peftt TOtUHK XXIII. HIW BIRS, CRAYII COU8TY, N. C. TllSDAT, APK1L Hi. i:nm -- K1HS r MTTWN si: . STATE COHVEHTION. I NEW BERN FAIR, APRIL J 6-2 J. ,a POLITICS- Opens In the Academy of Music Next Wednesday. i BOERS AGGRESSIVE. I Wires Reported Cut. 4S0. ' panics CsptureJ n'i i Fire British Corn General Fla rcull Killed. Town, April 7 -The "One lca'.iug Duu h paper here, sn ihti tbe telegraph wire to I C'Al'lt Land,'' , DOUUCnJ Bl leiufunteiD bag lieen cut. Loudon, April G Though not a word regarding the disaster near Iteddernbuig hati been allowed to come through ex Majority of Volri Will be Campaign Batten. Wrat Attack On RnsffU. larr la tiraerona. I"rl drat Alderman. Raleigh, April 7. Secretary John W. Thompson announces ibal the Slate con vention will be called to order at 11:45 a m. sharp. April lllh, in the Academy of cept the dispatch of Lord Lord Rot -Music Tne doors will not be opeued to Is believed here tha'. the the public until the delegates are pio- ber of British captured there wis about vlded with seats. Delegates will be ad- 5'K). milled by card admhwioa, wbtob U1 U)j Small bodies of Doers can be teen in furniihed by the secretary at ihe district t the vicinity of Hloernfontcin and the meetings. Members of the Slate execn-' Boers arc still in l lie neighborhood of tive committee will bo admitted to the j the waterworks. platform when prcsemiuir, a card, which j Lord Roberta Is taking steps to meet will be furnished by the necretary. 1)1- the activity of the burghers, trict delegations are called to meet at 9 London, A) ril B The Morning l'ost o'clock a. in., sharp to silect c minittec-1 has received the following dispatch from men on credentials, permanent organi- South Africa: station and rules, platform and lesolu-j Eloemfonteln, April 5. The Boers tire lions; alsoone vice president for earh apparently mitkins; an hl'ei::pt lon dls.rlcl four members of the3lale Demo- j deem their promise to retake liloeinfon cratic executive committee of each (lit- tein. A considerable force has removed south through Thalia Neuu. Ui i ctol Tucker has been ERUT DISASTER Floods From Broken Dam Rash Through Texas Towns. Superindcnt Mehane Make State ment 01 His Position. trict, two delegates and two alte rnates from each district to the national con vention. There will be 071 voles in the Stale convention; necessary to a choice 4iG. The Dunn Band has volunteered its Its music for Ihe Demociatic convention and its services ill bo accepted. Slate Chairman Simmons has ai ranged for the manufacture by a Ballimoie tirin of great numbers of "White Supreinacj" campaign buttons. These caD be teemed from the makers. A little later Ihey will adorn many a coat Slate Chairman Simmons has i-sued the following call: "Ihe central ami Stale Democia'ic executive committee are hereby called to tneci at the Senate chamber, Tuesday, . April lOlb, at 8 o'clock." Governor Russell's friends are furious ly angry with Maj Hiram L Grant for the latter'a ailack on Ihe Governor. One of them, a Stale olllcial, aavs Maj Grant is in a boinb-;troof oftlce for life and ought lo keep juicl, as he had loo much to do with gelling the Governor in the place he now occupies. A uegro olllce- lioldcr Bays Maj Grant's attacLs on the negro are in bad t:islc; because it is like smiting the hand which has nourished you. Governor Russell says if Dewey is nominated he will be elected. There are 40 aspirants for the Eastern Criminal Circuit judgeship, leu of them Democrats. No action has yet been taken. Julian S. Curr, always as thoughtful as he Is generous, sends to Ihe Soldiers' Home here ten barrels of flour. George Hountree, of Wilmington, will deliver tho annual address before the State University law school Friday evening, May 4. Ills subject will be: "The Development of Law." It Is safe to predict that it will bo a scholarly aud original address. President Alderman, of the University will deliver an address at Converse Col lege, Spartanburg, April 13. Great in terest Is fell here, and of course all over the State, as to President Alderman's decision regarding the "call" lo Tultne University, La. It is the universal wish that ho stay where be la. The Tulane alary is 5,000, and that University has an immense endowment, but yet Dr. Alderman's life work seems to be just where he la now. lie has proved what a wealth of honor a prophet may have among his own people Lelteri and tele grams from scores of tho State's highest and best men are being sent him, and all ay "slay." ' i.