mfti Mm r I II X. TOUW IIIII. MIW BERN, CRAYM COUKTY. N. C. TDtSDiT, APRIL 3 1900 - FIRST SECTION. UUBlk" 4 Nefre Murderer Jones Foud Gnlltj , In First Defrce. Jtrtr Cfctiirei His, MlBd aad a New, Poll Taken. Saaboard Air Line' New Line. Tear af State ' By The Deataeratle N laeea. RaLrioii, March, 31 The jury la the trial of Tom Jone for tbe murder of Ella Jones and fire of ber children took the cafe a Utile before 6 o'clock Thurs day. About 3 o'clock Friday morning tbe jury notified the court officer that it bad agreed. It was quite freely said that ' the verdict would bo guilty in Iho first degree. At 10 o'clock the jury came in ani aaid that it had agreed. But the prisoner! oooasel asked that the jury be polled. When I ho ninth juryman, nam ed Booth, was reached, be said be was for a verdict of guilty la the second de gree. He staled that tince be had enter ed the court room, that is almost in a moment, he bad changed Ills mind Borne persons conjectured that looking at tin prisoner may have caused the change. Booth di 1 not give any ra son. lie appeared to be frightened and almost like ho was about to havo a Si Some of tbe other jurors said be was af fected In tbe same way la tbe jury room. Tbe jury was al once sent out and In about three-quarters of an hour return ed, was again polled, and this time was unanimous in a verdict of guilty in the first degree. It was very remarkable. It is said lo be the first time in this State where after a declaration that tbe jury had agrted a poll showed tbe con trary. Tbe prisoner's attorney made a motion for a new trial. This Judge Hoke dt- lined to grant. Tbe judge told the j'ry it had rendered a proper verdict and thai be was glad it had given the caso ample consideration. He said be was con vinced of the prisoner's guilt, of which indeed there was no denial, and also that he was not insane. He sentenced Jones to be hanged May lllh. The prisoner's counsel gave notice of an appeal. He Bays he will look careful ly into all the evidence and determine whether he will appeal or not. The odds arc that he will not appeal. He declares that if ho could have had the case de ferred until July be could have saved Jones from the gallows and put him In the department for the criminal insane in the penitentiary. He says that Joues ought not lo be hanged, though a dangerous ciiuiinal, because of bis mental stale; that two years ago he had an epileptic tit and for 24 hours lay as (MM dead. The people want the negro hanged Tbe negroes siiy he ought to have been lynched at the start. The verdict gives pleasure, iheugh tbe negroes express re gret that there U any delay at all. After the sentence bad been pronounc td a deputy sheriff said lo Jones: "You bad belter be netting ready." Jones merely said: "I never did It " The dep uty said: ''You hail belter get a Bible." Jones remarked: "I haven't one." "Don't you want one?'' asked tbe deputy. "Yes ' replied the doomed man. The deputy this afternoou gave him a Bible. Governor Russell has been weighed and lipped the scales at 20(1 pound?.. The Oorham Manufacturing Company Informs the Vance statue commlltoes that it will havo the statue ready hy June 20lb. It will make the cast. It wa remarked here that the Sea b mrd Air Llue would do a bad itroke of busiuess If It gave np Its plan lo build a lino paralleling the liichmond, Krcder liksburg & I'olomac Some one then said that the Seaboard might be forced to give np ibis plan and gel trackage on tbe It., V. & V. Railroad by roads which control Ibe northward lines out Wash ington. A leading citizen here salt after read ing an item about the Carolina A North western Railroad and the possible dlipc aluoo of ll, that be would be willing to gamble that the Southern Railway got It On the Monday after the State Demo cratic Stale convention the nominees will begin their notable toar of the Stale mainly of tbe west, and there will be a aeries of ratification meetings. The date Anally fixed are Burlington, April 18th; Winston 17ib; Greensboro that night; Hickory 18th: Asbevllle 19th; Murphy M.i T ni i nm A tf m ai . l 07WB viij coih; yiaynviviuv sain Marlon Jlthi Shelby ltb. Tbe dates far Charlolla, Fayellevllle and Rocky Mount will be given later on. It ii expected that by tbe cod of neat week tbt $10,000 for tbe auditorium will bare been subscribed. Word from w amnion, n. v., says that Charles A, Cook decline tbe ap