somewhat freely. There was cheering, with singing of patriotic songs and general jubilation, but what took place then was nothing to thst which followed the news that Ladysmllb had been relieved. The business men of London went wild with high spirits. A procession of students rushed down Pall Mall early, carrying flags, cheerlng for the relief of Ladysmllb. Union Jacks were hoisted over the army service clubs, the hotels, many residences, and even some churches. Il was in the heart of the city that the most stirring sights were to be seen From 10 o'clock in the morning until 4 in the afternoon dense crowds, so thick that traffic had absolutely to be stopped, raged and rushed about, cheering, sing ing, laughing, good-tempered and ani lous for fun At the Stock Exchange there was n general rush to the booking offices for eats In music halls, for il was there that pairiolic songs were sung. "God Save the Queen" and "Kule, Britannia" were rendered in every hall in London by the whole audience. The demonstrations of the day were more lhan equaled by those of ihoeven ing. Every music ball waa packed to its full capacity. Tbe performers went through with their work unheard by tbe vast audiences, which kept up a contin uous cheering, llullcr's picture, which was shown In every hall, evoked ap plause lhat threatened to bring the roofs down In the streets the scenes were extra ordinary all nigbl Slaid London gave itself over to unrestrained r jotcing. Crowds paraded shouting, waving flags and singing. It reminded one of New York on the night of a Presidential elec tion, wilh Ibis difference, lhat every pei son was full of joyous enthusiasm. A few Americana w ho wore the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack en twined, were surrounded by scores ol men and women, who cheered and cheer ed again. Pall Mall, St. James and all tbe princl pal thoroughfares w ere illuminated as on the Queen's birthday. Old Inhabitants said that never before in their memory Tiad London cast off its habitual reserve and rejoiced to the same extent, Dritlah Twite Colciberg. Rensburo, Cape Colony, Feb. 28 (di- layed in transmission). General Clem ents escorted by a squadron of Inniskil lings, entered Colesberg this morning and got an enthusiastic reception. The Boers are In full retreat. A num ber of the leading men have been ar rested. Tbe inhabitants are well and not stsrv ing. They Lave suffered man; indlgoi ties at the hands of tbe Boers, but no violence. Mafeklne- Rrslati, Cape Town, March l. A telegram has been received here from Mafeking in neunclng lhat the Boen made a severe and protracted assanlt on that place February 17, but were driven off at all points. The truce which It usually observed Sunday wis broken February 18 by another Here attack, bat after deter mined fighting the Boers were repulsed with a lost of 40 killed ind woinded. Tbe defender, who were ible to tike advantage of tbe shelter of tbe earth works, lost only two killed and three waunded. Cnaja as Captive, -Lordum, March 1 The Dally Tele graph bu received tba fallowing dii patch from South Africa: Modder Itlver, Cap Colony. Feb. 88 The actual number of prisoner taken at the mi reader of General Cronje s foice was 4,800. A seen of great Interest took plica tbia morning, when Cronje, accompa nied by bU wtfa, arrived ber pnder es cort of 50 men of lb Londoa Imperial Volunteer. Kaffir cheered, but