-ol.itrd at Karee. His isolation is more apparent than real, since the open ground noith Lire Aad Property Lost. A blreat Lake Bashing Through Aastln. The Talley Kneulfed By The Waters. Express Trala Wrecked in Washout. Airtin, Texas, April 7 The great dam of the Colorado river, ihe second largest dam iu the United States, burst today. The waters of Lake McDonald, thirty miles long and seventy foet deep and a mile wide are sweeping ihiough the lower part of this cily. Many houses are washed away and it is feared that a henvy loss of life has resulted, as Iht break came suddenly. The river hd been greally swollen by neavy rains lor several days. At some places the downpour was in the nature uf cloud bursts, Hooding a vast expanse of toiletry. Dallas, Tkxak. April 7 A bulletin lro:n LaUrange on the Colorado river, Porto Rico Bill Will No Doubt The House. Pass' seventy-live miles below Austin, dated of Bloemfontein offers small opporlnni- j ,lt 1:U "'flock this afternoon, says that ty for Boer tactics, Boers may possibly engage him to distract niteutioii from operations elsewhere. ! London, Apiil 8 -Lord Roberts, in hp- : nouueing from Bloemfonlciu uinier dulc of April 5 ihe death of tin- I'letieh dec-; eral .uareuil, cables that loid Methueu sends the following message Ironi llo.--hof, Orange Free State; ' Surrounded General Villcbois do Ma reuil and a body of Boers today. None escaped. Marcuil and si ven liners kill ed, eight wounded, .Vt prisoners. Out losses were: Killed -Captains Williams and Coy le, bolh of Hie Yeomanry, itnd two men of the Yeamanry. Woun leit About seven men. London, April 5 Dunraven's Sharp shooters slarled for South Africa today amid scenes i f culhusinsm Lord Dunraveri, the noted :icli sii::tn. after whom the comniitii 1 is named, at last moment decide 1 to accompany the force. He has been appointed a super numerary captain on the butlallion stall'. the breaking of the dam is a terrible catastrophe. No information as to the loss of life at Austin hna been received but Iho peo pie of the river towns are fleeing lo the l.i ;li grounds. The people of Smithviiic re in a panic. The telegraph wires be tween Aiis: in and Dallas are gone The power house at Austin is reported to be washed away. The damage is hundreds of thousands of dollars iu Austin and the property loss in the "vai b:y below is very extensive. The report was n reived here from Austin that the Cnloiadu river had risen 27 feet. The people in the valley are frightened The linizos river at Waco has risen ten feet and still rising, is coming up fast. Five washouts on the Auslin and North Western railroad has occurred, and trtilic is entirely suspended. Dallas, April, -7. The repart has reached here that the International and Great Northern express, from; St. Louis to Lori do, was wrecked by a washout this morning near McNeil. The report says that n number of persons were killed and injured. This is nol verified. The storm has interrupted tliedmpatches An Appropriation Asked For. Major ,.n,i ,!.;,,, .r uf,i.ino p. - Daves Before The Committee. j San Angelo, April 7 Rain has been Washington, April (1-A bill intro-, foiling "ere for five days. The Devils duccd In the House of Representatives rlvtr. Lower Grande, and their affluents at Washington by Hon John II. Small Manner Of (ioveraiag II a it u i i Still Unsettled. No Canal Kill Likely This Session. Result of Treaty Failure. Washington, April 9. Bulli sides aie lining up for the final fight mi the l'orin Rico bill, which bad to 1 postponed from last week because of ihe larcj number of Republicans ab-eul. The Ugh: 1 will be short and sharp, us the biii is lu be reported from the ways and menus, committee, just as ii was passed by the senate, and voted upon all on the same lays. Boih sides are el limine iejim, nit among unbiased observers tlicie is very little doubt that the bill will le passed by a smail majority. Its iiniiiali tied endorsement by the Republican cau cus has made this