pointment si Jude of tbe Criminal eon rt of Eastern Nortb Carolina. Hit reason fas A.Amm atja la L a t ll As ll nsInMal a v uviu w aa rwsw nviiviy Interfere with mbrf boslnres relations. , - v TclcfrapWc Briefs. Cblrsgn, April 1-Tbe machinist!' trlke It over throughout tbe United rla'ee, the nn Ion bavlag eajled ll off. Terra Usate, Ind.. April 1-AU tbe oat mines In Indiana barn nntpended Oeraileai, owing lo tU failure of oper ators to ilfS wag ooetrect for tbe year beginning April 1. -. - 8a IB eld, Conn, April lBldoey A. Kml, wetl-tnown Chicago broker.dled ni Lie summer residence la ( Boffltld today, after several weeks' Posts from lh grip, aged 11 ynarl. NEW PROBABLY A HOAX. The Reported Big Sale of Alabama Coal to English Syndicate. Special te Journal. Nkw York, March, 81 Representa tives of the Southern Coal Companies In this city said tbey regarded the dispatch from New Orleans announcing the ssle of 2,0O0,U00 tons of Alabama coal to an English sy ndicate, at 75 cents per ton at the meuth of the coal pits, with SO cents allowance per ton for transportation from Men Orleans, making the low price of (1.50, as highly Improbable, if not a gigantic hoai. J C. Maber said tbe coal could not be bought at 73 cents a ton anywhere in those mining regions, The freight rates from New Orleans were never lower than $1.15 per U n, and now probably $1.7.) per ton. Archibald Forbes Dead. London, March 31. Archibald Fortes the well known war correspondent, died in Ibis city during tbe night, lie bad been in bad health for some years, and during the last six months bad been un aMe to write or do anything owing to complications, arising from rheumatism and paralysis. He spent most of his time at home In London. His wife was a Miss Meigs, daughter of the late Quartci master General of tbe L'nited States, General M. C. Meigs. Great Debate in Senate. Special to Journal. Washinoton, March, 31 Monday will be a field day on the I'orto I!i o debate. Benators Bate, Depew and Spooncr will speak. Senator Spooner's speech, so tarill men say, will be a euro antidote to Sena tor Proctor's speech of yesterday. It will be a summary of the reasons for voting iu favor of the present bill. To Penitentiary for Conspiracy. Special to Journal. Montiikai., March, 31 -jHmcs Dexter, tbe well known broker, known to the police of Chicago, New Yoik and the customs authorities of the United States, In connection with diamond unueirlitii.' and other shady transactions, was sen tenced today to live years in the peni tentiary. The charge was conspiracy to defraud the defunct Ville Marie bank out of $45,000. Dismissed From the Army. Special to Journal. Washington, March 31 Information has been received at the War Depart ment, of the court martial and convic tion, with dismissal from service of Msjor Kirkman of ths 4IUU United Slates Volunteer Infantry, at Manlls. It is charged that Kirkman, while in toxicated en route to Manila, Insulted Arch Bishop Chapellc. ltepresentatlve Morris of Minnesota is striving to have the President extend clemency to Kirkman. The Kentucky Situation. Washington, April 2. -This is the way tbe Kentucky mix-up sir I lies a well known Kcnlucklan, Mr. O. B. Karley, of Louisville, now In Washington- '.'The trouble In Kentucky will be a a ilsauce tor a long lime to come, ll will show In all the political movements leading up to the Kail elections. There will not be a district or county conven tion which will be free of ll. There nil be street fights and convention rows, which tbe newspapers will report as riots. There will be shooting scrapes which will be called Insurrections. In fact, ll will be bad aud disgraceful until Ibe people of tho Stale get sick and tired of it all. To tell Ibe truth, t hey are tired of It now. But there la no way of ending the trouble. Like an epidemic It must run Its course." WatiTe Troops For Philippines. Wasbinotoh, March 80 Lieutenant Bataon, famous aa tbe leader of the little band of native scouts which rendered such effective aervloe In ibe campaign in Lnton, has bean honored by Secretary Root by being selected as tbe organizer of n battalion of native Macabebea, which Is to serve as the nncleus of the force of native Filipino to be raised hereafter. Lieutenant Bateon Is at present In Wash ington on lrave of absence from Manila. On will return lo Manila with the rank at major and proceed at once to raise tbe new