Mil'jTtl II If mttn mxtm VOLUMt XXII. SIW BIRN, CRAY IS COUKTY. S. C. FRIDAY, M.KH Iti I'Jun - I n:i t L' T H ' N M MhlK I ii WILL CODE. Calcts of A. L M. College Will Visit New Bern Fair. Fire Love. Ilatlrr und the Uc publicans. Hratlit-r For Krbru ary. A Wurd For Tracli . r s. I ho I'lspe n nary l Ruhkiuii, March 14 I'resiilfnt Ulni ton received kuei I com .Mr. George Weston, of Uilini'rr, string dial Mr George YaDderliill would give $50 in gold or lliat amount in silver cups to those students of llie college who are the best judges of cattle, on the occasion of the visit of I lie faculty and cadets to Blltniore. As was Maud by jour cor , reapoiKreot tast November, President Winston intends to Uke the cadets to the New Bern Fair iu Anil, Julian 8. ('air's "Oceonccclit c" futm near Hill: - boro, I'inoiiur-u and Mil nine Tiir c irps will make a tine appearance wiili its nearly MOO member:, band and druqt corps. All tliei-e nips will bcediui tional and of marked vslue The lo;es by the reient fire here which destroyed a lare tobacco wan -house h ive been s-eilliil. K I Flem ing's net ioi, L. iiV.ut flJK) J. 1'. Taj lor, of llt.iiilein.ri, has no net loss, in auramc currinir it all. It was his to bicconM Ii win rolled out. Kone of thai of Fic mirij,' A; (Jo. was tavt-d. It is learned tl.itt il.e iiibiirHtic-e men con ferred in itgmd lo instituting suit aaint the wn'er company for iueulll cienl pr3Miie. A I'opulint said Hint llie Ucpublicans were dealing with Senator Iluiler as if the latter could control 00,1,(10 Populist votes, w hile as a matter of fact he cannot control liM'Ou. lie added that all the Ii,iulil9 w:liu u on Id vote against the couliiutioiiul au.endiiM-nt would do to any w a ; Iluiler was bilter, and that after Angiis.1, w hen the amendment will b lalilied bj it liahdsoine majority the Hfpulilkans will 1 1 r. lliiihr. The penitentiary will put iu an ilec tric lighting plant, to c ort some f.OOO or I'J.UnO. Tin-re me 11 biilders. The weather report lor North Carolina for Febinmy i- hmriI. It says that durlui; this inimli no less than uioe "low fuefsuie ureiiM'' pai-i-i'il over Ibis State. Kuiu was cxreasivu in llie West; live s ations lepoiiing over Id incLes during the uionlli, tbu gieatest rainfall lieing 1384 inches at Highlands. The lowest was 2 CI), at Wilmington. The lowest temperature was 14 at Highlands; the highest ?s. at .oulliport. The entire in 'in i h was cold, wet and disagreeable The mean lemperatuic was 4 below the normal. The hi at outlook ia bad. The rivers were very full of water. The mean rainfall was 5 80 inches, or 1 4(1 above the average for the mouth. The mean snowfall was only 4 10 of an inch. The Statu Superintendent of Public Instruction sent tho following lo the county supeiiuteudcnts: "You will please inform the teachers of your county, through the county newspaper or otherwise that llie next annual examination for life certliicates will be held al the court bouse on Ihe a:coml Thursday in July. Qiesilons have been prepaicd by Ihe State board of ciamieers U on the following r-ul-jet U, lo-w li: Ilariiliiiielii'. algel.ra, gio grapliy, pbjtlcal geography, physiology, history, i i v i 1 government, school law. Euglish grammar, English literature, elementary botany, eloinenlary psj ckoloy, and elenieulary phjsl Them questions will b foi Aaided In due lime to )ou, as they are now iu Ihu hands o: l'io Slate Printer You ll see under .action 7i of school law, llitl each appli cant niunl p-iy In ndtance to ju'i, tie county sup.'iliiiLiiilcia of Dcli...U, ihe 'sum of (5, wbicli mim be reported lo the connly hoar I of school directors and paid into Ihe general school fund of the county." Id tne case of tiarscd vs. Greensboro (vfllrmed