reasonably certain. It remains for a conlcrence committee to determine what sort of a government Hawaii shall have. The Senate passed a bill to provide a government for the ter ritory of Hawaii; a llo ise committee ic ported a substitule for the Senate bill aud afier attaching numerous amend ments thereto, the House passed it. Noa ihe original bill ai .1 the subslilule, wilh its amendment v, ill be turned over to a cominitlii. am! a bill dilfering from hot h ma v be I lie : esiui . o treat); no canal hill That is the situation in the Senate, and unless there is a radical change iu existing conditions, ihcre will be no action upon either at this session. It has been understood nil along that the Nicaragua C'annl bill was di pendent upon t In' i at ilic-uion of the Nicaragua canal in-.iiy, and within the past week, il has be me almost ceitain that if a vote on the i reaiy were taken, i i it is to be al ::l next session mirniir ltii-s.ll Mat-- ii,i.ri J ii rl !.. lb- I . in i I b a i r -man I i mis c it . .'eb.nie N Popular I In Is 1 1 a il V iidea I or t m - en I inn. Api l! '.' -Slale iij t Rai ii ! Me'tanc vt a '. educator H j Would per - the 1 elnoi an 1 toil h I i'ii I M 1 1 1it the t"!!o ' Minr i: i :' ts i ! 1 sit : b caii.'idllte i i. i i n an t C" I ti ' Ihe S- a ki nll en ir w.'llld ii" in ' 1 1 1 - J nun in ale Mil' i e 1 H I in M i 111 leplv I" a: 1 bat.- mi le'. :. II. I by a prominent a bat .oiiise he anill'lncv before n l!il wees se i-.a:l cnii him lie senl I -Hir iluinrv ined to he a iii"i rut ic Ton I course, means that 1 j l i 1 a I I'le !. ' he ci ion of saiil con yen I ion 111 am in : nominated by 1 he , I cu,oi i at !' fo.iti i : ; i ii I shall not be h i -all'li'l I" ! le lilher of the ollu i ' I'olitii al font. mi"!.-, but shall retire lo private life takii'L' with nie the full a ; snt ai iv of an honest conscience thai 1 hate dune what I could lo promote the I i;reat l loise of Public . duealioii iu Norlh ,.n!olina. iiml shall extend my best wM."s ami heaily sii;p.ul to the man j who shall be the leader of the cause ol the grand army ol six hundred and loity thoi'Mu.d c hih! 1 1 n ye ii s. and its the next Ion le The Trinity "river I it would be rejected, This ' far no l future v ot In r In Tins is have to Apih tnh lloveinor Justus M. M the i n-lerii i The I'r ipH nces is of , . : 1 a n 1' ,i:i State and the ne i f ',i:i . i . ns than any h 't our Mate (oivcmmeilt at i i el i Li v. c a a icople I lll'.'iy leal', il. "el ', 1 1 Illy t . in (.' II. .Ml ham:, ill '0. Supt. Pub. I ii ssl . iiiissell t oday appointed M r. ol ; n i ii vibe, J udire of ei iminni i 1 1 e.iii . ressive l'ainie, sat s i ditorinl f I Mill hi ) lowed to go over in J. I. Canon, Prolhonolary, Washing ton, Pa., says, "1 have found Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an excellent remedy in case of stomach trouble, and have de rived great beueflt from IU use." Il tdl- aeala what you al aud can nol fail to car. F 6 Duffy, THE MARKETS. Tbe following quotations were receiv d by J. . Latham, New Bora, N. U. New Yobk, April 9. Corrom Open. Utgb. Low. Close , Mar 37 9 87 9.8) 9.87 : Aogr ., 913 S 8f) 9 90 lit Sept.. 848 8.4? 8 45 649 Oot.... ... .,813 817 8. IS 817 Nov. .8.01 8 01 7(9' 8.00 Jan 9X8 , 8 08 7 99 8(8 cnicAoa Maim, WnaAT-. Open. High. Lew. Claaa .-Mar... - Com: ,v Mar . o. By Pfd... i'f Read t T. 0. L..... . iCoa.T...'.,, Laatbar. ..... 7J CO 84 88 401 ' .80f 80 C7 ! 89 81 m 88 ROANOKE M0NUMEMT. Members of the Isthmian Canal Commis sion created by the last Congress have reached Washington, but they say no report of their work will be made in time for submission to this session of ongress. The postponement of Ihe Canal bill is just what the administra tion desired, but the failure to ratify the treaty is a heiirt-rendiiig ili-appoint- ment. V.ALt A. . w. ....... m ; Cottoa ' raoalpU war 10,000 balat at all aorta. .," . . " of the First North CaroliDa district, ask- i ing for an appropriation of $5,01)0 for , the erection of a monument on Roanoke i island, the scene of the first settlement ' of tbe English-speaking race In Ameri ca, was referred by the House to the Commillee on Library. Today the committee considered the' matter, anp had before It Representative