battalion. Chicago Playhouse Burns. Citcano, March 80. Tbe Colombia Theatre, nan of the oldest and most pop ular playhouses In tbe city, wae de- atrored by Art this afternoon, entailing total loan of 1 100,000. Tbe die waa discovered In tbe lanndry uftbe Irooaela Clab, wblch occupied apartments on tbt rlilb door of Iho bolldlng. It In luppeeed that some hot ,0014 dropped from tbe Mot las .toor. Tbo lames spread with treat , rapidity, nn4 within 10 mint ten after . taa dUcotery of tbn fire tlx laeetra was beyond taring. - I Oeopanta of la building and em ploye of ib ihnntr ud tbn JcUb war drlvs U thn street In sack last that In U ticltesntot thrtt women . wer ovsi noma. Fire peraoes wsr Injured. . BERN FAIR, APRIL J 6-2 J. WWIMiMMItlHIMimwWMi M1FEKIHG RELIEVED- Public 'Announcement Though De- layed For Reasons. British Army's Steady Progress To- ! wards The Transvaal. Colonial Troops Fight Bravely Free Staters Refuse to Endorse War Proposition, t pecial to Journal. . London, March 31 It is currently re ported in tbe military clubs, today, that the Paardsburg battle on Majaba day, was such a success that tbe news of the relief of Mafeking is being reserved for this day next week, upon which day tbe Queen may land upon Irish soil. London, March 31 Special Tbe War Office has received Ihe following dis patch from Lord Hoberls, daied Bloem fontein: "Yesterday's reports indicate that the enemy is leaving Brandfort for the north " Lord Roberts also corrects the casual ties in Thursday's engagement, Mid re norts now that one officer was killed aud nine wounded, most of them severe ly, of whom one has since died. Of the men, 10 were killed, 159 wounded, 3 missing. Bi.oKMKONTKiN, JMarcu 30 Special -Al Kaiee kopje the Beers with one gun made a strong fight for three hours, then relreateu to Keeps Spruit, 8 miles south of Brandfort. General French on the right, Le (lallals with his mounted iu fnntiy on the left, carried out the flank ing movement, while General Tucker's Seventh Division of Infantry attacked the center. Rudyard Kipling accompanied Le G.illaia' brigade (luring the attack. A large force of Australians took part iii Ihe fighting. The firing all along the line was very heavy. The Boers were in an entrenched position, the great steep id liM of the kopje riling like a for tress. The Colonial troops displayed great coolness in attacking tLe liners. The New South Wales Lancers lost many horses. Iti.oKMFONTiciN Special. The major ity of t!i members of the Orange Free Stalo Volksraad have refused to attend the Conference which President Sleyn called at Kroonstad to endorse the proposition for the continuance of the war. TAX REDUCTION. Secretary Gage Thinks Internal Revenue War Taxes Can Be Cut In Half. Wabiiinoton, April. S Secretary Osge has made a verbal recommendation to the President that a special message be sent to Congress, suggesting legisla tion for a material reduction in the in ternal revenue war laxey. Figures given by Secretary Gage show that the surplus of revenue over expenditures for current fiscal year al ready exceeds $53,000,0(K) and is likely to be largely added to during the last quarter. Mr. Gage thinks the war laies ceuld be safely cut In half, and Ihe Pres ident has the matter under considera tion. The Striking; Machinists. Special to Journal. Ci.kvki.anI), ()., Match ill A member of the striking machinists, fays the Exe cutive Committee announced this after noon that the Cleveland men would nut relurn to work, Monday. He adtled Ihe stall men I, that t he strike al Chicago, would have no efleci on the men here. The men arc unanimous In areeirg not to work until their demands am tc- ceded to. Barg-alning: For Islands. Nkw York, March 80 A New York resident prominently connected in an official capacity with Danish affairs made public today a statement concern lug the negotiations for Ibe purchase by the United States of Ibe Danish West Indies. Tbe statement says that Denmark will positively not part with ber possessions In Ibe Antilles for $3,000,000; that she has never agreed to de so and never will Denmark asks a certain price, says the statement, and It gave to Ihe United Stales representative, Secretary White, of tbe American Legation al Lendon, its reasons for asking that price. Mr. White waa frankly told that the islands were a financial burden npon lb shoulders of Denmark and thai the Dan ish Government