STREETS OF CAIRO. PREdHCT COXTEimOHS. v. Mi'Tics 1 1 leu-. Ll la if N.-v Ecrr, Gkiliig lo TIl; New 8:r.i Pair April 1 Jt HcU OatiUe lac Ct!j, Sail 4iy, Mix a i!-.:.t H rshal 10 .f I ) t-clor al.le-l by ibe - -' l'i.n:efil llj-itt in I ii i :ic dtu .cd I ct rt lar ..f . . ;.nt iuurtr.1 one nf I lie irtk. im. j Vl- rWnMrfl fi-lmar) Tie 1 r mocrat of Tor Brot-ll pn (ii.. I uiei is their primary MUnltt Starch 17. ti Chairman W I'. l'earce I lie mi-rt . p jr in i.ultr Upon i Tur Hoir ri. .ij t ' Mr (ic, i I,: 1 1 A-M.i 1 grea'.i-l m, placed on a A.L At. nr. , i -In pbt id al :. Mi. -rv f-.t it h Killlw lur rufiiiio by U. S. Hi . . 1 1 FAIR MARSHALS. r- . : , .- I J. .i.i. V tA43 ,VsV V?V . l. IlSSC , .. . i, A ll 1. II M Mi Aden. Henry uj t : i i. . IO See I'l Si lilt: 10 ll 1 . Itaelious c i Tlit G i e a '. way Co. Tl 1 tout lie :, Ii,. J M I Uu tit. j i led A k II. I'n'lv i llie 1 .4 lc i !.... Vu tin- 'I'l l,, k K;i;n. TRUCK FARMS. One of This Sections Greatest Industries. I'r Thru- i- n " ; w here i iTf;i nil i re t--ii i'l blaok in i !i I !ir w hilt- .In I .tin! FISH 3 OYSTERS New Bern Fair is the Place to see Them. -mi : i lid lir hlll'l-. Vli ' h:i ' Iridh ...i!m;.' i; t h'im hii 1 .t; Lriii . '. i rollnh. I.;;- 1 r ii j : 1 1 1 . i n Vrl frl i :it . 'I i hi n :t 1 1 . i i . M 111 V i..:llll. lir;u'llt' h li'l! N n ;u i i . 1 1 1 lali-- .n ! ; 1 1 I ir.'!.:.iM l:tllil- :u.;ii Ull.l M I r-- :i' i.f i' 1 1 1 1 i H i i mi - w lii. :i . I I:,- -IT. Illl'lli rii.lilri. li.'i Mint.. :i. 1 r:l. II ninl V.MI iin.l 1 u.-' -i: .' Hlnl i :i : . -p:il :J '1 . ; .. Tin. iil;u1. r .'t w hii 1 w In. ! till' u Hint. l-'niii . 1 iir ml i i limn 1 1 1 -; HI I ill. ,hii-i in. ii O lit'! - 111 1 1 ! I )l :i I ' 1 I N . ;.:. ...r v r ( .a.i. 1 ' 1 1 1. & lli .I..IH'- Ku. let, i i: : r. 1 1 Mil, mi, A .. : nj I, .mi. All-til Ki:i n. S M fr .v, ; It 1 ,1 lli,i;, Y .1 i.riMM.M. . Wrtnii.nj. .1 K I'aii 11 A Ki.uslir. M ( arr. W A ii.iT, lieurgc W it, K C'mw M artin, K V:- T II M ftk IV;lrt:Uil Cb&lrUlhU B Sriiciiry. The miciioj follow fc: U c rn; ly ili-n -t ( I i IIU,1 til uti i v i .iiMci d( lUe gimnl i .inn in9't.-ilicr u.l o.ik L.inii, i. i. ii.-') to carry oul lUe pi of IIcimu'ilc W't endorse Jimes A Hniu nud rt-ciiii- Aigcrmus, howling nJ j mend hi. reelection to ihe Senate with !.( , sword neuter, mKt- Ins contemDorrv J O Ji kaon it i . 1 ii i ii j to u ti r i in , I I Mid li njarkhblt .c. ,.r : uiiu the ( : lenlai imiJ .'n iLal b i o : , a ii tlitre ili lj Turks I' : 1 1 I. C lti S l.i W I t V ill ;.. i'r K 1' Win T 1 H irk, I Mm tin 1. 1' W Ho; I. I! (lid. .MrMullan ovull, W I' 1. M Imr liur-l, Tf M Hsuer. I.,lint,,i, M Mskfley, tuorge 1' Ku , .! I'. I.mif. I.i',.:;. t it-fk- lK-Ill,M-v Wood. I'a i 1 1 r lilt' A Ii S' iilinin-i jr, 1! L W ; 11:1111-. A .1 t'ook. Kniinrtt remlitT- ti. li M i'l'tiilterton, .lauit' MrNeil, i; 11. int. l.-t!all, S (' (torlinni. I llll lllL t I Kvli l.rwiti Hale, flftto Mi- M Ml i I. I 1 N M (lil.l. i. i- l iuit's ii Clicrrv, Coiirtt' , ( i.nilr- White. tro I, dm I' Sier, ,1 K Koliin I. din Spicfi, jr. T 1-: AlkiiiK, ell, I lei bet I rii. Lionel l.e-he Weil, 1 r. K.l Velverton, L ,i'liri v. Hay I'.-uker, ,1 K Koier.-, liTli.i.. K It ltonion, jr. W II ... l W i: liordfit, (' ll Miller, F ,1 . Frank i it 1. 1 1-n s, I, ( ' Souther I ,!o!,l l..rleli, l'hil Dorlcli, .lolin I !i:i- l:d-elon, F I! Dewey, i . . Jo- mini, ( has. (Jumper '.