Small and Msj Gralism Daves, of New Bern, N, C, president of the Roanoke Colony Memorial Association. Mr. I Small eiplained lo Ihe coinn.ii tc the ob i ject of tbe appropriation asked for lo j be tbe erection of a suitable memorial commemorative of the Interesting his torical events enacted on Roanoke Island, vix., the first attempt (In 15S5) al teltlement in America of tho English speaking race; the birth, August 1H, IM7, O. S , of the first cbild, Virginia Dare, of Eoglish parontage; her bap tism in the same month and that ol Manleo, a friendly chief of the llalleras Indians, this belug the first celebration of that Christian Sicrenient in the terri tory of the thirteen original colonics These are all wcll-eslabllsked facia, of which the original record la flill preserved and has been repeatedly published. He mentioned thai an eilori bad been made by Senator Z. B. Vance in 1884 to obtain a similar approprla lion to commemorate tbe three hun dredth anniversary of the first attempt at settlement, but without success, Major Davet gave tbe historical data of the several attempt! at settlement on Roanoke Island; described the return to England In 1688 of the first colony; tbe naming of tha country Virginia, In honor ot tha Virgin Quean ElUabeth; tbe blrlh of Virginia Dare, ber baptism and lhat of Manleo; the return ot While to Eng land for supplies; bis coming again. thrte years later to Had bis colonists gour, With naught to tell whtt had become of Ibara ar Ibe word '-Cruatao" carved on a traa (apposed to be the nam of the re gion to which they had gone; nor baa Ihe mystery of taalr aad fa! a ever been solv ed. Ha told at tba building of "tha aaw fort In Virginia," now "Fori Ilalelgb," tbaomllnaa ot which ara atlil plainly vUlbla, and Bow anarted by graolia block j of tba porch as of lit alia by tha aaaoclalloa, lb araclloo of a manorial atone, wlti appropriate Inscription, and olbar Work dona by tha aaaoclalton, an Incorporated body aader tba law of North Carolina. : X rivir, Lower tlrande are all over the banks. A hundred square miles are swept where rains seldom fall. Travel is suspended on the Southern Pacific west of Del Rio. It is estimated that twenty bridges aud cul verts are washed away. Dallas, April 7. A dispatch that was received from Austin says that six engi neers wero drowned by tho bursting of the dam, and forty others engulfed. The dam kept back tho waters of the Colorado river for a distance of thlity miles. His Narrow Escape. Special to Journal. Coi-knuauan, Den, April 7. Tbe Prince of Wales in telling to members of his family of tbe attempt to assassinate him al the railroad station In Brussels, snid thai the first bullet fired at him passed close to his head and through the open window on the opposite side of the railway carriage. The second bullet did not come near him Joint Foreign Action. Spcrltl to Journal. Washington, April 7. The State De parlmunl professed surprise at the Shanghai report that the Powers sent a joint note to the Chinese foreign office No Information to that effect has come from Minister Conger. Conger baa special Instructions to avoid being a party lo a collective diplomatic action for which reason officials are incllued to doubt the story that be baa joined Iden tical note of a threatening character with the Oerman, French and English as reported CASTOR I A Tor I&tata tad Children. - "Til Iki Yea Han AIvsji Bears tho Cguatur of ' bap wan VanbfwIU. r ' Bom nan are ao wall known that I bey ean'l tvi borrow aa ombwlla. , Tha bna secret a woman can Keep Ii br age. "I think DeWltft Little Eatlr Riser are tbe best pill In tba world," say W E. Lake, Happy Creak, Va. Tbay remove all olitlrucllons of tba liver and bowels act quickly and nevar gripe, F. B Duffy, GETTING READY. General Roberts Thought to Be Preparing For Work. London, April 8 The Daily Telegraph has received the following dispatch from South Africa: Bloemfonleln, April 7 A general re arrangement of the disposition of Ihe British troops is taking place today. In fantry and a part of the City Imperial Volunteers are assembling al Naaupoorl preparatory to starling for Bloeiufontein where they will advance. The Boers have formed a strong laager at Doukerpoort, IH miles southwest