In both appeals) th court layi '"Tho dispensary ijitein'doet not create o unlawful monopoly in violation of action 81, tilicle I, of I be State consll Uillon. Guy Co'iiml-sloners,- 131 If. O, 471. Section 0, chapter 54, laws 1809, auiiioritlug the board of ald.rm.D orOraensboro lo appropriate an amount' not exceeding $1,00 J at loan for the ettabliahmenl of Ihe dispensary prorldeu far In sal I act It In violation of section 7, article 17, of the constitution, the ap propriation not being "necetaary ex ptnitf' of the city guwnmr nt, but the unconstitutional provision does not render the wbola act void. ' 1 Tirlifih AllotraL ... The m.ltnn of Turk rlavt at a and tffcr dt'vut itiiz rtie nhuW moral nj to 'Work Willi hl nwrrtitrlca hrvak fasti : It noou. After ttil he ink) ft drlrt or row oo Ihe hUi- I.) Ilia Trial park. Al ' . 8 be-dim mi J amnsi'i ulmwlf during 'tht twain Willi Ida fnmlly. listening wtllt lil doucliUT )lny oo iho piano. II la rxtrt'inely fouil of niualc. Tbr uttin dmiacf like an Euallab aeotle- , maclmt lavartabl; In a frock cool, lb L bnai of which on irmit orcaalooa la v richly inlirotilcrwl and blaalng with 4coratlona, Tbcrt arc ever 400 cookt Del cHlUoM am ploy l la tb Imperial lac. , , . " AlwwtM. . -. - f oibam I anppoaa all af. Ib por Uatta wart handed doai to )oa by year aactatora? ' " Walb-Aaccftori aotblngt Thy wtra bandw) dowa la B by Ibt to-tloheert ', ROBERTS' ADVANCE. Holds the Railroad. Scrercl Flghtlnf. Enf land Kcfu&cs Medlaiion. I Lohdom, March 13-Lord Hobtrts tele ; graphed from Venters V it I , Orange Free Stale, at 5 20 o'clock this raornioe, as folio Wf: "I dirrcied Oi neral Freccb, if there j were lime brlore dark to seize the rail way nation hi Uloeuifonlein and Ihus , arcure the rolling slix k. M midnight 1 received a repori from him after coDsidei :(,:e opposition he bad been 'able to occupy two bills cioee lo the , railway staiion biuh command Bloem- fontelu. "A brother of I'resident Slcyn has i been ma le a piisoner. ' The lelegiaph Hue leading northward has been cut and the railway broken up A dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated at Venters Viei. J SO P. M. yesterday, says: "Our march wa9 again unopposed. We art now about 18 miles from Bloemfon tein. The cavalry division is astride the railway, six miles south of Uloemfon teiu. There were 321 men wounded and ahoul 00 or 70 were killed or are miBE ing. 't'olouel Umpholy has died of his wounds. Lieutenant Prall, of the F.ssex Kegimenl, was wounded severely. The woundi are as a rule more serious than usual, u ing lo the expanding bullels which are fieely used by the ISoers." London, March 13 The United Slates Government, at the requestor Presidents K i tiger and Stejn, has olTered to i lie British Government its services as me diator, with the view of bringing aboul peace iu South Africa. The United Slates charge d'affaires, Henry While, saw Lord Malisbury at the Foreign Olllcc Ibis evening and received a formal reply from llie iiritih Govern ment declining the good ollices of the Uniled States In regard to peace. Tne Interview between Mr. While and Lo.d Salisbury was luief, tho Pre mier confining himself to a courteous lerbtl declination without cntciing into details. More Like Peace. Fkanki oht, Ky , March 1.!. The Legislauire of Kenlucky adjourned sine die today. A conference between Adjutants-Gen eral Collier and Caslleman resulted iu a perect understanding being reached. William S. Taylor, the Kepublicau claimant, will continue to act as Gov ernor. J. C. W. Beckham, the Demo cratlc claimant, will make no move to ward securing possession of the Slate buildings until after the Court of Ap peals has decided the disputed Governor ship The Legislature