there w ao demonstration by ih British troop. Oroaj od bis wife lunched l lb lo cal boul aad lata la lb afteroooa started by special t ain to Cap Towa A faard was piovlded try th Royal Ar tillery. Tbo Royal North Lancashire Raflmaal presented arm and lha bogle aoaadod a f aarl ' salul. Tba Door (toocral aad bit wife looked profoundly miserable, th former walking lo the iraia' as If 10 lb eaffuld. tenia 1 t-lar Buut, March !.Tbt prate makct bat lltUa aamaical oa tba rtllof of iro-blaa ara nmdby Bad Bloodla tb 4.o. u j,, ytoi. and Blood Bilm caret booaoto U Ladjnailth. atldtatl btlng dloo-, ('Qfrm . th MM ou.wgrf Dc aartad ay iba taddta cbtagala tba ill tact oaaaot baa mora of tha aaip aatloa. ' . Itoota., - Tba ptpara oalafda of B.rllt eontl.u. I wa t Irill wltb blood trmiUat, tad . .rV. ,,,,. t, . rftMatSar, vvt If tartaparllla. Ionic, a TlnsUaUy tatl-Brltlsh atattr. Tl ooctorttaA a,a hv failed layoar Tibltt tblakt trrllU Wirfara tbo aaaa, ibat B. 0. B.-Botaalo Blood Dal Oalyaour left for tbt Boar, aad tkr It dldtrtat from aartblag else, .and TmchafUUaag laofibtoptaloalaal cur, lo tt.y cared, py t.Hlln ft v- , lk " . ... polsosoos aaatler f rota tbe blood. Tblt tba fata of Um war deptadt apt. f fc . , nmedr u.i aara la tblt wbatbtr Oo-aralloabtrt It tbla to krlag ' Wi., ( ' ' bock hit tl, (tat N moW 0KtAta BUMJD mAlM It aIHtry circle opea admiral loa I' , ' ,. . .,, . nv ' witti roa rasa taiti, aorrxa. tiprtwd for tbt strategy of Lord Boa- , , . J!. ..4 .k '-i.l 1. ..i-i.. ,f T Bottalo Blood ortt, tad Ibo otrttloa U falalrif rad ,,,',, wk -d wmflnij tbtl IU beginning Of lb and lttp ,rr bottle for sel by til druggist for proacblef . 4 10 Chills, fever ltd tsslarlt ylel , Robert' Chill Tonle, If you gt th f-- tine, wita a rta cros oa i.uei. i. i' 'MH,lff. lim-h . s-n. AvttetaUe Prrtiionfor As similating tt Food andBeula -bug tasSbflBcta cHlBoweb of las in. il .ti ili Promotes DigestkTnXheerfur ness and Rest. .Contains neither Opium.Marphine nor Mineral. NotNarcotic. A perfect Remedy for Cons tioa- flon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .CorrvurSjQrts ievensh ness arid Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. JI!"""" jl EXACT COPY Or WRAPPER. Our Dsdlctass are tutor? aixiDOtsnt laths curs of dlMSMS of aim, raoB as fitu, Qtmorrhaa, OUH, prfnatorrM, rawoeM. jmpouncy, Lett JfanAood, Vu nAtlU ofmrly itulU mHn, lCr mcwim, worry, otwrwork, fc, ana In (tlnans of womsq, such as JM, GsnorrtoM, Zmmottaim, Womb TrtuiU, Ttmalt tTMfeMM, fiffrtMtu, Btmrint Sswrt Fain, Jfaulnial Troubu. Omr aielM an cxtwa stooly aa, flail ear qwlckly mm4. mm karaafal fftecs. PROVE THIS IY ORDERINQ A TRIAL TREATMENT. WOW KKBBWBCat w um traataaaat aat advice FRKB aa prepay Oliver jr, m yoa ara as aa eapaaaa. MM CAKKrilX to toll na ail too can about jroareM, the orare the better, ytwjMW. ortlonan Jnlt adJ nD.traet and . lumbar, towa, sooner and state. atltTiAX. If 70a sMat this g always. Write t4ar to XAI If yoa a apt this oflfer yoa to jaaubxavai n TRY FIRST-BUY ?aUIUltliiUUliUilUil:iUiililUUiUUUUiv Eiilaiic Eliol Ealrn ' (B. B. B.) TEE GREAT BLOOD CURE FREE. A Cure For Blast and SUa Diseases, Eczema, Ulcers, Pimple, Scro tals, jllood Poison, Ot-ncer. Sidney Trouble, Boll Malara -Rheumatism. A TltlAI. TltBATMKNT BENT PRIVATELY BT If AIL FREE TO ALL WHO BUFFER. If any mm or woman suffering from any Mood or Situ Trouble will write u we will send them free of