-h.'io Fee Crawford, Frank I i Wit'Ains. Co. 1) lloyii. F I. 1 kt-'.ler, W T (inylc, Lacy -. l-' li tvles, ,!ese Katikiu, F .iie, .liiiiiM i'oite, Faul Sehenek, ii. i.l. (in- ll.inkin, .lolin W K i lie 11 William-. .1 11 Whill, ,1 .1 Nil N F.i 1, i l',,i:it M W Tate dt Itolierjo W (' In I. I: li W Neii;hliors. .1 F Nobles I. lit'., li Kerner, I'. 1 I"'1'1 i) I'.idoek. W Feil llarvev lire Oetlinnci , nn, lb'. - 1 V a i; tbbi'i. Ir. II I Randolph lock, llebl ' i k .A F .1 ( ' Mia. If , .1 A Moo,, Woolen, jr, 1 (' I r -ii Fell I'linio I It ' I I l 1 1 ! llei..!.. N ( r. a F n w L.i .. 1 l itv --i: W 'l iiyloi, c s ::i Webb. i 11 M k. rr. .ik In. I, I. Mi.,1 ion a r, Wad-u .in h. - oo I ioldet ni'-s. i it nry 1 le i rv ' Fl.Mii, .1 , ir l'i ji n. i ill W .run da, F.:i 1 1 A nder-on I.V:i .1 K Vmuhii, Thonius 1! 1'. W Hiker. I 'iiiiin. W W II. dill AlldreVS, ,J leery W balds F M Aver. I. I- ru'i M .1 r-li l.foi.1, lltniv 1'. i.itchfoid, A H -. .1 1 . W 11 Mmw , .1 , ill ii M ron aeii, Mroliai b, lnletl Stlonai h, Joe ll, II .lolin iry M, Hlld I'll! ! 111,. ,111 bills bo mid it " elotliillj ir (.(iniiniiijes. : : . l' 1 1 1 n . i -. . . C ke Allen Hi ll IWley, liachelol lrewiy, I F Fb.r '. I liotnm 1 low ard, L's, W S Wesi, .lohn V II linden, W 11 , Win 1. 1 1 lie. W W I in bin Tin Oily 1 dollar , for hi ll dilT. r I- SO LT litlerill, der-t..o llrown Sliepard, N' II liriines. II lai k-oii, W (' W hite, llicli'ird S Itus k I' l.,n is, .1 W Hi, i, dale, Jr, 1) S A limit, lil'iilk't' .M10W 1 liomjisiin b V Webli II. . i ky Mount I .v. ;l. .l..-t ,h It Uhll ( ' Kllll.M I ', 'il I le, .1 r, Sellliu, N (' The I'l'ie AwarJeJ. Ff J M .Mierrml, i n n . 1 ien r I. A r r 1 n I J ' lira ( 1 1 1'lrory n, Jarol e,l, id t' in . t he New I b r n ' tb dials in ,o!.l. N A I , - for 1 he I Her n 1- an . i it .My run The esay rtii. JoriiSM. and wi thp .loi iin i.' n I icnrii totlny The cs-ays .f nntl k at hr n i i Riitl liiiid I'lari DtllllUt(.,. I led All 1.1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bmirs the Signature of 5 vta j JM" '-M ' A i I) Vi. k. -loin wall and liaybom 1 1 ( Mt ' i t , W A (lal on. W J S an. Slnlcsyille 11 CI onies. Sav annah, ( a It it Neal s.iliKbiiry S F Shnll, I. N Jovner, J A 1 alliwcll. aHiiinton- S C liraia. J K l ay .e. F II Rollins. F V lloyi, 11 V lli l,'iw, ir .io-ii i a nil', e I'ltrimes,! has l ril N S Fulf inl, Sli Tarl te. JM . .cini.a on. llarry llon-ell, JaryM:K. Websti'i .1 J Hookrr. We.t 1 . .nil Va - It W HrlTeron. W il.on ii Woodanl. W It Mntelicail I A ( orbeii, J 11 Karilol, F.n.e.l Nmlall I C Hullo, k. Winntoii IIS (iallonay, Alex (ilt. ay, li, belt (iorrell IV let (Jot nil, Mor r s Hailei. 'I'linniai .Maalln. IlrntyHlikf ni-r. W I Hr.,,k.,C I) Oburii, W It I'ol lard in slinfnpf, H .1 li'jiiold.. Wl It Hi i Holds. Iin hard I.) brook, Winfleld V .uiK, W () (iritlln. (icurite NorlWl. It H Crawford. .1 H llnnn, Marlon Follln ( ( Miafnrr. Itolwrt Norflepl, Kit M HanUn, W A Itlalr, llu(th Hrown W i im i null m J it lm Itsllimy. Koli Kn kin. 1' M Tut i cut I no llatrr Kmlllone. Waller William. on. W A Pick, Ionli! VrKiif Jr. Nam Vlrk, (Jharll Ch! bonrn II Mi llhainy, M It Klllntl, Cj inn (illea. Wtifn Jchnann, Ilehrrt llpfl my. I Im Fllloti, (ieo ('tow, Henry l'r ban. Clnrln Taylor, Jamca Hlyn ...n. John K Wllllaon, Jhn i, Kre.l Dirk, It U Muoo, llerlieri I. Hot den. Il'nh I, MllUr. Arabs, Syrian- hilling ilervi linns, native sini:ers ami dancere both male and ftu.ale I here will be el-rlling revelations . f I'neutal life, peaceful scenes aud past times of the Sultan's Domains. 