appropriated $100,000 for the use of Beckham iu rcor ganlziog the Stale raililia. Among the more conservative clement in each parly ihe opinion prevails that the worst is over and that when the Court of Appeals renders its decision the danger of civil war In the State will entirely pass away. Porto Rico Bill. Wahiiinoton, March 13 The Kepub licin Senators rilcovered at their caucus on the Puerto Klcan bill today that its passage ia by no means assured. To bring aboul that result iinportaut modi fications must be made The caucus lasted from 3:80 to 0 o'clock, and adjourned until 3 o'c'ock tomorrow afternoon. it was made apparent that a number of Senators thought Ihe legislation was ill advised, although ihey might be In eli.ied to vole for It if forced to consider it a parly mrature. Mil Smith, Hulternul, Mich, says, "DeWill's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever u.ed for cosllve ne, liver and bowel Iroub'es V. 8. Duffy. THE MARKETS. The followln.'lquotallons were ricoi od by J. E. Latham, New Bern, N. C. New York, March 15. Cottok: Open. High. Low. Close Mcb. 0.00 0 58 II 50 fi ns Mar 0 50 0 03 0.50 B r,9 Aug 9.88 8 49 9 88 9.47 Sept 8.39 8.4 8 19 8.48 Nar 7.89 7 04 7 89 7.9 Jan '7.88 7 88 7 88 7.8H CIMCAOO MARKETS. Wheat: Upon. Ulgh. Low. (lose May UA 6(l 064 C0J Corn: May 871 7 87 87 Bo. H'j Pfd r.;r 68 Head , mi T- O. I Ml 9?4 Laathar if 1.8. W M 5r v.tue 871 Cotton receipts war 17,000. Coa Tobaoeo paid a dividend of I par oaol. Bar. W E Slitar, W. Oatoa. N. Y. wrltan "I had dyspepsia or lta'y yaarr, and triad doaiora and aaadlclaai Vliboul baatBt I wat peraaadad to aaa Kovlol Dyspepsia OataaadUbalpwl ma fro Iba atart lballarall to b a pa aaoaa.ror all forsaa of - ladljaatloa." It difaaU what yoa F Daffy, avM VarstM. "Why tlaad hra Idla alMbadayf aakad the ui ttyaf, wbo It toad of oao- latloea. ; i . f "IWausa," replied lb partf ,of lb second part, "I am ally ploy,' - KEt? mi Defender of the Nefro Manly Ordered Awj From Henderson. Kepabtieaa Candidates Fur lioier nor Veiy Sky ( ral Law to Stay. Capitol Hume I'ulnt ed Strawberry Crop. Meets at Murehead. Kalkiuh, aiarch 15. Net long after the negro editor, Manly, left Wilming ton and the other obnoxious whites and blacks were expelled from that place, a negro preacher named Scott, of Hender son, went I New York and al a "Manly meeting" uncorked Ihe vials of his wrath 1 1 ...... 1 1 1 1 people thai his return to that place ! would noi be permitted. A Henderson) man says that notwithstanding thj9 : Scolt appeared there a day or two ago. He was walled on and told that he must depart in 24 hours. He departed. It is quite significant that some of the Republican leaders are saying they di not think their party should attempt any orgaulzalion iu eastern North Caro lina until after the August election. Republicans are saying that Rich mond Pearson does not want to bealwil1' Mayer Kellner, went out to niee1 caudidate for Governor, but that what he does wish is lo oust Crawford and get the latters seal, or in case of failure lo muke another canvass in the ninth district. The fact is none of the Repub licans appoar to hanker after that nom ination for Governor. They know very well, Pritchard, Spencer B. Adams, rearson and ail of them, that it is a ! w waved tne uriusii nag ami sang wiid-oose chase in this year of grace ! tnu Urilish national anthem The crowd 1 000. I was in a condition of ln nicd excite- It appears that some of the insurance ' "R'"t companies which have ceased to do bus-! Lord Roberts has his hcniliiuui let's at iiicss In this State have an idea that the I llle I'residenl's house ami there are Legislature ia June will repeal or great ly modify the Craig domestication law. Inquiry made as