would fix n price on Ihe basli of their preseot Indebtedness to lb matber country. This prln waa be tween four and fly million dollar. A atroag sentiment against selling lb Is Isnds has sprung Op In Deomsrk, and so forcible hare oeen tb protest that lb Klngbasseml-offlclally anaooaoed that If th United Hlatea should fall lo avail of proposition already mad, bt would promise iht tbt Island should not be old. Soldiers PitttPtrlUHoM. Special to Journal. . tUurai, K. ., March ll-A riot M tnrrnd ! Wellington ftarracka last tight. Two hoadred toldlare ttrwek be one of Insufficient food, i "' Tb Ontario Ben assaulted thn Qosbe ( . Tbn Guard of Imperial troop wr oaiMneni. BRITISH GET CARELESS And Allow Boers to Capture Party of Soldiers and SIX Guns. London, April 1 Dispatches received today show that the sueoas which has recently attended Lord Roberts' opert ' Hons was broken on Saturday, a British force 'king blindly Ills a lloer am bush, being captured wtlasu cannon. Colonel Broad wood, in command of the Tenth Hussars, the Household C av alry, two horse ballerina and a foice of mounted Infantry under Colonel Plicher, was garrisoning Tbaba Nehu, 40 miles due east of liloemfonteln and abeut half way between it and th Basuloland bor der. On Friday Broadwood was threat ened by the near approach of what is described as "a large, font of Boers." Finding bis position amenable he marched that night to tbe Bloemfontein waterworks, south of the Madder river. There he encamped for the night. The positien is about 15 miles due easl of Bloemfontein. Early Saturday morning the British camp was shelled from ihe rear. Colonel Broadwood then sent oil a convoy with I the batteries, while the rest of his force remained behind to act as a rear guard. The road crosses a deep spruit or creek, in tbe bed of this the Boers were con cealed. The whole British convoy walked into the ambush and was cap lured with its six guns. Lord Keberts seems to have heard of Broadwood's position early. Colville's divU'.oii left nl o.n.e to rescue him. At the lust new s to hand Colville's men were shelling the li ins so that the guns ai d Wilsons may be recovered. THE PORTO RICO BILL. Regarded as Sure to Pass Senate. Pro gram of House For Week. Wasiunutos, April -nd It is re garded as so curt 'tin that the Senate will pass the Porto Rico bill tomorrow, when t lie vote will bo taken, UikL public Inter est is already transferred lo iho House, where the result is not so certain. The free ttadcrs are making somo pretty slilT clniins as to their ability to strike out Ihe Inrill clause of the bill and insert one providing for free trade in the House, but, investigation shows that those claims have no tielter founda tion than the talk of a few members who voted for the original tarllT bill aud then became frightened hy public criti cism. There is no faltering on the part of the leaders of tbe majority in the Mouse, and the chances are that they will be able to keep the grumblerB In line for the bill. The majority of the House Is al ways susceptible to administration in fluence, and tho whole influence of the administration is being thrown in favor of the I'orto ltican bill. Speaker Hender son is alue lending a hand and he says the bill w ill become a law befoio the end of the present week. The program In the House this week is fully mapped out. On Tuesday, under a special order adopted some time age, the House will euter upon the considera tion of t lie bill lo provide a civil govern ment for Hawaii. By the terms of the order the general debate upon the bill will continue Tuesday and Wednesday, and on Thursday the bill will be read for amendment under the live iniuule rule. The tinal vote will lie taken al 4 o'clock on Thursday. Fiidny .Mil be devoid to privslo pension legislation and yalurday has been set aside for pay ing tribute to tbe memory of ihe lale Klchard 1' Bland, of Missouri. W. II. Shlpman, Beardsley, Minn , under oath, esys he suffered from ily pi'psia for Iwenly-flve years. Doctors and dieting gave hut little relief. Fi nally ho used Kedol Dyspepsia (iuie and now eala what he like and as much as he wanis, ami he feels like a new msu. It digest what you eal. It. .S Dully. THE MARKEfS. The foil. wing (luolatlons were recciv Latham, Now Bern, N. 0, Nkw York, April 2. od by J. E Cotton; Open. High. Low. Close May U.10 V 10 8.03 B 04 Aug H.W H87 (SPA 8.01 Sept 8W Oct 8.04 8 04 8.00 8.08 Nov 7 01 7.84 7 83 IVi Jan 7.1U 7.M 7 84 7 80 iniCAoo HAnatTf. WnnAT Open. High. Low. (lose May 7 67 87 87J Conat May " 38 9 88) 8o. K y Pfd 01 90, Read C2, A. 8. W C9J 87 T. C. 1 8-l 06 Leather 13 18 Coo. T 83 W. A L. K 2i ll Cotton receipts wer 14,000 bales at all port. CASTOR I A ' . Tor lafuU ut CMUrta. vi. srL j v.