'in.,rs will have an oppor tuuity to see how these people actually elist, live aud amuse themselves la their own country. There will be entire families, from the old gray headed grand father to the toddling tot whose Infant footsteps hav e just left the cradle For the first linie in the history of the New Hern fair, the large concourse of vistors that annually congregte there each spring, will witness avirid reproduc tion of the famous Streets ef Cairo as It wasjjiven at the Worlds Fair; taken part in by the same people who made that exhibition on the mighty high way of nations famous. There will lie special n it' tit performances during the eutire time and it will be certainly a facinal iiii; scene, with the bright lights Hash ing on t lie gaudily bedecked costumes chut ai lerlstic of these people, with the strange and weird music playing, a ml wil n t he sounding beat of the tom-tom kee,iii,' lime lo the sylph like movement:- of the dancing girls, fur famed in som: and story. In the great enclosure w ill be native attendants, careful drivers to ii--i-i the v isilors, especially the ladles an l i hildien in camel and donkey rides up ami dow n Hie irregular formation of the noted street. With all these marvelous attractions placed at our very door way, it is safe to say ,i lial t his the coming spring will mark a new era in the histoiy of New Herns Far and Industrial e.ihibiiion, and as a our ciiii' feature added, there will be pla. ,,l in the permanent show building wlii. ii will be entirely renovated anil rc ni i.lelt d for the occasion, Frof t'has. W. ( ' 1 i t . 1 1 in "Collossal Columbian Carni val' o trained and wild animals; the a-:oun iin- aggregation of animal ac.tori .letting I lainers, fearless male and female rubis of the iiuimil world, will gie st'iiiling revelations of the past, tiiius nn i ann' Muiients that were once the sp in of the Roman Rulers, in a large iron ale. in so constructed anil arranged thai e n il anil every person visiting will ha e :i eie ir and unolisti ucie l view of the entile performance. 1 ht ic w ill be turned loose, untamed lions, feiocioiu b oar hninds. hungry wolves and docile lambs; and the famous I rain :rs entering the dens there will bo given a vivid illu-tiaiion ami verification uf Hie famous liibical ti ll, "The lion and the lamb shall lie down together " Ihere will aUn be dancing bears, monkey i low us, l eaulifiil trained doves. and in fact, representatives from every family of I he nuimil woild, to startle, entertain and amuse I he visitors. Of course yo i no- coining to the New Item r air, and 1 would advise you not to miss the great wild animal show, for about the li r-t thing voir friends will ask you whi'i yo,i lelurn home, is whether you p nd ii a yi-it or n l. It will b;- ll." -en-ation of the entire Fair period, and probably cuter lo more admiring thoiis. inds than all the other shows put logeili.r. The city of New Hern ami vicinity t in certainly congratu I lie themselves and extend their graU f il thanks to the gentlemen named above, for being -o successful as lo Sfcurc this mon-ler aggregation. We are looking forward to royal good lime and tan assure our readers that they will not be disappointed. Cheap