to this elicited the re spouse that such a thing as repeal was altogether improbable, but that tho Leg islature may make seme interpretation of the law, which is a quito desirable thing to be done. For the past six or eight years a num ber of new tobacco market-) have an uually been established In the eastern part of this State, and in South Carolina. This year it is said the number will be considerably reduced. The State charters the t-now ISaaket Company, of Uigh Point, capital $10, 000, also the Ronnie Cotton Mill at King's Mountain, capital $ 100,0 J9. This mill will both spin ami weave. The exterior of the dome of the cap itol is being repainted, a lead colorbe ing selected, but ihe crown which rests upon the-dome will beholden. The Supreme Court confirms the de cree of the court below giving Mrs Buffalo, of Raleigh, a divorce from Dr. RulTalo. She Is a daughter of the su perintendent of the Oiford Orphan Asy lum. Today a 7 J months freedom of the patrlilges from the gunners began. The hunting season was one of the best in many years. Wiley B. Foot, of Wayne, Is here and says there will be an immense straw berry crop along the line of the Wll mington A Weldon Railroad between Goldsboro and Castle llayue. The grow ers have made very satisfactory arrange ments with the railroads. The Armours will also put in their refrigerator cars People who know only of the liitle berry patches in the west and piedmont section have no Idea of Ihe Immensity of the beny Industry in Ihe region along the Wilmington A Weldoo, wheie the land h as black as prairie. It is decided that the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly shall meet thU year at Morebead City. Wilmington would probably have won had tho ho.iel there made Its rate 1 a day, which U always the rale al Morehead. To secure the original witch harei salve, ask for DeWItt s Witch Hael Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counlei fella. They are dangerous F 8 Duffy. Gold Now the Standard. WAsnimiTOB, March U.-Oold Is the slngk standard or value of United Slates money. Tbe President affixed bis signature lo the currency bill at 1.14 o'clock this af ternoon. I Mr. Oteralreet, of Indiana, tba father of tba measure, arrived al tbe Wblta House at 110 o'clock and waa Immedi ately shown Into tba cabinet room. Here be was Joined by tba President. Mr. McKlnley look Iba document, and J Clanclnt ovar It, laqalrad It II bad bn ' compared with car. Oa being aesifred. that It bad tba President Mated blmaelf preparatory to alCiIng bit tig nature. Mr. McKiolay recalled to Iboaa wbo stood about btsa lhal saany of Iba Im porlanl fioanMal bills paaaad by Con grass bad baoa approved oa Iba 14lb ol tba Booth Ha tpoka of Iba Bharaaa act, iba raauolptloa actt and aow tba bill j beforahlav CASTOR I A V- In I&tkhU all CMldrta. TiM Yoa Ban Aliayi B::;tl fissn tb4 BJnaiaxaol Occupies Presidential Mansiun in Free State Capitol. Many (itimo li'jiiirc In Htm-!: Success liners Krtird North Krre Slalt rs llelwn n Inn ltritUh Force a. UmiM.N. Mai.-b 14 The Dvl, I. . graph has received Ihe follow i uL' ' patch from South Africa Hloemfonlein, Orange Free c'ati March 13: Lord Roberts enten d li!..fiu , fn'ein at noon today Gordon Highlanders, followed by l be i cava'rx l r I lT - of how H I 1 1 1 1 ' .Ia Bn.l nut. ami i m i iinun H crv president Steyn am ollii ials tied piivalely olhrr pteniinent from the i-h pi i ul i 'ast "'g'". transferring lb m -at of ! enouent C-eneral French wa wiihintin of the place at 5 o'clock Moudav i mile,. : affei ! noon, lie sent a Minimi. im into the; town, threatening to bomba'd unless it i surrendered by 4 a. in Tuesday. A white Hag was hoisted Tuesday morning and a deputation of the Tow n