charge and prepaid to destination a trial bottle of Bolanlo Blood Balm (B B. B-) the fa mous Southern Blood Kemedy. It has permanently cured thousands ok cases, some of HO year' standing, and after doctors, hospitals and patent medicine! hid failed. Kemedy lias been thoroughly tested (or past 80 years and is perfectly safe to take by old or young. Blood Btlm is in honest, lieipensive remedy tbit you may test before you pail with I your money. CUBES MADl BT BLOOD BALM. Alien Grant, of Sparta, Ol, cured of pilnful tore on lip called epithelial can- cer; Julia KJohmoo, Btiftord P. 0 , 8.0 cured of i-tarrlble Itching accent of 18 yeir Handing; W A , Bryant, Moody, Tex, cured 01 salt mtum on nana. 111 bind resembled t burned surface suffered four year, yet cored by Botanic ftjod Halm. B W Beailey, of Amerlcus, Ga, ul!rd with lores ill over" bit body eitlog Into hole Blood Balm cured him; sound ind well. L H rWwell, of Atlanta, Oa, cured by four bottle of a terrible eating ulcer on leg. it W I'opa, of Jicksoo. Ua. bad vloleat sata dioase, enllr body almost a tctb, rat itrataoaal- ly cured by B. B. B. i i Br of Athaot Oa, bid cctama oa band, irms aad legs, uitered ova ar, triad dootora and pit- tni modiolaat. Blood Bala carod him, oalrafaw acart ramiinlnf wkora tbt toraa had hled Mra. W J Stood, of Augost-, Ca, bad recurring boll, wat cutedby only flv bottle hra jeer ago, trfctly wall tlaoa. Mr M L Adaaa, of rradoala, Ala Bad deadly eaaotr. wat glva ap 10 dla by Blot doctor, yt wat cored try Botaalo Blood Btlaa. W P McDinlel, of A Uinta, cored of rbaamttlin, bat wkal aora aoad w tayt Wa could Oil tbla papor whfc woeaenul carta, na riMnr, an taos ll.OO, or ill bottle (full treatment) $100. For free trial bottle addreo lllood Bslm Co., 144 Tltrhrl M , At- I- -1 . rim . - U..I I. .1 ...1:.1 tvru.b ttaifi,Vllrl.irtN rrr.aM. l-wrlli ymir lmi,;. sM lil Inrlvule tree r"'"' ' "i""'. Illl For Infanta and CMldrf n. - Tha Kind Yoii Have iUways Boughl Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years KIT TMC OVMTAUR QOWMftty. t TOH1I CHY A A AST r.'.EOICIIiE ADV1CE2 MEN andWOMEN.3 wondrfnr)T satis- will be plowed bot OWCal aa that will e . avu, tu., i.anoiwer,UBio. AFTERWARDS. Bicycles For Everybody. I have a v rv 1 rge t ck f Biryr C, fr tn v bit h A'M 0 E can I e Suitrd COI.I'MIIIAS STORMCI'.S 1IAHTFOKIIS I'KNNANTS UAMI1I.KKS IDEAL Itniiig 111 price from $.'0 CO to $: CO. Sold for Cafd r on Easy raymrnis. I have a limit stock of ihe Modal 0 Cbain'ess tl 5() and Moduli 43 m l 4U Chain Coln-ibUa al 140. Hud g t 10 mine of them when 1 tewnt stork 1 zh msi cd. Second-Hal d Bii-ycie-i at almost any old price. All tind of R pairing cIodc J 1 0:11 1 t y and y ur work o (cited. A large and well selected s'ock of Hi cords lor G-tfptirihone or Phono em ph, conFistin ( I itcf t Mxrches, Cake Walks, tion So.igc, etc.. it factory price. WW. T. HILL, South Front Ht.. Next P. M. Diancy (A J " W . jj A frrA t VJOOU Tp IpnlinnP IC1C11U1IC 8EQVI0C IS A BUSINESS NECX88ITT, k . BOMS CONVENIENCE. A 'COM BINED . . Neceiwlf j, CoiiTenlcnce, Inxnr .1'::?'" Order Your Phono at Oncai 1900 SAMPLES. M lie w .. ? : ; 4 r v 1 - 7 a t. c x r 8 a- . I Hart recelvcU Mmplci of A. I Singer1! Tai!orMado Suit, Tauti and Fane Vntitig far Fprlng anil Sammcr 1900. ' Uyou dcuro to' teo the prcttictt ' lint ever lu tha city wa ara prfpared to ibow them to jrou." ' R. II BAXTER, I 1 a 4 1 1 i . WltM