- n ii - n 'j.s ICI 16B I.1TI AJI3J. U.l Baara t4 0n(Wof United States Commissioner Cannot i Punish for Contempt. liraad Secretary WoodeH's K. xnt. W aler Cmu panj Uefusrslo Krldenrr. Faking l)u Small pox Very Costly Mai I. i Political Rai.EIi.ii, Apr.l, 2 - Jadge Purr.eil !e- clJes that a L'm'.id SialrB cannot punish for contempt bui must certify the mailer to the judge, so the laller can act. The ease cunie up from New Liern where Commissioner Dewey undertook lo line Cnileil Slates Deputy Marshal Perkins 450, and ae himl i dajs Imprisonment. The jud, e decides that the MinlfhiiK nl in linn i a-i is not only unlawful, but improper. Grand Secretary Wooded, of the Grand I.ooVe of Odd Fellows, has pre pared his annual rep:rl. h shows Ji,47'2 members, a gain dining ihe year of 1,047, the i;reale!t in any one jeir since 1841 There are 111 lodges. Expended for relief $11 244 Total receipts 2,14H J L. luu imtBi mugv, ii.j uieuiueis. run) cbil I re n are in the oiphanage at Colils- horo. The properly is worth $:ti,000. There are no debts, but a balance on hand for the orphans' fund of $2,800, The investigation of the failure of tiie waler company to give proper pressure drags along. The water company will give no evidence, saying it wants to re serve its ammunition for suits, and mak ing a sort of plea lu the effect that the city ought not lo uM the iusuianre com panies by giving the latter mateiialfor suits against llie s'cr company. As yet there is no not ice ol such suits, but to be sure the insurance nieu have thi ir eyes open. The investigating commi: tee's chairman suid it would go ahead with the investigation and gel informa tion and if that hurts the water com pany it simply can't t.s helped ll Is a prelty interesting m:i;ier. The wt-r company doesn't waul lo give any in formation which will he used against it lu court. The other day Dr. Lewis, the secretary ol the State board of health, told of the piesence of smallpox al Joneaboro. It teems i ome one then denied it. An ex pert went theie and found smallpox right enough, the secretary saya. The "chicken pox'' fake was woiked or rather attempted lo be worked. The sec retary says that it is always the exper ience that this is a costly fake; costs more than a frank acknowledgment of the fact that the disease is smallpox. It is said by the secretary that a big ri ward might safely be offered for any case of chicken-pox in adulls ever seen by a Norlh Carolina doctor prior to 1898, when smallpox appeared in the State. The type of smallpox during these two years has been irregular, and mild.butit certainly ought to be well known by this lime. Miss Mary Jane Hickman, sister of Ihe late noted "Beau'' Hickman, of Wash ington, N. C, died last week. "Beau" was a native of Warren. He was the greatest dead-beat that ever w alked the earth. A memlier of the Legislature from northwestern Norlh Carolina and one of the foremost Democrats in the State, says he can see no reason why the State convention should not end. use as cor poraliou comniissioiieis, el. ., the men the Legislature elected. A Mini I'.. It. nil nl I ..nil She-Was that actress it.ii-lily alllr rd, Harry. lle-, 1 should sa ! She h i 1 a whi 1) pig ion in lm hit a id a ye. I pr alee wrapper on. At the R0ok store I Latest Popular J Books, I Lamp Shade Frames fuel 1 Untie Taper. Bhwt Music s BperUlly. Si 15 8 6. N. Ennett. I l i to Bicycles For Everybody. I have Terr Inrpi4lockof Iliryrler, from whlffa ANYONE cnb fJultrd. COLUMBIA RTORMKIW H ARTrORIHI rrSNAWTH RAMOLKRM 1DKAL Bulling id prlM from $20 00 to $n 00. Bold for Cash or on Emt Payment. 1 hav a limited stork of th Model AO Chalolmi at IA0 and Modal 4ft and 40 Chain Columbia at 40. and gt no mora of ihatn whan ymcnt stock la tabtust td. Bvoond-Baod Hics-ele al almast any old prica. Ill kinds of Rrpslrioit doo promptly and your work I anltoliad. A larf aod wall a4cUd stork of Rteofda tor Oraphonbona or Pbono- rranb, oonaisUnf of lalaat Marc baa, (lata Coo Soap, mt. u fsctor? TTM. Ta UILL, Bout Front BU, Kart P. 11. DraMjl SEVEN RUNNING -BY- Johnston's QUART THE GREAT SPRING VEDICINE. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA as freatest SPRIMU MEDICINE ever discovered It heiven to the ' worn out.'' Ihe run down, t.le overvalued and debilitated. That " tired feeling, those s;i.s.;:ig spe..s ihe languor nd despondency ruch arise from badly nour ished nerves, from thin, vitiiied L.ood and an underfed body vanish as If by a magic spell. The wearine; lassitude ana ner . cus prostration which accompany the spring time and the heat of summer, are conquered and banished at once. For every form of neurasthenia, and a'l ailments of Ihe briin and nerve, li-somnia hysteria and nervousness generally, it is almost a specif c. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve tissues, ll feeds tra::;. n-rve centers and nerves, calming and equalizing their action, II makes rich, red honest blood Newness of life, new hope, new strength follow its faith ful use. It makes ihe weak strong, and the old young again. It was the antiquated (but now happily exploded) meihod in the good old times, to treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising from BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such as mercury, arsenic and other minera' agents, it was expected by this treatment that the poison could be killed while the blood was left to course through its channels holding in its circulation the speciftc germ of the disease. But in this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased. Noth ing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. It not only attacks viru lently Ihe different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed. It cften seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again it will bring de cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. There is only one scientific method for the cure of blood taint. That is. PURIFICATION I Every particle of tiie blood must be removed through the execretory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skin. " First pure, then peaceable." The great restorative, reconstructive and vitalizer of the blood. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. "The blood is the life." Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is universally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact is now established beyond question or cavil. BLOOD POISON I KED BY JOHNSTON'S 8 A R APAHILLA. Byron, Mich., October 31, 1894. Williams. Davis. Brooks & Co.. Detroit Grntiemen: In April last I began usine JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA for Blood Poison, caused by an amputation ol one of my arms. 1 hail SEVEN KUNN1NG SORES on my legs. 1 used two bottles and was entirely cureii 1 know it is what cured me. Yours truly. G. W. LUTHER. MICHKiA IV DHUO COMPAJVY, 3LT Jil THO IT. MICH. ('. I) UK A 1)11 A M . New Hem, N. (!. 1 Small Sugar Cured Pig Hams 5 A iie laiot eliit Itwcived at 5 J. L McDANIEL'S, 71 "Broad St A i'v lMlmii imd rini'tijip over to ilu not wis i to PiUTV was him' Ilu- Kihini ul li.'ii', ;uiil tin' rineupp nl Hie ciicli. A few IVcims lefl from Hie Clii'istniiis at T pound. (iivc me u call for an I liiii"; you in cil ii ( iroi'i i'V I. inc. I noes miarunlml sis (ilMxlrl of till' VCI'V lli"ll'8t Yours Truly, J. 'Phone 91. 35 S Prompt Delivery From Dunn's cup of If you want ii good ami yuu will get it.. Thin coffee is cniul to any IrsH of price. CF no. 6 svavsvamm tif)tfjG,mi Big Reduction in Hats. Your choice of Derby5. brown and black Soft Hats, on display In our show Windows, -.r ' ' SORES CURED Sarsaparilla BOTTLES. a Blood Food and Nerve Enerjiier. ta the comes as a rich blessing from I ' ( llfl'SC, whir next Silicon. i we You . at low as any when.'. (iiality. Wholesale TL & Retail Qrocer, Bro?H St. You run always export when j on order oiir food supplies from this reliaolp store. We rin sup ply every demand of a flrtt class fuiiily trade with the Choicest M iplc and Kanev (irorcriea, Hel i lie, I'iekhn, Saue c, Olives, Fox Hiver 1'iiTit linlter. and I'ig Hams nl It.iek I'.i.tti in I'rii-i s. We make a specialty of high grade Teas and Coffees. Our Perfection Blend Coffee is Fine Price Only 20c. delicious coffee buy a oiind coffe" in Ihe market, regard- IOtlh.ii, tmmmm KM4 for onlyShOO;; ; ' " - 71 i s i. r J ir I ' J '' f III 1 V ' t ' M HB)DL1 BTR1XT, n-

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