Ceuncil, Lord Roberlsat Spit, kop, nnith of llie town, making a foinial surrender of the place. Lord Roberts made a stale entry at noon, lie received a tremendous ova lion. After visiting the public buildings he went to the ollicial residence of the i'resident, followed by a cheeiing crowd, many of the wounded in the building. The railway is not injured. Since the nllaii at Abraham's Kraal there there has been only a singleBkirui ish, when llie cavalry was engaged yes terday. The back of the war hen: is broken. The populace is cheering Roberts and Ihe soldiers and I nion .lacks are Hying. Lord Roberts ia not likely to like much time iu providing a provisional government lo administer the affairs of the Free .State. Geneial While is con sidered llie best man to take hold of al fairs. The enmmander-iu-rhief can now turd his allention to the South of the Free Stale, where Clements, Galacreand l!ra bant have been holding the south bank of the Orange river, awaiting the onler lo push back the Iloers. The latter arc now in a bad position between two llrit ish forces. it appeals from ndvices received here that I'resident Steyn has- reli red unit h 10 Winburg or Kroonstadt. it is pmba ble lhal the army of 12,000 burghers, with 18 guns, has followed him f i out Abraham's kraal. The general opinion expressed in the London press is that the Free Siaieis have practically thiowu up the sponge. 11 is thought likely that a rear -guard ae tion will be fought to Kroonsladt ly lighting men of llie Free State ami the Transvaalers, and thai then a reliieineul will lie made from the Free St ilt iu.d Natal upon the line of the Vaal, when lucre isure lo lie serious Itghiin,' Vnrjlnn Kffertt of ArrlileulH. "Yrut,i ago." KUbl u Malm- man. "I wns Handing beside- n gun at a state ill outer in AugiiHtn when a salute Ii the governor, who bud Just nunc mi the Held, was U-Ing tired. The caniinii UHi-d was i f the old instilum d kind, and It was prematurely discharged, with the result that the Index linger of the right baud of the in n 1 1 iiimnilng the load lioine wns blown n(T 1 lie shock, together with the lodgment of flying panicles of powder, bud lie- !' toi l of driving Ihe blood back from Un wound, during which fragment "f time the Injured iiiiiirulinly Ids mangled hand, but wbeu the Id I dl.l come linek It r.uiie with n rush fairly bubbled nut In n torrent. The man's ciiliiiiieis left him n If by magic al the sight of the blood, ami. wllh n loud flTriiiti, be keeled over In n ili-uil faint. "They used to tell a story of two men who were workliiK on opposite sidea of a lnmzKaw, The attention of one up coming momentarily illsiriu-ted. be ran lila finger ngaliiHt (be wnv, and the aovorod piece dropped mi the other aide, wheie IiIh partner wna working. That worthy picked It up und, with the raaiial remark, 'Mill, voo've drnppvd aonielblngr' handed It Inn k to lis own 1 er Hill didn't fnlut. but It Is only ow ing to Ihe suxrlor luiisl of apped de rrlopod by bin partner that bo la not doing flmo for id, '-New York Tribune. - . r.".."""! manT Ton worrleil. Jonea I a in You know- I bad my life Insured last twkl Rmlth-Yr. but whnl has that got to do wllh II T Jonea-WelL the very next day my wife bought n new cookbook, Toa albly It's all right, but it certainly lonka auaplcloua. -Chlrago News WIU Mta To. Iht dot of war art still ambarkinf for Boulh Africa. raM. A Baa aavat boqalraa trna faa aatll UhM. afh.. Thr. hit aama ia ta avarybody't asoaih. - , What a anaa't fnraaoa won't ork ka Jiiuall kiant(t to pi kot about II' T The Moaqntlt wt HiiiIii lpland. "ttr t.a ! f-: . .: -.a ..h: lotn; ft.'i I. :.. ! ... : . ... ll I !t t-U! ll.l.k' r- .I..! w 1 . t .it i w '.h i 11,. L 1 j - i -1 - of . th. lie h- ! ii. I ,.f hn. ll ie f f ul, I pel- I li I lillt t- f. i. ' ' Ii- ,:llf t:lr'i!:ti!le uin! iNo n -i f ul iii i : . 