Rates. The Associated Railways of Virginia ami the Carolinas will bell tickets lo New llern nud return from all points within the Sta'.t of North Carolina, and from Hlchmoiid, IVlrraburg, Norfolk, Danville and Intermediate points, for one first class due for the round trip, plus lifly colt, f ir one admission to the Fair grounds. Tickelt to Ite sold April 13-30 Inclu sive, I'm nl limit April .Mill, continuous pasaago in en h direction and lo ea. brac coupon for one admission to the Fair grounds. Stcial excursion trains will be run dally on the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad on Tuesday, Wednesday, 1'liu rail iy and Friday of Fair week on a baaia oi one rent per mile for distance of ai vlv mllea. The Atlantic Coast Line will run apecial trains from Wilmington and Scotland Neck on Wednesday of Fair week a' a special low rale of fare. t cene en Middle Street, At the Masonic Opera House Fair Week. The managemen'. of the Maaoaic Opera Route bare rlowd a coalract with the Herald r quire Opera Company of New York for aeries of comic operai at tbe theatre durlnj the week of the Fair. We heartily endorse Hon Chas. B Aycock, GoTernor, Congrassmao Chas. Ii. Thomas was unanimously endorsed and we recommend his reelection. Upon motion by R A Russell, that faithful old veteran to the party, lion Thos J Jarvis' name was placed before the meeting, as a model politician whose record is un spotted and one who has ever been un compromising in his Democracy and Tery loyal te his party. We recommend him for United States Senate. The following delegates were electad to go to the Convention to be held lit New Bern March 24lh: Jos Kinsey, j 8 Harper, A W Avery, ami M D Lane Alternates, W C White, Jno S W l'earce Hugh Lane and Wily Hill. W II l'earce is added to the list tvf delegates to attend the County Convention. The followiug precinct committee was elected: W Ii l'earce, Alex llooten, W C White, I. S Harper, M !) Lane ami Jno S W l'earce. W Ii I' k, Chiun. M I) Lank, Scc'y. Hover I'rlniuiy. The Democratic primary convention at Dover wan held Saturday March l?th Mr (I V Richardson was elected primary chairman, and l W Richardson Scc'y. Messrs Set Ii West, D W Richardson, .1 K Komegay, F I' Outlaw and (I V Richardson weie elected delegates to the County I (invention. C li Aycock was endorsed for Governor, C li Thomas for Congress, C T Watson Chairman County Con vent ion . The follow ing were elected ap primary executive committee; .Messrs selh West, R A Richards, iu, 1) W Richardson, ,1 K Karnegay; and K I' Outlaw. A nuns meeting is called for tonight to organize a White Siipiemacy Club. W H l'earce endorsed for lb L igi-sl-i ture, V M Simmons United Slates Senate. Slilli l oll nslili 1 ' i-i in :k t- . Tilt Deuiocriiis of No li town-hip h'd i their primary it Lee's Farm on Saturday March I Till i'.Hii). J 11 Hunter in the chair. 