of Venter's fur in. Lord Kitchener Is in command of the railway to the south of Bloemfoiitein to secure il against interruptions. Details of the tight at De Wit's dorp, near Keeuersuurg, have rear lu d lu re, from which il appears that upon an uu even plain, surrounded by kopjes, the Boers opened a cannonade and a rille fire. The British soldiers found shelter In dongas and returned a musketry lusi lade. The Boer positions were almost una? sailablc, but tbe Britifh soldiers stunned the kopjes, from which they Ii nil upon the Boers with more effect. The latter concentrated their whol tire and strength against tho position and cap tured il. Sbarpsboollng went mi during the night, but on Wednesday Ihe Brit ish, who were su.O'crlng from want of food and water, surrendered. The light had been watched by people from Bed errsbure. Aalkhardl Steyn, younger mother of the rree Stale President, who la suspect ed of giving information to the Horns has been arrested upon his farm, 12 miles north of Bloemfonlciu. Last Tuesday many of the old historic reelmenls, like tbo Scots Ureri, the In nlskllllng Dragoons and the Lanrera could not mutter a hundred mounted men, while artillery horses were scarce Tbo British troops are all In good spir it, tbongh badly In need of clothing and boos. ly thai or falls as a v, ii f a feileial j:n Jas. Shepherd .- the amendment ' amen I .iient stand le and cites the decision : iu proof. Kx Chiel s t hat u niUestionably I amis or fails as a whole tie leadei d here seme any attempt cot el av of railways to di feat McNeill lor coiporaliou commission and lhat, il the tilth section is knocked oill, all go No sign Dcnrici ati whatever 1 and linger crs II issai'ilhot aie praclicahy sure ol renc munitions. Chairman .siuimons pays Iv V. Webb, of Shelby, will be temporary chairman of the State convention. Rockingham county instructed unani moilsly for Ajcock and ( iinningli.iin. W ake Democratic convention gave no instructions lo its delegates for any can didate. There is naturally much inleicst us to whether Dr. Mebane will get the Demo cralic nomination for superitil' n lent of public instruciion. As a rule, the leach ers in the State, both public ami private are for him. So are the politicians, ilia positively asserted that he is tne very best man lor t he place. Miss Marv Olis, i.aughler of Ceneral litis, Ihe commander in the Philippines left here, alter a three weeks' visit to Miss Jane Andrews. The sixth annual Stale convention of Christian Endeavors will be held here April tilith lu limb. Il will be the annual "fellowship" meeting. The delegates will be entertained by Ihe society of the Chiistian church. Due session will be held wi'h the society in the pen in Hilary Tbe female insane in Ihe a-inni here now make all the clothing lor linn lei low unfortunates. This new feature pro ves an excellent one. SEVEN RUN NINO S0RE5 CURED BV Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. XHE G R E AX SPRUNG MEDICINE. JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA as a Blood Food and Nerve Enerfiier. Is tha greatest SPRI.NO MEDICINE ever discovered. It as a rich blessing from heaven to th: " uot n out." the rur, down ihe overworked and debilitated. That "tired feeling ' thjse ' 'sinning spells." trie languor and despondency which arise from badly nour ished nerves, from mm. vuiaied k oii and a:: underfed body, vanish as tf by a magic sptli. The weariness, lassitude and :.ervoia prostration which accompany the spring. Urne and ihe heal of summer, are conquered and banished at once. For every form of neurasthenia, and all ailments of the brtln and nerve, insomnia, hysteria and nervousness generally. It is almost a specific. It furnishes the very elements to rebuild worn-out nerve tissues. Il feeds brain, nerve centers and nerves, calming and equalising their action; it makes rich red honest biood. Newness of life, new hope, new strength follow its faith ful us;. It makes the weak strong, and the old young again. It was the antiquated (but now happily exploded) method in the good oW times, te treat Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Cancer and other troublesome disorders arising from BLOOD TAINT with powerful alteratives, such as