1 ' 1 1 a i lb- II. nil iliv 1 e.L-ht ..ill..' In a h. it i i 1 1 e. ,! ! . ' i an he iirst . t I ; l..,,g . Around ; ii i i.-!i lor I .do. I thev I. r ii id li.v ml a. Nov: .1. rearson. 'Itii-nliT. final k;:My fond of iseijuenl 1 y every vil li! this way the d in I he past history The I 1 1 : ii the ili a ma. la-.- h-i-. i I nre ol' their a incuts are vvliii h ols of Shakes and at The : ::ige arrange, on a par with those rii-'laml al the time Thole K Po scenery, I- Ihe o,v,w of tho nirely on ihe acting. il.iy f-ood. and se.!ie p!ee. Wl.i." A -si IK I m.tii all o- t ei-t ill hina. for e::ipoi-or Hot been taken by llliolis of Ii :i ;i;I". a th.-y hav : -ts r iheir im au.l general de Iheir tl ical ronre- r i 'hina mi n so At any rale. fo towns from opy to work on Ihel'l with all 1 ami clothing. iclorles. illilus- oottagc stage, s more peoiile Collier' 8 Werk- ii' 'I l.h in:, tin tin ii- tl !l Is llcl Th trl III and agrieiioi than any sort ly. A good si..: if Hade. -K 4 hill ; e . i going the rounds at liege i oliet-l ning a last ale. a dutiful son and an .! iideiit. yet vv ithal a some- V olilii. At the begillllillg i-iiug vi lli1 his father, w iio Harvard c vear's i,r;; li iniliislnous what liln r.-il Of his collell was just selling mil I'm- lluiopc, said to liiin: "Now, I Ian , , you get your degree, und I'll send lor vnu to come over and trav el all summer. " Harry hum delighted, "l-'alher." said he, "I will." lie sin. bed lailhl'iillv all Ihe college year and In .lime went through with living colors. Then he cabled his father: "Yes." Hut the father, alas, had f.u-g. his inipulslv e offer. He muse. I Ihe inessflge, wondered and then c: Lack : "Yes what?" ittetl over Mod The son was Iu turn perplexed bill, being a well trained lad. he did imt re main long in the dark and, fired l.y du teous zeal, cabled back : "Yes. sir." Letters of explanation followed, and he won the "grand tour." - Atlanta t eil Our IIuiiiIhoiii( Fnforh' For Npriii Attract the allention of tbe well drcM'd man who aopreciatcH taste in dreas and would be coirrct In stvle and up lo dale for earlv Spring tins ing Our lnirlcd Worsted and a bniere are In handsome coloring for Suitings, and our diagonals and Ca-cHiini-rr are oT line ipiaUly and li-xlure Leave your order rarly. F. 71. 'Iinhvl4k. Mid.Lestrwct, NKW HK.KN. N. (,' Bicycles For Everybody. I I have a very fa rsr tork r.f Ilicyr'e, from h l h AN YON F. can I e 8u I. d. Cll I Mill H RTORM KRN RARTrilllin rKNMANTH HAWniKHS 1IIK.AI. Ranting in prioa from 120 00 to 1 75 00. Hold for Ch or on Easy I'ayminla. 1 have a limited stork of the Modol f0 Chain less st tV) and Models 43 and 411 Chain Colu-iblaa al $40, and get no mote of them when prevent stock Is fihauel td. Second Hand Ilicyclet al almost any old prloa. All kinds of Repairing done pioml)y and your work la ollcltl. A mmA .ll MJ 4MW -1 Rordt for QrapHbpboa or Pbono- urlam. prioaa, m wsi. t. niiiU ttoutk rront HU, Kail P. It, Draaay, SOROFULfl AND ITS AWFUL HORRORS " ccatu u v Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. A Mowr WO.NDKKFL'L (THE. A braud OI4 Ladj kiln llri tirrtratc. Mrs T:.aiikf:il onlia Hurd lues In the Uautiful village of Brlghto LlTiURKton t o . M.cb. l b s vi nerable iid i,)Bily respected lady was born lA the .M-ar lvlJ the .ar ..f the t-'n-at war. u, lli-tirou. WasbiUEton Co.. New ork. She c ;il..e Ail bt r fae ;o M:. ..iau m the j . :;r of "Tippecanoe and Tyler u,,i1'" a"' ' X. .'.i'i:t'.v i r-e: ve.l. and possessing a Tery re- r mind is toil ut n. tet i sting reiuiuisceucea of her early i-i s of th.- Stale of Mu-higau and the Interesting and re-1..