'I' II Mullison in ived I hat the old hoard be retained, motion lost, whereupon 11 A Marshall,.) K While, . I D I'lllman, 'M N Fisher and W H Planner were ehcled as a new board. On motion II A Marshall, J K White aud W 11 Manner were appointed as delegates to the Counly Convention to be held in New Hern on the "-' 4 1 b of March l'.KK). Meeting adjourned. J 11 1 1 1 mi. . Chum W I! Fi.AN.Ni'.i!, Set'y. Croalau, N. C. Meh. 17. l'.m.i. I'uw rrimaiy. According to call of County Chairman the Democratic volers of old Core Creek preciuct met til Cove. The meeting was culled to order by chaii man . I S Robin son. 1 I! Ipock was elei l' l c.miimiiti and I" I) Avery Secretary 'I he following township cvn'iilivc committee was elected: I'iuielliy M L F Taylor. H T White, F D A yen, T 11 lpock chairman. The following weie elected d to the County Convention: T H F. I) Averr. II T While and J S eon. (' T Walsou was endorsed for County Chairman. JmiM rrltiiHi-,) . The voters of No 11 Township, held their primary meeting at Jasper today. A K Watlaworth, Kst Chairman. Harris Lane, Secretary. The following were elected Executive Committee ot No. 9 Township, AK Wadsworth Chairman, E Z R Davis, M W Carman, O II Terry, Edward Weth. r ington, Delegates to County Convention M W Oarman, J T House, W H Lau , E Z It Darlf, A E Wadsworth Alternatea-O II Wctheringlon, W W I'rescolt, Herbert House, Ed Weiherlng ton, Walter Cox, Drew Dixon, H W Dixon, O 11 Ferry, E W Wadsworth, W U B Line, H Lane. The Contention passed the following resolution. Resolved, That we endorse our mem ber of Congress, ('has It Thomas for re- nomination and our delegatci lo the County Convention Hie Instructed lo auppoit Ii i im for renoni li . i A. V.. Wilms oktii, Chairman llAiitiiB Lank, Secretary. March 17th, ItfOu. Illrnlale rrtmarjr. Meeting of Democrats of No. 7 town ship lo primary at Hlverdale acbool bona March 17, 11100. The meeting was org anlteil by making J W Latham chair man and Ii TV Ives ucreta jr. J W l.aibam was alecle I derte to eianly convention by acclamation. H 0 Wood, Z V Bulla, li 0 Taylor, O D Latham and I) W Ire preilnot commit- GRADED SCHOOL NEW BERK N. C Many Natural Advan tages to be Found, NeH) Bern's one of the Finest New Bern now has an excelleal sys tem of Graded Schools. In the while school, there are eleven teachers and a superintendent. The buildings have been recently equipped, and they arc now heated by means of warm air furnaces. The system ef heating gives the best ventilation known for the school-room, and the heal is evenly distributed throughout the room. The sanitary ar rangement is of the best, city Water and sewerage being usetl throughout lh( buildings The course of study coTers a period ol ten years Beginning wlih the most pri mary, pupils are steadily advanced through a continuous course, the com pletion of which prepares for college d Its equivalent. Thorough instruction i given in Resiling, Writing, Spelling, Geography, Mathematics, Language and Composition, Literature, History, Latin and I lemcntary Science. Tuition is fiee lo bona lido resident- of the city of New liern. Tuition foi those living outside of the city is as fol lows: l'i i in h r v, one dollar per month; 1 ntermedia'.e, two dollars; Advanced three dollars. Good Woartl can be obtain- I at reasonable rates. New Bern tliUB offers good advantages to those who w ish lo educate their children. legates I pock Robin J . - J - - - s- h 11 -r- r-t J a. J At tht rub and Ojiter llukit. Sprlrif Millinery at Daffy's. We wish to state to all wbo are Inter-1 This company la rejoteUad ai on of eated In milliner v that while we are the luadlna- anna anmnaalM of the making an effort lo close out our dry oenntry and lo Ibeelr geen their oom-a-nods, whiro we are doing slowly but lag will be looked ferwtnl to with moU surely, w have no sorb Intention In re ' pleasant anttclpetlont. Manager