mercury, arsenic and other mineral agents. It was expected by this treatment that the poison could be killed while the blood was left io course through its channels holding in Its circulation the specific germs of th disease. But in this way. every part of the body became more or less diseased. Noth ing can be more terrible than a horribly destructive blood taint. It not only attacks viru lently the different structures of the body, but many times the bones are honey-combed and destroyed. It often seeks out the nerves and spinal cord, and again it will bring de cay and death to some vital organ, as the kidneys, liver or stomach. There Is only one scientific method for the cure of blood taint. Tnat is, PURIFICATION! Every particle of the blood must be removed through the execretory channels, the lungs, kidneys, bowels, liver and skin. " First pure, then peaceable." The great restorative, reconstructive and viializer of the blood, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, not only radically and ex haustively removes the taint, but also removes all mercury, calomel and other minerals, and fills the veins and arteries with the ruby, glowing current of vitality. "The blood Is the life." Good health means pure blood. The old and reliable remedy, JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA, is univeisally regarded as the greatest Blood Purifier ever discov ered. This fact is now established beyond question or cavil. 1894. BLOOD POISON CUBED BY JOIIVSTO.Va 8 AKS APAKILLA- Byron, Mich., October 31, Williams. Davis. Brooks & Co.. Detroit : Gentlemen: In April last I began usire JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA for Blood Poison, caused by an amputation of one cf my arms. I had SEVEN RUNNING SORES on my legs. I used two bottles and was entirely cured. 1 know it is what cured me. Yours truly, G. W. LUTHER. IUCHIGAH DltUCi OOMPAirr, DBTHOn'. nsxxozz. C. I). KHADIIAM, New Bern, 'N. V. I KEINZ'S SWEET a MIXED PICKES ! 1 Ii. Swi ,1 K rant ' iiciiiiiImt I'ickit'S. Sour Pickles ami Katie 3! 1 a J L. McDaniel, 71 Broad 81 Full 1 i lit- fivsli Calmed" (lomls. Fancy Kltfin anil Fox Rivor l'rint Uuttcr :10c jht Hi. Host New York St .ite Hiiitof Cooking 20e. Fresh Oatllnki'8, (ints. Big Hominy anil Rice. Small Hams ami a nice lot Norton Yam Potatoes, (live me a call. Yours Respectfully, Wholesale & Retail Grocer, L. McDANIEL, 71 'Phone !1 Just Received ! 6 . N . a- . '. . av' N. Boy's Knee Pants, all sizes. Hats of all descriptions. New Line of Shirts. Dewey Is Interrlewei. Wamiinotoh, April Admiral and Mr. Dewey relumed to Waeblagte to night from tbelr brief visit lo Philadel phia. la reeponta lo question, tbo Amlral laid: 'Certainly I am a Democrat, I ha? a alwaya bean a Democrat' "Uae yon arer Toted tbe Dtasooratlc Ltlcketr -No, I aarar Tftad la my Ufa. The only maa I am wanted to Tola tor waa Mr. Clarelaod. ' , . il la aald thai Mr. CWrelaad waati yon lo rua oa a atrelf hi Gold Dcatoorai lo platform.' "Oood-ftlfc-bl,'' aoawarad tha Admiral Ithoai aatararitif tha qucaUoa, and ra ti tin f, -i , j . tr - -. -, i Oeaaaa tba liver, parity tha Mood, l Tboratevhe body , by oatot DeWIll' Mill Early Rlatra. Tbeea famoa Utile pills alwiyi art promptly, f. B, Daffy. At the Bonk Store i A.J.SMITH 1 1. 1. ii 1 1 1 ui lioikleln ( hlllllpinli I.KteH Te ciultv. Y it .0 r ( 'nit's Fllip T ipulnr nniM Kill's". llnokK A Hpr G. N. Ennett. $ Now Bicycle Store COME to the FAIR! Ol Middle Ntreef. On Thursday, April 12th, 1900 1 will mote my CICYLK AND REPAIR 8TORK to 01 Middle Btrerf, whore 1 will have a new and up-to-date Bicycle and Ruodrlea. Lookout for one of tha pretlett atorea In tbli part of tba country. Will ha a ramnlela atoca of Blcrcla Aad aea aoma of tba faateat linraat la tha Banjri,,, Or apbophonea, Recoada, Ac caootry aad don't fall lo are our aihibl- .n tlo. boWa I. lb. tobacco w' ,"r'?.'1! wU "7 Mm 78 Broad Btrart. 5 ..:,) Mlimi.K HTIIKE'l. NEW BEKN, N C Largest and Finest Stock of . . . Horses k Mules Ever Found in New Bern. Buggies Wagons Harnesses Robes I have moved to the Broad Street Stables, purchased of T. W. STEW AUT, where I shall be glad to meet all friends and customers. . V New Bern, N. C. J -.1 - t- 1 .V f 1 t. V 'A 1 I" 1' ft t 1 v ' . 1 1 1