- Iin. met. und the stirnni; events of which Bhe was a wit- t . i.tivf in i-nior v. : llf.-. , f the .-atly . It: I le pre! le iii ltut iii i Ii n -' in to i .i'i.,l and Vi ;el! ; nil el ! ii ' .ii 1 1 is s s.i; : 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i ii tiian A I ' A II I 1 .1 .A. Mis dispositioii to scrofula, that teinbly ili-stnu nve blood taint which has cursed and is cur-lng ih.- lives i,r thousands und loarking thousands more as vic tims of the death angel. Transmuted from generation to generation. It Is found in in-ary every family in one form or another. It may make Its ap pearance in dn-.-i.lful running sores, D unsightly swellings in the neck or B-oitn-. or iu eruptions of varied forms. Attacking the mucous membrane, It may be known as catarrh in ihe head. ,,r developing In the lungB It may be, and often Is, the prune cause of coiiMiuipiioii. Np.aking of her case. Mis. Html sn: "I was troubled for many years wilh a bad skin disease. My arms an,, Im.l.s would break out In a maas of sores, discharging yellow matter My 0,-ck began to swell and became very unsightly In appearance. Mv body , covered with scrofulous eruptions.. My eyes were also greatly an, weakened, and they pained me very much. My blood was In n very bad condition and my head ached severely at fi-e.iiieiii intervals, ami 1 lin.i no appetite. I had sores also In my ears. I was in a miserable condition. I had In,, rv.-rv remedy that had been recom mend..!, and doctor after doctor bad failed. One of the best physicians In ,M'' 1 M1US ('b' of scrofulous consumption, as Internal abcesses we,-,, beginning to form. I at length was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and his famous sarsaparilla. 1 tried a ImiiiI,.. more ns an experiment than any thing else, as I had no faith Iu It, and greatly to mv agreeable aurprlae, I began to grow- belter. You can tie sure I kept on taking It. I took a great many bottles. Hut I steadily Improved until I became entirely well. All the sores healed up, ail the bad symptoms disappeared. I gained perfect health, n tid I have never been troubled with scrofula since. Of course an old lady or M years ,s not a young w an. but I have bad remarkably good health mho,, then, and I firmly believe that JOHNSTON'S SAHSATAR1LLA Is the greatest blood pi, ritier and the best medicine In the wide world, both for Hcrofula and as a spring medicine." This remarkably interesting old lady did mt Ink to l- mop,. u, sixty, and she repeated several timet,, "I believe my life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SAIiSAPA It ILL A." MICHIGAW Jnrl COMPABT, DKTIIOIT, BCXOXX. c . I) aimi am. New i Wii, . :. Fresh I'lieeila Biscinl, Monitor Ovsler ( 'nickers, Standard i-oilu His -nil, Civani Liincli Mi, cuil, ;injr.-r Snuis and I ancy ('a' ,-s-. Ontario l'reinroi iii-kwlmat. Tin- ci v In si Mutter, Fancy Syrup and Molasses. Ftuicy Cicani ( liccsc and Imported Macaroni. A ciuiiplcle stock nf (Ii,. Criici-rics tu In- Itad. 1 los-pci-tfnllv solii-it yon i- trade and otiafaiitoo .i;ilis faclion. (ionils delivered pioiiiplly any wlicrc in t lie citv. J. L. McDANIEL 'Phone ?1. Largest and Finest Stock of ... . Buggies Wagons Harnesses Robes I have moved to the Broad Street Stables, purchased of J. W. STEWART, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and customers. vX vT ones, New Bern, - N. C. Big Reduction in Hats. V Your choice of Derbys. brown and black Soft Hats, show Windows, for only $1.00. MIDDLK STRUT, , in : it i r. ,1.1 n-i'iillei't luiiM are more mar- are ii, r exprriruces In the use of Hold intieriled n tentt.ncv nrl nr. Wholefnale 5 & Retail Grocer, 71 IIrsi.1 St. Ever Found in ) s New Bern. on display in our iw SI W BER2I, H. 0