t. 0. jard lo our millinery department. Oreea Is lo be conf raiolated la eeeorlng We are here lo atsy end for bnslnetr, tbem. Our stock which I large end complete Is dally arriving end will be ready for the trade and In few dart. 1 he date of onr opening will be ae aea aced later. x IL B. Durrt. The following popstlar operas will ke prneeated daring Ihe week: Mascot, Raid Pasha. Olivette. Chime of Mot rnaadr, fra Dtarola, 11 n afore tad bo hemlaa Girl. . . ' race ot iNorlh ( arolina Hie control ot the Stale, which liehls wi re intcndid b. the Supreme Being and ought ever to be held sacred by while men. Resolved, further that we heartily ( I'. doise the act- of our I)( li.ocialic olliciab liolh .Mate mi I i ii inty uiul feel 6iire il givt n the pioper time Ihey w ill elve us a belter government than we have had in oyer I hirly cars. And licit we look wlih scorn upon any move t lid will bring discoid in tin Democra! ic parly which move if made can liav e but one birth and tint in the R public in pii ty anil but one resting place and thai in pcniilion. The meeting resolved itself into While supremacy Club and elected Z V Butt President ami II II Latham Scc'y, of 6aine. The following gentlemen were recom mended from this precinct as delegatis to Slale Convention: J W Latham, 11 C Wood, L G Taylor, A D Fisher, Z Hulls. .1 C Thomas. II II Latham, J O Tut lor, G F, Latham, T 11 Smith, J r llatdison nud It W Ives. Tiie I'teciuct ( oniiiiittee elected II ( Wood as chairman' li. solved that a copy of acts of till- this meeting be sent to New Bern Joi n AI. and New I'.crn Democrat with re quest to publish. Mi etini: ail iourned, subject to (all ol Chaiini in Wood J W I'vtiiam, Chinn. B W Ivks. See')'. M mile I') in-M I'rlmnry. Maple Cypress Precinct called I o der Marcii litn, mui ny r. r Aoains. Olllcers elected, LC Daws in, Chair man, E F Adams, Secretary. Precinct Committee ' '. U Brewer, I C Nelson, J R Dudley, E A Lancaster Wylie Cnus")'. Delegates lo Counly Convention E A Lancaster, F 0 Nelson, E F Adams. Ihe following lldfolutlojis were passed. That wo cndorie T.iomai W it'son, for Chairman Couuly Executive Commit tee. Tfiat we endorse Tnomas Daniels for County Treasurer. That we endorse our RegMer of Deeds, K M Green, for renomlnallon That we endorse our SberllT, Joo Kin sy for reiioininallon. Thai 4c endorse our member of Con gress, C R Thomas, fur renomlnallon That we endorse C II Aycock, for Gov ernor. That our delegates lo the Counly Con venlion are Instructed lo support the ab ire resolutions L. 0. Dawson, Chm'n E. F. Adams Sec'y. The city of New Bern is situated In a triangle formed by the junction, of the Neuse and Trent rivers, and has direct commucicsllon, not only wilb the At lantic Ocean, but all portions of the Stale by water and rail, ami wilb every por tion of the country via the Wilmington, New Bern and Norfolk Railroad, extend ing frsm this city to Wilmington, where it connects with the ocean via the Cape Fear River, and Iho Atlantic Coast Line iiid Seaboard Air Line railway system, in I the Atlantic anil North Carolina, vhich ex'etuls from .Morehead City, via Sew Bem and Ooldsboro, where il con nects with the Coast Line aud Southern si stems. A line of steamers connects with the Sorfo k ami Southern Railroad lo Eliza- ielh City, on the Pasquotank River, aud via that mail wilh i lie Pennsylvania, Norfolk anil Western, Southern and Chesapeake and Ohio systems of rail way a1. Noifolk, anil numerous Ameri- an and European steamship lines It will be seen that New Bern K therefore, in no sense Isolated from I lie rest of the world, but on the contrary, is exception ally well provided willi the means of heap and quick c intm inication. New Bern is the county seal of Craven County, aud has u population of nearly, If not quite 1'JbO I souls. Its people arc law- ibiding, iudusli ious and compara tively thrifty. It is known as Ihe ' (lily of Elms," its shelled stieels being beauti fully shaded with the trees to w hich it is indebted for Hint cognomen, and il abounds iu pretty situations, attractive and coinfoi l ible liome-, mil diiveways into the s n r uinding country Ihrough til ri f ty li'tit k farms, and modern pouliry yards in wlii 'i the liiesi vineries of fowls are lo h : sern. To ;rospeeiivc setil -ri and iuvesiors there is no Southern low n .vhich olters belter advantages tli m Ne.v Hern. She has free mail del. very, supcii ir water works and sewerage, electric, light and as plants, line graded schools, e.c lleH ire department, goo I telephone, service, i handsome public building and county ourt house, churches of all denoniiou lons in fai l all the conveniences es sential lo the li 1 1 i , 1 1 1 .-s and ( or.ilorl of a people. I.alinr. Living expenses ami house n-nt being aniHutilly low here, labor is, in conse quence, satisfied wiili sin. ill wages, and mob things as 'VtrikcV' ini l"lihr or ganizations' are unknown. Itjiiklti- I a. lllll. s. Tncre a:e lliree s did, well mnnaged banks In New Bem, with a combined paid up capital of $'2-V 00. anil surplus tnd uudivided profits aggregating floO. K0. These biuk are lilwial and havo plenty surplus cash, anil every nccotn nndallon consistent w ith Bound banking can bo sccutetl by manufacturer! at a low rate of iiiteie-i. Sioi iMliimi's riiriitllmi. New Bern Is de linetl to become a favorite Southern winter renort. lleallh and pleasure seekers will ti ti tl hunting and fishing excellent, and the climate Is se mild and the air so invigorating lint debilitated anil weik persons would ipeedily Improve and eventually I e rc ttored to health aud strength. It is an Idesl field for the gunner, angler and yschliman We have hotels, but what Is deeded is house constructed with especial refer ence lo the requirements of people who are in search of a health reioit near the coast. An enleiprising capitalist and hotel man would find I lie venture lo he a success Flotilla praa were nil cut down by the last cold spell 1 h it Slate, but majority of farmers have replanted an I the pros pect now Is for heavy crijpa of ihM vege table. Potatoes are look mi g Well; their planting Is abiut ll ilahul. Henry Kl well A Co, prod ice dualeia of III) Wash ington St., New York, gave us iho a'jove informatUu. lee. The chair appoleted Z"V Bulls, f 1 C Wood, J 0 Thomas, 0 B Latham nod D W Ivee, committee oa re 1 alon, wbo hmltted the following which was aaealmoaelf adopted! Reeolred, Thai wa heartily fadnrne the aete of Ibe Democrats la oar lent leglslstare la their effort lo Hd at of aegro domlaatloa. lad thai we hall with delight the op porinnlty thai la abonl U to Im u to ?( Urito Amendment, which If ratl ted will toraTof Insara Ibc iaglo-Saioa ; , ''. .. - i '..'- ' . 'ais-v ' ".'.''. .k, ' ' ' .... .. I - - ""' , ' Bcctit on Nftiie Hirer.